Sothoron & Related Families - 524 (Notes Pages)

For privacy reasons, Date of Birth and Date of Marriage for persons believed to still be living are not shown.

Van Sandt Garret [Male] b. ABT 1695

Person ID: 10498
Addes: 19 DEC 2016

Garret Van Sandt, son of Stoffel Van Sandt, baptized 4 May 1695 at Brooklyn, NY; probably died young. (W.H. Davis*, Vol. 1:24)

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Van Sandt Joshua [Male]
Person ID: 10499
Addes: 19 DEC 2016

Joshua Van Sandt, married 20 Feb 1728 to Catharine Johnston; settled in Kent Co., MD on land conveyed to him by his father on 28 Oct.1728. (W.H. Davis*, Vol. 1:25)

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Johnston Catharine [Female]
Person ID: 10500

Joshua Van Sandt, married 20 Feb 1728 to Catharine Johnston; settled in Kent Co., MD on land conveyed to him by his father on 28 Oct.1728. (W.H. Davis*, Vol. 1:25)

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Van Sandt John [Male] d. 1750 Middletown, Bucks Co., PA
Person ID: 10501
Addes: 19 DEC 2016

John Van Sandt, son of Stoffel Van Sandt, married 19 August 1728 to Rebecca Cox of Philadelphia; they settled in Middletown on land conveyed to him by his father in 1738, and died there in 1750. (W.H. Davis*, Vol. 1:25)

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Cox Rebecca [Female]
Person ID: 10502

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Van Sandt Ann [Female]
Person ID: 10503
Person ID: 12.19.2016

Ann Van Sandt, daughter of John Van Sandt & Rebecca Cox, was alive at the time of her father's death in 1750. (W.H. Davis*, Vol. 1:25)

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Van Sandt Elizabeth [Female]
Person ID: 10504
Addes: 19 DEC 2016

Elizabeth Van Sandt, daughter of John Van Sandt & Rebecca Cox, was alive at the time of her father's death in 1750. (W.H. Davis*, Vol. 1:25)

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Van Sandt Catharine [Female]
Person ID: 10505
Addes: 19 DEC 2016
Addes: 19 DEC 2016

Catharine Van Sandt, daughter of John Van Sandt & Rebecca Cox, was alive at the time of her father's death in 1750. (W.H. Davis*, Vol. 1:25)

People Page

Van Sandt Rebecca [Female]
Person ID: 10506
Addes: 19 DEC 2016

Rebecca Van Sandt, daughter of John Van Sandt & Rebecca Cox, was alive at the time of her father's death in 1750. (W.H. Davis*, Vol. 1:25)

People Page

Van Sandt Mary [Female]
Person ID: 10507
Addes: 19 DEC 2016

Mary Van Sandt, daughter of John Van Sandt & Rebecca Cox, was alive at the time of her father's death in 1750. (W.H. Davis*, Vol. 1:25)

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Van Sandt John [Male]
Person ID: 10508
Addes: 19 DEC 2016
Addes: 19 DEC 2016

John Van Sandt, son of John Van Sandt & Rebecca Cox, was alive at the time of his father's death in 1750. (W.H. Davis*, Vol. 1:25)

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Van Sandt James [Male]
Person ID: 10529

James Van Sandt, son of Stoffel Van Sandt & Rachel Corson, baptised as an adult 16 Sept 1716 at Abington. All four children baptised there between 1719 & 1733. (W.H. Davis*, Vol. 1:25).

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Van Sandt Rebecca [Female]
Person ID: 10510
Addes: 19 DEC 2016

Rebecca Van Sandt, dau. of James Van Sandt, baptised at Abington between 1719 & 1733. (W.H. Davis*, Vol. 1:25)

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Van Sandt Flora [Female]
Person ID: 10511
Addes: 19 DEC 2016

Flora Van Sandt, dau. of James Van Sandt, baptised at Abington between 1719 & 1733. (W.H. Davis*, Vol. 1:25)

People Page

Van Sandt John [Male]
Person ID: 10512
Addes: 19 DEC 2016

John Van Sandt, son of James Van Sandt, baptised at Abington between 1719 & 1733. (W.H. Davis*, Vol. 1:25)

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Van Sandt Jacobus [Male]
Person ID: 10513
Addes: 19 DEC 2016

Jacobus Van Sandt, son of James Van Sandt, baptised at Abington between 1719 & 1733. (W.H. Davis*, Vol. 1:25)

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Van Sandt Garret [Male] d. 1789 Middletown, Bucks Co., PA
Person ID: 10514
Addes: 19 DEC 2016

Purchased land from his father in 1742; died there in 1742, leaving large family of children. (W.H. Davis*, Vol. 1:25)

Garret Vansant of Middletown, son of Stophel, received by deed of gift from his father on October 21, 1742, 95 1/2 acres of land, part of 300 acres purchased by Stophel of Henry Paulin in 1706, and on January 10, 1748 purchased 214 acres in Middletown of Charles and Ann Plumly. On June 25, 1789, he conveys the last mentioned tract in about equal parts to his sons, Garret, Jr., and John, and on July 31, 1789, he conveyed to his son George the 95 1/2 acres conveyed to him by his father. No record appears of the name of his wife. A Garret Vansant married Leah Nixon at Churchville, April 15. 1747, which was probably this Garret, although it may have been his cousin Garret, of Wrightstown. The will of Garret Vansant is dated July 7, 1789, and was proven August 7, 1789, only a week after the conveyance of his land. It mentions the children of his son Jacob, and their mother Mary Vastine; daughters Rachel Harrison, Keziah Sweetman, Vashti Vansant and Sarah Hise; sons John, Garret and George, and grandson James Vansant. Jacob, the eldest son, married Mary Richardson, daughter of Joseph Richardson, and settled in Falls township, Bucks county, where he died in April, 1785, leaving children: Elizabeth, James, Catharine and Garret. His widow married Benjamin Vastine prior to 1789. George Vansant married Sarah Johnston, December 24, 1783, He sold the old homestead to Joshua Woolston in 1794, and removed to Bristol township. John married Letitia Leaw and died in Middletown in 1812, leaving a son John, and daughters Ann Leah Lovett and Amelia Boca. Garret Vansant, Jr., remained on the homestead purchased of his father in 1789 until 1822, when he conveyed it to his sons James and John, and soon after removed to Newtown, where he died in 1842 at an advanced age. His wife Mary had died many years previously. The children of Garret and Mary Vansant were John, James, Martha; Jane, wife of Isaac Randall; Rachel, wife of Eber Randall; and
Mary, wife of Jonathan Hunter. James died in Middletown in 1833, leaving a widow Amy and two children, Elizabeth, horn March 11, 1821, and James born May 1, 1826. (* - W.H. Davis*, Vol. I:28)

Margin note: Garret Vansant Will #2223.
The seventh day of July one thousand seven hundred & Eighty-Nine I Garret Vansant of Middletown Township in the County of Bucks & State of Pennsylvania yeoman being weak of Body but of Sound Memory & Understanding thanks be to Almighty God therefore do make this my Last Will & Testament as followeth first & Principally I give & recommend my Soul to God that gave it & my body I recommend to the Earth to be buried in decent Christian Burial at the discretion of my Executor hereinafter named, And "as touching”(?) such worldly Estate wherewithit hath pleased God to bless me I give & dispose of the Same in the following manner & form. Inprim. I will that all my just Debts & funeral Expenses be duly paid & dscharged by my Executor hereinafter named our of my Estate. Item I give & devise unto my daughter in Law Mary Vastine once the Wife of my Son Jacob Vansant the sum of five shillings & no more to be paid to her or her heirs one twelve Months after my Decease by my Executor after named. I give & devise unto my daughter Rachel Harrison the Sum of Seven Shillings & sixpence & no more to be paid to her or her Heirs one twelve Months after my decease. I give & devise unto my Daughter Koziah Sweetman the sum of seven Shillings & five Pence & no more to be paid to her or her heirs one twelve Months after my decease. I give and devise unto my Son in law James Pine(?) the Sum of five Shillings and no more to be paid to him or his heirs one twelve Month after my Decease. Item I give & devise unto my Daughter Vashti Vansant my best Feather bed & furniture a pair of unled(?) Maple Drawers & the furniture on the top of a large Walnut oval table one good riding Horse two good Cows, one dozen Pewter(?) Plates & one Platter & as also the Tea Table, all which Yard Goods & Chattles I give to my said daughter her heirs & assignes forever. Item I give & devise unto my Daughter Sarah Hise two Feather Beds and furniture to hold to her her heirs & assigns forever. Item I give & devise unto my grandson James Vansant the sum of twelve Pounds to be paid to him when he shall arrive to the age of twenty one years. Item I give and devise unto my two sons John Vansant & Garret Vansant Jr. six(?) horse hind and ten cowhind twenty five sheep & ten swine a Waggon, Plow & Harrow; and also all my Husbandy & farming Utensils in order to carry on the farming Business. All which said Articles above devised, I give & devise unto my two sons John Vansant & Garret Vansant to be equally divided between them share & share alike their heirs & assigns forever, after my decease together with all the Pork & Beef. Item I also give and devise unto my two sons John Vansant and Garret Vansant Jr. each of them a feather Bed & furniture to hold to them or each of them their heirs & assigns forever. Item I also give and devise unto my two sons John Vansant & Garret Vansant all the Produce of Grass or hay which shall be raised on the Meadow or Plantation where I now dwell for the Use of the said Creatures before described together with all the Residue of the household furniture not excepted. Item I give and devise unto my son George Vansant the Sum of ten Shillings and no more to be paid to him his Heirs or Assigns one twelve Months after my Decease. Lastly I do nominate constitute and appoint my two Sons John Vansant and Garret Vansant Jr. to be Executors of this my last will & Testament & I do hereby revoke & ______ and utterly make void all & every other Will and Testament by me heretofore maid(sic) certifying(?) & confirming this & no other to be my Last Will & Testament. In Witness hereof I have here unto set my hand & Seal the day & year first above written. Garret Vansant (Seal)
- Sealed publisized pronounced & declared to be the last Will & Testament of Garret Vansant in the Presence of us:
John Oranl John Helling John Sotcher.
- Bucks ss August 7, 1789 personally appeared John Oranl John Helling & John Sotcher the subscribing Witnesses to the foregoing Testament of Writing when the saind John Oranl & John Welling on the Solemn Oath & the said John Sotcher on most Solemn affirmation and respectfully declare and say that they were present at the Execution thereof and Saw and heard Garret Vansant the Testator therein named, Sign Seal publish and declare the Same as for his Last will and Testament & that at the Time of his doing he was of sound Mind Memory & understanding to the best of their Knowledge & Belief. Before me James Hanna Regester.
- Bucks ss: Be it remembered that on the 7th day of August 1789 the Last Will & Testament of Garret Vansant was duly proved when Testamentary were granted to John Vansant & Garret Vansant the Executors therein named they having first been Solemnly Sworn well & truly to adminster the Goods, Chattles Rights & Credits of the said deceased & to exhibit unto the Regesters Office for the County of Bucks aforesaid a true Inventory & consironable(?) Appraisement of the Same in one Month from the date hereof & in one Year or when thereunto lawfully required under a Just account of their whole Administration. In Testamony where of I have hereunto set my hand & Seal of said Office. James Hanna Register. (SEAL)
Registered August 7th 1789. (* - image of Bucks Co., PA Will Book 5:144)

People Page

Van Sandt Elizabeth [Female]
Person ID: 10515
Addes: 19 DEC 2016

Elizabeth Van Sandt, daughter of Stoffel Van Sandt & Rachel Corson, married John Enoch in 1718, leaving a large family. (W.H. Davis*, Vol. I:25)

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Enoch John [Male]
Person ID: 10516
Addes: 19 DEC 2016

See wife's Notes for source.

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Van Sandt Alice [Female]
Person ID: 10517
Addes: 19 DEC 2016

Alice (or Alshe) married Samuel Rue & left a number of children. (W.H. Davis*, Vol. I:25)

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W.Haddox Sothoron, M.D.