Sothoron & Related Families - 403 (Notes Pages)
For privacy reasons, Date of Birth and Date of Marriage for persons believed to still be living are not shown.
Patton Mary Ozelle [Female] b. 22 OCT 1898 Tennessee - d. 5 SEP 1979
Person ID: 8095
Mary Ozelle Patton, dau. of James Henry Patton & Mary Jessie Biffle, b. 22 Oct 1898, d. 5 Sept 1979. (Bostick*)
See father's Notes for 1900 & 1920 Federal Census entries.
Patton Jessie Cummins [Female] b. 28 AUG 1900 - d. 29 APR 1902
Person ID: 8096
Jessie Cummins Patton, dau. of James Henry Patton & Mary Jessie Biffle, b. 28 Aug 1900, d. 29 Apr 1902. (Bostick*)
Patton Maggie Elizabeth [Female] b. 10 MAR 1882 Tennessee - d. 9 NOV 1971
Person ID: 8097
Maggie Elizabeth Patton, dau. of Rutherford Melville Patton & Louisa Elizabeth Shannon, b. 11 Mar 1882, d. 9 Nov 1971; m. on 12 Dec 1900, George L. Isom. (Bostick*)
See father's Notes for 1900 & 1920 & 1930 Federal Census entries.
Miss Maggie E. Patton & Geo. L. Isom were married 12 Dec 1900 in Maury Co., TN. (* - Tennessee State Marriages)
Isom George Lucious [Male] b. 21 SEP 1874 Tennessee - d. BET 1918 AND 1920
Person ID: 8098
Maggie Elizabeth Patton, dau. of Rutherford Melville Patton & Louisa Elizabeth Shannon, b. 11 Mar 1882, d. 9 Nov 1971; m. on 12 Dec 1900, George L. Isom. (Bostick*)
Miss Maggie E. Patton & Geo. L. Isom were married 12 Dec 1900 in Maury Co., TN. (* - Tennessee State Marriages)
Elizabeth Letitia Isom, wife of George Noles Patton, is sister of George Isom, husband of Maggie Patton. (Bostick*)
1910 Federal Census (1920.01.01, Recorded 1910.04.19) Cuthey's Creek Rd., Dist. 10, Maury Co., TN - ED 124, Sh 2B, Ln 94, 36/36 - Isom, George. Head, 35 year old white male, married 10 years. He & parents born in Tennessee. Can read & write, speaks English. Occuation Laborer in Carpenter trade, drawing wages. Renting his non-farm home. -----, Maggie. Wife, 28 year old white female, married 10 years. She & parents born in Tennessee. Can read & write, speaks English.
George Lucious Isom of Hampshire, Maury Co., Tenn. registered for the draft at Columbia, TN on 12 Sept 1918. He was White, 42 years old, born 21 Sept 1874 in USA. Occupation self-employed in Agriculture near Hampshire, Tenn. Nearest relative was Mrs. Geo. Isom of same address. Described as of medium height & build, blue eyes, blk, hair, no impairments noted. (* - image of World War I Draft Registration Card)
Wife is widowed at 1920 Census (see father-in-law's Notes)
Patton Arthur [Male] b. 30 JUL 1886 Hampshire, Maury Co., TN - d. 16 JAN 1973
Person ID: 8099
Arthur Patton, son of Rutherford Melville Patton & Louisa Elizabeth Shannon, b. 30 July 1886, d. 16 Jan 1973; m. Josie Gibbs. (Bostick*)
See father's Notes for 1900 Federal Census entry.
Arther (sic) Patton & Miss Josie Gibbs were married 13 Feb 1910 in Maury Co., TN. (* - Tennessee State Marriages)
1910 Federal Census (1910.04.15, Recorded 1910.04.20) Dry Fork Rd., Dist. 10, Maury Co., TN - ED 124, Sh 4(225)A, Ln 13, 62/62 - Patton, Arthur. Head, 23 year old white male, married 1 year. He & parents born in Tennessee. Occupation Farm Laborer, drawing wages. Can read & write, speaks English. Renting his non-farm home. -----, Josie. Wife, 23 year old white female, married 1 year. She & parents born in Tennessee. Can read & write, speaks English. -----, Melville. Father, 64 year old white male, married 27 years. He & parents born in Tennessee. Occupation Farm laborer, drawing wages. Can read & write, speaks English. -----, Susie. Mother, 61 year old whie female, married 24 years. Had 6 children, 5 living. She & parents born in Tennessee. Can read & write, speaks English.
Arthur Patton of R.R.#2, Hampshire, Tenn. registered for the draft at Pct.10, Maury Co., TN on 20 Jan 1917. He was married, Caucasian, 30 years old, born 30 July 1886 at Hampshire, Maury Co., TN. Occupation self-employed Farmer at Dry Fork. Has a wife & child. Described as tall, of medium build, light blue eyes, dark brown hair, no impairments noted. Form 2102, No. 36. (* - image of World War Draft Registration Card) Signature on card:

1920 Federal Census (1920.01;01, Recorded 1920.01.05) Dist. 10, Maury Co., TN - ED 135, Sh 2(267)A, Ln 31, 29/29 - Patton, Arthur. Head, 33 year old married white male, owns his farm home free of mortgage. Can read & write, speaks English. He & parents born in Tennessee. Occupation General Farmer (EM), Farm Schedule #21. -----, Josie A. Wife, 33 year old married white female. Can read & write, speaks English. She & parents born in Tennessee. Occupation None. -----, Mary E. Daughter, 8 year old white female, attended school since Sept. She & parents born in Tennessee. Occupation None. - Gibbs, Carrie M. Sister-in-law, 21 year old single white female. Can read & write, speaks English. She & parents born in Tennessee. Occupation Teacher at High school, drawing wages. - Patton, Ben O. Hired hand, 25 year old single white male. Can read & write, speaks English. He & parents born in Tennessee. Occupation Farm Laborer, drawing wages.
1930 Federal Census (1930.04.01, Recorded 1930.04.28) Hampshire Route 2, Dist. 10, Maury Co., TN - ED 25, Sh 10B, Ln 60, 208/213 (enumerated by Eula B. Shannon) - Patton, Arthur. Head, 43 year old married white male, first married at 23. Owns his farm home. Can read & write, speaks English. He & parents born in Tennessee. Occupation General Farmer, Farm Scheudle #138. Not a war veteran. -----, Josie G. Wife, 43 year old married white female, first married at 23. Can read & write, speaks English. She & parents born in Tennessee. Occupation None. -----, Mary E. Daughter, 18 year old single white female. Can read & write, speaks English. She & parents born in Tennessee. Occupation Teacher of Instrumental Music, drawing wages.
Arthur Patton, SSN 408-60-0979 Born 30 Jul 1886 Issued TN (1955) Last Residence 38461, Hampshire, Maury Co., TN Died Jan 1973 (SSDI*)
Gibbs Josie [Female] b. ABT 1887 Tennessee - d. AFT APR 1930
Person ID: 8100
Arthur Patton, son of Rutherford Melville Patton & Louisa Elizabeth Shannon, b. 30 July 1886, d. 16 Jan 1973; m. Josie Gibbs. (Bostick*)
Arther (sic) Patton & Miss Josie Gibbs were married 13 Feb 1910 in Maury Co., TN. (* - Tennessee State Marriages)
See husband's Notes for 1910 through 1930 Federal Census entries.
Patton Brownie Elizabeth [Female] b. 1 APR 1893 Tennessee - d. 16 AUG 1975
Person ID: 8101
Brownie Elizabeth Patton, dau. of Rutherford Melville Patton & Louisa Elizabeth Shannon, b. 1 Apr 1893, d. 16 Aug 1975. She never married (Bostick*)
See father's Notes for 1900 & 1920 & 1930 Federal Census entries.
Brownie Patton, SSN 410-03-7690 Born 1 Apr 1893 Issued TN (before 1951) Last Residence 38401, Columbia, Maury Co., TN Died Aug 1975 (SSDI*)
Williams Sarah A. [Female] b. ABT 1825 Tennessee - d. BET 1860 AND 1880
Nickname: Sally
Person ID: 8102
Allen J. Shannon, son of Samuel Morrison Shannon & Avarilla Johnson, b. abt 1818 in Robertson Co., TN; m. 2 May 1847 in Robertson Co., TN, Sarah A. (Sally) Williams. (Bostick*)
Allen J. Shannon & Salley A. Williams were married 2 May 1846 in Robertson Co., TN. (* - Tennessee State Marriages)
See husband's Notes for 1850 & 1860 Federal Census entries.
Husband is widowed at 1880 Federal Census (see his Notes).
Simmons Lucy A. [Female] b. ABT 1824 Tennessee - d. AFT JUN 1880
Person ID: 8103
William A. Shannon, son of Samuel Marion Shannon & Avarilla Johnson, b. 1828 in Robertson Co., TN; m. on 15 Aug 1847 in Robertson Co., TN, Lucy A. Simmons. (Bostick*)
Williams A. Shannon & Sing Simmins were married 15 Aug 1847 in Robertson Co., TN. (* - Tennessee State Marriages)
See husband's Notes for 1850 through 1880 Federal Census entries.
Ashmead Amelia [Female]
Person ID: 8104
Samuel Bartleson & Amelia Ashmead were married at Christ Church on 16 Dec 1797. (Marriage Records of Christ Church, Philadelphia, 1709-1806 - PA Archives {Ser. 2} VIII:15)
Bartleson Abner [Male] b. ABT 1764 - d. JUL 1806 Second Presbyterian, Philadelphia, PA
Person ID: 8105
Private Abner Bartleson is on the Muster Roll of the 8th Co., 4th Battalion, Philadelphia Militia, commanded by Lieut. Colo: William Will Esqr., Philadelphia, 1785. (Militia Rolls, 1783-1790 - PA Archives {Ser. 6} III:1114)
On a Muster Roll of 3rd Company (commanded by Capt. Andrew Geyer), 4th Battalion, Philadelphia Militia, commanded by Lieut. Colo. Wm. Will Esqr., for 1786 in Philadelphia, is Abnor Bartelson (sic) with the notation "Turned out with a Comp. of Infantry." (Militia Rolls - PA Archives {Ser. 6} III:1118)
Abner Bartleson was on the Muster Roll of First Company, Fourth Battalion, Philadelphia Militia, commanded by Lieut. Colo: John Shee, Esqr., as a Private, in Philadephia, 1789. (Militia Rolls, 1783-1790 - PA Archives {Ser. 6} III:1134)
1790 Federal Census - Water Street East Side, Philadelphia, PA - Pg 6 (164), Ln 5 - Abner Bartleson - Free white males 16 & older ... 2 - ............................. females ... 3
14 November 1792. The Lieutenant of the City of Philadelphia presented to the Governor a return of five Militia Officers certified by him to have been duly Elected in the said City, and requested that Commissions might issue to them respectively Whereupon the Governor directed Commissions agreeably to the said return and the same were issued to the following named persons Vizt. - Includes Abner Bartleson, Ensign, Second Regiment. (Executive Minutes of Governor Thomas Mifflin, 1792-1794 - PA Archives {Ser. 9} I:476)
Ensign Abner Bartleson of the 2nd Regiment appears on a Return of Militia Officers of the City of Philadelphia, 14 Nov. 1792.
On Monday, 5 May 1794, Abner Bartleson was commissioned a Captain in Company 4, Fourth Regiment, Militia of the City of Philadelphia. (Executive Minutes of Governor Thomas Mifflin - PA Archives {Ser. 9} I:769)
A Return of the Militia of the City of Philadelphia made by the Brigade Inspector of the Militia on Monday, 5 May 1794 included Captain Abner Bartleson of 4th Company, 4th Regiment. (Military Abstracts from Executive Minutes - PA Archives {Ser. 6} IV:406)
1800 Federal Census (1800.08.04) Walnut Ward, Philadelphia, PA - Pg 75, Ln 4 - Abner Bartleson - Free white males under 10...2 - ............................ 10 - 15...1 - ............................ 16 - 25...1 - ............................ 26 - 44...1 - ............. females under 10...1 - ............................ 10 - 15...2 - ............................ 26 - 44...1
Abner Bartleson of Philadelphia was executor of will of Richard Stanfield, ship carpenter, of Easton, Talbot Co., MD. Brother Benjamin Stanfield of Talbor (sic) Co., MD to have entire estate. (* - Wills 1:13, Drawn 22 June 1801, Proved 12 Nov 1802 in Philadelphia)
Abner Bartleson of the Almshouse, 42 years old, was buried at Second Presbyterian on 18 July 1806. (* - Earliest Records of Burials in Philadelphia, PA)
Bartleson Gerkin [Female]
Person ID: 8106
John Ramsey & Gerkin Bartleson were married at the First Presbyterian Church of Philadelphia on 4 Nov 1740. (PA Archives {Ser. 2} IX:58 - also at PA Archives {Ser. 2} IX:5)
Ramsey John [Male]
Person ID: 8107
John Ramsey & Gerkin Bartleson were married at the First Presbyterian Church of Philadelphia on 4 Nov 1740. (PA Archives {Ser. 2} IX:58 - also at PA Archives {Ser. 2} IX:5)
Bartleson Levi [Male]
Person ID: 8108
List of goods & chattels of John Roberts sold in Philadelphia Co., PA on 1 Dec 1778, includes: - Leavis Bartleson, 14 flower Casks ......... �0.16.0 - Cephas Bartleson, A Net ........................ 0.16.6 (Forfeited Estates, Inventories & Sales - PA Archives {Ser. 6} XII:719)
Levi Bartleson appears on a list of militia inhabitants of Plymouth Twp., Montgomery Co., PA for the year 1785. List is dated 9 May 1785. (Militia Rolls, 1783-1790 - PA Archives {Ser. 6} III:702)
Levi Bartleson appears on a 1786 return of male white inhabitants of Plymouth Twp. capable of bearing arms, between the ages of 18 & 53 years. (Millitia Rolls - PA Archives {Ser. 6} III:737)
Levi Bartleson was approved by Governor Mifflin for a commission as Ensign of 2nd Company, Light Infantry on Monday, 30 April 1792. (Executive Minutes of Gov. Thomas Mifflin - PA Archives {Ser. 9} I:380)
Sell Catherine [Female]
Person ID: 8109
Peter Bartleson & Catherine Sell were married 9 Oct 1796 at The Swedes' Church in Philadelphia. (Marriage Records - PA Archives {Ser. 2} VIII:507 - also at PA Archives {Ser. 2}VIII:300)
Bartleson Bartle [Male]
Updated: 25 MAR 2011
Person ID: 8110
Bartle Bartleson, gentleman, & Ann Powel, adults of Plimuth (sic), Montgomery Co., received on 15 Aug 1785 a license to marry. Bond of �100 provided by Bartle Bartleson & Jonathan Colley; witness Michael Schlatter. (Pennsylvania Marriage Licenses - PA Archives {Ser. 6} VI:286 - also at PA Archives {Ser. 6} VI:304)
A List of Cap'n Benj'm Schonover's Company of the 5th Battalion of Northampton County for 1782 includes Private 7th Class Bartle Bartelson (sic). (PA Archives {Ser. 5} VIII:397)
Bartle Bartleson of Northampton County Lieutenancy, 5th Battalion, settled his Muster Fines of �4.10.0 by Authority of "Fine Settlement (1777-1780)." (From the Records of the Comptroller General, RG-4, "Military Accounts:Militia," at the Pennsylvania State Archives)
Tax List of 1788 for Lower Smithfield Twp., Northampton Co., PA includes the following: - Bartle, Bartleson (sic) ..................... 2 horses ..... 1 cow ........ tax �0.3.0 ---- For the land ........... 113 acres ................................................... 0.7.6 (Propietary Supply and State Tax Lists - PA Archives {Ser. 3} XIX:390)
Powel Ann [Female]
Updated: 25 MAR 2011
Person ID: 8111
Bartle Bartleson, gentleman, & Ann Powel, adults of Plimuth (sic), Montgomery Co., received on 15 Aug 1785 a license to marry. Bond of �100 provided by Bartle Bartleson & Jonathan Colley; witness Michael Schlatter. (Pennsylvania Marriage Licenses - PA Archives {Ser. 6} VI:286 - also at PA Archives {Ser. 6} VI:304)
Armstrong Mary [Female]
Person ID: 8112
Ezra Bartleson & Mary Armstrong (Plymouth Twp.) were married at St. Paul's Church, Philadelphia, PA on 2 May 1793. (Marriage Records - PA Archives {Ser. 2} IX:506)
Sothoron Elizabetha [Male]
Person ID: 8113
Samuel Boothe & Elizabetha Sothoron were married 15 May 1677 in Everingham Parish, East Riding, Yorkshire, England. (Joiner*)
Boothe Samuel [Female]
Person ID: 8114
Samuel Boothe & Elizabetha Sothoron were married 15 May 1677 in Everingham Parish, East Riding, Yorkshire, England. (Joiner*)
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