Sothoron & Related Families - 455 (Notes Pages)
For privacy reasons, Date of Birth and Date of Marriage for persons believed to still be living are not shown.
Kitts Katherine [Female] b. ABT 1912 Oklahoma
Addes: 10 MAY 2012
Person ID: 9112
See father's Notes for 1920 Federal Census entry.
Kitts Ella [Female] b. ABT 1914 Oklahoma
Addes: 10 MAY 2012
Person ID: 9113
See father's Notes for 1920 Federal Census entry.
Carter John Robert [Male] b. 12 JAN 1894 Harper, Kansas - d. AFT APR 1930
Addes: 10 MAY 2012
Person ID: 9114
John Robert Carter of Chester, Okla. registered for the draft at Pct. 24, Major Co., OK on 5 June 1917. He was single, Caucasian, 23 years old, born 12 January 1894 at Harper, Kansas. Occupation self-employed Farmer at Chester, OK. Claimed exemption for support of one child. Described as tall, with medium build, blue eyes, brown hair, no impairments. Form #800, Card #9. (* - image of World War I Draft Registration Card)
John R. Carter, 25, white, born in Kan. residing at Chester, Okla. and Miss Evelyn Kitts, 26, white, born in West Va., reiding at Chester Okla. were issued a Marriage License on 21 May 1919 in Mayor Co., OK. Marriage performed by County Judge the same date. ( - image of Marriage License)
See father-in-law's Notes for 1920 Federal Census entry.
1930 Federal Census (1930.04.01, Recorded 1930.04.11) N 24th St., Madison Pct., Maricopa Co., AZ - ED 99, Sh 8B, Ln 72, 210/212 - Carter, John R. Head, 36 year old married white male, first married at 25, renting his farm home for $10 per month. Can read & write, speaks English. Born in Kansas, parents in Missouri. Occupation Farm Hand, drawing wages. Not a war veteran. -----, Mary E. Wife, 37 year old married white female, first married at 26. Can read & write, speaks English. Born & West Virginia, parents in Virginia. Occupation None. -----, Neoma M. Daughter, 14 year old white female. Can read & write, speaks English, attended school since Sept. Born in Oklahoma, father in Kansas, mother in West Virginia. Occupation None. -----, Claude A. Son, 10 year old white male. Can read & write, speaks English, attended school since Sept. Born in Oklahoma, father in Kansas, mother in West Virginia. Occupation None. -----, George L. Son, 5 year old white male. Born in Arizona, father in Kansas, mother in West Virginia. Occupation None. -----, Dorris V. Daughter, 1 10/12 year old white female. Born in Arizona, father in Kansas, molther in West Virginia. Occupation None.
Carter Neoma M. [Female] b. ABT JAN 1916 Oklahoma - d. City of Mesa Cemetery, Mesa, Maricopa Co., AZ
Addes: 10 MAY 2012
Person ID: 9115
See maternal grandfather's Notes for 1920 Federal Census entry, father's Notes for 1930 entry.
NEOMA M. PAYNE SEPT. 25, 1915 - DEC. 28, 1992
 Grave Marker at City of Mesa Cemetery, Mesa, Maricopa Co., AZ. (Photo & information from
Carter Claude A. [Male] b. ABT 1920 Oklahoma
Addes: 11 MAY 2012
Person ID: 9116
See father's Notes for 1930 Federal Census entry.
Carter George L. [Male] b. ABT 1925 Arizona
Addes: 11 MAY 2012
Person ID: 9117
See father's Notes for 1930 Federal Census entry.
Carter Dorris V. [Female] b. ABT JUN 1928 Arizona
Addes: 11 MAY 2012
Person ID: 9118
See father's Notes for 1930 Federal Census entry.
Payne Guy Thomas [Male] d. City of Mesa Cemetery, Mesa, Maricopa Co., AZ
Person ID: 9122
Addes: 13 JUN 2012
 Grave Marker at City of Mesa Cemetery, Mesa, Maricopa Co., AZ. (Photo & information from
Thomason Mary Ann Juliet [Female] b. 12 OCT 1812 Granville Co., NC - d. AFT JUN 1880
Person ID: 9123
Addes: 21 SEP 2012
Mary Ann Juliet Thomason, dau. of Richard Pollard Thomason, Jr. & Mary Ann Juliet Higgs, b. 12 Oct 1812 in Granville Co., NC; died 1880 in Lauderdale Co., AL. Married on 27 Dec 1837 in Wilson Co., TN, Edward Bryant Summerhill, b. 18 Apr 1818 in Granville Co., NC. Were married during migration to Lauderdale Co., AL. (Summerhill* - Granville & Wilson Co. Probate Records)
Mary Ann Juliet Thomason's full name appeared in the will of her mother-in-law, Elizabeth "Betsy" Bryant Walker Summerhill. She signed her name as Mary A.J. Summerhill. (Summerhill*)
See husband's Notes for 1850 Federal Census entry.
1860 Federal Census (1860.06.01, Recorded 1860.06.22) Gravelly Springs P.O., Western Division, Lauderdale Co., AL - Pg 33, Ln 30, 243/243 - Mary Summerhill, 48 year old female, Farming, born in No.Car. Real property valued at $4,000, personal property at $12,000. - William " , 19 year old male, Farming, born in Ala. - Edward " , 17 year old male, Farming, born in Ala., attended school within the year. - Richard " , 15 year old male, Farming, born in Ala. - George " , 13 year old male, born in Ala. - Eliza " , 11 year old female, born in Ala., attended school within the year. - Permelia " , 9 year old female, born in Ala., attended school within the year. - Jones " , 7 year old male, born in Ala., attended school within the year. - Elisabeth " , 79 year old female, born in No. Car.
1870 Federal Census (1870.06.01, Recorded 1870.08.23) Gravelly Springs P.O., Twp. 2, Range 13 West, Lauderdale Co., AL - Pg 214, Ln 40, 1571/1518 - Somerhill, Mary, 58 year old white female, Keeping House, born in N.C. Real & personal property each valued at $1,000.
1880 Federal Census (1880.06.01, Recorded 1880.06.18) Twp. 2, Range 13, Lauderdale Co., AL - ED 142, Pg 22, Ln 5, 81/83 - Summerhill, Mary, 67 year old widowed white female, Farming. She & parents born in N. Car. -----, Lisa J. Daughter, 31 year old single white female, keeping house. Born in Ala., parents in N. Car. -----, Jones. Son, 26 year old single white male, Farming. Born in Ala., parents in N. Car. - (Family of 3 Black Servants & Farm workers, all with the Summerhill surname)
Summerhill Edward Bryant [Male] b. 18 APR 1818 Granville Co., NC - d. BET 1850 AND 1860
Person ID: 9124
Addes: 21 SEP 2012
Mary Ann Juliet Thomason, dau. of Richard Pollard Thomason, Jr. & Mary Ann Juliet Higgs, b. 12 Oct 1812 in Granville Co., NC, Married on 27 Dec 1837 in Wilson Co., TN, Edward Bryant Summerhill, b. 18 Apr 1818 in Granville Co., NC. (Summerhill* - Granville & Wilson Co. Probate Records)
1850 Federal Census (1850.06.01, Recorded 1850.12.06) Dist. 1, Lauderdale Co., AL - Pg 283B, Ln 22, 737/754 - E.B. Summerhill, 33 year old male Farmer, born in N.C. Real property valued at $3,000. - Mary, 38 year old female, born in N.C. - Agnes, 12 year old female, born in Tenn., attended school within the year. - William, 10 year old male, born in Ala., attended school within the year. - Edward, 8 year old male, born in Ala., attended school within the year. - Richard, 6 year old male, born in Ala., attended school within the year. - George, 4 year old male, born in Ala. - Elijah, 2 year old male, born in Ala. - Elizabeth, 70 year old female, born in N.C.
Thomasson Permelia Adeline [Female] b. ABT 1808 Granville Co., NC - d. 1884 Lauderdale Co., AL
Person ID: 9125
Addes: 20 SEP 2012
Permelia Adeline Thomason was born in 1808 in Granville Co., NC; m. on 11 Oct 1828 in Granville Co., NC, Horace Summerhill (b. 1802); d. 1884 in Lauderdale Co., AL; both are buried in Panther Creek West Lauderdale County. Their burial locations were moved by the T.V.A. when land was being flooded by the new Wilson Dam. (Summerhill*)
Estate of Richard P. Thomason, Jr. named daughters Mary Ann Juliet, Permelia and Lucetta; and son Southern. (Summerhill* - Abstracts of Granville Co., NC, 1821-1824, B:169)
Horace Summerhill and Permelia Thomasson were bonded in marriage on 10 Oct 1828 in Granville Co., NC, by Latny Montague. Bond # 52919, Record # 01 001. (* - North Carolina Marriage Bonds)
See husband's Notes for 1850, 1860 & 1880 Federal Census entries.
Thomasson Lucetta [Female]
Person ID: 9126
Estate of Richard P. Thomason, Jr. named daughters Mary Ann Juliet, Permelia and Lucetta; and son Southern. (Summerhill* - Abstracts of Granville Co., NC, 1821-1824, B:169)
Thomason Richard Pollard [Male] b. 24 DEC 1739 Louisa Co., VA - d. 1808 Granville Co., NC
Person ID: 9127
Updated: 17 SEP 2012
Richard Pollard Thomasson, born 24 Dec 1739 in Louisa Co., VA to George Thomasson & Mary Pollard, married Elizabeth Atkins Kittrell in 1763, died 1808 in Granville Co., NC. (* - Family Data Collection-Individual Records)
See father's Notes for family information. Was bequeathed 200 acres & plantation "... called the new Design..." in father's will of 1763 (see his Notes).
Richard Thomson of VA served as a Private in the Revolutionary military. (* - NARA Revolutionary War Rolls, Box 101)
Richard Thomasson appeared on the 1786 North Carolina Census, living in the Epping Forrest District of Granville County. (* - NC Census, 1790-1890)
Richard Thomason lived in the Epping Forest District of Granville Co., NC at the time of the 1790 Federal Census (image of Census page not available). (* - 1790 U.S. Census)
1800 Federal Census (1800.08.04) - Granville Co., NC - Pg. 531, Ln 2 - Richard Thomason. - Free white males 16 - 25 ... 3 - .................................. 26 - 44 ... 1 - ......................................... 45+ ... 1 - .................. females 16 - 25 ... 1 - ......................................... 45+ ... 1 - Slaves ....................................... 2(?)
1800 Federal Census (1800.08.04) - Hillsboro Dist., Granville Co., NC - Pg 530, Ln 12 - Richard P. Thomason. - Free white males 26 - 44 ... 1 - ................................. Slaves ... 2
Richard Thomason wills to his wife Elizabeth the land and Mill wheron I now live, six negroes, furniture, and stock and tools for her lifetime; to daughter Sally Thomason, a negro, colt, cow and calf, bed and furniture; to son Nathaniel, after death of my wife, all land that I bought from Bartlet Wright, a bed and furniture, and a cow and calf; at death of my wife, all land I gave her other than that given son Nathaniel Thomason to be sold and money divided to all the children. Exrs: Benjamin Hester, Richard P. Thomason, Thomas Thomason. Wts: George King, Mary Parrish, John Parrish. Executors refused to serve so administration given Elizabeth Thomason. Drawn 23 Dec 1807, proved at August Court 1808. (Summerhill* - "Abstracts of Granville County, N.C., 1803-1808" - 6:424)
Inventory of the Estate of Richard Thomason, deceased, by Elizabeth Thomason, administrator (actual inventory not recorded here), August Court 1808. (Summerhill* - Abstracts of Granville County, N.C., 1803-1808" - 6:427)
Thomason George [Male] b. 10 NOV 1703 - d. 22 AUG 1783
Person ID: 9128
** From Summerhill*
I found or retrieved the family history of George Thomason from ("A HISTORY OF LOUISA COUNTY, VIRGINIA" page 168a and 168b, by Malcolm H. Harris, Florence Lauderdale Public Library 975.5465 HAR SP. C.). Listed at the top of page of document was a source, The Douglas Register, page 304. - George Thomason was born 10 Nov 1703, died 22 Aug 1783. Mary Pollard, his wife was born 06 Nov 1706. Their children were as follows: ---- Elizabeth Thomason, born 27 Feb 1735, married Capt. John Byers on 23 Dec 1754. ---- Thomas Thomason, born 25 Feb 1737. ---- Richard Pollard Thomason, born 24 Dec 1739. ---- John Thomason, born 20 Oct 1741. ---- George Thomason, born 18 Feb 1743, married Elizabeth Timberlake 02 Aug 1783, Louisa Co. (George was a Revolutionary Soldier and was at Valley Forge in the 3rd VA. Line.) I looked this up! ---- Ann Thomason, born 04 Apr 1749, married George Currin. ---- Fleming Thomason, born 19 Sep 1751, married Ann Smith. ---- Christiana Thomason, born 20 Aug 1754, married John Timberlake 12 Apr 1773 in Louisa Co. ---- Sally Thomason, born 02 Nov 1758, married John Bibb.
The Will of George Thomason, Will book 2, Page 486, dated 17 Aug 1783: - Wife Mary devised 480 acres of land where now dwells, the same to son Fleming. Also listed, Sons Thomas, Richard, John, George; daughters Elizabeth Byers, Ann Currin, Christiana Timberlake, Sally Bibb.
** From Jones(3)*, pg. 304
- George Thomason was born 10 Nov 1703 and died August 1783, aged 80. Mary Plllard, his wife, was born 6 Nov 1706. p. 28. Their children are as follows: - Elizabeth Thomason was born February 27th 1735. - Thomas Thomason was born February 25th 1737. - Richard Thomason was born December 24 1739. - John Thomason was born October 20 1741. - George Thomason was born February 18 1743. - Ann Thomason was born April 4th 1789. - Fleming Thomason was born September 19 1751. - Christiana Thomason was born August 31 1754. - Sally Thomason was born November 2nd 1758.
George Thomason & Mary Pollard were married in St. James Northam Parish, Goochland Co., VA; their first child was born 18 April 1785. (Jones(3)*:119)
** From* ("Beck Family Tree")
Book: C, Page: 201, Grantor: George Thomasson, Grantee: Richard Thomasson, Date: 10-May-1763 - I George Thomasson of Louisa co, Trinity Par, for love and good will and affection towards my loving son William Thomasson of Sam Parish and county, 200 acres with plantation where sd. William Thomasson now lives, unto my loving son Thomas Thomason, 210 acres with the plantation where sd. Thomas now lives, to my loving son Richard Thomasson 200 acres of land and the plantation that is now called the new Design, also to my loving son John Thomasson 200 aces of which theses presents I have delivered them. 10 May 1763. Sig. George Thomasson.
Pollard Mary [Female] b. 6 NOV 1706 - d. 1783 Louisa Co., VA
Person ID: 9129
See husband's Notes.
George Thomason & Mary Pollard were married in St. James Northam Parish, Goochland Co., VA; their first child was born 18 April 1785. (Jones(3)*:119)
Mary Pollard died in Louisa Co., VA in 1783. (* - Family Data Collection - Deaths)
Thomason Elizabeth [Female] b. 27 FEB 1734 Louisa Co., VA - d. 12 OCT 1823 Washington, Rappahannock Co., VA
Person ID: 9130
See father's Notes.
Elizabeth Thomasson, born in Louisa Co., VA on 27 Feb 1734 to George Thomasson & Mary Pollard, married John Byars in 1754, died 12 Oct 1823 at Washington, Rappahannock Co., VA. (* - Family Data Collection: Individual Records)
Byers John [Male] b. 16 MAR 1734 Virginia - d. AFT 1754
Person ID: 9131
Title or Rank: Captain
Updated: 18 SEP 2012
See father-in-law's Notes.
John Byars was born to James Henry Byars & Peggy Gentry in Virginia on 16 Mar 1734. (* - Family Data Collection)
Captain John Byars owned a farm straddling the Middle Fork of the Holston River, near Glade Spring in Washington Co., VA. (* - image from "History of Southwest Virginia and Washington Co.," page 29)
Thomason Thomas [Male] b. 25 FEB 1737 - d. BEF NOV 1780
Person ID: 9132
See father's Notes.
Was granted 210 acres in his father's will of 1763 (see his Notes).
Thomas Thomason & Eliz. Lodan were married; their first child was born 28 May 1758. (Jones(3)*:120)
Thomas Thomason of Fluvanna Co., VA shown by record of 2 Nov 1780 to have died in service. His widow was Elizabeth. (* - Historical Register of Virginians in the Revolution, pg 768)
Thomason John [Male] b. 20 OCT 1741
Person ID: 9133
See father's Notes. Was bequeathed 200 acres of land in father's will of 1763.
Thomason George [Male] b. 18 FEB 1743
Person ID: 9492
Addes: 13 JUL 2012
See father's Notes.
George Thomason [Tommerson] served in the 3rd Virginia Regiment of the Continental Line. (* - Historical Register of Virginians in the Revolution, pg 768).
- "George Thomasson on list of Pay Roll for travelling expenses in a detachment of the Third Va. Regt. that was discharged at Valley Forge, to their different counties, Feb. 16, 1776. Among these was George Thomasson of Louisa Co. Pay received at Yorktown, Feb 18., 1778, to the men then in the detachment of Lieutenant Thomas Hungerford, Lieut. of the Third Va. Regt. Received pay 17 shillings, and 6 pence for travelling 267 miles. Entered in the Auditor's Books, No. 141, See Boogher's Gleanings of Va. History, P. 177. - The Library list of Rev. Soldiers gives the names of a number of other Thomassons who served in the Rev, war, with references for their service. These were : Byers ; John (Rejected claim) ; Turner ; William (Albemarle Co.) ; John (Bedford Co.) ; John, Drummer (Albemarle)." (* - Virginia Soldiers of 1776, pg 704)
George Thomason & Eliz. Timberlick were married; their first child was born Aug 1782. (Jones(3)*:119)
George Thomason, an Inventory, in Goochland Co., VA in 1801. (* - image of Thomason*, pg 25.)
George Thomason & Eliz. Timberlick were married; their first child was born Aug 1782. (Jones(3)*:119)
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