Sothoron & Related Families - 132 (Notes Pages)
For privacy reasons, Date of Birth and Date of Marriage for persons believed to still be living are not shown.
Edwards Dorothy [Female] b. ABT 1920 Washington, DC - d. AFT FEB 1956
Person ID: 2659
See father's Notes for 1930 Federal Census entry.
Named in obituaries of father & step-mother (see respective Notes).
Robey Elizabeth [Female] d. 19 OCT 1947 Washington, DC
Person ID: 2660
See husband Sothoron's Notes for 1930 Federal Census entry.
Died. On Sunday, October 19, 1947, at Sibley Hospital, Mrs. Elizabeth Edwards of 1437 Maryland ave., ne., beloved wife of Sothoron B. Edwards and stepmother of John S. Edwards, Mrs. Margaret M. Hardesty, Mrs. Catherine F. Perskin, Mrs. Dorothy M. Fowler; sister of Irvin Robey, Mrs. Dorothy M. Blose, Mrs. Nettie Rodgers. Friends may call at the Lee Funeral Home, 4th st. and Mass. ave. ne., where services will be held on Wednesday, October 22, at 11 a.m. Interment Fort Lincoln Cemetery. (* - image of Washington Post, Published 22 Oct 1947)
Frey Leroy Sothoron [Male] b. 31 OCT 1881 Washington, DC - d. 12 AUG 1936 Gary, IN
Person ID: 2661
See father's Notes for 1900 Federal Census entry.
Leroy Sothoron Frey of 10 S. Patterson Park Ave., Baltimore, MD registered for the draft on 12 Sept 1918, at Local Board for Division 1, Linwood & Eastern Aves, Baltimore, MD. He was 36 years old, White, born Oct 31, 1881 in USA. Occupation Yard Supt., Oneida Coal Co., 1972 Belair Road, Balto., MD. Nearest relative was wife Elsie R. Frey, same address. Described as medium height & build, blue eyes, brown hair. Deaf in right ear, cannot straighten his right arm. Serial No. 3707, Order No. 1209. (* - image of World War I Draft Registration Card). Bears the signature:

1920 Federal Census (1920.01.01, Recorded 1920.01.02) 1821 N. Charles St., Baltimore City, MD - ED 182, Sh 1B, Ln 71, 13/22 - Frey, Leroy S. Head, 38 year old married white male, renting his home. He & parents born in DC. Can read & write, speaks English. Occupation, Yard Supt. for Coal Co., drawing wages. -----, Elsie. Wife, 27 year old married white female. She & parents born in Pennsylvania. Can read & write, speaks English. Occupation none. -----, Virginia L. Daughter, 9 year old single white female. She & mother born in Pennsylvania, father in DC. Attended school since last Sept. -----, Evelyn A. Daughter, 7 year old white female. She & father born in DC, mother in Pennsylvania. Attended school since last Sept.
Died. On Tuesday, August 12, 1936, at Gary, Ind., Leroy Sothoron Frey, beloved son of the late Levin Sothoron and Blanche Hall Frey. Interment Greenlawn Cemetery, Gary, Ind. (* - image of Washington Post, Published 15 August 1936)
Elsie R. [Female] b. ABT 1893 Pennsylvania - d. AFT JAN 1920
Person ID: 2662
See husband's Notes for 1920 Federal Census entry.
Frey Virginia L. [Female] b. ABT 1911 Pennsylvania - d. AFT JAN 1920
Person ID: 2663
Frey Evelyn [Female] b. ABT 1913 Washington, DC - d. AFT JAN 1920
Person ID: 2664
Robertson John Sothoron Key [Male] b. 9 APR 1882 Baltimore City, MD - d. 26 SEP 1961 New Cathedral Cemetery, Baltimore City, MD
Updated: 20 JAN 2012
Person ID: 2665
See father's Notes for 1910 Federal Census entry.
John Sothoron Key Robertson of 1807 Park Ave., Balto., MD registered for the draft at Division 13, Baltimore, MD on 12 Sept 1918. He was 36 years old, born 10 April 1882 in USA, White. Occupation Helper in Marketing Dept, Poole Eng & Mch Co., Woodberry, MD. Nearest relative was Wm. Ge. Robertson, father, at same address. Described as medium height & build, brown eyes, brown hair, no disabilities. Serial No. 717, Order No. 1936. (* - image of World War I Draft Registration Card) Bears the signature:

John Sothoron Robertson of 1807 Park Ave., Baltimore, MD registered for the draft in 1942. He was 60 years old, born 9 April 1882 in Baltimore, Maryland; phone number Madison 4011J. Person always knowing address was sister, V.K. Robertson of same address. Not employed. Serial No. U2329. Reverse of card not available at* as of 1 Aug 2006. (World War II Draft Registration Card).
Named in father's obituary of 1950 (see his Notes).
 Grave Marker is in Robertson family plot at New Cathedral Cemetery, Baltimore City, MD. ( - from Dave Crouse)
Dent Lorraine [Female] b. 26 MAR 1893 Maryland - d. AUG 1894
Person ID: 2666
Lorraine Dent, dau of George Dent & Laura Williams Maddox, b. 26 Mar 1893, d. Aug 1894. (Newman(3)*:90 - cites family Bible)
Fickling John Sothoron [Male] b. 14 NOV 1893 Washington, DC - d. 15 NOV 1966
Person ID: 2667
Updated: 14 JAN 2016
See father's Notes for 1900 Federal Census entry, & mother's Notes for 1910 entry.
Mr. Sothoron Fickling was an usher at the wedding of Miss Maud C. Fickling, daughter of Mrs. Ida E. Fickling, to Mr. Hugh Hollis at St. Paul's Church, Washington, DC on 8 June 1910. (Washington Post :7, Reported 1910.06.09)
J. Sothoron Fickling, 24, of Washington, licensed to marry Susane A. Gross, 21 of New York. Rev. J.F. Mackin. (* - image of Washington Post, Published 1 Dec 1917)
J. Sothoron Fickling, 24 year old white male, born in 1893, married Susane A. Gross in Washington, DC on 30 Nov 1917. File Film #2129764; Reference ID #81978)
FICKLING ENAMELING CORPORATION, W Irvine Fickling Pres; J Sothoron Fickling V-Pres; M G Fickling Sec and Treas; Enameling, Japanning Metal Work. Automobiles japanned 2d and Webster Avs L I City Tel Astoria 1474, 1475, 1476. (* - New York City Directory, 1917, p 749)
1920 Federal Census (1920.01.01, Recorded 1920.01.19) 60 Elizabeth St.(rear), Akron, Ward 6, Summit Co., OH - ED 194, Sh 17(189)A, Ln 46, 316/367 - Fickling, John S. Head, 26 year old married white male, renting his home. Can read & write, speaks English. He & parents born in DC. Occupation Auditor at Rubber Works, salaried. -----, Susanna. Wife, 26 year old married white female. Can read & write, speaks English. She & parents born in Wisconsin. Occupation none.
John Sothoron Fickling registered for the draft on 5 June 1917. He is a 22 year old single Caucasian, living at 425 Webster(?) Ave., L. I City, N.Y. He was born in Washington, DC on November 14, 1893. Occupation is Vice President & Superintendent of Fickling Enameling Corp., 2328(?) Webster(?) Ave., L. I. City, NY. His mother is a dependant. No military experience. Claims exemption on grounds of "Physical disabled.” Is 5' 9" tall, medium build, brown eyes, dark hair, not bald, no disabilities (sic). (* - image of World War I Draft Registration Card). Bears the signature:

1930 Federal Census (1930.04.01, Recorded 1930.04.10) 582 Tennyson, Pontiac, Pontiac Twp., Oakland Co., MI - ED 53, Sh 10B, Ln 51, 231/252 - Fickling, John S. Head, 36 year old white male, married at age of 24. Owns his home valued at $8000 (not a farm), no radio. Can read & write, speaks English. Born in DC, father in South Car., mother in Virginia. Occupation Sales Manager in Real Estate, drawing wages coded 8286, not unemployed. Veteran of WW. -----, Susanne A. Wife, 32 year old white female, married at age of 19. Can read & write, speaks English. She & parents born in Wisconsin. Occupation none.
Mentioned by name in brother Charles' obituary of 1939 (see his Notes)
John Sothoron Fickling of 1900 Key Blvd., Arlington, Virginia registered for the draft at Local Board No. 2, Arlington, VA on 27 April 1942. He was 49 years old, born 14 November 1893 in Washington, DC; his telephone no. was Ch 2000. Person always knowing his address was Mrs. W.P. Connell, 3150 16th St. N.W., Washington, DC. Employed by U.S. Government, Washington, DC, working at Department of Agriculture (S.C.S.), Washington, DC. Described as White, 5' 11" tall, 148 pounds, Hazel eyes, Bald, Ruddy complexion, no impairments. Serial No. U769. (World War II Draft Registration Card)
John Sothoron Fickling, 61 year old white widower, born in Washington, DC, married once before, employed by U.S. Govt. in Wshington, D.C., son of Charles Hollingshead Fickling & Ida Elizabeth Rodier, living at 1903 Key Blvd., Arlington, VA; and Leila Davenport Arnett, 54 year old divorced white female Practical Nurse, born in Rhoadesville, VA, daughter of Charles Dewitt Davenport & Margaret Ellen Minick, living at 4203 Highwood Rd., Silver Spring, MD; were awarded a Marriage License on 9 Sept 1955 by H. Bruce Green, Clerk of Circuit Court for Arlington, VA. Marriage was on 10 Sept 1955 by H. Wark Curry, miniser of Methodist Church, 1716 N. Barton St., Arlington, VA. (* - image of Certificate of Marriage, Commonwealth of VA #26113, Clerk's No. 1569)
John S. Fickling SSN 216-44-3462 Born 14 Nov 1893 Issued MD (1961) Last Residence 20910, Silver Spring, Montgomery Co., MD Died 15 Nov 1966 (SSDI*)
Fickling Charles Hollingshead [Male] b. 21 JAN 1892 Georgetown, DC - d. 2 MAR 1939
Person ID: 2668
See father's Notes for 1900 Federal Census entry, & mother's Notes for 1910 entry.
Noted to be a "junior" in father's 1903 obituary (see his Notes).
Charles H. Fickling of 1110 Washington, Wilmington, Delaware, registered for the draft on 5 June 1917. He was born in Georgetown, DC on 21 Jan 1892, was a single Caucasian with no military experience. Occupation Automobile Salesman at Gomery-Schwartz Motor Car Co., 9th & French, Wilmington. Described as tall, medium build, brown eyes, dark hair, not bald, no disabilities. (* - image of World War I Draft Registration Card) Bears the signature:

DIED. On Thursday, March 2, 1939, CHARLES H. FICKLING, beloved husband of Ethel M. Fickling, brother of Mrs. Ida Southerland, Mrs. Maud Connell, Mrs. Mary Allen, Irving, William, Frank and J. Southoron Fickling. Funeral services at the W. W. Chambers Co. funeral home, 1400 Chapin st. nw., on Saturday, March 4, at 9 a.m. Relatives and friends invited. Interment Oak Hill Cemetery. (Washington Post :23, Reported 1939.03.04)
Fickling Charles Hollingshead [Male] b. MAR 1852 South Carolina - d. 15 DEC 1903 Washington, DC
Person ID: 2669
Excerpt from obituary of Col. John Henry Sothoron (see his Notes for full article): - Col. Sothoron, who had been visiting Charles H. Fickling, of 1518 Thirty-first street northwest, in this city, for several weeks, went down town yesterday morning to meet a delegation of Maryland friends at the Ebbitt. In the party were Hon. Benjamin Camilly, State's attorney of St. Mary's county; Editor F. F. King, of the St. Mary's Beacon; Marshall Dent, and Edward Harrison. (Washington Post :5, Reported 1893.04.13)
1900 Federal Census (1900.06.01, Recorded 1900.06.08) 1518 31st St., Washngton, DC - ED 24, Sh 6B, Ln 61, 103/117 - Fickling, C. H. Head, 48 year old white male, born Mar 1852, married 24 years. He & father born in South Carolina, mother in Pennsylvania. Occupation Real Estate Agt (owns). Can read & write, speaks English. Owns his non-farm home without mortgage. -----, I. E. Wife, 46 year old white female, born Oct 1854, married 24 years. Had 8 children, all still living. She & parents born in DC. Can read & write, speaks English. -----, I. E. Daughter, 21 year old single white female, born July 1878. She & mother born in DC, father in South Carolina. Can read & write, speaks English. -----, W. W. Son, 19 year old single white male, born May 1881. He & mother born in DC, father in South Carolina. Can read & write, speaks English, attended school 9 months. Occupation Student. -----, M. S. Daughter, 16 year old single white female, born Feb 1884. She & mother born in DC, father in South Carolina. Occcupation At School. Can read & write, speaks English, at school 9 months. -----, M. M. Daughter, 14 year old single white female, born May 1886. She & mother born in DC, father in South Carolina. Occupation At School. Can read & write, speaks English, attended school 9 months. -----, F. G. Son, 10 year old single white male, born Oct 1889. He & mother born in DC, father in South Carolina. Occupation At School. Can read & write, speaks English, attended school 9 months. -----, C. H. Son, 8 year old single white male, born Jan 1892. He & mother born in DC, father in South Carolina. -----, J. J. S. Son, 6 year old white male, born Nov 1893. He & mother born in DC, father in South Carolina. - (1 servant)
FUNERAL OF MR. C.H. FICKLING. ---- Simple Epispocal Services at Christ Church, Georgetown. ---- - The funeral of Charles Hollingshead Fickling, who died suddenly Tuesday [15th] evening at his home at 1518 Thirty-first street northwest of neuralgia of the heart, was held in Christ Church, Georgetown, yesterday afternoon at 3:30 o'clock. The ceremonies were simple, being the usual Episcopal ritualistic service, with choir music. Rev. J.H.W. Blake, pastor of the church, conducted the ceremonies. - The pallbearers were Messrs. Henry E. Davis, Samuel Cross, Maurice Adler, William Gordon, J. Holsworth Gordon, John Young, and Benjamin B. Bradford and Col. Bartlett. Among the relatives in attendance at the ceremonies and at the grave in Oak Hill Cemetery were the widow, Mrs. Ida E. Ficking, and the children, William Irvine Fickling, of New York; Mrs. L.R. Sutherland, and W.W., Mary M., Maude S., Frank G., Jeremiah S., and Charles H. Fickling, jr. Two brothers of Mr. Fickling, Frank Fickling of Bristol, Tenn., and Jeremiah Fickling, of Washington, were also present. (Washington Post :14, Published 18 Dec 1903)
His wife noted to be a widow in 1910 Federal Census (see her Notes)
Ida E. [Female] b. OCT 1854 Washington, DC - d. AFT JAN 1910
Person ID: 2670
See husband Charles' Notes for 1900 Federal Census entry.
1910 Federal Census (1910.04.15, Recorded 1910.05.02) 20th & Florida Ave., Washington, DC - ED 142, Sh 12B, Ln 51, -/280 - Fickling, Ida E. Head, 54 year old widowed white female; had 8 children, all still living. She & parents born in DC. Can read & write, speaks English. Occupation "Own income." -----, Maude S. Daughter, 25 year old single white female. She & mother born in DC, father in S. Carolina. Can read & write, speaks English. Occupation Clerk for Government, drawing wages, no unemployment. -----, Mary M. Daughter, 22 year old single white female. She & mother born in DC, father in S. Carolina. Can read & write, speaks English. Occupation Clerk for Infection Commission, drawing wages, no unemployment. -----, Frank T. Son, 20 year old single white male. He & mother born in DC, father in S. Carolina. Can read & write, speaks English. Occupaiton Clerk Elec. Supply Co., drawing wages, no unemployment. -----, Chas. H. Son, 18 year old single white male.He & mother born in DC, father in S. Carolina. Can read & write, speaks English. Occupation Clerk at Rubber Tire Co., drawing wages, no unemployment. -----, J. Sothoron. Son, 16 year old single white male.He & mother born in DC, father in S. Carolina. Can read & write, speaks English. Occupation Clerk at Brick Machine Co., drawing wages, no unemployment.
Fickling I. E. [Female] b. JUL 1878 Washington, DC
Person ID: 2671
See father's Notes for 1900 Federal Census entry.
Fickling William Webb [Male] b. 7 MAY 1881 Washington, DC
Person ID: 2672
See father's Notes for 1900 Federal Census entry. . William Webb Fickling of 1500 Broadway, New York, NY registered for the draft on 6 Sept 1918 at Local Board 153. He was 37 years old, born 7 May 1881 in USA, Caucasian. Occupation District Manager, Fraulton Motor Truck Co., Farmingdale, Long Island, NY. Nearest Relative was Mrs. Ida E. Fickling of Rockville Center, NY. Described as tall, medium build, brown eyes, black hair, no impairments. Serial No. 2766, Order No. A3085. (* - image of World War I Draft Registration Card) Signature on card:

Mentioned by married name in brother Charles' obituary of 1939 (see his Notes)
Fickling Maude S. [Female] b. FEB 1884 Washington, DC
Person ID: 2673
See father's Notes for 1900 Federal Census entry, & mother's Notes for 1910 entry.
Mentioned by married name in brother Charles' obituary of 1939 (see his Notes)
Fickling Mary M. [Female] b. MAY 1886 Washington, DC
Person ID: 2674
See father's Notes for 1900 Federal Census entry, & mother's Notes for 1910 entry.
Mentioned by married name in brother Charles' obituary of 1939 (see his Notes)
Fickling Frank Gordon [Male] b. 21 OCT 1889 Washington, DC
Person ID: 2675
See father's Notes for 1900 Federal Census entry, & mother's Notes for 1910 entry.
Frank Gordon Fickling of 1706 T St. NW, Washington, DC registered for the draft on 5 Jun 1917 at Precinct 8, Washington, DC. He was Caucasian, married, 27 years old, born 21 October 1889 in Washington, DC. Occupation was Automobile Tire Salesman for Firestone Tire & Rubber Co., Washington, DC. Claimed dependants as wife (not named) and mother (33 1/3%). Prior military service was as Seaman Apprentice, 3rd Div. Naval Battalion, National Guard of DC, for 193 days. Described as medium height & build, light blue eyes, hair black & lightly gray, no impairments. Serial No. 2133, Order No. 8-2826. (* - image of World War I Draft Registration Card) Signature on card:

Mentioned by married name in brother Charles' obituary of 1939 (see his Notes)
Gross Susanne Augusta [Female] b. 5 SEP 1897 Green Bay, WS
Person ID: 2676
Updated: 15 JAN 2016
J. Sothoron Fickling, 24, of Washington, licensed to marry Susane A. Gross, 21 of New York. Rev. J.F. Mackin. (* - image of Washington Post, Published 1 Dec 1917)
See husband's Notes for 1920 & 1930 Federal Census entries.
- Susan Augusta Fickling, 56 year old married white female housewife, born 5 Sept 1897 in Green Bay, WS to August Gross & Mary Staiglitz, wife of J. Sothoron Fickling, residing at 1903 Key Boulevard, Arlington, VA, died at 10:25 P.M on 13 July 1954. Informant was husband, J. Sothoron Fickling of same address. - Cause of death was Carcinoma of throat with metastases of 2 years' duration, with secondary malnutrition of 2 years' duration being contributory. Underwent surgery for carcinoma of mouth & throat in Nov. 1953. Certified by Harry Clark Bates, Jr., M.D., 3260 Wilson Blvd., Arlington, VA, who attended from 1950 to day of death, last seeing her alive on 12 July 1954. - Arrangements were by (undecipherable), with burial at Oak Hill Cemetery on 16 July 1954. (* - image of Certificate of Death, Arlington Co., Commonwealth of VA, Registration Dist. No. 20, State File No. 15559, Registered No. 318.)
Ethel M. [Female]
Person ID: 2677
Mentioned by name in husband Charles' obituary (see his Notes).
Cooksey Elwen Sothron [Male] b. 12 APR 1893 Dentsville, Charles Co., MD
Person ID: 2678
Elwen Sothron Cooksey of 913 8th St., Washington, DC registered for the draft on 5 Jun 1917 at Precinct 5, Washington, DC. He was 24, Caucasian, married, born 12 April 1893 at Dentsville, MD. Occupation Conductor for Capital Traction Co., Washington, DC. Dependants were wife and child (not named). Described as medium height & build, eyes light blue, hair light brown, not bald, no disabilities. Serial No. 1579, Order No. S 1632. (* - image of World War I Draft Registration Card) Signature on card:

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