Sothoron & Related Families - 459 (Notes Pages)For privacy reasons, Date of Birth and Date of Marriage for persons believed to still be living are not shown. Lucy E. [Female]
Person ID: 9192
Addes: 27 JUL 2012
See Notes of daughter Nina's husband for 1910 Federal Census entry.
People PageMitchell [Male] d. BEF APR 1910
Person ID: 9193
Addes: 27 JUL 2012
Inferred from 1910 Federal Census--see Notes for husband of daughter Nina.
People PageMitchell Nina M. [Female] b. ABT 1867 Virginia
Person ID: 9194
Addes: 27 JUL 2012
See husband's Notes for 1910 Federal Census entry.
People PageWiles Alfred [Male] b. ABT 1860 Virginia
Person ID: 9195
Addes: 27 JUL 2012
1910 Federal Census (1910.04.15, Recorded 1910.04.22) Mila Road, Wicomico Dist., Northumberland Co., VA - ED 103, Sh 5(102)A, Ln 13, 73/80
People PageThomason Sally [Female]
Person ID: 9196
Named in father's will (see his Notes).
People PageThomason Nathaniel [Male]
Person ID: 9197
Named in father's will (see his Notes).
People PageClark Della [Female] b. 1918 - d. Flint, Genesee Co., Michigan
Person ID: 9198
Addes: 30 AUG 2012
Della Clark, dau. of John Franklin Clark & Bessie ___, b. in 1918, married Theo Brown and lived & died in Flint, MI. (Clark(2)*)
People PageBrown Theo [Male]
Person ID: 9199
Addes: 30 AUG 2012
Della Clark, dau. of John Franklin Clark & Bessie ___, b. in 1918, married Theo Brown and lived & died in Flint, MI. (Clark(2)*)
People PagePearl [Female] d. BEF 1936
Person ID: 9200
Addes: 30 AUG 2012
John Franklin Clark, son of James Riley Clark & Permelia Ragsdale, m1 Bessie, m2 Pearl (d. bef. 1936), m3 Violet Ellen Kinney (d. 1987, buried at Hillsborough Memorial Gardens, Brandon, FL). (Clark(2)*)
People PageDean Sandra [Female]
Person ID: 9201
Kenneth Franklin Clark, son of John Franklin Clark & Violet Ellen Kinney, b. 26 May 1936 in Jonesboro, Craighead Co., AR.; married Sandra Dean from Kalamazoo, MI. They plan to be buried next to Kenneth's parents in Florida. (Clark(2)*)
People PageClark James Dennis [Male] b. 15 JAN 1955 Kalamazoo, Kalamazoo, Michigan, USA
Person ID: 9204
Addes: 30 AUG 2012
James Dennis Clark, son of John Franklin Clark & Violet Ellen Kinney, b. 15 Jan 1955 in Kalamazoo, MI; m1 Rita, m2 In Ok; he hopes to be buried at Poplar Springs Baptist Church in Moore, SC. (Clark(2)*)
People PageRita [Female]
Person ID: 9205
Addes: 30 AUG 2012
James Dennis Clark, son of John Franklin Clark & Violet Ellen Kinney, b. 15 Jan 1955 in Kalamazoo, MI; m1 Rita, m2 In Ok; he hopes to be buried at Poplar Springs Baptist Church in Moore, SC. (Clark(2)*)
People PageHinson Scott [Male]
Person ID: 9207
Jamie Danila Clark, dau. of James Dennis Clark & Rita, b. 5 Jan 1979, m. Scott Hinson. (Clark(2)*).
People PageHeather [Female]
Addes: 30 AUG 2012
Person ID: 9209
Frank William Clark, son of James Dennis Clark & Rita, b. 7 Apr 1981, m. Heather. (Clark(2)*)
People PageOk In [Female]
Addes: 30 AUG 2012
Person ID: 9210
James Dennis Clark, son of John Franklin Clark & Violet Ellen Kinney, b. 15 Jan 1955 in Kalamazoo, MI; m1 Rita, m2 In Ok; he hopes to be buried at Poplar Springs Baptist Church in Moore, SC. (Clark(2)*)
People PageWardle [Male]
Person ID: 9213
Inferred from wife's death notices (see her Notes).
People PageWardle Patricia [Female]
Person ID: 9214
Identified in letter to mother of WHS* (see Notes of Patricia's mother).
People PageMcConnel [Male]
Person ID: 9215
Inferred from wife's married name (see her Notes).
People PageJanet [Female]
Person ID: 9218
Name from son Daniel's birth announcement.
People PageKitchin Howard W. [Male] b. 7 FEB 1887 Japan - d. 20 APR 1972 San Diego Co., CA
Person ID: 9217
Addes: 17 SEP 2012
Inferred from wife's 1930 Federal Census entry (see father-in-law's Notes).
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