Sothoron & Related Families - 446 (Notes Pages)
For privacy reasons, Date of Birth and Date of Marriage for persons believed to still be living are not shown.
Allen [Male]
Person ID: 8934
See wife's obituary in her Notes.
Green Daniel I. [Male]
Person ID: 8935
Julia A. Alvey & Daniel I. Green were married 13 Feb 1853 in Franklin Co., IN. (* - Indiana Marriage Collection - Index to Marriage Record - Marriages 6:465)
Waltrip Myrtle [Female] b. 12 AUG 1921 - d. 22 JUN 1973 Coleman Co., TX
Addes: 18 JAN 2012
Person ID: 8936
Glen A. Alvey, b. 24 Nov 1918, d. 30 Dec 1994, husband of Myrtle Waltrip (1921-1973) & Louisa E. Schrader (1925-1995), is buried at Sunset Memory Garden, Kokomo, Howard Co., IN. (
Myrtle Waltrip Alvey, b. 12 Aug. 1921, d. 6 Dec 1973, wife of Glen A. Alvey, is buried at Sunset Memory Garden, Kokomo, Howard Co., IN. (
Myrtle Alvey, separated/divorced female, died 22 Jun 1973 in Coleman Co., TX. (* - Texas Death Index)
Myrtle Alvey, SSN 454-88-3654 Born 25 June 1892 Issued TX (1965) Last Residence 76834, Coleman, Coleman Co., TX Died Jun 1973 (SSDI*)
Schrader Louisa E. [Female] b. 11 JUN 1925 - d. 23 JUN 1995 Sunset Memory Garden, Kokomo, Howard Co., IN
Addes: 18 JAN 2012
Nickname: Dudie
Person ID: 8937
Glen A. Alvey, b. 24 Nov 1918, d. 30 Dec 1994, husband of Myrtle Waltrip (1921-1973) & Louisa E. Schrader (1925-1995), is buried at Sunset Memory Garden, Kokomo, Howard Co., IN. (
Louisa E. "Dudie" Schrader, dau. of Della Belle Leach & Frank F. Schrader, wife of Glen A. Alvey, b. 11 Jun 1925, d. 23 Jun 1995, buried at Sunset Memory Garden, Kokomo, Howard Co., IN. (
Louisa E. Alvey, SSN 314-22-8572 Born 11 Feb 1925 Issued IN (before 1951) Last Residence 47960, Monticello, White Co., IN Died Jun 1995 (SSDI*)
Hartsock Nancy [Female] d. AFT FEB 2008 Elwood Cemetery, Elwood, Madison Co., IN
Person ID: 8938
Named in husband's obituary (see his Notes).
See husband's Notes for shared Grave Marker*.
M Kathryn [Female] b. 1918 - d. 2000 Good Shepherd Memorial Gardens, Ocala, Marion Co., FL
Addes: 18 JAN 2012
Person ID: 8939
See husband's Notes for shared Grave Marker.
Potter Al [Male]
Person ID: 8940
Katherine ("Aunt Kitty") Byron was born to John Robert Byron, Sr. and Elizabeth Octavia Sothoron in 1920. She married Al Potter, had one child (Patricia Potter Read), divorced Al Potter, and then married Al Jorgenson. she died in about 1962 of cervical cancer and is buried at Chapel of the Chimes Cemetery, Oakland, CA. (Personal communication from Letitia "Letty" Byron Barron, daughter of John Robert Byron, Jr.)
Jorgensen [Male]
Person ID: 8941
Katherine ("Aunt Kitty") Byron was born to John Robert Byron, Sr. and Elizabeth Octavia Sothoron in 1920. She married Al Potter, had one child (Patricia Potter Read), divorced Al Potter, and then married Al Jorgenson. she died in about 1962 of cervical cancer and is buried at Chapel of the Chimes Cemetery, Oakland, CA. (Personal communication from Letitia "Letty" Byron Barron, daughter of John Robert Byron, Jr.)
Williamson Abbie [Female] b. AUG 1865 Pennsylvania
Addes: 19 FEB 2012
Person ID: 8942
See husband's Notes for 1900, 1910 & 1930 Federal Census entries.
Gray Ellen L [Female] b. ABT 1962
Addes: 19 FEB 2012
Person ID: 8943
Colin R. Buchanan, 27 year old white, of Middleford, Massachusetts, married Ellen L. Gray, 21 year old white, of Stamford, Fairfield, CT on 26 June 1983 at Stamford, Fairfield, CT. (* - Connecticut Marriage Index).
Nichols Edith M. [Female] b. 12 JUL 1904 - d. 21 MAR 1996
Updated: 8 MAR 2012
Person ID: 8944
hi, my grandfather daniel blair cathey's first wife, fannie died in 1930. he later married my grandmother, edith m. nichols. born july 12, 1904 and died march 21, 1996. they had a daughter ellen blair cathey potts. born aug. 9, 1933. died aug. 1, 1992. which was my mother. thanks jeff douglas potts. (email of 7 Mar 2012)
Edith N. Cathey, SSN 410-07-8573 Born 12 July 1904 Issued TN (before 1951) Last Residence 38401, Columbia, Maury Co., TN Died 21 Mar 1966 (SSDI*)
Minor Fanny B. [Female] b. 1887 Tennessee - d. 1930
Updated: 8 MAR 2012
Person ID: 8059
Daniel Blair Cathey, son of William Alexander Cathey & Margaret Caroline Shannon, b. 2 Oct 1892, d. 31 Dec 1961; m. Fanny Minor, b. 1887, d. 1930. (Bostick*)
Daniel Blair Cathey & Miss Fannie Minor were married 2 Oct 1912 in Maury Co., TN. (* - Tennessee State Marriages)
See husband's Notes for 1920 & 1930 Federal Census entries.
Robinson James A. [Male] d. ABT 1930
Addes: 20 MAR 2012
Person ID: 8945
James A. Robinson, 22 years of age, of St. Louis, MO, and Nell Baker, 18, of Nashville, TN, daughter of B__dia McClanahan, applied for and received a Marriage License in Robertson Co., TN on 4 Oct 1952. They were married the same day by Robert A. West, Judge, in the same County of Tennessee. (* - image of Tennessee State Marriages)
Corrick Virginia Amelia [Female] b. 3 JUL 1855 Maryland - d. 23 MAY 1932 Rockville Cemetery, Rockville, Montgomery Co., MD
Addes: 23 MAR 2012
Person ID: 8946
Updated: 10 JAN 2017
Richard Sothern Anderson, son of Charles Henry Anderson & Lavinia Cordelia Brown, b. Feb 1851, d. 27 Jan 1920, buried at Rockville Cemetery, MD; m. in 1886 to Virginia Amelia Corrick (b. 3 July 1855 in Maryland; d. 23 May 1932; buried Rockville Cemetery, MD). (Cook(1)*, Pg. v)
See husband's Notes for 1900 thru 1920 Federal Census entries, and for shared Grave Marker
Anderson Norma Amelia. [Female] b. 15 DEC 1896 Maryland - d. 27 MAR 1988 Section D2, Lot 18 SW, Site 2b of Rockville Cemetery, Rockville, Montgomery Co., MD
Addes: 23 MAR 2012
Person ID: 8947
Updated: 19 MAY 2017
Norma Amelia Anderson, dau. of Richard Sothern Anderson & Virginia Amelia Corrick, b. 15 Dec 1896, m1 on 1 Feb 1915 to Raymond Fraise Cook (b. 17 Feb 1893 in Ohio, d. 12 Mar 1923); m2 Richard Doyle; m3 Edward George Martin (b. ca. 1886 in New York, d. 24 Feb 1959). (Cook(1)*, pg ix)
See father's Notes for 1900 through 1920 Federal Census entries, husband Edward's Notes for 1930 entry.
Named in son Fraise's obituary (see his Notes).
On Sunday, March 27, 1988, NORMA A. MARTIN, of Silver Spring, Md; beloved wife of the late Edward G. Martin, mother of the late Fraise A. Cook, grandmother of John F. Cook, Ellen C Niball (sic) and Margaret C. Machado. Also survived by nine great-grandchildren. Relatives and friends may call at COLLINS FUNERAL HOME, 500 University Blvd. W, Silver Spring, Md., Wednesday, 7 to 9 pm where service will be held on Thursday, March 31 at 1 p.m. Interment Rockville Cemetery. (* - image of Death Notice, The Washington Post published 29 March 1988)
Norma A. Martin, SSN 215-36-5718 Born 15 Dec 1896 Issued MD (1955) Last Residence 20855, Derwood, Montgomery Co., MD Died 27 Mar 1988 (SSDI*)
M A R T I N EDWARD G. . . . . NORMA A. 1887 - 1959 . . . . . 1895 - 1988
 Grave Marker in Section D2, Lot 18 SW, Site 2b of Rockville Cemetery, Rockville, Montgomery Co., MD. (Photo & information from
** Notes from Cook(2)* pp 35-39
- The house where Norma grew up (I remember this myself) was in Kensington, on Newport Mill Road, - It was on a hill, with a lane leading in and open space around, so that you could see a summer thunderstorm as it came sweeping across the fields. It had a woods, too, large enough so that you could go in where it was all quiet and could not see the house at all. There were wildflowers and a creek, - The house, when Norma was small, had a living room and a big kitchen downstairs, with plenty of room to eat in the kitchen, There were three bedrooms upstairs, In the kitchen there was a wood stove to cook on, later a coal stove, and in the living room an "egg-shaped" stove that a big log could be put in. There was a register in the ceiling and the·heat went up through that to heat the bedrooms - to an extent, There was a well and a pump, an,outhouse, and oil lamps forlight in the evenings. (Fraise, born in 1915, remembered when the house was like that.) Later, though, a bathroom was put in upstairs and another bedroom. A big porch was put on the side of the house and the front door moved to that side instead of being on the end where the wind blew strongly. - There were some log cabins in the back yard where the colored help had lived and they were used for sheds and a smoke house. Norma's mother never did washing or ironing, as there were colored people who lived nearby who would pick up their laundry and return it all done, - Norma is of a generation that used "colored" as the kindly, polite way of referring to blacks, She was very fond of Hattie, the black woman who worked for them and lived there - Mattie Tilghman, the census records show her name to be, Norma often talked about what a wonderful cook Mattie was and remembers coming home from school when Nattie had baked bread and how she would cut off a hot slice for her and pile it with butter, - When Norma was about eight years old, her mother thought it was time that she gave up her bottle. Before that, her mother had always said that it did not matter if she drank milk. from a bottle, as long as she drank it, At eight, however, she was getting ready to go to school and everyone decided the time had come. Her mother told Mattie to take Norma down to the barn to throw away the bottle. With Mattie accompanying her, Norma went down to the pigpen and threw the bottle as far as she could into the mess, It was final then, for there was no retrieval. - Norma's sister, Lavinia, was eight years older and much too old to play with, In between »as her brother, named Richard Sothern Anderson after his father, who went by the name Sothern - or even "Suthie". He was closer to Norma's age and she mostly played with him, sometimes even putting on a pair of his knickers so they could play better, - When the children were little, they always had a Christmas tree high as the ceiling. Norma's father would go to the end of the lane and ring sleigh bells and her mother would say, "Santa is coming! Get upstairs to bed now!" The next morning there would be an orange, apples and nuts in the stockings they had hung. - Papa was a dairy farmer and Norma remembers 15 or so cows. The cows were all milked and then Papa delivered the milk in a horse-pulled wagon, There were three horses - one for the dairy wagon, one for the buggy and one horse for plowing, There was a sleigh, too, that one of them pulled when there was snow. Papa also grew corn, oats, rye, hay and had a vegetable garden and an orchard, - Norma remembers going for rides in the buggy when she was a little girl and going to see "Aunt Matt", who "had a big place on Georgia Avenue, with stone pillars and a long drive" and once she was taken to see "Aunt Mollie", who impressed her simply as being very old. Every time they drove past the largest house in Kensington, shewas told that that househad belonged to "Uncle Bub" (Daniel or Michael Brown) and that he had sold it to Mr. Warner, who lived in it then, Norma had never known that these aunts and uncles were Browns or that they were her grandmother's brothers and sisters, - Elementary school was in Kensington, a mile away, It went through the eighth grade and one thing Norma liked about it was getting to play the piano when all the students marched in and marched out, She could have gone to high school in Washington, but that meant going to school in Chevy Chase for a year first. The doctor decided she was too delicate and Mama kept her home from school for a year and gave her a special medicine to build her up, She went on the train to Rockville to go to high school, which in those days ended with the 11th grade, - There was a drug store in Kensington, a grocery store and a town hall where they had dances upstairs. On Sundays they were at Sunday School in the morning, church in the afternoon and church again in the evening, They did not mind at all. It was a chance to be with their friends and they had a good time. - Norma met Raymond Fraise Cook at the home of some girl friends - Mollie and Marjorie Stubbs. They had a brother Edward and four other brothers and Raymond was visiting one of them, Raymond and Norma started datlng and used to go to the National and to Keiths Theatres sometimes, - The Cooks lived in Wheaton and Raymond and his father worked in Washington. There were apparently several ways they go to wotk, Norma recalls Raymond's sister Marcella driving them in the buggy to the station in the morning to catch the train to Washington and meeting them in the evening. A letter written in 1957 by Hildegarde Cook, another of Raymond's sisters, tells of Raymond and his father driving the horse and buggy themselves to Kensington and boarding the horse near the railroad station all day, or to Silver Spring and boarding the horse near the trolley terminal or riding the "old jitney bus to work - it ran only once a day each way and cost five cents", (Jitney was a slang term for five cents, hence the name,) - When Norma and Raymond were first married - she was 19 and he was 21 - they lived in Washington. Mama always brought them fresh vegetables and things from the home farm when she came visiting, Raymond's mother and father wanted to live in Washington so their daughter Hildegarde could go to school and they suggested a trade, They moved into the Washington apartment and Norma and Raymond moved into the Cooks' house in Wheaton. - After Fraise was born, Norma's mother wanted her to come home to live and said that it wouldn't cost them anything to live there. Norma was in favor of moving home, if Raymond agreed, which he did, So right away Norma herself came in her buggy and got Norma and the baby Fraise and took them back to Newport Hill Road in Kensington, - When Fraise was quite small, he would wait for his grandfather to come in in the evenings and then help him pull off his boots, feeling important at the responsibility. He was just four when his grandfather, Richard Sothern Anderson, died in January of 1920. Raymond developed tuberculosis and died in Colorado March 12, 1923, Leaving the children - Fraise was 7, Marcella was 4 and Helen was 2 when their father died - with her mother, Norma went into Washington to take courses at Strayers Business College. At her mother's suggestion, Norma stayed in town and just came home week-ends, as it had been late and dark when she came evenings and not considered safe. Fraise had had to take a lantern and go down the lane every evening to meet his mother. - Norma's first office job ended quickly, as she decided she did not like working in an office, and she went to school again, this time to be a beautician. She was working in a beauty parlor when she met and married Dick Doyle. It was during this brief, disastrous marriage that her daughters Marcella and Helen went to live with Raymond's sister, Marcella, and her husband Horace Richardson, who legally adopted them a few years later. Fraise spent much of his childhood with his grandmother and grandfather Cook, Raymond's parents, in Mount Rainier. - Norma married a third time. She met Ed Martin and they had dated quite a while when they and another couple went on a trip to Southern California. On the way back, they were married. She always laughs as she tells the story about how before they were married she told him that she wanted him to know that she would not do any cooking. He said that was fine - he liked to cook. Ed worked for a company that sent him various places to start up restaurants. He and Norma were in Kentucky for a year, and then went to Cleveland, taking Fraise along, That would have been 1928, when f'raise was 13. Much had happened in six years, -They came back from Cleveland in1932 and opened a delicatessen in Bethesda, naming it "Martins". They had "curb service", which was popular then, with boys in uniforms serving home-made ice cream, soft drinks and sandwiches at the curb. Prohibition repealed, they were able to sell beer but the curb service was discontinued. The delicatessen prospered, There was a big table in the back where their friends sat and Norma and Ed would sit and talk to them when the store was not busy. After hours, the frlends would stay and they would fix sandwiches and talk and laugh and play cards. - Norma missed all that when she and Ed sold the delicatessen during World War II and later, when Ed developed what was then called "hardening of the arteries", Norma took a job clerking in a department store. She enjoyed working, the friends she made and the things they did together. Now, at 87, living in a retirement home, she still enjoys people, playing cards, eating, playing bingo - and people enjoy her.
Cook Raymond Fraise [Male] b. 17 FEB 1893 Ohio - d. 12 MAR 1923
Addes: 23 MAR 2012
Person ID: 8948
Updated: 29 JAN 2017
Norma Amelia Anderson, dau. of Richard Sothern Anderson & Virginia Amelia Corrick, b. 15 Dec 1896, m1 on 1 Feb 1915 to Raymond Fraise Cook (b. 17 Feb 1893 in Ohio, d. 12 Mar 1923); m2 Richard Doyle; m3 Edward George Martin (b. ca. 1886 in New York, d. 24 Feb 1959). (Cook(1)*, pg ix)
See father-in-law's Notes for 1920 Federal Census entry.
Cook Fraise Anderson [Male] b. 9 NOV 1915 Maryland - d. 31 OCT 1981 Gate of Heaven Cemetery, Silver Spring, Montgomery Co., MD
Addes: 23 MAR 2012
Person ID: 8949
Fraise Anderson Cook, son of Norma Amelia Anderson & Raymond Fraise Cook, b. 9 Nov 1915, d. 31 Oct 1981, m. on 29 Jan 1946 to Eleanor Mildred Vaughn (b. 31 Dec 1920 in California). (Cook(1)*, pg ix).
See paternal grandfather's Notes for 1920 Federal Census entry, step-father Edward Martin's Notes for 1930 entry.
On Saturday, October 31, 1981, FRAISE A. COOK, of Silver Spring, Md., beloved husband of Eleanor M. Cook, father of John Fraise Cook, Ellen C. Nibali, and Margaret C. Machado, son of Norma A. Martin, brother of June Dunlop and Helen Richardson, also survived by five grandchildren. Relatives and friends may call at COLLINS FUNERAL HOME, 500 University Blvd. W., Silver Spring, Md. (parking on premises) Monday, 2 to 4 and 7 to 9 pm. Funeral service at Gate of Heaven Mausoleum Chapel on Tuesday, November 3, at 2 p.m. Interment Gate of Heaven Cemetery. (* - image of Washington Post Deaths, published 1 Nov 1981)
Fraise Cook, born 9 Nov 1915, died 31 Oct 1981, SSN 577166418, enlisted in the U.S. Army on 28 Nov 1940 & was released on 18 Dec 1945. (* - U.S. Dept. of Veterans Affairs BIRLS Death File)
Fraise Cook, SSN 577-16-6418 Born 9 Nov 1915 Issued DC (before 1951) Last Residence 20904, Silver Spring, Montgomery Co., MD Died Oct 1981 (SSDI*)
Cook Norma Marcilla [Female] b. 1 AUG 1918 Maryland - d. AFT JAN 1920
Addes: 23 MAR 2012
Person ID: 8950
Updated: 29 JAN 2017
Norma Marcella ("Jane") Cook, dau. of Raymond Fraise Cook & Norma Amelia Anderson, b. 1 Aug 1918, m. on 27 June 1943 to James Robert Dunlop. (Cook(1)*, pg ix)
See paternal grandfather's Notes for 1920 Federal Census entry.
Anderson Lavinia Cordelia [Female] b. 11 JUN 1889 Maryland - d. 15 NOV 1965 Silver Spring, Montgomery Co., MD
Person ID: 8951
Lavinia Cordelia Anderson, dau. of Richard Sothern Anderson & Virginia Amelia Corrick, b. 11 June 1889, d. 15 Nov. 1965; m1 Jacob Richard Carey (b. 5 May 1879, d. 27 Jan 1933); m2 Charles Franklin Helm (b. 1874, d. 6 Feb 1972). (Cook(1)*, pg vii)
See father's Notes for 1900 & 1910 Federal Census entries, husband's Notes for 1920 & 1930 entries.
1940 Federal Census (1940.04.01, Recorded 1940.05.24) Silver Spring/Woodside, Dist. 13 (Wheaton), Montgomery Co., MD - ED 16-50A, Sh 10B, Ln 53, #214 - Carey, Livinia C. Step-Mother in law to Edwin C Heim & wife Dorothy A. A 49 year old white female widow, born in Maryland, school code #8. Lived in Kensington, MD on 1 April 1935. Occupation housewife, no income. -----, Charles R. Lodger, a 14 year old single white male, born in Maryland, school code #8 (attended school since March 1940. Lived in Kensington, MD on 1 April 1935. Occupation Student, no income.
Suddenly, on Monday, November 15, 1965, at her home, LAVINIA CAREY HEIM, wife of Charles F. Heim; mother of Mrs. Charles E. Heim, Mrs. Lawrence Bussard, Mrs. Mary Quinter, Willard J. and Charles R. Carey; sister of Mrs Norma Martin. There are 11 grandchildren and 10 great-grandchildren. Mrs. Helm rests at the Warner E. Pumphrey Funeral Home, 8434 George ave., Silver Spring, Md. (parking facilities). Service will be held Thursday, November 18, at 11 a.m. at St Luke Evangelical Lutheran Church, Colesvile rd., and Highland ave., Silver Spring, Md. Interment Fort Lincoln Cemetery. (* - image of Death Announcement from The Washington [DC] Post, published 18 Nov 1965)
Anderson Richard Sothern [Male] b. 10 MAY 1893 Maryland - d. 5 AUG 1934 Congressional Cemetery, Washington, DC
Person ID: 8952
Updated: 29 JAN 2017
Richard Sothern Anderson, son of Richard Sothern Anderson & Virginia Amelia Corrick, b. 10 May 1893, d. 5 Aug. 1934, m. on 1 Aug 1917 to Eva Estelle Rothery (b. 18 Jan 1898, Washington, DC; d. 11 Sept 1982). (Cook(1)*, pg viii)
See father's Notes for 1900 & 1910 Federal Census entries.
R. Sothern Anderson, 24 year old single white male, born 1893 to R. Sothern Anderson & Eva E. Rothery, married on 1 Aug 1917 in Washington, DC to Eva E. Rothery, 19 year old single white female, born 1898. File 2129763, Reference ID 79822. (* - DC Compiled Marriages Index)
1920 Federal Census (1920.01.01, Recorded 1920.01.18) 207 Great St., Pct. 6, Washington, DC - ED 146, Sh 11B, Ln 75 - Anderson, R. Sothern. Head, 26 year old married white male, renting his home. He & parents born in Maryland. Can read & write. Occupation Clerk for Gov't., drawing wages. -----, Eva E. Wife, 31 year old married white female. She & parents born in DC. Can read & write. Occupation Homemaker. -----, Anna V. Daughter, 1 6/12 year old white female. She & mother born in DC, father in Maryland.
1930 Federal Census (1930.04.01, Recorded 1930.05.27) Viers Mill Rd., Dist. 13 (Wheaton), Montgomery Co., MD - ED 38, Sh 2B, Ln 65, 35/35 (Sister Lavinia & family are at 34/34). - Anderson, S. Richard. Head, 37 year old married white male, first married at 25, renting his farm home. Can read & write, speaks English. He & parents born in Maryland. Occupation P.O. Clerk for Government, drawing wages. Not a war veteran. Farm Schedule #19. -----, Eva E. Wife, 29 year old married white female, first married at 17. Can read & write, speaks English. She & parents born in Maryland. Occupation None. -----, Virginia E. Daughter, 10 year old white female. Can read & write, speaks English. attended school since Sept. She & parents born in Maryland. Occupation None. -----, Eva E. Daughter, 8 year old white female, attended school since Sept. She & parents born in Maryland. Occupation None. -----, S. Richard, Jr. Son, 7 year old white male. He & parents born in Maryland. Occupation None.
A N D E R S O N R. SOTHERN 1893 - 1934 EVA E. 1898 - 1982
Grave Marker in Range 77, Site 165N of Congressional Cemetery, Washington, DC. (Image & information from*)
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