Sothoron & Related Families - 113 (Notes Pages)
For privacy reasons, Date of Birth and Date of Marriage for persons believed to still be living are not shown.
Odenheimer Anne Fawcett [Female] b. ABT 1908 Maryland - d. AFT APR 1910
Person ID: 2267
Ann Fawcett Odenheimer, dau. of John Odenheimer & Ella Mackey Shaw. (Johnson, W*)
See father's Notes for 1910 Federal Census entry.
Forbes Matilda Thomas [Female] b. 22 DEC 1845 St. George's Island, St. Mary's Co., MD - d. 28 JUL 1846 Deep Falls, Chaptico, St. Mary's Co., MD
Person ID: 2268
Matilda Thomas Forbes, b. 22 Dec 1845, d. 28 July 1846, "Daughter of James J. & Eliza Catherine Thomas Forbes." Buried at Deep Falls, Chaptico, St. Mary's Co., MD. (Tice* :204)
Matilda Forbes, dau of James John Forbes & Elizabeth Catherine Thomas, b. 1845 in St. George's Island, St. Mary's Co., MD. (Johnson, W*)
Odenheimer John [Male] b. AFT APR 1910
Person ID: 2269
John Odenheimer, son of John Odenheimer & Ella Mackey Shaw. (Johnson, W*)
Not born by time of 1910 Federal Census (April). See father's Notes.
Shaw J. Edward Ford [Male] b. OCT 1864 Maryland - d. 28 SEP 1931 Morrison Co., MN
Person ID: 2270
C. Edward Ford Shaw, son of Joseph Ford Shaw & Elizabeth Jane Forbes, b. 1843, St. Mary's Co., MD, m. in Minnesota, Clara Smith. (Johnson, W*)
See father's Notes for 1870 & 1880 Federal Census entries.
1900 Federal Census (1900.06.01, Recorded 1900.06.02) First Ave. South, Ward 1, Little Falls, Morrison Co., MN - ED 100, Sh 3B, Ln 80, 44/59 - Shaw, Edward. Boarder, with several others, in household of Jessie & Cora Mecunker. A 35 year old white male, born Oct 1864. He & parents born in Maryland. Can read & write, speaks English. Occupation Attorney. - In same household at Line 70: - Winertzki, Clara. Servant, 18 year old white female, born May 1882. Born in Minnesota, parents in Poland (speak Polish). Can read & write, speaks English. Occupation Servant.
1910 Federal Census (1910.04.15, Recorded 1910.04.27) 608 Broadway, Ward 1, Little Falls, Morrison Co., MN - ED 109, Sh 12B, Ln 93, 195/197 - Shaw, Edward F. Head, 48 year old white male, in this his first marriage 7 years. He & parents born in Maryland. Can read & write, speaks English. Occupation Probat Judge for Morrison Co., drawing wages. Owns his non-farm home free of mortgage. -----, Clara J. Wife, 27 year old white female, in this her first marriage 7 years. Had 2 children, both living. Born in Minnesota, parents in Germany (speak Polish). Can read & write, speaks English. Occupation None. -----, Vietona M. Daughter, 6 year old white female. She & mother born in Minnesota, father in Maryland. -----, Ella Jane. Daughter, 2 year old white female. He & mother born in Minnesota, father in Maryland. - (4 Boarders)
1920 Federal Census (1920.01.01, Recorded 1920.01.03) 608 Broadway SE, Ward 1, Little Falls, Morrison Co., MN - ED 159, Sh 3(151)A, Ln 32, 50/58 - Shaw, Ed. F. Head, 57 year old married white male, owns his home free of mortgage. Can read & write, speaks English. He & parents born in Maryland. Occupation Lawyer, paid on O.A. -----, Clara J. Wife, 37 year old white female. Can read & write, speaks English. Born in Minnesota, parents in Germany (speak German). Occupation None. -----, Margaret F. Daughter, 16 year old white female. Can read & write, speaks English, attended school since Sept. She & father born in Minnesota, mother in Maryland. (sic) -----, Jane Ella. Daughter, 12 year old white female. Can read & write, speaks English, attended school since Sept. She & parents born in Minnesota. (sic) -----, Joseph Ed. Son, 10/12 year old white female. He & parents born in Minnesota. (sic)
1930 Federal Census (1930.04.01, Recorded 1930.04.08) 608 Broadway East, Ward 1, Little Falls, MN - ED 21, Sh 18B, Ln 81, 41/41 - Shaw, Edward F. Head, 68 year old married white male, first married at 42.. Can read & write, speaks English. He & parents born in Maryland. Occupation Lawyer in General Practice (O). Not a veteran. -----, Clara J. Wife, 47 year old married white female, first married at 47.. Can read & write, speaks English. Born in Minnesota, parents in Germany. Occupation None. -----, Edward F., Jr. Son, 11 year old single white male.. Can read & write, speaks English, attended school since Sept. He & mother born in Minnesota, father in Maryland. - (2 Boarders)
Edward F. Shaw of Morrison Co., MN died 28 Sept 1931. (USGenWeb* - Minnesota Death Certificates Index)
Shaw James John Forbes [Male] b. ABT 1863 Maryland - d. AFT JUN 1880
Person ID: 2271
James John Forbes Shaw, son of Joseph Ford Shaw & Elizabeth Jane Forbes, b. 1864 in Maryland. (Johnson, W*)3
See father's Notes for 1870 & 1880 Federal Census entries.
Haddox Clinton Bolivar [Male] b. 28 JAN 1831 "Hillsboro", Wakefield Dist., Rappahannock Co., VA - d. 21 JAN 1874 "Hillsboro", Wakefield Dist., Rappahannock Co., VA
Updated: 5 FEB 2011
Title or Rank: Major
Person ID: 2275
Click here to view Notes.
Smith Sarah Dorothy [Female] b. 8 APR 1829 Fauquier Co., VA - d. 28 FEB 1908 "Hillsboro", Wakefield Dist., Rappahannock Co., VA
Nickname: Dolly
Person ID: 2276
Clinton B. Haddox & Sarah "Dolly" Smith were married in Ritchie Co., VA (now WV) on 19 August 1851. (Harrington* :44)
** Federal Census schedules
See father's Notes for 1850 entry, husband's Notes for 1860 & 1870 entries.
1880 Census (1880.06.01, Recorded 1880.06.06) Wakefield Dist., Rappahannock Co., VA - ED 133,Pg 18, Ln 2, 122/130 - Haddox, Sarah. 50 year old widowed white female, Keeping House. -----, Warren A. Son, 24 year old single white male Laborer, unemployed 12 months. He & parents born in Virginia. -----, Edwina. Daughter, 22 year old single white female, At Home. She & parents born in VA. -----, Clifton. Son, 19 year old single white male Laborer, unemployed 10 months. Attended school this year. He & parents born in Virginia. -----, Kate. Daughter, 16 year old single white female, At Home. Attended school this year. She & parents born in Virginia. -----, Horace. Son, 13 year old single white male Laborer, unemployed 8 months. Attended school this year. He & parents born in VA.
1900 Census (1900.06.01, Recorded 1900.06.27) Wakefield Dist., Rappahannock Co., VA - ED 54, Sh 13A (246A), Ln 1, 221/224 - Haddox, Mrs. S.D. Head, 72 year old widowed white female Farmer, born Aug 1828, married 48 years. Had 7 children, 6 still living. She & parents born in Virginia. Can read & write, speaks English. Living on mortgaged farm, no unemployment. Farm schedule #90. ---- , W.A. Son, 44 year old single white male Farm Laborer, born Oct 1855. He & parents born in Virginia. No unemployment. Can read & write, speaks English. ----, E.C. Son, 39 year old single white maleFarm Laborer, born Apr 1861. He & parents born in Virginia. No unumployment. Can read & write, speaks English. - Southeron. Daughter, 35 year old married white female, born May 1865. Married 12 years. Had 2 children, both still living. She & parents born in Virginia. Can read & write, speaks English. ----, Geo. M. G. Son, 7 year old single white male, born Feb 1893. He & parents born in Virginia. Can read & write, speaks English. ----, Warren H., G. Son, 5 year old single white male, born May 1895. He & parents born in Virginia. Can read & write, speaks English. - Haddox, Sady. Grand Daughter, 19 year old single white female, born Apr 1881. She & parents born in Virginia. Can read & write, speaks English. At School for 9 months of the past year. - Purvis, Minnie. Cook, 26 year old single white female Cook, born May 1874. She & parents born in Virginia. No unemployment. Can read & write, speaks English. - Queen, James. Svt, 15 year old single black male, born May 1885. He & parents born in Virginia. No occupation listed, but had zero months of unemployment. Cannot read nor write, but speaks English.
** Miscellaneous
See husband's Notes for Birth Registry records of children.
Mentioned by name in various records of her children (see their Notes)
** Death
Sarah D. Haddox died 28 February 1908, at the age of 78 years, 10 months, 21 days. (Haddox Family Bible*)
VIRGINIA OBITUARY. Front Royal, Feb. 28-Mrs. S. B. Haddox, aged seventy-nine, widow of Clinton Haddox, of Flint Hill, Rappahannock Co., died this morning. She is survived by four sons and two daughters. (Washington Post :9, 1908.02.28, Reported 1908.02.29)
- Mrs. S.B. Haddox - (Special to The Times-Dispatch) - FRONT ROYAL, VA., February 28--Mrs. S.B. Haddox, relict of Clinton Haddox, near Flint Hill, Rappahannock county, aged seventy-nine, died this morning from a complication of diseases, at her home in Hillsborough. She is survived by four sons--N.R., of Alexandria, Va.; Dr. H.B., of Gaithersburg, Md., and E.C. and W.A. of Flint Hill, Va.--and two daughters--Mrs. E.C. Davis, of Vernon Mills, Va., and Mrs. L.K. Sothoron, of Flint Hill, Va. (The Times Dispatch [Richmond, VA] :2, Reported 29 Feb 1908)
In Memoriam. ---------- - 'Be the day weary, or be the day long, At last it bringeth the evening song.' - Mrs. S.D. Haddox, widow of the lamented Major Clinton B. Haddox, departed this life Feb 27, 1908, aged 78 years. She had been in declining health for several years and her loved ones realized but too well, that nothing but the removal of the spirit from its 'earthly torment of clay' could give relief from her suffering. Truly if medical skill and the unselfish and tireless ministrations to every want by loving sons and daughters could have prolonged her life, she would not have been taken. Her husband Major Haddox, died January 21st 1871, leaving her with the care and responsibility of a large family--a responsibility she met as only a true, noble, loving mother may, and after devoting the energies and sacrifices of her long life to their interest when the horizon of her exemplary life was about to be overshadowed by the gloom of the setting sun of her earthly pilgrimage, loving sons and daughters, with hearts melting with love, stood near to catch the last recognition ere her 'lifeboat' was wafted to the eternal shores. The sweetest word known to mortal tongue--the truest friend, the purest love, is mother's, and it matters not whether in the bloom of young womanhood or when age has furrowed her brow or time has silvered her locks, we feel deep down in our hearts that the brightest and clearest jewel of our lives has been taken, and though we may be able to realize and appreciate the wise dispensation of Providence in removing her from suffering and the hardships incident to old age, yet the solemn reality that mother is no more arouses in us the most sacred sentiments known to appreciative sons and daughters. - Mrs. Haddox possessed in a high degree those true womanly characteristics which commands reverence and esteem from every true man. She was cultured and refined, yet modest and retiring, ever charitable and considerate of others. Her sweet and generous disposition, her sympathy and patience for other(sic), won for her the love and esteem of all who knew her best. - She is survived by four sons and two daughters: W.A., N.B., E.C. and Dr. H.B., and Mrs Golder Davis and Mrs Geo. M. Sothron, who have the sympathy of many many friends. - Saturday, in testimony of their sincere respect, a large concourse of friends attended the funeral services at her late home near Flint Hill, conducted by the Rev. W.N. Tillinghast, when all that remained of this true wife, self sacrificing mother noble woman, was lain to rest at the side of her husband in the family burying ground. - "'Wrong not the dead with tear, A glorious bright tomorrow, Endith a weary life of pain and sorrow.'" G. (Newspaper Clipping from effects of Linnia K. Sothoron, Reported: 1908.03.05)
Haddox Horace Bolivar [Male] b. 21 JUL 1909 Maryland - d. 17 JAN 1990 Germantown, Columbia Co., New York
Updated: 24 MAY 2017
Person ID: 2277
See father's Notes for 1910 & 1920 Federal Census entries, mother's Notes for 1930 entry.
Horace B. Haddox, Jr. 23 years of age, submitted application #230 for a Seaman's Protective Certificate on 2 Sept 1932 in Georgetown, DC. He was 5' 11" tall, had brown hair & eyes & a ruddy complexion. Nativity was Gaithersburg, MD. (* - Image of Application)
Horace Bolivar Haddox, white male, born 21 July 1909 in Gaithersburg, Montgomery Co., MD, living in Washington, DC, registered for the draft in 1940. He was employed by General Motors Acceptance Corp. Height was 5' 11", weight 178 pounds, dark complexion, brown eyes & hair. Next of kin was H.B. Haddox, his mother(sic). (* - World War II Draft Registration Card)
Haddox Horace B slsmn h 37 S Prospect apt 5A. (* - Polk's Hagerstown (Washington Co., MD) City Directory, 1940-41:138)
Horace B. Haddox, File No. 143979, LTJG, born 07/1909, date of precedence 4/27/42, Pay Service as of 1 Jan 1943 of 7 months, 28 days, listed in Naval Reserve Register of January 1, 1943, pg. 577. (* - Image of Register)
Was informant (as LT(jg) Horace Haddox) on aunt Linnia K. Haddox Sothoron's Death Certificate in 1943 (see her Notes).
LT Horace B. Haddox, File No. 143979, Date of Precedence 5/1/43, born in 1909, Pay Entry Date 5/4/42, listed in Naval Reserve Register of 7/1/1944. (* - Image of Register)
See wife Gertrude's Notes for wedding announcements.
Horace B. Haddox, LCDR, File No. 143979, Reserve Supply Corps officer, date of rank 10/3/45, born 1909, Pay Entry Base Date 5/4/1942, Register No. 1047, appears on page 407 of Navy and Reserve Officers Register of 1 April 1951. (* - Image of Register)
Horace B. Haddox was at 4 Woodland Ave., Bronxville, Westchester Co., NY, 10708 sometime between 1984 & 4 Sept 2006. During the years 1994 to 1997 he was at Walkers Mill Road, Germantown, NY 12526. (* - U.S. Public Records Index)
HADDOX--Horace B., of Livingston, N.Y. Formerly of Bronxville, N.Y. On January 17, 1990. Husband of Edith Bain Haddox, brother of Dorothy Yates and Eleanor Tyrie(sic). Memorial service at the Reformed Church of Bronxville on Friday, January 19 at 10am. (Deaths - New York Times, Published 19 Jan 1900)
- HORACE B. HADDOX. Shipping Executive, 81, a Gaithersburg native and graduate of Devin Preparatory School and George Washington University, died of congestive failure Jan. 17, at his home in Germantown, N.Y. - Mr. Haddox served in the Navy during World War II and then moved to New York. He was an executive for a shipping company in Bronxville, N.Y., until he retired in the early 1970s. His wife, Gertrude Woodruff Haddox, died in 1983. Survivors include his wfe, Edith Bain Haddox, of Germantown, New York; and two sisters, Dorothy Haddox Yates and Eleanor Haddox Tyree, both of Chevy Chase. ( - image from The Washington Post, Published 1 Feb 1990)
Horace Bolivar Haddox, Jr., b. 21 July 1909, d. 17 Jan 1990, buried at the Bronxville Cemetery, Westchester Co., NY. (
HORACE B. HADDOX SSN:577-07-2968 Born:21 July 1909 Issued: DC (before 1951) Died:17 Jan 1990 (SSDI*)
Haddox Eleanor Yates [Female] b. 29 MAY 1906 Maryland - d. 1 OCT 1994 United States Naval Academy Cemetery, Annapolis, Anne Arundel Co., MD
Updated: 26 MAY 2014
Person ID: 2278
See father's Notes for 1910 & 1920 Federal Census entries.
Tyree-Haddox Wedding - A military wedding of interest took place at 8 o'clock last evening in Grace Episcopal Church, Woodside, Md., when Miss Eleanor Haddox, daughter of Mr. And Mrs. Horace Bolivar Haddox, of Silver Spring, Md., was married to Ensign David Merrill Tyree, son of Capt. And Mrs. Amos Tyree, of Washington, who are now at Honolulu. The Rev. Clyde Brown, former rector of Grace Church, officiated. A program of music was given by Mrs. E. L. Ross. The church was decorated with palms and white chrysanthemums. - The bride, who was escorted and given in marriage by her father, wore a sleeveless gown fashioned of soft oyster-white chiffon with a long tight-fitting bodice and lace yoke and the round neck was embroidered in seed pearls. The court train of soft white stin, falling from the shoulders, was embroidered in pearls. She carried a shower bouquet of roses and lilies of the valley.- ----- - Miss Dorothy Haddox, sister of the bride, was maid of honor. She wore a dress of crepe back satin. The bridesmaids were Miss Margaret Beasley, Miss Phillippa Gerry, Miss Helen Morgan, of Roanoke, VA.; Miss Annabelle Lloyd, of Glendale, Md., Their gowns were of crepe back satin, made with long, tight-fitting bodices of blue, and the full skirts of peach. - Ensign Tyree had for his best man his brother, Mr. Victor Tyree, of Cincinnati. The ushers were Ensign John Harvey Long, Ensign Joseph W. Ludwig, Ensign Donald Charles Board and Ensign John O'Shea. - An informal reception for only the immediate families, the wedding party and a few close friends was held following the ceremony at the home of the bride. - Later in the evening the couple departed for a wedding trip. The bride traveled in a black satin costume with a French felt hat trimmed in black satin, and a gray fur coat. They will return to pass Christmas with the bride's parents, Dr. And Mrs. Haddox and will start the next day for Long Beach, Calif., where Ensign Tyree will join his ship, the U.S.S. West Virginia. - Among the out-of-town guests were Mr. And Mrs. Victor Tyree of Cincinnati; Ensign and Mrs John Harvey Long, of Philadelphia, and Mrs. Katherine L. Sothoron, of Virginia. (Washington Post :7, Reported 1927.12.22)
See husband's Notes for 1930 & 1940 Federal Census entries.
From the List of Nonenlisted Passengers (Cabin Class) of U.S.S. Wharton at date of sailing from Hawaiian Area for West Coast on 5 May 1942 includes the following: - Tyree, Eleanor H., Wife of Lt-Cdr D.M. Tyree, USN, aboard the USS Lexington. - Tyree, Mary Lee, Dau. Lt-Cdr. D.M. Tyree, USN, aboard the USS Lexington. - Tyree, David M., Jr., Son Lt-Cdr. D.M. Tyree, USN, aboard the USS Lexington. (* - U.S. World War II Navy Muster Rolls)
Named in husband's obituary (see his Notes).
ELEANOR H. TYREE SSN:560-32-0582 Born:29 May 1906 Issued: California (Before 1951) Last Benefit: 11751 Islip, Suffolk, NY Died:1 Oct 1994 (SSDI*)
See husband's Notes for shared Grave Marker.
Tyree David Merrill [Male] b. 23 JAN 1904 Washington, DC - d. 25 AUG 1984 Portsmouth Naval Hospital, Portsmouth, Norfolk Co., VA
Updated: 26 MAY 2014
Person ID: 2279
See wife's Notes for newspaper accounting of wedding.
1930 Federal Census (1930.04.01, Recorded 1930.04.07) 1215 9th St., Coronado City, San Diego Twp., San Diego Co., CA - ED 37, Sh 4(115)A, Ln 5, 88/90 - Tyree, David M. Head, 26 year old married white male, married at age of 21. Renting his non-farm home for $50 per month, has a radio. Can read & write, speaks English. Born in DC, parents in Kentucky. Occupation Lieut. J.G. in U.S. Navy, drawing wages. Not a war veteran. -----, Eleanor H. Wife, 23 year old married white female, married at age of 21. Can read & write, speaks English. She & mother born in Maryland, father in Virginia. Occupation None. -----, Mary L. Daughter, 1 2/12 year old white female. She & father born in DC, mother in Maryland.
1940 Federal Census (1940.04.01, Recorded 1940.04.05) Marine Barracks, Naval Research Laboratory, Pct. 11, Washington, DC - ED 1-469, Sh 2A, Ln 23 - Tyree, David M. Head, 36 year old married white male, born in DC, school code C-5. On 1 April 1935 lived in Silver Spring, Montgomery Co., MD. Worked 40 hours the week of 24 to 30 March 1940. Occu;ation Naval Officer drawing Government Wages. Worked 52 weeks in 1939, earning $2,880; had other income as well. -----, Eleanor H. Wife, 33 year old married white female, born in Maryland, school code C-2. On 1 April 1935 lived in Silver Spring, Montgomery Co., MD. Occupation Housewife. No income. -----, Mary Lee. Daughter, 11 year old white female, born in DC, school code 5. On 1 April 1935 lived in Silver Spring, Montgomery Co., MD. -----, David M., Jr. Son, 4 year old white male, born in California, school code 0. - (One Servant)
Retired Navy Rear Adm. David Merrill Tyree, 80, who was serving on the carriers Lexington and Hornet when they were sunk during World War II, and who commanded the battleship New Jersey during the Korean conflict, died of pneumonia Aug. 25 at the Portsmouth Naval Hospital. - Adm. Tyree was a native of Washington and a 1921 graduate of the old Central High School. He was a 1925 graduate of the U.S. Naval Academy at Annapolis, where he was on the track team. - Before World War II, he served aboard a battleship, a cruiser, and several destroyers, earned a master's degree in chemical engineering at the University of Michigan, and studied ordnance at the Navy Post-graduate School and the Naval Gun Factory. He was a staff officer aboard the heavy cruiser Salt Lake City at the outbreak of the war. - He was a gunnery officer on the staff of Carrier Division One aboard the Lexington when that ship was sunk at the Battle of the Coral Sea in May 1942. He was serving on the Hornet in a similar capacity when she was mortally stricken off Guadalcanal in October 1942 in the Battle of Santa Cruz. - He then joined the staff of Adm. Richmond K. Turner, then commander of amphibious forces of the Pacific Fleet, and took part in the remainder of the Solomon Islands campaign. In June 1944, he reported to the Bureau of Ordnance in Washington. - After the war, he attended and taught at the National War College. He also commanded the attack transport Rencille in the Java Sea, when it hosted the cease-fire negotiations between the Netherlands and Indonesia, under the auspices of the United Nations. - In November 1950, he reported as commanding officer of the battleship New Jersey. He took it to the Far East, where it served as flagship of the 7th Fleet during the Korean conflict. - A year later, Adm. Tyree returned to Washington, and held a series of posts, including those of assistant chief of naval operations for materiel and superintendent of the Naval Gun Factory. Finally, he commanded the Naval Support Force, Antarctica, for Operation Deep Freeze, before retiring from active duty in 1963. - Adm.Tyree, who lived in Port Haywood, Va., continued to maintain a home in the Washington area and did consulting work here until 1972. - His decorations included two Legions of Merit and the Bronze Star Medal. - Survivors include his wife, the former Eleanor Yates Haddox, of Port Haywood; a son, retired Navy Cmdr. David Tyree Jr. of Islip, N.Y.; a daughter, Mary Lee Deering of Middleburg, Va.; 11 grandchildren, and four great-grandchildren. (Washington Post :C5, Reported 8/29/1984)
DAVID TYREE SSN 263-60-3342 Born 23 Jan 1904 Issued: Florida (1956) Last Benefit: 23138 Port Haywood, Matthews, VA Died Aug 1984 (SSDI*)
 Grave Marker at United States Naval Academy Cemetery, Annapolis, Anne Arundel Co., MD. (Photo & information from*
Haddox Sarah Dorothy [Female] b. 25 APR 1887 Rappahannock Co., VA - d. 4 JUL 1966 Winchester, Frederick Co., VA
Person ID: 2280
Nickname: Sadie
Updated: 23 JUN 2015
Click here to view Notes
Tyree Mary Lee [Female] b. ABT NOV 1928 Washington, DC
Updated: 26 MAY 2014
Person ID: 2281
See father's Notes for 1930 & 1940 Federal Census entries.
From the List of Nonenlisted Passengers (Cabin Class) of U.S.S. Wharton at date of sailing from Hawaiian Area for West Coast on 5 May 1942 includes the following: - Tyree, Eleanor H., Wife of Lt-Cdr D.M. Tyree, USN, aboard the USS Lexington. - Tyree, Mary Lee, Dau. Lt-Cdr. D.M. Tyree, USN, aboard the USS Lexington. - Tyree, David M., Jr., Son Lt-Cdr. D.M. Tyree, USN, aboard the USS Lexington. (* - U.S. World War II Navy Muster Rolls)
Mary Lee married Harold (Hal) Deering, and they live in Middleburg, Va. where he has a Chevrolet dealership. His family was from Minnesota. (Verbal history, given by Dorothy Smith Haddox Yates to WHS on 12 July 1985)
Named in father's obituary (see his Notes).
Tyree David Merrill [Male] b. 31 AUG 1935 California
Updated: 26 MAY 2014
Person ID: 2282
See father's Notes for 1940 Federal Census entry.
Named in father's obituary (see his Notes).
From the List of Nonenlisted Passengers (Cabin Class) of U.S.S. Wharton at date of sailing from Hawaiian Area for West Coast on 5 May 1942 includes the following: - Tyree, Eleanor H., Wife of Lt-Cdr D.M. Tyree, USN, aboard the USS Lexington. - Tyree, Mary Lee, Dau. Lt-Cdr. D.M. Tyree, USN, aboard the USS Lexington. - Tyree, David M., Jr., Son Lt-Cdr. D.M. Tyree, USN, aboard the USS Lexington. (* - U.S. World War II Navy Muster Rolls)
David Merrill Tyree, Jr., Lineal No. 78671, Sub. No. 00, Source Code 06, Designator 3105, date of rank 1 May 1959, born 31 Aug 1935, Pay Entry Base Date 12 June 1957, is listed on page 561 of the 1960 Roster of Supply Corps Lieutenants Junior Grade. (* - U.S. Military Registers)
David Merrill Tyree, Jr., Lineal No. 047012, Sub. No. 00, Source Code 51, Service Date 1958, Designator 3100, Date of Present Rank 01 Nov 1961, born 31 Aug 1935, Pay Entry Base Date 12 June 1957, is listed on page 668 of the 1965 Roster of Supply Corps Lieutenants. (* - U.S. Military Registers)
David Merrill Tyree, Jr., Lineal No. 016664, Sub. No. 90, Service Date 58, Designator 3100, Date of Present Rank 01 Sept 1966, born 31 Aug 1935, Pay Entry Base Date 12 June 1957, is listed on group 9, page 649 of the 1970 Roster of Supply Corps Lieutenant Commanders. (* - U.S. Military Registers)
Haddox Norbert Randolph [Male] b. 2 JUN 1853 Rappahannock Co., VA - d. 4 MAY 1927 Washington, DC
Person ID: 2283
Click here to view Notes
Haddox Warren Abiff [Male] b. 15 OCT 1855 Rappahannock Co., VA - d. 25 OCT 1922 Wakefield District, Rappahannock Co., VA
Nickname: Biff
Person ID: 2284
Updated: 23 JUN 2015
Click here to view Notes.
Haddox Edwina C. [Female] b. 1 MAY 1858 Rappahannock Co., VA - d. 24 SEP 1909 "Runnymede", Vernon Mills, Fauquier Co., VA
Person ID: 2285
Edwina G. Haddox, single white birth, born to Clinton B. Haddox, farmer near Flint Hill, & his wife Sarah D. Haddox on 1 May 1858. (Register of Births :30, Rappahannock Co., VA)
See father's Notes for 1860 & 1870 Federal Census entries, and mother's Notes for 1880 entry.
Golder Davis, 28 year old single farmer, born & lives in Fauquier Co., son of George W. & Sally A. Davis; married, on 18 December 1884, Edwina C. Haddox, 26 year old single daughter of Clinton B. & S.D. Haddox, born & lives in Rappahannock Co. Service by H.M. Lee. (Marriage Records, 1833-1854 :38, Rappahannock Co., VA)
Deed 0f 3 June 1902 between Norbert R. Haddox & wife Sarah R.; and W.A. Haddox, E.C. Haddox, Edwina C. Davis (wife of W.C. Davis), Kate L. Sothoron (wife of Geo. M. Sothoron), & Horace B. Haddox. For $1334.60 Norbert & wife convey all rights & interest in real estate of C.B. Haddox dec'd, about 500 acres, in Rappahannock Co., VA & adjoining lands of D.H. Gordon & others. Certified 3 June 1902, filed at Rappahannock Co., VA on 28 July 1902. (Deeds V:515, Rappahannock Co., VA)
Edwina C. Haddox Davis died on 24 September 1909, at the age of 51 years, 4 months, 22 days. (Haddox Family Bible*) See husband's Note for shared Grave Marker.
Clinton B. Haddox died in 1874, seized & possessed of real estate, leaving a widow and six children. There has been no division of the estate. W.A. Haddox agrees to purchase from W.G. Davis (widower), A. Warren Davis, W. Clinton Davis, Miss W. Golder Davis & Clarence R. Davis (the husband & children, the heirs at law of the late Edwina C. Davis), their share of the 493.5 acre farm, which was conveyed by Alpheas Gibson, executor, to C.B. Haddox on 10/24/1854 (I:140, K:466, L:122). (Deed Book 28:397, Rappahannock Co., VA, 1917.09.11, Recorded 1917.10.01)
See brother Warren's Notes for additional land transactions.
Haddox Elroy Clifton [Male] b. 23 APR 1861 Rappahannock Co., VA - d. 29 DEC 1916 "Hillsboro", Wakefield Dist., Rappahannock Co., VA
Nickname: Tip
Person ID: 2286
Updated: 23 JUN 2015
W. A. and C. Haddox of Front Royal, VA are two of the pallbearers for Lieut. James Smith. Services will take place from the residence, 221 North Fairfax street this evening. (The Washington Post :2, Alexandria, VA, Reported 1910.07.21)
See brother Warren's Notes for land records.
Elroy Clifton Haddox died 29 December 1916, at the age of 55 years, 8 months, 6 days. (Haddox Family Bible*)
Elroy Clifton Haddox, single white male farmer, born 4/25/1861, died 29 December 1916. Father was Clinton B. Haddox, who was born in Rappahannock Co.; mother was Sarah D. (Smith) Haddox, born in Fauquier Co. Cause of death was intestinal sarcoma. Attending physician was E.R. Browning of Flint Hill. Burial was at the family graveyard on 12/31/1916. Undertaker was Jos. Dearing of Flint Hill. Informant was Warren A. Haddox. (Death Certificate, at Rappahannock Co. Historical Society, Washington, VA)
Death of E. Clifton Haddox ---------- E. Clifton Haddox departed this life December 29th, 1916, at 9:25 p.m. at his late home, near Flint Hill, in the 56th year of his age. - It was the privilege of the writer of this brief sketch to have known him since boyhoods earliest recollection, and feel that he knew him as few others did. He was as unpretentious as he was true, and as firm as his good judgment led him to conclusions. - In his death the community has lost a popular and valuable citizen, and his friends one upon whom they could always depend, and his immediate family and loved ones, who feel most keenly, one who was affectionate, considerate and kind under all circumstances. - He had been in failing health for some months, and though all that skilled physicians could do was done, nothing could stay the treacherous disease, and gradually, but surely, this once strong robust man, weakened as his life was ebbing away, but never once did he murmur, and as we held his palsied hand, feeling for one more pulse beat, and for one more glance of recognition, he 'fell on sleep' as quietly and peacefully as if he slept, to wake, where sunshine never fades and friends and loved ones never part. - Sunday, December 31st, a large concourse of friends assembled at his late home to pay their last respects to the memory of this departed friend. Services were conducted by the Rev. Mr. Brown, of the Front Royal Episcopal church. The active pall-bearers were: John D. Haddox, Warren Davis, Clarence Davis, Clinton Davis, Mortimer Sothoron, and Haddox Sothoron. Honorary: Dr. E.R. Browning, Dr. H.C. Cline, Dr. Snowden, Dr. Chelf, Ben Wheatley, E.M. Yates, H.J. Miller, Joseph Reid, W.A. Davis, W.J. Browning, P.B. Eastham and Geo. W. Settle. - He is survived by three brothers, W.A. Haddox, of this county; Dr. Horace B. Haddox, of Maryland, and Norbert Haddox, of Washington, D.C., and one sister, Mrs. Kate Sothoron, of this county, besides a number of nephews and nieces, all of whom have the sincere sympathy of many friends. S. (Newspaper Clipping from effects of Linnia K. Sothoron)
- Elroy Clifton Haddox, 55 year 8 month 6 day old single white male Farmer, born in Rappahannock Co., VA on 23 April 1861 to Clinton B. Haddox (born Rappk. Co., VA) & Sarah D. Smith (born Fauquier Co., VA), died in Wakefield Dist., Rappahannock Co., VA at 10 P.M. on 29 December 1916. Informant was W.A. Haddox of Flint Hill, VA. - Cause of death was Intestinal Sarcoma of 6 months' duration. Certified by E.R. Browning, M.D. of Flint Hill, VA, who attended from July 1916 until death, last seeing him alive on 28 December 1916. - Arrangements were by Joseph Dearing, with burial on 31 December 1916 in Family Burying Place. (Certificate of Death, Commonwealth of Virginia, Primary Registration Dist. No. 780, Registered No. 23, File No. 32021)
By & between James W. Fletcher, Special Commissioner for the Circuit Court of RAP, in the Chancery cause pending therein the style of Federal Land Bank of Baltimore, a corporation, versus James M Lillard, Sheriff of RAP, and as such administrator d.b.n. c.t.a. of the estate of Warren A. Haddox, deceased,, party of the first part; and Dr. Lyle J. Millan III of Baltimore .....(party of the second part)... Pursuant to a decree of said court in said cause entered 1/27/1947, Fletcher was named Special Commissioner. Real portion of the estate was sold at public auction on 4/5/1947, the highest bid being $21,450, entered by Millan. Sale was reported to the Court 6/16/47 and recorded 7/25/47. Deed delivered with special warranty. Parties on whose behalf this conveyance is made & set out: the heirs & devisees of Warren A. Haddox, and the heirs and devisees of L. Kate Sothoron. 475 acres in all. The included land was obtained: As heir of Clinton B. Haddox, E. Clifton Haddox, by deed from W.G. Davis, by deed from F.P. Carter, and by 2 deeds from Norbert R. Haddox & his wife. References: Deed books: 28:397, W:227, V:515, 28:396. Will of Warren A. Haddox: H:415 (Deed Book 49:573, Rappahannock Co., VA, 1947.09.18, Recorded 1948.01.02)
Was known by the nickname "Tip." Was an industrious worker, but suffered bad health. (WHS* - my father's recollections, & those of Tip's neice Dorothy Haddox).
Haddox Horace Bolivar [Male] b. 15 NOV 1868 Rappahannock Co., VA - d. 24 FEB 1930 Gaithersburg, Montgomery Co., MD
Updated: 28 DEC 2010
Occupation: Physician
Person ID: 2287
Click here to view Notes.
Griffin Susan Garlian [Female] b. 1 APR 1861 South Carolina - d. BEF 1889 Bethel Cemetery, Alexandria, VA
Person ID: 2288
Norbert Randolph Haddox, 22 years/4 months/8 days of age, single, born & living in Rappahannock Co., son of Clinton B. & Sarah Haddox, married on 10 November 1875, Susan Garlian Allen, 24 year old widow, born ?, living in Rappahannock Co., daughter of John J. & Susan C. Griffin. Bonding by M.L. Bishop. (Marriage Records (1833-1854) :24, Rappahannock Co., VA)
See husband Norbert's Notes for 1880 Federal Census entry.
Haddox, Norbert R, bur ptg, Alex Va. Haddox, S.G, clk, Hillman house. (Boyd's DC Directory, 1888 :445)
Griffin John J. [Male]
Person ID: 2289
Norbert Randolph Haddox, 22 years/4 months/8 days of age, single, born & living in Rappahannock Co., son of Clinton B. & Sarah Haddox, married on 10 November 1875, Susan Garlian Allen, 24 year old widow, born ?, living in Rappahannock Co., daughter of John J. & Susan C. Griffin. Bonding by M.L. Bishop. (Marriage Records (1833-1854) :24, Rappahannock Co., VA)
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