Sothoron & Related Families - 127 (Notes Pages)
For privacy reasons, Date of Birth and Date of Marriage for persons believed to still be living are not shown.
Delzell Living [Male]
Person ID: 2559
Living Sills, dau. of John William Sills & Elizabeth Gardiner Stephenson, b. (date private), Norfolk, VA; m1 Living Goldham, b. (date private), divorced; m2, (date private), Virginia Beach, VA, Living Delzell, b. (date private). (Croll*)
Elizabeth Gardiner Sills, dau. of John William Sills & Elizabeth Gardiner Stephenson, b. 7.22.1947, Norfolk, VA; m1 Alan George Goldham, b. 10.30.1947, divorced; m2, 2.2.1969, Virginia Beach, VA, David Edward Delzell, b. (date private). (Croll*)
Delzell Living [Female]
Nickname: Lizzie
Person ID: 2560
Living Delzell, dau. of Living Sills & Living Delzell, b. (date private), Norfolk, VA. (Croll*)
Ruth Elizabeth "Lizzie" Delzell, dau. of Elizabeth Gardiner Sills & David Edward Delzell, b. 3.5.1970, Norfolk, VA. (Croll*)
Croll Living [Male]
Person ID: 2561
Information from Croll*.
Carney [Male] d. BEF 8 JUL 1995
Person ID: 8961
Davis Jennie [Female]
Person ID: 992
James Henry Patton, son of Rutherford Melville Patton & Louisa Elizabeth Shannon, b. 27 Sept 1873 in Hampshire, Maury Co., TN, d. 14 Nov 1925, buried at Pisgah Cemetery, Maury Co., TN; m1. on 16 Dec 1897, Mary Jessie Biffle, b. 2 Nov 1876 in Lauderdale Co., TN, d. 29 Apr 1902; m2 on 23 Nov 1913, Jennie Davis. (Bostick*)
Shannon J. C. b. 1874 - d. 1875
Person ID: 2547
See father's Notes for "Century Review of Maury Co., TN."
Green Living [Female]
Person ID: 2565
Information from Croll*.
Green Living [Male]
Person ID: 2566
Information from Croll*.
Shade Living [Female]
Person ID: 2567
Information from Croll*.
Green Living [Male]
Person ID: 2568
Information from Croll*.
Sills Livingl [Female]
Person ID: 2569
Living Sills, dau. of Living Sills & Living Crowl, b. (private), Charlottesville, VA; m. Living Patanayak, b. Dehli, India. PhD in Environmental Economics from Duke University. (Croll*)
Erin O'Donnell Sills, dau. of John William Sills & Anne Crowl, b. 2.26.1969, Charlottesville, VA; m. Subhrendu Patanayak, b. Dehli, India. PhD in Environmental Economics from Duke University. (Croll*)
Patanayak Living [Male]
Person ID: 2570
Erin O'Donnell Sills, dau. of John William Sills & Anne Crowl, b. (date private), Charlottesville, VA; m. Subhrendu Patanayak, b. Dehli, India. (Croll*)
Sills Living [Female]
Person ID: 2571
Living Sills, dau of Living Sills & Living Croll, b. (date private), Staunton, VA. Attended Putney School, VT. (Croll*)
Jennifer Anne Sills, dau of John William Sills & Anne Crowl, b. (date private), Staunton, VA. Attended Putney School, VT. (Croll*)
Smoot Maria [Female] b. ABT 1815 Maryland
Person ID: 2572
See father's Notes for excerpt from Newman(2)* Also found at Clarke*.
Maria Smoot, dau of Charles Wood Smoot & Harriet Sothoron. (Smoot*)
See brother Robert's Notes for probable 1850 Federal Census entry.
Smoot Adeline [Female]
Nickname: Addie
Person ID: 2573
See father's Notes for excerpt from Newman(2)* Also found at Clarke*.
Addie Smoot, dau of Charles Wood Smoot & Harriet Sothoron, m. Beale Turner. (Smoot*)
Smoot William Barton [Male] b. BEF 1812 Charles Co., MD - d. BET 1836 AND 1850
Person ID: 2574
See father's Notes for excerpt from Newman(2)* Also found at Clarke*.
William Barton Smoot, son of Charles Wood Smoot & Harriet Sothoron, b. bef 1812 in Charles Co., MD, d. bef 1850; m. 25 Dec 1832 in Cape Girardeau Co., MO, Rachel Block, b. 1820 in VA, d. aft 1870 in Prince George's Co., MD. (Reno*)
William Barton Smoot, son of Charles Wood Smoot & Harriet Sothoron, married Rachel Block. (Smoot*)
Smoot Robert Wood [Male] b. 1823 Maryland - d. 10 AUG 1883 "Annington", Poolesville, Montgomery Co., MD
Updated: 6 JUN 2012
Person ID: 2575
See father's Notes for excerpt from Newman(2)* Also found at Clarke*.
Margaret A. White married Robert Wood Smoot on 19 Feb 1850 at St. Peter's Parish, Montgomery Co., MD. (Clarke*)
Robert Wood Smoot, son of Charles Wood Smoot & Harriet Sothoron, b. 1821, d. 10 Aug 1883; merchant, gentleman farmer, lived at "Annington," White's Ferry, Montgomery Co., MD; m. on 19 Feb 1850, Margaret Ann White, d. 13 Dec 1913. (Smoot*)
1850 Federal Census (1850.06.01, Recorded 1850.07.02) Georgetown, Washington Co., DC - Pg 214A, Ln 11, 361/376 - R. Smoot, 26 year old male Dry Goods Merchant, born in Md., married within the year. - M. Smoot, 18 year old female, born in Md., married within the year. - M. Smoot, 35 year old female, born in Md. - Wm. Burrows, 21 year old male Clerk, born in Md. - C. Turner, 15 year old male Clerk, born in Md.
1870 Federal Census (1870.06.01, Recorded 1870.08.11) District 5, Montgomery Co., MD - Pg 61 (335), Ln 17, 353, 366 - Smoot, Robert W. 46 year old white male Farmer, born in Maryland. Real property valued at $12,600, personal property at $1,000. -----, Margaret A. 38 year old white female, Keeping house, born in Maryland. -----, Charles W. 19 year old white male, born in D.C. -----, Stephen W. 16 year old white male, born in D.C. -----, Robert S. 15 year old white male, born in D.C. -----, Henry C. 13 year old white male, born in Maryland. -----, Harrriet A. 9 year old white female, born in Maryland. -----, Daniel B. 6 year old white male, born in Maryland. -----, Benj. R. 3 year old white male, born in Maryland. - (6 laborers & servants)
1880 Federal Census (1880.06.01) District 3 (Medleys), Montgomery Co., MD - ED 111, Pg 20, Ln 42, 152/165 - Smoot, Robert W. 55 year old married white male, Farming. He & parents born in Maryland. -----, Margaret. Wife, 49 year old married white female, keeping house. She & parents born in Maryland. -----, Charles. Son, 29 year old single white male, work on farm. He & parents born in Maryland. -----, Stephen. Son, 26 year old single white male, work on farm. He & parents born in Maryland. -----, Robt. Son, 24 year old single white male, work on farm. He & parents born in Maryland. -----, Henry. Son, 21 year old single white male, work on farm. He & parents born in Maryland. -----, Harriet. Daughter, 19 year old single white female, work on farm. She & parents born in Maryland. -----, Daniel. Son, 16 year old single white male, work on farm. He & parents born in Maryland. -----, Benjamin. Son, 12 year old white male, work on farm. He & parents born in Maryland.
In 1900 Census his wife Margaret is identified as a widow (see son Benjamin's Notes).
ROBERT W. SMOOT 1823-1883 MARGARET A. HIS WIFE 1830-1912
 Grave Marker is in Row F, Lot 11, Site 4 of Monocacy Cemetery, Beallsville, Montgomery Co., MD. (Photo & information from Click here to see family grouping.
Robert W. Smoot died at "Annington," Montgomery Co., MD on 9 Aug 1883. (Jane F. Burgess, in 'Maryland Genealogical Society Bulletin' Vol 53, No. 1, pg 28 - cites "Genealogical Abstracts of Montgomery County Sentinel, 1855-1899," pg. 339)
Smoot Gideon [Male]
Person ID: 2576
See father's Notes for excerpt from Newman(2)* Also found at Clarke*.
Smoot John Henry [Male] b. 16 APR 1819 Charles Co., MD - d. 31 JUL 1891 Washington, DC
Person ID: 2577
See father's Notes for excerpt from Newman(2)* Also found at Clarke*.
SMOOT, John H., of Georgetown, and Margaret E. MORTON, daughter of the late James Morton, were married Nov. 20, 1845, at Poplar Grove, Charles Co., Md., by the Rev. Mr. Abercrombie. (Bass* - NGS* online - National Intelligencer, Reported 26 Nov. 1845)
John Henry Sothoron m2, on 30 Jan 1851, Julia Duvall, dau. of Col. Daniel Duvall & Anne Belt of Point of Rocks, MD. (Bass* - Pippenger(16)*)
John Henry Sothoron Smoot, son of Charles Wood Smoot & Harriet Sothoron, b. 16 Apr 1819, m1 Margaret Smoot, m2 Julia Duvall. (Smoot*)
** Excerpt from Newman(2)* :119
John Henry Smoot, son of Charles and Harriet (Sothoron) Smoot, was born about 1820 in Charles County, Maryland. His wife was Sarah Morton, but the register of Trinity Parish records his marriage to Margaret E. Morton on November 20, 1845.
Children of John and Sarah (Morton) Smoot
- John D. Smoot, born 1851, died Nov. 23, 1885, married ---- Goldsborough.
His wife died and was interred in his burial lot in Oak Hill Cemetery, Washington, on June 5, 1866. He married secondly Julia Belt, but no issues resulted from this union. He was a prosperous merchant of Georgetown and maintained his home on N Street, now known as the old Smoot House, made famous as the residence of Newton D. Baker when he was Secretary of War in Wilson's Cabinet. John Henry Smoot lived until 1891.
** Federal Census Population Schedules
1850 Census (1850.06.01, Recorded 1850.07.01) Georgetown Northwest Ward, Washington, DC - Pg 151, Ln 19, 45/45 - John H. Smoot, 30 year old male Dry goods Merchant, born in Md. Real property valued at $10,000. - Cathrine A. Turner, 35 year old female, born in Md. - Maria J. Smoot, 14 year old female, born in Missouri. - Nathan Cook, 20 year old male, in store, real property valued at $4,000, born in Md. - John R. Burroughs, 16 year old male, In store, born in Md. - (In "Color" column, only "B" is entered in a few lines)
1860 Census (1860.06.01, Recorded 1860.06.18) District 3, Georgetown, DC - Pg 121, Ln 18, 787/841 - J. H. Smoot, 40 year old Merchant, born in Maryland. Real property valued at $7,500, personal property at $25, 000. - Julia " , 27 year old female. - J. D. " , 8 year old male, born in DC. - C. A. Tanner, 45 year old male, born in Maryland. - M. J. Smoot, 19 year old female, born in Missouri. - J. R. Burrows, 27 year old male Merchant, born in Maryland. - Isaac Reitch, 20 year old male Clerk, born in Virginia.
Smoot & Burroughs of 119 Bridge St. were assessed taxes of $10.00 on 26 Sept 1862 as Retail Dealers. (* - image of U.S. IRS Alphabetical Tax Assessment List)
Smoot John H., 119 Bridge. Valuation on Income of $286, rate 3, Class A, Abstract No. 32, tax $85.80 Smoot & Burroughs, 119 Bridge, Who. Dealers. Class B, Abstract No. 64, tax $50. (Division 7, District of Columbia, for year of 1864, compiled in May.) (* - images of U.S. IRS Tax Assessments Lists, Pg 23, Ln 18)
Smoot & Burroughs, 119 Bridge St., Wholesale Dealers, Abstract No. 239, tax of $50. Division 7, District of Columbia, for year of 1866. (* - images of U.S. IRS Tax Assessments Lists)
1870 Census (1870.06.01, Recorded 1870.06.18) Georgetown, DC - Pg 72, Ln 14, 519/572 - Smoot, John H., 45 year old white male Dry Goods Ret. Merchant, born in Maryland. Real property valued at $5,000, personal property valued at $4,000. -----, Julia, 25 year old white female, keeping house, born in Maryland. - Burris, John R., 35 year old white male, Commission Merchant, born in Maryland. Real property valued at $1,000, personal property at $2,000. - Smoot, Mariah, 30 year old white female, at home, born in Missouri. - Brown, Alice, 18 year old black female Domestic Servant, born in Virginia.
1880 Census (1880.06.01, Recorded 1880.06.07) Georgetown, DC - ED 13, Sh 21, Ln 6, 152/192 - Smoot, John H. 60 year old married white male, Keeps dry goods Store. He & parents born in Md. -----, Julia. Wife, 46 year old married white female, Keeping house. She & parents born in Md. -----, Maria J. Niece, 35 year old single white female, At home. She & mother born in Missouri, father in Md. -----, Georgia. Niece, 34 year old single white female, At home. She & mother born in Missouri, father in Md. - (2 servants)
John H. Smoot, 3144 M northwest, 3017 N northwest, dry goods. (* - Washington, DC Directiry, 1890)
** Death
- Will of John H. Smoot of Georgetown, DC, dated 25 July 1891. After payment of debts, entire estate to wife Julia Smoot for her natural life. - Wife to pay $1600 annually, in single monthly installments, to Mary E. Smoot, widow of testator's deceased son John D. Smoot, for maintenance of her & her children by John D. Smoot. Should Mary remarry, her interest in this payment to pass to said children. - Upon death of wife Julia, if niece Maria Jane Smoot still alive, $10,000 to be set aside & invested, the interest paid quarterly to Maria during her life. - Upon death of wife Julia, if niece Georgie W. Smoot still alive, $1,000 to be set aside & invested, the interest paid semiannually to Georgie during her life. - Upon death of wife Julia, remainder of estate to children of son John D. Smoot and/or their heirs. Upon death of nieces Maria & Georgie, those monies to also be divided among children of John D. Smoot and/or their heirs. - Executrix: Wife Julia

Witnesses: J. Holdsworth Gordon, Dudley T. Hassan, Jno. T. Wood. Proved 7 August 1891. Recorded Wills #29 L.P.W., folio 408, Washington, DC.
JOHN H. SMOOT 1819 - 1891 JULIA SMOOT 1831 - 1898 (Grave Marker, Lot 129, Oak Hill Cemetery, Washington, DC)

Burial Record. John H. Smoot, 72 years of age, was interred in Lot 129, Oak Hill Cemetery, Washington, DC on 2 August 1891.
Smoot Charles Barton [Male] b. ABT 1815 Maryland - d. AFT JUN 1880
Person ID: 2578
See father's Notes for excerpt from Newman(2)* Also found at Clarke*.
Charles Barton Smoot, son of Charles Wood Smoot & Harriet Sothoron, m1 Emily L., m2 Lucinda Pollock. (Smoot*)
Charles B. Smoot & Emily M. Pollock were married in Washington Co., DC on 19 Aug 1833. (* - Washington, DC Marriages 1826-50)
1840 Federal Census (1840.06.01) Ward 1, Georgetown, DC - Pg 167 - C.B. Smoot - Free white males under 5...1 - ..............................5 - 9...1 - ...........................20 - 29...1 - ............. females under 5...1 - ...........................20 - 29...1 - .................. Free colored...2 - .......................... Slaves...1
1850 Federal Census (1850.06.01, Recorded 1850.08.17) Ward 17, Baltimore, Baltimore Co., MD - 296A, Ln 34, 994/1176 - Charles Smoot, 34 year old male Clerk, born in DC. - Emily " , 31 year old female, born in DC. - Albert " , 15 year old male Clerk, born in DC, attended school within the year. - Wm. " , 13 year old male, born in DC, attended school within the year. - Caroline " , 11 year old female, born in DC, attended school within the year. - Emily " , 7 year old female, born in DC, attended school within the year. - Clara " , 5 year old female, born in Md. - Mary " , 3 year old female, born in Md. - J. Armor, 10 year old Black female, born in Md.
1860 Federal Census (1860.06.01, Recorded 1860.09.08) Ward 18, Baltimore City, Baltimore Co., MD - Pg 848, Ln 14, 5608/5783 - E. B. Smoot, 46 year old male Merchant, born in Maryland. Personal property valued at $2000. - Albert " , 25 year old male Bookkeeper, born in DC. - Emely, 43 year old female, born in DC. - Caroline, 21 year old female, born in DC. - Emily, 17 year old female, born in DC. - Mary, 15 year old female, born in DC. - (1 Servant)
1870 Federal Census (1870.06.01, Recorded 1870.07.08) Ward 19, Baltimore City, MD - Pg 159 (322), Ln 6, 1036/1312 - Smoot, Charles B., 55 year old white male Salesman, born in Md.; personal property valued at $500. -----, Emily L., 52 year old white female, Keeping House, born in Md. -----, William B., 30 year old white male Salesman, born in Md. -----, Caroline, 28 year old white female, At Home, born in Md. -----, Emily, 25 year old white female, At Home, born in Md. -----, Clara, 23 year old white female, At Home, born in Md. -----, Mary, 19 year old white female, At Home, born in Md.
1880 Federal Census (1880.06.01, Recorded 1880.06.01) 86 N. Stricker St., Baltimore, Baltimore Co., MD - Pg 7 (72), Ln 9, 28/35 - Smoot, Charles, 68 year old married white male Wholesale Grocery Dealer. He & parents born in Md. -----, Emma. Wife, 67 year old married white female, Keeps House. She & parents born in Md. -----, Emily L. Daughter, 25 (sic) year old single white female Artist. She & parents born in Md. -----, Clara. Daughter, 23 (sic) year old single white female, At Home She & parents born in Md. -----, Mary H. Daughter, 21 (sic) year old single white female. She & parents born in Md.
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