Sothoron & Related Families - 103 (Notes Pages)
For privacy reasons, Date of Birth and Date of Marriage for persons believed to still be living are not shown.
Hall Virgie F. [Female] b. 13 DEC 1889 Virginia - d. 24 JAN 1973 Shady Grove Methodist Church, Spotsylvania, Spotsylvania Co., VA Person ID: 2065
Click here to view Notes.
Faville William Josiah [Male] b. ABT 1885 Virginia - d. 29 APR 1938 Oak Hill Cemetery, Fredericksburg, VA
Person ID: 2066
Updated: 1 JUN 2012
Ola Pulliam, daughter of John James & Melissa Pulliam, married Wm. J. Faville. (notes of Eva Pearl Bartleson)
 Family photograph of Alvin & Ola Faville, with children Alvin & Thelma.
1930 Federal Census (1930.04.01, Recorded 1930.04.08) 1312 Sophia Street, Fredericksburg City, VA - ED 107-2, Sh 3B, Ln 22, 57/66 - Faville, William. Head, a 45 year old white male, married at the age of 22. He owns his non-farm home valued at $3,000, with no radio. Can read & write, speaks English, no school since last Sept. He & parents born in Virginia. Occupation Laborer at Railroad, coded 7877, working for wages, currently employed. Not a military veteran. -----, Olla E. Wife, a 42 year old white female, married at the age of 19. Can read & write, speaks English, no school since last Sept. She & parents born in Virginia. Occupation none. -----, Alvin T. Son, a 21 year old single white male. Can read & write, speaks English, no school since last Sept. He & parents born in Virginia. Occupation Surveyor with State Road, coded 5171, working for wages, currently employed. Not a military veteran. -----, Thelma. Daughter, a 19 year old single white female. Can read & write, speaks English, attended school since last Sept. She & parents born in Virginia. Occupation none.
 Grave Marker* in Garden H, Lot 1 of Oak Hill Cemetery, Fredericksburg, VA, alongside his wife. Wiliam died on 29 April 1938 & was buried on 1 May 1938 (cemetery records).
Faville Alvin M. [Male] b. 1 SEP 1908 Virginia - d. OCT 1987 Virginia Beach, Princess Anne Co., VA
Person ID: 2067
Updated: 7 SEP 2012
See father's Notes for 1930 Federal Census entry, mother's Notes for 1940 entry.
ALVIN FAVILLE SSN: 224-60-9424 Born: 1 Sep 1908 Issued: VA (1961) Residence: 23464, Virginia Beach City, VA Died: Oct 1987 (SSDI*)
Faville Thelma M. [Female] b. 11 OCT 1910 Virginia - d. AUG 1975 Virginia
Updated: 10 FEB 2012
Person ID: 2068
See father's Notes for 1930 Federal Census entry.
THELMA FAVILLE SSN: 228-10-3140 Born: 11 Oct 1910 Issued: VA (Before 1951) Residence: 22401 Fredericksburg, Fredericksburg City, VA Died: Aug 1975 (SSDI*)
THELMA M. FAVILLE 1910 -- 1975 ------- AT REST
 Grave Marker* in Garden H, Lot 1 of Oak Hill Cemetery, Fredericksburg, VA.
Chewning William B. [Male] b. ABT 1812 Virginia - d. 1865 Spotsylvania Co., VA
Person ID: 2069
Susannah Overton, dau of Willis Overton, Sr. & Susannah Tureman, m. bef 1839, William Chowning. (Jones(1)*)
1850 Federal Census (1850.06.01, Recorded 1850.09.04) Orange Co., VA - Pg 232A (32), Ln13, 241/243 - William B. Chewning, 39 year old male Farmer, real property valued at $300, born in Va. - Susan " , 29 year old female, born in Va. - Marcus " , 9 year old male, born in Va. - Melissa " , 7 year old female, born in Va. - Martha " , 2 year old female, born in Va. - Susan Overton, 68 year old female, born in Va.
1860 Federal Census (1860.06.01, Recorded 1860.07.18) Danielsville P.O., St. Georges Parish, Spotsylvania Co., VA - Pg 75, Ln 32, 594/589 - Wm. B. Chewning, 47 year old male Farmer, real property valued at $300, personal property at $1,500, born in Virginia. - Susan Chewning, 39 year old female, born in Virginia. - Marcus Chewning, 19 year old male Farmer, born in Virginia. - Malissey Chewning, 16 year old female, born in Virginia. - Maretta Chewning, 9 year old female, born in Virginia, attended school within the year. - Mariae Chewning, 6 year old female, born in Virginia. - Madora Chewning, 2 year old female, born in Virginia. - Nancy Chewning, 65 year old female, born in Virginia. - Martha Chewning, 11 year old female, born in Virginia, attended school within the year.
See wife's Notes for description of incident involving her great grandfather; gives her husband's full name & identifies her as mother of Marcus Chewning.
** Death & Estate
Heirt vs Hopkins - Comment: debt - office judgment. Notes death of William B. Chewning in 1865. ( - Collection CR-CI-L, Record ID 373-187, Recorded 1870, Spotsylvania Co., VA)
Thomas R. Fulton vs. Marcus A. Chewning & William B. Chewning. - Comment: debt - office judgment. ( - Court Record Extract, Collection CR-CI-L, ID # 515-70, Spotsylvania Co., VA, Recorded 1868)
Cudlip Heirt vs. William L. Hopkins. - Comment: debt -office judgment. William B. Chewning died in 1865. ( - Court Record Extract, Collection CR-CI-L, ID # 373-187, Spotsylvania & Louisa Cos., VA, Recorded 1870)
Marcus Chewning, administrator of William B. Chewning, dec'd vs. William Stevens, admr. of John Y. Chewning, dec'd. - Comment: debt - office judgment. - Oscar Todd, son in law of William Stephens. ( - Court Record Extract, Collection CR-CI-L, ID # 373-224, Spotsylvania Co., VA, Recorded 1870)
Ferdinand Scott, use of Marcus Chewning, administrator of William B. Chewning, dec'd. vs. Thomas W. Finney. - Comment: debt - office judgment. ( - Court Record Extract, Collection CR-CI-L, ID # 515-278, Spotsylvania Co., VA, Recorded 1870)
Overton Susannah [Female] b. ABT 1821 Virginia - d. AFT 1880
Person ID: 2070
Susannah Overton, dau of Willis Overton, Sr. & Susannah Tureman, m. bef 1839, William Chowning. (Jones(1)*)
See husband's Notes for 1850 & 1860 Federal Census entries.
1870 Federal Census (1870.06.01, Recorded 1870.08.22) Orange Court House P.O., Orange Co., VA - Pg 236 (328), Ln 1, 1710/1902 - Chewning, Susan, a 50 year old white female, Keeps House, born in Virginia. -----, Martha, a 22 year old white female, At home, born in Virginia. -----, Maria, a 16 year old white female, Farm hand, born in Virginia. -----, Madera, an 11 year old white female, At home, born in Virginia.
See son Marcus' Notes for 1880 Federal Census entry.
Cemetery at Penny's Tavern, Spotsylvania Co., Va. Cemetery Location: 2.9 miles west of Snell, Virginia, on Route #209, northeast corner of intersection of Route #209 and Route $648. Date: About 1811 Owners: - 1811 James Wigglesworth to Lincefield S. Penny. Deed Book "S” page 342 - Penny's heirs to George W. Trice. Deed Book "FF” pages 219,245,1835 - Trice to Wigglesworth, M. 1836. Deed Book "GG” page 53 This was located on the road that led to old Spotsylvania Courthouse, about 2 miles from the courthouse so it was an important inn. - There is an old burying ground on the tract but no tombstones. People say they have heard their ancestors say that Captain Penny, his wife and daughter are buried there. - The following incident was told Mrs. Wilson by her grandmother, Mrs. William Chew Chewning, of Orange County. Mrs. Chewning was the mother of the noted Confederate spy, Marcus Chewning. - Mrs. Chewning's great grandfather, Preacher Clew, stopped at Penny's for the night. After going to his room to retire he was sent for by some rowdy men who were also stopping there, to come down and join them in a game of cards. Upon refusing to do this, they took him forcibly from his room and dragged him down a flight of stairs. He died from the effects of this rough treatment at their hands. - Informant: Mrs. A.V. Wilson, Fredericksburg, Va. ( - From the Library of Virginia Digital Collection, Titled Files: Survey Report, Penny's Tavern, 1937 Jan. 8, Research made by Mildred Barnum.)
Chewning Marcus A. [Male] b. 1841 Orange Co., VA - d. 2 APR 1886 Orange Co., VA
Person ID: 2071
Updated: 2 FEB 2013
Melissa Ann Chewning married John James Pulliam in December, 1865. She had siblings: Marcus, Martha, Maretta & Dora. (notes of Eva Pearl Bartleson)
Marcus Chewning was known as "The Brave Marcus" during the Civil War. He married Sally Biscoe & had 4 children: Susie (Childress), Mertie (Wright), Dora (unmarried) & Emma (Curtis). (notes of Eva Pearl Bartleson)
Marcus A. Chewning, 24 year old farmer, son of William & Susan Chewning, born in Orange Co., VA & living in Spotsylvania Co., VA, married by Chancellor, Spotsylvania Co., on 3 December 1865, Sallie Bettie Biscoe, 19, born & living in Spotsylvania Co., VA, daughter of William E. Biscoe. Under Permission: "I hereby grant my permission to you, to issue license to Marcus A. Chewning to marry my daughter, Sallie Bettie Biscoe. I would have come down myself, but am still confined to my house, on account of a broken leg." ( - Minister's Return, License issued 28 Nov 1865)
See mother's Notes for description of incident involving her great grandfather. Identifies her as mother of Marcus Chewning the Confederate Spy.
See father's Notes for 1850 & 1860 Federal Census entries.
1870 Federal Census (1870.06.01, Recorded 1870.08.22) Orange Court House P.O., Orange Co., VA - Pg 235 (327), Ln 22, 1707/1899 - Chewning, Marcus, a 29 year old white male Farmer, real property valued at $500, personal property at $350, born in Virginia. -----, Sally, a 25 year old white female, Keeps house, born in Virginia. -----, William, a 4 year old white male, At home, born in Virginia. -----, Marietta, a 1 year old white female, At home, born in Virginia. - Ellis, Betty, an 18 year old Black female, At home, born in Virginia, can neither read nor write. -----, Louisa, a 16 year old Black female, At home, born in Virginia, can neither read nor write. -----, Susan, a 14 year old Black female, At home, born in Virginia, can neither read nor write. -----, Emily J., a 13 year old Black female, At home, born in Virginia, can neither read nor write. -----, James, an 8 year old Black male, At home, born in Virginia. -----, Julia Ann, a 4 year old Black female, At home, born in Virginia. -----, Maria, an 8/12 year old Black female, At home, born in Virginia.
1880 Federal Census (1880.06.01, Recorded 1880.06.19) Gordon Dist., Orange Co., VA - ED 122, Pg 29 (334B), Ln 11, 265, 287 - Tuning, Marcus A., 35 year old married white male Farmer. He & parents born in Virginia. -----, Sally B. Wife, 36 year old married white female, Keeping House. She & parents born in Virginia. -----, Emma. Daughter, 8 year old white female, attended school within the year. She & parents born in Virginia. -----, Susan C. Daughter, 5 year old white female. She & parents born in Virginia. -----, Mirtse(?). Daughter, 2 year old white female. She & parents born in Virginia. -----, Edmonia. Daughter, 1/12 year old white female, born in May. She & parents born in Virginia. -----, Susan. Mother, 60 year old widowed white female. She & parents born in Virginia.
Marcus Chewning, "aged 46, died Friday [2 April] Orange County, Va" (T. Luchetta* - Virginia Star {Fredericksburg}, Published 7 April 1886)
** Compiled Service Record*
Muster Roll of Capt. Corbin Crutchfield's Company (Mercer Calv), Virginia Calv. includes Marcus E. Chewning for July & August, 1861. Enlisted 25 Apr 186_ at Fredsburg by W. H. Lee for one year. Last paid 1 July 186_ by Caruthers.
Muster Roll for Capt. Corbin Crutchfield's Co. (Mercer Calvary), Virginia Cav. for Sept & Oct 1861 includes Marcus E. Chewning, Pvt. Enlisted April 25, 186_ at Fredericksburg by F. C. Beverly for 1 yr. Last paid Aug 31, 186_ by A. F. Cone. Not indicated whether present or absent.
Muster Roll of Capt. Corbin Crutchfield's Co. (Mercer Calvary), Virginia Cav. for Nov & Dec, 1861 includes Marcus A. Chewning, Pvt. Enlisted Apr. 25, 186_ at Fredsburg by F. C. Beverly for 1 yr. Last paid Oct 21, 186_ by A. F. Cone. Noted to be present.
Muster Roll of Capt. Corbin Crutchfield's Co. (Mercer Calvary), Virginia Cav for Jan & Feb, 1862 includes Marcus Chewning, Pvt.. Enlisted Apr. 25, 186_ at Fredericksburg by F. C. Beverly for 1 year. Last paid Dec. 31, 1861 by A. F. Cone. Noted to be Present.
Undated Muster Roll for Capt. Corbin Crutchfield's Co. (Mercer Calvary), Virginia Cav. includes Marcus A. Chewning, Bugler. Enlisted Apr. 25, 1861 at Fredsburg by Beverley. Last paid May 1, 1862 by Jonas Waite. Not stated if present or absent.
Muster Roll for Co. E, 9 Reg't Virginia Calvary for Sept & Oct, 1862 includes Marcus A. Chewning, Bugler. Enlisted Apr. 25, 1861 at Fredsburg by Beverley. Last paid Sept 1, 1862. Noted to be Present.
Muster Roll for Company E, 9 Reg't Virginia Calvary for Nov. & Dec., 1862 includes M. A. Chewning, Bugler. Enlisted Apr 25, 1861 at Fredsburg by Capt. Beverley. Last paid Nov 1, 1862 by Capt. Forbes. Noted to be Present. Remarks: "Reduced to ranke on the 6th day of Dec 1862.”
Muster Roll for Company E, 9 Reg't Virginia Calvary for Jan. & Feb., 1863 includes M. A. Chewning, Pvt. Enlisted Apr 25, 1861 at Fredsburg by Capt. Beverly. Last paid Jan 1, 1863 by Capt. Forbes. Noted to be present. Remarks: "In arrest.”
Muster Roll for Company E, 9 Reg't Virginia Calvary for Mar. & Apr., 1863 includes M. A. Chewning, Pvt.. Enlisted Apr 25, 1861 at Fredsburg by Capt. Beverly. Last paid Mar. 1, 1863 by Capt. Forbes. Noted to be absent. Remarks: "In arrest.”
Muster Roll for Co. E, 8 Reg't. Virginia Calvary on 1 May 1863 includes M. A. Chewning, Pvt. Enrolled Apl. 25, 1861 at Fred'g by Capt. Beverly for 3 years.
Chewning, M. A., Pvt, Co. E, 9th Va. Calvary. - Court Martial, Gen. Orders No. 66, Hq. Dept. Northern Va., 25 May 1863. (No other details are present)
Muster Roll for Co. E, 9 Reg't. Virginia Calvary for Sept & Oct, 1863 includes M. A. Chewning, Pvt. Enlisted Apr. 25, 1861 at Fredsburg by Capt. Beverley. Last paid Sept. 1, 1863 by Capt. Baker. Noted to be present.
M. A. Chewning, Pvt. in Co. E, 9 Reg't Va. Cav. under Capt. Smith, admitted 22 Nov 1863 to CSA General Hospital, Charlottesville, VA with "Morbi Cutis.” Returned to duty Nov. 26, 1863.
Muster Roll for Co. E, 9 Reg't. Virginia Calvary for Jan & Feb, 1864 includes M. A. Chewning, Pvt. . Enlisted Apr. 25, 1861 at Fredsburg by Capt. Beverley. Last paid Jan 1, 1864 by Capt. Baker. Remarks: "absent wounded.”
Muster Roll for Co. E, 9 Reg't. Virginia Calvary for Mch. & April, 1864 includes M. A. Chewning, Pvt. Enlisted Apr. 25, 1861 at Fredsburg by Capt. Beverly. Last paid Jan 1, 1864 by Capt. Baker. Noted to be present, and "Not p. on last rolls.”
Muster Roll for Co. E, 9 Reg't Virginia Calvary for May & June, 1864 include M. A. Chewning, Pvt. Enlisted Apr. 25, 1861 at Fredsburg by Capt. Beverly. Last paid May 1, 1864 by Capt. Baker. Noted to be present.
M. A. Chewning awarded a bounty of $30 on 12 July 1864, "For arresting and delivering to Brig. Genl. Gardner at Richmond, Va-Joseph Childress, a deserter from Co. "A” 10th Va Calvary...” Paid at Richmond, VA on 28 July 1864.
M. A. Chewning approved to receive bounty of $60, "For arresting and delivering to Genl. Gardner at Richmond, J. G. Braton a deserter from Camp Lee (an unattached conscript).& Charles Riddier a deserter from W. Chamshaws Battery...” on 1 August 1864. Paid at Richmond, VA on 12 August 1864. Includes receipt from Provost Marshall's office for receipt of named deserters from M. A. Chewning Co. E, 9th Va. Calvary. Signature on receipt:

Muster Roll for Co. E, 9 Reg't. Virginia Calvary for July & Aug, 1864 include M. A. Chewning, Pvt. Enlisted Apr. 25, 1861 at Fredsbg by Capt. Beverly. Last paid July 1, 1864 by Capt. Baker. Noted to be "Absent on detail.”
Muster Roll of Company E 9th Reg't Virginia Calvary on 1 Oct 1864 includes M. A. Chewning, Pvt. Enlisted April 25, 1861 at Fredsburg by Capt. Beverly. Last paid May 1, 1864, by Capt. Baker. Remarks: "Absent-detailed as scout at Genl. W. H. F. Lee's Hd. Qu.”
Chewning Maretta [Female] b. ABT 1851 Virginia
Person ID: 2072
Melissa Ann Chewning married John James Pulliam in December, 1865. She had siblings: Marcus, Martha, Maretta & Dora. Maretta married a Jones. (notes of Eva Pearl Bartleson)
See father's Notes for 1860 Federal Census entry.
Maretta Jane Chewning married T. M. Jones. (Virginia Star, Reported 1869.12.20)
Chewning Mariae [Female] b. ABT 1854 Virginia
Person ID: 2073
Melissa Ann Chewning married John James Pulliam in December, 1865. She had siblings: Marcus, Martha, Maretta & Dora. (notes of Eva Pearl Bartleson)
See father's Notes for 1860 Federal Census entry, & mother's Notes for 1870 entry.
Chewning Madora [Female] b. ABT 1858 Virginia
Person ID: 2074
Melissa Ann Chewning married John James Pulliam in December, 1865. She had siblings: Marcus, Martha, Maretta & Dora. Dora married a Word of Kentucky. (notes of Eva Pearl Bartleson)
See father's Notes for 1860 Federal Census entry, & mother's Notes for 1870 entry.
Chewning Martha [Female] b. ABT 1849 Virginia
Person ID: 2075
Melissa Ann Chewning married John James Pulliam in December, 1865. She had siblings: Marcus, Martha, Maretta & Dora. Martha married a Perry. (notes of Eva Pearl Bartleson)
See father's Notes for 1850 & 1860 Federal Census entries, & mother's for 1870 entry.
Terry [Female]
Person ID: 2076
Peter Bartleson, son of Peter & Terry Bartleson, born Aug. 30, 1761. (Births Copied from the Bible of Peter Bartleson*)
Knight Elizabeth [Female]
Person ID: 2077
Mentioned by name in father in law Eusebius' will (see his Notes).
Bartle Bartleson & Eliz. Knight were married at the First Presbyterian Church of Philadelphia on 6 July 1728. (Marriage Records - PA Archives {Ser. 2} IX:41 - also at PA Archives {Ser. 2} IX:5)
Bartleson Elizabeth [Female] b. BEF 1777 - d. 1783 Norrinton, Philadelphia Co., PA
Person ID: 2078
- Mentioned by name in wills of father and of brother Nicholas (see respective Notes).
Elizabeth Bartleson of Norriton Twp. was taxed �5. (Effective Supply Tax of the County of Philadelphia 1779 - PA Archives {Ser. 3} XIV:676)
Eliabeth (sic) Bartleson of Norrington Twp. was charged �1.5.0 as a State Tax. (State of Five Shilling Tax, County of Philadelphia 1779 - PA Archives {Ser. 3} XV:117)
Elizabeth Bartleson of Norrington Twp., Philadelphia Co., PA had holdings in 1780 valued at �1,071 and taxed in the amount of �24.12.7. (Effective Supply Tax - PA Archives {Ser. 3} XV:518)
- Will of Elizabeth Bartleson, single. Names her siblings: Samuel, Cephas, Phoebe, Braden & Henry. Nieces & nephews: Mary Bartleson, children of sister Mary Fox, John Bartleson, children of brothers Nicholas & Peter. Executors Henry Bartleson & Nathan Potts of Plymouth. Codicil of 8/12/1783 names Mary's husband James Fox, a niece Hannah Cunard, & Ezra Bartleson's daughter Mary. Wit: John Wintz, John Shannon. - Codicil signed 12 Aug 1783: James Fox (husband of sister Mary), Niece Hannah Cunard (daughter of brother Ezra). Wit: John Wentz. - (* - Wills S:341, Norrinton, Philadelphia Co., PA, 1783.04.08, Proved 1783.09.13)
Bartleson Peter [Male] b. BEF 1777
Person ID: 2079
Mentioned by name in wills of father & of sister Elizabeth (see respective Notes).
The Tax List of 1769 for Norristown Township, Philadelphia Co., PA includes: - Peter Bartleson: 2 cattle. Tax �00.13.4 - Nicholas Bartleson: 100 acres, 2 horses, 3 cattle. Tax �12.17.8 - Bartle Bartleson, innkeeper: 180 acres, 4 horses, 15 cattle. Tax �26.8.4 (Propietary Tax, County of Philadelphia - PA Archives {Ser. 3} 14:69)
Peter Bartleson & Catherine Sell were married 9 Oct 1796 at The Swedes' Church in Philadelphia. (Marriage Records - PA Archives {Ser. 2} VIII:507 - also at PA Archives {Ser. 2}VIII:300)
Bartleson Nicholas [Male] b. BEF 1742 - d. 1778 Norrinton, Philadelphia Co., PA
Person ID: 2080
Mentioned by name in 1777 will of father (see his Notes).
Nicholas Bartleson & Jane May Hollan were married at Old Swedes Church, Philadelphia, PA on 9 February 1759. (PA Archives {Ser 2} 8:300)
Nicholas Bartleson & Jane May Hollan were married at Old Swede's Church, Philadelphia, PA on 9 February 1759. (Lynn*)
The Tax List of 1769 for Norristown Township, Philadelphia Co., PA includes: - Peter Bartleson: 2 cattle. Tax �00.13.4 - Nicholas Bartleson: 100 acres, 2 horses, 3 cattle. Tax �12.17.8 - Bartle Bartleson, innkeeper: 180 acres, 4 horses, 15 cattle. Tax �26.8.4 (Propietary Tax, County of Philadelphia - PA Archives {Ser. 3} 14:69)
Nicholas Bartleson of Norriton Twp., Phladelphia Co., PA was assessed Provincial Taxes in the amount of �12.17.04 for holdings of 100 acres, 2 horses, 3 cattle no servants. His entry is followed by those of Bartle Bartleson & Benjamin Ramsey. (Transcript of the Provincial Tax, County of Philadelphia, 1774 - PA Archives {Ser. 3} XIV:384)
Will of Nicholas Bartleson, mason. Wife Jane, brother Henry, sister Elizabeth. Children: John & others unnamed. Executors Jane & John Bartleson. Wit: Cephas Bartleson, Henry Bartleson, Pat. Abbev. Menan. (* - Wills R:101, Norriton, Philadelphia Co., PA, 1777.04.29, Proved 1778.09.07)
Mentioned by name in 1783 will of sister Elizabeth but only as the father of beneficiary children (see her Notes).
Bartleson Mary [Female] b. BEF 1742
Person ID: 2081
Mentioned by name in father's will of 1777, and sister Elizabeth's will of 1783; both refer to children of Mary but do not name them. Elizabeth refers to James Fox, husband of sister Mary. See respective Notes.
Mary Bartleson & James Fox were married at Old Swede Church, Philadelphia, PA on 1 September 1758. (PA Archives {Ser 2} 8:300)
Mary Bartleson & James Fox were married at Old Swede's Church, Philadelphia, PA on 1 September 1758. (Lynn*)
Bartleson Cephas [Male] b. ABT 1727 - d. 15 SEP 1783
Person ID: 2082
From the records of Christ Church, Philadelphia, PA, the burial of ____ Bartleson, daughter of Sebas Bartleson on 6 August 1756. (Knight* - PA Magazine 1:352)
Baptism of Sebas Bartleson, son of Sebas & Lettice Bartleson on 30 November 1764. (Knight - Records of Christ Church {1709} 68:584)
Mentioned by name in 1777 will of father (as Sibas) and 1783 will of sister Elizabeth (as Cephas) - see respective Notes.
Cephas Bartleson Fifth Class of 7th Company (commanded by Capt. Daniel Trump), 5th Battalion of Philadelphia Co. Militia, received �37.10.0 (Fine List, State of the Accounts of the County Lieutenants During the War of the Revolution, 1777-1789 - PA Archives {Ser. 3} V:718)
Cephas Bartleson is on A List of Absentees on Muster Days in 1777, for the 5th Battalion of Philadelphia County Militia, Commanded by Col. Robert Curry. as a member of Company 7, commanded by Capt. Daniel Trump. Number of days 2, �0.10.0. (State of the Accounts of the County Lieutenants During the War of the Revolution, 1777-1789 - PA Archives {Ser. 3} V:732)
"Capt. Bickham was directed to pay Sephus Bartleson �5 7 10, for Diet of Militia, to be charged to Congress." (Minutes of the Council of Safety - Philadelphia, 8 Feb 1777 - PA Archives {Ser. Colonial Records} XI:118)
Cephas Bartleson is one of several citizens of Upper Merion Twp., Montgomery Co., PA, receiving reimbursement in 1778 for damages done them by marauding British troops. His damages were assessed at �127. (Walters*- Bean's 1884 History of Montgomery Co., PA, Chapt LXXVII, Pg. 1120)
List of goods & chattels of John Roberts sold in Philadelphia Co., PA on 1 Dec 1778, includes: - Leavis Bartleson, 14 flower Casks ......... �0.16.0 - Cephas Bartleson, A Net ........................ 0.16.6 (Forfeited Estates, Inventories & Sales - PA Archives {Ser. 6} XII:719)
Under Sundries the Estate of Archibald Thompson, Esq., late a Sub-Lieutenant of Philadelphia County, deceased., is the entry: - Cephas Bartleson, for provisions for the militia, Dec. 4, 1778 .... 2 16 3. (State of the Accounts of the County Lieutenants During the War of The Revolution - PA Archives {Ser. 3} V:706)
The following taxes were levied in Norriton Twp.: - Samuel Bartleson, p.h'd, (no tax) - Sephus Bartleson ........ �6 - Jane Bartleson .............. 9 (Effective Supply Tax of the County of Pennslvania, 1779 - PA Archives {Ser. 3} XIV:674)
The following taxes were levied in Norrington Twp.: - Samuel Bartleson ........ �1.10.0 - Sephus Bartleson .......... 1.10.0 (State of Five Shilling Tax, County of Philadelphia 1779 - PA Archives {Ser. 3} XV:114)
The Assessment of 1780 included Cephas Bartleson of Upper Merion Twp., Montgomery Co., PA, inn-keeper, 4 horses, 6 cattle. "Pays 200 bu of wheat rent to Peter Holstein.” (Walters* - Bean's 1884 History of Montgomery Co., PA, Chapt LXXVII, Pg. 1129)
The following assessments & taxes were listed for Norrington Twp., Philadelphia Co., PA in 1783: - Cephus Bartleson �824, taxes �18.19.0 - Jane Bartleson �3,080, taxes �48.6.0 (Effective Supply Tax - PA Archives {Ser. 3} XV:517)
Cephas Bartleson, inn keep'r of Upper Merion Twp., Philadelphia Co., PA was taxed �1.16.10 on holdings valued at �107. (Provincial Papers: Supply, and State Tax Lists - PA Archives {Ser. 3} XVI:46)
Cephas Bartleson of Upper Merion Twp. had holdings valued at �163, taxed at 1.7.9 in 1782. (Provincial Papers, Supply, as State Tax Lists for the Years 1781, 1782 & 1783 {Ser. 3} XVI:219)
NOTES FROM Foreman*, PA HIST SOC (he does not give sources of data) - Bartle Bartleson. Born about 1693 as he died 2/17/1777. Buried in the old grave yard adjoining The Williams School of White Marsh TWP, Montgomery Co., PA. See Elizabeth Bartleson, #1324. - Cephas Bartleson. Born about 1727, as he died 9/15/1783. Buried in same graveyard as Bartle.
Bartleson Henry [Male] b. ABT 1743 - d. 14 FEB 1804 Pennsylvania
Person ID: 2083
Updated: 3 FEB 2013
Mentioned by name in 1777 wills of father and of brother Cephas; in 1783 will of sister Elizabeth; and in 1798/1802 will of maternal uncle Peter Knight. (see respective Notes).
Provisional Tax of 1774 for the City of Philadelphia, PA lists Henry Bartleson, carpenter. (Knight* - PA Archives {Ser. 3} 14:291)
Henry Bartleson of Plymouth Twp. was taxed �4.0.4 for holdings of 4 horses & 3 cattle; no acreage noted. (Transcript of the Provincial Tax, County of Philadelphia 1774 - PA Archives {Ser. 3] XIV:413)
Henry Bartleson received a warrant for 300 acres of land in Lancaster Co., PA, surveyed 23 April 1774. (Warranties of Land in the County of Lancaster - PA Archives {Ser. 3} XXIV:372)
Henry Bartleson of Montgomery Twp., Philadelphia Co., PA had no holdings and was not taxed. (Transcript of the Provincial Tax, 1774 - PA Archives {Ser. 3} XIV:374)
The following appear on an alphabetical list of Revolutionary Soldiers from Pennsylvania: - Henry Bartleson - Ezra Bartleson (PA Archives {Ser. 2} XIII:12)
Henry Bartleson, Matross, was present for a muster of Capt. Samuel Massey's Co. of Artillery in 1777. (Muster Rolls & Papers Relating to the Associators and Militia of the City & County of Philadelphia - PA Archives {Ser. 2} XIII:643)
Henry Bartleson, Matross, appears on a Muster Roll of Captain Samuel Massey's Company of Artillery, of the First Class of Philadelphia Militia on 27 August 1777. (Muster Rolls - PA Archives {Ser. 6} I:520)
Henry Bartlesron, Matross, was a member of Capt. Samuel Massey's Company 1 of Artillery of Philadelphia Militia as of 19 Oct 1777. (Muster Rolls Relating to the Associators and Militia of the City of Philadelphia - PA Archives {Ser. 6} I:534 - also at PA Archives {Ser. 2} XIII:681)
On a Muster Roll of First Company of Philadelphia Militia Artillery appears Henry Bartleson, Bombardier, 25 April 1779. (Muster Rolls Relating to the Associators and Militia of the City of Philadelphia - PA Archives {Ser. 6} I:537 - also at PA Archives {Ser. 2} XIII:710)
Bombardier Henry Bartelson (sic) of First Company appears on a General Return of Artillery Companies When Called Into Actual Service, dated 28 April 1779, with the notation "Served his Tour." (Muster Rolls - PA Archives {Ser. 6} I:543)
Bombardier Henry Bartleson was a member of First Company of Philadelphia Militia Artillery who signed a Memorial, requesting relief from economic actions of others adversely affecting the Militia. (PA Archives {Colonial Records} VII:392) - Click Here to see the entire document.
Henry Bartleson of Mulberry Ward, East Part, was taxed �1. (Effective Supply Tax of the City of Philadelphia, 1779 - PA Archives {Ser. 3} XIV:540)
Henry Bartleson Mulberry Ward, East Part, was taxed �0.5.0 in 1779. (State of the Five Shilling Tax, City of Philadelphia - PA Archives {Ser. 3} XIV:817)
Effective Supply Tax for Montgomery Twp., Philadephia Co., PA in 1779 includes the following: - Henry Bartleson .................�4 --- Cath'e Williams's estate ...11 (PA Archives {Ser. 3} XIV:636)
State Tax, Montgomery Twp., Philadelphia Co., PA for 1779 includes the following: - Henry Bartleson .................. 1.00.0 --- Cathrine Williams's est'e ... 2.15.0 (PA Archives {Ser. 3] XV:75)
Henry Bartleson of Montgomery Twp., Philadelphia Co., PA was assessed taxes of �146.05.00 for holdings valued at �6,350. (Effective Supply Tax, 1780 - PA Archives {Ser. 3} XV:447)
Henry Bartleson, lab'r, of Upper Delaware Ward, had holdings valued at �1,200, was taxed 4.4.0. (Effective Supply Tax, City of Philadelphia 1780 - PA Archives {Ser 3} XV:341)
Henry Bartleson of North Ward had holdings valued at �30, was taxed 6.10. (Effective Supply Tax, City of Philadelphia 1781 - PA Archives {Ser. 3} XV:638)
Effective Supply Tax for Montgomery Twp., Philadelphia Co., PA in 1782 includes the following: - Henry Bartleson.....Valuation �79............Tax 11.11 ---- for Cath'e Williams's est., ..500 ..............3.15.00 (PA Archives {Ser. 3} XVI:162)
Henry Bartleson is listed as a Matross with the Artillery Battalion, Second Company (Capt. Samuel Murray) who has "served his Tour." (Muster Rolls Relating to the Associators and Militia of the City of Philadelphia, 1783(?). PA Archives {Ser. 6} I:570ff.)
Henry Bartleson of Montgomery Twp., Philadelphia Co. was listed in 1783 Federal Supply Tax with the following: - 100 acres, 2 horses, 4 cattle, 12 sheep, no Negroes. (Provincial Papers, Supply, and State Tax Lists - PA Archives {Ser. 3} XV:601)
Eighth Class Henry Bartleson appears on a Muster Roll for 2nd Company (under Capt. Samuel Hines), 1st Battalion in 1783(?). (Muster Rolls - PA Archives {Ser. 6} I:645)
Henry Bartleson appears on a 15 April 1786 list of inhabitants of Montgomery Twp. capable of bearing arms, the Capt. being Samuel Hines. (Militia Rolls - PA Archives {Ser. 6} III:1347)
Henry Bartleson is on the Muster Roll as a Gunner with the Fifth Company Artillery Battalion Phila. Militia, Commanded by Lieut. Col. Joseph Marsh, Esqr., Philadelphia, 1784. (Militia Rolls, 1783-1790 - PA Archives {Ser. 6} III:1235)
Serjeant (sic) Henry Bartleson appears on the Militia Rolls of 6th Company, Artillery Battalion, Philadelphia Militia, Commanded by Lieut. Colo: Thomas Mifflin, Esqr., in Philadelphia, 1788. (Militia Rolls - PA Archives {Ser. 6} III:1272)
Henry Bartleson, Private 8th Class, is on a return of the inhabitants of Montgomery Twp., Pennsylvania Co., PA, dated 18 April 1785, naming those between the ages of 18 & 53 capable of bearing arms. (Militia Rolls, 1783-1790 - PA Archives {Ser. 6} III:694)
Sergeant Henry Bartleson appears on a 1789 Muster Roll of 7th Company Artillery Battalion Philadelphia Militia, Commanded by Lieut. Colo. Thomas Mifflin, Esqr. (Militia Rolls - PA Archives {Ser. 6} III:1279)
In memory of Henry Bartleson who departed this life February 14th 1804 Aged 61 years. (* - Gravestone at Christ Church Burial Ground, Philadelphia, PA)
Bartleson Ezra [Male] b. BEF 1760
Person ID: 2084
The following appear on an alphabetical list of Revolutionary Soldiers from Pennsylvania: - Henry Bartleson - Ezra Bartleson (PA Archives {Ser. 2} XIII:12)
Mentioned by name in 1777 will of father and in 1783 will of sister Elizabeth. Latter names Ezra's children. See respective Notes.
Ezra Bartleson of PA was discharged on 19 June 1776 as a second lieutenant from the 2nd Pennsylvania Battalion. His service began on 1/5/1776. (* - Register of Revolutionary War Officers :90)
Ezra Bartleson was commissioned a Second Lieutenant on 5 Jan. 1776 and discharged on 19 June 1776. (Second Pennsylvania Battalion Col. Artur St. Clair, Jan 1776-Jan 1777 - PA Archives {Ser. 5} II:102)
Ezra Bartleson was commissioned on 5 January 1776 as a Second-lieutenant in Capt. Rudolph Bunner's Company in Col. Arthur St. Clair's & Col. Joseph Wood's Pennsylvania Battalion; he was discharged 19 June 1776. (* - Records of the Revolutionary War)
Ezra Bartleson & Mary Armstrong (Plymouth Twp.) were married at St. Paul's Church, Philadelphia, PA on 2 May 1793. (Marriage Records - PA Archives {Ser. 2} IX:506)
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