Sothoron & Related Families - 10 (Notes Pages)

For privacy reasons, Date of Birth and Date of Marriage for persons believed to still be living are not shown.

Wright James H. [Male] b. MAR 1857 Maryland - d. AFT APR 1930

Person ID: 181

Source temporarily misplaced.

See wife Sarah's Notes for 1900 Federal Census entry.

1910 Federal Census (1910.04.15, Recorded 1910.04.15) Shelton Hotel, 1200 Madison Ave., Ward 11, Baltimore City, MD - ED 168, Sh 7B, Ln 58, 100/138
- Wright, James H. Head, 58 year old white male, in this his first marriage 25 years. He & parents born in Maryland. Can read & write, speaks English. Occupation Retired. Renting his non-farm home.
-----, Sarah F. Wife, 44 year old white female, in this her first marriage 25 years. She & father born in Maryland, mother in Pennsylvania. Can read & write. Occupation Keeper at Shelton Hotel (Emp).
-----, Eva E. Daughter, 22 year old single white female. She & parents born in Maryland. Occupation none. Can read & write, speaks English.
-----, W. Snowden. Son, 20 year old single white male. He & parents born in Maryland. Occupation student. Can read & write, speaks English, attended school since Sept.
-----, Randolph K. Son, 16 year old single white male.. He & parents born in Maryland. Occupation student. Can read & write, speaks English, attended school since Sept.
- (3 servants)

1920 Federal Census (1920.01.01, Recorded 1920.01.12) Hotel Altamont, 1215-1217 Eutaw Place, Ward 11, Baltimore City, MD -ED 172, Sh 9B, Ln 64, 128/207
- Wright, Sarah F. Wife, 57 year old married white female. Can read & write, speaks English. She & parents born in Maryland. Occupation Keeper at Hotel Albemare (E.M.)
-----, James H. Head, 62 year old married white male, owns his home free of mortgage. Can read & write, speaks English. He & parents born in Maryland. Occupation Manager at Hotel Altamont, drawing wages.
-----, Smowden W. Son, 27 year old single white male. Can read & write, speaks English. He & parents born in Maryland. Occupation Asst. Manager at Hotel Altamont, drawing wages.
-----, Randolph K. Son, 30 year old married white male. Can read & write, speaks English. He & parents born in Maryland. Occupation Engineer at Alcohol Factory, drawing wages.
-----, Margaret E. Daughter-in-law, 24 year old married white female. Can read & write, speaks English. She & parents born in Maryland. Occupation none.
-----, Margaret E. Granddaughter, 1 9/12 year old white female. She & parents born in Maryland.
- (72 Lodgers)

See son William Snowden's Notes for 1930 Federal Census entry.

People Page

Gilliams Howard Carter [Male]
Person ID: 182

Howard Carter, son of Howard Sothoron Gilliams & Mary Hope Sieck. (Gilliams*)

People Page

MacMillan Helen May [Female] b. 1 MAY 1893 Pennsylvania - d. FEB 1977
Person ID: 183

Francis Brand, son of John Farr Gilliams & Ida Marie Brand Shellenberger, married Helen May MacMillan in 1919. (Gilliams*)

See father's Notes for 1920 Federal Census entry.

Helen Gilliams, SSN 168-50-6750
Born 1 May 1893
Issued PA (1973)
Last Residence Wayne, Delaware Co., PA
Died Feb 1977

People Page

Mary [Female] b. BEF 1646
Person ID: 184

See husband Edward's Notes for land warrants & transfers.

People Page

Flora [Female]
Person ID: 185

Personal Knowledge of WHS*

People Page

Southerne Edward [Male] b. ABT 1630
Person ID: 186

Will of William Thorne of Manokin on the Eastern Shore (Maryland). Witnesses: Thomas Meech, Roger Woolford, Edward Southrine. (Testamentary Proceedings 3:320/2, 1655.02.12, Proved 1669)

Entered upon record several warrants for land granted by Mr. John Elzey by virtue of order of Lieutenant General:
- Edward Southern has a Warrant for four hundred Acres of Land, for which he Enters Rights, only himself and his Wife Mary to make good the remainder of a twelve month. (Maryland Land Patents 5:209, 1662.08.12. Recorded 1662.12.28)

The 11th January att a Courte heild att Tho: Pooles The atturney for the plant: Edward Southeren & Henry Lewis for the defendt before the Courte did Joyntly agree for the stop of all proceedings at law tell such time as Susanna Brayfeeld was delivered of the Chilid she doth now goe withail Comts for the Proprietr mr George John son mr Jno Winder (Arch MD 54:615 - Proceedings of the Co. Courts of Kent, Talbot & Somerset, Somerset Co., MD, 1665)

1 Sept 1665. Dr. Swanson assigns to Edward Southerne out of rights already entered for himself.
4 Sept 1665. Wm. Smith of St. Mary's Co. assigns to Edward Southerne out of rights already entered for himself.
4 Sept 1665. The said Southern dds land for transporting himself and Mary his wife with seaven moore assigned him from William Smith as appers by assignment on the other side, in all six hundred acres. return 4 March 1666. (Land Patents 8:204)

Edward Southerine of Somerset Co. recorded his cattle marking: ...Cropt in both ears slitt in the right & two nicks under the left ear. (Arch MD 54:746 - Proceedings of the Co. Courts of Kent, Talbot & Somerset B#1:6,1666.06.07)

Upon the petition of Edward Southrne of Somerset Co. agst his man Samuell Benton the Court woulid grante hym no order untill such time Samuell Benton appeared in Court. (Arch MD 54:643 - Proceedings of the Co. Courts of Kent, Talbot & Somerset, 1666.09.25)

Edward Southern sworn in as a member of a Jury of Inquest in Somerset Co. On 27 November 1666. (Arch MD 54:648 - Proceedings of the Co. Courts of Kent, Talbot & Somerset)

Richd & Elyzabeth Munt Supas Tho: Poole & Edward Southrin in the Cause Now depending betweene the said Rjchd & Elyzabeth Munt & Henry Lewis deft (Arch MD 54:658 - Proceedings of the Co. Courts of Kent, Talbot & Somerset; Somerset Co., 1666/7.03.22)

Edward Southrin acknowledges debt of 800 pounds of tobacco to Richard Benet. Ordered to pay debt and cost of suit. (Arch MD 54:660 - Proceedings of the Co. Courts of Kent, Talbot & Somerset; Somerset Co., 1667.03.26)

Edward Southring & Edm: Beauchamp witnessed the will of Christopher Nutter in Somerset Co.. (Arch MD (54:669 - Proceedings of the Co. Courts of Kent, Talbot & Somerset, 1667.05.07, Proved 1667.05.07)

William Canneday subpas Edward Southrin & Henry Miles in the Cause Now depending betweene the said William Canneday pi: & Richard Whitte deft in an accon of the Case, Somerset Co. (Arch MD 54:684 - Proceedings of the Co. Courts of Kent, Talbot & Somerset, 1667.09.19)

Edward Southrin of Somerset Co. witnessed transfer of rights for a slave (Ane Fisher) from Richard Whitte to William Canneday on 24 September 1667. (Arch MD 54:685 - Proceedings of the Co. Courts of Kent, Talbot & Somerset)

Edward Southern the foreman of a jury in a trial considering indebtedness in Somerset Co. On 28 January 1667/8. (Arch MD 54:702 - Proceedings of the Co. Courts of Kent, Talbot & Somerset)

Edward Southrin of Somerset Co. witnessed the sale of the livestock mark of Edward Hazard to William Futcher on 25 June 1668. (Arch MD 54:753 - Proceedings of the Co. Courts of Kent, Talbot & Somerset B#1:12)

Randall Revell entered his account of debt against Edward Southrin of Somerset Co. the administrator of John Bun deceased. (Arch MD 54:717 - Proceedings of the Co. Courts of Kent, Talbot & Somerset, 1668.08)

Stephen Horsey of Somersett Co gent. was granted Horsey's Baliwick 7Aug 1667, on the south side of Comanktico River, beginning at a small gulf called Cowasike which divides it from land of Robert Ingrams, 500 acres. Sold to Edward Southrin of the same county. (Provincial Court Land Records WRC#1: 69, 1668.09.20)

Edward Southrin, of Somerset Co. as admimistrator of the estate of John Bun, had refused payment of tobacco to Randall Revell. The court ordered payment be made. (Arch MD 54:728 - Proceedings of the Co. Courts of Kent, Talbot & Somerset, 1668.09.29)

Edward Southerne a member of the Grand Jury in St. Mary's Co. On 15 July 1670. (Arch MD 57:564 - Proceedings of the Provincial Court, 1666-1670. JJ:109)

Edward Southrin of Somerset Co. recorded his "...burnt mark vizt Figure of 4 Foure..” on 22 October 1672. (Arch MD 54:761 - Proceedings of the Co. Courts of Kent, Talbot & Somerset B#1:19)

On the back side of a warrant for nine hundred fifty acres of land granted to Edward Southerne of Somerset County the fourth day of October 1673 was written, viz:
- Know all men by these presents that I Edward Southerne of Wicomico planter in the county of Somersett do assign and sett over to Richard Stevens of the river and County aforesaid all my right, title and interest of all and every part and parcel of this within specified warrant. Witness: John Smallpiece, George Young. (Land Patents 15:410, 1673.12.20)

Patent of Edward Southerne for Horseys Bailywick in Somerset Co., 250 acres, part of a warrant for 1,200 acres. On the south side of Rokiawakin Creek, the main creek of the Wicomico River. Extends to Tomatico Creek, and abuts a tract (not named) earlier surveyed for patentee. Certified Patents 17:536 (not checked). (Land Patents 18:196, 1674.09.10)

John Goldsmith enters his action against George Johnson. Edward Southrin & others subpoenaed for the plaintiff. (Arch MD 87:428 (Somerset Co. Judicial Records, 1671.11.11)
To Edmund Andros, Esqr., a certain parcell or Tract of land called Tower Hill. Location: on Paganes Creek near the Whor(e) Kill, adjoining land of Edward Southeron. Size: 400 acres. Granted: Virtue of a Warrant layd out for Daniell Browne as return of survey under hand of Capt. Edward Cantwell. Quitt Rent 4 bushells. Source: Augustine Harmans (Herman) Bood of Del. Grants Unbound No. 1 fo. 2, quoted in Duke of York Record, pp. 85-86. (Maryland & Delaware Genealogist 7(1):7 [Abstracts of Duke of York Records, Original Land Titles in Delaware], 167?)

To Edmund Andros, Esqr., certaine tract of land called St. Martins. Location: on Paganes Creek, and adjoining the land of Daniel Brown(s). Size: 400 acres. Granted: Vertue of a Warrant layd out for Edward Southeron. Returne of the Survey under the hand of Capt. Edmund Cantwell the Surveyor. Source: Fo. 19. Quitt Rent 4 bushells. . Edward Southeron, as quoted in Duke of York Record, p. 93. Maryland & Delaware Genealogist 7(2):27, 167?)

Edward Southerne was attached to answer the suit of Thomas Jarrett in an action of Trespass upon the Case. Claims Southerne agreed to transfer Hoggesdon, 450 acres on the south of Cotemortaro River, but subsequently refused the transfer. Claims damages of 3,000 pounds of tobacco & caske. (Arch MD 88:18 - Somerset Co. Judicial Records, 1674/5.01)

Edward Southrin of Wicomico River Somersett County & wife Mary sell to Robert Ridgley of St. Mary's City the tract Horsey's Baliwick for 7,500 lbs. of tobacco. (Provincial Court Land Record WRC#1:70, 1675.08.01)

At Somerset County Court the suit of ffrancis Jenkins vs Edward Southrin was heard. Southrin was indebted to Jenkins in the amount of 340 pounds of tobacco & Caske, which he had refused to pay. Jenkins demanded payment, with damages of 1,200 pounds of tobacco & Caske. Promissory note of 11 Feb 1674 entered into the record, in which Southrin acknowledged the debt. Through his attorney Thomas Poole, Southrin confessed guiltt, and was directed to pay Jenkins the 340 pounds of tobacco, Caske, & court costs. (Arch MD 87:563 - Provincial Records B:563, 1675.09.14)

Deposition of Edward Southern of Somerset Co., aged 45 years or thereabouts, relating to the surveys of his & adjacent land. (Arch MD 89:7 - Somerset Co. Judicial Records :25, 1675.11.10)

Others who seem to have been Quakers and yet whose identity as such is not positive are: John Winborrow, John Hudson, William Stephens, Jane, the wife of William Micholl, Barbara the wife of John Winborrow, Edward Southerne, Mary Denwood and William Colbourne. All these were brought before court for some dissent in religious matters and the indications are that they were Quaker sympathizers if not official professors. (* - Encyclopedia of American Quaker Genealogy: Meetings on the Eastern Shore of Virginia)

Benj. Nesham lessee of Robert Ridgely agt. Wm Layton.
- Dispute over tract called Horseys Baliwick, 250 acres. Edward Southerne had surveyed on 1 July 1669 a tract called Hogsdowne, and the certificate showed it adjacent. Said Southerne shows a certificate dated 18 Nov 1670 for a tract also called Horseys Baliwick. Southerne sold Hogsdowne to Mr Gerrard in Virginia. Noted that there were two adjacent tracts called Horseys Baliwick. Lands to be resurveyed in the presence of the Sheriff & a jury of neighbors. (Prov. Court Judgments 1#1(WC):63 [Also at Arch MD 69:68], 1679.10.13)]

Under Entries returnable second Tuesday in March 1683:
- Cepe Caps: agt: Edward Southerne to answr unto ditto in an accon of y Case. (Arch MD 90:27 - Somerset Co. Judicial Records, 1683.02.06)

People Page

Sothoron Julia Harrison [Female] b. 20 JAN 1908 Charlotte Hall, St. Mary's Co., MD - d. 12 JUL 1990 All Faith Episcopal, Huntersville, St. Mary's Co., MD
Person ID: 187
Updated: 2 SEP 2012

Julia Harrison was born to Richard & Lillian Sothoron in St. Mary's Co., MD on 21 January 1908. (Baker*)

See father's Notes for 1910 & 1920 Federal Census entries.

1930 Federal Census (1930.04.01, Recorded 1930.04) State Road, District 9 (Surratts), Prince George's Co., MD - ED 20, Sh 10A, Ln 50, 184/187
- Sothorn, Julia. Boarder with Frank J & Eleanor Dent, 22 year old single white female. Can read & write, speaks English, no school since last Sept. She & parents born in MD. Occupation teacher at Elementary School, coded 9494, class W, is working.

1940 Federal Census (1940.04.01, Recorded 1940.04.23) 105 Lutterell Ave., Ward 4 Hyattsville, Dist. 16, Prince George's Co., MD - ED 17-52, Sh 2A, Ln 40, #32
- Sothoron, Julia H. Lodger, 32 year old single white female, born in Maryland, school code C-3, in the household of Glen & Mary Jenkins. Lived in rural St. Mary's Co., MD on 1 April 1935. Occupation Public School Teacher; worked 40 hours the week of 24-30 March 1940. Draws government wages; worked 44 weeks in 1939, earning $1,250 with no other income.

Julia Harrison Sothoron, 31 year old single White of Charlotte Hall, married Arthur Radbird Buddington, 29 year old single White of College Park, MD at Charlotte Hall, MD on 30 November 1940. Services by Rev. Franklin Lee Metcalf. (Nelson(2)* {102:70}

Julia Sothoron Buddington, a white female living at 3902 Commander Drive, Hyattsville, Prince George's Co., MD, was assigned SSN 215-38-2583. She was born Julia Harrison Sothoron on 20 Jan 1908 to Richard Horatio Sothoron & Lillian Spencer Harrison in Charlotte Hall, St. Mary's Co., MD. Her employer was the Board of Education, Upper Marlboro, MD. (Application for Social Security Number,1956.08.28)

Mentioned by name in obituaries of parents & brother Richard, & will of mother (see respective Notes).

JANUARY 20, 1908
JULY 12, 1990
(Grave Marker*, All Faith Church, Huntersville, MD)

People Page

Buddington Arthur Radbird [Male] b. ABT 1916 Washington, DC - d. 25 AUG 2006 All Faith Episcopal, Huntersville, St. Mary's Co., MD
Person ID: 188

See father's Notes for 1920 Federal Census entry.

Julia Harrison Sothoron, 31 year old single White of Charlotte Hall, married Arthur Radbird Buddington, 29 year old single White of College Park, MD at Charlotte Hall, MD on 30 November 1940. Services by Rev. Franklin Lee Metcalf. (Nelson(2)* {102:70}

Arthur R. Buddington, SSN 216-46-9364
Born 10 Dec 1915
Issued MD (before 1962)
Last Residence 24211, Abingdon, Washington Co., VA
Died 25 Aug 2006

People Page

Sothoron Richard Horatio [Male] b. 3 JAN 1875 Lunenburg Co., VA - d. 19 FEB 1959 Charlotte Hall, St. Mary's Co., MD
Person ID: 189
Updated: 2 SEP 2012

Click here to view Notes.

People Page

Keyser Flora B. [Female] b. ABT 1902 Rappahannock Co., VA
Person ID: 190

See tather's Notes for 1910 Federal Census entry, husband George's Notes for 1930 entry.

George M. Sothoron, 34 year old single farmer, born in Rappahannock Co., lives at Flint Hill, son of G.M. & L. Kate Sothoron, married on 22 March 1927, Flora B. Keyser, 25 year old, single, born in Rappahannock Co., lives at Washington, VA, daughter of H.F. & Lula Keyser. Married at the Baptist Church of Front Royal by Horace J. Parker. (Marriage Records 1833-1854 :93, Rappahannock Co., VA)

See husband George's Notes regarding separation.

1940 Federal Census (1940.04.01, Recorded 1940.04.25) Route 600, Hampton Dist., Rappahannock Co., VA - ED 79-2, Sh 10A, Ln 24, #153
- Sothoron, Flora K. Head, 37 year old divorced white female, born in Virginia, school code H-4, renting her farm home for $5 per month. Lived in same house on 1 April 1935. Occupation Farmer. Worked 60 hours the week of 24-30 March 1940 (Employer). Earned $400 working 52 weeks in 1939; had other income >$50.
-----, Lucy Catherine. Daughter, 11 year old white female, born in Virginia, attended school since 1 March 1940, school code 5. Lived in same place on 1 April 1935.
- Keyser, Lucy W. Mother, 73 year old married(?) white female, born in Virginia, school code H4. Lived in same place on 1 April 1935. No occupation; had income >$50.
- (3 Boarders)

Flora K. Sothoron signed a general release in an action relative to the estate of her late husband. (Deeds 56:463, Rappahannock Co., VA, 29 Aug 1951)
(p align=center>

People Page

Sothoron Levin Johnson [Male] b. 12 SEP 1844 St. Mary's Co., MD - d. 12 APR 1920 Baltimore Co., MD
Occupation: Reverend
Person ID: 191
Updated: 10 FEB 2013

Click here to view Notes.

People Page

Harrison Lillian Spencer [Female] b. 19 JAN 1872 Charlotte Hall, St. Mary's Co., MD - d. 5 JUL 1957 Charlotte Hall, St. Mary's Co., MD
Person ID: 192
Updated: 2 SEP 2012

Lillian Spencer Harrison was born 17 January 1872 in St. Mary's Co., MD to Joseph Nathan Harrison & Julia Ann Turner. (Reno*)

See father's Notes for 1880 Federal Census entry, and husband's Notes for 1910 through 1940 entries.

Richard Horatio Sothoron (born 3 Jan 1875, Lunenburg Co, VA; died Charlotte Hall, 19 Feb 1959) married on 21 November 1906, Lillian Harrison (born 19 Jan 1872, Charlotte Hall; died 5 July 1957, Charlotte Hall). (Ancestral Chart, per Mrs. Julia Sothoron Buddington)

Richard Horatio Sothoron, 32 year old single White of St. Mary's Co., married 21 November 1906 to Lillian Spencer Harrison, 32 year old single White of St. Mary's Co., by L. J. Sothoron & H. W. Browne, at Charlotte Hall, MD. (Nelson(1)* {270:170})

Marriage of Lillian Spencer Harrison & Richard Sothoron took place at All Faith Church, Huntersville, MD on 21 November 1906. (Reno*)

Mentioned by name in Notes of children and in obituaries of brothers Henry & Ferguson, & of husband (see respective Notes).

** Death

Died. On Friday, July 5, 1957, LILLIAN H. SOUTHORON, wife of Richard H. Southoron, mother of Mrs Julia S. Buddington of College Park, Md.; R. Harrison Southoron of Upper Marlboro, Md.; and Colonel Norwood S. Southoron of Charlotte Hall, Md.; sister of Roland Harrison of Arlington, Va. Funeral from the Robinson Funeral Home, Leonardtown, Md., on Monday, July 8. Services at All Faith Episcopal Church, Charlotte Hall, Md., at 11 a.m. Interment Church Cemetery. (Washington Post :A20, Reported 1957.07.07)

See husband's Notes for shared Grave Marker.

Will of Lillian H. Sothoran. To son Richard Harrison Sothoron $300 in cash. To husband Richard H. Sothoron (executor) one third of remainder of real & personal estate. Remainder to be divided equally among her three children: Julia Sothoron Buddington, Richard Harrison Sothoron, & Norwood Spencer Sothoron. Witnesses: J. Byron Davis, Dale T. Cropper. Date of death noted to be 7 July 1957. (Wills RGC#2:490, St. Mary's Co., MD, 1945.04.15, Proved 1957.07.23)

People Page

Canter Lydia Rebecca [Female] b. 27 JUN 1846 St. Mary's Co., MD - d. 24 JUN 1905 Forest Hill, Harford Co., MD
Person ID: 193

Click here to view Notes.

People Page

Sothoron John Richard [Male] b. 14 AUG 1817 Charles Co., MD - d. 11 JAN 1864 Washington, DC
Person ID: 194
Updated: 10 FEB 2013

Infant child (not named) of John Richard & Susan Margaret Sothoron born in May 1839, baptized 10 November 1839 by F.A. Foxcroft, Rector. (Trinity Parish Register {MSA* M259}:unnumbered, Charles Co.)

John R. Sothoron & Benjamin H. Sothoron were jurors in a coroner's inquest on 21 November 1843 into the death of Hanson Burroughs, "...on public road near Thomas Wards. Died from the visitation of God.” (Knott* :21 {St. Mary's Co. Court - Coroner's Inquests, 1821-1851)

1846 Tax Assessment for Dist. 5, St. Mary's Co., MD includes John R. Sothoron: Slaves: 3; Livestock, etc. Lands: -. Total: 1.132.

John R. Sothoron licensed on 18 October 1858 in Washington, DC to marry Roberta Skidmore. (Newman Papers* - also Pippenger(2)*)

Mentioned by name in multiple records contained in children's Notes.

** Census schedules & directories

1850 Federal Census (1850.06.01, Recorded 1850.07.15) Ward 2, Washington, DC - 86A, Ln 10, 395/337
- John R. Southron, 31 year old male Messenger Dept., born in MD.
- Susan Southron - 30 year old female, born in MD
- Catherine Southron - 13 year old female, in school, born in MD
- Franklin Southron - 11 year old male, in school, born in MD
- Thomas Southron - 9 year old male, attending school, born in MD
- Levin Southron - 7 year old male, attending school, born in MD
- Sarah Southron - 2 year old female, born in DC
- Mary Adams - 33 year old female, born in MD
( "Color” was blank for all these entries)

Sothoron, John, messenger War Dept, lives n side G n, btw 13 and 14 w., Washington Co. (Washington Directory*, 1853)

John R. Sothoron, 35 year old Soldier, born in Charles Co., MD., enlisted 17 August 1853 at Washington by Maj. Dear for 5 years. Described as with Gray hair, dark eyes, florid complexion, 5' 10" tall. Served in 2nd Qr. Mas. Dept. (* - image of U.S. Army Register of Enlistments, 1798-1914, page 193, line 41)

John R. Sothoron, clerk War Dept, home 278 G north, Washington. (Washington Directory*, 1858)

John R. Sothoron, messenger, 164 I north, Washington. (Washington Directory*, 1860)

1860 Federal Census (1860.06.01, Recorded 1860.06.21) Ward 1, Washington, DC - Pg 133 (341), 992/1001
- John Sothoron - 42 year old male Forage Master U.S.A., born in MD.
- Roberta" - 24 year old female, born in VA
- Catherine " - 22 year old female, born in MD
- John " - 20 year old male, born in MD
- James " - 18 year old male, born in MD
- Leven " - 16 year old male, born in MD
- Sarah " - 11 year old female, born in DC
- Mary " - 9 year old female, born in DC
- Fannie " - 7 year old female, born in DC
- Samuel" - 5 year old male, born in DC
- Richard" - 3 year old male, born in DC
- Hewett " - 9 month old male, born in DC
("Color” was blank for all these entries)

1860 Slave Schedule, U. S. Census (1860.06.01, Recorded 1860.06) Ward 1, Washington, DC- pg 2
- John Sotheron owned one 70 year old Black female slave.

R. Sothoron, clerk at War Dept., home 162 I north, Washington (Washington Directory*, 1862)

John R. Sothoron, foragemaster, home 162 I St. north, Washington (Washington Directory*, 1863)

John R. Sothorn, clerk War Dept., home 162 I St. north, Wash. (Washington Directory*, 1864)

** Death

John Richard Sothoron died on 11 January 1864. He was born 8-14-1817 in Charles Co., MD to Sarah & Richard Sothoron. On 9-15-1836 he married Susan M. Johnson (born 1820 in Charles Co., MD, died 5-8-1858 in Washington, DC). (DAR Application of Julia Sothoron Buddington*

- Testimonial to the Late J. R. SOTHORON
- At a meeting of employees of the Quartermaster General's Office, held on Tuesday evening, January 12th, 1864, the following testimonial of esteem for their late worthy co-laborer, Mr. JOHN R. SOTHORON, and expression of sympathy with his bereaved family, was unanimously adopted:
- In the court of Divine Providence our friend and associate JOHN R. SOTHORON, of the Quartermaster's Department, has been removed by death from the scene of his earthly labors, from the midst of an affectionate family and a large circle of friends, all of whom highly esteemed him as a kind father, a faithful citizen, and an efficient workman in the sphere in which he lived.
-Recognizing the hand of our common Father, "Who doeth all things well, " we reverently bow to His will , and offer our sympathy to the bereaved and estimable family of our deceased friend, with the assurance of our belief that their loss is his eternal gain.
- "Blessed are the dead who died in the Lord; they rest from their labors, and their works follow them."
- LEWIS S. WELLS, Chairman
- GEORGE K. FINCKEL, Secretary (Daily National Intelligencer [DC], published 16 Jan 1864, pg. 1)

John R. Sothoron was buried on 11 January 1864 at Glenwood Cemetery, Washington, DC in Site 3, Lot 58, Section G. (Burial Record)

Click here to see full Burial Record for entire plot.

People Page

Johnson Susan Margaret [Female] b. 1820 Charles Co., MD - d. 8 MAY 1858 Washington, DC
Person ID: 195

Infant child (not named) of John Richard & Susan Margaret Sothoron born in May 1839, baptized 10 November 1839 by F.A. Foxcroft, Rector. (Trinity Parish Register {MSA* M259}:unnumbered, Charles Co., MD)

See husband's Notes for 1850 Federal Census entry.

John Richard Sothoron died on 11 January 1864. He was born 8-14-1817 in Charles Co., MD to Sarah & Richard Sothoron. On 9-15-1836 he married Susan M. Johnson (born 1820 in Charles Co., MD, died 5-8-1858 in Washington, DC). (DAR Application of Julia Sothoron Buddington*

Ann Adams, Susan M. Sothoron, Laura E. Sothoron & Hewit D. C. Sothoron were buried in Sothoron family lot at Glenwood Cemetery, Washington, DC on 6 May 1864. (Burial Record)

Mentioned by name in Death Records of children John, Catherine (identifies mother as Sarah Johnson) & Levin (identifies mother as Susan Johnson) - see respective Notes.

Click here to see full Burial Record for entire plot.

People Page

Sothoron Richard [Male] b. 18 OCT 1792 Charles Co., MD - d. 10 JUN 1835 Charles Co., MD
Person ID: 196

Click here to view Notes.

People Page

Johnson Sarah [Female] b. 12 SEP 1789 Charles Co., MD - d. NOV 1845 Charles Co., MD
Person ID: 197

Named in father's will of 1817 (see his Notes)

See husband Richard's Notes for Land records.

John Fanand's List for the year includes a credit for Sarah Sothoron. (Treasurer's Acct {MSA* M227 & M258}, Trinity Parish, Charles Co., MD, 1831)

Sarah Eleanor Ducas Sothoron born on 30 January 1830 to Richard & Sara Sothoron, baptized 8 July 1832 at the Chapel. (Trinity Parish Register {MSA* M259}, Charles Co., MD)

Sarah Eleanor Dorcas Sotheron, daughter of Richard Sotheron and Sara Sotheron, was christened on 8 July 1832 at Newport, Trinity Parish, Charles Co., MD (* - Church Records - Batch # C533651, Source # 0013203)

Richard Sothoron died on 10 June 1835 in Charles Co., MD. He was born 10-18-1792 in Charles Co., MD to Mary & Benjamin Sothoron [NOTE: see 1812]. He married Sarah ? (born 9-12-1789 in Charles Co., MD, died Nov 1845 in Charles Co., MD) in 1811. (Copy of DAR Application of Julia Sothoron Buddington*)

People Page

Dyer Anne Louise [Female] b. 18 JAN 1878 Dentsville, Charles Co., MD - d. 21 JUN 1970 Port Tobacco, Charles Co., MD
Person ID: 198

See Notes of daughter Mary for DAR Application information.

See husband's Notes for 1920 & 1930 Federal Census entries.

Annie Keech, SSN 212-56-0261
Born 18 Jan 1878
Issued MD (1966)
Last Residence Port Tobacco, Charles Co., MD
Died Jun 1970

People Page

Keech Mary B. [Female] b. 19 AUG 1908 Maryland - d. 4 NOV 1990
Person ID: 199

- Mary Keech Edelen was the daughter of William Wiley Keech, who was born 28 April 1858 at DuBois, Charles Co., MD; and died at Hughesville, Charles Co., MD on 8 September 1940. On 27 July 1907 he married Anne Louise Dyer, who was born 18 January 1878 at Dentsville, MD & died at Port Tobacco, Charles Co., MD on 21 June 1970.
- William Wiley Keech was the son of William Sothoron Keech, M.D., who was born in Maryland on 21 February 1806, & died in Charles Co., MD on 19 November 1885. On 14 July 1857 he married Olivia Tinsdale Wiley, who was born 19 November 1840 in Baltimore, MD, and died at DuBois, Charles Co., MD on 22 February 1916.
- William Sothoron Keech was the son of James Keech, born 1780 in Maryland & died about 1844 in St. Mary's Co., MD. On 22 December 1804 he married Clarissa Sothoron, born 1782 in St. Mary's Co., MD & died in Maryland in 1844. (Supplemental DAR Application {National Number 512058} of Mary Keech Edelen, wife of Edward Joseph Edelen, M.D. of Mulberry Grove, Port Tobacco., MD, dated March 17, 1980. Copy provided to WHS by Julia Sothoron Buddington)

See father's Notes for 1920 & 1930 Federal Census entries.

Mary K. Edelen, SSN 212-62-0727
Born 19 Aug 1908
Issued MD (1968)
Last Residence 20677, Port Tobacco, MD
Died 4 Nov 1990

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Edelen Edward Joseph [Male] b. 27 DEC 1887 Bryantown, Charles Co., MD
Person ID: 200

Named in DAR application of wife Mary Keech (see her Notes).

Edward Joseph Edelen of Bryantown, Md. registered for the draft at Pct. 8, Charles Co., MD on 5 June 1917. He was 29 years old, born 27 Dec 1887 near Bryantown, Md., married with 3 children, Caucasian. Occupation self-employed Farmer & Lawyer, near Bryantown. Dependents are Mother ("invalid"), wife, three children & one step(?) child. Claims exemption for 6 dependents & as a farmer. Described as medium height & build, brown eyes, black hair, no impairments nor baldness. Form #1063, Card #73. (* - image of World War I Draft Registration Card)

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W.Haddox Sothoron, M.D.