Sothoron & Related Families - 437 (Notes Pages)
For privacy reasons, Date of Birth and Date of Marriage for persons believed to still be living are not shown.
Cottman James Stewart [Male] b. 24 NOV 1896 Baltimore City, MD - d. AFT 1934
Addes: 22 APR 2011
Person ID: 8767
See father's Notes for 1900 & 1910 Federal Census entries, mother's Notes for 1920 entry.
James Stewart Cottman of 5 W. Biddle St., Balto., Md. registered for the draft at Local Board for Division 11, Baltimore, MD on 5 June 1918. He was 21 years old, born 24 Nov 1896 at Baltimore, MD. His father was born in Balto., Md. Employed by Balto. Drydock & Ship Bldg. Co., Balto., Md. Nearest relative was Mrs. Clarence Cottman (Mother) of same home address. Described as being of medium height, brown eyes , brown hair, no impairments noted. Order No. 62, Registration No. 40. (* - image of World War I Draft Registration Card) Signature on card:

James Stewart Cottman, white, of Preston apts., Baltimore, born in Baltimore, MD on 24 Nov 1896: NRF 7/10/18 sea 2c, Naval Oper Base Hampton Roads Va. 7/30/18; Officers Material School Hampton Roads Va. 9/28/18, Inact 1/1/19. (* - Maryland Military Men, 1917-18)
- James Stewart Cottman applied for a passport at Baltimore, MD on 13 January 1921, asking that the completed passport be mailed to him at 809 Park Ave., Baltimore, MD. He attested to having been born at Baltimore, MD on 24 November 1896; that his father, now deceased, had also been born in Maryland; that he was a resident of Baltimore, MD; and that his occupation was salesman. His plan was to sail from the Port of Baltimore for a pleasure trip to Cuba, lasting no more than 6 months. - He was described as age 24, 5' 8" tall, sloping forehead, brown eyes, regular nose, small mouth, round chin, fair complexion oval face, and scar on right knee. - James B. Boyle, a stock broker at 2221 St. Paul Street, Balto., Md. certified that he had known J. Stewart Cottman for 10 years and knew that he was a citizen of the United States. - Susan Powell Cottman of Baltimore, MD certified that she was the mother of J. Stewart Cottman, that Clarence Cottman was his father, and that her son had been born on 24 November 1896 at Baltimore, MD. Her signature:

- The passport, bearing number 130389, was approved on 17 January 1921. (* - image of Passport Application) Photo on application:

Named in his mother's 1934 Obituary (see her Notes).
James Stewart Cottman, Jr. is with his paternal grandmother for the 1930 Federal Census (see her Notes).
Cottman Eleanor Brooks [Female] b. 5 OCT 1898 Howard Co., MD - d. JUL 1979
Addes: 22 APR 2011
Person ID: 8768
See father's Notes for 1900 & 1910 Federal Census entries, mother's Notes for 1920 & 1930 entries.
- Eleanor Brooks Cottman of Baltimore, MD applied for her first passport in Baltimore, MD on 9 May 1923, asking that the approved passport be sent to her at 1201 North Charles St., Baltimore, MD. She was unmarried and unemployed, born in Howard Co., MD on 5 October 1898; her deceased father, Clarence Cottman, was born in Baltimore, MD. She intended to sail from the Port of New York on 30 June 1923 on the Tuscania, to visit Britain, Gibralter, Constantinople, Palestine, Egypt, Spain, France, Italy, Greece, Syria, Monaco & Switzerland. She was described as 5' 5 1/2" tall, 24 years old, medium forehead, blue eyes, straight nose, no distinguishing marks, medium mouth, round chin, light brown hair, fair complexion, oval face. - Susan Powell Cottman, unemployed, of 1201 N. Charles St., Baltimore, MD attested to being a native-born citizen, to having known Eleanor all her life, and that Eleanor's attestations are true. Susan identified herself as the mother of Eleanor. - The passport was approved 12 May 1923 and bears the number 285712. (* - image of Passport Application) Photo and signature from the document:

Eleanor B. Cottman, 27 year old single white female, and Mrs. C. Cottman, 59 year old widowed white female, both of 5 W Diddle (sic) St., Baltimore, MD, sailed from Southampton on the S.S. Albania, arriving at the Port of New York on 26 Sept 1923. (* - image of Passenger List)
Named in her mother's 1934 Obituary (see her Notes).
Eleanor Cottman, SSN 007-07-8855 Born 5 Oct 1898 Issued Maine (sic) before 1951 Last Residence: 21131, Phoenix, Baltimore Co., MD Died July 1979 (* - SSDI*)
Cottman Clarence [Male] b. 26 JUL 1900 Howard Co., MD - d. 1934
Addes: 22 APR 2011
Person ID: 8769
See father's Notes for 1910 Federal Census entry, mother's Notes for 1920 entry.
Clarence Cottman, white, of St. Paul Apts., Baltimore, born 26 July 1900 in Howard Co., MD: NRF 6/11/18 app sea; fireman 3c 10/24/18, Naval Tng Sta Great Lakes Ill. 9/11/18; Naval Tng Sta Hampton Roads Va. 10/29/18; USS Illinois 11/16/18; Recg Ship Philadelphia Pa. 1/10/19; Recg Ship Liverpool England 1/29/19; Naval Tng Camp Pelham Bay Park N.Y. 2/29/19, Inact 3/31/19. (* - Maryland Military Men, 1917-18)
Clarence Cottman, 26 year old white male, born 26 July 1900 in Howard Co., MD, resident of Latrobe Apts., Baltimore, MD, with no passport, sailed from Cherbourg, France on the S.S. Republic on 20 June 1926, arriving at the Port of New York on 30 June 1926. (* - copy of Passenger List)
Named in his mother's 1934 Obituary (see her Notes).
Cottman Llewellyn P. [Male] b. 28 AUG 1902 Howard Co., MD - d. NOV 1966
Addes: 22 APR 2011
Person ID: 8770
See father's Notes for 1910 Federal Census entry, mother's Notes for 1920 entry.
- Llewellyn P. Cottman, student, resident of Baltimore, MD, applied for his first passport at Baltimore, MD on 2 July 1923. He was born 28 August 1902 in Howard Co., MD; his deceased father Clarence Cottman was born in Baltimore. He intended to sail for pleasure on 7 July 1923 from the Port of Baltimore on the "Barbadian," visiting Germany, Belgium, France and Britain, returning to the United States within one year. - He was described as 20 years old, 6' 2 1/4" tall, high forehead, grey eyes, straight nose, small mouth, pointed chin, black hair, fair complexion, oval face, scar on right side of neck. - Charles E. Utermoble of 4107 Alto Ave., Windsor Hills, Balto., MD attested to being a U.S. citizen, to having known Llewellyn for 20 years, and that Llewellyn's statements on the application are true. - Thomas C. Cottman, a cousin of Llewellyn, attested that Llewellyn was born in Howard Co., MD on 28 Aug 1902, based on "Record in Bible." - L. Warrington Cottman attested that Llewellyn was under his charge while the latter's mother was abroad, and that he gives his full approval for the planned trip. - Passport was approved 3 July 1923 & bears the number 319601. (* - image of Passport Application) Photo and signature from the Application:

1930 Federal Census (1930.04.01, Recorded 1930.05.07) - 46 50th Street, Manhattan, New York, NY - ED 1215, Sh 13(199)A, Ln 1, 69/231 - Cottman, Llewellyn. Head, 27 year old single white male, renting his home for $70 per month, has a radio. He & father born in Maryland, mother in Virginia. Can read & write, speaks English. Occupation Advertising, drawing wages, not unemployed. Not a war veteran. - (1 Lodger, a 26 year old white male Accountant)
Named in his mother's 1934 Obituary (see her Notes).
Llewellyn Cottman, SSN 116-01-6464 Born 28 Aug 1902 Issued NY (before 1951) Last Residence: 02892, West Kingston, Washington Co., RI Died Nov 1966 (* - SSDI*)
Cottman James Stewart [Male] b. 18 JAN 1925 Maryland - d. AFT JAN 1979
Addes: 22 APR 2011
Person ID: 8771
See Notes of paternal grandmother for 1930 Federal Census entry.
Florida State Population Census, 1945 - Pct 105, Dade Co., White race - 3669 Poinciana Ave. - Cottman, J. Stewart, 20 years old male, born in Md., with a college degree, serving in the Army. ----- Brooke P., 14 years old male, born in Md., a H.S. student. (* - image of Census Return)
Stewart J. Cottman, born 18 Jan 1925, living at 111 NW 6th St., Delray Beach, FL 33444-3917 (date unknown). (* - U.S. Public Records Index)
JS Cottman, born 18 Jan 1925, living at 1315 George Bush Blvd., Delray Beach, FL 33483 (date unknown) (* - U.S. Public Records Index)
James S. Cottman, Jr., white Citizen, born in Maryland in 1925, enlisted in the Army on 8 July 1943 at Baltimore, MD as a Private, for the duration plus 6 months. Had 1 year of college, was single & had no dependents. (* - World War II Army Enlistment Records)
Stewart Cottman, male, was a passenger on Air France flight 071 on 26 July 1955 from Orly Airport (Paris) to New York, in Class "LITS," with 3 bags weighting 20 pounds. (* - image of Passenger Manifest)
J. Stewart Cottman, Jr. and his wife Marie were divorced in Palm Beach Co., Florida on 6 June 1979, Certificate 033532. (* - Florida Divorce Index)
Marie [Female]
Person ID: 8772
J. Stewart Cottman, Jr. and his wife Marie were divorced in Palm Beach Co., Florida on 6 June 1979, Certificate 033532. (* - Florida Divorce Index)
Egerton Carolyn [Female] b. 11 SEP 1890 Maryland - d. AFT JUL 1950
Addes: 23 APR 2011
Person ID: 8773
Updated: 2 SEP 2014
Frank Gilliams Odenheimer, Jr., son of Frank Gilliams Odenheimer & Cordelia Armstrong Powell, b. 28 July 1890, married on 2 June 1913 to Carolyn Egerton, b. 11 Sept 1890. (* - son Frank's application to Sons of American Revolution - see his Notes).
See husband's Notes for 1920 & 1930 Federal Census entries.
Named in son Frank's SAR appication (see his Notes).
Named with husband on Passenger List (see his Notes).
Rosemary I. [Female] b. 1926 - d. Pleasant Hill Cemetery, West Jefferson, Madison Co., OH
Person ID: 8766
See father-in-law's Notes for shared Grave Marker.
Kendig Agnes Elizabeth [Female] b. 5 MAY 1907 Philadelphia, Philadelphia Co., PA - d. AFT SEP 1968
Addes: 16 MAY 2011
Person ID: 8774
Agnes Elizabeth Kendig, 18 year old single female, born in Phila., Pa. on 5 May 1907, residing at 5329 Baynton St., Phila., Pa. appears on the List of U.S. Citizen Passengers aboard the S.S. "Adriatic," sailing from Liverpool on 29 Aug 1925, arriving at port of New York on 4 Sept 1925. (* - image of Passenger List)
1930 Federal Census (1930.04.01, Recorded 1930.04.25) 115 West Moreland, Ward 22, Philadelphia, Philadelphia Co., PA - ED 619, Sh 29B, Ln 61, 365/364 - Churchman, Agnes E., Daughter, a 22 year old married white female, living in the household of Dr. H. Evert & Agnes Royal Kendig. Married at the age of 22, she can read & write, speaks English. She & parents born in Pennsylvania. Occupation None. -----, Richard W. Son-in-law, a 22 year old white male, married at the age of 22. Can read & write, speaks English. He & parents born in Pennsylvania. Occupation Insurance with Penn Mutual, drawing wages, not unemployed. Not a war veteran.
Lewis Wesley Chapman & Agnes Kendig Churchman were married in Orange Co., FL in Sept. 1968, Certificate # 49383. (* - Florida Marriage Collection)
Chapman Lewis Wesley [Male] d. AFT SEP 1968
Addes: 16 MAY 2011
Person ID: 8775
Lewis Wesley Chapman & Agnes Kindig Churchman were married in Orange Co., FL in Sept. 1968, Certificate # 49383. (* - Florida Marriage Collection)
Hagen Christian A. [Male] b. 5 APR 1877 Philadelphia, Philadelphia Co., PA - d. BET 1 JAN 1920 AND 1 APR 1922
Addes: 16 MAY 2011
Person ID: 8776
Named in wife's Passport Application of 1922, said to be deceased (see her Notes).
1910 Federal Census (1901.04.15, Recorded 1910.05.02) Buck Lane, Haverford Twp., Northern Pct., Delaware Co., PA - ED 140, Sh 18B, Ln 51, 313/316 - Hagen, Christian A. Head, 35 year old white male, in this his first marriage 1 year. He & parent born in Pennsylvania. Can read & write, speaks English. Occupation Stock Broker, working on Own Account. Owns his non-farm home free of mortgage. ----, Sylvaie J. Wife, 26 year old white female, in this her first marriage 1 year. She & parent born in Pennsylvania. Can read & write, speaks English. Occupation None. - (1 Servant)
Christian A. Hagen of Buck Lane, Bryn Maur, Pa. registered for the draft on 9 Sept 1918. He was White, 41 years of age, born in USA on 5 April 1877. Occupation Broker at (illegible), 1419 Walnut St., Phila., PA. Nearest relative was Sylvia F. Hagen of same home address. Described as tall, stout, brown eyes, dark brown hair, no impairments. Serial No. 1755, Order No. a1338. (* - image of World War Draft Registration Card)
1920 Federal Census (1920.01.01, Recorded 1920.01.20) Buck Road, Preston Pct., Haverford Twp., Delaware Co., PA - ED 167, Sh 167, Pg 14A, Ln 19, 270/278 - Haging, Christian A. Head, 42 year old married white male, has a mortgage on his home. Can read & write, speaks English. He & mother born in Pennsylvania, father in Ireland. Occupation Stock Broker at Exchange, drawing wages. -----, Sylvia F. Wife, 37 year old married white female. Can read & write, speaks English. She & parents born in Pennsylvania. Occupation None. -----, Christian A., Jr. Son, 9 year old white male, attended school since Sept. He & parents born in Pennsylvania. -----, John H. Son, 8 year old white male, attended school since Sept. He & parents born in Pennsylvania. -----, Arthur C. Son, 6 year old white male, attended school since Sept. He & parents born in Pennsylvania. -----, Peter R. Son, 3 6/12 year old white male. He & parents born in Pennsylvania. - (4 Servants)
Hagen Christian A. [Male] b. 13 MAY 1910 Bryn Mawr, Delaware Co., PA - d. AFT MAR 1942
Addes: 16 MAY 2011
Person ID: 8777
See father's Notes for 1920 Federal Census entry.
Name, age & photo given on mother's Passport Application of 1922 (see her Notes).
The List of U.S. Citizens for the S.S. "Adriatic," sailing from Liverpool on 27 July 1929, arriving at the port of New York on 4 August 1929, includes the following: - 26. Constance Hagen, 25 year old single female, born 22 Oct 1903 in New York, residing at 5 Norman Lane, Chestnut Hill, Philadelphia, PA. - 27. Christian Hagen, 19 year old single male, born 13 May 1910 at Haverford, PA, residing at the same address as above. - 28. Fassitt Hagen, 17 year old single male, born 23 Nov 1912 at Haverford, PA, residing at the same address as above. - 29. Arthur Hagen, 16 year old single male, born 7 Jan 1913 at Haverford, PA, residing at the same address as above. - 30. Peter Hagen, 13 year old single male, born 5 June 1916 at Haverford, PA, residing at the same address as above. (* - image of List of U.S. Passengers)
1930 Federal Census (1930.04.01, Recorded 1930.04.17) 151 West Springfield, Ward 22, Philadelphia, Philadelphia Co., PA - ED 619, Sh 14B, Ln 82, 269/271 - Hagen, Constance. Head, 24 year old single white female, renting her home for $200 per month. Can read & write, speaks English. She & mother born in New York, father in Pennsylvania. Occupation None. -----, Christian A. Cousin, 19 year old single white male. Can read & write, speaks English. He & parents born in Pennsylvania. Occupation Actor at Theater, drawing wages. -----, J.H. Fassitt. Cousin, 18 year old single white male. Can read & write, speaks English. He & parents born in Pennsylvania. Occupation Clerk at Brokerage, drawing wages. -----, Arthur. Cousin, 17 year old white male. Can read & write, speaks English, attended school since Sept. He & parents born in Pennsylvania. Occupation None. -----, Peter. Cousin, 13 year old white male. Can read & write, speaks English, attended school since Sept. He & parents born in Pennsylvania. Occupation None. - (1 Servant)
Christian A. Hagen, White Citizen of USA, born in Pennsylvania in 1910, residing in New York, NY, enlisted in the US Army at New York, NY on 30 Mar 1942 as a Private, from Civil Life, for the duration plus 6 months. He was married, had 1 year of college, occupation Advertising Agent. Height 69, weight 150. (* - U.S. World War II Army Enlistment Records)
Hagen John H. Fassett b. 23 NOV 1911 Bryn Mawr, Delaware Co., PA - d. 24 SEP 1961 Mendocino Co., CA
Addes: 16 MAY 2011
Person ID: 8778
See father's Notes for 1920 Federal Census entry, brother Christian's Notes for 1930 entry.
Name, age & photo given on mother's Passport Application of 1922 (see her Notes).
The S,S, "Aquitania" of the Cunard Line sailed from New York, arriving at Southampton on 21 Sept 1927. On the list of Alien Passengers were the following, none accompanied by husband or wife: - Line 332. Arthur Hagen, 14 year old male Student, citizen of U.S.A., to be staying at 46, Clarges St., London. - Line 333. Lina Strausak, 42 year old female Maid, citizen of Switzerland, last permanent residence in England, to be staying at 33, Highclare Rd., New Malden, London. - Line 334. John H. Hagen, 15 year old male Student, citizen of U.S.A., to be staying at Downside, Bath, England. - Line 335. Peter Hagen, 11 year old male Student, citizen of U.S.A., to be staying at 46 Clarges St., London. (* - image of UK Incoming Passenger List)
See brother Christian's Notes for 1929 Passenger List entry.
John H. Hagen 20 year old single male, born 23 Nov 1911 at Philadelphia, PA, residing at Paolis, PA, sailed in Second Class on the S.S. "Europa," leaving Cherbourg on 13 April 1932, arriving at port of New York on 18 April 1932. His name & information are on Line 4 of the list: on line 5 is Constance Hagen, 28 year old single female, born 22 Oct 1903 at New York, NY, residing at same address. (* - image of List of U.S. Citizens, page 8)
On Page 2 of the List of U.S. Citizens for the S.S. "Ulua," sailing from Kingston, Ja. on 15 Feb 1935, arriving at port of New York on 20 Feb 1935, are the following: - 8. John Hagen, 23 year old single male, born 11/23/1933 (sic) at Haverford, Penna., residing at Wayne, Penna. - 9. Arthur Hagen, 22 year old single male, born 7 Jan 1913 at Haverford, Penna., residing at Wayne, Penna. (* - image of Passenger List)
John H. Hagen, male, born 23 Nov 1911 in Pennsylvania, died 24 Sept 1961 in Mendocino Co., CA. Mother's maiden name was Fassitt. (* - California Death Index)
John Hagen, SSN 564-28-9028 Born 23 Nov 1911 Issued CA (before 1951) Died Sept 1961 (SSDI*)
Hagen Arthur C. [Male] b. 7 JAN 1913 Bryn Mawr, Delaware Co., PA - d. AFT APR 1930
Addes: 16 MAY 2011
Person ID: 8779
See father's Notes for 1920 Federal Census entry, brother Christian's Notes for 1930 entry.
Name & age given on mother's Passport Application of 1922 (see her Notes).
The following were listed on List of U.S. Citizens on the S.S. "Veendam," sailing from Boulogne-sur-Mer on 4 Aug 1926, arriving at Port of New York on 14 Aug 1926: - 11. Constance H. Hagen, 22 year old single female, born 22 Oct 1903 in New York, NY, residing at Peapack, N.J. - 12. Arthur Hagen, 13 year old single male, born 8 Jan 1913 at Bryn Maur, PA, residing at Peapack, N.J. - 13. Peter Hagen, 10 year old single male, born 7 June 1916 at Bryn Maur, PA, residing at Peapack, N.J. (* - image of Passenger List)
See brother John's Notes for 1927 Passenger List to England, brother Christian's Notes for 1929 Passenger List entry.
Hagen Peter R. [Male] b. 7 JUN 1916 Bryn Mawr, Delaware Co., PA - d. AFT APR 1930
Addes: 16 MAY 2011
Person ID: 8780
See father's Notes for 1920 Federal Census entry, brother Christian's Notes for 1930 entry.
Name & age given on mother's Passport Application of 1922 (see her Notes).
See respective Notes for Passenger List entries: - Arthur (1926) - John (1927 & 1935) - Christian (1929)
Ross John [Male] b. 1910 - d. 1979
Addes: 19 MAY 2011
Person ID: 8781
Margaret E. Fassett married John Ross (1910-1979). (From, submitted by John Horace Churchman - no citation)
Adelaide Annie [Female] b. JUL 1852 Iowa - d. AFT JAN 1920
Addes: 19 MAY 2011
Person ID: 8782
See husband's Notes for 1880 through 1920 Federal Census entries.
Amelia A. Odenheimer, widow of John M. Odenheimer filed for a Pension for her husband's military service. He served as "L and M" in the 6th Pa Cav, K. E. S 110 Pa Inf, D.32 Pa Mil. Inf." Filings were as follows: - 1879 May 22, App. # 287696, Certificate # 352812, filed in Utah. - 1920 Mar 1, App. # 1153.428, Certificate # 887793, filed in Colo. (* - image of General Index to Civil War Pension Files)
Odenheimer Jessie A. [Female] b. ABT 1871 Colorado - d. AFT DEC 1890
Addes: 19 AUG 2011
Person ID: 8783
See father's Notes for 1880 Federal Census entry.
Miss Jessie A. Odenheimer Location 2: r. 3783 High Business Name: John Dove Occupation: printer (* - Denver, CO Directory, 1890)
Eber D. Jay & Jessie A. Odenheimer were married in Arapahoe Co., CO on 3 Dec 1890. (* - Colorado Marriages, 1859-1900)
Jay Eber D. [Male] d. AFT DEC 1890
Addes: 19 MAY 2011
Person ID: 8784
Eber D. Jay & Jessie A. Odenheimer were married in Arapahoe Co., CO on 3 Dec 1890. (* - Colorado Marriages, 1859-1900)
Odenheimer William [Male] b. DEC 1845 Pennsylvania - d. 15 MAR 1917
Addes: 19 MAY 2011
Person ID: 8785
This individual is included as a member of this family at, submitted by John Horace Churchman.
See Notes of John A. Dugan for 1860 Federal Census entry--also in this Cincinnati, OH household is William's grandfather, Jacob Gilliams.
William Odenheimer was a member of the 6th Regiment, 70th Volunteers, Pennsylvania Calvary (Union), Co. AHM. He entered as a Sergeant & mustered out as a First Lieutenant. (* - U.S. Civil War Soldiers - NARA Film # M554 roll 92)
1870 Federal Census (1870.06.01, Recorded 1870.06.24) Denver, Arapahoe Co., CO - Pg 71, Ln 33, 693/688 - Odenheimer, William, 34 year old white male Surveyer, born in Pennsylvania, living in same household as Albert Tilton & Frank Morgan.
1870 Federal Census (1870.06.01, Recorded 1870.07.14) Fountain Post Office, El Paso Co., Colorado Territory - Pg 18 (232), Ln 14, 197/146 - Odenheimer, Wm,, 25 year old white male Civil Engineer, born in Pennsylvania. Personal property valued at $200. -----, John, 25 year old white male Civil Engineer, born in Pennsylvania. Personal property valued at $200.
1880 Federal Census (1880.06.01, Recorded 1880.06.04) Denver, Arapahoe Co., CO - ED 5, Pg 16, Ln 13 - W. Odenheimer, 33 year old single white male. He & father born in Pa., mother in Md. In a household with multiple others.
1900 Federal Census (1900.06.01, Recorded 1900.06.03) 1236 Champa(?) St., Pct. 3, Ward 2, Denver, Arapahoe Co., CO - ED 9, Sh 14(68)A, Ln 25, 39/43 - Odenheimer, William. Lodger, 54 year old widowed white male, born Dec 1845. He father born in Pennsylvania, mother in Maryland. Occupation Real Estate. Can read & write, speaks English. -----, W. Frank. Lodger, 17 year old single white male, born Jan 1883. Born in Colorado, father in Pennsylvania, mother in Tennessee. Occupation Stationary Foreman. Can read & write, speaks English.
U.S. National Homes for Disabled Volunteer Soldiers Record for William Odenheimer (from image of Page 18111, on*): - Enlistment 21 Sept 1861 at Philadelphia, Pa. as 2nd LT in Co. H, 6 Pa Cav; discharged at Frederick, Md on 20 Nov 1862 for promotion; enlisted 20 Nov 1862 at Frederick, Md. as 1st LT in Co., M, 6 Pa Cav, mustered out on 17 Jan 1863. - Admitting diagnoses: Cardiac hypertrophic dilitation; Hypertrophy of prostate; left ing. hernia; incipient paralysis agitans; mental condition appears normal. - Domestric History: born in Pa;, 68 year old widower; 5' 61/2" tall; medium complexion; blue eyes; gray hair; can read & write; Protestant religion; laborer by occupation; residence subsequent to discharge was Hammond, IN; nearest relative was son, William F. Odenheimer of Hammond, Ind. - Home History: Rate of pension $14, Adm. M.Br. Aug 21.1, $50 Recd. Oct 12/16; Transferred June 24.16 to O.R.; Date of death March 15-1917 due to Cerebral Hemorrhage & Arterio Sclerosis. (From Records of Northwestern Branch, Milwaukee, Milwaukee Co., Wisconsin.
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