4 July 2011 Unfortunately, I have been unable to enlarge the photograph further without significant loss of detail. The near corner of the house is to the southwest, the ridge of the house running east-west. Another building can just be seen in the left edge of the photo--that was the kitchen, which burned to the ground in the early to mid 1960s. Additional rooms had been added to the east and are not visible in this photo. This inventory was done about 3 months before my birth. In my earliest recollections there was no trace of the old school house mentioned below. I do remember the "old barns," which were actually sheds both to the west (along with the "necessary," the outhouse) and to the northeast of the house. The main farm buildings were (and still are) on the east side of old Route 628, across from the house and yard.(WHS*) During the 1920s there was telephone service to Hillsboro but it had been discontinued before my time. There was no electrical service up to the time Hillsboro went out of my family's possession (infra), and heat was provided by fireplaces and wood-burning stoves. For additional land record information, see the Notes of John Randolph Haddox, Clinton Bolivar Haddox, Warren Abiff Haddox and Linnia Katherine Haddox.
* * * * * * * * The following was copied from a November 1863 map of Rappahannock Co., VA, produced by the "Engr. Office 2nd Corps," and is held in the Library of Congress Division of Maps, 1665G. It shows the location of "Hittle Rvr." & "Hillsboro" in relation to Flint Hill and to the main north-south road (now U.S. Route 522). The following photo was probably taken in the early 1900s and is looking toward the west-northwest. The smoke house is at the far left. (Photo in possession of WHS*) By the 1950s the house was showing signs of disrepair, as seen in this view from the east: The following photo is on the reverse of a post card in my possession, addressed to "W.A. Haddox Esq., Huntley, Virginia." Standing on the right and leaning on the spring house is Warren Abiff Haddox. His sister, Linnia Katherine Haddox, is seated to the left. I don't know the three people between them. The Blue Ridge Mountains are in the background, to the west. Below that photo is one I took in 1983. The spring house is north and slightly west of the main house and faces south. A pipe ran from it to a small room in the house, where it flowed through a concrete basin used as a chiller for milk & some foods. The kitchen relied on water carried by hand. The following photos were taken by me in 1983. On the left is the smoke house, which stands to the south and slightly west of the main house and faces north. On the right is a silo build by my father in the 1920s using multiple wooden slats, then coated on the inside with concrete. It disappeared some time in the 1990s.
* * * * * * Following is a letter from the effects of Linnia Katherine Haddox, which I transcribed from the handwritten original. Several names were written only with the capital letter and a following blank, as shown herein. I believe the "characters" are Gibson, Clinton & Haddox Hillsboro, Va. Mr. Editor: The Post Master General directed the publication of a
national list of Post Offices and their Postmasters in 1813. In Culpeper
County, VA there was a Post Office named "Hillsboro" with the Postmaster being
Moses Gibson. (genealogytrails.com) According to postalhistory.com,
the Hillsboro Post Office existed between 180? and 1822. * * * * * * One cannot talk about Hillsboro without including Ida & Nancy Jones. Ida was born in 1905 and when very young was "given" to my grandmother to raise. Ida had one child, Nancy, who was born about 1925. I never saw Nancy dressed in anything but men's clothes and with her hair cut in a male fashion. Ida did the cooking and cleaning, while Nancy worked on the farm as would a man. Ida & Nancy initially lived in a large room over the kitchen. Later they lived in one of the farm hand houses, the one at "Douglas Orchard," which was further up Riley Hollow Road. When that house burned to the ground, they moved into the "Brooks House" which still stands (albeit poorly) on Riley Hollow Road next to Hittles Mill Stream, just down the hill from the Smoke House: Nancy still lives in Flint Hill with one of her sons, who razed the old house and build a new one there for his mother and himself. Hillsboro could not have functioned without the hard work and dedication of Ida and Nancy Jones.
I received word from Nancy's daughter, Nancy Freeman, that her mother had passed away on May 14, 2019. After a service at the Macedonia Baptist Church of Flint Hill, she was buried next to her mother at the Odd Fellows Cemetery. She is missed. * * * * * * Ownership of Hillsboro left the Haddox/Sothoron family with the death of my uncle, George Mortimer ("Mort") Sothoron in 1949. A mortgage on it was held by Lyle Jordan Millan, M.D., a family friend (who is also buried at Flint Hill). After a law suit involving Uncle Mort's daughter Lucy and Dr. Millan, there was a settlement with Dr. Millan gaining full ownership. Upon the death of Uncle Mort and until such time as his estate was settled my father assumed responsibility for running Hillsboro. Along with Uncle Mort he had inherited ownership after their mother died, but had informally given his share to Uncle Mort. We lived on a 300 acre farm in Carroll Co,. MD so this became a huge load. Our hired hands in Maryland (Frank Surrett & Harry Pierce) spent weeks at a time at Hillsboro at harvest time, and we hired additional help in Maryland. I stayed at Hillsboro for several weeks each of 2 summers to help with the work. When needed in Maryland all of us (including Nancy) would return there until it was accomplished. We hauled cattle from Maryland to Hillsboro for additional grazing space, and locust posts from Hillsboro to Maryland for our fencing needs. It was a very busy 2 years! After about 3 years Dr. Millan sold Hillsboro in 2 separate parcels, the major portion (including buildings) going to Robert Henry Scroggins. Scroggins sold the place to Col. Earl Holmes, USMC (Ret) in 1954. After a fire destroyed the house he rebuilt it on the original site with stone, with a similar but much smaller footprint. * * * * * * * * * This sign was still in place in July 2012. It is at the northeastern extent of the road, where it dead-ends on the west side of US Route 522, immediately south of the road to Wakefield Manor and about one mile south of Huntly. The road no longer goes through to Riley Hollow Road--its southwestern end is now part of Mellon Orchard Lane, a private road on what used to be Hillsboro. |