Sothoron & Related Families - 523 (Notes Pages)
For privacy reasons, Date of Birth and Date of Marriage for persons believed to still be living are not shown.
Livingston Ralph [Male] b. ABT 1914 Iowa
Person ID: 10479
Addes: 12 APR 2016
See father's Notes for 1920 Federal Census entry.
Kachle Elmer C. [Male] b. ABT 1900 Illinois - d. 1959 Oakland Cemetery, Fort Madison, Lee Co., IA
Person ID: 10477
Addes: 12 APR 2016
Elmer Kachle of Fort Madison, IA, 26 year old white male Machinist, born at Nauvoo, IL to Chas. Kachle & Rosa Ort; and Clara Howell Livingston of Warren Co., IA, 32 year old white female, born in Warren Co., IA to Go. Howell & Harriet Marshall; were married at Fort Madison, IA on 28 Feb 1925 by W.H. Kindred, Christian Minister. Was the first marriage for Elmer, the second for Harriet (widowed). Signed as "E.C. Kachle." (* - image of Iowa Marriage Records)
1930 Federal Census (1930.04.01, Recorded 1930.04.07) 2704 Avenue N, Ward 5, Fort Madison, Madison Twp., Lee Co., IA - ED 36, Sh 5(133)A, Ln 19, 94/108 (NOTE: Clara's sister Laura & their mother are at 93/107) - Kachle, Elmer C. Head, 30 year old married white male, first married at 25. Owns his non-farm home valued at $4,000. Can read & write, speaks English. He & mother born in Illinois, father in Germany. Occupation Truck Driver in Own Truck, drawing wages. Not a war veteran. -----, Clara B. Wife, 35 year old married white female, first married at 30(sic). Born in Iowa, father in Tennessee, mother in Illinois. Can read & write, speaks English. Occupation None.
K A C H L E ELMER C. . . . . . CLARA B. 1899 - 1959 . . . 1894 - 1978
 Grave Marker in Section N of Oakland Cemetery, Fort Madison, Lee Co., IA. (Photo & information from*)
Sothoron Omar [Male] b. 23 JUN 1889 - d. 23 DEC 1894 Highland Cemetery, Fort Mitchell, Kenton Co., KY
Person ID: 10480
Addes: 28 JUN 2016
Omar Sothoron, son of Montague T. Sothoron & Zoraida M. Moore, b. 23 June 1889, d. 23 Dec 1894; buried in Sect. 5, Lot 108-A, Grave 2 (no marker) of Highland Cemetery, Fort Mitchell, Kenton Co., KY. ( - Cemetery Records)
VanSant Peter [Male] b. ABT 1744 - d. Slate Hill Burial Ground, Bucks Co., PA
Person ID: 10481
Addes: 10 DEC 2016
Tax Records, Lower Makefield Twp., Bucks Co., PA, 1774 - Pg 33, Col. 3, Ln 8. - Peter Vansant, 7-5 (Pounds-Shillings). (*)
Officers of the First Battalion of Bucks County Associators, on 19 August 1775, for Lower Makefield Company, included Captain Peter Vansant & Second Lieutenant Cornelius Vansant. Garret Vansant was a Private. (* - History of Bucks Co., PA, Vol. II, pg 66)
At meeting of the Supreme Executive Council of Bucks Co, PA on 29 August 1777, a motion was carried to drive off all cattle in the County when the approaching enemy so required, with appointees to assist the Council to do so. In Lower Makefield Twp. Peter Vansant, Cornelius Slack & Cornelius Vansant were appointed. (* - Colonial Records of Pennsylvania, Pg. 281)
Tax Records, Lower Makefield Twp., Bucks Co., PA, 1778 - Pg 46, Ln 11. - Peter Vansant, 14-10. (*)
Tax, 1779 - Peter Vansant. Number per line, value (Pounds) for line: - Acres: 224, 3904 - Horses: 4, 200 - Cattle: 12, 430 - Negroes & Plate: 861 - Total valuation: 5395 - County Tax (Pounds): 113-6-0 (* - image of Bucks County, PA Tax Records: Lower Makefield Twp. - pg. 11A)
Tax Records, Lower Makefield Twp., Bucks Co., PA, 1780 - Pg 41, Ln 19. - Peter Vansant. Cash of 350-4, tax of 7-6. (*)
Peter Vansant registered as owning 5 slaves as of 1 November 1782. (* - History of Bucks County, PA, Vol II, Pg 297)
Tax Records, Lower Makefield Twp., Bucks Co., PA, 1782 - Pg 52, Col. 1, Ln 21. - Peter Vansant, 5-5-0.
- Tax, 1783 - Peter Vansant. Number of each, value (Pounds) for line: - Acres: 244, 976 - Horses: 3, 20 - Cattle: 6, 24 - Negroes: �130 - Grist Mill: 1, 100 - Distillery: �100 - Brewery: �20 - Valuation: �1376 - County Tax: �8-16-0 (* - image of Bucks County, PA Tax Records: Lower Makefield Twp. - pg. 131)
Tax Records, Lower Makefield Twp., Bucks Co., PA, 1783 - Pg 12, Col. 2, Ln 1. - Peter Vansant, 2-7-9.
Pennsylvania Tax and Exoneration, 1783, pg 41, Ln 14. ( - Peter Vansant, 9-10-10.
Tax Records, Lower Makefield Twp., Bucks Co., PA, 1785 - P 119, Ln 23. - Peter Vansant, 1-10-6.
Tax, 1786 - Peter Vansant. Number of each, total value (Pounds) for line: - Acres: 244, 976 - Horses: 4, 25 - Cattle: 5, 20 - Gist Mill: 1, 100 - Negroes: 3, 100 - Stills: 2, 30 - Total valuation: 1251 - Tax (Pounds): 8-2-1 (* - image of Bucks County, PA Tax Records: Lower Makefield Twp., pg. 58)
Peter Vansant is found in the State Census of Pennsylvania for 1786, in Lower Makefield Twp. of Bucks Co., on page 14, Col. 1, Ln 27. (* - Image of same)
Peter Vansant of Lower Makefield Twp. Bucks Co. had 244 acres of land, with 2 dwelling houses, 1 other house, 8 white inhabitants & 5 blacks. (* - image of Pennsylvania Tax & Exoneration, 1786, pg 79)
Peter Vansant of Lower Makefield Twp., Bucks Co. was taxed 3-1-0 for the year 1786. (* - Pennsylvania Tax and Exoneration, 1786, pg 24)
Peter Vansant of Lower Makefield Twp., Bucks Co. was taxed 3-2-0 for the year 1789. (* - Pennsylvania Tax and Exoneration, 1789, pg 2)
1790 Federal Census - Bucks Co., PA - Pg 173, Ln 20 - Peter Vansant. - Free white males (16 & above)...1 - ................................................ (< 16)... 3 - ........................................... females... 3
A value of $750 was assessed for the holdings of Peter Vansant of Lower Makefield Twp., Bucks Co., PA for 1798. (* - Pennsylvania, Direct Tax Lists)
Peter Vansant is listed on Direct Tax List for Lower Makefield Twp., Bucks Co., PA for 1798, valuating his 242 acres of land at $4,630. (* - image of same)
On a List of Taxes on Land, Peter Vansant is taxed 8.00 for 1798. (* - Pennsylvania U.S. Direct Tax List, Pg 43, No 410)
1800 Federal Census - Lower Makefield Twp., Bucks Co., PA - Pg 242, Ln 36 - Peter Vansant - Free white males (16 - 25)... 2 - ....................................... (26 - 44)... 1 - ................................................(45+)... 1 - ..................... females (10 - 15)... 1 - ....................................... (16 - 25)... 1 - ............................................... (45+)... 1 - ...... All other free persons... 4 - ......................................... Slaves... 2
1810 Federal Census - Lower Makefield Twp., Bucks Co., PA - Pg 1013, Ln 6 - Peter Vansant. - Free white males (10 - 15)... 1 - ....................................... (26 - 44)...1 - ................................................(45+)...1 - ............................ females (45+)...1 - ............... Other free persons... 2
Tax 1819 - Peter Vansant. Number of each, value of each, total value for line: - Acres: 120, $40, $4800 - Horses: 1, $40, $40 - Cattle: 2, $16, $32 - Total Valuation: $4872 - County Tax: $8.79 (* - image of Bucks County, PA Tax Records: Lower Makefield Twp. - pages not numbered) -
Margin note: Peter Vansant #4741. Be it remembered that I Peter Vansant of Lower Makefield township in the County of Bucks Being seventy six years of age, and knowing that life is at all times uncertain but especially with the advanced period to which I have attained, do make this my last will & testament in the following manner, viz-- I give and bequeath to my beloved wife Alethia all the debts that may be owing to me at the time of my death, after the payment of all my just debts & funeral expenses, except such as are especially hereinafter bequeathed; also the free and uninterrupted use of the north west room on the first floor of my dwelling house, and also the privilege of using as far as necessary for her comfort & convenience all & every other part of my dwelling house, kitchen, cellar & out buildings, also garden grounds & privilege to raise poultry sufficient for her own use--I also give & bequeath to her my said wife all my household and kitchen furniture and my light waggon. I give & bequeath to my son Joshua Vansant a bond which I hold against him, and all monies which may be due to be in full of his share of my estate. I give & bequeath to my grandson Curtis Vansant all the debts or demands I have against him, and all those I have against his father's estate--provided he brings no accounts or demands against my estate for services rendered--I give & devise to my daughter Rachel Bagby all that messuage(?), tenement plantation & tract of land whereon I now reside, situate(sic) in the township of Lower Makefield aforesaid adjoining lands of John Stockdale, Timothy Howell and others, containing about one hundred & twenty acres, with the appurtenances, to have & to hold the same to her my sd daughter Rachel for & during her natural life; under & subject to the priviliges above devised to my wife, and also under & subject to the rollowing renders, restrictions & reservations, viz--that she my said Daughter Rachel will pay to my said wife sixty seven cents per week, and cause to be provided and put in a convenient place, sufficient firewood cut & split of a proper length & size to suit her fire place, and as much milk & butter as shall be necessary for her use day by day during her natural life.--but if my said wife should at any time prefer relinquishing the said privileges and removing from the said premises, then I direct my said daughter to pay her one dollar & twenty five cents per week during her natural life--and further that she my said Daughter will not at any time commit nor suffer to be done or committed any waste of the premises, and that she will after the death of my said wife, purchase and put into post & rail fence on the farm fifty good new chestnut rails with sufficient posts every year, and also purchase & put on the farm, one hundred bushels of good lime every fall during her life -- I give & bequeath to my said daughter Rachel all of my stock & farming utensils--immediately after the death of my said duaghter Rachel or of my wife, if my said daughter should die before her I order & direct my Executors hereinafter named to sell & dispose of my said real estate for the best price that can then be obtained for the same, and to make & execute a good & sufficient title or titles to the purchaser or purchasers thereof, and the proceeds arising from the sale thereof I order & direct to be equally divided among all my male grand-children that shall be then living, except my grand son Curtis, to whom I give two shares.-- I nominate, constitute & appoint my son Joshua Vansant & my grandson Peter C. Bagly the Executors of this my last will & testamet. In testimony whereof I have hereunto set my hand & seal the fourth day of July one thousand eight hundred & twenty. Peter Vansant (SEAL). Signed, Sealed & published in the prsence of us- John Stockton, Joseph Stockton. Bucks County ss. On the 8th of December 1820 John Stockton & Joseph Stockton the within subscribing witnesses appeared before me and on their solemn affirmations did declare and say that they were personally present and saw Peter Vansant the testator sign seal & publish the foregoing writing as & for his last will & testament & that at the time of his so doing he was of sound mind & memory & of disposing understanding to the to the best of their knowledge & belief---John Pugh, Mgst. Bucks County ss Be it remembered that on the 4th of December 1820 the foregoing last will (SEAL) and testament of Vansant was duly proved when Letters testamentary were granted thereon to John (sic) Vansant & Peter V. Baily Executors therein named theyhaving first been duly affirmed well & truly to adminster the goods & chattles rights and credits which were of the deceased, to render into this Office a true Inventory & conscionable appraisement within one month from this date and within one year or when lawfully thereunto required to render a just account of their whole administration-- Witness my hand & seal of Office. John Pugh Regr. Registered Decr. 8th 1820. (* - image of Bucks County, PA Wills 9:425} ( Index to Administrations in Bucks County, Penna.; 1822, Year Book C, page 45.
Peter and Aletha Vansant are buried at Slate Hill Burial Ground, Bucks Co., PA. No dates nor relationship are available. (
Alethia [Female] d. Slate Hill Burial Ground, Bucks Co., PA
Person ID: 10482
Named in husband's will (see his Notes)
Peter and Aletha Vansant are buried at Slate Hill Burial Ground, Bucks Co., PA. No dates nor relationship are available. (
Harvey Jane [Female]
Person ID: 10483
Named in husband's will (see his Notes)
Vansant Isaiah [Male] b. 1713 Bucks Co., PA - d. 1786 Bucks Co., PA
Person ID: 10484
Addes: 13 DEC 2016
Isaiah, the fourth son [of Jacobus and Rebecca Vansant], married Gertje (or Charity) Van Horn, daughter of Peter and Elizabeth Van Horn of Middletown. On March 18, 1736-7, he purchased at sheriff's sale 178 1/4 acres of land in Makefield township. In 1754 he purchased a small tract adjoining, and in 1768 purchased of John Scott 100 acres in Upper Makefield His children were: Isaiah; Elizabeth, wife of Cornelius Vandegrift; Rachel, wife of George Merrick, married 4 mo. 12, 1769; Charity; Sarah, who married Christian VanHorn, June 14, 1764; Mary, who married Gabriel VanHorn, January 18, 1772; Joshua; Peter, who married Elizabeth Wollard April 8, 1778, and (second) Alethia Curtis; Gabriel; and Cornelius. who married Mary Larzelere. The will of Isaiah Vansant is dated April 15. 1786, and was proved September 28, 1786. It devises to son Joshua the land bought of John Scott in Upper Makefield, and to Gabriel and Cornelius the home plantation, "reserving one-fourth of an acre for a graveyard, where I have began to bury, for myself and my relations;" mentions Elijah, eldest son of Isaiah, daughter Rachel's three children: daughter Charity's four children, and daughter Mary, and her daughter Charity; and daughter Elizabeth. (* - W.H. Davis* Vol. 1:27)
Isaiah Vanzandt, son of "Jacobus, Rebecca James, Van Der Vanzandt, Grift" , born 1713 in Bucks County, PA, married Charity Geertje Vanhorn in Philadelphia, PA at St. Presp Church on 6 June 1732. He died in Bucks Co., PA in 1786. (* - Family Data Collection-Individual Records)
Isaiah Van Sant, male, born 1713, married Charity Van Horn in 1732. (* - U.S. & International Marriage Records, 1560-1900)
Margin Note: Isaiah Vansant Will #2066. I Isaiah Vansant of Lower Makefield and County of Bucks and State of Pennsylvania being weak of Body but of Perfect Mind and Memory thanks be to Almighty God therefore. And Calling to Mind the Mortality of this my Body and the Uncertainty of this Life Do make this my last Will and Testament in manner and form following. Imprimis I order that my Body be decently Buried at the Discretion of my Executor hereafter named and that my Funeral Expenses and all my just Debts be justly Paid and Discharged. Item I do give unto my son Isaiah Vansant the Sum of Fifty Pounds Current Money of Pennsylvania te be Paid to him in one year after my Decease or at any Time after when he comes to Receive it but in Case he shall not be Living I Give the same to his Eldest Son Elijah Vansant. Item I do Give unto my Daughter Elizabeth Fifty Pounds Current Money & to be Paid to her two years after my Decease. Item I do Give unto my Daughter Rachels three Children Fifty Pounds Current Money to be equally Divided among them To be Paid three years after my Decease. Item I do Give unto my Daughter Charity's four Children Fifty Pounds Current Money to be equally Divided among them and to be Paid Four Years after my Decease. Item I do Give unto my Daughter Sarahs two Children Fifty Pounds Current Money to be equally Divided between them to be Paid in four years after my Decease. Item I do Give unto my Daughter Mary the Sum of Fifty Pounds Current Money to be Paid within four years after my Decease But in Case she be not living I Give the same to her Daughter Charity. Item I do Give unto my Son Joshua Vansant all that Tract or Parcel of Land which I bought of John Scott Situated in Upper Makefield To him his Heirs and Assigns forever he the sd. Joshua Paying out of sd. Land to Charity my wife his Mother three Pounds a year During her Live. I do Give unto my Son Peter Vansant Two Hundred Pounds Current Money to be Paid to him in one Year after my Decease. Item I do Give unto Gabriel Vansant my Son all the Southeasterly End of my land or Plantation whereon I now live from Palmers Line up to a Black Oak Tree standing in John Brown's Line the Tree has been Left and Stands in the Lower End of the land at the Head of the Hollow of the little Field from thence Square from Browns Line across my Plantation to Subersens Line and also a Lott or Parcel of Land which I Bought of John Cowley called Wood Meadow. All which I do Give unto him during his natural Life He the said Gabriell my Son Paying out of the Aforesaid Lands Fifty Pounds Current Money to my Executors hereafter named, to help them Pay the Debts and Legaters And also Pay six Pounds a year to Charity my Wife his Mother as long as She shall live. The above Gabriel my Son making no waste(?) nor Sail of anything thereunto belonging And after his Decease I Give the abovesd. Lands unto his Lawfull begotten Children their Heirs and Assigns forever his Son or Sons to have twice as much as his Duaghters. Item I do Give unto Cornelius Vansant my Son all the Northwesterly End of my Land and Plantation whereon I now live from Winder's Line down to a Black Oak Tree Standing in John Browns Line at the head of the Hollow of the little Field it has some Lims lopt off and is about one Hundred and fifty four rods from Winders Line from thence Squre from Grown's line across Plantation to Subersers Line All which I Give unto him his Heirs and Assigns forefer except one Quarter of an Acre which I reserve for a Buying Ground where I have began(?) to Bury for myself and Relations He the said Cornelius my Son with the help of that Fifty Pounds from Gabriel my Son with the Money Bonds Notes and Certificates to Pay off all my just Debts and Legatees And also to Charyty my Wife his Mother six Pounds a year as long as She Shall live I do Give unto Cornelius my Son all my Land in the Great Swamp which remains unsold of that I Bought of Patrick Gregg to him His Heirs and Assigns for ever. Item I do also Give unto my beloved Wife Charity my Lodging Room with the Pravalage(sic) of going too and from the same which way She please with good fire wood Cut at a Proper length Brought to her Door with all my Puter(sic) my two best Beds and furniture suitable for Winter and Summer Potraching Pot and Tea Kettle Shovel and Tongs Handirons and Warming Pan the Round Table four Chears her choice the Looking Glass the use of the Corner Cubboard amd my Walnut Desk the above mentioned Goods I do Give unto Charyty my Wife for her use and Benefit during her life & after her Decease the Desk and Cupboard to my Son Cornelius the Rest I do Give to my Daughter Elizabeth and Granddaughter Rachel Merrick to be Divided equally between them. Item I do also Give unto my Son Gabriel a Cow a Pott a Low Case of Drawers---which I lent to him And all the Remainder of my Goods not mentioned above I do Give to my Son Cornelius And Lastly I do Constitute and appoint my tow sons Joshua Vansand and Cornelius Vansant my Executors of this my last Will and Testament--Hereby Revoking and Disallowing all other and former Wills by me made Ratifying and Confirming this only to be my last Will and Testament according to the true meaning thereof. In Witness whereof I have hereunto Set my Hand and Seal this fifteenth Day of April in the year of our Lord One Thousand Seven Hundred and Eighty Six 1786. Isaiah Vansant (SEAL) Signed Sealed and Declared by the said Isaiah Vansant to be his last Will and Testament in the Presence of us Thomas Stradling, Nathan Brown, John Brown Junr. Bucks ss. The 28th Day of September Anno Domi: 1786 appeared Thomas Stradling, Nathan Brown and John Brown Junr. the witnesses to the within Insturment of Writing, who on their respective Affirmations did severally Declare and Say that they wee Personally Present and Saw and heard Isiah Vansant the Testator therein named, Sign, Seal, Publish and Declare the within and foregoing writing, as and for his last Will and Testament; and that at the time of his so doing he was of sound Mind Memory and tUnderstanding to the best of their knowledge & Belief. Before me Joseph Hart Register Bucks ss: (SEAL) Be it remembered that on the 28th Day of September 1786 the last Will and Testament of Isaiah Vansant was duly Proved, when Letters Testamentary wee Granted to Joshua Vansant and Cornelius Vansant, Executors therin named, they being first duly Qualified well and truly to Adminster the Goods and Chattles, Rights and Credits of the said Isaiah Vansant Deceased & and that in one Month from this Date they will Exhibit into the Registers Office for said County a just Inventory and Conseionable Appraisement of the Personal Esate of the Said Deceased and within one year, or when therunto lawfully Required Settle their Accounts of Administration. Registered September 28, 1786 Joseph Hart Register. (* - image of Bucks County, PA Wills, Vols 3-4:544)
Van Horn Charity [Female]
Person ID: 10485
Addes: 14 DEC 2015
Named in husband's Will (see his Notes).
Van Sant Jacobus [Male] b. 15 FEB 1685 Flatbush, Long Island, NY - d. ABT JAN 1744/45
Addes: 16 DEC 2016
Person ID: 10486
James Jacobus Van Sant Sandt, son of Gerrit Stoffelse Van Sant Sandt, born at Flatbush, Kings Co., NY on 15 Feb 1685; married at Philadelphia, PA on 7 Jan 1707 to Rebecca Vandergriff; he died in Bucks Co., PA on 9 Jan 1745. (* - Family Data Collection-Individual Records)
JACOBUS (or James) VAN SANDT, son of Garret (1), was baptized at Flabush, Long island, February 15, 1685, and removed with his father to Bensalem, Bucks county, in 1699. He married at the First Presbyterian church of Philadephia, on January 7, 1707-8, Rebecca Vandegrift, daughter of Nicholas and Barentje (Verkerk) Vandegrift, who had come to Bensalem from Long Island at the same date as the Vansants, ... Jacobus and his wife joined the Bensalem church, Neshaminy branch, at its institution in 1710. On April 7, 1711, Benjamin Hopper conveyed to Jacobus Vansand, of Bensalem, yeoman, 100 acres of land in Southampton, and on January 1, 1712, his brother Harman Vansandt and Elizabeth is wife conveyed to Jacobus fifty acres adjoining the 150 which had been purchased by Harman of Ezra Bowen, June 13, 1711. He later purchased 144 acres of land of Cornelius Egmont, which he devised to his son Nicholas. The will of Jacobus Vansandt, of Southampton, is dated December 12, 1744, and was proved January 9, 1745. It devises to son Jacob the 150 acre farm on which he dwelt, reserving certain privileges to his wife Rebecca; the Egmont farm to son Nicholas; mentions daughters Elizabeth and Rebecca as having recieved their shares, the later being deceased; sons Jacobus, Garret and Isaiah, and grandson Charles Inyard, to have equal shares. The will names "kinsman John Vansand" and friend Nathaniel Brittian as executors, but they renouncing, as also did the widow, letters were granted to the sons James and Nicholas. The will is signed "J.V." His widow Rebecca survived him two years, leaving will dated November 18, 1746, and proved January 13, 1746-7, and mentions the same children and grandson Charles Inyard. (W.H. Davis*, Vol. I:26)
Vandegrift Rebecca [Female] d. ABT JAN 1746/47
Person ID: 10487
See husband's Notes for sources.
Van Sandt Gerret Stoffel [Male] b. 1644 Holland, Netherlands - d. BEF 5 JUN 1706 Bensalem Twp., Bucks Co., PA
Person ID: 10488
Emigration: ABT 1652
THE VANSANT FAMILY. The Vansants of Bucks county are descendants of a common ancestor, Gerret Stoffelse Van Sandt or Van Zandt, (otherwise. Garret Van Sandt, son of Stoffel or Christopher), who emigrated from the Netherlands, probably from Zaandam in North Holland, or Zandberg in Drenthe, in or about the year 1651, and settled in New Utrecht, Long Island, on the records of which town he is frequently mentioned as Gerret Stoffellse. He was one of the fourteen Patentees mentioned in the patent from Governor Thomas Dongan, May 13, 1686, for the Commons of New Utrecht, "on behalf of themselves and their associates, the present freeholders and inhabitants of the said towne." His land was located at Yellow Hook, "under the jurisdiction of the town of New Utrecht' He was a magistrate of New Utrecht in 1681. By deed datod July 31, 1695, he conveyed his Yellow Hook plantation to Derick Janse Van Zutphen, and removed to Bucks county, where Joseph Growdon on 12 mo. 10, 1698-9, conveys to him 150 acres in Bensalem township, and on the same date conveys a like tract adjoining to his son Cornelius. It is probable that he was located for a time in New York, as he had two children baptized at the Dutch Reformed church there in 1674 and 1676, respectively. It is generally conceded that he was twice married, as the record of the baptisms above mentioned gives the name of his wife as Lysbeth Gerritz, while the later baptisms at New Utrecht and Flatbush churches give it as Lysbeth Cornelis, It is, however, possible that in one instance her father's surname is used and in the other his first name as was common on the Dutch records. Cornelius Gerrets was a member of the Dutch church at New Utrecht. Garret Vansand died intestate in Bensalem township, Bucks county, Pennsylvania, prior to June 5, 1706, the date upon which his ten children make a conveyance of his land purchased as before stated in February, 1698-9. The record of baptism of seven of his ten children appears at the Dutch church of New Netherlands, and will be given in connection with a sketch of each child, taken in regular order of birth, later in this article. (* - copy of W.H. Davis*, Vol 1:24)
Gerret Stoffel Van Sandt, male, born 1630, married in New York State in 1668, Lysbeth Gerrits, born 1647. (* - U.S. and International Marriage Records, 1560-1900)
Gerritz Lysbeth [Female]
Person ID: 10489
See husband's Notes for sources.
Van Zandt Christoffel Harmenszen [Male] b. ABT 1618 (Niedersachsen, Germany - d. SEP 1655 New Utrecht, NY
Person ID: 10490
Emigration: ABT 1652
From Christoffel Harmenzen Van Zandt - Birth: 1618 - Jever, Friesländer Landkreis, Lower Saxony (Niedersachsen), Germany - Death: Sep. 15, 1655 - New Utrecht, Kings County (Brooklyn), New York, USA - Burial: New Utrecht Cemetery, Bensonhurst, Kings County (Brooklyn), New York, USA In English his name might translate to Christopher Harman from Zandt. - The Three Worlds of Christoffel Harmenszen. From the editor of The Van Zandt Record comes a book about the life of Christoffel Harmenszen, earliest known ancestor of the Gerret Stoffelse VanSant branch of the family in America. Trace the migration of one of the VanSant family's earliest known ancestors, Christoffel Harmenszen, from his homeland in Ostfriesland along the North Sea coast, to his years as a young man living and working in Amsterdam, followed by his final three years of life struggling in the virtual wilderness of Nieuw Amsterdam, New York. - June 28, 1643, Amsterdam's Old Church, Netherlands. Marriage intention was recorded on June 13 1643 in Amsterdam, Holland as "Christoffel Harmenszen, from Jever, journeyman clothdresser living on the Hoochstraet, having no parents (living) age 25, and Moederke Gerrits, from Amsterdam, living on the Breestraet, attended by her mother, Vroutie Pieters". Both signed by their mark. - Note to explain the above record; The Dutch were much slower than the English in adopting surnames as we know them. Patronymics ended theoretically under English rule in 1687 with the advent of surnames, but not everyone followed the new guidelines. In the Netherlands, patronymics ended mostly (especially Friesland) during the Napoleantic period around 1811 when everyone had to register and select a family name. The most common Dutch naming custom was that of patronymics, or identification of an individual based on the father's name. - Moederke delivered a son in 1644 and her death came shortly after. She was buried in Holland, 17 July 1644. Christoffel married 2nd Trijitje Claes, 24 Sept 1645. - Migration from Germany to New Amsterdam, New York. With him were his second wife, Trijinje Claes, and his son, Gerrit, from the first marriage. He was a cloth maker. - From the Notarial Archives of Amsterdam: "1652 April 16. Abraham De Wijs, merchant in Amsterdam, in the name of Cornelis De Potter, his brother-in-law, who lives in the Manhattans in New Netherland. He takes into service for him: Christoffel Harmens and Trijinje Claes to work there for De Potter. Also their son Gerrit Christoffels, 8 years old, shall work with them. This is for a period of three years, at 200 Carolus guilders per year. Free board and room." - September 1655 New Amsterdam, New York. Christoffel (age 37) was killed in an Indian attack known as The Peach War. "In the fall of 1655, a young Indian girl entered the orchard of Henry Van Dyck living in the Dutch colony of New Netherland. She climbed a tree to pick a peach she had spied. Van Dyck took offense at her indulgence and killed her with his rifle. His extreme reaction took place on September 15, 1655. At the time, Director-General of New Netherland, Peter Stuyvesant with some 600 soldiers was away from his headquarters at Fort Amsterdam. He had gone to secure the colony of New Sweden for the Dutch in August. Seizing what they believed to be an opportune time to descend upon the undefended Dutch colony, five hundred Indians attacked Hoboken, Pavonia and Staten Island for three days. It caused the death of 100 Dutch, the capture of 150, the wounding of Van Dyck, and the devastation of homes. When Stuyvesant returned from his military engagement, he set to the task of negotiating with the Indians. The captives, who were being held at Paulus Hook, were returned for ransom, which included powder and lead. The "Peach Tree War" was the last major Dutch-Indian hostility in the colony."
See also son Gerret's Notes.
Gerrits Moederke [Female] d. 1644 Holland, Netherlands
Person ID: 10491
See husband's Notes for sources.
Claes Trijitje [Female]
Emigration: ABT 1652
Person ID: 10492
See husband's Notes for sources.
Van Sandt Stoffel [Male] b. 1670 New York - d. 1749 Bucks Co., PA
Person ID: 10493
STOFFEL VAN SANDT, eldest son of Garret, was born in the province of New York about the year 1670, and took the oath of allegiance at New Utrecht, Long Island as a native of New Netherlands, in 1687. He probably removed to Bucks county at the same time as his father, in 1699. He was a member of the Bensalem Dutch Reformed church, with wife Rachel Courson; having Joined by certificate in 1710. He seems, however, to have become a member of Abington Presbyterian church at its organization in 1714. and was made one of its elders. He purchased of Henry Paulin on May 03, 1706, 300 acres of land In Middletown, 200 acres of which he conveyed to his sons Garret and John, and died seized of the balance in 1749. He was a Justice of Bucks county. 1715-18, 1723-27, and a member of colonial assembly, 1710, 1712, 1714, 1719. (* - W.H. Davis*, Vol. I:24)
Stoffel Van Sandt, male, born in NY in 1670, married Annetje Stoffels in 1692 in New York. (* - U.S. and International Marriage Records, 1560-1900)
Stoffel Van Sandt, male, born in NY in 1670, married Rachel Coursen in NY in 1698.. (* - U.S. and International Marriage Records, 1560-1900)
Stoffels Annetje [Female] d. BEF 1698
Person ID: 10494
See husband's Notes for source.
Corson Rachel [Female]
Person ID: 10107
See husband's Notes for source.
Van Sandt Jannetje [Female] bp. 3 SEP 1698 Brooklyn, NY
Person ID: 10496
Jannetje Van Sandt, daughter of Stoffel Van Sandt, baptized at Brooklyn on 3 Sept 1693; married William Renberg on 3 Nov 1711. (W.H. Davis*, Vol. 1:24)
Renberg William [Male]
Person ID: 10497
Jannetje Van Sandt, daughter of Stoffel Van Sandt, baptized at Brooklyn on 3 Sept 1693; married William Renberg on 3 Nov 1711. (W.H. Davis*, Vol. 1:24)
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