Sothoron & Related Families - 144 (Notes Pages)
For privacy reasons, Date of Birth and Date of Marriage for persons believed to still be living are not shown.
Keech James Sothoron [Male] b. 4 MAR 1864 Hughesville, Charles Co., MD - d. 19 NOV 1924 Racine, Racine Co., WI
Updated: 5 SEP 2011
Occupation: Physician
Person ID: 2900
J. Sothoron, allopathic physician, born 1865, died about 31 Dec 1929. Licensed in 1900 in Wisconsin. Graduated from the University of Maryland School of Medicine, Baltimore. (* - AMA - Directory of Deceased Physicians) (NOTE: I believe this is James Sothoron Keech. - WHS*)
See father's Notes for 1870 & 1880 Federal Census entries.
J. Sothom Keech was married 26 Apr 1894 in Portage Co., WS. Vol. 3, Pg 380. (* - Wisconsin Marriages, pre-1907)
Louisa M. Smieding was married 26 Apr 1894 in Portage Co., WS. (Vol. 2, Pg 380) (* - Wisconsin Marriages, pre-1907)
Keech, J. Sothoron, phys. (specialist) 716 Main, res. same. (* - image of The Racine {Wisconsin} Directory, 1899:232)
1900 Federal Census (1900.06.01, Recorded 1900.06.04) 716 Wis. Street, Ward 2, Racine Co., WS - ED 32, Sh 6(137)A, Ln 12, 103/105 - Keech, J. Sothoron. Head, 38 year old married white male, born March 1862, married 6 years. He & parents born in Maryland. Occupation Physician. Owns his non-farm home free of mortage. Can read & write, speaks English. -----, Louise.M. Wife, 30 year old married white female, married 6 years; had 1 child, still living. Born in Wisconsin, father in Germany & mother in Ohio. Can read & write, speaks English. Occupation none. -----, Estelle. Daughter, 3 year old white female. She & mother born in Wisconsin, father in Maryland. - (1 Servant)
1910 Federal Census (1910.04.15, Recorded 1910.04.25) 716 Main St., Ward 2, Racine, Racine Co., WS - ED 67, Sh 11(236)A, Ln 216/216 - Keech, Sothoron J. Head, 48 year old white male, in this his first marriage 15 years. Born in Maryland, father in Gemany & mother in Ohio (sic). Can read & write, speaks English. Occupation Eye & Ear Doctor, paid on Own Acct. Owns his non-farm free of mortgage. -----, Louise. Wife, 39 year old white female, in this her first marriage 15 years. Had 2 children, both still living. She & mother born in Wisconsin, father in Maryland. Can read & write, speaks English. Occupation none. -----, Ester. Daughter, 13 year old white female. She & mother born in Wisconsin, father in Maryland. Can read & write, speaks English, attended school since Sept. -----, Josephine. Daughter, 9 year old white female. She & mother born in Wisconsin, father in Maryland. Can read & write, speaks English, attended school since Sept. - (1 Servant)
Sothoron Keech, 50 year old married male citizen of U.S.A., born in Hughesville, Charles Co., MD on 4 March 1863, bound for Roisin, Wisc., was included on the List Or Manifest Of Alien Passengers For The United States for the S.S. Victoria Luise, sailing from Hamburg on 31 August 1913. He was accompanied by wife Luise Keech, 40 years old; daughter Josephine, 13 years old; and daughter Estelle, 16 years old; all U.S. citizens. (* - image of Passenger List)
1920 Federal Census (1920.01.01, Recorded 1920.01.06) 716 Main St., Ward 2, Racine, Racine Co., WS - ED 46, Sh 5A, Ln 37, 81/81 - Kiech, Southorn S. Head, 56 year old married white male. Owns his home free of mortgage. Can read & write, speaks English. He & parents born in Maryland. Occupation Doctor, working for (illegible), drawing wages. -----, Louise M. Wife, 48 year old married white female. Born in Wisconsin, father in Germany & mother in Ohio. She & mother born in Wisconsin, father in Maryland. Can read & write, speaks English. Occupation none. -----, Estelle V. Daughter, 23 year old single white female. She & mother born in Wisconsin, father in Maryland. Can read & write, speaks English. Occupation none. -----, Josephine S. Daughter, 19 year old single white female. She & mother born in Wisconsin, father in Maryland. Can read & write, speaks English, attended school since last Sept. Occupation none.
Dr. James Sothoron Keech, of Racine Wisconsin applied 5 April 1920 for membership in the Maryland Society of the Sons of the American Revolution. He was born in Charles Co., MD on 4 March 1864 to William Sothoron Keech (1806-1880) and Olivia T. Wiley (1840-1916), who were married 14 July 1857. His grandfather was James Keech (? - ?), who married Clarissa Sothoron (1782-1844) on 22 Dec 1804. His great-grandfather was James Keech (born in Charles Co., MD in 1745, died after 1790), who married Ann Estep (? - 1822) and who served in the Charles Co., MD Militia as a Private, assisting in the establishment of American Independence. (* - Application for Membership in the Maryland Society of the Sons of the American Revolution)
J. Sothoran Keech, born 4 Mar 1863 at Hughesville, MD, died at Racine, WI on 19 Nov 1924. Educated at Charlotte Hall Military School and at University of Maryland School of Medicine (graduated 1888), he was licensed in Wisconsin in 1900, practicing Allopathic medicine at Racine from 1888. Cause of death was heart disease. (* - Directory of Deceased American Physicians, 1804-1929 - JAMA 83:1940)
Wife is a widow in 1930 Census (see her Notes).
Keech Olivia [Female] b. ABT 1866 Maryland - d. AFT JUN 1880
Person ID: 2901
See father's Notes for 1870 & 1880 Federal Census entries.
Keech Estelle [Female] b. ABT 1868 Maryland - d. AFT JUN 1880 Trinity Episcopal, Newport, Charles Co., MD
Updated: 5 SEP 2011
Person ID: 2902
See father's Notes for 1870 & 1880 Federal Census entries.
ESTELLE, daughter of Wm. S. and Olivia(?) Keech May 12, 1868 August 23, 1893
 Grave Marker* at Trinity Episcopal Church, Newport, Charles Co., MD. (Photo & information from
Keech Susan Harriet [Female] b. 4 OCT 1872 Maryland - d. 17 NOV 1934 Louisville, Jefferson, Kentucky, USA
Updated: 5 SEP 2011
Person ID: 2903
See father's Notes for 1880 Federal Census entry, brother William's Notes for 1900 entry.
Susan Harriet Martin of 2512 W. Oak St., Jefferson Co., Louisville, KY, a 62 year, 1 month, 13 day old married white female housekeeper, married to James L. Martin, she born 4 Oct 1872 in Md. to William Keech (born in Md.) & Eva T Wyley (born in Pa.), died at home on 17 Nov 1934 of "Acute Autointoxication," with myocarditis being a contributory cause. She was intended from 16 Nov 1934 until death by J.T. Moser, M.D. of 1822 W. Market St., who last saw her alive on date of death. Informant was James L. Martin of 2512 W. Oak St. Burial was at LaPlata, Md. on 18 Nov 1938. (* - image of Kentucky Death Certificate No. 4766, File No. 28162, Registration Dist. 755, Primary Registration Dist. 2275)
Susan Harriett Keech Martin, daughter of William S. Keech (1804-1855) & Olevia Tinsdale Wiley Keech (1839-1916), born ?, died 17 Nov 1934, buried at Trinity Episcopal Church, Newport, Charles Co., MD. ( - no photo of Grave Marker)
Smieding Louisa M. [Female] b. MAY 1870 Wisconsin - d. AFT APR 1930
Person ID: 2904
J. Sothom Keech was married 26 Apr 1894 in Portage Co., WS. Vol. 3, Pg 380. (* - Wisconsin Marriages, pre-1907)
Louisa M. Smieding was married 26 Apr 1894 in Portage Co., WS. (Vol. 2, Pg 380) (* - Wisconsin Marriages, pre-1907)
See husband James' Notes for 1900 & 1920 Federal Census entries; also for information on 1913 sailing from Hamburg.
1930 Federal Census (1930.04.01, Recorded 1930.04.08) 716 Main St., Racine, Racine Co., WS - ED 15, Sh 7(30)A, Ln 7, 114/167 - Keech, Louise M. Head, 61 year old widowed white female, married at age of 26. Owns her non-farm home valued at $25,000, has a radio. Born in Wisconsin, father in Germany & mother in Ohio. Can read & write, speaks English. Occupation none. -----, Estelle V. Daughter, 33 year old single white female. She & mother born in Wisconsin, father in Maryland. Can read & write, speaks English. Occupation Secretary at Church, drawing wages.
Keech Estelle V. [Female] b. 12 AUG 1896 Wisconsin - d. 17 NOV 1992
Person ID: 2905
Estella Keech was born in Racine Co., Wisconsin on 12 Aug 1896. (* - Wisconsin Births, 1820-1907)
See father's Notes for 1900 & 1920 Federal Census entries, & mother's Notes for 1930 entry.
See father's Notes regarding sailing from Hamburg in 1913.
Estelle Keech, SSN 398-20-7423 Born 12 Aug 1896 Issued Wisconsin (before 1951) Last Residence 30605, Athens, Clarke Co., GA Died 17 Nov 1992 (SSDI*)
Keech Josephine P. [Female] b. ABT 1901 Wisconsin - d. AFT JAN 1920
Person ID: 2906
See father's Notes for 1920 Federal Census entry; also for information regarding sailing from Hamburg in 1913.
Keech Francis L. [Female] b. ABT 1912 Maryland - d. AFT APR 1930
Person ID: 2907
See father's Notes for 1920 & 1930 Federal Census entries.
Wright Eva E. [Female] b. MAR 1888 Maryland - d. AFT APR 1910
Person ID: 2908
See mother's Notes for 1900 Federal Census entry, & father's Notes for 1910 entry.
Wright William Snowden [Male] b. 29 SEP 1889 Maryland - d. MAY 1965 Volusia Co., FL
Person ID: 2909
See mother's Notes for 1900 Federal Census entry, & father's Notes for 1910 & 1920 entries.
William S. Wright of Altamont Hotel, Balto, Md. registered for the draft on 5 June 1917 at Precinct 5, Ward 11, Baltimore, MD. He was 27 years old born 29 Sept 1889 in Balto., Md., single, Caucasian. Occupation Manager Hotel, employed by Mrs.S. F. Wright at Altamont Hotel. Claimed to have someone totally dependant on him for support. Had 1 year of infantry experience while in school in New York. Claimed exemption because ____ would suffer by absence. Described as 5' 9" tall, medium bujild, blue eyes, light hair, not bald, no impairments. (* - image of World War I Draft Registration Card) Signature on card:

1930 Federal Census (1930.04.01, Recorded 1930.05.10) 1217 Eutaw Place, Ward 11, Baltimore City, MD - ED 155, Sh 20(126)A, Ln 7 - Wright, W Snowden. Head, 40 year old married white male, married at age of 32. Can read & write, speaks English. He & parents born in Maryland. Occupation Manager at Hotel, drawing wages. Veteran of WW. -----, Eleanor. Wife, 34 year old married white female, married at age of 26. Can read & write, speaks English. She & parents born in Maryland. Occupation none. -----, James H. Head, 73 year old married white male, married at age of 27. Can read & write, speaks English. He & parents born in Maryland. Occupation retired. -----, Sarah F. Wife, 62 year old married white female, married at age 18. Can read & write, speaks English. She & parents born in Maryland. Occupation none.
William Wright, SSN 213-22-1301 Born 29 Sep 1889 Issued MD (before 1951) Last Residence Florida Died May 1965 (SSDI*)
William Snowden Wright, white male, died May 1965 in Volusia Co., FL. (* - Florida Death Index)
Wright Randolph Keech [Male] b. 27 OCT 1893 Maryland - d. JUN 1982
Person ID: 2910
See mother's Notes for 1900 Federal Census entry, & father's Notes for 1910 & 1920 entries.
Randolph Keech Wright of Hotel Altamont, Baltimore, Md. registered for the draft on 1 June 1917 in 5th Precinct, Baltimore, MD. He was 23 years old, born "227" October 1893 in USA, Single with no dependants, Caucasian. Occupation Building Construction, United States and Alcohol Co., N.O., La. No military experience. Interested in manufacture of ammunition. Described as medium height & build, blue eyes, dark brown hair, no impairments. (* - image of World War I Draft Registration Card) Bears the signature:

1930 Federal Census (1930.04.01, Recorded 1930.04.03) 192 Oakdale Rd., Ward 27, Baltimore City, MD - ED 438, Sh 5(5)A, Ln 8, 67/75 - Wright, Randolph. Head, 36 year old married white male, married at age of 23. Owns his non-farm home valued at $12,000, has a radio. Can read & write, speaks English. Born in Maryland, father in N. Carolina & mother in Virginia. (sic) Occupation Mechanical Engineer, drawing wages, not unemployed. Not a veteran. -----, Elise M. Wife, 33 year old married white female, married at age of 20. Can read & write, speaks English. She & mother born in Maryland, father in N. Carolina. (sic) Occupation none. -----, Margaret A. Daughter, 11 year old white female. Can read & write, speaks English, attended school since Sept. She & mother born in Maryland, father in N. Carolina. (sic) -----, Sara A. Daughter, 8 year old white female. Attended school since Sept. She & mother born in Maryland, father in N. Carolina. (sic)
Randolph Wright, SSN 215-03-2726 Born 27 Oct 1893 Issued MD (before 1951) Last Residence 21210 Baltimore City, MD Died Jun 1982 (SSDI*)
Margaret E. [Female] b. ABT 1886 Maryland - d. AFT APR 1930
Person ID: 2911
See father in law's Notes for 1920 & 1930 Federal Census entries.
Wright Margaret A. [Female] b. ABT APR 1918 Maryland
Person ID: 2912
See grandfather Wright's Notes for 1920 Federal Census entry, & father's Notes for 1930 entry.
Eleanor [Female] b. ABT 1896 Maryland - d. AFT APR 1930
Person ID: 2913
See husband's Notes for 1930 Federal Census entry.
Wright Sara A. [Female] b. ABT 1922 Maryland
Person ID: 2914
See father's Notes for 1930 Federal Census entry.
Higgs Sothoron J. [Male] b. ABT 1804 North Carolina - d. AFT JUN 1860
Person ID: 2915
Southern I. Higgs, son of Kenelm Higgs (b. abt 1769) & Susannah Johnson, m 17 Nov 1827, Salina T. Harris. (* - Ancestry World Tree - Family Archive, Broderbund Software)
Southern I. Higgs & Salina T. Harris were bonded in marriage by Willis Johnson in Granville Co., NC on 17 Nov 1827. (Bridges* :44 - Bond # 2942)
1830 Federal Census (1830.06.01) South Regiment, Granville Co., NC - Pg 63, Ln 4 - Higgs, Southern J. - Free white males under 5...1 - ..........................20 - 29...1 - ..............females 20 - 29...1 - ...........................Slaves...9
Mentioned by name (as Southern I.) in 1834 plea for distribution of father's brother Sothoron's estate (see his notes).
1840 Federal Census (1840.06.01) District 822, Cass Co., GA - Pg 94, Ln 10 - Sothron Higg - Free white males 5 - 9...1 - ......................10 - 14...1 - ......................30 - 39...1 - ..........females 20 - 30...1 - ... Manufacturing/trade...1
1850 Federal Census (1850.06.01, Recorded 1850.10.04) Cassville, Division 13, Cass Co., GA - Pg 176, Ln 27, 1076/1088 - Southern J. Higgs, 46 year old male Trader, born in NC. - Salina T. " , 37 year old female, born in NC. - Marcus A. " , 21 year old male Lawyer, born in NC. - Leotinus R. " , 16 year old male, born in NC. - Seabert J. Higgs, 24 year old male Lawyer, born in NC.
1860 Federal Census (1860.06.01, Recorded 1860.06.30) Mound City Post Office, Jasper Twp., Crittenden Co., AR - Pg 12, Ln 4, 90/89 - S. J. Higgs, 53 year old Landlord, born in N. Carolina. Personal property valued at $6000. - C. T. " , 45 year old female, born in Georgia. - L. R. Higgs, 26 year old male, born in N. Carolina. Personal property valued at $4000. - S. J. ", 21 year old female, born in S. Carolina. - (Note that Marcus A Higgs is next entry on this Census page)
Harris Salina T. [Female] b. ABT 1813 North Carolina - d. AFT JUN 1860
Person ID: 2916
Southern I. Higgs, son of Kenelm Higgs (b. abt 1769) & Susannah Johnson, m 17 Nov 1827, Salina T. Harris. (* - Ancestry World Tree - Family Archive, Broderbund Software)
Southern I. Higgs & Salina T. Harris were bonded in marriage by Willis Johnson in Granville Co., NC on 17 Nov 1827. (Bridges* :44 - Bond # 2942)
See husband's Notes for 1850 & 1860 Federal Census entries.
Higgs Marcus A. [Male] b. ABT 1829 North Carolina - d. AFT JUN 1860
Person ID: 2917
See father's Notes for 1850 Federal Census entry.
1860 Federal Census (1860.06.01, Recorded 1860.06.30) Mound City Post Office, Jasper Twp., Crittenden Co., AR - Pg 12, Ln 8, 91/90 - (Note that entry for S. J. Higgs is immediately above this entry) - Marcus A. Higgs, 30 year old male lawyer, born in N. Carolina. Real property valued at $1,400, personal property at $3,000. - M. E. " , 23 year old female, born in N. Carolina. - Cliffin " , 6 year old male, born in Georgia. - Randolph " , 5 year old male, born in Georgia. - Willie " , 1 year old male, born in Arkansas. - Mark " , 4 year old male, born in Tennessee.
Marcus A. Higgs served as a Sergeant with Company D., 23 Arkansas Infantry, CSA during the Civil War. (* - Civil War Service Records)
M. E. [Female] b. ABT 1837 North Carolina - d. AFT JUN 1860
Person ID: 2918
See husband's Notes for 1860 Federal Census entry.
Higgs Cliffin [Male] b. ABT 1854 Georgia - d. AFT JUN 1860
Person ID: 2919
See father's Notes for 1860 Federal Census entry.
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