Sothoron & Related Families - 9 (Notes Pages)
For privacy reasons, Date of Birth and Date of Marriage for persons believed to still be living are not shown.
Key Philip B. [Male] b. 29 JUN 1781 St. Mary's Co., MD - d. BET 1815 AND 1820 St. Mary's Co., MD
Person ID: 161
Distribution of the estate of George D. Sothoron. Identifies relatives: (see his Notes for more detail) - Mother Mary Sothoron - Brothers John, Henry, Zachariah, James F. Sothoron - Sisters Ann Smith (? dec'd), Eleanor Gardiner, Mrs. Tubman, Hariet Binns (? dec'd), Rebecca Key - Niece Elizabeth (dec'd), wife of William Thomas, daughter of Mrs. Tubman - Niece Mary, wife of George Thomas, daughter of Mrs. Tubman - Children of Rebecca Key: Philip (his children Rebecca, Sara Anne, Mary); Robert M. (dec'd with heirs); Henry G.S.; Cecelia Ashton (husband Henry); Rebecca Wharton (husband Charles H.D.); Elizabeth Scott (husband John). (Admin Accts EJM#1{MSA* WK-282-283}:158, St. Mary's Co., Recorded 1833.08.16)
PHILIP B. KEY, JR. was born June 29, 1781 in St. Mary's Co., MD to Rebecca Sothoron & Philip B. Key; and died Bet. 1815 - 1820 in St. Mary's Co., MD. He married FRANCES PUTNAM Bet. 1801 - 1806. She was born 1786, and died October 10, 1823 in "Locust Grove", St. Mary's Co., MD. (Reno*)
KEY, Mrs. Frances Putnam, age 37, wife of the late Philip Key, Jr., died at Locust Grove., St. Mary's Co., Md., Oct. 10, 1823. ( - National Intelligencer, published 16 Oct 1823).
Key Rebecca G. S. [Female] b. BET 1804 AND 1807 St. Mary's Co., MD - d. AFT AUG 1833
Person ID: 162
Lewis Ford and Cornelius Manning vs. Charles H. W. Wharton, Rebecca Wharton, Henry Ashton, Celia Ashton, John Scott, Elizabeth M. Scott, Mary C. B. Barnes, Henry G. S. Key, Rebecca G. S. Key, Sarah Anna Key, Mary Sophia Key, Philip Key, Anna H. Key, Upton S. Key, Mary H. Key, Thomas W. Key, John H. Key, and Sophia Key. Estate of Philip Key--St. Margarets Forrest, The Branch and The Hills. (Tom Jennings - St. Mary's County Court {Equity Papers}, 1820:44. Accession No.: 19,731-30 ,MSA No.: C 1591-30, Location: 1/57/9/41)
Distribution of the estate of George D. Sothoron. Identifies relatives: (see his Notes for more detail) - Mother Mary Sothoron - Brothers John, Henry, Zachariah, James F. Sothoron - Sisters Ann Smith (? dec'd), Eleanor Gardiner, Mrs. Tubman, Hariet Binns (? dec'd), Rebecca Key - Niece Elizabeth (dec'd), wife of William Thomas, daughter of Mrs. Tubman - Niece Mary, wife of George Thomas, daughter of Mrs. Tubman - Children of Rebecca Key: Philip (his children Rebecca, Sara Anne, Mary); Robert M. (dec'd with heirs); Henry G.S.; Cecelia Ashton (husband Henry); Rebecca Wharton (husband Charles H.D.); Elizabeth Scott (husband John). (Admin Accts EJM#1{MSA* WK-282-283}:158, St. Mary's Co., Recorded 1833.08.16)
REBECCA G. S. KEY, b. Bet. 1804 - 1807, St. Mary's Co., MD to Philip B. Key & Frances Putnam; d. Aft. 1822; m. THOMAS B. REILY, October 06, 1822, "Southhampton", St. Mary's Co., MD; b. Bef. 1802; d. Aft. 1828. (Reno*)
REILY, Thomas B., and Miss Rebecca G.S. KEY, dau. of the late Philip Key, Jr., of St. Mary's were married Oct. 6, 1822, at Southampton, St. Mary's Co., by the Rev. Mr. Mitchell. ( - National Intelligencer, published 10 Oct 1822)
Thomas B. Reily and Rebecca Reily vs. Charles C. Egerton, Jr., Josiah Turner, Philip Turner, and Henry G. Key. SM. Injunction against execution of judgment. (Tom Jennings - Chancery Court Papers #10580 [1713-1853}, MSA SSF512. Accession No.: 17,898-10580 MSA S512-13-10433 Location: 1/39/2/)
John Scott & Eliza Maynasira Scott vs.the following, regarding the Estate of Philip Key (Gravelly Hills, Bonds Rest, Widows Purchase, Labrynth): - Henry Greenfield Sothoron Key - Sarah Anna E. Key - Mary Sophia Key - John Key - Richard Smith - Anna Smith - William Compton - Mary Compton - Dr. John H. Briscoe - Mary H. Briscoe - Henry Ashton - Celia Ashton - Charles W. Wharton - Rebecca Wharton - Thomas Riley - Rebecca Riley (Chancery Papers 11015 - Accession No: 17,898-11015-1/6, 1833.09.10)
Key Sara Anne E. [Female] b. 1815 St. Mary's Co., MD - d. 31 JUL 1867 St. Mary's Co., MD
Person ID: 163
Lewis Ford and Cornelius Manning vs. Charles H. W. Wharton, Rebecca Wharton, Henry Ashton, Celia Ashton, John Scott, Elizabeth M. Scott, Mary C. B. Barnes, Henry G. S. Key, Rebecca G. S. Key, Sarah Anna Key, Mary Sophia Key, Philip Key, Anna H. Key, Upton S. Key, Mary H. Key, Thomas W. Key, John H. Key, and Sophia Key. Estate of Philip Key--St. Margarets Forrest, The Branch and The Hills. (Tom Jennings - St. Mary's County Court {Equity Papers}, 1820:44. Accession No.: 19,731-30 ,MSA No.: C 1591-30, Location: 1/57/9/41)
Distribution of the estate of George D. Sothoron. Identifies relatives: (see his Notes for more detail) - Mother Mary Sothoron - Brothers John, Henry, Zachariah, James F. Sothoron - Sisters Ann Smith (? dec'd), Eleanor Gardiner, Mrs. Tubman, Hariet Binns (? dec'd), Rebecca Key - Niece Elizabeth (dec'd), wife of William Thomas, daughter of Mrs. Tubman - Niece Mary, wife of George Thomas, daughter of Mrs. Tubman - Children of Rebecca Key: Philip (his children Rebecca, Sara Anne, Mary); Robert M. (dec'd with heirs); Henry G.S.; Cecelia Ashton (husband Henry); Rebecca Wharton (husband Charles H.D.); Elizabeth Scott (husband John). (Admin Accts EJM#1{MSA* WK-282-283}:158, St. Mary's Co., Recorded 1833.08.16)
John Scott & Eliza Maynasira Scott vs.the following, regarding the Estate of Philip Key (Gravelly Hills, Bonds Rest, Widows Purchase, Labrynth): - Henry Greenfield Sothoron Key - Sarah Anna E. Key - Mary Sophia Key - John Key - Richard Smith - Anna Smith - William Compton - Mary Compton - Dr. John H. Briscoe - Mary H. Briscoe - Henry Ashton - Celia Ashton - Charles W. Wharton - Rebecca Wharton - Thomas Riley - Rebecca Riley (Chancery Papers 11015 - Accession No: 17,898-11015-1/6, 1833.09.10)
SARAH ANNA E. KEY, b. 1815, St. Mary's Co., MD to Philip B. Key & Frances Putnam; d. July 31, 1867, St. Mary's Co., MD; m. WALTER H. ROBERTSON, December 09, 1852, "Tudor Hall", Leonardtown, St. Mary's Co., MD; b. 1805, Charles Co., MD; d. March 27, 1853, Charles Co., MD. (Reno*)
See Notes of paternal uncle Henry G.S. Key for 1850 (as S.A.E. Key) & 1860 Federal Census entries.
Mrs. Sarah Ann Robertson died 31 July 1867, age 36 years, buried at Christ Episcopal, St. Mary's Co., MD. (Tice* :473 - St. Andrews Registry 3:254)
Key Mary Sophia [Female] b. BEF 1818 St. Mary's Co., MD - d. AFT SEP 1833
Person ID: 164
Lewis Ford and Cornelius Manning vs. Charles H. W. Wharton, Rebecca Wharton, Henry Ashton, Celia Ashton, John Scott, Elizabeth M. Scott, Mary C. B. Barnes, Henry G. S. Key, Rebecca G. S. Key, Sarah Anna Key, Mary Sophia Key, Philip Key, Anna H. Key, Upton S. Key, Mary H. Key, Thomas W. Key, John H. Key, and Sophia Key. Estate of Philip Key--St. Margarets Forrest, The Branch and The Hills. (Tom Jennings - St. Mary's County Court {Equity Papers}, 1820:44. Accession No.: 19,731-30 ,MSA No.: C 1591-30, Location: 1/57/9/41)
Distribution of the estate of George D. Sothoron. Identifies relatives: (see his Notes for more detail) - Mother Mary Sothoron - Brothers John, Henry, Zachariah, James F. Sothoron - Sisters Ann Smith (? dec'd), Eleanor Gardiner, Mrs. Tubman, Hariet Binns (? dec'd), Rebecca Key - Niece Elizabeth (dec'd), wife of William Thomas, daughter of Mrs. Tubman - Niece Mary, wife of George Thomas, daughter of Mrs. Tubman - Children of Rebecca Key: Philip (his children Rebecca, Sara Anne, Mary); Robert M. (dec'd with heirs); Henry G.S.; Cecelia Ashton (husband Henry); Rebecca Wharton (husband Charles H.D.); Elizabeth Scott (husband John). (Admin Accts EJM#1{MSA* WK-282-283}:158, St. Mary's Co., Recorded 1833.08.16)
John Scott & Eliza Maynasira Scott vs.the following, regarding the Estate of Philip Key (Gravelly Hills, Bonds Rest, Widows Purchase, Labrynth): - Henry Greenfield Sothoron Key - Sarah Anna E. Key - Mary Sophia Key - John Key - Richard Smith - Anna Smith - William Compton - Mary Compton - Dr. John H. Briscoe - Mary H. Briscoe - Henry Ashton - Celia Ashton - Charles W. Wharton - Rebecca Wharton - Thomas Riley - Rebecca Riley (Chancery Papers 11015 - Accession No: 17,898-11015-1/6, 1833.09.10)
MARY SOPHIA KEY, b. Bef. 1820, St. Mary's Co., MD to Philip B. Key & Frances Putnam; d. Aft. 1822. (Reno*)
Mary Sophia Key & William Douglas Clopper (son of Francis Cassatt Clopper, wealthy merchant of Gaithersburg, MD, who built the Woodlands in Gaithesburg, MD) were married at Tudor Hall, St. Mary's Co., MD on 15 January 1846. (McGill*)
Mary S. Key, female, married Douglas Clopper, female (sic) on 15 Jan 1846 in St. Mary's Co., MD. (*- Maryland Marriages, 1655-1850)
Key Robert Morris [Male] b. 25 DEC 1787 St. Mary's Co., MD - d. BET 1818 AND 1819 St. Mary's Co., MD
Person ID: 165
Distribution of the estate of George D. Sothoron. Identifies relatives: (see his Notes for more details) - Mother Mary Sothoron - Brothers John, Henry, Zachariah, James F. Sothoron - Sisters Ann Smith (? dec'd), Eleanor Gardiner, Mrs. Tubman, Hariet Binns (? dec'd), Rebecca Key - Niece Elizabeth (dec'd), wife of William Thomas, daughter of Mrs. Tubman - Niece Mary, wife of George Thomas, daughter of Mrs. Tubman - Children of Rebecca Key: Philip (his children Rebecca, Sara Anne, Mary); Robert M. (dec'd with heirs); Henry G.S.; Cecelia Ashton (husband Henry); Rebecca Wharton (husband Charles H.D.); Elizabeth Scott (husband John). (Admin Accts EJM#1{MSA* WK-282-283}:158, St. Mary's Co., Recorded 1833.08.16)
ROBERT MORRIS KEY was born December 25, 1787 in St. Mary's Co., MD to Rebecca Sothoron & Philip B. Key; and died Bet. 1818 - 1819 in St. Mary's Co., MD. He married ELEANOR B. BEAN July 06, 1805 in St. Mary's Co., MD. She was born Bet. 1787 - 1790 in St. Mary's Co., MD, and died Aft. 1815. (Reno*)
1810 Federal Census (1810.08.06) St. Mary's Co., MD - Pg 229 (304), Ln 17 - Robert M. Key - Free white males 26 - 44...1 - ..........................Slaves...6
Key Henry Greenfield Sothoron [Male] b. 1790 St. Mary's Co., MD - d. 4 APR 1872 Maryland
Person ID: 166
HENRY GREENFIELD SOTHORON KEY was born 1790 in St. Mary's Co., MD to Philip B. Key & Rebecca Sothoron; and died April 04, 1872 in "Tudor Hall", Leonardtown, St. Mary's Co., MD. He married (1) HENRIETTA HILL TAYLOE June 20, 1815, daughter of JOHN TAYLOE and ANN OGLE. She was born December 04, 1794 in "Ogle Hall", Annapolis, Anne Arundel Co., MD, and died January 14, 1832 in "Tudor Hall", Leonardtown, St. Mary's Co., MD. He married (2) MARIA LOUISA HARRIS February 18, 1834 in St. Mary's Co., MD, daughter of JOSEPH HARRIS and SUSANNA REEDER. She was born 1804 in St. Mary's Co., MD, and died May 16, 1879 in "Tudor Hall", Leonardtown, St. Mary's Co., MD (Reno*)
 Henry Greenfield Sothoron Key, from*
Lewis Ford and Cornelius Manning vs. Charles H. W. Wharton, Rebecca Wharton, Henry Ashton, Celia Ashton, John Scott, Elizabeth M. Scott, Mary C. B. Barnes, Henry G. S. Key, Rebecca G. S. Key, Sarah Anna Key, Mary Sophia Key, Philip Key, Anna H. Key, Upton S. Key, Mary H. Key, Thomas W. Key, John H. Key, and Sophia Key. Estate of Philip Key--St. Margarets Forrest, The Branch and The Hills. (Tom Jennings - St. Mary's County Court {Equity Papers}, 1820:44. Accession No.: 19,731-30 ,MSA No.: C 1591-30, Location: 1/57/9/41)
Thomas B. Reily and Rebecca Reily vs. Charles C. Egerton, Jr., Josiah Turner, Philip Turner, and Henry G. Key. SM. Injunction against execution of judgment. (Tom Jennings - Chancery Court Papers #10580 [1713-1853}, MSA SSF512. Accession No.: 17,898-10580 MSA S512-13-10433 Location: 1/39/2/)
Named as a executor of his cousin John Sothoron's estate in latter ‘s will of 1826. Inasmuch as John was acting as executor of John's brother Zachariah's estate, other siblings renounced their entitlement to administration de bonis non to Henry G. S. Key. Several legal actions ensued. In action by James Forbes, H. G. S. Key's age on 1 September 1843 was noted to be "nearly 54.” See Notes of John Sothoron (born 1767 for details).
KEY, MRS. HENRIETTA H., age 38, w. Henry G.S. Key, d. 14 Jan 1832. She leaves a husband and 7 children. ( - National Intelligencer, published 7 Feb 1832)
Distribution of the estate of George D. Sothoron. Identifies relatives: (see his Notes for more details) - Mother Mary Sothoron - Brothers John, Henry, Zachariah, James F. Sothoron - Sisters Ann Smith (? dec'd), Eleanor Gardiner, Mrs. Tubman, Hariet Binns (? dec'd), Rebecca Key - Niece Elizabeth (dec'd), wife of William Thomas, daughter of Mrs. Tubman - Niece Mary, wife of George Thomas, daughter of Mrs. Tubman - Children of Rebecca Key: Philip (his children Rebecca, Sara Anne, Mary); Robert M. (dec'd with heirs); Henry G.S.; Cecelia Ashton (husband Henry); Rebecca Wharton (husband Charles H.D.); Elizabeth Scott (husband John). (Admin Accts EJM#1{MSA* WK-282-283}:158, St. Mary's Co., Recorded 1833.08.16)
John Scott & Eliza Maynasira Scott vs.the following, regarding the Estate of Philip Key (Gravelly Hills, Bonds Rest, Widows Purchase, Labrynth): - Henry Greenfield Sothoron Key - Sarah Anna E. Key - Mary Sophia Key - John Key - Richard Smith - Anna Smith - William Compton - Mary Compton - Dr. John H. Briscoe - Mary H. Briscoe - Henry Ashton - Celia Ashton - Charles W. Wharton - Rebecca Wharton - Thomas Riley - Rebecca Riley (Chancery Papers 11015 - Accession No: 17,898-11015-1/6, 1833.09.10)
A meeting was held to discuss the issue, and to select delegates to attend a meeting in Baltimore on the second Wednesday in June, to devise a system which will be submitted to the State Legislature, for "...better regulation of the free negro population of this State.” John H. Sothoron & H.G.S. Key were among those selected to represent the county. (St. Mary's Beacon :2, Reported 1859.04.14)
1850 Federal Census (1850.06.01, Recorded 1850.07.23) District 3, St. Mary's Co., MD - Pg 267A, Ln 11, 195/201 - H. G. S. Key, 60 year old male Farmer, born in St. Mary's Co. Real property valued at $65,000. - Maria L. " , 44 year old female, born in St. Mary's Co. - Ann O. " , 22 year old female, born in St. Mary's Co. - R. M. " , 17 year old male Student, attended school within the year, born in St. Mary's Co. - E. F. " , 11 year old female, attended school within the year, born in St. Mary's Co. - Joseph H. " , 9 year old male, attended school within the year, born in St. Mary's Co. - Martha H. " , 7 year old female, attended school within the year, born in St. Mary's Co. - Philip F. " , 5 year old male, attended school within the year, born in St. Mary's Co. - S. A. E. " , 35 year old female, born in St. Mary's Co. - Eleanor Greenwell, 46 year old female, born in St. Mary's Co. - James Muck Mellon, 80 year old male, born in St. Mary's Co. - John Carpenter, 27 year old mulatto Labourer, born in St. Mary's Co. - (The column for "Color" was blank except for some "B" and some "M")
1860 Federal Census (1860.06.01, Recorded 1860.06.06) Leonard Town, St. Mary's Co., MD - Pg 5, Ln 33, 27/28 - Henry G. S. Key, 70 year old male Farmer Planter, born in Maryland. Real property valued at $35,000, personal property at $65,000. - Mariah L. " , 55 year old female "W", born in Maryland. - Sarah A. Robertson, 51 year old female Lady, born in Maryland. Personal property valued at $2000. - Eleanor Greenwell, 55 year old female House Keeper, born in Maryland. - Joseph H. Key, 21 year old male University of Va.student, born in Maryland.
1870 Federal Census (1870.06.01, Recorded 1870.09.01) District 3, St. Mary's Co., MD - Pg 62, Ln 7, 394/394 - Key, Henry G. S., 80 year old white male Farmer, born in Maryland. Real property valued at $45,000, personal property at $10,000. -----, Mariah L.., 65 year old white female, Keeping house, born in Maryland. -----, Joseph H., 31 year old white male Attorney at Law, born in Maryland. Personal property valued at $7000. -----, Fanny, 25 year old white female, at home, born in Maryland. -----, John B., 1 year old white male, at home, born in Maryland. - Briscoe, David S., 27 year old white male Attorney at Law, born in Maryland. Personal property valued at $7000. - (15 servants & laborers)
Key, H.G.S., d. 4 Apr 1872, age 84 years; info. from CCR 1871:82, Christ Episcopal, St. Mary's Co., MD. (Tice* :327)
** Public Meeting of 22 January 1861 (Published in St. Mary's Beacon, 24 Jan 1861)
At a meeting, irrespective of party, of the citizens of St. Mary's county, at Leonard Town on Tuesday last, the 22nd inst., convened "to initiate action looking to the call of a convention of the people of Maryland, and to provide, as best they may, against the threatened infraction of the peace and independence of the State and the liberty of the people,” on motion, H. G. S. Key was called to the Chair, and Wm. Coad and Wm. H. Thomas elected Vice-Presidents. J. F. King acted as Secretary.
Col. C. Billingsley moved, that a committee of five be appointed by the Chair to report business for the meeting. The motion was subsequently amended extending the committee to seven, and carried, and the following gentlemen were appointed: C. Billingsley, Robert Ford, George W. Morgan, George Thomas, Dr. Walter Briscoe, George C. Morgan and John H. Sothoron.. The committee withdrew, and pending the presentation of their report, the meeting was addressed by Dr. A. McWilliams, J. T. Blakistone, Dr. Thos. A. Lynch, Dr. Robert Neale, Dr. J. Waring, J. Edwin Coad, Wm. I. Yates, Dr. Wm. I. Edelen, J. T. M. Raley and Wm. Coad.
Before Col. Coad had concluded his remarks, the committee appeared and signified its readiness to report. Col. Billingsly, chairman then read the following preamble and resolutions:
Whereas, it is no less the duty than the right of free people, when the institutions under which they live are threatened with destruction, and are becoming so perverted as to destroy the ends, for which they were instituted, to assemble and express their views upon all questions that may concern their peace, happiness or prosperity, therefore,---
1st. Resolved by the citizens of Saint Mary's County, without respect to party, that we have ever cherished a cordial, habitual and immovable attachment to the Union of the States; that we have always endeavored to foster among our people a spirit of independence too just to invade the rights of others, too proud to surrender our own and too liberal to indulge unworthy prejudices against any; and, that we now, as heretofore, look upon the strict observence of the constitution, made by our fathers, and the interpretation of the same by the authority therein sanctioned, as the surest and only means to preserve the peace, happiness and union of the people.
2. Resolved, That, whilst the constitution expressly declares that, among other things, it was made "to establish justice, insure domestic tranquility, promote the general welfare, and secure the blessings of liberty to all the people,” yet, our Northern brethern, disregarding its plainest sanctions, by force of law, detain our property without "justice,” destroy our "domestic tranquility” by agitation, and endanger the "general welfare” by vindictive crusades upon our rights, and threaten the destruction of "liberty” by inciting their people to war upon our most cherished institutions.
To prove this, and to bring the facts to the knowledge of our sister Northern States, for whom we yet cherish, notwithstanding our wrongs, feelings of kindness, let these be submitted to their candid consideration.
1. By the deliberative enactments of a large majority of their Legislatures, they have nullified that clause of the constitution which provides that, "no person, held to service or labor in one State under the laws thereof escaping into another, shall, in consequence of any law or regulation therein, be discharged from such service or labor, but shall be delivered up on claim of the party to whom such service or labor may be due.”
2. By causing the murder of our citizens in the pursuit of their fugitive slaves, and shielding the murders from punishment.
3. By imprisoning our citizens, and subjecting them to enormous fines, who have gone into their States to reclaim their slaves.
4. By running them off to the value of millions of dollars, and, by mob violence, preventing the execution of the Federal Laws enacted to restore them to their owners.
5. By denouncing our institutions, in Congress, in their State Legislatures, on the hustings, through the press, and in the pulpit, thus dividing and disrupting, first, the churches of God with which our people were connected, and lastly assailing our rights guaranteed by the plainest provisions of the Constitution.
6. By repudiating and denouncing the decisions of the Supreme Court of the United States because, as the authorized expounder of the Constitution, it decided that our property, in a country of equal law, was entitled to protection.
7. By their Governors refusing to deliver up murderers and inciters to rebellion, upen the demand of legal authorities, against the plainest provisions of the Constitution.
8th. By organizing in their midst Emigrant Aid Societies, furnishing such agents as John Brown with money and arms, and depositing them in our midst to invade our sister State of Virginia, to incite our own and their slaves to servile insurrection, and to murder their peaceable inhabitants.
9th. By demanding, through their dominant party, the passage of laws by Congress prohibiting the selling to our sister Southern States, or the buying from them, slave property-thus destroying its value and seeking to impoverish our people.
10. By claiming, through the same dominant party, the Congressional power to abolish slavery in the Dock-yards, Forts, Arsenals and other property of the government within the Slave States, and also the power to do the same in the District of Columbia-thus creating within our midst a receptacle, wherewith, to deprive us of our Slave property.
11. By claiming to appropriate the whole of the Territories, which are the common property of all, to themselves alone.
Notwithstanding these and other repeated infractions of the contract under which we live, by our Northern brethern, we have to the letter observed our Constitutional obligations and carefully abstained from every infringement of their rights, and have forborne until patience and forbearance are well night exhausted, therefore,
Resolved. That, we think it due to them, and the momentous issues that now agitate each section of the country, to declare respectfully, but firmly, that such flagrant violations of our common compact, upon their part, cannot be longer borne by our people, and that we required some further security in the future, and we earnestly entreat them, as they love the Union, to cease their warfare upon our rights.
Resolved. That, Maryland, in our opinion, should now act speedily and decidedly, and by sovereign Convention of her people bring these grievances fully, fearlessly, and temperately before the people of the Northern States, so that by a sense of justice and right they may consent to have guaranteed such protection to the rights of the South as may finally reconstruct and preserve our present dismembered Union upon a lasting and sure foundation.
Resolved. That, the United States has no constitutional capacity to exercise municipal jurisdiction, sovereignty or eminent domain within the limits of a State or elsewhere, except in cases where it is expressly granted "(3 Howard S.C.R. p222,223) and it is neither granted nor was it ever contemplated in the deeds ceding the territory of this or any other State to the United States for forts, arsenals, dock-yards and other purposes, that the same should be used to coerce the citizens of such States by the Federal army, but the said forts, arsenals, &c, were intended to protect the commerce therewith connected and the citizens thereof, and the said forts, arsenals &c, in the event of a disruption of this Government, by right revert to the States in which they may be located, upon a proper remuneration therefor in a general distribution of the property of the General Government among the several States.
Resolved. That the Hon. John J. Crittenden, of Ky., is entitled to the warmest gratitude of his country for his unceasing efforts to bring about an amicable settlement of the present unhappy troubles, but that this meeting does view with deep indignation the general apathy pervading both Houses of Congress, which seem to have forgotten their duty to the Nation in the contests of party.
Resolved. That, in the language of Mr. Madison, the use of force "by the Federal Government against a State breaks the compact and is a dissolution of all previous contracts by which it might be bound” a doctrine to which we understood the President to give his assent in his last annual Message, but the recent appearance of the commander in chief of the Federal forces at Washington, the withdrawing of troops form a distance to occupy the forts of our State, which has ever and always been loyal to the Constitution and the Union evinces a determination to overawe the people by the military arm of the Government, and is a dangerous departure from the doctrine of the framers of the Constitution to rely upon the militia of the country for the preservation of its peace, and, in our opinion, is the first step towards a military despotism, which should be condemned by the whole voice of the American people.
In view of then of the grievances under which we are laboring, as set forth in the foregoing resolutions, and with a prospect in the future threatening ever greater calamities, the call upon the people of Maryland is imperative, to take some firm and decided step which if it do not secure and maintain their peace, will at least define their position, and asert their rights; and this necessity has been forced upon an unwilling people by the failure of all other means of redress.
Since the opening of the present session we have been anxiously looking to the Federal Congress for some settlement of the important and vital questions at issue; but the recent rejection of the compromise resolutions of Mr. Crittenden, the Senator from Kentucky, has put an end to all hope of relief from that quarter. The persistent non-action of the Governor of our State-actuated though he may be by proper and patriotic motives-paralyzes the powers and prevents the action of the normal functions of the State government, in the premises. Whilst the Legislatures of all the other Border States of the South are in session and preparing to meet the threatened danger, Maryland alone preserves a state of dangerous and criminal inactivity. Under these circumstances security for life and property impels the people to resort to the exercise of their rights which should never be referred to except in cases like the present where the powers of the Government are inadequate to the purposes for which they were ordained.
We therefore, after due consideration of our condition, do most earnestly recommend to the people of Saint Mary's county, to assemble in their respective election districts, on SATURDAY, the 26th of January, and select ten delegates to attend a County Convention, to be held in Leonard Town on the 29th day of January, which last Convention shall select six delegates to represent St. Mary's county in a General Convention of the State, to be held in Annapolis or elsewhere on such day as may be hereafter designated.
And we also recommend to the people of the county, in order that their opinion may be made known in regard to the call of the proposed convention that when they meet in their primary assemblies the polls shall be opened and a vote be taken by ballot for or against a general convention, which vote shall be regularly returned by the judges appointed, to the Clerk of the Circuit Court for Saint Mary's county.
Geo. W. Morgan presented the following preamble and resolutions.
Whereas, it is now manifest that the Governor of this State will not convene the Legislature, in consequence of which the people of this State are left in a defenceless position, most particularly the counties, many of which are unprepared to meet any attack that may be made upon them, and, whereas, in the excited state of the public mind, it behooves the people of this county to take some action, by which to place themselves in a position to be able to defend themselves in case of an invasion, therefore,
Resolved, as the sense of this meeting, in County Convention assembled, that the Commissioners Court be, and they are hereby respectfully requested to levy on the assessable property of the county the sum of five thousand dollars, or so much thereof as may, in their judgment, be necessary for the purpose of purchasing arms, ammunition, &c.
Resolved. That the Commissioners issue the bonds of the county, at six and twelve month, for whatever amount they may think necessary to carry into effect the aforegoing resolution.
Resolved. That they also be requested to appoint a Vigilance Committee in each Election District, consisting of twenty five members, whose duty it shall be to keep a constant watch upon a certain class of our population, and also to arrest any suspicious characters found in our midst and bring them to justice.
The vote was then taken upon the preamble and all the resolutions, except the resolution requesting the Commissioners Court to appropriate $5000, &c., &c., and they were unanimously adopted. Wm. H. Thomas moved to strike out that portion of the resolution, which authorized the County Commissioners to issue bonds, &c. The motion was advocated by Wm. H. Thomas and G. Fred Maddox and opposed by Dr. Wm. I. Edelen, H .G. S. Key, J. Edwin Coad, Geo. C. Morgan, James T. Blakistone and others. The vote was taken on the motion to strike out, and it was rejected. The original resolution was then unanimously adopted.
Col J. H. Sothoron offered the following resolution, which was unanimously adopted:
Resolved, That we hereby heartily appreciate the feelings that actuate the working men of the City of New York, and hereby thank them in the name of Maryland for their patriotic and constitutional action; and we hereby instruct the Secretary of this meeting to transmit a copy of its proceedings to the working men of New York and their associates.
It was moved and carried, that the proceedings of the meeting be published in the St. Mary's Beacon.
On motion, the meeting adjourned.
H. G. S.KEY, Prest. J. F. King, Sec.
Key Cecelia Brown [Female] b. 5 SEP 1784 St. Mary's Co., MD - d. 2 JUL 1835 Washington, DC
Person ID: 167
Lewis Ford and Cornelius Manning vs. Charles H. W. Wharton, Rebecca Wharton, Henry Ashton, Celia Ashton, John Scott, Elizabeth M. Scott, Mary C. B. Barnes, Henry G. S. Key, Rebecca G. S. Key, Sarah Anna Key, Mary Sophia Key, Philip Key, Anna H. Key, Upton S. Key, Mary H. Key, Thomas W. Key, John H. Key, and Sophia Key. Estate of Philip Key--St. Margarets Forrest, The Branch and The Hills. (Tom Jennings - St. Mary's County Court {Equity Papers}, 1820:44. Accession No.: 19,731-30 ,MSA No.: C 1591-30, Location: 1/57/9/41)
CECELIA BROWN KEY was born September 05, 1784 in St. Mary's Co., MD to Philip B. Key & Rebecca Sothoron; and died July 02, 1835 in Washington, D.C.. She married HENRY ASHTON May 12, 1804 in St. Mary's Co., MD, son of HENRY ASHTON and MARY DENT. He was born Bet. 1779 - 1783, and died February 1834 in Washington, D.C.. (Reno*)
Distribution of the estate of George D. Sothoron. Identifies relatives: (see his Notes for more details) - Mother Mary Sothoron - Brothers John, Henry, Zachariah, James F. Sothoron - Sisters Ann Smith (? dec'd), Eleanor Gardiner, Mrs. Tubman, Hariet Binns (? dec'd), Rebecca Key - Niece Elizabeth (dec'd), wife of William Thomas, daughter of Mrs. Tubman - Niece Mary, wife of George Thomas, daughter of Mrs. Tubman - Children of Rebecca Key: Philip (his children Rebecca, Sara Anne, Mary); Robert M. (dec'd with heirs); Henry G.S.; Cecelia Ashton (husband Henry); Rebecca Wharton (husband Charles H.D.); Elizabeth Scott (husband John). (Admin Accts EJM#1{MSA* WK-282-283}:158, St. Mary's Co., Recorded 1833.08.16)
John Scott & Eliza Maynasira Scott vs.the following, regarding the Estate of Philip Key (Gravelly Hills, Bonds Rest, Widows Purchase, Labrynth): - Henry Greenfield Sothoron Key - Sarah Anna E. Key - Mary Sophia Key - John Key - Richard Smith - Anna Smith - William Compton - Mary Compton - Dr. John H. Briscoe - Mary H. Briscoe - Henry Ashton - Celia Ashton - Charles W. Wharton - Rebecca Wharton - Thomas Riley - Rebecca Riley (Chancery Papers 11015 - Accession No: 17,898-11015-1/6, 1833.09.10)
ASHTON, Mrs. Cecelia, died in this city July 2, in her 51st year of age. (Nat'l Genealogical Society - National Intelligencer, Washington, DC, Published 3 July 1835)
Sothoron George Mortimer [Male] b. 1808 St. Mary's Co., MD - d. 18 NOV 1870 Georgetown, DC
Person ID: 168
George M. Sothoron of DC matriculated with the Medical Department, University of Pennsylvania in 1833; no record of his having graduated. In tabular list "(140)” follows the year entry. (* {Medical Department Matriculants, 1806-1852}, Philadelphia)
George M. Sothoron licensed in Washington, DC on 1 October 1867 to marry Sarah Sherry. (Newman Papers*)
George M. Sothoron & Sarah L. Sherry licensed on 1 October 1867 in Washington, DC to marry. (Pippenger(2)*)
** Federal Census schedules & Washington Directories - DC
See father's Notes for 1850 Census entry.
Sothoron, Dr. John & George, drug store, ne cor. Bridge & Potomac, h a few doors east. (Washington Directory*, Georgetown, 1853)
George M. Sothoron, druggist (J.W. Sothoron & Co.), 186 Bridge, boards 179 Bridge, Georgetown. (Washington Directory*, 1858)
George M. & John W. Sothoron, druggists, 186 Bridge, Georgetown George Sothoron, apothecary at Georgetown, home 171 23rd st west, Washington. (Washington Directory*, 1860)
1860 Census (1860.06.01, Recorded 1860.06.14) Ward 1, Washington, DC - Pg 94 (302), Ln 24, 701/682 - George Sothoron - 50 year old male druggist, born in Md. - Louisa" - 25 year old female, born in DC. - George" - 4 year old male, born in DC. ("Color" was blank for the above 3 entries) - Garrett Long -12 year old mulatto male, born in Md.
1860 Census (1860.06.01, Recorded 1860.06.18) Ward 3, Georgetown, DC - Pg 19 (122), Ln 30, 793/847 - J. W. Sothoron, a 48 year old male druggist, born in Maryland. Real property value $3,500. - G. M. " , a 51 year old male druggist, born in Maryland. Real property value $1,700, personal $7,000. ( "Color” was marked "x” for each entry)
George M. Sothoron, druggist/apothecary, 186 Bridge, Georgetown. G.M. Sothoron, home 171 23rd St. west, Washington. (Washington Directory*, 1862)
Geo. M. Sothoron of 186 Bridge was assessed taxes of $10.00 as an Apothecary. (* - image of U.S. IRS Alphabetical Tax Assessment List of 26 Sept 1862)
George M. Sothoron, druggist, 186 Bridge, home same, Georgetown George M. Sothoron, drugstore, Bridge corner Potomac in Georgetown, home 171 23rd St. west, Washington. (Washington Directory*, 1863)
George M. Sothoron, druggist, 186 Bridge, home same, Georgetown. George M. Sothern, druggist, home 171 23rd St. west, Washington. (Washington Directory*, 1864)
Geo. M. Sothoron of 186 Bridge, District of Columbia (Div. 7) was assessed taxes as follows: .. Article or Occupation .. Valuation .. Tax .... Total .. Income ........................ 375 .........11.25 .. Apothecary ................................. 10.00 .. 11.25 (* - image of U.S. IRS Alphabetical Tax Assessment List of 1864, Pg 23, Ln 7)
G.M. Sothoron, druggist, 186 Bridge, home same, Georgetown. George M. Sothron, drugs, home 171 23rd west, Washington. (Washington Directory*, 1865)
George M. Sothoron of 186 Bridge was assessed taxes in 1865 as follows: .. Article or Occupation .. Valuation .. Tax .... Total .. Income ....................... 575 ......... 28.75 .. Watch ........................................... 1.00 .. Ret. Cig. Dealer ............................ 25.00 .. 54.75 (* - image of U.S. IRS Alphabetical Tax Assessment List, Pg 36, Ln 32)
G.M. Sothoron, druggist, 186 Bridge, home same, Georgetown. George Sothron, druggist Georgetown, home 171 23rd St. west, Washington. (Washington Directory*, 1866)
Sothoron, Geo. M., 186 Bridge St. Division 7, District of Columbia, for year of 1866. ..... Income, Abstract No. 241, value of $596, rate 5, tax $29.80 ..... Watch, Abstract No. 272, tax $1.00 ..... Reg Liq. Dealer, Abstract No. 235, tax $25. Total tax $55.80 (* - images of U.S. IRS Tax Assessments Lists)
George M. Sothoron, druggist at 186 Bridge in Georgetown, home 171 23rd St. west, Washington. (Washington Directory*, 1867)
George M. Sothoron, 101 1st St., Georgetown. (Washington Directory*, 1869)
George M. Sothoron, 101 1st, Georgetown. (Washington Directory*, 1870)
1870 Census (1870.06.01, Recorded 1870.06.10) Georgetown, DC - Pg 34 (520B), 252/267 - Sothoron, George M. 62 year old retired druggist, born in Maryland. Real estate valued at $4,000, personal estate at $9,000. ----, Sarah L. 35 year old, keeping house, born in DC, both parents of foreign birth. ----, George M. 14 year old, going school, born in DC. - John Lucy. 20 year old white male Domestic Servant, born in Maryland, can neither read nor write
** Church activities - St. John's Episcopal Church, Georgetown, DC
I will agree to furnish the materials for the painting of Saint John Church at the lowest cash prices, to be paid for within thirty days after the completion of said painting-I have also engaged Mr. Geo. Harvey with his apprentice at three dollars 25/100 per day - the said Harvey to furnish a competent journeymay at one dollar 75/100 per day requiring payment weekly-the painting to be executed in a workmanship manner and to be examined during its progress. /s/ Geo. M. Sothoron. (Parish Register 1A/II:20, 1839.05.24) Signature on sheet:

An itemized list of painting supplies provided by Geo. M. Sothoron from May to July 1839, with their costs. Total due by St. Johns Church Geo. Town is $75.13¾. (Parish Register 1A/II:52, 1839.09.09)
A balance sheet presented by G. M. Sothoron to the Church for work performed in 1939 and subsequent payments, including interest on unpaid balance. The balance as of 1 August 1840 was $66.67, for which a 60 day note was recorded this date. (Parish Records, 1840.08.10)
Reference made to the payment of $47.92 to Dr. Sothoron for painting the church. (Vestry Minutes, 1821-1866 :166, 1843.01.30)
List of subscribers to funds for Church enlargement, with the first payment due this date. Pledges included: - W. Sotheron, 2 payments of $25.00 each. - G.M. Sotheron, 2 payments of $10.00 each. (Parish Register 1A/III:44, 1844.01.07)
Under lists of families, "Dr. Sothoron & wife (both baptised), lives Prospect St." Note that Dr. Sothoron "died 1872". Also notes son George, baptised & confirmed. (Parish Register, 1869-1880. 3:22, 1869)
** Real estate
George M. Sothoron of Georgetown, DC to John W. Dixon of Alexandria Co., VA, 258 acre plot in Alexandria Co. Abuts west side of Washington & Alexandria Turnpike, with a corner at the side of Old Georgetown Road. Had been conveyed to Edward B. Powell by Henry Chatham by deed on 15 October 1853, & by deed from Powell to Sothoron on 14 September 1832. Land is in trust, note for $1152.34 drawn by Edward B. Powell bearing date of 1 December 1854, payable 7 months from that date to Henry Chatham for value received; note is negotiable & payable at Alexandria office of Farmers Bank of Virginia. Sothoron covenants that he will keep house on property in some solvent & reputable insurance company, in sum of $1500, assigning policy to trustee. Notarized 27 December 1852. (Meets & bounds given, not copied by me.) (Deeds Q3:30, Alexandria Co., VA, 1852.12.21, Recorded 1852.12.30)
George M. Sothoron of Georgetown, DC, for $4291.75, grants with general warranty to Edward King of Alexandria City & Co., tract of land on both sides of Alexandria Canal in Alexandria Co., being part of farm conveyed to Sothoron by Edward S. Powell & wife by deed on 14 September 1854. Grantee to have "...any and all rights that may exist in the 20 6/10 acres conveyed to Alexandria Canal Co. By deed of Henry Chatham to said company.” Sothoron reserves right of way through what is commonly called "Chatham's” or "Powell's Lane,” leading from Sothoron's lands to Alexandria & Washington Road. Notes deed of trust to John A. Dixon for benefit of Henry Chatham. (Meets & bounds and a plat not copied by me) (Deeds Q3:530, Alexandria Co., VA, 1855.03.20, Recorded 1855.03.21)
By deed dated 14 Sept 1854, Edward B. Powell of Alexandria Co., VA & his wife Cordelia conveyed a certain tract of land in Alexandria Co. to George M. Sothoron of Georgetown, DC for $10,000 & payment of bonds due by Powell to Henry Chatham, amounting to about $6,000. Powell has agreed to release GMS from payment of said bonds. Sothoron, in consideration of $5 & other considerations, grants unto Powell the afst. tract of land. (Deeds R3:74, Alexandria Co., VA, 1855.07.12, Recorded 1855.07.13)
** Miscellaneous
An indenture between William Sothoron & Clement Cox, both of Washington Co., DC, for the purchase by Sothoron of a parcel of land in Georgetown, numbered "Twenty one” of Holmead's Addition to Georgetown, for the sum of $300 in fee simple. Authority for the sale is contained in two previous indentures; one between Richard Burgess, Clement Cox, the Farmers and Merchants Bank of Georgetown, and Robert Read, dated 30 November 1832 and recorded in Liber WB #44 folio 246 ff of the County Land Records; the second being between the same parties with the addition of Ann Burgess, wife of Richard, dated 21 August last and recorded in Liber #67 folio199 ff of the County Land Records. - The property "...lies on the south side of a straight line beginning at the end of thirty seven feet measured northwardly on the Eastern line of Rock Street from the north line of Bridge Street, and running thence east and parallel with Bridge Street to the Eastern termination of said lot...,” with improvements. - The sum of $60 has already been paid, and four promisory notes of $60 each (dated 5 November 1838 and endorsed by George M. Sothoron) will be paid with interest respectively at 6,12, 18 & 24 months. Upon any default the property is to be sold by auction to the highest bidder, after 10 days advertisement of said sale in local newspapers. - Recorded in Liber WB #69 folio 507 ff of Land Records of Washington Co.. (Nidiffer Collection* Box 1, Folder 84, Washington Co., DC, 1838.11.13, Recorded 1838.11.16)
Was the administrator of his father's estate in 1851 (see father's Notes).
An Indenture between Richard F. Jackson & William King, John Crumbaugh, and George M. Sothoron, all residents of this County. Jackson & King have signed a promissory note for $176 which they owe to Crumbaugh. This insturment is a deed of trust for two mules owned by Jackson & King, which are to pass to Sothoron should there be a default on the promissory note. - Recorded in Liber JAS No. 203, folio 507 ff of the Land Records of Washington Co.. (Nidiffer Collection* Box 6 Folder 38, Washington Co., DC, 1860.12.11, Recorded 1860.12.11)
FROM GEORGETOWN - Martha Burns, colored, was brought before Justice Buckley, being caught by Dr. Sothoron stealing $4 from the cash box in his drug store. He had her arrested, but the charge not being sustained, the case was dismissed. (The Evening Star :4, Reported 1868.10.07)
FROM GEORGETOWN - Dr. Sothoron witnessed the brutal beating of Absalom Conrad across from his store yesterday. He provided aid & moved him to his store. Conrad later died. At inquest Dr. Sothoron swore to the above. (The Evening Star :4, Reported 1868.11.04)
Mentioned by name in son's Marriage Record & obituary, & wife's death documents (see respective Notes).
** Death & estate
FROM GEORGETOWN - STILL ANOTHER OLD RESIDENT GONE - Dr. Geo. M. Sothoron, well-known as a druggist in this town for 30 years or more, died suddenly this morning from hemorrhage, at his residence, on 1st street opposite the Catholic Church. He was quite well all day yesterday and was walking about, and retired to bed as usual. When dressing this morning he fell speechless on the floor, and died at a quarter to 10 o'clock, just as the funeral of Mr. T.A. Poe was entering the church. Dr. S. first kept drug store on the corner of Congress & Bridge streets, and afterwards at the corner of Potomac & Bridge streets, where he sold out lately to T.A. Cropley & Co. Dr. S. was one of the oldest Masons in this place, having belonged to the Potomac Chapter since its organization. (The Evening Star :4, Recorded 1870.11.18) NOTE: This block of 1st St. (now N Street) is occupied by the old Georgetown Hospital, built between this time & 1945 (when a city map shows it in place). The Catholic Church is Trinity Catholic Church, the current building dating from 1918. (WHS*)
George M. Sothoron buried on 20 November 1870. He was a 62 year old resident of Georgetown who died 18 Nov 1870 of Paralysis. Buried at the Presbyterian Burying Ground, services by Rev. A.B. Atkins. (Parish Register {St. John's Episcopal Church, Georgetown} 1869-1880. 3:218)
George Sothoron was buried in Site 9, Section G on 20 Nov 1870. His remains were disinterred 15 Dec 1874. (Sluby* :82 & 94)
George Mortimer Sothoron died in Georgetown on 18 November 1870, buried initially at Presbyterian Cemetery. Born in Maryland in 1808. Body moved to Oak Hill Cemetery, Georgetown, DC, Lot #606, on 15 December 1874, due to impending closure of Presbyterian. (Burial Record, Oak Hill)
Administration Docket, A.W. #6, Old Series - page 137, #6416 - Estate of George M. Sothoron, late of W.C.D.C., deceased - S. Louisa Sothoron, administratrix - Bond $6000 - Sureties: --- Richard R. Shekell --- James H. Ridgeway - Docket entries: --- 1870 Dec 3: Letters-$1.50 on letters-a.w. bonds 2 folio 410 --- 1871 Feb 4: Inventory $1,745.25- inventories 3 folio 21 --- 1873 Jun 10: First Account of Admx.- accounts 6 folio 395 (Card Index, Register of Wills, Washington, DC, Recorded 1870)
George Mortimer Sothoron administrative papers, on file at Federal Record Center, Suitland, MD, listing monies owed by the estate: - Statements of Charles H. Trennel: --- 14 to 25 July 1868 - Shingling frame houses on Bridge St, repair of barbershop blinds. --- 9 March 1870 - Built privy at barbershop. --- 21 June 1870 - Shutters at barbershop. --- 28 June 1870 - Repairing floor at house occupied by J. Ludeke. --- 12 Sept 1870 - Shingling house, built privy at 7th St. --- 19 Oct 1870 - Date: & hung privy at Owens shoemakers shop, Bridge St. --- 22 Oct 1870 - Repaired kitchen floor at High St. property --- 25 Oct 1870 - Roof repair, barbershop & Ludeke's - To Athey & Probey, 29 Oct 1868, suit for Brother. - To L. W. Ritchie, M.D., "Professional Sevices indirect $12.00" - To Joseph F. Birch, Undertakers, corner of Bridge & Jefferson Sts, Georgetown - bill dated 20 Nov 1870: --- Walnut coffin covered with cloth $83.00 --- Balance on Brother's Funeral ...17.37 --- Total ........126.92 - From 1867 to 1870, a lot of building materials, including brick. - To Thomas Knowles, #49 High St, for groceries. - To Washington Agency, Howard Fire Insurance Co of Baltimore; Nathaniel Pope Causin, Agent: --- #503 (May Building) 7th St., Washington, D.C. --- Howard Policy #4570: ------ $1200 on 2 frame houses, #176/178 Bridge St, Georgetown. One year from 19 Oct 1870. ------ $12.00 and $6 on same houses in "Merchants & Mechanics" Policy #10.619 - 1 year from 21 January 1870. - To R.P. Jackson for "Dr. George M. Sothoron", 1870: (Jackson is also noted as attorney of widow) --- 23 July - Exam of title to lot #22 in Beatty & Hawkins addition. --- 13 Aug - Exam of title to John E. Herroll property. - To Rogge & Spilker, 10 Hanover St, Baltimore - dated 7 April 1870: --- ½ dozen Wicker cologne --- 2 dozen razors --- 1 bottle violin strings - To Dr. Joshua Riley, #91 Gay St, Georgetown, 17 Nov 1870: For Professional Services "with Dr. Ritchie" - $5.00 - Large supply of pharmaceuticals - 1869-70 - To Robert H. Hunter, 134 Bridge St, bill dated 15 August 1867: --- 1 pair of shoes for Mrs. Powel --- 2 pair of shoes for child - To T.A. Newman: --- 5 Dec 1868 - 2 pair of boots for son --- 20 March 1869 - 2 pair of shoes for son --- 24 April 1869 - 2 pair of shoes for a nephew --- 7 May 1869 - 2 pair of shoes for son --- 9 July 1869 - 2 pair of shoes & strings for niece - To R.R. Shekell & Son: --- 15 Aug 1868 - Balance for work at Bridge St. --- 19 Apr 1870 - High St. work. - Promissory note drawn August 10, 1870 by Geo. M. Sothoron (his signature affixed) for $193.33, payable to John E. Herroll in 6 months with interest. (Wills O.S. #6416, Washington, DC, Recorded 1870.12.03)
Click here for information on Presbyterian Cemetery.
GEORGE M. SOTHORON 1808 - 1870 his wife LOUISA S. 1834 - (blank) (Grave Marker*, Oak Hill Cemetery, Washington, DC)
 Click here to see further information on cemetery plot layout and interees.
Ashton Henry Marshal [Male] b. BET 1779 AND 1783 - d. 27 FEB 1834 Washington, DC
Title or Rank: Colonel
Person ID: 169
Lewis Ford and Cornelius Manning vs. Charles H. W. Wharton, Rebecca Wharton, Henry Ashton, Celia Ashton, John Scott, Elizabeth M. Scott, Mary C. B. Barnes, Henry G. S. Key, Rebecca G. S. Key, Sarah Anna Key, Mary Sophia Key, Philip Key, Anna H. Key, Upton S. Key, Mary H. Key, Thomas W. Key, John H. Key, and Sophia Key. Estate of Philip Key--St. Margarets Forrest, The Branch and The Hills. (Tom Jennings - St. Mary's County Court {Equity Papers}, 1820:44. Accession No.: 19,731-30 ,MSA No.: C 1591-30, Location: 1/57/9/41)
Distribution of the estate of George D. Sothoron. Identifies relatives: (see his Notes for more details) -- Mother Mary Sothoron --Brothers John, Henry, Zachariah, James F. Sothoron --Sisters Ann Smith (? dec'd), Eleanor Gardiner, Mrs. Tubman, Hariet Binns (? dec'd), Rebecca Key --Niece Elizabeth (dec'd), wife of William Thomas, daughter of Mrs. Tubman --Niece Mary, wife of George Thomas, daughter of Mrs. Tubman --Children of Rebecca Key: Philip (his children Rebecca, Sara Anne, Mary); Robert M. (dec'd with heirs); Henry G.S.; Cecelia Ashton (husband Henry); Rebecca Wharton (husband Charles H.D.); Elizabeth Scott (husband John). (Admin Accts EJM#1{MSA* WK-282-283}:158, St. Mary's Co., Recorded 1833.08.16)
See wife's Notes in respect to law suit over estate of Philip Key.
CECELIA BROWN KEY was born September 05, 1784 in St. Mary's Co., MD to Philip B. Key & Rebecca Sothoron; and died July 02, 1835 in Washington, D.C.. She married HENRY ASHTON May 12, 1804 in St. Mary's Co., MD, son of HENRY ASHTON and MARY DENT. He was born Bet. 1779 - 1783, and died February 1834 in Washington, D.C.. (Reno*)
1810 Federal Census (1810.08.06) St. Mary's Co., MD - Pg 173 (248), Ln 9 - Henry Ashton - Free white males under 10...1 - .............................26 - 44...1 - .............females under 10...3 - .............................16 - 25...1 - .............................Slaves...10
1820 Federal Census (1820.08.07, Recorded 1820.11.05) Ward 2, Washington, DC - Pg 83 (29), Ln 3 - Henry Ashton - Free white males 26 - 44...1 - ...........females under 10...5 - ..........................10 - 15...2 - ..........................26 - 44...1 - ...........................Slaves...7
1830 Federal Census (1830.06.01) Ward 2, Washington, DC - pg 77, Ln 17 - Henry Ashton - Free white males under 5...1 - ...............................5 - 9...1 - ...........................40 - 49...1 - ..................females 5 - 9...1 - ...........................10 - 14...3 - ...........................15 - 19...2 - ...........................20 - 29...2 - ...........................30 - 39...1 - ...........................Slaves...5
ASHTON, Col. Henry Marshall of the Dist. of Columbia, died in this city Feb. 27. (Nat'l Genealogical Society - National Intelligencer, Washington, DC, Published 1 March 1834)
Key Rebecca Sothoron [Female] b. 5 SEP 1784 St. Mary's Co., MD - d. AFT 1833
Person ID: 170
Lewis Ford and Cornelius Manning vs. Charles H. W. Wharton, Rebecca Wharton, Henry Ashton, Celia Ashton, John Scott, Elizabeth M. Scott, Mary C. B. Barnes, Henry G. S. Key, Rebecca G. S. Key, Sarah Anna Key, Mary Sophia Key, Philip Key, Anna H. Key, Upton S. Key, Mary H. Key, Thomas W. Key, John H. Key, and Sophia Key. Estate of Philip Key--St. Margarets Forrest, The Branch and The Hills. (Tom Jennings - St. Mary's County Court {Equity Papers}, 1820:44. Accession No.: 19,731-30 ,MSA No.: C 1591-30, Location: 1/57/9/41)
Distribution of the estate of George D. Sothoron. Identifies relatives: (see his Notes for more details) - Mother Mary Sothoron - Brothers John, Henry, Zachariah, James F. Sothoron - Sisters Ann Smith (? dec'd), Eleanor Gardiner, Mrs. Tubman, Hariet Binns (? dec'd), Rebecca Key - Niece Elizabeth (dec'd), wife of William Thomas, daughter of Mrs. Tubman - Niece Mary, wife of George Thomas, daughter of Mrs. Tubman - Children of Rebecca Key: Philip (his children Rebecca, Sara Anne, Mary); Robert M. (dec'd with heirs); Henry G.S.; Cecelia Ashton (husband Henry); Rebecca Wharton (husband Charles H.D.); Elizabeth Scott (husband John). (Admin Accts EJM#1{MSA* WK-282-283}:158, St. Mary's Co., Recorded 1833.08.16)
John Scott & Eliza Maynasira Scott vs.the following, regarding the Estate of Philip Key (Gravelly Hills, Bonds Rest, Widows Purchase, Labrynth): - Henry Greenfield Sothoron Key - Sarah Anna E. Key - Mary Sophia Key - John Key - Richard Smith - Anna Smith - William Compton - Mary Compton - Dr. John H. Briscoe - Mary H. Briscoe - Henry Ashton - Celia Ashton - Charles W. Wharton - Rebecca Wharton - Thomas Riley - Rebecca Riley (Chancery Papers 11015 - Accession No: 17,898-11015-1/6, 1833.09.10)
REBECCA SOTHORON KEY, b. September 05, 1784, St. Mary's Co., MD to Rebecca Sothoron & Philip B. Key; d. Aft. 1833; m. CHARLES HENRY WARING WHARTON, Aft. 1799; b. Bet. 1780 - 1783, "Locust Grove", Montgomery Co., MD; d. Aft. 1799. (Reno*)
Charles Henry Waring Wharton, son of Jesse Wharton & Anne Waring (b. 18 Jul 1758), m. Rebecca Key. (* - Waltemate-Mansker-Karushis families, by Gina Waltemate)
Key Eliza Maynadier [Female] b. 28 JAN 1792 St. Mary's Co., MD - d. 16 APR 1866 Montgomery Co., MD
Updated: 15 MAY 2011
Person ID: 171
Lewis Ford and Cornelius Manning vs. Charles H. W. Wharton, Rebecca Wharton, Henry Ashton, Celia Ashton, John Scott, Elizabeth M. Scott, Mary C. B. Barnes, Henry G. S. Key, Rebecca G. S. Key, Sarah Anna Key, Mary Sophia Key, Philip Key, Anna H. Key, Upton S. Key, Mary H. Key, Thomas W. Key, John H. Key, and Sophia Key. Estate of Philip Key--St. Margarets Forrest, The Branch and The Hills. (Tom Jennings - St. Mary's County Court {Equity Papers}, 1820:44. Accession No.: 19,731-30 ,MSA No.: C 1591-30, Location: 1/57/9/41)
Eliza Maynadier Key was born in 1792 to Rebecca Jowles Sothoron, daughter of Henry Greenfield Sothoron, and Philip Key. She will marry John Scott of Baltimore, and will die in 1866. (Smith, S.*)
Distribution of the estate of George D. Sothoron. Identifies relatives: (see his Notes for more details) - Mother Mary Sothoron - Brothers John, Henry, Zachariah, James F. Sothoron - Sisters Ann Smith (? dec'd), Eleanor Gardiner, Mrs. Tubman, Hariet Binns (? dec'd), Rebecca Key - Niece Elizabeth (dec'd), wife of William Thomas, daughter of Mrs. Tubman - Niece Mary, wife of George Thomas, daughter of Mrs. Tubman - Children of Rebecca Key: Philip (his children Rebecca, Sara Anne, Mary); Robert M. (dec'd with heirs); Henry G.S.; Cecelia Ashton (husband Henry); Rebecca Wharton (husband Charles H.D.); Elizabeth Scott (husband John). (Admin Accts EJM#1{MSA* WK-282-283}:158, St. Mary's Co., Recorded 1833.08.16)
John Scott & Eliza Maynasira Scott vs.the following, regarding the Estate of Philip Key (Gravelly Hills, Bonds Rest, Widows Purchase, Labrynth): - Henry Greenfield Sothoron Key - Sarah Anna E. Key - Mary Sophia Key - John Key - Richard Smith - Anna Smith - William Compton - Mary Compton - Dr. John H. Briscoe - Mary H. Briscoe - Henry Ashton - Celia Ashton - Charles W. Wharton - Rebecca Wharton - Thomas Riley - Rebecca Riley (Chancery Papers 11015 - Accession No: 17,898-11015-1/6, 1833.09.10)
1850 Federal Census (1850.06.01, Recorded 1850.09.28) District 4 (Rockville), Montgomery Co., MD - pg 403A, Ln 31, 444/456 - Eliza Scott - 55 year old female, born in MD, real property valued at $1000. - Cecelia Scott - 17 year old female, born in MD. - Brent Halpin - 30 year old female, born in Ireland. At same house, family # 457: - Elizah. Elder - 33 year old female, born in MD. - Eliza Elder - 13 year old female, born in MD. - John J. Elder - 9 year old male, born in MD. - William H. Elder - 3 year old male, born in MD. - Carmelite Elder - 11/12 year old female, born in MD. - Bridget ---- - 25 year old female, born in Ireland.
1860 Federal Census (1860.06.01, Recorded 1860.08.24) Dist. 4, Montgomery Co., MD - Pg 58, Ln 20, 450/455 - Eliz. M. Scott, 66 year old female, born in Maryland. Real property valued at $4,000, personal property at $200. - Charles Fitzgerald, 27 year old white male, born in Maryland. Real property valued at $4,000, personal property at $3,000. - Eliza " , 8 year old female, born in Maryland. - Edward " , 7 year old male, born in Maryland. - John " , 4 year old male, born in Maryland.
ELIZA MAYNADIER KEY was born January 28, 1792 in St. Mary's Co., MD to Rebecca Sothoron & Philip B. Key; and died April 16, 1866 in Montgomery Co., MD. She married JOHN SCOTT, JR. July 14, 1816 in Montgomery Co., MD, son of JOHN SCOTT and ELIZABETH DORSEY. He was born March 26, 1789 in Chestertown, Kent Co., MD, and died August 19, 1843 in Montgomery Co., MD. (Reno*)
 Grave Marker at St. Mary's Catholic Cemetery, Rockville, Montgomery Co., MD. (Photo from
Wharton Charles Henry Waring [Male] b. BET 1780 AND 1783 "Locust Grove, " Montgomery Co., MD - d. AFT AUG 1820
Person ID: 172
Lewis Ford and Cornelius Manning vs. Charles H. W. Wharton, Rebecca Wharton, Henry Ashton, Celia Ashton, John Scott, Elizabeth M. Scott, Mary C. B. Barnes, Henry G. S. Key, Rebecca G. S. Key, Sarah Anna Key, Mary Sophia Key, Philip Key, Anna H. Key, Upton S. Key, Mary H. Key, Thomas W. Key, John H. Key, and Sophia Key. Estate of Philip Key--St. Margarets Forrest, The Branch and The Hills. (Tom Jennings - St. Mary's County Court {Equity Papers}, 1820:44. Accession No.: 19,731-30 ,MSA No.: C 1591-30, Location: 1/57/9/41)
Distribution of the estate of George D. Sothoron. Identifies relatives: (see his Notes for more details) - Mother Mary Sothoron - Brothers John, Henry, Zachariah, James F. Sothoron - Sisters Ann Smith (? dec'd), Eleanor Gardiner, Mrs. Tubman, Hariet Binns (? dec'd), Rebecca Key - Niece Elizabeth (dec'd), wife of William Thomas, daughter of Mrs. Tubman - Niece Mary, wife of George Thomas, daughter of Mrs. Tubman - Children of Rebecca Key: Philip (his children Rebecca, Sara Anne, Mary); Robert M. (dec'd with heirs); Henry G.S.; Cecelia Ashton (husband Henry); Rebecca Wharton (husband Charles H.D.); Elizabeth Scott (husband John). (Admin Accts EJM#1{MSA* WK-282-283}:158, St. Mary's Co., Recorded 1833.08.16)
See wife's Notes in respect to law suit over estate of Philip Key.
REBECCA SOTHORON KEY, b. September 05, 1784, St. Mary's Co., MD to Rebecca Sothoron & Philip B. Key; d. Aft. 1833; m. CHARLES HENRY WARING WHARTON, Aft. 1799; b. Bet. 1780 - 1783, "Locust Grove", Montgomery Co., MD; d. Aft. 1799. (Reno*)
Charles Henry Waring Wharton, son of Jesse Wharton & Anne Waring (b. 18 Jul 1758), m. Rebecca Key. (* - Waltemate-Mansker-Karushis families, by Gina Waltemate)
1810 Federal Census (1810.08.06) Montgomery Co., MD - Pg 953 (342), Ln 11 - Chas. Wharton - Free white males 26 -45...1 - ..........females under 10...2 - .........................16 - 25...2 - .........................Slaves...22
1820 Federal Census (1820.08.07) Montgomery Co., MD - Pg 552 (161), Ln 20 - Chas. H.W. Warton - Free white males under 10...3 - .............................16 - 17...0 - .............................16 - 25...1 - .............................26 - 44...1 - ..............females under 10...1 - .............................10 - 15...1 - .............................16 - 25...1 - .............................26 - 44...1 - ......Engaged in Agriculture...8 - .............................Slaves...8
Scott John [Male] b. 26 MAR 1789 Chestertown, Kent Co., MD - d. 19 AUG 1843 Montgomery Co., MD
Updated: 16 MAY 2011
Person ID: 173
Lewis Ford and Cornelius Manning vs. Charles H. W. Wharton, Rebecca Wharton, Henry Ashton, Celia Ashton, John Scott, Elizabeth M. Scott, Mary C. B. Barnes, Henry G. S. Key, Rebecca G. S. Key, Sarah Anna Key, Mary Sophia Key, Philip Key, Anna H. Key, Upton S. Key, Mary H. Key, Thomas W. Key, John H. Key, and Sophia Key. Estate of Philip Key--St. Margarets Forrest, The Branch and The Hills. (Tom Jennings - St. Mary's County Court {Equity Papers}, 1820:44. Accession No.: 19,731-30 ,MSA No.: C 1591-30, Location: 1/57/9/41)
Distribution of the estate of George D. Sothoron. Identifies relatives: (see his Notes for more details) - Mother Mary Sothoron - Brothers John, Henry, Zachariah, James F. Sothoron - Sisters Ann Smith (? dec'd), Eleanor Gardiner, Mrs. Tubman, Hariet Binns (? dec'd), Rebecca Key - Niece Elizabeth (dec'd), wife of William Thomas, daughter of Mrs. Tubman - Niece Mary, wife of George Thomas, daughter of Mrs. Tubman - Children of Rebecca Key: Philip (his children Rebecca, Sara Anne, Mary); Robert M. (dec'd with heirs); Henry G.S.; Cecelia Ashton (husband Henry); Rebecca Wharton (husband Charles H.D.); Elizabeth Scott (husband John). (Admin Accts EJM#1{MSA* WK-282-283}:158, St. Mary's Co., Recorded 1833.08.16)
See wife's Notes in respect ot suit over estate of Philip Key.
ELIZA MAYNADIER KEY was born January 28, 1792 in St. Mary's Co., MD to Rebecca Sothoron & Philip B. Key; and died April 16, 1866 in Montgomery Co., MD. She married JOHN SCOTT, JR. July 14, 1816 in Montgomery Co., MD, son of JOHN SCOTT and ELIZABETH DORSEY. He was born March 26, 1789 in Chestertown, Kent Co., MD, and died August 19, 1843 in Montgomery Co., MD. (Reno*)
Year of birth (1789) per Johnson, W*.
Not entered with family in 1850 Federal Census (see wife's Notes).
IN MEMORY OF JOHN SCOTT Who was born on the 26th of May in 1789 at Chestertown, Md. and died in Montgomery Co. on the 19th day of August 1843 aged 54 years.
 Grave Marker at St. Mary's Catholic Cemetery, Rockville, Montgomery Co., MD. (Photo from
Clay Rebecca [Female] b. ABT 1858 Ohio
Person ID: 174
See father's Notes for 1870 Federal Census entry.
Southerne Thomas [Male] b. ABT 1640 England, UK - d. AFT JUL 1669
Person ID: 175
Nicholas Waddylove of Congadbegg demands land for his family and servants. Servants include Thomas Southern & Valentine Southern. Warrant given to lay out 1,900 acres, return 25 December. (Land Patents 4:5, Maryland, 1659.04.28)
Testimony of Sarah Taylor in the trial of her Master Thomas Bradnox & his wife for maltreatment of Thomas Watkins, also a servant. Testified Master struck him in the mouth so hard he bled on the ground, and she showed the blood to Thomas Southerne. Thomas Southerne, age 20 or thereabouts, testifies the same date, confirming Watkins told him his master had struck him with a stick. The deposition of John White, aged about 22 years, similar to that of Sarah Taylor. (Prov Court Judg 1[S]:705, Maryland, 1660.07.17)
Testimony of Thomas Southerne that he had heard Sarah Taylor threaten to stab her mistress. (Prov Court Judg 1[S]:709 [Also Arch MD 41:504] , Maryland, 1660.07.17)
Deposition of Thomas Southerne aged 20 or thereabouts. He attests that he witnessed Thomas Watson being beaten by his master (Capt. Thos. Bradnox) & his master's wife. Makes reference to "Thomas [mark] Southerne his marke” (Arch MD 41:501 - Proceedings of the Provincial Court PCR:705, Maryland, 1660.07.17)
Tho: Sutherne dd wart virsus Capt Tho: Brodnox in an action of the Case for thes he bringeth his seute and to supenys virsus Judith hemsly and Macume Meconny (Arch MD 54:189 - Proceedings of the Co. Courts of Kent, Talbot & Somerset B:79; Kent Co., 1660.12.01)
Thomas Bradnox upon appeal plt.from Kent Co.agt.Thomas Southerne. Complaint states that Southerne left before fulfilling his time commitment to Bradnox. s. Witness: - Inasmuch as Bradnox and atty. not showing in court in Kent Co. adequate evidence, Southerne pleads to know why he cannot have his freedom, corn and clothing as per custom. - Deposition of Judith Hemslye 27 years old, 21 Jan 1660. She and Thomas Southerne sailed together to province about 7 years previously, as servants to Mr. George Johnson. Indenture made at sea for 7 years. Sold to Mr. Wadloe upon arrival at the Yorke River, with mutual agreement to serve one more year if taught trade of cooper. - Marum Mecray 23 years old and Wm. Herslye 26 years old confirmed the above. - Defendant granted freedom, corn & clothing, with cost of suit to be paid by Bradnox. - Bottom of page missing. (Prov Court Judg 1[S]:438 [Also Arch MD 41:435], Charles Co., MD, Recorded 1661.02.23)
William Richard of the Isle of Kent sells to Thomas Southern one brown cow (bearing mark of Mrs Mary Conners) with a red cow calf by her side. (Arch MD 54:257 - Proceedings of the Co. Courts of Kent, Talbot & Somerset C:115, 1663.04.20)
Thomas Southern a juror considering a claim of debt in Kent Co., MD. (Arch MD 54:238 - Proceedings of the Co. Courts of Kent, Talbot & Somerset C:3, 1667.01.28)
Thomas Southern a juror in a trial on 30 March 1669 in Kent Co., MD regarding debt. (Arch MD 54:257 - Proceedings of the Co. Courts of Kent, Talbot & Somerset C:15)
Inventory of the goods, chattels & debts of Nicholas Pickard late of Kent Co., includes entry "Imprim to Thomas Sutherne 0110". (Arch MD 54:266 - Proceedings of the Co. Courts of Kent, Talbot & Somerset C:20, 1669.07)
Katherine [Female]
Person ID: 176
Identified by name in land assignment executed jointly with her husband Valentine in 1671 (see his Notes). Notes Rights due her for service in the Province due 1667.
Keech William Sothoron [Male] b. 21 FEB 1804 Charles Co., MD - d. 19 NOV 1885 Charles Co., MD
Updated: 5 SEP 2011
Occupation: Physician
Person ID: 177
William H. Sothoron a vestryman through 1835. Dr. William S. Keech was a vestryman through 1871. (Summary of History of Trinity Parish, 1750-1906 {MSA* M228}, Charles Co., MD, 1833)
Application for membership in DAR by Sarah Frances Wright, born in 1841 at The Oakes in Charles Co.. Daughter of Dr. William Sothoron Keech (1806-1885) of Charles Co.., who married Olivia Tinsdale Wiley at The Oakes on 14 July 1857. Dr. Keech was the son of James Keech ( ? - 1844), who married Clarissa Sothoron (1782-1844) in Charles Co. on 22 December 1804. (Wilson Manuscript Collection {G5074}, Maryland Historical Society, Folder #10)
Dr. William Sothoron Keech died in 1865. Born in 1806 to James Keech (died 1844) & Clarissa Sothoron Keech (1782-1844), who were married in Charles Co. on 22 December 1804. Dr. Keech married Olivia Tinsdale Wiley at the Oakes on 14 July 1857. (Wilson*)
See Notes of granddaughter Mary Keech for DAR Application information, and son James' Notes for Sons of American Revolution application.
Priscilla Eliza Dent, dau. of John Brewer Dent & Priscilla Eliza Dent (neé Dent), b. in Charles Co., MD in 1806, d. Nov 1849; m. at Trinity Parish, Charles Co., MD on 6 Jan 1847, Dr. William Sothoron Keech. (Reno*)
** Federal Census
1850 Census (1850.06.01, Recorded 1850.10.08) Bryantown Dist., Charles Co., MD - Pg 280B, Ln 4, 1083/1083 - Wm. S. Keech, 43 year old male Farmer, born in Md. Real property valued at $8,000. - Catherine A. " , 44 year old female, born in Md.
1860 Census (1860.06.01, Recorded 1860.08.06) Dist. 4 (Bryantown), Charles Co., MD - Pg 55, Ln 13, 438/466 - William Keach, 53 year old male Physician, born in Maryland. Real property valued at $10,000, personal property at $13,000. - Olivia " , 19 year old female, born in Maryland. - William " , 2 year old male, born in Maryland. - Frederick " , 1 year old male, born in Maryland.
1870 Census (1870.06.01, Recorded 1870.07.03) Bryantown Post Office, District 4, Charles Co., MD - Pg 73 (191), Ln 10, 458/458 - Keech, Wm. L., 62 year old white male Physician & Farmer, born in Maryland. Real property valued at $10,000, personal property at $2,000. -----, Olivia, 29 year old white female, Keeping house, born in Maryland. -----, Wm., 11 year old white male, attended school within the year, born in Maryland. -----, Frederick, 9 year old white male, born in Maryland. -----, Sothoron, 7 year old white male, born in Maryland. -----, Sarah, 5 year old white female, born in Maryland. -----, Olivia, 4 year old white female, born in Maryland. -----, Estelle, 2 year old white female, born in Maryland. - (1 Servant)
1880 Census (1880.06.01, Recorded 1880.06.25) District 8, Charles Co., MD - ED 45, Pg 43 (499), Ln 2, 349/392 - Keech, William, 73 year old married white male Medical Doctor. He & parents born in Md. -----, Olivia. Wife, 39 year old married white female, keeping house, she & parents born in Md. -----, William. Son, 22 year old white male, he & parents born in Md. -----, Frederick. Son, 20 year old white male, attended school this past year, he & parents born in Md. -----, James. Son, 18 year old white male, attended school this past year, he & parents born in Md. -----, Sally. Daughter, 16 year old white female, attended school this past year, she & parents born in Md. -----, Olivia. Daughter, 13 year old white female, attended school this past year, she & parents born in Md. -----, Estelle. Daughter, 12 year old white female, attended school this past year, she & parents born in Md. -----, Susan. Daughter, 8 year old white female, attended school this past year, she & parents born in Md. - (1 Servant)
** Biography (Fresco(2)* :146)
Dr. William Sothoron Keech was born c. 1805, son of James Keech (d. 1844) and Clarissa Sothoron, daughter of Richard. They lived at The Oaks, about two miles from Charlotte Hall, St. Mary's Co. Clarissa's sister, Ann Sothoron, married October 14, 1813, at All Faith Church, Jacob Gilliams of Philadelphia and Half-Pone Point, St. Mary's Co. Dr. Keech's mother, Clarissa, died at The Oaks, on January 2, 1843.
Dr. William S. Keech graduated in 1844 from Columbian University, now George Washington University Medical School.
He probably married as follows: (1) Priscilla E., who died by 1851. (2) July 14, 1857 at The Oaks to Olivia Tinsdale Wiley.
There was a Dr. J. Sothoron Keech who received his medical degree in 1888 from the University of Maryland Medical School, who may have been his son.
Dr. Keech was described by a cousin in 1838-1848 as being a thin, sallow faced man under the malarian influence and always wore a well worn "tile" (high silk hat).
The St. Mary's Co. Beacon of December 3, 1885 reported his death, age about 80 years, at his residence near Charlotte Hall, but did not specify the date of death. Dr. Keech was at one time a professor of classics in the Academy of that place. This profile needs more thorough research.
References: - George Washington University Alumni Directory (1826-1959). - Cordell E. F., "Historical Sketches of the University of MD School of Medicine (1807-1890)". Baltimore, 1891. - Family Papers "History of Sothoron Family - Reminiscences ca. 1838-1848" . By John Jacob Gilliams, son of Ann Sothoron. - Wearmouth, Roberta J., "Abstracts from Port Tobacco runes and Charles Co., Advertiser, Volume I: 1844-1854". 1990. - Fresco, M. K., "Marriages and Deaths, St. Mary's Co., 1634-1900". Priv. Publ., 1982. - Hollowak, Thomas L., "Index to Marriages in Baltimore Sun (1851-1860)". Baltimore, 1978.
* * * * *
Wm S. KEECH, M.D. Born Feb. 21, 1804 Died Nov. 19, 1885 ----- "He giveth His beloved sleep."
 Grave Marker* at Trinity Episcopal Church, Newport, Charles Co., MD. (Photo & information from
Wiley Olivia Tinsdale [Female] b. 19 NOV 1839 Baltimore, MD - d. 22 FEB 1916 DuBois, Charles Co, MD
Updated: 5 SEP 2011
Person ID: 178
Application for membership in DAR by Sarah Frances Wright, born in 1841 at The Oakes in Charles Co.. Daughter of Dr. William Sothoron Keech (1806-1885) of Charles Co.., who married Olivia Tinsdale Wiley at The Oakes on 14 July 1857. Dr. Keech was the son of James Keech ( ? - 1844), who married Clarissa Sothoron (1782-1844) in Charles Co. on 22 December 1804. (Wilson Manuscript Collection {G5074}, Maryland Historical Society, Folder #10)
Dr. William Sothoron Keech died in 1865. Born in 1806 to James Keech (died 1844) & Clarissa Sothoron Keech (1782-1844), who were married in Charles Co. on 22 December 1804. Dr. Keech married Olivia Tinsdale Wiley at the Oakes on 14 July 1857. (Wilson*)
See Notes of granddaughter Mary Keech for DAR Application information, and son James' Notes for Sons of American Revolution application.
See husband William's Notes for 1860 through 1880 Federal Census entries, son William's Notes for 1900 entry (as "Eva T.").
OLEVIA TINSDALE KEECH Born November 19, 1839 Died February 22, 1916 DAUGHTER OF THE LATE REVEREND JOHN AND SARAH WILEY WIDOW OF THE LATE DOCTOR WILLIAM S. KEECH (First line of scripture illegible) And let Light Eternal shine upon her. May she rest in peace.
 Grave Marker* at Trinity Episcopal Church, Newport, Charles Co., MD. (Photo & information from
Schörge Conrad [Male] b. ABT 1801 Hesse-Darmstadt, Germany - d. ABT 1867 Washington, DC
Person ID: 179
Alias: Sherier
Updated: 14 JUL 2012
Conrad Schoerge, 31 years of age, emmigrated to America in 1833 with wife & child, from province Nether-Hesse, Germany; part of former territory of Hesse-Cassel, Germany. (* - Guenther, Kurt; "Hessian Emigrants to America")
1850 Federal Census (1850.06.01, Recorded 1850.09.06) Northwest Ward, Georgetown, DC - pg 178, Ln 15, 438/459 - Conrad Schorge - 49 year old male Farmer, real property valued at $1200. Born in Germany. - Ann C ." - 45 year old female, born in Germany. - Henry " - 18 year old male, works with father, born At Sea. - Louisa " - 15 year old female, born in W.Co.D.C. - Emila " - 13 year old female, born in W.Co.D.C. - Mary " - 9 year old female, born in W.Co.D.C. Attended school within the year. - Ellen " - 12 year old female, born in W.Co.D.C. - Elizabeth " - 6 year old female, born in Geo Town. - Michael " - 3 year old male, born in Geo Town. - James " - 3 year old male, born in Geo Town - John C. " - 11 year old male, born in W.Co.D.C. - ("Race" was blank for all these entries. Elsewhere on the page, this block was either blank or contained "B.")
1860 Federal Census (1860.06.01, Recorded 1860.06.05) Tennelytown P.O., Division 1, Washington, DC - Pg 3, Ln 8, 16/16 - Conrad Schorya, 58 year old male Farmer. Real property valued at $5,000, personal property at $200. Born in Hesse-Darmstadt - Anna ", 55 year old female, born in Hesse-Darmstadt. - John ", 21 year old male Blacksmith, born in DC, can neither read nor write. - James and ", 12 year old male, born in DC, attended school within the year. - Michael " twins, 12 year old male, born in DC, attended school within the year. - Andrew Berkly, 28 year old male Farm hand, born in Westenberg, married within the year. - Emily Berkly, 28 year old female, born in DC, married within the year. ("Color” was blank for all of these entries, & for all others on the page except for some "B” & "M.”)
See daughter Sarah's Notes regarding law suit over use of the family farm. Article mentions family names.
"ORPHANS' COURT. Judge Purcell.--Saturday, the will of the late Conrad Sherry, heretofore fully proven, was admitted to probate." (Coughlin* - image of page 1 of the [Washington] Evening Star of 14 Jan 1867)
Keech Sarah Frances [Female] b. MAR 1865 Maryland - d. AFT APR 1930
Person ID: 180
Application for membership in DAR by Sarah Frances Wright, born in 1841 at The Oakes in Charles Co.. Daughter of Dr. William Sothoron Keech (1806-1885) of Charles Co.., who married Olivia Tinsdale Wiley at The Oakes on 14 July 1857. Dr. Keech was the son of James Keech ( ? - 1844), who married Clarissa Sothoron (1782-1844) in Charles Co. on 22 December 1804. (Wilson Manuscript Collection {G5074}, Maryland Historical Society, Folder #10)
See father's Notes for 1870 & 1880 Federal Census entries.
1900 Federal Census (1900.06.01, Recorded 1900.06.06) 1225 Madison Av., Ward 13, Baltimore City, MD - ED 166, Sh 9(279)A, Ln 31, 111/131 - Wright, Sarah F. Head, 35 year old married white female, born Mar 1865, married 15 years. Had 4 children, 3 still living. She & father born in Maryland, mother in Delaware. Can read & write, speaks English. Occupaiton Keeping House. Renting her non-farm home. -----, James H. Husband, 43 year old married white male, born Mar 1857, married 15 years. He & parents born in Maryland. Can read & write, speaks English. Occupation Clerk, no unemployment. -----, Eva E. Daughter, 12 year old single white female, born Mar 1888. She & parents born in Maryland. Can read & write, speaks English, attended school 9 months. -----, William S. Son, 10 year old white male, born Sep 1889. He & parents born in Maryland. Can read & write, speaks English, attended school 9 months. -----, Randolph K. Son, 6 year old white male, born Oct 1893. He & parents born in Maryland. Can read & write, speaks English, attended school 9 months. - (8 Boarders, 1 cook)
See husvband's Notes for 1910 & 1920 Federal Census entries, & son William's Notes for 1930 entry.
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