Sothoron & Related Families - 112 (Notes Pages)
For privacy reasons, Date of Birth and Date of Marriage for persons believed to still be living are not shown.
Jones Virginia Allison [Female] b. 1854 Spotsylvania Co., VA
Person ID: 2246
Thomas Lawson Biscoe, 20, son of William E. & Catharine Biscoe, born & living in Spotsylvaina Co., VA, married by William Greene in Spotsylvania Co., VA on 29 December 1879 (sic), Virginia Allison Jones, 16, daughter of Eli M. & Mary Elizabeth Jones, living & born in Spotsylvania Co., VA. ( - Minister's Return, License issued 26 Dec 1870)
Buchanan William [Male] b. JUN 1823 Virginia
Person ID: 2247
1900 Federal Census (1900.06.01, Recorded 1900.06.22) Livingston Township, Spotsylvania Co, VA - ED 82, SD 1, Sh 16B, Ln 55, 237/229 - Buchanan, William. Head a 66 year old widowed white male Farmer, born in Jun 1823. He & parents born in Virginia. No unemployment. Can read & write, speaks English. Owns his farm home free of mortgage, Farm Schedule # 217. -----, Willie W. Son, a 32 year old single white male Farm laborer, born in Mar 1868. He & parents born in Virginia. No unemployment. Can read & write, speaks English.
Constantine Edwin Buell [Male] b. 5 SEP 1880 New York - d. 15 JUL 1968 Pinellas Co., FL
Person ID: 2249
1930 Federal Census (1930.04.01, Recorded 1930.04.17) Aquia District, Stafford Co., VA - ED 1, SD 2, Sh 8(75)A, Ln 49, 173/173 - Constantine, Edwin B. Head, 52 year old white male, married since the age of 24. Owns his home, valued at $2500, has a radio. Can read & write, speaks English. He & father born in New York, mother in Connecticut. Occupation Restaurant Proprietor. Veteran of Spanish War. -----, Louise J. Wife, 48 year old white female, married since age of 20. Can read & write, speaks English. She & parents born in New York. Occupation none. -----, Edwin B., Jr. Son, 26 year old white male, married since age of 23. Can read & write, speaks English, no recent schooling. Has a radio. -----, Mary M. Daughter in law, 25 year old white female, married since age of 22. Can read & write, speaks English, no recent schooling. -----, Edwin B., 3rd. Grandson, 1 7/12 year old white male.
EDWIN B. CONSTANTINE - SSN:266-76-7892 - Born:5 Sep 1880 - Issued: FL (1962) - Residence: 33705, St. Petersburg, Pinellas Co., FL - Died:15 Jul 1968 (SSDI*)
Edwin Buell Constantine, a white male, died in Pinellas Co., FL in July 1968. (* - Florida Death Index, 1936-1998)
Louise J. [Female] b. ABT 1882 New York - d. MAY 1960 Pinellas Co., FL
Person ID: 2250
See husband's Notes for 1930 Federal Census entry.
Louise Josephine Constantine, a white female, died in May 1960 in Pinellas County, FL (* - Florida Death Index, 1936-1998)
Kellar Henry H. [Male] b. ABT 1868 Ohio
Person ID: 2251
1910 Federal Census (1910.04.01, Recorded 1910.04.28) Catharpin Road, Chancellor District, Spotsylvania Co., VA - ED 113, Sh 6(43)A, Ln 25, 106/106 - Kellar, Henry H. Head 42 year old white male, in this his first marriage 20 years. He & parents born in Ohio. Can read & write, speaks English. Occupation General Farmer (employer), no unemployment. Owns his farm home with a mortgage; Schedule # 71. -----, Flora J. Wife, 42 year old white female, in this her first marriage 20 years. Had 2 children, both still living. She & father born in Ohio, mother in Maryland. Can read & write, speaks English. Occupation none. -----, Lillian O. Daughter, 19 year old single white female. She & parents born in Ohio. Can read & write, speaks English. Occupation Teacher at Public School, drawing wages. -----, Adith R. Daughter, 17 year old single white female. She & parents born in Ohio. Can read & write, speaks English, occupation None. - Pulliam, James E. Hired man, 32 year old single white male. He & parents born in Virginia. Can read & write, speaks English. Occupation General Farmer, drawing wages, no unemployment.
Flora J. [Female] b. ABT 1868 Ohio
Person ID: 2252
See husband's Notes for 1910 Federal Census entry.
Kellar Adith R. [Female] b. ABT 1893 Ohio
Person ID: 2253
See father's Notes for 1910 Federal Census entry.
Kent William Lee [Male] b. 10 AUG 1862 - d. 12 MAY 1949 Spotsylvania Co., VA
Person ID: 2254
Click here to view Notes.
Peery Sarah Katherine [Female] b. 14 MAY 1862 - d. 30 MAR 1912 Spotsylvania Co., VA
Person ID: 2255
Warner Glenwood Kent was born in Spotsylvania Co. on 4/26/1884, the son of William Lee and Sarah Peery Kent. He died at the C & O Hospital on 6/21/1967; cause of death not listed. He was a Seventh Day Adventist. He had lived at 321 Bath Street. Three sisters' names are listed. He was buried near the western end of Mount View Cemetery, Clifton Forge, VA. (Burial Record, Nicely Funeral Home)
See husband's Notes for shared Grave Marker.
Pierson Charles Herbert [Male] b. SEP 1847 England, UK
Person ID: 2256
1880 Federal Census (1880.06.01, Recorded 1880.06.10) Port Royal Township, Caroline Co., VA - ED 24, Pg 18, Ln 3, 157/188 - Pierson, Charles. 33 year old married white male Farmer. He & parents born in England. -----, Lucy F. Wife, 34 year old married white female, Keeping House. She & parents born in Va. -----, Leonard. Son, 2 year old single white male. He & mother born in Va., father in England. - Ezrus, Mary. 17 year old single mulatto female Servant. Can neither read nor write. She & parents born in Va.
1900 Federal Census (1900.06.01, Recorded 1900.06.14) Port Royal District, Caroline Co., VA - ED 21, Sh 9(291)A, Ln 11, 142/143 - Pierson, Charles H. Head, 52 year old white male, born Sep 1847, married 23 years. He & parents born in England; immigrated 1874, naturalized. Occupation Farmer, no unemployment; owns his farm home free of mortgage, Schedule # 128. Can read & write, speaks English. -----, Lucy F. Wife, 56 year old white female, born Mar 1844, married 23 years; had 5 children, 4 still living. She & parents born in Virginia. Can read & write, speaks English. -----, Leonard F. Son, 21 year old single white male, born July 1878. He & mother born in Virginia, father in England. Can read & write, speaks English. Occupation Farm Laborer, no unemployment. -----, Fannie F. Daughter, 19 year old single white female, born Dec 1880. She & mother born in Virginia, father in England. Can read & write, speaks English, At School 9 months this past year. -----, John B. Son, 17 year old single white male, born Aug 1882. He & mother born in Virginia, father in England. Can read & write, speaks English; At School 9 months this past year. -----, Victor R. Son, 16 year old single white male, born Apr 1884. He & mother born in Virginia, father in England. Can read & write, speaks English; At School 9 months this past year. -----, Annie F. Sister, 55 year old single white female, born Feb 1845. She & parents born in England; immigrated 1897, not naturalized. Can read & write, speaks English. Occupation "Capitalist.” -----, Emily. Sister, 51 year old single white female, born Feb 1849. She & parents born in England; immigrated 1897, not naturalized. Can read & write, speaks English. Occupation "Capitalist.” -----, Arthur B. Brother, 51 year old single white male, born Nov 1854. He & parents born in England; immigrated 1897, not naturalized. Can read & write, speaks English. Occupation Artist; out of work 6 months this past year.
1910 Federal Census (1910.04.15, Recorded 1910.04.27) Port Royal Dist., Caroline Co., VA - ED 22, Sh 8B, Ln 78, 146/148 - Pierson, C.H. Head, 63 year old white male, in this his first marriage 32 years. He & parents born in England; he immigrated in 1876 & is naturalized. Can read & write, speaks English. Living on Own Income. Renting his farm home, Farm Schedule #110. -----, Lucy F. Wife, 65 year old white female, in this her first marriage 32 years. Had 5 children, 4 now living. She & parents born in Virginia. Can read & write, speaks English. Occupation None. -----, Victor R. Son, 26 year old single white male. He & mother born in Virginia, father in England. Can read & write, speaks English. Occupation General Farmer (Employer). -----, Annie F. Sister, 65 year old single white female. She & parents born in England; she immigrated in 1888. Can read & write, speaks English. Living on Own Income. -----, Emily. Sister, 60 year old single white female. She & parents born in England; she immigrated in 1888. Can read & write, speaks English. Living on Own Income. -----, Arthur B. Brother, 55 year old single white male. He & parents born in England, he immigrated in 1886 & is still an alien. Can read & write, speaks English. Living on Own Income.
PIERSON-BARTLESON - Fredericksburg Attorney Takes Spotsylvania Bride-Wedded in Christ Church, Alexandria - At high noon today in Alexandria, at historic Christ Episcopal Church, Miss Eva Bartleson, of Spotsylvania county, and Mr. Leonard F. Pierson, of this city, were united in marriage by the Rev. William J. Morton, rector of the church. - Mr. Pierson is the son of Mr. C. H. Person, of Chestnut Valley, in upper Caroline county, who is of English birth and enjoys the distinction of holding degrees from both Oxford and Cambridge, his family being that of the Piersons of Stokealey Manor in Yorkshire. The groom's mother was Miss Lucy Fitzhugh Dickinson, the youngest daughter of the late William I. Dickinson, a noted and wealthy planter of Caroline county in his day. - The bride is also of British descent, being the daughter of Mr. Edwin S. Bartleson, a prominent farmer of Spotsylvania county, and a descendent of a noted English family. Her mother was Anna Cora Pulliam, a daughter of Mr. and Mrs. J. J. Pulliam, a well known family of Spotsylvania county. - Mr. Pierson is a law graduate of the University of Virginia and Valparaiso, Indiana, and his preparatory education was at Harrowgate, Yorkshire, England. He is a successful attorney, having practiced law here for several years as a member of the Fredericksburg bar. - Upon their return from a bridal trip Mr. and Mrs. Pierson will reside at "Argyle,” in Stafford county, about one and one half miles below this city, on the Rappahannock river, recently purchased by Mr. Pierson. - Mr. Pierson will continue the practice of law here at his office in the Law Building. (Daily Star :3, Reported 9 Sept 1918)
Dickinson Lucy Fitzhugh [Female] b. MAR 1844 Virginia
Person ID: 2257
Updated: 5 JUN 2015
See husband's Notes for 1880 through 1910 Federal Census entries.
Mentioned by name in son Leonard's wedding announcement (see his Notes).
 Portrait of Lucy F. Dickenson (in possession of great-granddaughter Anne F. Marvin).
Pierson Fannie F. [Female] b. DEC 1880 Virginia
Person ID: 2258
See father's Notes for 1900 Federal Census entry.
Pierson John B. [Male] b. AUG 1882 Virginia
Person ID: 2259
See father's Notes for 1900 Federal Census entry.
Pierson Victor R. [Male] b. APR 1884 Virginia
Person ID: 2260
See father's Notes for 1900 Federal Census entry.
Lloyd Caleb [Male]
Person ID: 2261
The marriage on 7 May 1833 of Enos R. Bartleson, the late junior editor of the Monmouth Enquirer, to Maria, daughter of the late Caleb Lloyd, Esq., in Trenton, NJ. (Waite* 1:13)
Maria Bartleson, wife of E. R. and dau. Of Charles Lloyd, Esq., b. Freehold, NJ, d. Brooklyn, NY on 27 May 1863. ( - The Book of the Dead of Monmouth - Old Episcopal Church Yard, Freehold, NJ)
Fitzgerald John H. [Male] b. ABT 1856 Maryland - d. AFT APR 1930
Person ID: 2262
John Fitzgerald born to Michael Fitzgerald & Cecelia Ashton Scott. (Johnson, W*)
See grandmother Eliza (Key) Scott's Notes for 1860 Federal Census entry, mother's Notes for 1870 entry.
1900 Federal Census (1900.06.01, Recorded 1900.06.15) 721 11th St. NW, Washington, DC - ED 79, Sh 17(178)A, Ln 21, 239/270 - Fitzgerald, John H. Lodger, 45 year old single white male, born May 1855. He & parents born in Maryland. Can read & write, speaks English. Occupation Commercial Agt.
1910 Federal Census (1910.01.01, Recorded 1910.04.19) 1439 Rhode Island Ave., Pct. 2, Washington, DC - ED 11, Sh 5B, Ln 100, 85/113 - Fitzgerald, John H. Lodger, 53 year old single white male. He & parents born in Maryland. Can read & write, speaks English. Occupation Grocery Salesman, drawing wages.
1920 Federal Census (1920.01.01, Recorded 1920.01.10) 3115 N St. NW, Washington, DC - ED 149, Sh 6B, Ln 92, 103/125 - Fitzgerald, John. Lodger, 64 year old single white male. Can read & write, speaks English. He & parents born in Maryland. Occupation Travelling Salesman, drawing wages.
1930 Federal Census (1930.04.01, Recorded 1930.04.15) Pct. 3, Washington, DC - ED 75, Sh 4B, Ln 93, 34/48 - Fitzgerald, John H. Head, 73 year old single white male, renting his non-farm home for $35 per month. Can read & write, speaks English. He & parents born in Maryland. Occupation Travelling Salesman for Commercial Soap Co., drawing wages.
Fitzgerald Annabele [Female] b. 21 JUL 1901 New York - d. 22 JUL 1987 San Diego, San Diego Co., CA
Updated: 21 MAY 2011
Person ID: 2263
Anabele Fitzgerald, dau. of Edward Fitzgerald & Mary McQuillan. (Johnson, W*)
See father's Notes for 1910 & 1920 Federal Census entries.
Annabel Sprague, female, SSN 569-64-2255, born 21 July 1901 in New York, died 22 July 1987 in San Diego Co., CA. Mother's maiden name was McQuillan, father's surname was Fitzgerald. (* - California Death Index)
Annabel Sprague, SSN 569-64-2255 Born 21 July 1901 Issued CA (1968) Last Residence 92018, San Diego, San Diego Co., CA Died July 1987 (SSDI*)
 Buried in Plot P, 1623 at Fort Rosecrans National Cemetery, San Diego, San Diego Co., CA. (Photo & information from
Fitzgerald Patricia [Female] b. 26 OCT 1921 - d. 21 JUN 1986
Nickname: Scottie
Person ID: 2264
Patricia Fitzgerald, dau. of Francis Scott Key Fitzgerald & Zelda Sayre, b. 26 Oct 1921, d. 21 June 1986. (Johnson, W*)
Forbes Mary George [Female] b. 4 MAY 1841 "Delabrooke Manor", St. Mary's Co., MD - d. 5 JUN 1914 Deep Falls, St. Mary's Co., MD
Person ID: 2265
Mary George Forbes, b. 4 May 1841, d. 5 June 1914, " D/O James J. & Eliza C. Thomas Forbes." Stone shared with Katherine Forbes. Buried at Deep Falls, Chaptico, St. Mary's Co., MD. (Tice*)
See father's Notes for 1850 Federal Census entry, grandmother Thomas' Notes for 1860 entry.
Mary George Forbes, 4 May 1841 - 5 Jun 1914, d/l James J. & Eliza C. Thomas Forbes; same stone as Katherine Forbes. Buried at Deep Falls. (Tice* :204)
Forbes Katherine [Female] b. 27 JAN 1847 "Delabrooke Manor", St. Mary's Co., MD - d. 9 MAY 1929 Deep Falls, Chaptico, St. Mary's Co., MD
Person ID: 2266
Katherine Forbes, b. 27 Jan 1847, d. 9 May 1929, "D/O James J. & Eliza C. Thomas Forbes." Stone shared with Mary George Forbes. Buried at Deep Falls, Chaptico, St. Mary's Co., MD. (Tice*)
See father's Notes for 1850 Federal Census entry, grandmother Thomas' Notes for 1860 entry.
Katherine Forbes, 27 Jan 1847 - 9 May 1929, d/o James J. & Eliza C. Thomas Forbes; same stone as Mary George Forbes. Buried at Deep Falls. (Tice* :204)
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