Sothoron & Related Families - 495 (Notes Pages)

For privacy reasons, Date of Birth and Date of Marriage for persons believed to still be living are not shown.

Haddox Mordecai [Male] b. 10 AUG 1805 Virginia - d. 30 JAN 1879 Ohio

Person ID: 9910
Addes: 27 JUL 2014

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Haddox Mordecai [Male] b. 26 JUN 1842 Gilboa, Putnam Co., OH - d. 23 JUL 1863 Savannah Cemetery, Rosemead, Los Angeles Co., CA
Person ID: 9911
Addes: 27 JUL 2014

See brother William's Notes for shared grave marker.

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Haddox Nancy [Female] b. ABT 1814 Virginia
Person ID: 9912
Addes: 27 JUL 2014

Deed 12 July 1851 between Daniel Haddox, Nancy Wood & Mary Burks of Logan Co., KY; and Thomas H. Settle of Rappahannock Co., VA. For $214 Settle purchased their interests parcel of land in Rappahannock Co., VA, adjoining land of Alfred Dearing & others containing 120 acres; same tract sold by John Dukes Seaborn to John Haddox dec´d by title of 10 Sept 1812, inhabited by & under lease to said Settle, lease granted to Thomas Jordan by Parsley Thornton, a former owner. Certified in Logan Co., KY on 12 July 1851, recorded in Rappahannock Co, VA on 3 Sept 1851. (Deeds I:10, Rappahannock Co., VA)

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Haddox Nancy [Female] b. ABT 1830 Gallipolis Gallia Co., OH
Person ID: 9913
Addes: 27 JUL 2014

B. H. Haddox, son of Raleigh Haddox & Sarah Farrell (North Fork settlers), married Miss Nancy Haddox, daughter of Elijah, a cousin of Raleigh. (Lowther* :137)

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Haddox Nimrod [Male] b. 1763 Virginia - d. ABT 1819 Cox Cemetery, Fairborn, Greene Co., OH
Person ID: 9914
Addes: 27 JUL 2014

A list of the Fauquier Co. Militia, Revolutionary War Soldiers of 1782 includes Nimrod Haddux, Private, for 10 days in February. (Peters(2)* :4 - 1782-001)

** From - "History of Greene County [Ohio]," pg 292


One night, as Nimrod Haddox was returning from mill, he observed, when near his house, a man carrying something on a pole. The next day, Cox came to him and said some one had stolen his beehive last night. They were in their stocking feet, and the tracks made in the mud were traced to a house occupied by a notorious character named Powers. It appears that about a year prior to this, Powers had stolen a mare from Cox, and gone to Virginia; had sold the animal in the neighborhood of Paint, and she had returned to her former owner. Powers, learning that Nimrod Haddox had accused him of stealing the mare, sued him for slander. In the meantime, Cox's barn and wheat were burned, and suspicion rested heavily upon Powers' wife. Cox swore out a warrant for her arrest. John Haddox went with the constable, and when he made the arrest, he, and those who went with him, observed that Mrs. Powers' ankles were scratched and bleeding, on account of passing through a brier patch near the barn. We are not informed as to whether she was convicted, but this, in connection with the bee-hive, and the mare and slander suit generated bad blood. A verdict was rendered in the slander suit against Nimrod Haddox, for $250.00. It appearing that Powers' wife, and a girl living with them, had stolen the beehive,. John Haddox, foreseeing the impossibility of his father's paying the damage, determined to appeal the case, and use this girl as a witness against him. To this end, he began to "shine" around her, and pretended to make love to her; and finally she confessed to having assisted in stealing the bee-hive, and furthermore, said the dead bees could be found under Powers' house. This, in conjunction with other testimony of a more relevant nature, reduced the damages to one cent.

About this time, Powers enlisted at Cincinnati, got his bounty, deserted, and re-enlisted four or five times until he was advertised, but could not be found. At a military gathering soon after, some e, in a drunken frenzy, was heard to yell for Hull. His name en was held in execration. A band of Kentuckians seized him, and, , it was the inevitable Powers. They put him under the water, but every time he came up he would yell for Hull. He was released and made his escape to the woods, in the seclusion of which he built a cabin, and in which he and his wife remained.

A reward of $50.00 was offered for him, dead or alive, and parties started in pursuit., among whom was John Haddox. The party watched the house all night, and towards morning Haddox crawled a large log near the shanty, and looked in, but could not see him. light snow had fallen during the evening, but no tracks could be n leading from the cabin. Soon Powers' wife opened the door cautiously, looked around, then came out to look for tracks. Not finding signs of the enemy, she gave two or three violent raps on a bucket, and presently Powers came sneaking out of the woods. Seeing the coast clear, he took up an ax and began splitting wood. While his back was to them, they rushed upon him, and Haddox seizing him by the shoulders, said, "Powers you're my prisoner." Brandishing a large knife, he broke loose, jumped to the loft, seized . gun, and swore he'd shoot. the whole d-d crowd. All took to it heels but Haddox, who presented his gun, but it flashed then fled, but slipping, fell ; Powers was immediately upon him, but ailing his feet his antagonist fled through a corn-field. Haddox led to him to stop, and at the same time fired. Mc---- ran from ind a stump, and fired; Philip Hoosier also fired at him, one of which took effect below the shoulder blade. Powers jumped the fence, the party in hot pursuit; finally he brought up on a log and crying out, `Boys! you've killed me!" surrendered. The party reported that he was shot, and the recruiting officer at Xenia said, "D-n him, bring him in, dead or alive." They went to his cabin, put him on a horse, and brought him to headquarters, got their reward, and a good dinner, donated by the officers. Powers subsequently recovered, and meeting Mr. Haddox at a sale, talked. over the matter in a friendly manner, and expressed no ill-will towards him for the part he had taken in bringing him to justice.

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Haddox Nimrod [Male] b. 1805 Ohio
Person ID: 9915
Addes: 27 JUL 2014

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Haddox Ninna Fay [Female] b. ABT 1866
Person ID: 9916
Addes: 27 JUL 2014

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Haddox Olive [Female] b. 1855 - d. 1858 Buried with parents
Person ID: 9917

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Haddox Olive Estelle [Female] b. 4 JUN 1883 - d. 21 OCT 1885
Person ID: 9918
Addes: 27 JUL 2014

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Haddox Peter C. [Male] b. DEC 1889 Colorado
Person ID: 9919
Addes: 27 JUL 2014

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Haddox Philip [Male]
Person ID: 9920
Addes: 27 JUL 2014

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Haddox Raleigh [Male] b. ABT 1789 - d. AFT 1860 Ritchie Co., WV
Person ID: 9921
Addes: 27 JUL 2014

Raleigh (also spelled Raley & Rollo) Haddox enlisted late in the War of 1812 but saw no service. His wife, Miss Sarah Ferrell, was the daughter of Major Ferrell of the Continental Army. Raleigh & family emigrated from "the valley" of Virginia to Monongalia Co. in 1825, and 4 years later to Ritchie Co., settling in the North Fork region below Mole Hill on a run that still bears his name, living there principally for the rest of his life. His wife died in 1856. Their children were: George, B.H., Mary, Enocs S., and John J. Haddox. (Lowther*:136-7)

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Haddox Rollo [Male] b. ABT 1877
Person ID: 9922
Addes: 27 JUL 2014

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Haddox Samuel [Male] b. BEF 1730 - d. Fauquier Co., VA
Person ID: 9923

A list of taxpayers was originally published in the Bulletin of the Fauquier Historical Society in June 1923, pgs 239-42, under the title "List of Taxpayers, Elk Run and Vicinity, 1751." The article states it is from the Account Book of Capt. John Crump, Sheriff of Prince William County, and that, "The original book was presented to the Fauquier Historical Society in 1922, by Col. Malcolm H. Crump, Bowling Green Kentucky." Elk Run is a watershed which is now in southern Fauquier County. Before Fauquier County was created in 1759, they were residents of Prince William. The list includes Saml. Haddox.

John Peyton & George Waller, Exrs. of Charles Waller, dec'd, vs. Samuel Haddock, for Trespass on the Case. Plaintiffs, being solemny called, did not appear this date, 30 May 1753; sheriff commanded to have him appear "...this day twelve etc.." & with Jurors impanneled (names given), "... who being Elected tryed and sworn to Enquire what damages the plaintifs had sustained by reason of the Non performance of the promise and undertaking of the said Defendant..." Jury found for the plaintiff besides their costs & chartes to �6.1.3. Plaintiff to recover said amount from defendant & William Wood his Security. (Sparacio(10)* :99 - Prince William Co., VA Minute Book, 1752-3, Pg 128)

Samuel Haddox being under Execution on oath is discharged and ordered the said goods & other Estate mentioned in the said Schedule be Vested in the Sherif and that he sell the same according to Law & render the money arising by the said sale to the Executors. (Sparacio(11)* :40 - Prince William Co., VA Minute Book 1754-55, Pg 121, 22 July 1754)

William Underwood appointed Surveyor of the Road from Main Road by Capt. Edmond's to the top of the hill by said Underwood's. The following were ordered to clear & keep same in repair according to law: Thomas Jackman, Thomas Porter, Alexander Jeffries, William Smith, Thomas Smith, Samuel Haddock, William Underwood, William Robertson, Richard McPherson & Nicholas White. (Sparacio(6)* 1759-61:41 - Court of 24 Apr 1760, pg 59)

At a Fauquier Co., VA Court of 22 May 1760 the Grand Jury cited Samuel Haddox & others for not coming to their Parish Churches, & were required to appear at the next Court to answer the charges. (Sparacio(6)* 1759-61:43 - pg 62). He did not appear as required at the Court of 26 June 1760 and was fined 5 shillings or 50 pounds of tobacco, to be paid to the Church Wardens of Hamilton Parish, and the costs of this presentment. (Sparacio(6)* 1759-61:41 - Court of 24 Apr 1760, pg 63)

At the Fauquier Co., VA Court of 26 March 1762, the petition of Francis Triplett, Plt. agt. Samuel Haddox, Deft. was judged against the Deft. for �1.19.06 plus costs. (Sparacio(6)* 1761-2:35 - pg 231)

At the Fauquier Co., VA Court of 24 Sept 1762, on motion of Samuel Hadox, Mary McNamara was ordered to pay him 125 pounds of tobacco for 5 days' attendance for her against Charles Martin. (Sparacio(6)* 1762-3:8 - pg 368)

Sam'l [his mark] Haddox witnessed a Deed of Gift of 100 acres in Fauquier Co., VA from John Johnson to his son Jeffrey on 1 May 1764. (Gott(2)* :42 - Deed Book 1:42)

At the Fauquier Co., VA Court of 23 June 1764 Samuel Haddox gave witness to the Deed of Gift from John Johnson to Jeffrey Johnson. (Sparacio(6)* 1763-4:57 - pg 311)

Sam. Haddox appears on the Culpeper Co., VA Rent Rolls for 1764. (* - Compiled Census & Census Substitutes Index, 1607-1890)

At the Fauquier Co., VA Court of 25 March 1767 the Attachment obtained by Samuel Haddock against James Walker was dismissed. (Sparacio(6)* 1766-7:51 - pg 258)

At the Fauquier Co., VA Court of 29 April 1767, on the the motion of Samuel Haddox, Wiliam Duling was ordered to pay him 75 pounds of tobacco for 3 days' attendance as a witness for him against Edward Ball. (Sparacio(6)* 1766-7:58 - pg 267)

Samuel Haddox was one of several members of Hamilton Parish, Fauquier Co., VA identified at the Fauquier Co., VA Court of 25 Nov 1767 as not having entered their tithables (for him, one) as required by law. (Sparacio(6)* 1767-9:6 - pg 347)

At the Fauquier Co., VA Court of 24 May 1768 judgment was granted the plaintiff in the petition of John Smith agt. Samuel Haddox in the sum of �3.10.0 plus costs. (Sparacio(6)* 1767-9:18 - pg 367)

At the Fauquier Co., VA Court of 23 June 1772 judgment was granted James Winn in a petition against Samuel Haddox in the sum of �3.12.6 plus costs. (Sparacio(6)* 1771-2:104 - pg 419)

At the Fauquier Co., VA Court of 24 Aug 1772 it was ordeed that 2 tithables belonging to Samuel Haddox be added to the List taken by John Moffett, Gent. (Sparacio(6)* 1772-3:8 - pg 429)

At the Fauquier Co., VA Court of 25 May 1773 the petition of Samuel Haddox against John Mitchell was dismissed, the plaintiff to pay defendant's costs. (Sparacio(6)* 1772-3:70 - Pg 20)

At the Fauquier Co., VA Court of 25 May 1773 it was ordered that John Mitchell pay Richard Rosser 150 pounds of tobacco for 6 days' attendance as a witness at the suit of Samuel Haddox. (Sparacio(6)* 1772-3:75 - pg 27)

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Haddox Samuel [Male] b. ABT 1799
Person ID: 9924
Addes: 27 JUL 2014

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Haddox Samuel [Male] b. MAY 1837 Ohio
Person ID: 9925
Addes: 27 JUL 2014

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Haddox Sarah [Female] b. ABT 1797 - d. AFT 1830
Person ID: 9926
Addes: 27 JUL 2014

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Haddox Sarah [Female] b. ABT 1841 Ohio
Person ID: 9927
Addes: 27 JUL 2014

SARAH HADDOX was born about 1841 in Ohio. She married WILLIAM M. MORRELL on 22 Dec 1864 in Hancock CO. Ohio.

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Haddox Sarah [Female] b. ABT 1850
Person ID: 9928
Addes: 27 JUL 2014

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Haddox Sarah F. [Female] b. ABT 1851 Kentucky
Person ID: 8439
Nickname: Sallie

See father's Notes for 1860 & 1870 Federal Census entries.

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W.Haddox Sothoron, M.D.