Sothoron & Related Families - 491 (Notes Pages)
For privacy reasons, Date of Birth and Date of Marriage for persons believed to still be living are not shown.
Haddox Enoch [Male] b. ABT 1768 Loudon Co., VA - d. BET 1819 AND 1822
Person ID: 9833
Addes: 26 JUL 2014
Enoch Haddox was bonded as a Constable in Frederick Co., VA on 1 March 1819. (Kern* - Constable Bonds, 1816-29, Library of VA Archives)
Summons of 31 May 1822 from Superior Court of Chancery of Winchester, Frederick Co., for the sheriff to have Wilford G. Settle, admr. of Enoch Haddox decd, who was admr. of John Haddox decd, appear at the Clerk's Office on 1st Monday in July.
** Lawsuit - Haddox, adm. vs Haddox, adm.
Virginia, to wit: At Rules holden in the Clerk's Office of the Superior Court of Chancery for the Winchester District, the first Monday in October 1825, Charles Magill, admr. debonis non of John Haddox dec'd against Wilford G. Settle, admr of Enoch Haddox decd. The Subpoena awarded in this case being returned executed on the defendant, etc
Haddox, adm \. . . vs . . . . . . . . . > Bill Haddox, adm / 1825 June Bill filed .. July time for ans .. Oct Order nisi 1826 __ Court reffd to com .. Aug answer filed .. Sept rely of comr 1827 May plt contd 1828 contd 1829 contd 1830 contd 1830 case dismissed
To the Honorable Henry St.George Parker Judge of the superior Court of Chancery holden at Winchester--respectfully complaining herewith unto your Honour --your Orator Charles Magill administrator debonis non of John Haddox Junr. deceased. - That John Haddox Junr. died in the State of Kentucky and a David Morehead administered on his Estate, and put into the hands of a certain Enoch Haddox, Constable in Frederick County, Virginia early in the year 1818, sundry notes evidencing(?) debts of the said John Haddox Junr amounting to $110.38 1/2 to be collected by the said Enoch in his character of Constable, and as accounted for--for those claims to be collected as aforesaid the said Enoch Haddox gave a Receipt to _____ William Murral whereby an order written on the said Receipt directed the payment of the said monies when collected to your orator Charles Magill, of which the said Enoch Haddox was soon after notified by your Orator promised to comply. The said Enoch Haddox subsequently stated that he had made the collection but instead of paying the amount agreeably to his engagement he for the improper purpose of retaining the money in his own hands, obtained letters of administration upon the estate of his Brother the said John Haddox, and filed a Bill in the Court where your Honour presides & obtained an Injunction to prevent the payment to your Orator, pretending that the money required by that Receipt, and also the proceeds of several other obligations to John Haddox assigned by David Morehead admr. of John Haddox, to John Jordan ___ a _____ in Suit by Charles Magill for collection, were the propert of the widow and children of John Haddox in Kentucky: and that Morehead & Jordan had colluded to defraud them of it, and proaythat the said Charles Magill should be restrained from paying over the money when collected: the said Charles Magill answered the said Bill and to the best of his recollection made the said Receipt and order thereon part of his answer, and filed the papers as an exhibit in the cause: which Bill, answer and exhibit your Orator states are lost or mislaid in the Clerk's Office, and diligent search has been repeatedly made for them, and they have not been found. Enoch Haddox died intestate, by which the said oforesaid was suspended, and Wilford G. Settle administered on his Estate, and at first promised to satisfy the amount of the Receipt, but afterwards refused to do so: and stated that he had been advised that the state of his intestate affairs forbid his paying it. After the death of said Enoch Haddox administration of the Estate of John Haddox decd in Virginia unadministered by the said Enoch Haddox was granted to your Orator: who ws induced to take the same in order that Justice might be done in the premises aforesaid in which he before was engaged in Character of Counsel. - To the end therefore that the said Wilford G. Settle administrator of Enoch Haddox decd. may be made Defendant to this Bill, the he may be made on his Corporal Oath will true and perfect answers make to all and singular the allegations contained therein, as fullly as if the same were herein repeated, and he thereto interrogates: and that by a decree of this court he may be compelled to pay to your Orator out of the Estate of his intestate the said $110.38 1/2 with interest theron from the day of until payment. And that he may also render an Oath in his answer, a full true and perfect answer and discovery of all obligations, notes & monies which came to the hads of his intestate Enoch Haddox administrator of John Haddox decd. and pay the amount to your Orator, and that your Orator may have such further and other relief in the premises as shall be proper agreeably to the Rules of Equity: may it please your Honour to grant unto your Orator the Commonwealth's writ of subpoena. /s/ Waite for ____ - Frederick County to wit. The aforesaid Charles Magill made Oath before the undersigned a Justice of the Peace for said County that the aforesaid allegations contain the truth to the best of his knowledge recollection Hereby Given under my hand the 6 day of June 1825.
Charles Magill admr debonis non of John Haddox Junr. decd against Wilford G Settle admr. of Enoch Haddox decd who was admr. of John Haddox Junr. decd. - The Conditional Decree entered at Rules in the Clerk's Office having been served upon the deft. and he still failing to answer. On the motion of the plaintiff by his counsel the Court doth take his Bill for confessed by the Defendant. On consideration whereof the Court doth ___ judge of Order that Comr. Bent do examine state and settle the amounts and claims mentioned in the Bill, stating all such matters specially deemed pertinent by himself, or required by the parties to be specially stated, and make Report thereof to the Court in Order to a final decree, and by consent of the parties leave is given the defendant to file his answer on or before the first of June next. - Frederick County Dist. George M. Secons(?) made oath before me a justice of the peace in the said county, that on the 1st day of November 1825 he delivered to W.G. Settle a copy of the within order. /s/ 19 Nov 1825
The answer of Wilfred G. Settle admr. of Enc Haddox dec'd to a Bill exhibited against him in the Superior court of Chancery holding at Winchester by Charles Magill admin. de bonis non of John Haddox Jr. dec'd - This respondent making the usual reservations to said Bill for answer thereto answering Saith that the said plaintiff mentioned the subject of suit stated in the Bill to Respondent but he has no recollection of ever having promised to pay it unless the circumstances of the Estate would admit of it - The vouchers were legal - Respondent has never seen the suit, and is wholly ignorant of all the statements in the pltfs. bill and calls for proof--he is willing to have his administration account settled from which will appear that the assets are not sufficient to discharge the claims against his intestate estate, which are no contemplation of Law superior in dignity to the pltfs. claim. - Respondent farther answering saith that he has never recd., seen or heard of any claim due to Enoch Haddox as admr. of John Haddox except a note payable by Wm. Comer and Hannah Keeble for eighty seven dollars and some cents which he collected the money on & is ready to pay into court whenever directed--If any other claims are discovered respondent will immediately deliver there of--Respondent denying all ___________ prays to be hence dismissed with his Costs. - Fedk. county __ Wilfred G. Settle admr. of Enoch Haddox decd. this day made oath before me the subscriber a Justice for the said county that the foregoing answer contains the truth to the best of his knowledge & belief given under my hand this 22nd July 1826. (Haddox vs Haddox - handwritten bill)
Enoch Haddox Est. appeared on the Real Estate Tax List of 1837 for Warren Co., VA. (Cood* :8)
Haddox Enoch [Male] b. 9 NOV 1804 Virginia - d. 10 MAY 1863 Duke Family Cemetery, Benton Ridge, Hancock Co., OH
Person ID: 9834
Addes: 26 JUL 2014
Updated: 21 AUG 2015
ENOCH HADDOX DIED MAY 10, 1863 AGED 58 Y. 6 M. & 1 D.
 Grave Marker at Dukes Cemetery, Benton Ridge, Hancock Co., OH. (Photo & information from
Haddox Enoch L. [Male] b. 13 DEC 1850 Ohio
Person ID: 9835
Addes: 26 JUL 2014
Haddox Enoch S. [Male] b. AUG 1826 - d. 5 NOV 1903 Middlebourne, Tyler Co., WV
Person ID: 9836
Addes: 26 JUL 2014
Enoch S. Haddox, son of Raleigh Haddox & Sarah Farrell (North Fork settlers), first married Miss Caroline Pickens of Pleasants county, with whom he had one son; his second wife was Miss Eliza Chambers of the same county, with whom he had 2 sons & 3 daughters. The children were O.M., Kinie, Victory, Wm., & Tudie (sic).
Enoch S. Haddox, b. 31 Aug 1825, d. 5 Nov 1905, buried at Archers Chapel Cemetery, Middlebourne, Tyler Co., WV. (Information & photo from
Haddox Erven A. [Male] b. 1893 - d. 1899 Savannah Cemetery, Rosemead, Los Angeles Co., CA
Person ID: 9837
Addes: 26 JUL 2014
Erven A. & Minerva E. Twins of E. M & C. Haddox
 Burials are in Grave 1 (Erven) & Grave 2 (Minerva), Lot 13, Section L, Savannah Memorial Park Cemetery, Rosemead, Los Angeles Co., CA. (
Haddox Eugene [Male]
Person ID: 9838
Addes: 26 JUL 2014
Haddox Ezekiel [Male] b. ABT 1795 Virginia - d. BEF 1830 Monongalia Co., VA
Person ID: 9839
Addes: 26 JUL 2014
Haddox Ezekiel [Male]
Person ID: 9840
Addes: 26 JUL 2014
List of Tithables by John Moffen for 1777 in Leeds Parish of Fauquier Co., VA included Ezekiel Haddux with 1 tithable. (Alcock(2)* :36 - Pg 2, Col. 1)
List of Tithes by William Pickett for 1779 in Leeds Parish of Fauquier Co., VA included Ezekiel Haddox (Alcock(2)* :51 - Pg 2, Col. 1)
William Pickett's list of Tithables for 1783 in Leeds Parish of Fauquier Co., VA included Ezekiel Haddox, with one white male over 21, 2 cattle and 2 horses. (Alcock(2)* :137 - Pg. 2, left list)
Ezekiel [his mark] Haddox, John [his mark] Corder & James Davis witnessed lease by Jacob Martin for 200 acres for 21 years on 14 April 1786. (Alcock(2)* :160)
Ezekiel Haddox witnessed a lease of land in Manor of Leeds, Fairfax Co, VA by William Smith of said county on 15 April 1786. (Fau(1)* :23 - Deeds 9:205)
At the Fauquier Co., VA Court of 26 May 1786 judgment was granted in William Scott;s petition against Ezekiel Haddox & James Corder in the amount of �2.9.3 plus costs. (Sparacio(6)* 1786-7:31 - pg 401)
At the Fauquier Co., VA Court of 25 Sept 1786 John Corder & Ezekiel Haddox gave oath as witnesses to the Indentures of Lease between Denny Fairfax and Jacob Martin; and between Denny Fairfax and William Smith. (Sparacio(6)* 1786-7:86 - pg 97)
At the Fauquier Co., VA Court of 25 Sept 1786 Samuel Burk & Ezekiel Haddox gave oath as witnesses to the Indenture of Lease between Denny Fairfax & William Crawford. (Sparacio(6)* 1786-7:87 - pg 98)
An Indenture of Lease between Denny Fairfax (by Thomas Brian Martin, his Attorney & Ezekiel Haddox was proved by the oaths of Samuel Burke & Jacob Martin, witnesses, at the Fauquier Co., VA Court of 25 Sept 1786. (Sparacio(6)* 1786-7:88 - pg 100)
Fairfax Co., VA Court of 25 Sept 1786. "On motion of Thomas Maddox by his Attorney, Judgment is granted him against William Filkins and Ezekiel Haddox for five pounds, three shillings and seven pence current money (being the amount of a Replevy Bond entered into by William Filkins and Ezekiel Haddox as his Security) and also for his costs by him in this behalf expended, it appearing they had legal notice of this motion; But this Judgment is to be discharged by payment of two pounds, eleven shillings and nine pence half penny with Interest thereon to be computed after the rate of five percentum per annum from the thirteenth day of May 1786 till paid and the costs." (Sparacio(6)* :1786-7:90 - pg 102)
Alienations of Land in Fauquier County, VA for the year 1786 includes Ezekiel Haddocks of Lord Fairfax's Estate (from Frederick Roll), 200 acres, average 4/ per acre, amount of value �40..0..0, Tax �0..12..0. (Sparacio(5)* 1783-87:67 - Pg 86. Also at Sparacio(5)* :76 - Land Tax Return for 1786, pg 97)
Fauquier Co., VA Land Tax Return of Edward Humston for 1787 includes Ezekiel Haddox of Lord Fairfax, 200 acres, 4/ avg. per acre, �40..0..0, tax �0..12..0. (Sparacio(5)* 1783-87:98 - pg 128)
Fauquier Co., VA Land Tax Return of Edward Humston for 1788 includes Ezekiel Haddox of Lord Fairfax, 200 acres, 4/ avg. per acre, amount of value �40..0..0, tax �0..12..0 (Sparacio(5)* 1787-91:19 - pg 170)
The lease of Jacob Martin of 200 acres for the term of 21 years, dated 14 April 1799 in Leeds Manor, Fauquier Co., VA, was signed by Jacob X Martin his mark, with witnesses John Corder X, James Davis and Ezekiel Haddox X. (Alcock(2)* :160)
Fauquier Co., VA Land Tax Return of Edward Humston for 1789 includes Ezekiel Haddox of Fairfax, 200 acres, 4/ avg. per acre, amount of value �40..0..0, tax �0..12..0. (Sparacio(5)* 1787-91:44 - pg 214)
Fauquier Co., VA Land Tax Return of Edward Humston for 1790 includes Ezekiel Haddox, 200 acres, 4/ avg. per acre, amount of value �40..0..0, tax �0..12..0. (Sparacio(5)* 1787-91:69 p pg 254)
Fauquier Co., VA Land Tax Return of Edward Humston for 1791 includes Ezekiel Haddox, 200 acres, 4/ avg. per acre, amount of value �40..0..0, tax �0..12..0. (Sparacio(5)* 1787-91:94 - pg 299)
There was a court order of Oct 1795 in Fauquier Co., VA, requiring appraisal of the estate of Ezekial Haddux. (Peters(1)* - Clerk's Loose Papers, Probate, Box 39, Index No. 1796-001)
Inventory of Ezekiel Haddux (undated), recorded 24 Dec 1795. Estate valued at �43.15.3 for household items & stock. Report prepared by Ambrose Barnett, Samuel Steele & John Cooke. (Buck(1)* :25 - 3:28)
Haddux, Ezekiel. 77M, 82-83, 87B-95H. Minute Book 11:329, 1795, Anthony McKittrick ag him; wit Stephen Rogers comes 20 miles and Henry Ward 18. Minute Book 12:9, October 1795. Mary Haddux with surety Michael Flynn admin and inv Wills 3:28 order. (Alcock(1)* :152)
Haddox Flora Etta [Female] b. 1864 - d. 23 JUN 1865 Duke Family Cemetery, Benton Ridge, Hancock Co., OH
Person ID: 9841
Addes: 26 JUL 2014
Haddox Flora W. [Female] b. SEP 1894 California
Person ID: 9842
Addes: 26 JUL 2014
Haddox George [Male] b. 1818 Virginia - d. 19 JUN 1898 Pleasants Co., WV
Person ID: 9843
Addes: 26 JUL 2014
Named in father's biography (see his Notes)
George Haddox & Selina Husher were married 12 May 1843 in Tyler Co., VA. Records also show they married on 14 May 1843 in Ritchie Co., VA. (* - Virginia Marriages)
Haddox George Peter [Male] b. MAY 1858
Person ID: 9844
Addes: 26 JUL 2014
Haddox Goldie G. [Female] b. JUL 1899 California
Person ID: 9845
Addes: 26 JUL 2014
Haddox Golodat [Male] b. ABT 1840 Ohio
Person ID: 9846
Addes: 26 JUL 2014
Per the 1850 Census of Putnam Co., OH.
Haddox Hannah [Female] b. 26 DEC 1831
Person ID: 9847
Addes: 26 JUL 2014
Haddox Hannah M. [Female] b. NOV 1876
Person ID: 9848
Addes: 26 JUL 2014
Haddox Harry [Male] b. ABT 1875
Person ID: 9849
Addes: 26 JUL 2014
Haddox Harry P. [Male] b. FEB 1866
Person ID: 9850
Addes: 26 JUL 2014
Haddox Henry [Male] b. ABT 1795 Fauquier Co., VA - d. 1885 Ritchie Co., WV
Person ID: 9851
Addes: 26 JUL 2014
Henry Haddocks & Fanny Lacy were married 31 Jan 1816 in Fauquier Co., VA. (* - Virginia Marriages)
Haddox Hezekiah [Male] b. ABT 1793
Person ID: 9852
Addes: 26 JUL 2014
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