Sothoron & Related Families - 17 (Notes Pages)
For privacy reasons, Date of Birth and Date of Marriage for persons believed to still be living are not shown.
Brightwell [Male] b. BEF AUG 1698
Person ID: 331
Identified (not by name) in father's will of 1698 (see his Notes)
Brightwell [Female] b. BEF AUG 1698
Person ID: 332
Identified (not by name) in father's will of 1698 (see his Notes)
Brightwell [Female] b. BEF AUG 1698
Person ID: 333
Identified (not by name) in father's will of 1698 (see his Notes)
Groome Richard [Male]
Person ID: 334
Will of Sibill Jowles. Brother Richard Groome. Residual of personal estate left to Capt. John Southorne, Knellum Greenfield Jowles, Mrs. Rebecca Jowles. Executor: John Southoron. (Baldwin* 6:176, St. Mary's Co., 1730.08.30, Proved 1730.12.22)
Sothoron b. BEF 1744
Person ID: 335
See mother's notes for Barber vs Sothoron, where reference is made to Elizabeth's children.
Sothoron b. BEF 1744
Person ID: 336
See mother's notes for Barber vs Sothoron, where reference is made to Elizabeth's children.
Jowles Rebecca [Female] b. BEF SEP 1693
Person ID: 337
Named as a beneficairy in her father's will of 1693 & mother's will of 1730. Also named in will of nephew Henry Greenfield Sothoron, as Rebecca Moreland. See respective Notes.
Moreland [Male]
Person ID: 338
Inferred from will of Henry Greenfield Sothoron (see his Notes).
Biscoe Mary Bond [Female] b. 4 OCT 1784 St. Mary's Co., MD - d. BEF 1824 Norfolk, VA
Nickname: Polly
Person ID: 339
MARY BOND "POLLY" BISCOE was born to James Biscoe & Mary Sothoron on October 04, 1784 in "Bond's Retreat", St. Mary's Co., MD, and died Aft. 1806 in Norfolk, VA. She married GEORGE WILSON March 06, 1802 in Prince George's Co., MD. He was born Bef. 1782, and died Aft. 1802 in Norfolk, VA. (Reno*)
The Court Appoint Samuel Bond of Prince George's Co. Guardian to Mary Bond Briscoe daughter of James Biscoe late of St. Mary's Co. deceased who being present in court accepts thereof Henry Greenfield Sothoron & Richard Bond Securities in £4000 Current money. Bond taken. (Fenwick* {Orphans Court Proc :157}, St. Mary's Co., 1790.08.31)
Will of Margaret Bond widow. All personal property left to great granddaughter Mary Biscoe, to be held for and used by her mother Mary Biscoe until minor is 16 or married. If she dies or does not marry, goes to her mother. If either claims part of estate of the late Basil Biscoe, now in the possession of testator's daughter Mary Harrison in North Carolina, all estate will go to daughter, provided she relinquishes claim against testator's son James Biscoe, and that she makes over her right of dower to plantation at St. Inegoes which said son had sold to his uncle James Biscoe. Testator's friend Henry Greenfield Sothoron appointed sole executor. (Wills JJ#2:18, St. Mary's Co., 1790.01.14, Proved 1792.02.06) - Margaret Bond of St. Mary's Co. holds firmly unto Henry Greenfield Sothoron in full & just sum of £1,000 current money. Notes marriage between her grandson James Biscoe & Mary, daughter of Henry Greenfield Sothoron. Mary had considerable property at time of marriage, thus Margaret Bond promised to make a will of personal property in favor of said Mary & issue of marriage. If Margaret keeps her current will in full force & without change, this obligation to become void. Recorded at the request of Henry Greenfield Sothoron. Witness: Rd Bond, Hanson Briscoe. (Wills JJ#2:19, St. Mary's Co., 1790.01.14, Recorded 1792.02.06)
Mary Bond Biscoe was born 10/4/1784. She married George Wilson, 3/6/1802 and they moved to Norfolk, VA. Her daughter was Mary Biscoe Wilson who married Henry Sothoron Gardiner. (Reno*)
Sothoron Elizabeth R. [Female] b. ABT 1803 St. Mary's Co., MD - d. AFT JUN 1840
Updated: 25 MAR 2011
Person ID: 340
Elizabeth R. Sothoron was born in St. Mary's Co. in about 1803. (* (Church Records - Film # 453778, Reference # 29491})
Identified by name as niece in will of uncle William Bruce of 1822; with sister Catherine was willed land for their use during single life; to then pass to brother William Sothoron (see William Bruce's Notes).
Joseph Parker licensed in St. Mary's Co. on 17 May 1824 to marry Elizabeth R. Sothoron. (Brumbaugh* 1:380)
Elizabeth R. Sothoron married Joseph Parker on 17 May 1824 in St. Mary's Co. (* {Church Records - Film # 456978})
Sothoron Henry Greenfield [Male] b. 1800 Maryland - d. 6 FEB 1858 London, Madison Co., OH
Person ID: 341
Click here to view Notes.
Marbury Henrietta Beanes [Female] b. 1775 - d. BET 1820 AND 1850
Updated: 25 MAR 2011
Person ID: 342
Will of Luke Marbury. William Henry Sothoron, grandson, to be paid £500 by daus. Henrietta Beanes Clagett and Caroline Marbury when he reaches the age of 21, and monies to be held in equal shares by daughters in the meantime. (Wills TT#1:14, Prince George's Co., MD, 1809.01.15, Proved 1809.04.26)
Thomas Henry Claggett, son of William Claggett & Harriet Sothoron, m. Nov. 16, 1802, Henrietta Beanes Marbury, b. 1775, daughter of Col. Luke Marbury & Elizabeth Beanes, daughter of William Beanes, Jr. of Upper Marlboro. (Bowie* :126)
A marriage license was issued to Thomas Henry Clagett & Henrietta Beanes Marbury on 16 Nov 1804 in Prince George's Co., MD. (Brown(2)*)
Clagett John [Male]
Person ID: 343
Harriet Sothoron, widow of William Clagett of Piscataway, married Col. John Hancock Beanes. They had issue: Harriet Beanes (born 2 October 1798) married her cousin John Clagett (Bowie* :664, 1796.05.20)
Beanes Harriet [Female] b. 2 OCT 1798
Person ID: 344
Harriet Sothoron, widow of William Clagett of Piscataway [NOTE: see Bowie :126 at 1780], married Col. John Hancock Beanes. They had issue: Harriet Beanes (born 2 October 1798) married her cousin John Clagett (Bowie* :664, 1795.05.20)
Distribution of the estate of George D. Sothoron. Identifies relatives: - Mother Mary Sothoron - Brothers John, Henry, Zachariah, James F. Sothoron - Sisters Ann Smith (? dec'd), Eleanor Gardiner, Mrs. Tubman, Hariet Binns (? dec'd), Rebecca Key - Niece Elizabeth (dec'd), wife of William Thomas, daughter of Mrs. Tubman - Niece Mary, wife of George Thomas, daughter of Mrs. Tubman - Children of Rebecca Key: Philip (his children Rebecca, Sara Anne, Mary); Robert M. (dec'd with heirs); Henry G.S.; Cecelia Ashton (husband Henry); Rebecca Wharton (husband Charles H.D.); Elizabeth Scott (husband John). (Admin Accts EJM#1(MSA* WK-282-283):158, St. Mary's Co., Recorded 1833.08.16)
Sothoron Clarissa [Female] b. BET 1752 AND 1760 Maryland - d. BEF 1807
Person ID: 345
I am assuming Clarissa Sothoron is the granddaughter of Dryden Cheseldine Forbes who devised 30 lbs. currency to Clarissa Sothoron in her will in 1759. She would have been her great granddaughter. (Reno*)
Will of Rebecca Jowles. Mother: Dryden Forbes, estate and at her death to Henry Greenfield Sothoron, one slave, etc. To: Zachariah Sothoron, slaves. Niece: Clarissa, one slave. To: Mary Sothoron, one slave. Nephew: John Forbes, one slave. To: Charles Somerset Forbes, one slave. Brother: James Forbes, rest of my estate, personalty. To: Mary McWilliams and Susanna Truman Greenfield, my clothing to be equally divided. Exec: Brother, James Forbes. Wit: K. T. Greenfield, John Blaney. Probated by Kenelm Truman Greenfield and John Blany, two of the subscribing witnesses. (Reno*, St. Mary's Co., 12/21/1759; no probate date)
Mentioned by married name in 1775 will of grandfather Zachariah Bond, receiving 400 acres of land in Calverton Manor (see his Notes).
Not mentioned by name in her father's will of 1793 (see his Notes).
Fresco: Samuel Bond m. by 1807, Elizabeth Forbes, widow. Marriage Agreement. Ref. Abstract Deed, SMC 26:84. (Reno*)
Reeder Ann [Female]
Person ID: 346
MARY ANN EDELEN, daughter of Margaret Neale & James Edelen, was born Bef. 1738 in St. Mary's Co., MD, and died Aft. 1790 in NC. She married (1) BASIL BISCOE Bef. 1754 in St. Mary's Co., MD, son of BENNET BISCOE and ANN REEDER. He was born Bef. 1741 in St. Mary's Co., MD, and died Bef. September 21, 1761 in St. Mary's Co., MD. She married (2) KENELM HARRISON Bet. 1763 - 1764 in St. Mary's Co., MD, son of WILLIAM HARRISON and WINIFRED SMOOT. He was born Bef. 1745 in St. Mary's Co., MD, and died 1777 in St. Mary's Co., MD. (Reno*)
Marbury Elizabeth [Female] b. 1773 Maryland - d. BEF 1801
Updated: 25 MAR 2011
Person ID: 347
Henry Sothoron licensed on 11 Nov 1796 to marry Elizabeth Marburg. (Brumbaugh* 1:386, St. Mary's Co.)
Henry Sothern married Elizabeth Marbury on 27 Nov 1796. St. John's Piscataway Parish, Prince George's Co. (Barnes* 2:442)
Henry Sothoron of St. Mary's Co. married Elizabeth Marbury (born ca. 1773), daughter of Col. Luke Marbury of Piscataway, Maryland, on 27 Nov 1796; they had issue: William Henry Sothoron married Miss Barber. (Bowie* :551)
Henry Sothoron licensed to marry Dorothy Barber Hawkins, widow of Dr. John Truman Hawkins. (Brumbaugh* 1:387, St. Mary's Co., 1801.06.01)
See father's Notes for family lineage per Papenfuse*.
Beanes William [Male]
Person ID: 348
Thomas Henry Claggett, son of William Claggett & Harriet Sothoron, m. Nov. 16, 1802, Henrietta Beanes Marbury, b. 1775, daughter of Col. Luke Marbury & Elizabeth Beanes, daughter of William Beanes, Jr. of Upper Marlboro. (Bowie* :126)
Jones Norris Marshall [Male] b. BEF 1794 Pennsylvania - d. JUN 1869 Philadelphia, PA
Updated: 25 MAR 2011
Person ID: 349
Rev. Norris M. Jones licensed in St. Mary's Co.on 25 Sept 1831 to marry Elizabeth A. Sothoron. (Brumbaugh* 1:361)
Reverend N.M. Janes, Rector of All Saints, married to Elizabeth Att., relict of John Sothoron, dec'd. (Trinity Parish Register {MSA* M259):Unnumbered, Charles Co., 1831.09.25)
Norris Marshall Jones (born before 1794 in PA, died June 1869 in Philadelphia, PA) married Mary Elizabeth Attaway Briscoe Sothoron, widow of John Sothoron on 25 Sept 1831 in St. Mary's Co. (Reno*)
Val est, the residence of Saml Bond, dec'd, cld Bond's Retreat, on the Potomac rvr, a few miles below Ft. Wash, is offered for rent for the next yr. The dwlg hse & farm hses are spacious & in pretty good order. Apply to Rev Norris M Jones, nr Chaptico, St. Mary's Co, Md, or to the subscriber in Alexandria, DC - Bernard Hooe, actg for the heirs of John Sothoron dec'd. (Dixon*, 1832-1833.:107, Reported 1832.06.28)
With wife served as administrator of estate of Mary Elizabeth Attaway Sothoron (see her Notes). Also, with wife became substitute executor in the estate of Samuel Sothoron, due to the death of wife's first husband John Sothoron (see Samuel's Notes).
Canter Isaiah [Male] b. 23 JUL 1836 St. Mary's Co., MD - d. 27 AUG 1910 St. Mary's Co., MD
Person ID: 350
Isaiah Canter was born in St. Mary's Co., MD in 1836 to Elizabeth R. Swann & Horatio Canter. He will marry (1) Jane Hayden & (2) Mary Elizabeth Alvey. (Smith, P.*)
Isaiah Canter witnessed the deed of 13 June 1859 by which property was transferred from Thomas H. & Elizabeth Burroughs to Elizabeth Ann Sothoron. (See respective Notes).
James T. Sothoron & wife, of Washington City, D.C. deed to Isiah Canter of St. Mary's Co. for $455, 1/7 part of Part of Truman Lodge, Part of Enclosure with Addition, Part of Hope, Part of Burrough's Gift, all adjoining one another and between the lands of Horatio Canter & Samuel Keech. Recorded Land Records IH#2:267. (Abstracts F#3{StM#4A}:115, St. Mary's Co., 1867.04.23, Recorded 1867.05.14)
Recorded at request of buyer. Isaiah Canter & Mary E. Canter his wife, Horatio Canter & Clara S.M. Canter his wife, William S. Lyon & Lucy A. Lyon his wife of St. Mary's Co., L. J. Sothoron & Lydia R. Sothoron his wife of St. Mary's Co., and James T. Sothoron & E.C. Sothoron his wife of Washington City D.C. sell for $150 to Henry A. Canter that part of the late Henry Canter's estate lying in the 9th District of Charles Co. near Old Field's Church, beginning at a point 8 yards south of a barn in a line between said property & that of Henry A. Canter's land, running straight southerly to point between said land & that of Ebenezer Haviland, it being the same land on west of said line laid off as Isabella Sothoron's portion by Jeremiah Dudley & Thos. Lovel arbitrators & also being same land sold by decree of County Circuit Court on 25 Feb 1881 by John H. Mitchell & Samuel Cox as trustees, & deeded by them to Josias H. Hancock as Isabella Sothoron's portion of said Henry Canter's estate, & from Hancock & wife to L.H. Canter. Signed by Isiah Canter, Mary E. Canter, Horatio Canter, Clara S. M. Canter, W.S. Lyon, Lucie A. Lyon, L.J. Sothoron, James T. Sothoron, E.C. Sothoron. Witnessed by D.M. Slye. (BGS#8:365, Charles Co., MD, 1885.10.20, Recorded 1885.11.20)
Deed of 29 August 1888 by Isaiah Canter & wife Mary E. of St. Mary's Co., MD. For $115 convey to Isabella Sothoron of Charles Co., MD all of tract lying principally in 5th District of St. Mary's Co., containing about 130 acres, bounded as follows: on west by public road from Charlotte Hall to Hughesville; on south by road from Charlotte Hall to Benedict; on east by lands of William E. Burch & lately owned by Joseph A. & Benjamin. C. Sothoron; on north by lands of said William E. Burch & James Lyon. Is same land inherited by John H. Sothoron from his father Benjamin H. Sothoron, & by James H. Alvey (Tax Collector) for taxes to Isaiah Canter & deeded on 26 March 1888. Signed by Isaiah Canter & Mary E. Canter, witnessed by D.W. Slye. Certified same date, recorded 30 Aug 1888. (St. Mary's Co., MD Land Records JFF#10:470)
Isabella Sothoron deeds to William E. Burch for $200, Brotherhood, 50 acres, in 5th Election District. Bounded on west by lands of Isiah Canter & public road from Charlotte Hall to Hughesville; on the south by public road from Oaks to Benedict; on the east by lands of Burch; and on north by the County line. (Abstracts StM#7:181, St. Mary's Co., 1896.06.29, Recorded 1896.06.30)
Isaac (Isaiah) Canter, born July 23, 1836 in St. Mary's Co., MD to Horatio Canter & Elizabeth Swann; died August 27, 1910 in St. Mary's Co., MD; married (1) Eleanor "Ellen" Jane Hayden January 27, 1857 in All Faith Epis., Huntersville, St. Mary's Co., MD; born March 21, 1839 in St. Mary's Co., MD; died November 10, 1866 in St. Mary's Co., MD; married (2) Mary Elizabeth Alvey February 19, 1868 in St. Mary's Co., MD; born March 15, 1842 in St. Mary's Co., MD; died January 16, 1922 in Charlotte Hall, St. Mary's Co., MD. (Reno*)
1900 Federal Census (1900.06.01, Recorded 1900.06.04) Dist. 5, St. Mary's Co., MD - ED 113, Sh 3B, Ln 67, 35/35 - Canter, Isiah. Head, 62 year old white male, born July 1837, married 32 years. He & parents born in Maryland. Can read & write, speaks English. Occupation Capitalist. Owns his farm home free of mortgage. -----, Mary E. Wife, 58 year old white female, born Mar 1842, married 32 years. Had 6 children, 3 living. She & parents born in Maryland. Can read & write, speaks English. -----, Eliza W. Daughter, 31 year old single white female, born Nov 1868. She & parents born in Maryland. Can read & write, speaks English. -----, Levin J. Son, 29 year old white male, married 4 years. He & parents born in Maryland. Can read & write, speaks English. Occupation Teacher. -----, Ethel M. Daughter, 23 year old single white female. She & parents born in Maryland. Can read & write, speaks English. -----, Olive G. Daughter-l, 26 year old married white female. She & parents born in Maryland. Can read & write, speaks English. - (2 servants)
Isiah Canter, b. 23 July 1836, d. 27 Aug 1910, "Husband of Eleanor Jane Canter", buried at All Faith Episcopal Church (Huntersville, MD). (Tice* :98)
 Next to wife's marker. All Faith Episcopal, Huntersville, St. Mary's Co., MD
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