Index for first names beginning with K (Family Pages)For privacy reasons, Date of Birth and Date of Marriage for persons believed to still be living are not shown. A B C D E F G H I J K L M N O P Q R S T U V W X Y Z (NONE/OTHER) K. Foresteen England (b. ABT 1925)Karen Shaw (b. ABT 1804) Karl Eugene Wonder (b. 30 SEP 1905 - d. 20 FEB 1958) Kate Bartleson Ledyard (b. 21 AUG 1870 - d. 20 APR 1884) Kate E. (b. ABT 1881 - d. 1926) Kate I. Lacey (b. JUN 1882 - d. AFT JUN 1900) Kate Lansdale Sothoron Curtis (b. 2 JUL 1940 - d. 18 JUL 1987) Kate Lansdale Sothoron Sandidge Kate Lansdale Sothoron (b. 25 JAN 1862 - d. 19 OCT 1895) Kate Maxey Bell (b. ABT 1894 - d. AFT APR 1930) Kate Briscoe (b. ABT 1857 - d. BET 1870 AND 1900) Kate Thomas (b. 1837 - d. 5 FEB 1937) Kathaleen Buchanan Katharine A. Maddox (b. MAY 1854 - d. 2 OCT 1930) Katharine G. Baker (b. ABT 1877) Katharine (b. ABT 1887 - d. AFT APR 1930) Katharine Bartleson (b. BEF 1715) Katharine Vansant Katherin E. Byron (b. 16 JUN 1920 - d. 3 DEC 1964) Katherine Bell Meadows (b. 16 JUN 1908 - d. DEC 1989) Katherine Bowie Clagett Thomas (b. ABT SEP 1919 - d. BEF MAY 1930) Katherine Bowie Clagett (b. ABT 1884) Katherine G (b. 13 DEC 1922 - d. 5 MAY 2001) Katherine Leona Buscher (b. ABT JAN 1930) Katherine Marshall Marbury (b. 1884 - d. AFT APR 1930) Katherine O. Morris (b. ABT FEB 1928 - d. AFT APR 1930) Katherine Rose Dudley Katherine ( d. BET 1682 AND 1698) Katherine Katherine Katherine Forbes (b. 27 JAN 1847 - d. 9 MAY 1929) Katherine Haddix (b. 1822) Katherine Hereford Katherine Kitts (b. ABT 1912) Katherine Lindemyer (b. 28 NOV 1895 - d. 27 JUL 1981) Katherine Luckett (b. ABT 1846 - d. AFT JAN 1920) Kathleen Carol O'Meara (b. 15 JUL 1945) Kathleen W. (b. 23 SEP 1921 - d. 3 MAY 1988) Kathleen (b. 11 SEP 1898 - d. JAN 1981) Kathleen Clark (b. ABT 1913 - d. AFT APR 1930) Kathleen Crank (b. 2 JUL 1942) Kathleen Gillis (b. ABT 1927 - d. AFT APR 1930) Kathleen Higgs (b. MAR 1900 - d. BEF APR 1910) Kathleen Hudson (b. ABT 1915 - d. AFT JAN 1920) Kathleen Kearney (b. ABT 1917 - d. AFT FEB 1949) Kathleen Snell (b. ABT AUG 1918 - d. AFT APR 1930) Kathrin Coad (b. ABT 1904 - d. AFT JAN 1920) Kathryn Sothoron Tichacek (b. --Not Shown--) Kathryn Coad (b. ABT 1929) Kathryn Gilliams (b. ABT APR 1915 - d. AFT APR 1930) Kathryn Goodridge (b. 5 JUL 1922 - d. 30 SEP 1987) Kathryn M (b. 1918 - d. 2000) Kathryn Stansbury (b. ABT 1903 - d. AFT APR 1930) Kathryne Ann Gough (b. 1921 - d. 16 JAN 2012) Kathy Lynne Sothoron (b. 6 JUL 1964) Katie V. (b. ABT 1902 - d. AFT APR 1930) Katie Virginia Clark (b. ABT 1913 - d. AFT APR 1930) Katie Clark (b. AUG 1898 - d. AFT APR 1910) Kattie Clark (b. JUL 1886 - d. AFT JUN 1900) Kemelin Shannon (b. ABT 1817 - d. ABT 1865) Kenelm H. White (b. BEF 1814) Kenelm Hines Higgs (b. ABT 1816 - d. AFT JUN 1860) Kenelm Cheseldyne Kenelm Harrison (b. BEF 1745 - d. 1777) Kenelm Higgs (b. 1 JAN 1769 - d. 1832) Kenneth Anderson Howard Kenneth Asher Provence (b. 20 JUL 1923 - d. AFT APR 1930) Kenneth David Nibali Kenneth F. Clark (b. ABT 1924 - d. AFT APR 1930) Kenneth Franklin Clark (b. 26 MAY 1936) Kenneth Glenn Haddox (b. 17 AUG 1892 - d. 12 MAY 1897) Kenneth H. Walsh (b. ABT 1927 - d. AFT APR 1930) Kenneth L. Hancock (b. 25 JUL 1927 - d. 17 MAR 1990) Kenneth M. Chipman (b. 7 FEB 1906 - d. 8 SEP 1975) Kenneth McLean Smoot (b. 31 DEC 1904 - d. AUG 1985) Kenneth Norwood Alvey (b. 6 APR 1907 - d. 14 AUG 1966) Kenneth W. Hunter Kenneth Wayne McKee (b. 30 AUG 1942) Kenneth Crowe Kenneth Hunter (b. 21 OCT 1963) Kenneth Richards (b. ABT OCT 1917 - d. AFT APR 1930) Kenny Sothoron Kent Eastman Keren Hunter (b. ABT MAY 1916 - d. AFT APR 1930) Key Tayloe Compton (b. --Not Shown--) Key Compton (b. 21 MAY 1863 - d. 1927) Key Compton (b. 5 MAR 1895 - d. 19 JAN 1932) Key Compton (b. 30 JAN 1924 - d. 1 NOV 1952) Kimberly Wells Young (b. --Not Shown--) Kipp Wesley Wells (b. 2 NOV 1932 - d. 20 JUL 2004) Kirby Conley Clark (b. 10 MAY 1909 - d. APR 1985) Kittie Columbia Long (b. 28 SEP 1871 - d. 30 MAR 1886) Kittie Martin Hart (b. 2 OCT 1941 - d. 25 SEP 2001) Kitty Ann Thomas (b. BET 1806 AND 1813 - d. 1825) This HTML database was produced by a registered copy of People PageCopyright © 2005 - 2017 |