Index for surnames beginning with G (Notes Pages)For privacy reasons, Date of Birth and Date of Marriage for persons believed to still be living are not shown. A B C D E F G H I J K L M N O P Q R S T U V W X Y Z (NONE/OTHER) People PageGains, Catherine Gammill, Dorothy (b. ABT 1928 - d. AFT APR 1940) Gammill, Elbert (b. ABT 1905 - d. BET 1938 AND 1940) Gammill, Lotty Ruth (b. ABT 1937 - d. AFT APR 1940) Gammill, Ruby (b. ABT 1924 - d. AFT APR 1940) Gammill, Shirley Joyce (b. ABT 1939 - d. AFT FEB 1960) Gammill, William S. (b. 20 JUL 1932 - d. APR 1979) Gantt, Albert (b. 4 JUN 1887) Gantt, Chesley (b. 9 NOV 1884 - d. 17 SEP 1907) Gantt, Ethel (b. 7 JUN 1892) Gantt, Jessie Gantt, John Gibson Gantt, Marshall (b. 12 NOV 1888) Gantt, Rebecca (b. ABT 1786 - d. AFT JUN 1860) Gantz, Carol A. (b. ABT SEP 1928) Gantz, Elmer H. (b. 3 JUL 1902 - d. 6 FEB 1990) Gantz, Erwin Elijah (b. ABT 1870 - d. 30 JAN 1924) Gantz, Harold W. (b. ABT 1907 - d. 12 APR 1944) Gantz, Jean W. (b. ABT DEC 1924) Gantz, Mable (b. ABT 1912 - d. AFT APR 1930) Gantz, Mona Lu (b. ABT MAY 1927) Gantz, Neil S. (b. 30 SEP 1900 - d. 23 AUG 1984) Gantz, Sarah Minerva (b. ABT AUG 1908 - d. AFT APR 1930) Gardiner, Clarissa Bond (b. 30 JUL 1817 - d. 19 NOV 1817) Gardiner, Clement Gardiner, Clement (b. 12 NOV 1811 - d. 3 AUG 1814) Gardiner, Eleanor (b. 1804) Gardiner, Eleanor Cecelia Sothoron (b. 7 MAR 1819) Gardiner, Eliza Ann (b. 15 MAR 1814 - d. 8 APR 1893) Gardiner, Emily Sothoron (b. 30 JAN 1830 - d. 16 APR 1914) Gardiner, George Henry (b. 23 DEC 1833 - d. 10 SEP 1838) Gardiner, Henry (b. 10 MAY 1766 - d. 23 JUN 1820) Gardiner, Henry Sothoron (b. 27 SEP 1801 - d. 8 APR 1848) Gardiner, James (b. 12 NOV 1811 - d. 20 JUN 1879) Gardiner, John (b. NOV 1803 - d. JAN 1873) Gardiner, Mary Gardiner, Mary (b. 1802) Gardiner, Mary Bond (b. 28 FEB 1809) Gardiner, Mary Elizabeth Shelton (b. 19 OCT 1840 - d. 30 AUG 1905) Gardiner, Samuel Bond (b. 20 AUG 1805 - d. 12 OCT 1843) Gardiner, Susanna Gardiner, Thomas Sothoron (b. 28 MAR 1807 - d. 13 JUN 1815) Gardiner, Virginia Wilson (b. 2 OCT 1828 - d. 25 JUN 1875) Gardiner, William (b. 25 APR 1815 - d. 30 MAY 1815) Gardner, John M. (b. ABT 1874) Gardner, Richard Garfield, George Henry (b. 3 FEB 1908 - d. JUL 1963) Garmony, Winifred Garner, Billingsley (b. 12 AUG 1855 - d. 7 OCT 1903) Garner, Catherine A. (b. DEC 1874 - d. AFT JAN 1920) Garner, Dorothy Ann Thomas (b. 6 FEB 1879 - d. 17 FEB 1935) Garner, Eleanor M. (b. 28 FEB 1877 - d. 28 NOV 1965) Garner, Eleanor Smith (b. 26 MAY 1877 - d. 17 JUL 1977) Garner, George Reeder (b. 24 SEP 1843 - d. 29 DEC 1916) Garner, George Reeder (b. ABT MAR 1887 - d. BEF JUN 1900) Garner, Henry Green (b. 29 OCT 1870 - d. 21 JUL 1935) Garner, John Henry Turner (b. 4 APR 1882 - d. 30 SEP 1883) Garner, Josephine Miles (b. 24 JUN 1876 - d. 1945) Garner, Lola Wood (b. SEP 1869 - d. 1950) Garner, Maria Reeder (b. 8 APR 1848 - d. 8 OCT 1922) Garner, Mary (b. APR 1881 - d. 1962) Garner, Mary Miles (b. 15 AUG 1880 - d. 28 FEB 1881) Garner, Richard Henry (b. 18 OCT 1845 - d. 19 JUN 1904) Garner, William Henry (b. 26 DEC 1872 - d. 30 NOV 1899) Garrett, Anna Lewis (b. MAR 1873 - d. AFT JAN 1920) Garrett, E. C. Garrett, Nancy Garrety, William P. (b. ABT 1879) Garrison, Nila (b. ABT 1897 - d. AFT JAN 1920) Garrison, Zula Rebecca (b. 17 JUN 1888 - d. 5 MAY 1972) Gates, Albert L. (b. ABT NOV 1919 - d. AFT APR 1930) Gates, Ancel Ralph (b. 5 MAR 1893 - d. DEC 1969) Gates, Andrew G. (b. ABT 1914) Gates, Andrew McClellan (b. 24 JUL 1863 - d. 14 APR 1932) Gates, Doris (b. ABT 1927 - d. AFT APR 1930) Gates, Dorothy A. (b. ABT 1924) Gates, Emery (b. ABT 1917) Gates, Ethel M. (b. ABT 1926) Gates, Evelyn G. (b. ABT FEB 1925) Gates, Florence E. (b. ABT 1921) Gates, Francis M. (b. MAR 1889 - d. AFT 15 APR 1910) Gates, George Elmer (b. 26 JUN 1891 - d. AFT 1942) Gates, Helen N. (b. ABT 1911) Gates, Irving Guy (b. 2 OCT 1886 - d. 14 MAR 1963) Gates, Ivan Dent (b. MAR 1896 - d. AFT APR 1930) Gates, James G. (b. ABT FEB 1926) Gates, Jennings Leon (b. 8 AUG 1897 - d. AFT APR 1930) Gates, John E. (b. ABT 1922 - d. AFT APR 1930) Gates, Joseph L. (b. ABT 1921 - d. AFT APR 1930) Gates, Levin Clyde (b. 26 JUN 1894 - d. 1945) Gates, Lida C. (b. AUG 1899 - d. AFT APR 1910) Gates, Lucille M. (b. ABT 1924 - d. AFT APR 1930) Gates, Marvin E. (b. ABT 1923 - d. AFT APR 1930) Gates, Mary L. (b. ABT 1924 - d. AFT 1 APR 1930) Gates, Mitchell Ovelton (b. 24 FEB 1888 - d. 21 OCT 1942) Gates, Randolph (b. 16 SEP 1902 - d. 16 DEC 1962) Gates, Robert C. (b. 16 DEC 1919 - d. 24 JUN 1994) Gates, Thomas A. (b. ABT 1923) Gates, Violet N. (b. ABT 1914) Gates, Walter (b. ABT 1926 - d. AFT APR 1930) George, Addie Florence (b. AUG 1876 - d. AFT APR 1930) George, Michael Sothoron (b. 13 APR 1963 - d. 18 MAY 2014) George, Sothoron Burke (b. 9 MAY 1930 - d. 23 SEP 1988) George, William Henry (b. 10 MAR 1896 - d. 7 OCT 1986) George, William Henry (b. 8 NOV 1927 - d. AFT APR 1930) German, Marian Louise (b. 26 MAY 1955 - d. 20 JUN 1987) Germeroth, Arnold C. (b. 8 OCT 1933 - d. 20 OCT 2013) Gerrits, Moederke ( d. 1644) Gerritz, Lysbeth Gibbons, Alexander Gibbons, Amie Laura (b. ABT 1865 - d. AFT JUN 1880) Gibbons, Ann Gibbons, Eleanor Elizabeth (b. 17 APR 1862) Gibbons, Henry (b. ABT 1862 - d. AFT JUN 1880) Gibbons, Hezekiah M. (b. ABT 1861 - d. AFT JUN 1880) Gibbons, Jane R. (b. ABT 1876 - d. AFT JUN 1900) Gibbons, Maggie (b. ABT 1874 - d. AFT JUN 1880) Gibbons, Nettie May (b. 19 JUN 1868 - d. 26 DEC 1945) Gibbons, Warner (b. FEB 1870 - d. AFT JUN 1880) Gibbons, William Warner (b. SEP 1836 - d. 26 APR 1906) Gibbs, Carl B. (b. 1 AUG 1898) Gibbs, Eliza Frances (b. 27 JUL 1931 - d. 17 MAR 1932) Gibbs, Henry Clay (b. 9 MAY 1928) Gibbs, J. D. (b. 14 APR 1930) Gibbs, Josie (b. ABT 1887 - d. AFT APR 1930) Gibbs, Sarah Gibbs, Sharon Anne (b. 27 JAN 1938) Gibbs, William Archie (b. 14 DEC 1932) Gibbs, Wilma Dean (b. 19 FEB 1935) Gibson, Gibson, Virginia Josephine (b. 27 MAY 1876 - d. 16 OCT 1948) Gilbert, Clovis (b. ABT 1911 - d. AFT APR 1930) Giles, Gill, Eloine Gill, Sally (b. ABT 1892 - d. AFT APR 1930) Gilliams, Anna Maria (b. JAN 1821 - d. 11 JUL 1901) Gilliams, Arthur (b. ABT SEP 1929 - d. AFT APR 1930) Gilliams, Charlotte L. (b. 1866 - d. AFT APR 1910) Gilliams, Edward Leslie (b. 23 JUN 1889 - d. AUG 1962) Gilliams, Edward Leslie (b. ABT 1867 - d. 16 OCT 1923) Gilliams, Edward Leslie (b. ABT FEB 1919 - d. JUN 1947) Gilliams, Eleanor Frances Gilliams, Emeline (b. FEB 1873 - d. AFT JAN 1920) Gilliams, Emily C. (b. OCT 1895 - d. AFT JAN 1920) Gilliams, Emma Rowland (b. 24 NOV 1875) Gilliams, Francis Brand (b. 28 APR 1893 - d. JUN 1974) Gilliams, Gerardi (b. 1710 - d. 21 JAN 1789) Gilliams, Howard Carter Gilliams, Howard Sothoron (b. 6 MAY 1927 - d. 14 SEP 1996) Gilliams, Ida Marie (b. ABT 1923 - d. AFT 1941) Gilliams, Jacob (b. 1783 - d. 4 FEB 1870) Gilliams, James S. (b. ABT 1846 - d. AFT JUN 1880) Gilliams, James Sothoron (b. 1828 - d. 12 SEP 1898) Gilliams, Jamice M. (b. ABT 1902 - d. AFT JAN 1920) Gilliams, Jeffrey Sothoron Gilliams, John (b. ABT 1923 - d. AFT APR 1930) Gilliams, John C. (b. DEC 1844 - d. 9 AUG 1910) Gilliams, John Farr ( d. 1920) Gilliams, John Farr (b. 7 DEC 1886 - d. AFT APR 1930) Gilliams, John Farr (b. NOV 1854 - d. BET 1900 AND 1920) Gilliams, John Jacob ( d. 1913) Gilliams, John Jacob (b. 1 FEB 1831 - d. 20 MAR 1910) Gilliams, John William (b. ABT 1874 - d. 31 AUG 1886) Gilliams, Kathryn (b. ABT APR 1915 - d. AFT APR 1930) Gilliams, Lenias ( d. 1841) Gilliams, Linneas R. (b. ABT AUG 1867 - d. 28 JUN 1868) Gilliams, Linneous R. (b. ABT DEC 1817 - d. JUN 1882) Gilliams, Louis (b. 16 MAY 1760 - d. 10 NOV 1846) Gilliams, Louis (b. ABT 1845 - d. AFT APR 1910) Gilliams, Louis (b. MAR 1879 - d. AFT JUN 1900) Gilliams, Louis Say (b. ABT 1826 - d. 9 JUL 1875) Gilliams, Marion (b. ABT JUN 1917) Gilliams, Mary Elizabeth (b. ABT 1842 - d. AFT JUN 1860) Gilliams, Mary F. (b. ABT 1866 - d. AFT JUN 1880) Gilliams, Mary Kate (b. ABT 1918 - d. AFT 1941) Gilliams, Richard S. (b. JAN 1854 - d. AFT JUN 1900) Gilliams, Susan (b. ABT 1857 - d. AFT JUN 1870) Gilliams, Susan L. W. (b. ABT 1830 - d. AFT JUN 1880) Gilliams, Theodore Florence (b. FEB 1876 - d. AFT JUN 1900) Gilliams, Thomas F. (b. 14 APR 1892 - d. AFT JAN 1920) Gilliams, William McClure (b. 1823 - d. 22 AUG 1849) Gillis, Archie Chap (b. ABT 1901 - d. AFT APR 1930) Gillis, Harris (b. SEP 1885 - d. AFT JUN 1900) Gillis, Helen (b. ABT 1929 - d. AFT APR 1930) Gillis, Homa (b. SEP 1885 - d. AFT JUN 1900) Gillis, Irene (b. ABT 1924 - d. AFT APR 1930) Gillis, John W. (b. 6 SEP 1890 - d. JUN 1967) Gillis, Kathleen (b. ABT 1927 - d. AFT APR 1930) Gillis, Margaret (b. ABT 1922 - d. AFT APR 1930) Gillis, Marion L. (b. 9 OCT 1860 - d. 12 DEC 1927) Gillis, Marion Rand (b. AUG 1887 - d. AFT JUN 1900) Gillis, Maud (b. MAR 1895 - d. AFT APR 1910) Gillis, Ray (b. 10 FEB 1893 - d. DEC 1976) Gillis, Thomas Weston (b. 24 DEC 1883 - d. 5 JAN 1949) Girard, Florence Mae Gjerding, Jan Gladstone, William Ewart (b. 5 JUN 1891 - d. 1955) Gladyzs, Glore, Carlie (b. ABT 1902 - d. MAR 1980) Godby, Dorothy Bell (b. 1 MAR 1912 - d. 27 AUG 1985) Going, Dale (b. 27 OCT 1943) Going, Floyd W. (b. 30 AUG 1916) Going, Terence Don (b. 9 DEC 1940) Goldham, Living Goldham, Living Goldsborough, Mary Eliza (b. 1856 - d. APR 1938) Goode, Elizabeth Morton (b. 11 JAN 1915 - d. 24 NOV 2000) Goodman, E. Christine (b. ABT MAY 1915 - d. AFT APR 1930) Goodman, Martha J. (b. ABT 1907 - d. AFT JAN 1920) Goodman, Paris Wilson (b. 29 JAN 1879 - d. DEC 1967) Goodridge, Alice C. (b. 30 APR 1934) Goodridge, Betty L. (b. 5 JUL 1924 - d. 24 JAN 1979) Goodridge, Edgar A. (b. 28 MAY 1918 - d. 24 JAN 1990) Goodridge, Esther Dell (b. 20 AUG 1926 - d. AFT APR 1930) Goodridge, Kathryn (b. 5 JUL 1922 - d. 30 SEP 1987) Goodridge, Manlius Raymond (b. 31 MAY 1918) Goodridge, Raymond McCoy (b. 26 OCT 1893 - d. 5 MAR 1918) Goodridge, Thomas H. (b. 16 MAY 1894 - d. 21 MAR 1963) Goostree, James Emmet (b. 19 JAN 1892 - d. 24 JUN 1948) Goostree, Lavon (b. ABT 1922 - d. AFT APR 1930) Goostree, Lois (b. ABT 1920 - d. AFT APR 1930) Gordon, Normal Gordon, Wanda Gore, Elaine Gorham, John W. (b. ABT 1847 - d. AFT JUN 1880) Gorham, Mary A. (b. ABT 1878 - d. AFT JUN 1880) Gorham, William T. (b. ABT 1875 - d. AFT JUN 1880) Gorsuch, Gertrude (b. AFT 1854 - d. AFT 1874) Gott, Richard Vallette (b. 18 MAY 1907 - d. 27 JUL 1978) Gough, Ann Dent (b. 24 JUN 1908 - d. 2 APR 1955) Gough, Anne Louise (b. 1942) Gough, Annie Lee (b. 18 MAR 1887 - d. 21 JUL 1887) Gough, Arthur Page (b. 1923) Gough, Arthur Page (b. 27 JUL 1893 - d. 15 JUN 1965) Gough, Benjamin (b. ABT 1835 - d. AFT JUN 1850) Gough, Bennett Gough, Bessie Louise (b. 17 MAY 1888 - d. 6 JAN 1970) Gough, Charlotta (b. ABT 1852 - d. AFT JUN 1870) Gough, Charlotte (b. 2 AUG 1901 - d. 27 JUN 1992) Gough, Charlotte Leigh (b. 1826 - d. 19 FEB 1895) Gough, Cornelia Lee (b. 1917) Gough, Eliza C. (b. MAY 1893) Gough, Elizabeth A. (b. ABT 1830 - d. AFT JUN 1850) Gough, George P. (b. JUN 1883) Gough, Grace Webster (b. 23 JUN 1903 - d. 14 JAN 1993) Gough, James (b. ABT 1845 - d. AFT JUN 1860) Gough, James Sothoron (b. 19 SEP 1891 - d. 24 DEC 1986) Gough, James Thomas (b. 27 MAY 1890) Gough, John Rugge (b. 1941) Gough, Kathryne Ann (b. 1921 - d. 16 JAN 2012) Gough, Levin Johnson (b. 18 FEB 1899 - d. 1899) Gough, Louis Gilliams. (b. 2 SEP 1885) Gough, Lucy Bean (b. 27 DEC 1898 - d. 3 OCT 1992) Gough, Lucy H. (b. FEB 1881) Gough, Mary L. (b. ABT 1833 - d. AFT APR 1910) Gough, Mary R. (b. ABT 1859 - d. AFT JUN 1880) Gough, Michael Ransom (b. 1949) Gough, Randolph Lee (b. 1935 - d. 21 MAY 2011) Gough, Randolph Lee (b. 22 SEP 1895 - d. 5 DEC 1959) Gough, Richard (b. 19 DEC 1856 - d. 24 SEP 1922) Gough, Richard (b. 1946) Gough, Richard Sothoron (b. 16 MAR 1886 - d. 2 AUG 1961) Gough, Richard T. (b. ABT 1822 - d. AFT JUN 1850) Gough, Robert Lee (b. 1934) Gough, Staylor Tillman (b. 1938 - d. MAY 2012) Gough, Thomas B. (b. ABT 1847 - d. AFT APR 1880) Gough, Thomas Locke (b. 12 SEP 1911 - d. 26 JUL 1994) Gough, Thomas Locke (b. 1948) Gough, Wilford Garner (b. 21 OCT 1887) Gough, Wilfred (b. 4 JUN 1850 - d. 14 SEP 1898) Gough, William Henry (b. 1943) Gough, William Henry (b. 24 SEP 1819 - d. 24 JAN 1863) Gough, William Henry (b. 8 JUN 1889 - d. 30 JAN 1971) Graham, Clifford (b. ABT 1906) Graham, Clifford David Graham, G. C. Graham, George (b. ABT 1884) Graham, Marjorie (b. ABT SEP 1926 - d. AFT APR 1930) Graham, Shirley A. (b. 5 APR 1929 - d. 28 DEC 2012) Graves, Ann Graves, Benjamin F. Graves, Olga Orlean (b. 2 OCT 1901 - d. 23 APR 1990) Gray, Dorothy V. (b. ABT SEP 1924 - d. AFT APR 1930) Gray, Elizabeth A. (b. ABT FEB 1928 - d. AFT APR 1930) Gray, Ellen L (b. ABT 1962) Gray, Francena J. ( d. 1 DEC 1940) Gray, Thomas S. (b. ABT 1899 - d. AFT APR 1930) Green, Annie ( d. AFT OCT 1972) Green, Annie (b. MAR 1870 - d. AFT APR 1930) Green, Daniel I. Green, Living Green, Living Green, Living Green, Living Green, Lowell C. Greene, Ida Elizabeth (b. 10 AUG 1866 - d. AFT APR 1910) Greenfield, Dorothy Greenfield, Thomas Truman ( d. 1734) Greenhill, Greenwell, James Sothoron Greenwell, William Francis (b. 4 FEB 1862 - d. 4 JUL 1907) Gregory, Dorothy Evangeline (b. 25 DEC 1901 - d. 1986) Greif, Elizabeth (b. ABT 1870 - d. AFT APR 1930) Griffin, Amilda Jane (b. MAY 1854 - d. AFT JUN 1900) Griffin, John J. Griffin, Susan Garlian (b. 1 APR 1861 - d. BEF 1889) Grim, Elizabeth May (b. 13 APR 1904 - d. 26 FEB 1978) Grim, William F. (b. JUL 1869 - d. AFT APR 1930) Grimes, Nellie (b. ABT 1896 - d. AFT APR 1930) Grimes, Will M. (b. ABT 1861) Groome, Ann Groome, Richard Groome, Sybill ( d. 1730) Gross, Susanne Augusta (b. 5 SEP 1897) Grove, Joanna Eliza (b. 2 DEC 1837 - d. 31 DEC 1910) Grove, John (b. ABT 1845) Grove, William (b. ABT 1828) Groves, Gueltzau, Jewel Gunder, ( d. BEF 1890) Gunder, Harrison (b. JUN 1888 - d. AFT APR 1930) Gunder, Thomas (b. AUG 1885 - d. BEF 18 AUG 1929) Gunn, Logan Doctor Gurley, Nancy E. (b. MAR 1869 - d. BET 1900 AND 1910) Guy, Jane Teresa (b. 10 OCT 1871 - d. 14 OCT 1943) This HTML database was produced by a registered copy of People PageCopyright © 2005 - 2017 |