Sothoron & Related Families - 14 (Notes Pages)
For privacy reasons, Date of Birth and Date of Marriage for persons believed to still be living are not shown.
Stone Michael Robertson [Male] b. 1916 Maryland - d. 1933 Mount Rest Cemetery, LaPlata, Charles Co., MD
Updated: 20 FEB 2012
Person ID: 265
Michael Robetson Stone, son of Michael Robertson Stone & Bessie Louise Gough, b. 1916, d. 1933. (Gough*)
See father's Notes for 1920 & 1930 Federal Census entries.
MICHAEL ROBERTSON STONE, Jr. AUG. 31, 1916 - NOV. 13, 1933
 Grave Marker at Mount Rest Cemetery, LaPlata, Charles Co., MD. (Photo & information from
Sothoron William [Male] b. ABT 1787 Maryland - d. 15 AUG 1851 Georgetown, DC
Updated: 20 APR 2011
Occupation: Physician
Person ID: 266
Click here to view Notes.
Sothoron John W. [Male] b. ABT 1815 St. Mary's Co., MD - d. 6 JUL 1869 Georgetown, DC
Person ID: 267
** Federal Census & Washington Directory* - DC
See father's Notes for 1850 Census entry.
Sothoron, Dr. John & George, drug store, ne cor. Bridge & Potomac, h a few doors east. (Washington Directory*, Georgetown, 1853)
J. W. Sothoran, druggist, 186 Bridge, Georgetown. (Washington Directory*, 1854)
J.W. Sothoran, druggist, 186 Bridge, Georgetown. (Washington Directory*, 1856)
George M. Sothoron, druggist (J.W. Sothoron & Co.), 186 Bridge, boards 179 Bridge, Georgetown. - J.W. Sothoron & Co., druggists (George M. Sothoron), 186 Bridge, Georgetown. - John W. Sothoron, druggist (J.W. Sothoron & Co), 186 Bridge, boards 108 Bridge, Georgetown. (Washington Directory*, 1858)
George M. & John W. Sothoron, druggists, 186 Bridge, Georgetown John W. Sothoron, home Market, Georgetown. (Washington Directory*, 1860)
1860 Census (1860.06.01, Recorded 1860.06.18) Ward 3, Georgetown - Pg 19 (122), Ln 30, 793/847 - J. W. Sothoron, a 48 year old male druggist, born in Maryland. Real property value $3,500. - G. M. " , a 51 year old male druggist, born in Maryland. Real property value $1,700, personal $7,000. ( "Color” was marked "x” for each entry)
John W. Sothoron, asst. druggist/apothecary, 186 Bridge, Georgetown. (Washington Directory*, 1862)
John W. Sothoron, clerk, boards at Market between First & Prospect, Georgetown. (Washington Directory*, 1863)
J.W. Sothoron, drug clerk, 186 Bridge, rooms same, Georgetown. (Washington Directory*, 1866)
** Death
Died - SOTHORON - On the 6th instant, JOHN W. SOTHORON, in the 55th year of his age. His relatives & friends are invited to attend his funeral to-morrow (Thursday) afternoon, at 4 o'clock, from the residence of his brother, No. 101 1st street, Georgetown. (St. Mary's Beacon please copy) (The Evening Star :3, Washington, Recorded 1869.07.07)
FROM GEORGETOWN - SUDDEN DEATH - Yesterday afternoon, Mr. John W. Sothoron a well known citizen, died at the drug store of his brother, corner of Bridge & Potomac streets, very suddenly, and under peculiar circumstances. It seems that Mr. S. had been low spirited for some days back, owing to imagined reverses in business, and within the past week remarked to a friend that he was weary of life. His bedroom was in the second story, immediately over his brother's store, and on Saturday night he retired, in apparent good health, between 7 & 8 o'clock. On Sunday morning, the boy who cleaned up the store found Mr. S. asleep, and tried to wake him, and failing made the fact known, when Dr. Williams was sent for, as also Drs. Tyler, Ritchie & Mackall. The physicians were unanimous that the patient was laboring under the effects of some powerful opiate or narcotic, and at once brought the stomach pump into service, clearing and washing out the stomach entirely. Relief was apparent immediately, and he continued to improve slowly until Monday morning, when he dressed himself and came down into the store. He was then so well that he wanted to go behind the counter and put up a prescription. Yesterday morning, however, he seemed to grow worse, and sank gradually till half past one p.m., when death ensued. Opinions are divided as to the immediate cause of his death, some thinking that he had some deadly poison secreted, and partook of the same just before death, while others attribute his death to congestion of the brain, resulting from the effects of his Saturday night's dose. It is claimed that he could have taken nothing since Sunday morning, as from that time till death three attendants were constantly watching him, and even followed him into the store on Monday morning, which seemed to annoy deceased a great deal. Death ensued, however, beyond a doubt, from the effects, whether immediate or remote, of a narcotic poison. The body was removed yesterday afternoon to the residence of his brother, No. 101 1st street, whence his funeral will take place at 4 o'clock to-morrow afternoon. Deceased was 55 years old, was unmarried, and was regarded by his friends as eccentric in his habits at times. (The Evening Star :4, Washington, Recorded 1869.07.07)
See father's Notes regarding family burial plot at Presbyterian Cemetery.
John Sothoron was buried in Site 8, Section G of Presbyterian Cemetery on 7 July 1869. (Sluby* :78)
** Miscellaneous
John W. Sothoron & Richard P. Jackson of Georgetown, DC attested to the marriage of Caroline O'Reiley to Truman Greenfield on 7 Feb 1836; he died April 1846 & she secondly married John O'Reiley in 1849. Attestation was in support of Caroline's application for pension on basis of Truman Greenfield's service in the Maryland Militia (Montgomery Co.) in Aug 1814. (Wright(2)* 7:63, 1854.10.09)
Was a surety to his brother George in the administration of their father's estate (see father's Notes).
Sothoron Ann [Female] b. 10 SEP 1788 Charlotte Hall, St. Mary's Co., MD - d. 18 JUN 1858 Philadelphia, PA
Updated: 21 FEB 2013
Person ID: 268
JACOB GILLIAMS was born 1784 in Philadelphia, PA, and died February 04, 1868 in Philadelphia, PA. He married ANN SOTHORON October 14, 1813 in All Faith Epis., Huntersville, St. Mary's Co., MD, daughter of RICHARD SOTHORON and CATHERINE TUBMAN. She was born September 10, 1788 in St. Mary's Co., MD, and died June 21, 1858 in Philadelphia, PA. (Reno*)
 Anne Sothoron, from a portrait published in the "Anderson Family Tree," by heatherclaire93 on* - added with the permission of Heather; the portrait is in her mother's possession.
Father's will of 1794 leaves lands to her & her sisters if brother William not still alive. In Distributions, received 1 Negro woman valued at £45 & furniture for her valued at £10. (see father's Notes).
Ann Sothoron married Jacob Gilliams at All Faith Church, by Rev. Neal Stow, on 10 October 1813. (Gilliams*)
The marriage of Jacob Gilliams to Ann Sothoron would have been performed by Rev. Neale Hamill Shaw. In addition to being rector at All Faith, he was a professor at Charlotte Hall School from 1798-1828. Hope Grace lives in the old Shaw house which is across the road from my house. (Reno* - Nov 2009)
Ann Sothoron married Jacob Gilliams of Philadelphia on 14 October 1813. She was born 10 September 1788, and died 21 June 1858. He was born in Philadelphia in 1785 & died there on 4 February 1870. (Ancestors Chart, Prepared by Mrs. Hugh F. Gilliams Fitzpatrick)
Orphans Court of St. Mary's Co, Md; sale of lands, per will of Richd Sothoron, by which I am appt'd trustee; land devised by said will to Clarissa, Harriot & Ann Sothoron, dghts of the said Richd Sothoron - Samuel Morton, Trustee. (Dixon*, 1821-1823.:41, Reported 1821.05.05)
Letter sent by William Sothoron to his sister, Ann Sothoron Gilliams, requesting she forward papers relating to ownership of the tract called Sothoron's Desire. (Gilliams*, 1828.04.28)
See husband's Notes for 1850 Federal Census entry.

From, submitted by John Horace Churchman)
Gilliams Jacob [Male] b. 1783 Philadelphia, PA - d. 4 FEB 1870 Philadelphia, PA
Updated: 5 AUG 2011
Occupation: Dentist
Person ID: 269
JACOB GILLIAMS was born 1784 in Philadelphia, PA, and died February 04, 1868 in Philadelphia, PA. He married ANN SOTHORON October 14, 1813 in All Faith Epis., Huntersville, St. Mary's Co., MD, daughter of RICHARD SOTHORON and CATHERINE TUBMAN. She was born September 10, 1788 in St. Mary's Co., MD, and died June 21, 1858 in Philadelphia, PA. (Reno*)
See grandfather Gerardi Gilliams' Notes for Ancestry Chart information. Also referenced in biography of son James Sothoron Gilliams (see his Notes).
The Academy of Natural Sciences of Drexel University is the nation's oldest natural history museum, and this month marks its 200th anniversary. On March 21, 1812, John Speakman, Jacob Gilliams, and others met to form an "academy” for the study of natural history. Its headquarters was first located at 121 North Second Street. The organization was founded "for the encouragement and cultivation of the sciences, and the advancement of useful learning.” (heatherclaire93 on her "Anderson Family Tree," at* - from -university-formerly-the-academy-of-natura)
See wife's Notes for marriage information.
Ann Sothoron married Jacob Gilliams of Philadelphia on 14 October 1813. She was born 10 September 1788, and died 21 June 1858. He was born in Philadelphia in 1785 & died there on 4 February 1870. (Ancestors Chart, Prepared by Mrs. Hugh F. Gilliams Fitzpatrick)
The marriage of Jacob Gilliams to Ann Sothoron would have been performed by Rev. Neale Hamill Shaw. In addition to being rector at All Faith, he was a professor at Charlotte Hall School from 1798-1828. Hope Grace lives in the old Shaw house which is across the road from my house. (Reno* - Nov 2009)
Indenture of 29 July 1828 between William Sothoron of St. Mary's Co., MD & Jacob Gilliams of Philadelphia, PA. For $3,000 Sothoron conveys to Gilliams "Sothoron's Desire," about 125 acres including house & lot purchased of John Estep; "Sothoron's Venture," about 27 acres; "Long Looked for Come at Last," about 37 1/2 acres purchased of George Burroughs by father Richard Sothoron; all remaining part of "Scegby" not sold to Wm. Drury & which William purchased of Capt. George Dent, about 50 acres; part of "Scegby" bought of James Burroughs, about 1 acre & 9 perches; part of "Long Looked for Come at Last," purchased of George Burroughs, about 1 acre, 2 roods & 10 perches. Signed by William Sothoron, witnessed by R. Kilgour & James Keech. Certified same date as to the true intent of William Sothoron & wife Christiana. Recorded 28 Jan 1829. (St. Mary's Co., MD Land Records JH#8:248)
Indenture of 12 Nov 1845 between Jacob Gilliams of Philadelphia City, Dentist, & Ann his wife; and Benjamin H. Sothoron of St. Mary's Co., MD. For $2,250 Sothoron is conveyed property in St. Mary's Co. of about 125 acres, together with house & lot of ground purchased of John Estep; also all of tract called Sothorons Venture containing about 27 acres; also all of tract called Long Looked for come at Last, containing 37 1/2 acres & purchased of George Burroughs Jr. by Richard Sothoron; also all of portion of tract called Scegby remaining unsold by Wm. Sothoron to George Chappeleair (sic) purchased of George Dent, containing about 50 acres; also all of portiion of Scegby purchased of James Burroughs containing about 1 acre & 9 perches; also all of Long Looked for come at Last purchased of George Burroughs Sr. containing about 1 acre, 2 roods & 10 perches & being same premises which William Sothoron of St. Mary's Co. aforesaid by deed dated 29 July 1828 conveyed to said Jacob Gilliams in fee. Signed by J. & Ann Gilliams. Wit: William Sothoron. Certified 12 Nov 1845 in Philadelphia, PA; recorded in St. Mary's Co., MD 10 May 1846. (St. Mary's Co., MD Land Records WTM#1:51)
1820 Federal Census (1820.08.07) Lower Delaware Ward, Philadelphia, Philadelphia Co., PA - Pg 248A, Ln 13 - Jacob Gilliams - Free white males under 10...2 - ............................ 24 - 44...1 - ................................. 45+...1 - ................ females 10 - 15...1 - ............................ 24 - 44...1 - ................................. 45+...1 - .... Engaged in Commerce...2
1830 Federal Census (1830.06.01) Lower Delaware Ward, Philadelphia, Philadelphia Co., PA - Pg 161 - Jacob Gilliams (Image not available via* on 18 Apr 2010)
1840 Federal Census (1840.06.01) Lower Delaware Ward, Philadelphia, Philadelphia Co., PA - Pg 175, Ln 30 - Jacob Gilliams - ........ Free white males 5 - 9...1 - ................................ 15 -19...2 - ............................... 40 - 49...1 - ................... females 10 -14...1 - ............................... 30 - 39...1 - ............................... 40 - 49...1 - Free colored females 10 - 23...1
1850 Federal Census (1850.06.01, Recorded 1850.07.27) Lower Delaware Ward, Philadelphia, PA - pg 17A, Ln 19, 162/210 - Joseph Gilliams. 63 year old male Dentist, born in Ireland. Real property valued at $10,000. - Ann Gilliams. 45 year old female, born in Md. - Jas. S. Gilliams. 24 year old male M.D., born in Pa. - Susan L. W. Gilliams. 20 year old female, born in Pa. - John J. Gilliams. 19 year old male Artist, born in Pa. - Sam Campble. 50 year old male, born in Ireland. - Catharine Garvine. 30 year old female, born in Ireland
See Notes of daughter Susan's husband John for 1860 Census entry (living in Cincinnati, OH).
Jacob Gilliams died 4 February 1868 (Gilliams*)
** From Jacob Gilliams Birth: 1783 Death: 1868 Registry no. 13052 Jacob Gilliams,M.D. age 85 yrs. Date of Interment Feby. 6/68 Location of Grave in lot 3 north (no date of removal or place of removal) (in corner Removed to Lawnview Lawn----Broad Sec. 36 Graves 89-90-91-92. Date removed 8-10-56. New Title Issued) - Burial: Monument Cemetery (Defunct), Philadelphia, Philadelphia Co., PA.
Snyder Christiana [Female] b. ABT 1787 Pennsylvania - d. 3 JUL 1850 Georgetown, DC
Person ID: 270
MARRIED, on Friday evening, 5th inst. by the Rev. Mr. Hehlnstine, Dr. William Southern, of Maryland, to Miss Christianna Snyder, daughter of the late George A. Snyder, deceased, of Montgomery Co.. (Poulson's American Daily Advertiser 37:3:4, Philadelphia, Published 1808.01.19)
See husband's Notes for sale of Maryland property, 1841 List of Communicants at St. John's Episcopal Church of Georgetown, and 1850 Federal Census entry.
Christianna Sothoron, consort of Dr. William Sothoron, died in Georgetown, D.C. 1 July 1850, in the 64th year of her age. (National Intelligencer, Reported 1850.07.04)
Made a mahogany casket for Dr. William Sothoron's wife, 4 July 1850. (Donovan* 2:117)
Funeral services on 5 July 1850 by Rector N.P. Tillinghast for Mrs Christianna Sothoron, aged 63 years, died 3 July 1850. (Parish Register, 1841-1869. :150, St. John's Episcopal Church, Georgetown, DC)
Sothoron Ann Elizabeth Amanda Christiana [Female] b. ABT 1810 St. Mary's Co., MD - d. 21 JAN 1847 Georgetown, DC
Updated: 25 MAR 2011
Person ID: 271
Henry Armstrong licensed in St. Mary's Co. on 22 February 1826 to marry Christian Sothoron. (Brumbaugh* 1:314)
Henry Armstrong licensed in St. Mary's Co. On 22 February 1826 to marry Christian Sothoron, only daughter of Dr. William Sothoron. (Fresco(1)* :10)
Ann Elizabeth Amanda Christiana Sothoron Armstrong divorced from Henry Armstrong of St. Mary's Co. on 16 March 1833, she to have custody of her child. She is the only daughter of Dr. William Sothoron. (Fresco(1)* :10)
List of communicants as of this date. Date of added comments is unknown. #169 Miss Cordelia S. Armstrong - "removed" #170 Dr. Sothoron- "deceased" #171 Mrs. Sothoron - "deceased" #282 Rachel Sothoron (cold) - "removed" (St. John's Episcopal Church Parish Register :202, Georgetown, DC, 1841.09.16)
Mrs. Christiana Armstrong, only daughter of Dr. William Sothoron, died Jan. 21, 1847 in Georgetown. (National Intelligencer, Reported 1847.01.23)
Funeral services on 23 January 1847 at St. John's Episcopal Church, Georgetown, by Rector A. Skeras for Mrs. Christiana Armstrong. (Parish Register, 1841-1869. :147)
See father's Notes regarding family burial plot at Presbyterian Cemetery.
Sothoron Clarissa [Female] b. 1782 Maryland - d. 2 JAN 1843 "The Oaks", Charlotte Hall, St. Mary's Co., MD
Updated: 25 MAR 2011
Person ID: 272
Father's will of 1794 leaves lands to her & her sisters if brother William not still alive. In Distributions, received 1 Negro man valued at £50 & furniture for him valued at £10. (see father's Notes).
James Keech licensed in St. Mary's Co., MD on 22 December 1804 to marry Clarissa Sothoron. (Brumbaugh* 1:363)
Clarissa Sothoron (1782-1844) married James Keech (?-1844) in 1804 (Wilson*)
Orphans Court of St. Mary's Co, Md; sale of lands, per will of Richd Sothoron, by which I am appt'd trustee; land devised by said will to Clarissa, Harriot & Ann Sothoron, dghts of the said Richd Sothoron - Samuel Morton, Trustee. (Dixon*, 1821-1823.:41, Reported 1821.05.05)
Clarissa Sothoron Keech, wife of James Keech, died in 1841. She was born in 1782. (Gilliams*)
Application for membership in DAR by Sarah Frances Wright, born in 1841 at The Oakes in Charles Co.. Daughter of Dr. William Sothoron Keech (1806-1885) of Charles Co.., who married Olivia Tinsdale Wiley at The Oakes on 14 July 1857. Dr. Keech was the son of James Keech ( ? - 1844), who married Clarissa Sothoron (1782-1844) in Charles Co. on 22 December 1804. (Wilson Manuscript Collection {G5074}, Maryland Historical Society, Folder #10)
Clarissa Keech, 62 years old, wife of James Keech, died on 2 January 1843 at the Oaks near Charlotte Hall, leaving a large family of sons & daughters. (Fresco(1)*)
Dr. William Sothoron Keech died in 1865. Born in 1806 to James Keech (died 1844) & Clarissa Sothoron Keech (1782-1844), who were married in Charles Co. on 22 December 1804. Dr. Keech married Olivia Tinsdale Wiley at the Oakes on 14 July 1857. (Wilson*)
See Notes of great granddaughter Mary Keech for DAR Application information, and Notes of grandson James Sothoron Keech for application to Sons of American Revolution.
Keech James E. [Male] b. ABT 1779 St. Mary's Co., MD - d. 11 OCT 1852 "The Oaks", Charlotte Hall, St. Mary's Co., MD
Updated: 25 MAR 2011
Person ID: 273
James Keech & Jonathan Edwards replaced Richard Burroughs & Johnson Sothoron in the vestry. (MD Hist Mag 31:34, All Faith Parish, St. Mary's Co., MD, 1786.04.17)
James Keech licensed in St. Mary's Co. on 22 December 1804 to marry Clarissa Sothoron. (Brumbaugh* 1:363)
Clarissa Sothoron (1782-1844) married James Keech (?-1844) in 1804. (Wilson*)
Upon request of the widow, in September 1827 the Orphans Court of St. Mary's Co. appointed James Keech & Briscoe Davis to divide the personal estate of Francis Sothoron among his legal representatives. Keech was also a debtor to the estate. (see Notes of Francis Sothoron, died abt. 1827)
Application for membership in DAR by Sarah Frances Wright, born at The Oakes in Charles Co. in 1841. Daughter of Dr. William Sothoron Keech (1806-1885) of Charles Co.., who married Olivia Tinsdale Wiley at The Oakes on 14 July 1857. Dr. Keech was the son of James Keech ( ? - 1844), who married Clarissa Sothoron (1782-1844) in Charles Co. on 22 December 1804. (Wilson Manuscript Collection {G5074}, MD Hist Soc, Folder #10)
James Keech witnessed a deed between William Sothoron & Jacob Gilliams on 29 July 1828 (see William's Notes)
Clarissa Keech, 62 years old, wife of James Keech, died at the Oaks near Charlotte Hall, leaving a large family of sons & daughters. (Fresco(1)* :411, 1843.01.02)
Death Notice: At the Oaks, in St. Mary's county, Maryland, on Sunday morning, 11th instant, JAMES KEECH, in the 74th year of his age, after a protracted and painful illness, which he bore with christian patience and resignation. Of the deceased it may be truly said that, in the various relations of life which he sustained, he was actuated by elevated principles, and was supported in the dreary hours of adversity, sickness, and death by the confident assurance of a blissful immortality. (Daily National Intelligencer :3, Reported 1852.10.29)
Dr. William Sothoron Keech died in 1885. Born in 1806 to James Keech (died 1844) & Clarissa Sothoron Keech (1782-1844), who were married in Charles Co. on 22 December 1804. Dr. Keech married Olivia Tinsdale Wiley at the Oakes on 14 July 1857. (Wilson*)
See Notes of great granddaughter Mary Keech for DAR Application information.
** Federal Census Schedules
6 August 1810 - St. Mary's Co., MD - Pg 270B, Ln 5 - James Keech - Free white males under 10...2 - .............................26 - 44...1 - ..............females under 10...1 - .............................26 - 44...2 - .............................Slaves...9
7 August 1820 - Dist. 4, St. Mary's Co., MD - Pg 396B, Ln 12 - James Keech - Free white males 10 - 15...2 - ..........................16 - 17...0 - ..........................16 - 25...1 - ..........................26 - 44...1 - ...........females under 10...4 - ..........................10 - 15...1 - ..........................26 - 45...1 - .....Involved in agriculture...4 - .....Involved in commerce...2 - ..Involved in manufacture...1 - ..........................Slaves...13
1 June 1840 - Dist. 5, St. Mary's Co., MD - Pg 182B, Ln 1 - James Keech - Free white males under 5...1 - ...........................10 - 14...8 - ...........................15 - 19...4 - ...........................20 - 29...1 - ...........................60 - 69...1 - ...............females 15 - 19...2 - ...........................20 - 29...5 - ...........................50 - 59...1
1 June 1850 (Recorded 25 Oct 1850) Dist. 5, St. Mary's Co., MD - Pg 345B, Ln 39, 1552/1489 - James Keech, 71 year old male Farmer, born in St. Mary's Co. Real property valued at $2,000. - Susanna H. " , 35 year old female, born in St. Mary's Co. - Clarissa " , 33 year old female, born in St. Mary's Co. - Evelina " , 31 year old female, born in St. Mary's Co. - John E. " , 17 year old male, born in St. Mary's Co., attended school within the year. Real property valued at $1,000.
Bartleson Lulah Mae [Female] b. 22 JUL 1897 Spotsylvania Co., VA - d. 10 NOV 1991 Columbia, Howard Co., MD
Person ID: 274
Updated: 3 SEP 2012
Jesse Bartleson was the father of John Wesley Bartleson, who was the grandfather of Eva, Grace & Lulah Bartleson. (Woodman*)
Edward S. Bartleson was born Apr. 23, 1865 to John Wesley Bartleson & Susanna R. Ewer. He married Anna C. Pulliam, and died Jan. 1, 1942. (Children: Eva, Grace, Clayton, Lulah, Edwin. Lulah married Haddox Sothoron, Farmer.) (notes of Eva Pearl Bartleson)
See father's Notes for 1900 through 1930 Federal Census entries. See husband's Notes for Baltimore City Directory entries.
1940 Federal Census (1940.04.01, Recorded 1940.05.09) 804 St. Paul St., Ward 11, Baltimore City, MD - ED 4-267A, Sh 9B, Ln 62, #423 - Sothoron, Lulah B. Head, 39 year old married white female, born in Virginia, school code C2, renting her non-farm home for $65 per month. Lived in same place on 1 April 1935. Occupation Proprietor & Mgr. of Rooming House, working on Own Account. Worked 72 hours the week of 24-30 March 1940. Other income >$50. -----, Warren A. Husband, 45 year old married white male, born in DC, school code C2. Lived in same place on 1 April 1935. Occupation Clerk at Distillery, drawing private wages. Out of work for 18 weeks the past 12 months. Worked 50 weeks in 1939, earning $1,400.; no other income. -----, Warren A., Jr. Son, 4 year old white male, born in Maryland. -----, Clifton. Son, 1 year old white male, born in Maryland. - (3 Lodgers)
Lulah Bartleson Sothoron, SSN 213-38-5454, white female, born 22 July 1897 in Spotsylvania, VA to Edwin S. Bartleson & Anna C. Pulliam, died 10 Nov 1991. (* - Social Security Applications & Claims Index)
Lulah Mae Bartleson graduated from Chancellor High School, Spotsylvania Co., VA on 3 June 1921. (Diploma in possession of WHS*)

Photo from "The 1928 Yester-Years," the yearbook of James Barbour High School, Barboursville, VA. Identified as "Lulah M. Bartleson, 7th Grade." The entire faculty included 8 teachers. (Yearbook in possession of WHS*)
Marriage of Warren Haddox Sothoron of Flint Hill, VA to Lulah Mae Bartleson of Fredericksburg, VA. Service by C.M. Cope, Minister, on 2 February 1935 at Elkton, Cecil Co., MD. (Marriage Certificate, in possession of WHS*)
Mentioned by name in sons' Birth Certificates, and in obituaries of husband, father, & brothers (see respective Notes)
- Lulah B. Sothoron, a 94 year old widowed non-hispanic white female, died at her residence (Apt. 339, Harmony Hall, 6336 Cedar Lane, Columbia, Howard Co., MD) at 9:08 AM on 10 November 1991. She was born in Virginia on 7-22-1897 to Edwin Bartleson & Anna Pulliam. She completed high school & 4 years of college. Information provided by son, W. Haddox Sothoron, Jr., 2770 Route 32, West Friendship, MD 21794. She had donated her body to the State Anatomy Board, 655 W. Baltimore St., Balto., MD 21201; removal was by Ronald Wade. - Death was by Natural causes, due to Renal Failure of years duration, due to Generalized Arteriosclerosis of years duration, due to Hypertension of years duration. Certification was by B. H. Minchew, M.D., 9501 Old Annapolis Rd., Ellicott City, MD 21042. (Death Certificate # 91 31475)
- The ashes of Lulah B. Sothoron were later returned to WHS*. They were buried with her husband at Lake View Memorial Park (see his Notes for shared Grave Marker).
LULAH SOTHORON SSN 213-38-5454 Residence: Born 22 Jul 1897 Issued: MD (1956 And 1957) Died 10 Nov 1991 (SSDI*)
Armstrong Henry [Male]
Updated: 25 MAR 2011
Person ID: 275
Henry Armstrong licensed in St. Mary's Co. on 22 February 1826 to marry Christian Sothoron. (Brumbaugh* 1:314)
Henry Armstrong licensed in St. Mary's Co. On 22 February 1826 to marry Christian Sothoron, only daughter of Dr. William Sothoron. (Fresco(1)* :10)
Ann Elizabeth Amanda Christiana Sothoron Armstrong divorced from Henry Armstrong of St. Mary's Co. on 16 March 1833, she to have custody of her child. She is the only daughter of Dr. William Sothoron. (Fresco(1)* :10)
Tubman Catharine [Female] b. BEF 1766 Trent Hall, St. Mary's Co., MD - d. 12 NOV 1809 St. Mary's Co., MD
Person ID: 276
Richard Sothoron Jr. (1763-1794), son of Richard (died 1782), married in 1781 to Catherine. (Wilson*)
Richard Southean married Catherine Southean. Ceremony by Rev. George H. Worsley, Rector of Port Tobacco Parish. (Brumbaugh* 2:496, Charles Co., MD, 1783.10.15)
By 1794 will of husband Richard she received all lands owned by him (except that inherited from brother John), to pass to son William on her death or remarriage. She & Henry Tubman Sr. were executors. Will identifies children. (see Richard's Notes).
On petition of Benjamin Sothoron (who was one of the securitys of Catherine Executrix of Richard deceased) setting forth that his apprehensive that the said executor is wasting the estate of the said deceased and therefore prays that citation may issue against the said executrix and her husband Hooper Broom to give counter security - Granted Citation issued (Fenwick* {Proc Orphans Court :262}, St. Mary's Co., MD, 1797.06)
Became administrix of brother-in-law John Sothoron's estate upon death of her husband Richard, and as such was defendant in action by Henry Anderson. By December 1797 was married to Hooper Broome (also called John Hooper Broome). See John Sothoron's Notes.
Catharine Tubman Sothoron, sister of Major Harry Tubman of Trent Hall & widow of Richard Sothoron, died on 12 November 1809 in the 58th year of her age. Born 10 Sept 1788 at Trent Hall. Lived with her husband at Sothoron's Desire, near Charlotte Hall, the birthplace of Ann Sothoron Gilliams. (Gilliams*)
Sothoron Richard [Male] b. ABT 1763 Maryland - d. 1794 St. Mary's Co., MD
Person ID: 277
Click here to view Notes.
Snyder George Adam [Male] d. 1792 Gwynedd, Montgomery Co, PA
Person ID: 278
Click here to view Notes.
Sothoron Harriet [Female] b. ABT 1784 Maryland - d. 30 AUG 1842 Georgetown, DC
Person ID: 279
Click here to view Notes.
Sothoron John [Male] b. ABT 1743 Maryland - d. 1790 Charles Co., MD
Person ID: 280
Click here to view Notes.
Sothoron Richard [Male] b. AFT 1701 Maryland - d. 1782 St. Mary's Co., MD
Person ID: 281
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Sothoron Elisabeth [Female] b. ABT 1738 Maryland - d. AFT 3 OCT 1803
Person ID: 282
ELIZABETH4 SOTHORON (RICHARD3, JOHN2, RICHARD1) was born Bef. 1750 in St. Mary's Co., MD, and died Aft. 1792 in Charles Co., MD. She married (1) THOMAS GERARD SLYE Bef. 1765 in MD, son of JOHN SLYE and ELEANOR COMPTON. He was born Bef. 1746 in Charles Co., MD, and died Bef. 1767 in Charles Co., MD. She married (2) RICHARD WRIGHT Bef. 1766. He was born Bef. 1726, and died Bef. 1768 in Charles Co., MD. She married (3) JAMES BRISCOE Bef. 1768 in Charles Co., MD, son of EDWARD BRISCOE and SUSANNA SLYE. He was born 1726 in Charles Co., MD, and died 1792 in Charles Co., MD. (Reno*)
Charles Co. returns. Gerrald Slye his Admin. Bond in common form by Elizabeth Slye his admx. with Richard Sothoron & John Sothoron his sureties in the sum of £500. (Test Proc 40:323, Charles Co., MD, 1764.04.17, Recorded 1764.07.31)
John Sothoron Slye was born in June 1764 in Charles Co. to Elizabeth Sothoron & Thomas Slye. He died after 1779. (Reno*)
Elizabeth Sotheron married James Briscoe, son of Edward Briscoe & Susannah Gerrard Slye, in Charles Co., MD in about 1765. (* - Church Records)
James Briscoe (son of Edward Briscoe (1685 - 1726, Charles Co., MD) & Susanna Gerard Slye) married Elizabeth Sothoron, widow of Wright and of Slye, in 1765 in Charles Co., MD. James is mentioned in his father's will, and left his own will when dying in Charles Co. in 1800. - There were 4 children: Edward (1767 - 1815), who married Sarah Marshall Wilkinson; Richard Sothoron (1769-1843), who married Theodosia Stone McPherson; Col. Gerard (? - bef. 1823); and Philip Trueman. (Sween Library* - Briscoe Family Folder - author & date unknown: credits Carol Mitchell for the information)
James Briscoe (1726-1791/2) married in 1765 in Charles Co., MD, Elizabeth Sothoron (wid. Wright, wid. Slye; born ca. 1738, died after 10-3-1803). (Sween Library* - (Briscoe Family Folder - "Henry Barnes,” author & date unknown)
Edward Briscoe was born to Elizabeth Sothoron & James Briscoe in 1767 in Charles Co., MD. He married Sarah Marshall Wilkinson in Charles Co., MD before 1799, and died 10 March 1815 in the same county. Sarah was born in 1780 in Charles Co., MD & died after 1820. (Reno*)
Account of James Briscoe of Charles Co. & Elizabeth his wife, administrators of the estate of Thomas Gerard Slye, late of Charles Co., dec'd. Includes payments to Zachariah Bond & Henry Sothoron, merchants. (Admin Accts :210, Charles Co., MD, 1767.07.02)
Gerard Briscoe was born to Elizabeth Sothoron & James Briscoe in 1768 in Charles Co., MD. He married Hannah after 1788. (Reno*)
Additional account of James Briscoe & Elizabeth his wife, administratrix of Richard Wright, late of Charles Co., dec'd. Sureties George Grimes & Joseph Letchworth. Distribution to widow,1/3, with residue to only child Ann, who was 11 years old the 7th of March last. (Admin Accts :342, Charles Co., MD, 1768.07.15)
Final account of Thomas Gerard Slye, who died 15 August 1764. Sureties Richd Sothoron of St. Mary's Co. & Jno Sothoron of Charles Co. Distribution to widow, 1/3; residue to his 2 children: Mary Slye, 5 years old 1 April last; & John Sothoron Slye, 4 years old 1 June last. Administratrix Elizabeth Briscoe, wife of James Briscoe. (Admin Accts :343, Charles Co., MD, 1768.07.15)
Named in her father's will of 1782; bequeathed an equal share of personalty. (see his Notes).
Mary Slye (born between 1760 & 1766 in Charles Co., died 20 Dec. 1795 in Charles Co.), daughter of Elizabeth Sothoron & Thomas Slye, married on 24 January 1786 in Charles Co., MD, Ignatius Wood (born 14 Feb. 1760 in St. Mary's Co., died 25 Jan. 1820 in Charles Co.) (Reno*)
Philip Truman Briscoe was born to Elizabeth Sothoron & James Briscoe after1787 in Charles Co., MD. He married Pamelia Love Hanson (born after 1766, Charles Co.) After 1781 in Charles Co., MD. (Reno*)
Land Records - Charles Co., Maryland
Recorded at request of buyers. John Swann & Elizabeth his wife, Joseph Swann & Agnes his wife, Seth Barton & Sarah Emerson his wife, May Maxwell & Mary Maxwell, all of Baltimore Town, five of the daughters and co-heirs of George Maxwell of Charles Co. deceased sell to Richard Sothoron, Benjamin Sothoron, John Johnson Sothoron & Ann his wife of St. Mary's Co.; and to Jonathan Anderson & Mary his wife, Levin Sothoron & Rebecca his wife, James Briscoe & Elizabeth his wife of Charles Co.. John Sothoron late of Charles Co. had on 20 January 1789 agreed to purchase from John Swann & Elizabeth his wife, Helen Maxwell (now Helen Tabbs, wife to Barton Tabbs St. Mary's Co.), Agnes Maxwell (now Agnes Swann wife to Joseph Swann), Sarah Emerson Maxwell (now Barton), John Campbell & Marion his wife, May Maxwell the tract called Maxwell's seat, 487 ½ acres at £2.16 per acre. Sothoron died intestate and left Richard Sothoron, Benjamin Sothoron, Ann Sothoron wife of John Johnson Sothoron, Mary Anderson wife of Jonathan Anderson, Rebecca Sothoron wife of Levin Sothoron and Elizabeth Briscoe wife of James Briscoe his legal heirs and representatives. £975 paid for 5/7 undivided parts of said tract. Witness: J. Campbell, Jas. Bryden (K#4:282, 1791.01.27, Recorded 1791.06.25)
Deed recorded at request of buyer. Barton Tabbs & Helen his wife of St. Mary's Co. (Helen is daughter & heir to George Maxwell late of St. Mary's Co.) sell to Richard Sothoron, Benjamin Sothoron, John Johnson Sothoron & Ann his wife of St. Mary's Co.; and to Jonathan Anderson & Mary his wife, Levin Sothoron & Rebecca his wife, James Briscoe & Elizabeth his wife of Charles Co.; for £195 sell 1/7 undivided part of Maxwell's Seat. Witness: Vernon Hebb, John Abell. (K#4:292, 1791.04.07, Recorded 1791.08.15)
Deed recordation requested by buyer. John Campbell & Marion his wife of Charles Co. sell to Richard Sothoron, Benjamin Sothoron, John Johnson Sothoron & Ann his wife of St. Mary's Co.; and to Jonathan Anderson & Mary his wife, Levin Sothoron & Rebecca his wife, James Briscoe & Elizabeth his wife of Charles Co.. For £195 they sell their 1/7 undivided part of Maxwell's Seat. Witness: B. Fendall, Benjamin Contee. ( K#4:297, 1791.08.20, Recorded 1791.08.30)
Transfer of ownership of 1/6 undivided part of Maxwell's Seat from Elizabeth Briscoe, widow of James Briscoe of Charles Co., to John Campbell of same county. (Reno* {Carol Mitchell - Deeds}, 1792.06.08)
Indenture recorded at request of buyer. Elizabeth Briscoe widow of James Briscoe late of Charles Co. sells to John Campbell of Charles Co. for £166.13.4, one sixth undivided part of Maxwell's seat. Witness: G. Dent, James Freeman. (K#4:435, 1792.06.08, Recorded 1792.06.08)
Received from Mr. Charles Smoot this date & ordered by the Court to be recorded as final settlement, receipts from the representatives of John Sothoron to his administratrix De Bonis Non. Cites letter from Thomas L. Sothoron dated 3 September 1803, noting monies due as executor of the estate of his father, Levin Sothoron, from a deal made in Mr. John Forbes' store. Other letters from other heirs certifying receipt of monies & properties due: - Elizabeth Briscoe, dated 3 September 1803. - Benjamin Sothoron, dated 3 September 1803. - John Johnson Sothoron, dated 3 September 1803. - Mary Anderson, dated 23 November 1803. (Proc Orphans Court :76, Charles Co., MD, 1803.12.13)
Sothoron Mary [Female] b. BEF 1766 St. Mary's Co., MD - d. 1809
Person ID: 283
JONATHAN ANDERSON was born Bef. 1761 in Charles Co., MD, and died Aft. 1791. He married MARY SOTHORON Bef. 1780 in St. Mary's Co., MD, daughter of RICHARD SOTHORON and ELIZABETH LETCHWORTH. She was born Bef. 1766 in St. Mary's Co., MD, and died Aft. 1791. (Reno*)
Jonathan Anderson, son of Robert Andereson & Mary, died 1797; married Mary Sothoron, who died 1809. (Cook(1)*, pg ii)
Mentioned by name in father's will of 1782. Bequeathed a share of personalty, and 5,000 pounds of tobacco, " apply toward paying for her land.” (see father's Notes)
Received from Mr. Charles Smoot this date & ordered by the Court to be recorded as final settlement, receipts from the representatives of John Sothoron to his administratrix De Bonis Non. Cites letter from Thomas L. Sothoron dated 3 September 1803, noting monies due as executor of the estate of his father, Levin Sothoron, from a deal made in Mr. John Forbes' store. Other letters from other heirs certifying receipt of monies & properties due: - Elizabeth Briscoe, dated 3 September 1803. - Benjamin Sothoron, dated 3 September 1803. - John Johnson Sothoron, dated 3 September 1803. - Mary Anderson, dated 23 November 1803. (Proc Orphans Court :76, Charles Co., MD, 1803.12.13)
Caleb Thomas (born between 1756 & 1760, died intestate between 18 Dec 1813 & 22 March 1814) married in Charles Co., MD in 1805, Priscilla Anderson, his 3rd marriage. They had 5 children between 1806 & 1813: Rebecca, Kitty Ann, Pricy Wilson, Maria, Caleb Sothoron & Adeline. - Priscilla Anderson & her brother Henry Anderson were children of Mary Sothoron (daughter of Richard) & Jonathan Anderson. (Sween Library* - "Thomas Family in Maryland” - in Thomas Family folder, undated & unsigned)
** Land records - Charles Co., Maryland
Recorded at request of buyers. John Swann & Elizabeth his wife, Joseph Swann & Agnes his wife, Seth Barton & Sarah Emerson his wife, May Maxwell & Mary Maxwell, all of Baltimore Town, five of the daughters and co-heirs of George Maxwell of Charles Co. deceased sell to Richard Sothoron, Benjamin Sothoron, John Johnson Sothoron & Ann his wife of St. Mary's Co.; and to Jonathan Anderson & Mary his wife, Levin Sothoron & Rebecca his wife, James Briscoe & Elizabeth his wife of Charles Co.. John Sothoron late of Charles Co. had on 20 January 1789 agreed to purchase from John Swann & Elizabeth his wife, Helen Maxwell (now Helen Tabbs, wife to Barton Tabbs St. Mary's Co.), Agnes Maxwell (now Agnes Swann wife to Joseph Swann), Sarah Emerson Maxwell (now Barton), John Campbell & Marion his wife, May Maxwell the tract called Maxwell's seat, 487 ½ acres at £2.16 per acre. Sothoron died intestate and left Richard Sothoron, Benjamin Sothoron, Ann Sothoron wife of John Johnson Sothoron, Mary Anderson wife of Jonathan Anderson, Rebecca Sothoron wife of Levin Sothoron and Elizabeth Briscoe wife of James Briscoe his legal heirs and representatives. £975 paid for 5/7 undivided parts of said tract. Witness: J. Campbell, Jas. Bryden. (K#4:282,1791.01.27, Recorded 1791.06.25)
Deed recorded at request of buyer. Barton Tabbs & Helen his wife of St. Mary's Co. (Helen is daughter & heir to George Maxwell late of St. Mary's Co.) sell to Richard Sothoron, Benjamin Sothoron, John Johnson Sothoron & Ann his wife of St. Mary's Co.; and to Jonathan Anderson & Mary his wife, Levin Sothoron & Rebecca his wife, James Briscoe & Elizabeth his wife of Charles Co.; for £195 sell 1/7 undivided part of Maxwell's Seat. Witness: Vernon Hebb, John Abell. (K#4:292, 1791.04.07, Recorded 1791.08.15)
Deed recordation requested by buyer. John Campbell & Marion his wife of Charles Co. sell to Richard Sothoron, Benjamin Sothoron, John Johnson Sothoron & Ann his wife of St. Mary's Co.; and to Jonathan Anderson & Mary his wife, Levin Sothoron & Rebecca his wife, James Briscoe & Elizabeth his wife of Charles Co.. For £195 they sell their 1/7 undivided part of Maxwell's Seat. Witness: B. Fendall, Benjamin Contee. (K#4:297,1791.08.20, Recorded 1791.08.30)
Indenture recorded at request of buyer. Jonathan Anderson & Mary his wife, Levin Sothoron & Rebecca his wife of Charles Co. sell to John Campbell of Charles Co., for £133.6.8, two sixths undivided parts of Maxwell's Seat. Witness: Benjamin Dyson, William D. Briscoe. (K#4:299, 1791.08.20, Recorded 1791.08.31)
Briscoe James [Male] b. 1726 Charles Co., MD - d. 1792 Charles Co., MD
Person ID: 284
Elizabeth Sotheron married James Briscoe, son of Edward Briscoe & Susannah Gerrard Slye. (* {Church Records}, Charles Co, MD, about 1765)
James Briscoe (son of Edward Briscoe (1685 - 1726, Charles Co., MD) & Susanna Gerard Slye) married in 1765 in Charles Co., MD, Elizabeth Sothoron, widow of Wright and of Slye. James is mentioned in his father's will, and left his own will when dying in Charles Co. in 1800. - There were 4 children: Edward (1767 - 1815), who married Sarah Marshall Wilkinson; Richard Sothoron (1769-1843), who married Theodosia Stone McPherson; Col. Gerard (? - bef. 1823); and Philip Trueman. (Sween Library* - Briscoe Family Folder - author & date unknown: credits Carol Mitchell for the information)
James Briscoe (1726-1791/2) married in 1765 in Charles Co., MD, Elizabeth Sothoron (wid. Wright, wid. Slye; born ca. 1738, died after 10-3-1803). (Sween Library* - (Briscoe Family Folder - "Henry Barnes,” author & date unknown)
Edward Briscoe was born to Elizabeth Sothoron & James Briscoe in Charles Co., MD in 1767. He married Sarah Marshall Wilkinson in Charles Co., MD before 1799, and died 10 March 1815 in the same county. Sarah was born in 1780 in Charles Co., MD & died after 1820. (Reno*)
Account of James Briscoe of Charles Co. & Elizabeth his wife, administrators of the estate of Thomas Gerard Slye, late of Charles Co., dec'd. Includes payments to Zachariah Bond & Henry Sothoron, merchants. (Admin Accts :210, Charles Co., MD, 1767.07.02)
Gerard Briscoe was born in Charles Co., MD in 1768, to Elizabeth Sothoron & James Briscoe. He married Hannah after 1788, (Reno*)
Additional account of James Briscoe & Elizabeth his wife, administratrix of Richard Wright, late of Charles Co., dec'd. Sureties George Grimes & Joseph Letchworth. Distribution to widow,1/3, with residue to only child Ann, who was 11 years old the 7th of March last. (Admin Accts :342, Charles Co., MD, 1768.07.15)
Philip Truman Briscoe was born in Charles Co., MD, to Elizabeth Sothoron & James Briscoe after 1787. He married Pamelia Love Hanson (born after 1766, Charles Co.) after 1781 in Charles Co., MD. (Reno*)
See wife Elisabeth's Notes for Land Records.
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