Index for surnames beginning with K (Notes Pages)For privacy reasons, Date of Birth and Date of Marriage for persons believed to still be living are not shown. A B C D E F G H I J K L M N O P Q R S T U V W X Y Z (NONE/OTHER) People PageKachle, Elmer C. (b. ABT 1900 - d. 1959) Kamphaus, Esther (b. ABT MAR 1930 - d. AFT APR 1930) Kamphaus, Joseph L. (b. 16 DEC 1894 - d. 2 FEB 1981) Kaneko, June (b. 23 APR 1925 - d. 27 MAR 2004) Kapy, Ethel (b. ABT 1890 - d. 3 JUN 1975) Kaufman, Kaufman, Albert (b. ABT MAR 1919 - d. AFT JAN 1920) Kaufman, Eunice Lane (b. 17 NOV 1924) Kaufman, Frank Nicklos (b. 5 JAN 1898 - d. MAR 1958) Kaufman, Frank Nicklos (b. ABT 1921 - d. AFT APR 1930) Kaufman, Sylvester Leo (b. 16 MAY 1917 - d. 7 JUN 1996) Kavnaugh, Geneva (b. 1898 - d. 1977) Kay, Elizabeth Smith (b. 1797) Kearney, Betty Louise (b. 12 JUN 1936) Kearney, David L. (b. 30 JUL 1920 - d. 15 AUG 2000) Kearney, David Lee (b. 7 MAY 1893 - d. 25 AUG 1946) Kearney, James Carlton (b. 24 JUL 1924 - d. 13 AUG 1990) Kearney, Kathleen (b. ABT 1917 - d. AFT FEB 1949) Kearney, Mary Doris (b. ABT APR 1929) Kearney, Violet G. (b. 10 JUL 1923 - d. 13 DEC 2002) Kearney, William Floyd (b. 28 FEB 1927 - d. 9 FEB 1997) Keech, Alice (b. BET 1826 AND 1828 - d. AFT 1840) Keech, Anne Sothoron (b. 1869 - d. 5 MAR 1934) Keech, Catherine Ann (b. 1806 - d. 18 JUN 1854) Keech, Clarissa (b. ABT 1816 - d. AFT JUN 1860) Keech, Elliott F. (b. ABT 1908 - d. AFT APR 1910) Keech, Estelle (b. ABT 1868 - d. AFT JUN 1880) Keech, Estelle V. (b. 12 AUG 1896 - d. 17 NOV 1992) Keech, Evelina (b. ABT 1819 - d. AFT JUN 1850) Keech, Frances R. (b. 15 APR 1910 - d. 1 AUG 1993) Keech, Francis L. (b. ABT 1912 - d. AFT APR 1930) Keech, Frank B. (b. 1866 - d. 1937) Keech, Frederick J. (b. ABT 1859 - d. BET 1910 AND 1920) Keech, Hatch (b. ABT 1857) Keech, James Keech, James Alexander (b. 1809 - d. 1879) Keech, James Alexander (b. 1860 - d. 1879) Keech, James E. (b. ABT 1779 - d. 11 OCT 1852) Keech, James Sothoron (b. 4 MAR 1864 - d. 19 NOV 1924) Keech, John E. (b. ABT 1833 - d. AFT JUN 1850) Keech, Josephine P. (b. ABT 1901 - d. AFT JAN 1920) Keech, Laura J. (b. 3 OCT 1848 - d. 8 JUL 1849) Keech, Margaret H. (b. BEF 1696 - d. AFT 1752) Keech, Martha Matilda (b. 1825 - d. 5 AUG 1893) Keech, Mary Ann (b. 1810 - d. AFT 1840) Keech, Mary B. (b. 19 AUG 1908 - d. 4 NOV 1990) Keech, Mary Elizabeth (b. 24 AUG 1814 - d. 1 JAN 1895) Keech, Mary (b. JAN 1858 - d. 19 NOV 1918) Keech, Olivia (b. ABT 1866 - d. AFT JUN 1880) Keech, Ruth (b. 1909 - d. AFT APR 1910) Keech, Sarah Frances (b. MAR 1865 - d. AFT APR 1930) Keech, Susan Harriet (b. 4 OCT 1872 - d. 17 NOV 1934) Keech, Susanna Harriett (b. ABT 1815 - d. AFT JUN 1850) Keech, William Sothoron (b. 21 FEB 1804 - d. 19 NOV 1885) Keech, William Wiley (b. 28 APR 1858 - d. 8 SEP 1940) Keen, Jessie (b. OCT 1851 - d. 8 SEP 1900) Kellar, Adith R. (b. ABT 1893) Kellar, Henry H. (b. ABT 1868) Kellar, Lillian O. (b. ABT 1891 - d. 14 JAN 1959) Keller, David Keller, Eva Joyce (b. 18 SEP 1941) Keller, James Donald (b. 29 AUG 1935) Keller, James E. Keller, James Thomas (b. 18 NOV 1905 - d. JUL 1976) Kelley, Anna Kelly, Kelly, Hattie J. Virginia (b. 29 AUG 1885 - d. 19 MAR 1980) Kelly, Rachel Kemp, Ollie (b. ABT 1877 - d. BEF OCT 1909) Kendig, Agnes Elizabeth (b. 5 MAY 1907 - d. AFT SEP 1968) Kennedy, Charles ( d. AFT APR 2008) Kenner, Judith (b. ABT 1775) Kenner, Rodham (b. ABT 1763 - d. ABT 1842) Kent, Warner Glenwood (b. 26 APR 1885 - d. 21 JUN 1967) Kent, William Lee (b. 10 AUG 1862 - d. 12 MAY 1949) Kentigh, Kenyon, Ira Cecil (b. 15 JAN 1928) Kephart, Burton Franklin (b. 19 APR 1907 - d. 30 MAY 1981) Kershaw, Henry J. ( d. BEF JUN 1880) Key, Ann Ogle (b. 1828 - d. 15 NOV 1868) Key, Anna Heath (b. BEF 1815 - d. AFT 1830) Key, Benjamin Gwinn (b. 4 APR 1846 - d. 2 JUL 1848) Key, Bessie (b. ABT 1903 - d. AFT APR 1930) Key, Cecelia Brown (b. 5 SEP 1784 - d. 2 JUL 1835) Key, Cecilia (b. ABT 1854 - d. AFT JUN 1870) Key, Charles Edward (b. 17 DEC 1870 - d. 27 JUL 1960) Key, Clarissa Bond (b. 10 FEB 1794) Key, Cora Beale (b. 7 JUL 1888 - d. JUN 1976) Key, Dorothy (b. ABT 1904 - d. AFT JAN 1920) Key, Edward Hall (b. 1801 - d. 1806) Key, Eliza Maynadier (b. 28 JAN 1792 - d. 16 APR 1866) Key, Elizabeth F. (b. SEP 1883 - d. 12 NOV 1914) Key, Elizabeth (b. SEP 1892 - d. AFT APR 1910) Key, Ellen (b. FEB 1900 - d. AFT JAN 1920) Key, Ellen Forbes (b. 1839 - d. 16 MAY 1870) Key, Etta (b. 1862 - d. 2 JUL 1940) Key, Eveline (b. SEP 1869 - d. AFT JUN 1880) Key, Frances M. (b. ABT JAN 1916 - d. AFT APR 1930) Key, Francis (b. ABT 1849 - d. AFT JUN 1870) Key, Francis Alvin (b. APR 1890 - d. 21 NOV 1964) Key, Frederick Maddox Key, Harriet Hall (b. ABT 1866 - d. 1954) Key, Henrietta T. (b. 6 AUG 1868 - d. 26 SEP 1868) Key, Henry Greenfield Sothoron (b. 1790 - d. 4 APR 1872) Key, Henry Sothoron (b. 16 AUG 1862 - d. 15 JUL 1872) Key, Henry Sothoron (b. 1818 - d. APR 1872) Key, Infant ( d. FEB 1916) Key, Jack S. (b. ABT 1917 - d. AFT APR 1930) Key, James S. Key, James Shields (b. 1 SEP 1900 - d. 14 OCT 1974) Key, John (b. 12 FEB 1780) Key, John (b. ABT 1730 - d. AUG 1755) Key, John (b. ABT 1858 - d. BEF JUN 1870) Key, John Baltzell (b. MAR 1869 - d. 17 AUG 1919) Key, John Coleman (b. 1868 - d. 24 AUG 1868) Key, John Hall (b. 18 MAR 1807 - d. 10 NOV 1884) Key, John Tayloe (b. 1823 - d. 28 SEP 1845) Key, Joseph H. (b. 29 APR 1871 - d. 20 MAR 1895) Key, Joseph Hall (b. 2 JUN 1864 - d. 1912) Key, Joseph Hall (b. 31 MAY 1900 - d. AFT APR 1930) Key, Joseph Harris (b. 29 OCT 1839 - d. 6 JUN 1917) Key, Joseph William (b. ABT 1908 - d. AFT APR 1930) Key, Josephine (b. ABT DEC 1909 - d. AFT APR 1930) Key, Lucretia (b. ABT 1873 - d. AFT JUN 1880) Key, Margaret Louise Key, Martha H. (b. 1843 - d. BEF 1870) Key, Mary (b. 8 OCT 1782 - d. AFT 1820) Key, Mary Hall (b. 30 SEP 1803 - d. 8 NOV 1891) Key, Mary Helen (b. 23 APR 1926) Key, Mary Sophia (b. BEF 1818 - d. AFT SEP 1833) Key, Marzelle E. (b. ABT 1913 - d. AFT APR 1930) Key, Nanny Ogle (b. 5 MAY 1874 - d. 21 NOV 1874) Key, Nellie M. (b. ABT MAR 1918 - d. AFT APR 1930) Key, Philip (b. 1696 - d. 1764) Key, Philip B. (b. 1750 - d. 4 JAN 1820) Key, Philip B. (b. 29 JUN 1781 - d. BET 1815 AND 1820) Key, Philip (b. BEF 1819 - d. AFT 1827) Key, Philip F. (b. 1845 - d. BEF 1870) Key, Philip R. (b. ABT 1856 - d. AFT JUN 1870) Key, Rebecca G. S. (b. BET 1804 AND 1807 - d. AFT AUG 1833) Key, Rebecca Sothoron (b. 5 SEP 1784 - d. AFT 1833) Key, Robert Joyce (b. 9 NOV 1905 - d. 11 APR 1998) Key, Robert Morris (b. 12 JAN 1832 - d. 21 FEB 1876) Key, Robert Morris (b. 25 DEC 1787 - d. BET 1818 AND 1819) Key, Robert Morris (b. 28 AUG 1869 - d. 1925) Key, Robert Morris (b. 28 OCT 1896 - d. AFT APR 1930) Key, Rowena Key, Sallie Brown (b. 7 DEC 1860 - d. 16 JUL 1872) Key, Sara Anne E. (b. 1815 - d. 31 JUL 1867) Key, Shields Sothoron (b. AUG 1872 - d. 1938) Key, Sophia Hall (b. 1799 - d. 1803) Key, Sothoron (b. 29 JAN 1873 - d. 28 MAY 1958) Key, Sothoron (b. ABT OCT 1916 - d. AFT APR 1930) Key, Southern C. (b. OCT 1861 - d. AFT APR 1930) Key, Susan C. (b. JUL 1888 - d. AFT APR 1910) Key, Susanna Gardiner (b. 1751) Key, Susanna Gardiner (b. 1797 - d. 1803) Key, Thomas (b. ABT 1867 - d. AFT JUN 1880) Key, Thomas White (b. 17 FEB 1900 - d. 10 OCT 1980) Key, Thomas White (b. 30 SEP 1803 - d. 1874) Key, Upton Scott (b. 1805 - d. 14 JUL 1866) Key, William Key, William Ogle (b. ABT 1823 - d. 29 NOV 1874) Key, Yale E. (b. 25 JUL 1914 - d. JUL 1979) Keys, Mary Emma (b. ABT 1886 - d. AFT 1945) Keyser, Flora B. (b. ABT 1902) Keyser, Hubert F. (b. ABT 1864) Kilpatrick, Will H. Kincaid, Hilda Kindig, King, Elizabeth (b. 29 AUG 1914 - d. 7 JUL 1993) King, Margaret Ann ( d. 1835) King, Mary Blanche (b. 16 APR 1883 - d. 22 AUG 1966) Kinney, Florence (b. ABT 1898 - d. AFT AUG 1960) Kinney, Violet Ellen (b. 1915 - d. 1987) Kinser, Lee Kinser, Living (b. 8 AUG 1947) Kinser, Living (b. 8 JUN 1954) Kinsey, Howard G. (b. 27 MAR 1853 - d. 27 MAR 1936) Kinsolving, Charles J. (b. ABT 1904 - d. AFT APR 1930) Kinsolving, Charles James (b. ABT 1874 - d. AFT APR 1930) Kinsolving, Charles James (b. AUG 1846 - d. AFT JAN 1920) Kinsolving, Isabella (b. ABT 1904 - d. AFT JAN 1920) Kinsolving, Julia (b. FEB 1872 - d. AFT JAN 1920) Kinsolving, Lucy (b. OCT 1881 - d. AFT JUN 1900) Kinsolving, Rachel D. (b. AUG 1877 - d. AFT JUN 1900) Kinsolving, Thomas C. (b. ABT MAR 1880 - d. BEF JUN 1900) Kinsolving, William L. (b. ABT MAR 1880 - d. BEF JUN 1900) Kinzer, John Kirk, Carl Kirkpatrick, Nannie (b. ABT 1888 - d. AFT APR 1930) Kirkpatrick, Pearl (b. 2 JAN 1882 - d. AFT APR 1930) Kirkpatrick, William E. (b. JAN 1857 - d. AFT APR 1930) Kirtland, Augusta Georgia (b. ABT 1876 - d. 10 SEP 1942) Kisling, Albert G. (b. 7 NOV 1907 - d. 24 OCT 1979) Kiso, Eugene Kiso, John Wilhelm (b. 23 JAN 1899 - d. 12 MAY 1962) Kiso, Lyle Kiso, Verne P. (b. 31 JAN 1931 - d. 12 DEC 1931) Kitchen, Hudson (b. 1897 - d. AFT APR 1930) Kitchin, Howard W. (b. 7 FEB 1887 - d. 20 APR 1972) Kitson, Arthur (b. BEF 1894 - d. BEF AUG 1984) Kitson, Francis Marion (b. 3 DEC 1857 - d. 16 NOV 1893) Kitson, Martin W. (b. ABT 1886 - d. BEF AUG 1984) Kitson, Matthew (b. AUG 1888 - d. BEF JAN 1924) Kitson, Rebecca (b. SEP 1887 - d. BEF AUG 1984) Kittrell, Alberta L. (b. 3 APR 1918 - d. 18 JAN 2011) Kittrell, Elizabeth Atkins ( d. AFT AUG 1810) Kittrell, Hinton Greene (b. 20 FEB 1888 - d. 10 FEB 1937) Kittrell, Hinton Greene (b. ABT AUG 1926 - d. AFT APR 1930) Kittrell, Sarah (b. 8 AUG 1751 - d. 3 FEB 1833) Kittrell, Virginia Mai (b. 1911 - d. 15 MAR 1925) Kitts, Agnes B. (b. ABT 1908) Kitts, Edwin (b. ABT 1906) Kitts, Ella (b. ABT 1914) Kitts, Fred Erman (b. SEP 1898) Kitts, James Albert (b. APR 1871) Kitts, John Albert (b. 25 FEB 1896) Kitts, Joseph C. (b. ABT 1902) Kitts, Katherine (b. ABT 1912) Kitts, Mary Evelyn (b. AUG 1892 - d. AFT APR 1930) Kitts, Thelma L. (b. ABT 1904) Kleen, Kleen, Clara (b. ABT 1904) Kleen, Floyd (b. ABT 1909) Kloetzer, Otto (b. ABT 1833) Kloetzer, Phebe E. (b. NOV 1869 - d. AFT APR 1930) Knight, Knight, Clayton F. (b. ABT 1895 - d. AFT APR 1910) Knight, Elizabeth Knight, Esther M. (b. ABT 1908 - d. AFT APR 1920) Knight, Ethel L. (b. ABT 1897 - d. AFT APR 1910) Knight, Hattie Lucille (b. 11 JAN 1904 - d. 28 MAY 1980) Knight, Marinda Knight, Peter ( d. ABT 1802) Knight, William David (b. ABT 1864 - d. BET 1920 AND 1930) Knipp, Bessie R. (b. 8 OCT 1916 - d. 3 DEC 1989) Knott, Ada C. (b. 22 JUN 1879 - d. 6 MAR 1969) Knott, Annie Pearl (b. 9 OCT 1874 - d. 25 JUL 1964) Knott, Carroll LeRoy (b. 29 JAN 1917 - d. MAR 1984) Knott, Dale Sothoron Knott, Gladys W. (b. ABT AUG 1909 - d. AFT JAN 1920) Knott, Harry (b. ABT 1913 - d. AFT APR 1930) Knott, Harry R. (b. ABT 1873) Knott, James S. (b. ABT 1877) Knott, John Harold (b. ABT 1902 - d. AFT APR 1930) Knott, John Harold (b. ABT 1927 - d. AFT APR 1930) Knott, John W. (b. MAY 1881 - d. 23 JUN 1917) Knott, Lillie C. (b. ABT 1907 - d. AFT JAN 1920) Knott, Luke W. (b. ABT 1849) Knott, Mary M. (b. ABT 1879) Knott, Rubie C. (b. JUN 1884) Knott, Virginia B. (b. ABT 1905 - d. AFT APR 1930) Knott, Wilmer (b. ABT 1915 - d. AFT APR 1930) Knowles, Mary (b. ABT 1809 - d. BET 1860 AND 1870) Koppenhaver, Living Kreter, Emil (b. 1857 - d. 1936) Kreter, Sophia H. (b. ABT 1906 - d. AFT JAN 1920) Krouse, Irene C. (b. 15 JUL 1890 - d. 10 MAY 1975) Kuhn, Albert Edward (b. 25 MAR 1886 - d. 1 SEP 1942) Kuhn, Doris L. (b. ABT 1922 - d. AFT APR 1930) Kuhn, Earnest (b. ABT 1902 - d. AFT JAN 1920) Kuhn, Elisha A. (b. 2 DEC 1888 - d. AFT APR 1930) Kuhn, Fern (b. ABT 1908 - d. AFT JAN 1920) Kuhn, Gladys M. (b. ABT FEB 1905 - d. AFT APR 1930) Kuhn, Harry L. (b. 17 MAR 1894 - d. MAR 1963) Kuhn, Henry Earl (b. JAN 1890 - d. AFT JUN 1900) Kuhn, James (b. ABT 1910 - d. AFT JAN 1920) Kuhn, Lee (b. JUN 1887 - d. AFT JAN 1910) Kuhn, Mable (b. JUN 1896 - d. AFT APR 1910) Kuhn, Mary Etta (b. ABT 1918 - d. AFT APR 1930) Kuhn, Myrtle M. (b. ABT 1924 - d. AFT APR 1930) Kuhn, Myrtle (b. SEP 1884 - d. AFT JUN 1900) Kuhn, Sarah Eva (b. 12 FEB 1883 - d. AFT JUN 1900) Kuhn, Thomas Jefferson (b. 2 JUN 1898 - d. AFT APR 1930) Kuhn, Thomas Pulaskia (b. JUL 1859 - d. AFT APR 1930) Kuhn, Warren J. (b. 14 MAR 1925 - d. 8 MAY 1994) Kuhn, William (b. ABT 1917 - d. AFT APR 1930) Kurtz, Jane Mosher (b. 28 MAY 1856 - d. 1 FEB 1930) This HTML database was produced by a registered copy of People PageCopyright © 2005 - 2017 |