Sothoron & Related Families - 3 (Notes Pages)

For privacy reasons, Date of Birth and Date of Marriage for persons believed to still be living are not shown.

Clarke Elizabeth [Female] b. BEF 1730 Maryland

Person ID: 41

A beneficiary in her uncle Benjamin Sothoron's will of January 1745/6: "To sister Mary Clark's daughter Elizabeth Clarke, 4 young heifers." See his Notes for full excerpt.

People Page

Cheseldyne Dryden [Female] b. BEF 1704 Maryland - d. AFT 1746 Maryland
Person ID: 42

** Husband's Will & estate - Maryland

Will of Henry Peregrine Jowles. To wife Dryden the dwelling plantation called Orphans gift for life, then divided equally between son Henry Greenfied Jowles and daughter Mary Jowles, with rights of survivorship between them. To daughter Rebecca the land in western branch of Potomac called the Brigade. To youngest daughter Sybill that half of land held in joint tenancy with Mrs. T. Truman Greenfield called Holbridge. Mother named as Sybill Jowles. Test: Thomas McWilliams, Robert Elliott, James Siddell. (Wills 16(TB#5):89 {Also PC#1:259}, St. Mary's Co., 1720.03.27, Proved 1720.06.09)

Account of Dryden Jowles executrix of Col. Henry Peregrine Jowles of St. Mary's Co. dec'd. Value of inventoried estate £720.11.07 ½, with outstanding debts of £103.02.9 ½, leaving a net estate of £615.07.10. (Accts 4(AD#1):50, St. Mary's Co., Recorded 1721/2.01.10)

Additional account of Dryden Jowles executrix of Col. Henry Jowles of St. Mary's Co. dec'd. (Admin Accts 5:414, St. Mary's Co., Recorded 1723.10.29)

Sheriff's warrant to attach the body of Mrs. Dryden Forbes, to appear in May before the Commissioner and Judge for Probate of Wills, as well as touching on contempt committed by not obeying order of former process to answer the libel complaint of John Johnson Sothoron of St. Mary's Co.. (Test Papers Box 45, folder 4, St. Mary's Co., 1743.04.13)

** Second marriage - Maryland

John Forbes married Dryden Jowles, widow & executrix of Henry Peregrine Jowles St. Mary's Co. dec'd.(Prov Court Judg 24(RB#3):43, St. Mary's Co., 1729.07.21)

** Son's estate - Maryland

The inventory of Kenelm Greenfield Jowles, appraised by William Hebb & Robert Chesley for £497.5.7. Next of kin are Henry G. Sothoron & Rebecca Jowles. Accuracy of inventory verified by Dryden Forbes. (Prerog Court Inv 29:231, St. Mary's Co., Recorded 1744.06.06)

** Son-in-law's estate - Maryland

Inventory of John Johnson Sothoron. Includes 11 slaves, one 79 year old female servant, 13 sheep, 6 horses, 21 cattle, 23 hogs, 6 leather chairs, 4 mirrors, 1 fiddle, 10 dozen bottles, 7 beds with furniture, 3 beer kegs, 1 gun, chestnut shingles. Valued at £571.0.11½. Next of kin Henry Greenfield Sothoron, Benjamin Sothoron.
- On 23 July 1745 Richard Sothoron testified that one slave and child were gifts to Henry Greenfield Sothoron by his grandmother Dryden Forbes, and surveying instruments from his father. (Inv 3:71, St. Mary's Co., 1745.02.12)

Samuel & Richard Sothoron of St. Mary's Co., executors of John Johnson Sothoron late of St. Mary's Co.. Tobacco received from Mrs Dryden Forbes for costs of suit in Prerogative Court, 2,550 lbs. Income noted from George Graham, John Crook, Mary Burch, Benjamin Sothoron, Leonard Clark, John Briscoe, Jacob Andrew Minitrees. Monies paid to Zachariah Bond, Thos. Beck, Gustavus Brown, Dr. Richard Cooke, Wm. Bond. Paid to attorneys for suit against Dryden Forbes, 1,017 ½ lbs tobacco. Net value £619.12.1½. (Accts 23.157, St. Mary's Co., 1746.09.09)

People Page

Jowles Henry Peregran [Male] b. ABT 1682 Maryland - d. 31 MAR 1720 The Plains, S
Person ID: 43

Click here to view Notes.

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Johnson John [Male] b. BEF 1687
Person ID: 44

Mentioned as a beneficiary in his father's will (see his Notes).

People Page

Johnson James [Male] b. BEF 1687
Person ID: 45

Mentioned as a beneficiary of his father's will of 1687 (see his Notes).

People Page

Sothoron George Mortimer [Male] b. 25 JAN 1856 Washington, DC - d. 24 MAY 1908 George Washington Hospital, Washington, DC
Person ID: 46


This MAY be George Mortimer Sothoron II. From a photograph in the effects of Linnia Katherine Haddox Sothoron.

** Federal Census & Washington Directory* - DC

See father's Notes for 1860 & 1870 Census entries.

George Sothoron, Mt. Pleasant al, Washington. (Washington Directory*, 1872)

George Sothoron, Mt. Pleasant al, Washington. No Sothoron listings in Georgetown section. (Washington Directory*, 1873)

George M. Sothoron, student, 101 1st, Georgetown. (Washington Directory*, 1877)

George M. Sothoron, student, 101 1st, Georgetown. (Washington Directory*, 1878)

George M. Sothron, 190 High, Georgetown. (Washington Directory*, 1879)

George M. Sothoron, student, 190 High, Georgetown. (Washington Directory*, 1880)

1880 Census (1880.06.01, Recorded 1880.06.05) 190 High St., Washington - ED 13, Pg 19, Ln 28
- Sothoron, George M., Jr. 24 year old single white pharmacist(?), he & mother born in DC, father born in MD.
----, Louisa. Mother, 45 year old white widow, keeping house, born in DC, both parents born in Hamburg.
- Tather(?), Lusa. Servant, 21 year old single black female, she & parents born in MD.
{Print is faded and hard to read.)

George M. Sothoron, student, 1609 32nd nw, Georgetown.
Louisa Sothoron, widow George M., 1609 32nd nw, Georgetown.
- This is the first year the directory uses the "new" D.C. addresses, replacing the original Georgetown addresses. (Washington Directory*, 1881)

George M. Sothoron, 1609 32nd nw. (Washington Directory*, 1882)

George M. Sothoron, 1609 32nd nw. (Washington Directory*, 1883)

George M. Sothoron, 1609 32nd nw. (Washington Directory*, 1884)

George M. Sothoron, 1609 32nd nw. (Washington Directory*, 1885)

George M. Sothoron, physician, 1609 32nd nw (listed in business section as a physician). (Washington Directory*, 1886)

George M. Sothoron, physician, 1609 32nd nw. (Washington Directory*, 1887)

Charles A. Becker, druggist, Becker & Sothoron, 1367 32nd nw, home same.
George M. Sothoron, (Becker & Sothoron), 1609 32nd nw. (Washington Directory*, 1888)

George M. Sothoron, (Becker & Sothoron), 1609 32nd nw. (Washington Directory*, 1889)

George M. Sothoron, druggist, 32nd cor O nw, home 1609 32nd nw. (Washington Directory*, 1890)

George M. Sothoron, druggist, se corner 32nd & O nw; home 1609 32nd nw. (Washington Directory*, 1891)

George M. Sothoron, druggist, 1367 32nd nw, home 1609 32nd nw. (Washington Directory*, 1892)

George M. Sothoron, druggist, 1367 32nd nw, home 1609 32nd nw. (Washington Directory*, 1893)

George M. Sothoron, druggist, 1367 32nd nw, home 1609 32nd nw. (Washington Directory*, 1894)

George M. Sothoron, druggist, 1367 32nd nw, home 1609 32nd nw. (Washington Directory*, 1895)

George M. Sothoron, druggist, 1367 32nd nw, home 1609 32nd nw. (Washington Directory*, 1896)

George M. Sothoron, druggist, 1367 32nd nw, home 1609 32nd nw. (Washington Directory*, 1897)

George M. Sothoron, 1609 32nd nw. (Washington Directory*, 1898)

George M. Sothoron, 1609 32nd nw. (Washington Directory*, 1899)

George M. Sothoron, 1609 32nd nw {not in business section as a druggist) (Washington Directory*, 1900)

George M. Sothoron, 1609 32nd nw. (Washington Directory*, 1901)

George M. Sothoron, clerk, 1609 32nd nw. (Washington Directory*, 1902)

George M. Sothoron, clerk, home 3122 O nw. (Washington Directory*, 1903)

George N. Sothoron, 3122 O nw. (Washington Directory*, 1904)

George M. Sothoron, 3122 O nw. (Washington Directory*, 1906)

George M. Sothoron, druggist, 3122 O nw. (Washington Directory*, 1907)

George N. Sothoron, druggist, 3122 O nw. (Washington Directory*, 1908)

** Church activities - St. John's Episcopal Church, Georgetown, DC

Under 1869 lists of families, "Dr. Sothoron & wife (both baptised), lives Prospect St." Note that Dr. Sothoron "died 1872". Also notes son George, baptised & confirmed. (Parish Register, 1869-1880. 3:22)

Under lists of families, with the date 13 April 1873 noted, is as follows:
- George Sotheron, by confirmation, p. 54, Recnd. 1870-79. (Parish Register, 1888-1908. 5:20)

Confirmation on Whitsentide, 23 May 1874, of Louisa Sothoron, 39 year old widow who has not been baptised; and George Sothoron, 18 years old, son of "Mrs. S." (Washington Directory*, Parish Register, 1869-1880. 3:155,184)

Detailed lists of offerings by parishioners, from4 March 1899 through 30 Oct 1901. Fairly regular notation of donations from "Sothoron", generally in the range of 10¢ to 25¢. No entries for "Sothoron" for periods 18 Jan to 19 March 1901, and 19 March to 3 April 1901, and 7 May to 30 October 1901. (Parish Register, 1888-1908. 5:468)

** Marriage & family

George Mortimer Sothoron, 32 year old single pharmacist, born & lives in Washington, D.C., son of George M. & Louisa S. Sothoron, married on 12 April 1888, Laninia Catherine Haddox, 24 year old, single, born & lives in Rappahannock Co., VA, daughter of Clinton B. & Sarah D. Haddox. Ceremony by Jos. R. Jones. (Marriage Records, 1833-1854. :42 {Rappahannock Co. Court House})

See wife's Notes for newspaper account of the wedding.

Baptism on 16 March 1890 of Linnia Katharine Sothoron, who was born at Flint Hill, VA on 31 May 1865 to Clinton B. & Sarah D. Haddox. Witnessed by George M. Sothoron & Amanda J. Haddox. Service by Rev. J. A. Regester. Listed also in section on confirmations. (St. John's Parish Register 5:166, 316, Georgetown)

The baptism on 24 November 1894 of George Mortimore Sothoron, born at Georgetown, DC on 5 Feb 1893 to George M. Sothoron & Linnia K. Sothoron. Sponsors were the parents, services by Rev. Charles E. Buck. (St. John's Parish Register 5:192, Georgetown)

The baptism on 16 July 1895 of Warren Haddox Sothoron, born in Washington, DC on 6 May 1895 to George W. Sothoron & Linnia K. Sothoron. Parents were the sponsors, services by Rev. Charles E. Buck. (St. John's Parish Register 5:204, Georgetown)

Mentioned by name in son George's Marriage Record, his wife's Death Certificate & Grave Marker, & Death Certificates of both sons - see respective Notes.

** Miscellaneous

G. M. Sothoron was received and admitted and constituted a Noble of the Mystic Shrine at Almas Temple, Washington, DC on 18 February 1893. Photo of certificate:

Mr. Arthur C. Cleborne, a draftsman in the Navy Department, died suddenly while sitting in the drug store of Mr. George M. Sothoron, 1367 Thirty-second street yesterday. (Washington Post :3, Reported 1896.10.01)

See wife's Notes under Miscellaneous for more marriage information.

Norbert R. Haddox & Sarah R. Haddox his wife, sell to W. A. Haddox, E. C. Haddox, Edwina C. Davis (wife of W.G. Davis), Kate L. Sothoron (wife of Geo. M. Sothoron) & Horace B. Haddox, their remaining interest in the estate of Clinton B. Haddox, for the sum of $1,334.60. (Deed Book V:515, Rappahannock Co., VA, 1902.06.03, Recorded 1902.07.28)

** Death - DC

George Mortimer Sothoron, a 52 year old married white male Druggist, died at George Washington University Hospital on 24 May 1908. He & parents born in Maryland; he had been a District resident for 50 years. Primary Cause of Death was Nephritis (Chronic Interstitial) of 3 years' duration; Immediate Cause was ureamia of 10 days' duration. The attending was W. S. Hordis, M.D. of George Washington Univ. Hosp. Usual Residence was 3122 O st. NW.
- Burial was at Oak Hill on May 26, 1908. (Death Certificate # 180182, Burial Permit # 180475, Dist. # 48)

Retired Druggist Was Georgetown Resident for Forty Years.
Well-Known Citizen, Who Left Business Ten Years Ago, Succumbs to Bright's Disease.
Dr. George N. Sothoron, of 3122 O street northwest, an old resident of Georgetown and a prominent Mason and retired druggist, died at the George Washington University Hospital yesterday morning at 8:30 o'clock, after an illness of three months, his death being caused by Bright's disease.
- He was born in this city January 25, 1856, the family removing to Georgetown when he was a boy, forty years ago. He was educated in Charlotte Hall College, Md, afterward studying medicine at Columbia University. He was engaged in the drug business in Georgetown until about ten years ago, when he retired because of poor health. In the last few months he rapidly became worse and was removed to George Washington University Hospital.
- He was a cousin of Dr. Elmer Sothoron, a prominent physician, of 1921 I street northwest, and of Thomas E. Sothoron, the attorney, of 901 Twenty-first street northwest.
- He was a member of the St. John's Church, Georgetown, joined the church when a boy of fifteen. He was also prominent in Masonic circles, having been a member of the George C. Whitney Lodge, of Georgetown.
- He is survived by his mother, Mrs. Louisa S. Sothoron, of 3122 O street northwest, and by his wife, Mrs. George N. Sothoron, and two children-George Mortimer Sothoron and Warren H. Sothoron.
- The funeral will take place from the Oak Hill Cemetery Chapel on Tuesday afternoon at 2:30 o'clock, the Rev. Frederick B. Howden, of St. John's Church, Georgetown, officiating. The burial will take place in Oak Hill Cemetery. (Washington Post :15, Reported 1908.05.25)

Obituary: SOTHORON - On Sunday, May 24, 1908 at 8:15 a.m. at George Washington University Hospital, GEORGE MORTIMER, son of Louisa S. & the late George M. Sothoron, of 3122 O St northwest, aged fifty two years. Services at Oak Hill Chapel on Tuesday, May 26 at 2:30 o'clock. Interment private. (Washington Post :3, Reported 1908.05.26)

George Sotheron on initial list of communicants, with line thru name and note "died 5/24/1908" (St. John's Parish Register, 1908-1914. :177)

Funeral of Dr. G. N. Sothoron
- The funeral of Dr. George N. Sothoron, who died Sunday morning a this home, 3122 O street northwest, will take place this afternoon from Oak Hill Cemetery Chapel. Rev. Frederick B. Howden, of St. John's Church, will officiate, and burial will be in Oak Hill Cemetery. (Washington Post :16, Reported 1908.05.26)

George M. Sotheron, 50 year old who last lived on O st Washington, DC. Died 24 May 1908 of chronic interstitial nephritis. Buried 26 May 1908 at Oak Hill Cemetery, with services by Rev. F.B. Howden. (St. John's Parish Register, 1908-1914. :145)

Services Conducted by Clerical Friend at Oak Hill Chapel.
- Dr. George N. Sothoron, who died Sunday at George Washington University Hospital, after a long illness, was buried yesterday afternoon at 2:30 o'clock.
- Funeral services were conducted at Oak Hill Cemetery Chapel. Rev. Frederick B. Howden, pastor of St. John's Church, Georgetown, a lifelong friend of the dead man, officiated. Interment was in Oak Hill Cemetery. (Washington Post :3, Reported 1908.05.27)

1856 - 1908
(Grave Marker*, Oak Hill Cemetery, Washington, DC)

George M. Sothoron was interred in Lot 606, Oak Hill Cemetery, Washington, DC on 26 May 1908.
Click Here to see further information on cemetery plot layout and interees.

People Page

Johnson Susan [Female] b. BEF 1687
Person ID: 47

Mentioned by name & as youngest daughter in father's will of 1687 (see his Notes)

People Page

Russell Brutus [Male]
Person ID: 48
Updated: 28 MAY 2014

Account of Brutus Russell in the right of his wife Mary administratrix of Richard Sothoron late of Charles Co. Creditors include Henry Peregrine Jowles, Wm. Wilkinson, Alexander Magruder. "To Mr. James Haddock £12.03.06 being a legacy left of last will & testament of Margaret Swift mother of the said Mary the wife of this account. whose estate was the greatest part inventoried in said Richard's estate." Port Tobacco Parish. (Admin Accts {Back of Book} AE#6:213, Charles Co., MD, 1707.12.11, Recorded 1708.05.20)

The account of Brutus Russell in right of his wife Mary, administratrix of Richard Sothoron dec'd of Charles Co.. Margaret Swift identified as mother of Mary. Payments include Thos. Trottman, Capt. Henry Perregrine Jowles, Alexander Magruder, Col. Henry Darnell, Dr. Wilson. (Inv & Accts 28:124, St. Mary's Co., MD, 1707.12.11)

Proceedings ordered filed, includes Brutus Russell & Mary his wife, administratrix for Richard Southerne, their account of the estate. (Test Proc 21:25, 1708.01.16)

The account of Brutus Russell in right of his wife Mary, Admx of Richard Sothoron late of Charles Co. To money paid Mr. James Haddock, priest, being a legacy left in the last will of Margaret Swift mother of said Mary. (DAR Report - Charles Co., MD Records AE#6:213, 2nd part of book, dated 10 May 1708)

Order to Joseph Manning to make payment to Brutus Russell, administrator of the estate of Richard Southerne. (Test Proc 19#C:269, Charles Co., MD, 1708.02.18)

Citations to Charles Co, includes Brutus Russell & Mary his wife, administrators of Richard Southerne, to submit account. (Test Proc 21:23, Charles Co., MD, 1708.07.05)

In Court of 13 March 1710 is noted: Brutus Russell, bound for England, m. the widow and admx. of Richard Sotherland; made over his estate belonging to his predecessor's children by his widow to Thomas Taney (Gent.). (Jourdan(1)* 3:108 - Land Records D#2:142; Lead given by Reno*, Charles Co., MD)

Rebecca Duplex of Charles Co. spinster executrix of will of Richard Jenkins late of Charles Co. planter, resigns and revokes rights of administration, transfers said to Brutus Russell of Charles Co.. (Test Proc 22:220, St. Mary's Co., MD, 1711/2.01.12, Recorded 1711/2.01.12)

People Page

Seager Jonathan [Male]
Person ID: 49

Additional account of Jonathan Seager & Margaret his wife, executors of the last will & testament of Samuel Southeron, late of St. Mary's Co.. Some monies paid to estate by Benjamin & James Bradley. (Inv & Acct 36#C:57 {Also Wills HH#1:264}, St. Mary's Co., MD, 1714.09.27)

List of proceedings from St. Mary's Co. includes John Seeger & wife, executors to Samuel Sothoron, their account. (Test Proc 23:4, St. Mary's Co., MD, 1715.10.31)

Estate of David White late of St. Mary's Co. dec'd. Debts due the deceased include:
- Lent to Mrs. Eliza. Keech in Tot...........4.02.7
- Lent Saml. Sothoron a hhds Tobo to Shipp for England
- Lent Margaret Sothoron now ye wife of Jno. Seger.......1.5.08
(Prerog Court Inv & Acct 36C:282, St. Mary's Co., 1716)

John Seagar & Margaret uxor, Exr. Samuel Sothoron vs. John Burch & Elizabeth uxor, Exr. John Sothoron
- Charged with Trespass upon the Case. John Sothoron in his lifetime was indebted to Samuel in the sum of £7.10, not yet paid. Prays for payment plus damages. Remanded to trial. Identifies the wives as widows and executrixes of the noted Sothorons. (Charles Co. Court Rec, 29{I#2}:44, Recorded 1717

People Page

Briscoe James Sothoron [Male] b. BEF 1730 St. Mary's Co., MD - d. 1774 St. Mary's Co., MD
Person ID: 50

JAMES SOTHORON4 BRISCOE, b. Bef. 1730, St. Mary's Co., MD to James Briscoe & Ann Sothoron; d. 1774, St. Mary's Co., MD; m. MARY HERBERT, Bef. 1774, St. Mary's Co., MD; b. Bef. 1759; d. Aft. 1774, St. Mary's Co., MD. (Reno*)

Frederick Co. returns. James Briscoe his Admin. Bond in common form by James Sothoron Briscoe his administrator with John Briscoe & Samuel Sothoron of St. Mary's Co. his sureties in £200. (Test Proc 34:55, Frederick Co., MD, 1750.09.14, Recorded 1750.12.24)

Was administrator of father's estate (see his Notes).

Jas. Suthern Briscoe is mentioned in will of Henry Truman of Prince George's Co., MD (Drawn 30 Sept 1744, Proved 23 Mar 1756). ( - MCW 30,6)

James Sotheron Brisce was a creditor in the estate of Henry Grear of Prince George's Co., MD. ( - 4 Dec 1767, 22 Mar 1768)

- BRISCOE, JAMES SOTHORON,, St. Mary's Co., Drawn 4 April 1774, Proved 20 Oct. 1774
- To wife Mary Briscoe, extx,, tract: "Backland", 400 acres, 15 negroes: Bob, Charles, Bacchus, Billip, Harry, Hamlet, York, Sarah, Pamela, Leah, Fider, Cynthia, Suckey, Madam and Henny; stock; plantation utensils, furniture,
- To bro, John Briscoe, Negro man Jacob,
- To Godson Ralph Briscoe, Negro girl Pat,
- - To Jonathan Swann, husband Of my sister Mary, wearing apparel and saddle,
- To bros. and sisters: John and Nathan Briscoe, Mary Swann, residue of lands to be sold part of money to be used to pay debts and remainder equally among them.
- Wit: Mary Ireland; Henry Jordan; John Lucas. 40.6 ( - 1658-1758 Charles County MD Families: Wills, Court, Church, Land, Inventories & Accounts - James Sothoron Briscoe)

People Page

Jowles Henry Greenfield [Male] b. BEF 1720 - d. 1744 St. Mary's Co., MD
Person ID: 51

Mentioned by name as a beneficary in his father's will of 1720 (see his Notes).

The inventory of Kenelm Greenfield Jowles, appraised by William Hebb & Robert Chesley for £497.5.7. Next of kin are Henry G. Sothoron & Rebecca Jowles. Accuracy of inventory verified by Dryden Forbes. (Prerog Court Inv 29:231, St. Mary's Co., MD, Recorded 1744.06.06)

The account of Mrs. Dryden Forbes, administratrix of Kenelm Greenfield Jowles dec'd St. Mary's Co., by virtue of a commission issuing out of prerogative office dated 15 Jan 1745. Balance of the estate £556.2.1, disposed according to law to the above accountant to James Forbes to Henry Greenfield Sothern and Rebecca Jowles Legal Representatives of the dec'd. (Accts {1745} 22:173, St. Mary's Co., MD, Recorded 1746.04.02)

People Page

Woolf Thomas E. [Male] b. NOV 1850 Virginia
Person ID: 52

1900 Federal Census (1900.06.01, Recorded 1900.06.11) Scott District, Fauquier Co., VA - ED 35, Sh 6B, Ln 81, 105/106
- Woolf, Thomas E. Head, 49 year old white male farmer, no unemployment, born Nov 1850, married for 21 years. He & parents born in Virginia. Can read & write, speaks English. Owns his farm home free of mortgage; Farm Schedule # 57.
-----, Elizabeth F. Wife, 46 year old white female, born Nov 1853, married for 21 years. Had 4 children, 2 still living. She & parents born in Virginia. Can read & write, speaks English.
-----, Elmer T. Son, 17 year old single white male, born June 1882 He & parents born in Virginia. Occupation At School; can read & write, speaks English, attended school 7 months the past year.
-----, Ella L. Daughter, 13 year old single white female, born Feb 1887. She & parents born in Virginia. Occupation At School; can read & write, speaks English, attended school 9 months the past year.
-----, Andrew. Father, 88 year old widowed white male, born Feb 1812. He & parents born in Virginia. Can read & write, speaks English. Occupation Farmer.
Carter, Matthew. Servant, 12 year old single black male, born Mar 1888. He & parents born in Virginia. Occupation At School; can read & write, speaks English, at school 3 months the past year.
Woolf, Andrew. Nephew, 10 year old single white male, born Mar 1890. He & father born in Virginia, mother in West Virginia. Occupation At School, can read & write, speaks English, attended school 4 months the past year.

Named on wife Elizabeth's Grave Marker (see her Notes).

People Page

Jowles Rebecca [Female] b. BEF 1720 - d. AFT 21 DEC 1759
Person ID: 53

Named as a beneficiary in father's will of 1720 (see his Notes).

The inventory of Kenelm Greenfield Jowles, appraised by William Hebb & Robert Chesley for £497.5.7. Next of kin are Henry G. Sothoron & Rebecca Jowles. Accuracy of inventory verified by Dryden Forbes. (Prerog Court Inv 29:231, St. Mary's Co., Recorded 1744.06.06)

The account of Mrs. Dryden Forbes, administratrix of Kenelm Greenfield Jowles dec'd St. Mary's Co., by virtue of a commission issuing out of prerogative office dated 15 Jan 1745. Balance of the estate £556.2.1, disposed according to law to the above accountant to James Forbes to Henry Greenfield Sothern and Rebecca Jowles Legal Representatives of the dec'd. (Accts 22:173, St. Mary's Co., Recorded 1746.04.02)

Will of Rebecca Jowles, SMC 12/21/1759; no probate date. Mother: Dryden Forbes, estate and at her death to Henry Greenfield Sothoron, one slave, etc. To: Zachariah Sothoron, slaves. Niece: Clarissa, one slave. To: Mary Sothoron, one slave. Nephew: John Forbes, one slave. To: Charles Somerset Forbes, one slave. Brother: James Forbes, rest of my estate, personalty. To: Mary McWilliams and Susanna Truman Greenfield, my clothing to be equally divided. Exec: Brother, James Forbes. Wit: K. T. Greenfield, John Blaney. Probated by Kenelm Truman Greenfield and John Blany, two of the subscribing witnesses. (Reno*)

People Page

Jowles Sybill [Female] b. BEF 1720
Person ID: 54

Identified by name as beneficiary and youngest daughter in father's will of 1720 (see his Notes).

People Page

Forbes John [Male] b. BEF 1719 - d. 20 JAN 1738 The Plains, S
Person ID: 55

Click here to view Notes.

People Page

Groome Sybill [Female] d. 1730 St. Mary's Co., MD
Person ID: 56

** Husband's will - Maryland

Will of Henry Jowles.
- To son John in England and hrs., 400 A., "Gillinghow,” on Bush R., Balto. Co.
- To son Henry at majority and hrs., 400 A., "John's Dorp,” at decease of his mother, and 300 A., "Collonel's Brigade,” on Potomae R.
- To dau. Rebecca at 18 yrs. of age and hrs., 500 A., "Grange,” Prince George's Co. In event of her death without issue to pass to dau. Sybill.
- To dau. Sybill at 18 yrs. of age and hrs., 500 A., "Grovehurst,” on Beaver Dam Branch on eastern branch Potomac R. In event of her death without issue to pass to dau. Rebecca afsd.
- To sons-in-law William and Richard Groome, personalty.
- To wife Sybill, extx., son Henry and daus, Rebecca and Sybill, residue of estate.
- Test: Jos. How, Michael Taney, Jno. Hunt. 6. 399. ({(Baldwin* Vol 2}, Calvert Co., 1693.09.19, Proved 1700.02.17)

** Will of husband's cousin - Maryland

Will of John Stanley, gentleman, of Prince George's Co.. To cousin John Edwards & to Henry Jowles, Sybill Jowles Sr, Sybill Jowles Jr, Dr. Zachariah Allein & Alice Howard, personality. Lt. Col. Jacob Morland to receive residue of the estate and serve as executor jointly with Henry Jowles. Test: Gabriel Burnham, Hester Baxter, Ubgatt Reeves, John Sothoron (Baldwin* 3:75 {Wills 12:19}, Prince George's Co., 1703.03.09, Proved 1705.08.03)

** Son's will - Maryland

Will of Henry Peregrine Jowles. To wife Dryden the dwelling plantation called Orphans gift for life, then divided equally between son Henry Greenfied Jowles and daughter Mary Jowles, with rights of survivorship between them. To daughter Rebecca the land in western branch of Potomac called the Brigade. To youngest daughter Sybill that half of land held in joint tenancy with Mrs. T. Truman Greenfield called Holbridge. Mother named as Sybill Jowles. Test: Thomas McWilliams, Robert Elliott, James Siddell. (Wills 16(TB#5):89 {Also PC#1:259}, St. Mary's Co., 1720.03.27, Proved 1720.06.09)

** Personal estate - Maryland

Will of Sibill Jowles. Brother Richard Groome. Residual of personal estate left to Capt. John Southorne, Knellum Greenfield Jowles, Mrs. Rebecca Jowles. Executor: John Southoron. (Baldwin* 6:176, St. Mary's Co., 1730.08.30, Proved 1730.12.22)

Will of Sibell Jowles. To brother Richard Groome about £30 which is due from executor or administrator of Mr. Tobias Bowle of London, merchant. To friend Revd. Morris, 2 steers. Residue to be equally divided between Capt. Jno Southorne, Mr. Knellum Greenfield Jowles & Miss Rebeka Jowles. To Rebeka Jowles also testator's riding horse & saddle, & furniture left after debts paid. Executor John Southorne. Witness: Mary O. Crabb, Jona Wilson, Robt Magrudar. (Wills PC#1:329 {Also Prerog Court Wills 20:132}, St. Mary's Co., 1730.08.30, Proved 1730.12.22)

Proceedings exhibited from St. Mary's Co. Sibill Jowles her will & Testy. Bond in common form by John Johnson Sothoron her executor with Samuel Sothoron & George Reeder his sureties in £100. (Test Proc 29:65, St. Mary's Co., 1730.12.22, Recorded 1731.03.08)

People Page

Haddox Linnia Katherine [Female] b. 30 MAY 1864 Rappahannock Co., VA - d. 2 JAN 1943 Baltimore City, MD
Nickname: Kate
Person ID: 57
Updated: 1 SEP 2012

Click here to view Notes.

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Burch John [Male] d. 1734 St. Mary's Co., MD
Person ID: 58

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Barber Baptist [Male]
Person ID: 59

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Donaldson John [Male]
Occupation: Parson
Person ID: 60

See daughter Elizabeth's Notes for legal proceedings wherein he is named and where he is referred to as "parson."

DONALDSON, ELIZABETH, St. Mary's Co., 14 Dec 1753 (NOTE: This is John Donaldson)
------------------- ;
To my grandson John Donaldson Debuts, Negro boy called Sam, Negro girl patt, Negro wench Jenny, Negro boy Jimmey, 1/2 of all my estate exclusive of my other Negroes hereafter named, If he should died then to my daus Elizabeth Barber and Magdalin Cook and my granddaus Sarah Stodart dau. of Thomas Stodart and Jennet his wife and Elizabeth Stodaret dau. of Benjamjn Stodart and Sabina his wife.
To my grand daus Sarah Stodart and Elizabeth Stodart, daus of Thomas and Jinnet his wife and grandson Richard Donaldson Cook my Negro boy called Addam and Negro wench Lucy and Negro wench Rachel and other estate.
Dau. Elizabeth Barber, extx.
Wit: William Harrison, Notlar Loyde, 30.171 (* - 1658-1758 Charles County MD Families)

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W.Haddox Sothoron, M.D.