Sothoron & Related Families - 2 (Notes Pages)
For privacy reasons, Date of Birth and Date of Marriage for persons believed to still be living are not shown.
Elizabeth [Female] b. BEF 1666 - d. BEF JUL 1687 Calvert Co., MD
Person ID: 21
Not mentioned in her mother Elizabeth Lashey's will, although her husband & child Henry are (proved 5/15/1682) (see mother's Notes)..
Elizabeth & husband Phillip noted to be deceased. She was sister of Maryl Truman. Also names children Mary, Elizabeth, Katherine & Ann, all represented by Robert Carville, Procurator. Child Henry not mentioned. (Testamentary Proceedings, 1682-1687. 13:492, 1687.07.18)
Cooksey Phillip [Male] b. ABT 1640 - d. BEF JUL 1687 Calvert Co., MD
Person ID: 22
Click here to view Notes.
Cooksey Mary [Female] b. BEF 1686 - d. AFT APR 1689
Person ID: 23
Mentioned by name in legal action over estate of mother's sister Mary (see father's Notes).
Sothoron Randall Warren [Male] b. 5 OCT 1961 Montgomery Co. General Hospital, Olney, Montgomery Co., MD - d. 6 JUN 1993 Baltimore, MD
Person ID: 24
 (Brother's marriage photo. Randy is on the left.)
Randall Warren Sothoron was born to Clifton Bartleson Sothoron, Sr. and Suzanne Pauline Roberts Sothoron, of Marriottsville, MD, on 5 October 1961 at Montgomery General Hospital, Olney, Montgomery Co., MD. (WHS* - personal knowledge & records)
Randall Warren Sothoron graduated from South Carroll High School, Winfield, Carroll Co., MD on 8 June 1979. (Graduation Program, in possession of WHS*)
Randall Warren Sothoron, younger son of Clifton Bartleson Sothoron, Sr. And Suzanne P. (Roberts), died of drug overdose in Baltimore City, MD on 6 August 1993. (Memorial Service Pamphlet, personal knowledge of WHS*)
Cooksey Elizabeth [Female] b. BEF 1686 - d. AFT APR 1689
Person ID: 25
Mentioned by name in legal action over estate of mother's sister Mary (see father's Notes).
Cooksey Ann [Female] b. BEF 1686 - d. AFT APR 1689
Person ID: 26
Mentioned by name in legal action over estate of mother's sister Mary (see father's Notes).
Cooksey Catherine [Female] b. BEF 1686 - d. AFT APR 1689
Person ID: 27
Mentioned by name in legal action over estate of mother's sister Mary (see father's Notes).
Brightwell Richard [Male] b. BEF AUG 1698
Person ID: 28
Named in father's will of 1698 (see his Notes).
Sothoron Samuel [Male] b. AFT 1677 Maryland - d. 1712 St. Mary's Co., MD
Person ID: 29
Not mentioned as being tranported into the Province by his father (see father's notes).
** Land Records - Maryland
Certification & patent of Samuell Southern of Charles Co. for Tower Hill, 140 acres, rights to which were assigned by Luke Gardiner out of original 2000 acre warrant to him dated 7 Apr 1705. Test: John Sothoron. Begins at bounded oak on east side of small branch of Indian Creek, then down branch northerly. Extends to mouth of small branch and along main branch. In Calverton Manor. (Patents CD#4:293, St. Mary's Co., 1705.10.06)
Patent of John Johnson Sothoron for Brotherhood, 220 acres. Surveyed 2 April 1727 for Samuel Sothoron. John & Samuel Southoron of St. Mary's Co. previously had laid out & surveyed 220 acres by virtue of assignment from William Joseph of Prince George's Co., being part of a warrant for 2,000 acres granted Joseph 26 March 1707. Samuel died, became sole right of John, who also since died, and whose eldest son John Johnson Southoron now enters claim. Abuts his property Southorons Delight. Extends to Spanish branch which falls into main branch of Indian Creek. Certified Patents AM#1:360 (not checked). ? Patented to Henry Greenfield Sothoron, 16 Jul 1733. (Patents PL#8:812, 1733.07.16)
** Church Related - Maryland
Mrs. Keech having built a Pew in the upper church joining the pulpit, takes in Samuel Sothoron and James Keech as partners to be held of them and their heirs forever. (MD Hist Mag (Parish Record :127), All Soules Parish, 1710.11.06)
"The new wardens were Thomas Truman for the Church in the place of Samuel Sothoron, deceased..." (Maryland Historical Magazine, Vol , pg 345 - Minutes of Annual Easter Monday Vestry Meeting of 21 Apr 1712, All Faith Episcopal, Huntersville, MD)
** Legal Action - Maryland
At the request of Samuel Southerone on behalf of the children of Richard Southerone decd., citation ordered & issued to the Sheriff of Charles Co. against Brutus Russell to answer said Samuel's complaint (Test Proc 22:65, Charles Co., 1711.12.15)
** Personal Estate - St. Mary's Co., MD
Will of Samuel Sothoron. To wife Margaret, executrix, all properties, including tracts called the Two Brothers Friendships, Sothoron Desire & Tower Hill.. Test: John Seager, James Cook, Amy Ford. [NOTE: No children are named nor suggested.] (Wills PC#1:177, 1711/2.02.06, Proved 1712.02.05 (sic))
Exhibited from St. Mary's Co., Samuel Sotherne's will, Margaret Sotherne executrix, her bond with James Keech & Daniel Dullany her sureties in £200. (Test Proc 22:108, 1712.03.05, Recorded 1712.05.20)
Estate of Samuel Sothoron appraised by Samuel Williamson & Charles Smith. Includes 2 slaves, 17 cattle, 47 hogs, 5 horses, 2 beds with furniture. Value £88.01.8. (Inv & Acct 33#B:204, 1712.03.04)
List of orders for executors to pay their accounts, includes (no first name) Southern, executrix of Samuel Southern. (Test Proc 22:186, 1712.04.11)
Citations issued, returnable to this Court, includes Margaret Southern executrix of Samuell Southern to provide inventory. Followed by Memo that Margaret Southern not to be cited till further order from the County General. (Test Proc 22:149, Recorded 1712.08)
Margaret Southorn, executrix in the estate of Samuel Southorn. Monies paid to John Parry, Kenelm, Cheseldyne, John Segar, Henry Lowe. Net value £35.01.08. [NOTE: Also recorded at Wills (1732-1777) HH#1:248, same date & Co.] (Inv & Acct 35#B:94, Recorded 1713.08.05)
Proceedings exhibited from St. Mary's Co., includes Margaret Southern's account of Samuell Southern's estate. (Test Proc 22:290, Recorded 1713.08.05)
Citations filed to St. Mary's Co., returnable to this Court, are returned and processed, include Margeret H. Southern admx. Samuel Southern (Test Proc 22:444, Recorded 1715.04)
List of proceedings from St. Mary's Co. includes John Seeger & wife, executors to Samuel Sothoron, their account. (Test Proc 23:4, 1715.10.31)
List of proceedings from St. Mary's Co. includes John Seeger & wife, executors to Samuel Sothoron, their account. (Test Proc 23:4, 1715.10.31)
Estate of David White late of St. Mary's Co. dec'd. Debts due the deceased include: - Lent Saml. Sothoron a hhds Tobo to Shipp for England - Lent Margaret Sothoron now ye wife of Jno. Seger1.5.08 (Prerog Court Inv & Acct 36C:282, 1716)
John Seagar & Margaret uxor, Exr. Samuel Sothoron, vs. John Burch & Elizabeht uxor, Exr. John Sothoron. - Charged with Trespass upon the Case. John Sothoron in his lifetime was indebted to Samuel in the sum of £7.10, not yet paid. Prays for payment plus damages. Remanded to trial. Identifies the wives as widows and executrixes of the noted Sothorons. (Charles Co. Court Records . 29(I#2):44, Recorded 1717)
Margaret [Female]
Person ID: 30
Named executrix of husband Michael's will of 1694 (see his Notes).
The account of Brutus Russell in right of his wife Mary, Admx of Richard Sothoron late of Charles Co. To money paid Mr. James Haddock, priest, being a legacy left in the last will of Margaret Swift mother of said Mary. (DAR Report - Charles Co., MD Records AE#6:213, 2nd part of book, dated 10 May 1708)
Swift Michael [Male] d. 1694 Calvert Co., MD
Person ID: 31
Will of Michael Swift. To wife Margaret, executrix, lands currently living on. Daughters named "Elizabeth Swift and Mary Swift," both minors. Test: John Dingfield, Marke Caterton, Thomas Collier. (Wills 2:312, Calvert Co., MD, 1694.04.01, Proved 1694.04.21)
Keech Margaret H. [Female] b. BEF 1696 St. Mary's Co., MD - d. AFT 1752 St. Mary's Co., MD
Person ID: 32
Executor & sole beneficiary of husband Samuel's will of 1711/12. In Inv & Acct entyr of 27 Sept 1714 is first record of her marriage to Jonathan Seager (see Samuel's Notes). - Additional account of Jonathan Seager & Margaret his wife, executors of the last will & testament of Samuel Southeron, late of St. Mary's Co.. Some monies paid to estate by Benjamin & James Bradley. [NOTE: Also recorded at Wills (1732-1777) HH#1:264, same date & Co.]
** Notes from Reno*
Will of James Keech, SMC, -----; 3/25/1708. Wife: Elizabeth, Exec., estate, real and pesonal, during widowhood; at her deceased or marriage, real estate to pass to four children, James, John, Courts, and Margaret as follows: James, dwelling plantation and adjoining land, also "Towne Neck", "Charles' Lot", and "Satisfaction"; John, "Good Luck"; Courts, "all land given to me and my wife by father, John Courts; Margaret, "Recompense". Son James is charged not to disturb son Courts upon penalty of losing his inheritance. Robert Stourton, Samuel William (should be Williamson) and Thomas Taney to settle any disputed points concerning estate. Wit.: Robert Stourton, Thomas Taney, Charles Smith. (Maryland Calendar of Wills).
BDML, which states that James Keech and Elizabeth Courts had a daughter named Margaret.
7/6/1726: Admin. accts. of Mr. James Keech, SMC. NOK: Elizabeth Keech and Margaret Seager. Exec.: Mary Keech (widow).
Johnson John [Male] d. 1687 St. Mary's Co., MD
Person ID: 33
Will of John Johnson. Referred to as a "coopper". To eldest son John, 100 acres out of Westham, bought of Edward Barber son of Luke Barber of St. Mary's Co. dec'd. To daughter Mary, son James & younger daughter Susan, personalty and money for education. Wife Mary named executrix; Clement Haly & Philip Briscoe of St. Mary's Co. to be children's guardians if wife dead. (Wills 4:282, St. Mary's Co., 1687.04.10, Proved 1687.12.09)
Mentioned by name in will of daughter Mary's husband John Sothoron (see his Notes).
Smith Charles Somerset [Male] b. 1770 - d. 1831
Person ID: 34
Charles Somerset Smith born 13 Oct 1735, married Ann Sothoron, died in 1781, left issue. Date of marriage unknown. (Hollowack* 1:381) [I believe this to be in error]
** Father's will - Maryland
The will of Charles Somerset Smith (born with his twin brother Richard on 13 Oct 1733 in Calvert Co.), noting that his son of the same name married Ann Sothoron and left issue (Hollowack* 2:381, Charles Co., 1780.11.17, Proved 1781.06.18)
** Miscellaneous
Bonding of Francis Wheatley, Charles Somerset Smith & Henry Arundel Smith of Charles Co. to State for services of Francis Wheatley as inspector of Benedict tobacco warehouse. Witness: Joseph Anderson, Philip Medley (Prov Court 26(JG#1):538, Charles Co., 1790.02.11, Recorded 1790.02.19)
Messrs. Benjamin Sothoron & Charles Somerset Smith make pledges toward clergy support. (Treasurer's Acct :30,35, Trinity Parish - 1793.06.10, 1794.06.10 and 1795.06.10)
See notes of son Charles for family outline & dates.
Thompson Daryl Christine [Female] d. Maryland
Person ID: 35
Personal knowledge of WHS*
Clifton B. Sothoron, male resident of Maine(sic), was married to Daryl Christine Thompson of Maine(sic) by a Religious celebrant in Las Vegas, Clark Co., NV on 11 Sep 1973. (* - Nevada Marriage Index, 1956-2005)
Clifton B. Sothoron and Daryl Christine Sothoron were divorced on 19 Jan 1982. (Personal Knowledge - WHS*)
Briscoe James [Male] b. BEF 1693 Charles Co., MD - d. 1750 Frederick Co., MD
Person ID: 36
JAMES BRISCOE was born 1693 in Charles Co., MD, and died Bef. September 19, 1750 in Frederick Co., MD. He married ANN SOTHORON Bef. 1723 in St. Mary's Co., MD, daughter of JOHN SOTHORON and MARY JOHNSON. She was born Bef. 1708 in St. Mary's Co., MD, and died Aft. 1742. (Reno*)
Certificate of John Johnson Sothoron, executor of Mary Rose estate. Payments to Thomas Truman Greenfield. Legacies noted: - Samuel Sothoron - Ann Sothoron, delivered to James Briscoe her husband. - Mary Clark - Harman Clark, son of afsd. Mary & Francis Clark. - Mary Birch, delivered to John Birch her husband. - Mary Doplar. (Admin Accts 5:358, St. Mary's Co., MD, Recorded 1724.02)
Frederick Co. returns. James Briscoe his Admin. Bond in common form by James Sothoron Briscoe his administrator with John Briscoe & Samuel Sothoron of St. Mary's Co. his sureties in £200. (Test Proc 34:55, Frederick Co., MD, 1750.09.14, Recorded 1750.12.24)
Sothoron Henry Greenfield [Male] b. 1735 Maryland - d. 1793 St. Mary's Co., MD
Person ID: 37
Updated: 2 MAY 2014
Click here to view Notes.
Sothoron Richard [Male] b. BEF 1745 Maryland - d. BET 1790 AND 1800
Person ID: 38
Updated: 2 MAY 2014
Click here to view Notes.
Sothoron John Johnson [Male] b. BEF 1745 Maryland - d. BET 3 DEC 1806 AND 6 AUG 1810 Maryland
Person ID: 39
Updated: 2 MAY 2014
Click here to view Notes.
Clarke Francis [Male] b. BET 1678 AND 1680 Maryland - d. BEF 10 MAY 1728 St. Mary's Co., MD
Person ID: 40
Francis Clarke, b. Bet. 1678-1680, St. Mary's Co., MD to John Clarke & Ann; d. Bef. May 10, 1728, St. Mary's Co., MD; m. Mary Rose Bef. 1703, St. Mary's Co., MD; b. Bef 1688, St. Mary's Co., MD; d. 1739, St. Mary's Co., MD. (Reno*)
Inventory of John Rose by John Briscoe & Abraham Price. Value £177.5.11. Includes 26 slaves. Francis Clarke and Mary his wife, daughter to John Rose, present for the assessment and accept the findings. (Inv & Acct 31:217, St. Mary's Co., 1710.04.13)
Jane Clarke was born in 1713 to Francis Clarke and Mary Rose. (Reno*)
Certificate of John Johnson Sothoron, executor of Mary Rose estate. Payments to Thomas Truman Greenfield. Legacies noted: - Samuel Sothoron - Ann Sothoron, delivered to James Briscoe her husband. - Mary Clark - Harman Clark, son of afsd. Mary & Francis Clark. - Mary Birch, delivered to John Birch her husband. - Mary Doplar. (Admin Accts 5:358, St. Mary's Co., Recorded 1724.02)
Admin. accts. of Mary Clark of St. Mary's Co.. (Exec. of Francis Clarke). Sureties: James Compton, Thomas Nichols. Payments to (among others): Leonard Clarke per Daniel Dulany, Esq. and Samuel Sothoron who married a daughter of Francis Clarke. Payments to (in equal amounts, their portions, children of Francis Clarke: Thomas Morris who married a daughter; Williamson Hayes who married a daughter; William Clarke, under age; Benjamin Clarke, under age; John Clarke, under age; Francis Clarke, accountant. Exec: Francis Clarke.Wills. (Reno* {Admin. Accts}, St. Mary's Co., 1742.02.10)
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