Sothoron & Related Families - 18 (Notes Pages)

For privacy reasons, Date of Birth and Date of Marriage for persons believed to still be living are not shown.

Letchworth John [Male] b. ABT 1778 - d. BEF DEC 1806

Updated: 25 MAR 2011
Person ID: 351

Deborah Sothoron appears in an Early Census Index for Upper Marlborough, Prince George's Co., MD in 1798. (*)

Deborah Sothoron married John Letchworth on 10 December 1798 in Prince George's Co., MD. (Marriage Records :5)

John Letchworth licensed in Prince George's Co., MD on 10 December 1798 to marry Deborah Sothoron (Brumbaugh* 1:132, 155)

Joseph Edwards licensed on 27 December 1806 in St. Mary's Co., MD to marry Deborah Litchwork. (Brumbaugh* 1:339)

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Sothoron Deborah [Female] b. BEF 1763
Updated: 25 MAR 2011
Person ID: 352

Deborah Sothoron appears in an Early Census Index for Upper Marlborough, Prince George's Co., MD in 1798. (*)

Deborah Sothoron married John Letchworth on 10 December 1798 in Prince George's Co., MD. (Marriage Records :5)

John Letchworth licensed in Prince George's Co., MD on 10 December 1798 to marry Deborah Sothoron (Brumbaugh* 1:132, 155)

Joseph Edwards licensed on 27 December 1806 in St. Mary's Co., MD to marry Deborah Litchwork. (Brumbaugh* 1:339)

** Email from Linda Reno 10/26/2004:

I really, really believe that Deborah Sothoron was the daughter of John Johnson Sothoron (son of Samuel Sothoron and Jane Clarke) and Ann Sothoron (daughter of Richard Sothoron and Elizabeth Letchworth). She married John Letchworth, whose parents I don't yet know, but would be willing to be bet he was Deborah's cousin via her grandmother, Elizabeth Letchworth. Deborah was born in 1781 and her birth year falls right in line with Rebecca Sothoron (1776) and Elizabeth Sothoron (1779).

I think that Deborah wasn't involved in the case below because she was married two years prior to the land transaction and since John Johnson Sothoron was trying to save his land, he probably wouldn't have wanted to take a chance of getting his son-in-law involved.

Land Record Abstracts, 1796. TH#25(StM#1):226 1800.07. Recorded 1800.08.0 St. Mary's County, MD.

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Woodburn Alice Eliza [Female] b. ABT 1804 St. Mary's Co., MD - d. 7 APR 1880 Charlotte Hall, St. Mary's Co., MD
Person ID: 353

Richard C. Sothoron, 21, married Alice Eliza Woodburn, 18, daughter of Jonathan Woodburn, on 23 December 1823. (Fresco(1)* :274) (also see husband's Notes for more entries & children).

Is entered in Federal Census of 1850 with husband, and in 1860 & 1870 with son William & his family (see respective Notes).

Indenture of 18 Jan 1856 between Hezekiah Burroughs & Mrs. Alice Sothoron, both of St. Mary's Co., MD. For $400 Burroughs conveys a parcel of land beginning at a cherry tree on Indian Creek, running to a white oak on the south hill side, then to turn of main road leading from Indian Creek to Charlotte Hall, binding with said road to Mrs. Alice Sothoron's gate, being all of land adjoining said Sothoron south of said road, containing about 60 acres. Wit: Geo. N. Alvey. Notation: "examined and delivered to William H. Sothoron." (St. Mary's Co., MD Land Records JTB#2:218)

1860 Federal Slave Schedule (1860.06.01, Recorded 1860.08.18) District 5, St. Mary's Co., MD - Pg 65. Alice Sothoron (O) had one 27 year old male slave, and one slave house.

Jenifer Rozen(?), a 29 year old male, was emancipated and enlisted in the 19th USCT (49). His owner had been Mrs. Alice Sothoron. (Arch MD 369:24 {Slave Statistics of St. Mary's Co....}, 1864.01.16, Reported 1867.08.23)

Deed of 31 Oct 1877. Alice Sothoron sells for $240 to Hezekiah D. Burroughs, both of St. Mary's Co., MD, tract in 5th Dist. known as Burrough's Lot, containing about 30 acres, lying on south side of road from Charlotte Hall to Old House landing, being same tract purchased of Hezekiah Burroughs on or about 19 Jan 1877. Signed by Alice Sothoron (her mark}. Wit.: H.C. Adams, Wm. H. Sothoron. Certified 31 Oct 1877, recorded 11 Dec 1877. (St. Mary's Co., MD Land Records JFF#2:512)

Alice Woodburn Sothoron, widow of Richard C. Sothoron and daughter of the late Jonathan Woodburn, died of pneumonia at Charlotte Hall on 7 April 1880 at age of 76. (Fresco(1)* :458)

See Notes of son-in-law George R. Ludlam for shared Grave Marker*.

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Greenfield Dorothy [Female]
Person ID: 354

Name of wife per Reno*

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Hawkins John Truman [Male] b. BEF OCT 1798 Maryland - d. 5 APR 1835 Trent Hall, St. Mary's Co., MD
Updated: 20 JAN 2012
Person ID: 355

Click here to view Notes.

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Hawkins John Truman [Male] d. BEF OCT 1798 Prince George's Co., MD
Person ID: 356
Title or Rank: Major

Dr. John Truman Hawkins owned "Trent Hall." He married Dorothy Barber Tubman on 2 June 1795 & had one child. (Fresco(2)* :124)

Petition of Dorothy Hawkins to be appointed guardian to her son, John Truman Hawkins. (Reno* {Fenwick* - Orphans Court Proc}, 1798.10).

Henry Sothoron licensed to marry Dorothy Barber Hawkins, widow of Dr. John Truman Hawkins (Brumbaugh* 1:387, St. Mary's Co., 1801.06.01)

Henry Sothoron commissioned to appoint a guardian for John Trueman Hawkins of Prince George's Co, a 2 year old infant, only child of John Trueman Hawkins, who died before son's birth. Guardian needed to answer action of Mark Pringle merchant of Baltimore City vs heirs of George Frazier Hawkins. Elias Wheatley appointed guardian. (Chancery Rec 60:93, 1802.03.05)

Private Communion given to Mrs. Dorothy B. Sothoron, consort of Henry Sothoron; and to Mrs. Susan Sothoron, consort of W.H. Sothoron.
- Mrs. Dorothy B. Sothoron died, funeral & burial on 14 January 1832 at place of "Major S." (Trinity Parish Register {MSA* M259}: unnumbered, Charles Co., 1832.01.11)

Named as "Dr. John Truman Hawkins" on wife Dorothy Barber Tubman's Grave Marker at The Plains, St. Mary's Co., MD (see her Notes).

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Sothoron Mary Pamela Margaret Jane [Female] b. AFT 1806 Maryland - d. BET OCT 1836 AND JUL 1865
Updated: 25 MAR 2011
Person ID: 357

Identified by name in estate proceedings of her father (see his Notes), from which she received a portion.

Is a beneficiary of aunt Molly Sothoron's will of 1828; referred to as a niece (see her Notes)

Indenture of 15 Dec 1834 between Harrison Sothoron, Francis Sothoron, John Burroughs & wife Catharine, and Mary Pell Jane Sothoron, all of St. Mary's Co., MD; and Richard C. Sothoron of same county. For $9.52 Richard C. Sothoron purchases all their interest in tract now in the possession of Richard: Sothoron's Hills, about 51 acres; Sothoron's Supply, about 21 acres; Long Yorkshire, about 25 acres. Signed by Harrison Sothoron (his mark), Francis Sothoron, John Burroughs (his mark), Catharine Ann Burroughs, Mary Pell Jane Sothoron (her mark). Wit: G. Fowler, Charles E. Egerton. Certified same date, recorded 6 June 1835. (St. Mary's Co., MD Land Records JH#10:252)

Is major beneficiary in mother's will drawn in October 1836 (see her Notes).

Richard Wood & Jane Sothoron were granted a marriage license on 1 January 1839 in St. Mary's Co., MD. (Fresco* :319)

Richard Wood licensed to marry Jane Sothoron on 1 January 1839 in St. Mary's Co., MD. (Brumbaugh* 1:402)

Jane Sothoron married Richard Wood at All Saints, Frederick Co., MD on 1 Jan 1839. (* {Church Records - Film # 1903795}). [NOTE: I was unable to find this entry when I reviewed the Church Records on 8 Sept 2004]

See brother Francis' Administrative Papers regarding death date.

See Notes of husband Richard Wood for Federal Census entries of 1850 & 1860.

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Sothoron Francis [Male] b. BET 1756 AND 1774 - d. ABT 1827 St. Mary's Co., MD
Person ID: 358

Click here to view Notes.

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Burroughs Jane [Female] d. 1837 St. Mary's Co., MD
Person ID: 359

In the estate of Hezekiah Burroughs dec'd: Ann Burroughs administratrix, receiving 1/3 of estate assessed at £130.14.3 ½ . Residue to be distributed equally among his ten children, each receiving £14.9.6 ¾: Mary Harrison, Henry Burroughs, Hanson Burroughs, Jane Sothoron, Samuel Burroughs, Susanna Burroughs, Margaret Sothoron, Elizabeth Burroughs, Allen Burroughs, Hezekiah Burroughs. Test: James Forest, Reg Wills for St. Mary's Co.. (Bal & Dist JJ&JF:274, St. Mary's Co., 1806.10.28)

Sale of Holdfast & Burroughs Lot on 11 February 1820, land she inherited from her father's estate (see husband's Notes).

Was beneficiary and administratrix of husband Francis' estate - see his Notes for details.

Was beneficiary in sister-in-law Molly Sothoron's will, drawn 5 June 1828 (see her Notes).

Harrison Sothoron, Francis Sothoron, John Burroughs & Catherine his wife, Mary Dale & Jane Sothoron of St. Mary's Co. deed to Richard C. Sothoron all their interest in tracts now held by him: Sothoron's Hills, Sothoron's Supply, Long Yorkshire. (Land Rec Abstracts F#1{StM#3A}:227, St. Mary's Co., 1834.12.15, Recorded 1835.06.06)

Will of Jane Sothoron. To daughter Catharine Burroughs a bed & bed frame. Balance of property to daughter Mary Pamela Margaret Jane. Witnesses: Joseph F. Shaw, James Miltimore.
- On 10 March 1837 Harrison Sothoron, a son of the deceased, submitted the will for probate, offering no objections to the terms of the will. (Wills EJM#1:363, St. Mary's Co., 1836.10.14, Proved 1837.08.08)

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Edwards Joseph [Male]
Person ID: 360

Joseph Edwards licensed on 27 December 1806 in St. Mary's Co., MD to marry Deborah Litchwork. (Brumbaugh* 1:339)

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Mary [Female]
Person ID: 361

Sole beneficiary of her husband's will (see his Notes).

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Marbury Caroline Beanes [Female]
Person ID: 362

Will of Luke Marbury. William Henry Sothoron, grandson, to be paid £500 by daus. Henrietta Beanes Clagett and Caroline Marbury when he reaches the age of 21, and monies to be held in equal shares by daughters in the meantime. (Wills TT#1:14, Prince George's Co., MD, 1809.01.15, Proved 1809.04.26)

Full name & marriage per lineage & biographies in father's Notes.

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Sothoron John Henry [Male] b. 25 DEC 1807 St. Mary's Co., MD - d. 11 APR 1893 Washington, DC
Title or Rank: Colonel
Person ID: 363

Click here to view Notes.

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Parker Joseph [Male] b. BET 1790 AND 1800 - d. AFT JUN 1840
Person ID: 364

See Notes of wife Elizabeth for marriage information.

1830 Federal Census (1830.06.01) Bryantown, Charles Co., MD - Pg 169, Ln 15 - Joseph Parker
- Free white males under 5...1
- ........................... 30 - 39...1
- .............. females 20 - 29...1
- ........................... Slaves...3

1840 Federal Census (1840.06.01) Dist. 4, Charles Co., MD - Pg 163, Ln 10 - Joseph Parker
- Free white males 5 - 9...2
- ...................... 10 - 14...1
- ...................... 40 - 49...1
- ......... females 30 - 39...1
- ..................... Slaves...3

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Sothoron Samuel Hanson [Male] b. AFT 1806 Maryland - d. BEF DEC 1834 St. Mary's Co., MD
Person ID: 365

Identified by name & as a minor in estate proceedings of his father (see his Notes).

Bequeathed a bed in his aunt Molly Sothoron's will of 1828 (see her Notes).

Not mentioned in his mother's will drawn in October 1836, nor in real estate sale of 1834 in which siblings were parties. (see mother's Notes).

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Sothoron Francis [Male] b. ABT 1808 Maryland - d. 17 OCT 1863 Dakota Territory
Person ID: 366
Updated: 4 JAN 2017

Click here to view Notes.

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Knott Lillie C. [Female] b. ABT 1907 Maryland - d. AFT JAN 1920
Person ID: 367

See Notes of father for 1910 Federal Census entry, & those of mother for 1920 entry.

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Sothoron Richard C. [Male] b. ABT 1798 St. Mary's Co., MD - d. BET 1850 AND 1856
Person ID: 368

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Sothoron Harrison [Male] b. BEF 1807 Maryland - d. BET MAR 1837 AND JUL 1865
Person ID: 369

Identified as a minor son of Francis Sothoron in latter's estate in 1827, administered by latter's wife (see his Notes).

Bequeathed a bed in his aunt Molly Sothoron's will of 1828 (see her Notes).

Indenture of 15 Dec 1834 between Harrison Sothoron, Francis Sothoron, John Burroughs & wife Catharine, and Mary Pell Jane Sothoron, all of St. Mary's Co., MD; and Richard C. Sothoron of same county. For $9.52 Richard C. Sothoron purchases all their interest in tract now in the possession of Richard: Sothoron's Hills, about 51 acres; Sothoron's Supply, about 21 acres; Long Yorkshire, about 25 acres. Signed by Harrison Sothoron (his mark), Francis Sothoron, John Burroughs (his mark), Catharine Ann Burroughs, Mary Pell Jane Sothoron (her mark). Wit: G. Fowler, Charles E. Egerton. Certified same date, recorded 6 June 1835. (St. Mary's Co., MD Land Records JH#10:252)

Will of Jane Sothoron. To daughter Catharine Burroughs a bed & bed frame. Balance of property to daughter Mary Pamela Margaret Jane. Witnesses: Joseph F. Shaw, James Miltimore.
- On 10 March 1837 Harrison Sothoron, a son of the deceased, submitted the will for probate, offering no objections to the terms of the will. (Wills EJM#1:363, St. Mary's Co., 1836.10.14, Proved 1837.08.08)

See brother Francis' Administrative Papers regarding death date.

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Sothoron Catharine Ann [Female] b. BEF 1807 Maryland - d. AFT 1843
Updated: 25 MAR 2011
Person ID: 370
Nickname: Kitty

Received funds from estate residual of her father (called "Kitty Ann” - see father's Notes for details).

Received livestock in 1828 will of aunt Molly Sothoron (see her Notes).

John Burroughs licensed in St. Mary's Co., Maryland on 28 December 1833 to marry Catherine Ann Sothorn. (Brumbaugh* 1:322)

Marriage of John Burroughs to Catherine A. Sothoron, at Mr. Sothoron's place, on 31 December 1833. (Trinity Parish Register {MSA* M259}:unnumbered, Charles Co., MD)

Indenture of 15 Dec 1834 between Harrison Sothoron, Francis Sothoron, John Burroughs & wife Catharine, and Mary Pell Jane Sothoron, all of St. Mary's Co., MD; and Richard C. Sothoron of same county. For $9.52 Richard C. Sothoron purchases all their interest in tract now in the possession of Richard: Sothoron's Hills, about 51 acres; Sothoron's Supply, about 21 acres; Long Yorkshire, about 25 acres. Signed by Harrison Sothoron (his mark), Francis Sothoron, John Burroughs (his mark), Catharine Ann Burroughs, Mary Pell Jane Sothoron (her mark). Wit: G. Fowler, Charles E. Egerton. Certified same date, recorded 6 June 1835. (St. Mary's Co., MD Land Records JH#10:252)

Received a bed & frame by her mother's will, drawn in October 1836 (see her Notes).

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W.Haddox Sothoron, M.D.