Sothoron & Related Families - 43 (Notes Pages)
For privacy reasons, Date of Birth and Date of Marriage for persons believed to still be living are not shown.
Thomas Kitty Ann [Female] b. BET 1806 AND 1813 Charles Co., MD - d. 1825
Person ID: 853
Updated: 21 JUN 2015
Caleb Thomas (born between 1756 & 1760, died intestate between 18 Dec 1813 & 22 March 1814) married Priscilla Anderson, his 3rd marriage, in 1805. They had 5 children between 1806 & 1813: Rebecca, Kitty Ann, Pricy Wilson, Maria, Caleb Sothoron & Adeline. - Priscilla Anderson & her brother Henry Anderson were children of Mary Sothoron (daughter of Richard) & Jonathan Anderson. (Sween Library* - "Thomas Family in Maryland” - in Thomas Family folder, undated & unsigned)
** Notes from Linda Reno*:
Will of Kitty Ann Thomas, Charles County, 9/27/1824-2/19/1825. Mother: Priscilla Thomas, all estate and to serve as Exec. Wit.: Thomas Martin, Joshua Estep, Jane S. Estep. (Charles County Wills, 1817-1825, p. 348, image 186, Family Search).
4/16/1814: Reappraisal and distribution of the personal estate of Caleb Thomas. Widow's share; John T. Walls; Daniel Townshend; Mary Thomas, Rebecca Thomas; Kitty Ann Thomas; Pricy Wilson Maria Thomas; Caleb Sothoron Thomas; Adeline Thomas. (Charles County Inventories and Accounts, 1812-1815, p. 278, image 153, Family Search).
2/13/1826: Distribution of the personal estate of Caleb Thomas. To: Pricey Thomas, widow, 1/3; John T. Wall, wife Elizabeth one of the children; Daniel Townsend, wife Susan one of the children; John B. Thomas, wife Mary one of the children; Joshua Estep, wife Rebecca one of the children; Kitty Ann Thomas, one of the children; Caleb Thomas, one of the children; Pricey W. A. Thomas, one of the children; and James Morton, wife Maria one of the children. The children each got 1/8 part of the estate. (Charles County Administration Accounts, 1825-1829, p. 103, image 53, Family Search).
Thomas Maria P. [Female] b. ABT 1812 Charles Co., MD - d. 9 NOV 1876 Baltimore City, MD
Updated: 25 MAR 2012
Nickname: Pricy
Person ID: 854
Updated: 21 JUN 2015
Caleb Thomas (born between 1756 & 1760, died intestate between 18 Dec 1813 & 22 March 1814) married Priscilla Anderson, his 3rd marriage, in 1805. They had 5 children between 1806 & 1813: Rebecca, Kitty Ann, Pricy Wilson, Maria, Caleb Sothoron & Adeline. - Priscilla Anderson & her brother Henry Anderson were children of Mary Sothoron (daughter of Richard) & Jonathan Anderson. (Sween Library* - "Thomas Family in Maryland” - in Thomas Family folder, undated & unsigned)
** From Reno* (personal communication)
Maria P. Thomas, dau. of Priscilla Anderson & John Caleb Thomas, b. abt.1808, d. 9 Nov 1876 in Baltimore City, MD; m. on 5 Nov 1826 James Morton, son of Catherine Billingsley & Joseph Morton, b. 1786, d. 9 July 1842.
1876-11-10; Paper: Sun. MORTON--At 273 Druid Hill Ave., on Thursday morning, Nov. 9, after a short and painful illness, Mrs. Maria P. Morton, in her 69th year, formerly of Charles Co. (Courtesy, Tom Jennings)
** Census Records
1850 Federal Census (1850.06.01, Recorded 1850.10.10) - Bryantown Dist., Charles Co., MD - Page 286A, Ln 25, 1141/1141 - Maria P. Morton, 37 year old female, born in Md. ("Occupation" is blank). - John Morton, 22 year old male Farmer, born in Md. Real property valued at $40,000. - Mary E. " , 15 year old female, born in Md. - Catherine " , 11 year old female, born in Md. - Susan R. " , 8 year old female, born in Md.
1860 Federal Census (1860.06.01, Recorded 1860.08.27) Patuxent City P.O., Bryantown Dist., Charles Co., MD - Pg 83, Ln 14, 666/684 - Maria Morton, 49 year old Female, Farming, born in Maryland. Real property valued at $20,000, personal property at $45,000. - John C. Morton, 30 year old male Clerk, born in Maryland. Real property valued at $20,000, personal property at $10,000. - Susan " , 20 year old female, born in Maryland. Personal property valued at $12,000, personal property at $12,000. - Catherine " , 18 year old white female, born in Maryland. Real property valued at $12,000(?), personal property at $2,800(?). - George Black, 16 year old Black male Servant, born in Maryland.
Asleep in Jesus. In memory of a beloved Mother MARIA P. MORTON Who died in the city of Baltimore on Nov. 9, 1876, aged 68 years.
 Grave Marker at St. Mary's Episcopal Chapel Cemetery, Aquasco, Prince George's Co., MD. (Photo & information from
** Notes from Linda Reno*:
4/16/1814: Reappraisal and distribution of the personal estate of Caleb Thomas. Widow's share; John T. Walls; Daniel Townshend; Mary Thomas, Rebecca Thomas; Kitty Ann Thomas; Pricy Wilson Maria Thomas; Caleb Sothoron Thomas; Adeline Thomas. (Charles County Inventories and Accounts, 1812-1815, p. 278, image 153, Family Search).
2/13/1826: Distribution of the personal estate of Caleb Thomas. To: Pricey Thomas, widow, 1/3; John T. Wall, wife Elizabeth one of the children; Daniel Townsend, wife Susan one of the children; John B. Thomas, wife Mary one of the children; Joshua Estep, wife Rebecca one of the children; Kitty Ann Thomas, one of the children; Caleb Thomas, one of the children; Pricey W. A. Thomas, one of the children; and James Morton, wife Maria one of the children. The children each got 1/8 part of the estate. (Charles County Administration Accounts, 1825-1829, p. 103, image 53, Family Search).
5/29/1846: Admin. accts. of Robert Davis, SMC show a payment to Maria P. Morton, administrator of James Morton, dec'd and receipt thereon appears of K. Suit. There is also a bill for Morton and Posey. The bill was dated 7/10/1845. All of these bills mention a receipt from K. Suit.
1850, Bryantown, Charles Co.: Maria P. Morton, 37; John, 22, farmer, $40,000 in real estate; Mary E., 15; Catherine, 11; Susan R., 8.
8/1/1859: Maria P. Morton vs. Daniel N. Washington. Bill of Complaint states that on 6/27/1845 Daniel N. Washington, by his deed, conveyed to Maria P. Morton, land in SMC called "Lot 4", a "Pt. of Trent Neck", 300 ac. to which deed there was a condition annexed that on or before 7/1/1850, Daniel N. should pay her the sum of $900. Daniel has not paid any of this money although the time has long since elapsed. He lives in St. Mary's Co. She requests that the land be sold.
6/12/1860: Daniel N. Washington appears in court and states that he has paid large amounts of money on this mortgage and cannot admit that the whole sum is due as was stated.
3/28/1865: Complainant suggests death of Daniel N. Washington, the defendant, in January 1865. That he left a widow, Martha M. Washington and Clara M., William, James, and J. Hawkins Washington, his children and heirs at law (children are minors).
10/30/1865: Martha M. Washington, widow appears in court and admits the execution of the mortgage in this case and the facts stated in the aforegoing petition and claims that as the widow of the dec'd, she is entitled to have her dower laid off.
11/24/1865: James S. Downs was appointed Guardian ad litem to the minor children.
12/18/1865: Martha M. Washington agrees that the land is to be sold and to take her proportion of the sale in lieu of dower.
3/20/1866: The defendants are ordered to pay the plaintiff $881.64 with interest from 7/7/1854 and court costs, before 5/1/1867. Frederick Stone of CC appointed trustee to make sale of the land and must post bond in the amount of $10,000 with security. Bond was filed by Stone with George Forbes and Joseph H. Key of SMC as his securities.
6/20/1866: Stone comes into court and states that the land was offered for sale on 6/19/1866 at the Court House door in Leonardtown and was sold to John W. Tippett for $4,055.
12/17/1866: Auditor's report filed (this report shows land was sold for $4005). After expenses, the balance was $3,687.15. To: Martha M. Washington, widow, 2/15 ($540.66). To: Maria P. Morton, mortgagee, principal and interest ($1,513.78). Other payments finally leaving a balance of $3,687.15. (There is no distribution shown to the children of Daniel Washington).
Ref.: Land Commission Record, 1843-1884 by Wanda Schuhart.
1860, Bryantown, Charles Co.: Maria Morton, 49, farmer; John C. Morton, 30, planter; Susan Morton, 20; Catherine Morton, 18.
1876-11-10; Paper: Sun. MORTON--At 273 Druid Hill Ave, on Thursday morning, Nov. 9, after a short and painful illness, Mrs. Maria P. Morton, in her 69th year, formerly of Charles Co. (Courtesy, Tom Jennings).
3/6/1877--Benjamin F. Bowling & Mary E. Bowling of Charles Co., Md., and George F. Adams, of Baltimore City, Adms. of goods & chattels of Maria P. Morton, dec'd., filed a bill of complaint stating on 6/2/1869, Joseph F. Shaw & Fannie Shaw, being indebted to Maria P. Morton for $706.81, and in order to secure payment did by deed convey to Maria P. Morton, land known as "Indian Creek" of 707-3/4 acres, but if payment was made deed would be void. Maria P. Morton departed this life in Baltimore City 11/9/1876, intestate. Letters of Administration have been granted to your orators by Orphan's Ct. of Baltimore City. Fannie Shaw, one of your defendants has since married with James W. Thomas. Although a payment has been made, a balance of $911.82 with interest is due.
Exhibit- mortage deed made 6/2/1869 by Joseph F. Shaw & Fannie Shaw to Maria P. Morton of P. G. Co., Md. for "Indian Creek".
Commission ordered to investigate claim after defendants failed to respond to summons. Commission met in Baltimore on 5/25/1877 at the office of Dr. George F. Adams, on Dolphin St., he a witness. On 6/2/1877 they met at the office of D. S. Briscoe (Davis S.), Solicitor for complainants. On 9/19/1877 Court decreed land to be sold and appoints Davis S. Briscoe as Trustee for the sale. On 12/4/1877 Joseph F. Shaw's interest in land is sold to Theophilus Harrison for $1900, it being sufficient money to satisfy claim, the balance of land was withdrawn.
Exhibit -Mortgage made by Joseph F. Shaw, who in consideration for the sum of $1600 due from him to Theophilus Harrison conveys 225 acres of "Shaw's Retreat" in the 5th election district which he inherited from his mother and bounded by the lands of Mrs. James W. Thomas, Mrs Col. John H. Sothoron and "Indian Creek", and if payment was made deed would be void. (ST. MARY'S COUNTY, CIRCUIT COURT,(Equity Record), 1873-1879, CE414, JFF 2 A4836, A4894, A4926, A4950, A5001, A5039, A5042, A5054, A5078, ì A5095, A5153, A5183, A5225, A5232, A5233, A5257, A5276, (page 237) digital page 286-299, My Abstract)
Thomas Caleb Sothoron [Male] b. BET 1806 AND 1810 Charles Co., MD - d. AFT 1826
Person ID: 856
Updated: 21 JUN 2015
Caleb Thomas (born between 1756 & 1760, died intestate between 18 Dec 1813 & 22 March 1814) married Priscilla Anderson, his 3rd marriage, in 1805. They had 5 children between 1806 & 1813: Rebecca, Kitty Ann, Pricy Wilson, Maria, Caleb Sothoron & Adeline. - Priscilla Anderson & her brother Henry Anderson were children of Mary Sothoron (daughter of Richard) & Jonathan Anderson. (Sween Library* - "Thomas Family in Maryland” - in Thomas Family folder, undated & unsigned)
See father's Notes for 1810 Federal Census.
** Notes from Linda Reno*:
4/16/1814: Reappraisal and distribution of the personal estate of Caleb Thomas. Widow's share; John T. Walls; Daniel Townshend; Mary Thomas, Rebecca Thomas; Kitty Ann Thomas; Pricy Wilson Maria Thomas; Caleb Sothoron Thomas; Adeline Thomas. (Charles County Inventories and Accounts, 1812-1815, p. 278, image 153, Family Search).
2/13/1826: Distribution of the personal estate of Caleb Thomas. To: Pricey Thomas, widow, 1/3; John T. Wall, wife Elizabeth one of the children; Daniel Townsend, wife Susan one of the children; John B. Thomas, wife Mary one of the children; Joshua Estep, wife Rebecca one of the children; Kitty Ann Thomas, one of the children; Caleb Thomas, one of the children; Pricey W. A. Thomas, one of the children; and James Morton, wife Maria one of the children. The children each got 1/8 part of the estate. (Charles County Administration Accounts, 1825-1829, p. 103, image 53, Family Search).
Thomas Adeline [Female] b. BET 1806 AND 1813 Charles Co., MD
Person ID: 857
Caleb Thomas (born between 1756 & 1760, died intestate between 18 Dec 1813 & 22 March 1814) married Priscilla Anderson, his 3rd marriage, in 1805. They had 5 children between 1806 & 1813: Rebecca, Kitty Ann, Pricy Wilson, Maria, Caleb Sothoron & Adeline. - Priscilla Anderson & her brother Henry Anderson were children of Mary Sothoron (daughter of Richard) & Jonathan Anderson. (Sween Library* - "Thomas Family in Maryland” - in Thomas Family folder, undated & unsigned)
Slye Susanna Gerard [Female]
Person ID: 858
Elizabeth Sotheron married James Briscoe, son of Edward Briscoe & Susannah Gerrard Slye. (* {Church Records}, Charles Co, MD, about 1765)
James Briscoe (son of Edward Briscoe (1685 - 1726, Charles Co., MD) & Susanna Gerard Slye) married in 1765 in Charles Co., MD, Elizabeth Sothoron, widow of Wright and of Slye. James is mentioned in his father's will, and left his own will when dying in Charles Co. in 1800. - There were 4 children: Edward (1767 - 1815), who married Sarah Marshall Wilkinson; Richard Sothoron (1769-1843), who married Theodosia Stone McPherson; Col. Gerard (? - bef. 1823); and Philip Trueman. (Sween Library* - Briscoe Family Folder - author & date unknown: credits Carol Mitchell for the information)
Briscoe Edward [Male] b. 1685 - d. 1726 Charles Co., MD
Person ID: 859
Elizabeth Sotheron married James Briscoe, son of Edward Briscoe & Susannah Gerrard Slye. (* {Church Records}, Charles Co, MD, about 1765)
James Briscoe (son of Edward Briscoe (1685 - 1726, Charles Co., MD) & Susanna Gerard Slye) married in 1765 in Charles Co., MD, Elizabeth Sothoron, widow of Wright and of Slye. James is mentioned in his father's will, and left his own will when dying in Charles Co. in 1800. - There were 4 children: Edward (1767 - 1815), who married Sarah Marshall Wilkinson; Richard Sothoron (1769-1843), who married Theodosia Stone McPherson; Col. Gerard (? - bef. 1823); and Philip Trueman. (Sween Library* - Briscoe Family Folder - author & date unknown: credits Carol Mitchell for the information)
Briscoe Edward [Male] b. 1767 Charles Co., MD - d. 10 MAR 1815 Charles Co., MD
Person ID: 860
James Briscoe (son of Edward Briscoe (1685 - 1726, Charles Co., MD) & Susanna Gerard Slye) married in 1765 in Charles Co., MD, Elizabeth Sothoron, widow of Wright and of Slye. James is mentioned in his father's will, and left his own will when dying in Charles Co. in 1800. - There were 4 children: Edward (1767 - 1815), who married Sarah Marshall Wilkinson; Richard Sothoron (1769-1843), who married Theodosia Stone McPherson; Col. Gerard (? - bef. 1823); and Philip Trueman. (Sween Library* - Briscoe Family Folder - author & date unknown: credits Carol Mitchell for the information)
Edward Briscoe was born to Elizabeth Sothoron & James Briscoe in Charles Co., MD in 1767. He married Sarah Marshall Wilkinson in Charles Co., MD before 1799, and died 10 March 1815 in the same county. Sarah was born in 1780 in Charles Co., MD & died after 1820. (Reno*)
1800 Federal Census (1800.08.04) Pomonkey Hundred, St. George's Parish, Charles Co., MD - Pg 102A, Ln 5 - Edward Briscoe - Free white males 26 - 44...1 - ...........females under 10...2 - ..........................16 - 25...2 - ..............................45+...1 - ..........................Slaves...17
1810 Federal Census (1810.08.06) Charles Co., MD - Pg 84, Ln 15 - Edward Briscoe - Free white males under 10...2 - .............................10 - 15...1 - .............................26 - 44...1 - ..............females under 10...1 - .............................10 - 15...1 - .............................16 - 25...1 - .............................26 - 44...1 - .............................Slaves...11
Wright Richard [Male] b. BEF 1726 - d. BEF 1768 Charles Co., MD
Person ID: 861
Additional account of James Briscoe & Elizabeth his wife, administratrix of Richard Wright, late of Charles Co., dec'd. Sureties George Grimes & Joseph Letchworth. Distribution to widow,1/3, with residue to only child Ann, who was 11 years old the 7th of March last. (Admin Accts :342, Charles Co., MD, 1768.07.15)
Slye Thomas Gerard [Male] b. BEF 1746 Charles Co., MD - d. 15 AUG 1764 Charles Co., MD
Person ID: 862
ELIZABETH4 SOTHORON (RICHARD3, JOHN2, RICHARD1) was born Bef. 1750 in St. Mary's Co., MD, and died Aft. 1792 in Charles Co., MD. She married (1) THOMAS GERARD SLYE Bef. 1765 in MD, son of JOHN SLYE and ELEANOR COMPTON. He was born Bef. 1746 in Charles Co., MD, and died Bef. 1767 in Charles Co., MD. She married (2) RICHARD WRIGHT Bef. 1766. He was born Bef. 1726, and died Bef. 1768 in Charles Co., MD. She married (3) JAMES BRISCOE Bef. 1768 in Charles Co., MD, son of EDWARD BRISCOE and SUSANNA SLYE. He was born 1726 in Charles Co., MD, and died 1792 in Charles Co., MD. (Reno*)
Charles Co. returns. Gerrald Slye his Admin. Bond in common form by Elizabeth Slye his admx. with Richard Sothoron & John Sothoron his sureties in the sum of �500. (Test Proc 40:323, Charles Co., MD, 1764.04.17, Recorded 1764.07.31)
John Sothoron Slye was born in June 1764, in Charles Co., MD, to Elizabeth Sothoron & Thomas Slye. He died after 1779. (Reno*)
Account of James Briscoe of Charles Co. & Elizabeth his wife, administrators of the estate of Thomas Gerard Slye, late of Charles Co., dec'd. Includes payments to Zachariah Bond & Henry Sothoron, merchants. (Admin Accts :210, Charles Co., MD, 1767.07.02)
Final account of Thomas Gerard Slye, who died 15 August 1764. Sureties Richd Sothoron of St. Mary's Co. & Jno Sothoron of Charles Co. Distribution to widow, 1/3; residue to his 2 children: Mary Slye, 5 years old 1 April last; & John Sothoron Slye, 4 years old 1 June last. Administratrix Elizabeth Briscoe, wife of James Briscoe. (Admin Accts :343, Charles Co., MD, 1768.07.15)
John Southern Slye an orphan son of Thomas Slye, 15 years old, chooses James the son of Sorrow Briscoe for his guardian. Bond & sureity by John Southern & Richard Nelson in the sum of �1,000. (Wills AF#7:320, Charles Co., MD, 1779.04.13, Recorded 1779.04.13)
Mary Slye (born between 1760 & 1766 in Charles Co., died 20 Dec. 1795 in Charles Co.), daughter of Elizabeth Sothoron & Thomas Slye, married in Charles Co., MD on 24 January 1786, Ignatius Wood (born 14 Feb. 1760 in St. Mary's Co., died 25 Jan. 1820 in Charles Co.) (Reno*)
Wilkinson Sarah Marshall [Female] b. 1780 Charles Co., MD - d. AFT 1820
Person ID: 863
James Briscoe (son of Edward Briscoe (1685 - 1726, Charles Co., MD) & Susanna Gerard Slye) married in 1765 in Charles Co., MD, Elizabeth Sothoron, widow of Wright and of Slye. James is mentioned in his father's will, and left his own will when dying in Charles Co. in 1800. - There were 4 children: Edward (1767 - 1815), who married Sarah Marshall Wilkinson; Richard Sothoron (1769-1843), who married Theodosia Stone McPherson; Col. Gerard (? - bef. 1823); and Philip Trueman. (Sween Library* - Briscoe Family Folder - author & date unknown: credits Carol Mitchell for the information)
Edward Briscoe was born to Elizabeth Sothoron & James Briscoe in Charles Co., MD in 1767. He married Sarah Marshall Wilkinson in Charles Co., MD before 1799, and died 10 March 1815 in the same county. Sarah was born in 1780 in Charles Co., MD & died after 1820. (Reno*)
Rishop:, 8/12/1999 who states she was the dau. of William Wilkinson and Ann Herbert Dent. (Reno*)
5/22/1799: William M. Wilkinson. Nearest of kin: Sarah Marshall Briscoe. Admx.: Ann Herbert Wilkinson. (Reno* - Charles Co., Maryland Probate Records, Inventories, Pt. III, 1791-1808, compiled by Ruth King and Carol Mitchell, Maryland Genealogical Society Bulletin, Vol. 25, #3).
7/4/1816: John Dent of Augusta, GA to Sarah Marshall Briscoe as admin. of estate of Dr. Edward Briscoe, dec'd, late of Charles Co., MD. land on Mattawoman in Charles Co. (Reno*)
Briscoe Richard Sothoron [Male] b. 1769 Charles Co., MD - d. 6 JAN 1843 Washington, DC
Person ID: 864
James Briscoe (son of Edward Briscoe (1685 - 1726, Charles Co., MD) & Susanna Gerard Slye) married in 1765 in Charles Co., MD, Elizabeth Sothoron, widow of Wright and of Slye. James is mentioned in his father's will, and left his own will when dying in Charles Co. in 1800. - There were 4 children: Edward (1767 - 1815), who married Sarah Marshall Wilkinson; Richard Sothoron (1769-1843), who married Theodosia Stone McPherson; Col. Gerard (? - bef. 1823); and Philip Trueman. (Sween Library* - Briscoe Family Folder - author & date unknown: credits Carol Mitchell for the information)
Inventory of Levin Sothoron late of Charles Co. dec'd. Includes 13 Negroes, 6 horses, 23 hogs, one yoke of oxen, 11 cattle, 2 bedrooms of furniture, 1 mirror, shoemaker's tools, brick mold, carpenters tools. Total value �2123.85.00. Creditors: Gerrard Briscoe & Richard S. Briscoe. Appraisers: Joseph Morton & Richard S. Briscoe. Nearest kin: Zachrey Sothoron & Leven Sothoron. At the foot is written, 10 Dec 1799: "Came Thomas Letchworth Sothoron executor of Levin Sothoron..." and swore to the accuracy of the inventory. (Inv & Accts :215, Charles Co., MD, 1799.11.27, Recorded 1799.12.10)
Deed of trust recorded at request of seller. Zachariah Sothoron of Charles Co. applied for relief of sundry insolvent debtors, and Chancellor on 22 Feb 1804 appointed Miley Harbin of Charles Co. trustee on behalf of creditors of Zachariah Sothoron, and directed execution of deed transferring all assets except clothing and bedding. Witness: Richard S. Briscoe, Gerrard Briscoe. (Land Rec IB#6:52, Charles Co., MD, 1804.02.28, Recorded 1804.03.06)
1/10/1811: I certify that Thomas G. Slye brought before me a stray bay mare. Richard S. Briscoe, J.P. (Reno* - Abstracts from the National Intelligencer, 1811-1813).
5/29/1816: Mrs. Mary Ann Clements, having lately become a resident of Washington City, near the lower bridge, leading to Georgetown, offcers her services as a midwife. Richard S. Briscoe has been acquainted with her character for nearly 20 years; Maryland is his native state. (Reno* - National Intelligencer Newspaper Abstracts, 1814-1817).
1820 Federal Census (1820.08.07) Ward 1, Washington, DC - Pg 7, Ln 18 - R.S. Briscoe - Free white males 16 - 17...1 - ...........females under 10...1 - ..........................26 - 44...1 - ...............................45+...1 - ...........................Slaves...8
1830 Federal Census (1830.06.01) Ward 1, Washington, DC - Pg 61, Ln 11 - Rd. S. Briscoe - Free white males 20 - 29...1 - ..........................40 - 49...1 - ..............females 10 - 14...1 - ..........................15 - 19...1 - ..........................30 - 39...1 - ...........................Slaves...5
1840 Federal Census (1840.06.01) Washington, DC - Pg 19, Ln 10 - R.S. Briscoe - Free white males 60 - 69...1 - ..............females 50 - 59...1 - ...........................Slaves...4
1/9/1843: Died January 3 of pneumonia, Mrs. Mary Briscoe in her 64th year. On Friday, January 6, of the same disease, her husband, Richard Sothoron Briscoe, age 74. They were for more than 35 years residents of Washington City and died respected by all who knew them. Their remains were removed to the family burying place in Charles Co., Md. (Reno* - National Intelligencer Newspaper Abstracts, 1843).
1/23/1843: Orphan's Ct. of Washington Co., D.C. Letters of administration on the personal estate of Richard S. Briscoe, late of sd. county, dec'd. George Fletcher, Admin. (Reno* - National Intelligencer Newspaper Abstracts, 1843).
1/26/1843: Household furniture, carriage and horse, at auction by order of the Orphan's Court of Washington Co., D.C. at the late residence of Mr. R. S. Briscoe, dec'd on I Street, between 20th and 21st Streets. The house is for rent. Robert W. Dyer and Co., auctioneers. (Reno* - National Intelligencer Newspaper Abstracts, 1843).
McPherson Theodosa Stone [Female]
Person ID: 865
James Briscoe (son of Edward Briscoe (1685 - 1726, Charles Co., MD) & Susanna Gerard Slye) married in 1765 in Charles Co., MD, Elizabeth Sothoron, widow of Wright and of Slye. James is mentioned in his father's will, and left his own will when dying in Charles Co. in 1800. - There were 4 children: Edward (1767 - 1815), who married Sarah Marshall Wilkinson; Richard Sothoron (1769-1843), who married Theodosia Stone McPherson; Col. Gerard (? - bef. 1823); and Philip Trueman. (Sween Library* - Briscoe Family Folder - author & date unknown: credits Carol Mitchell for the information)
Briscoe Gerard [Male] b. 1768 Trinity Parish, Charles Co., MD - d. 2 APR 1811 Charles Co., MD
Person ID: 866
James Briscoe (son of Edward Briscoe (1685 - 1726, Charles Co., MD) & Susanna Gerard Slye) married in 1765 in Charles Co., MD, Elizabeth Sothoron, widow of Wright and of Slye. James is mentioned in his father's will, and left his own will when dying in Charles Co. in 1800. - There were 4 children: Edward (1767 - 1815), who married Sarah Marshall Wilkinson; Richard Sothoron (1769-1843), who married Theodosia Stone McPherson; Col. Gerard (? - bef. 1823); and Philip Trueman. (Sween Library* - Briscoe Family Folder - author & date unknown: credits Carol Mitchell for the information)
Gerard Briscoe was born in Charles Co., MD in 1768, to Elizabeth Sothoron & James Briscoe. He married Hannah after 1788, (Reno*)
Inventory of Levin Sothoron late of Charles Co. dec'd. Includes 13 Negroes, 6 horses, 23 hogs, one yoke of oxen, 11 cattle, 2 bedrooms of furniture, 1 mirror, shoemaker's tools, brick mold, carpenters tools. Total value �2123.85.00. Creditors: Gerrard Briscoe & Richard S. Briscoe. Appraisers: Joseph Morton & Richard S. Briscoe. Nearest kin: Zachrey Sothoron & Leven Sothoron. At the foot is written, 10 Dec 1799: "Came Thomas Letchworth Sothoron executor of Levin Sothoron..." and swore to the accuracy of the inventory. (Inv & Accts :215, Charles Co., MD, 1799.11.27, Recorded 1799.12.10)
At request of buyer, deed recorded. Thomas Letchworth Sothoron & Gerald Briscoe, both of Charles Co., sell to Robert Ferguson Charles Co. as well as on behalf of Alexander Henderson, Robert Ferguson, John Gibson, joint partners in trade under the name of Henderson, Ferguson & Gibson. For �1269.12.5 due under joint bond with Richard Sothoron Briscoe dated 14 Nov 1797, sell black slaves: 21 year old Jack, 6 year old George, 40 year old Sarah, 10 year old Rachell and future increase of Sarah & Rachell. Witness: James Freeman. (Land Rec IB#5:50, Charles Co., MD, 1801.10.14, Recorded 1801.10.22)
Schedule of assets & liabilities of Thomas L. Sothoron, dated 10 March 1803. Assets include 1/24 part of improved lot in Benedict Town, Charles Co; one old Stein; several pieces of houseware. Creditors include John Forbes �150; Henderson, Ferguson & Gibson �600; Gerrard Briscoe �30; Dr. Charles Smoot �15; total of approx. �2,500. (Chancery Papers 4465E, Charles Co., MD)
Zachariah Sothoron petitions for relief under Act of General Assembly entitled "an act for the Relief of sundry Insolvent debtors", giving up all real & personal holdings, requests naming of trustee. Assets include 100 acres left him by his father, 1/24 of a lot in Benedict Town, parcel of old lumber & one old plank table. Creditors include Francis Sothoron 30 s., John J. Sothoron 30 s., Gerrard Briscoe �20. (Chancery Papers 4522, Charles Co., MD, 1803.05.23)
Deed of trust recorded at request of seller. Zachariah Sothoron of Charles Co. applied for relief of sundry insolvent debtors, and Chancellor on 22 Feb 1804 appointed Miley Harbin of Charles Co. trustee on behalf of creditors of Zachariah Sothoron, and directed execution of deed transferring all assets except clothing and bedding. Witness: Richard S. Briscoe, Gerrard Briscoe. (Land Rec IB#6:52, Charles Co., MD, 1804.02.28, Recorded 1804.03.06)
Gerard Briscoe, son of Elizabeth Sothoron & James Briscoe, died. He was born in Trinity Parish, Charles Co. (White*, Charles Co., MD, 1811.04.02)
1810 Federal Census (1810.08.06) Charles Co., MD - Pg 102B, Ln 7 - Gerard Briscoe - Free white males under 10...1 - ............................26 - 44...1 - ................females 16 - 25...1 - ............................Slaves...20
Briscoe Philip Truman [Male] b. BEF 1787 Charles Co., MD - d. AFT 1810
Person ID: 867
James Briscoe (son of Edward Briscoe (1685 - 1726, Charles Co., MD) & Susanna Gerard Slye) married in 1765 in Charles Co., MD, Elizabeth Sothoron, widow of Wright and of Slye. James is mentioned in his father's will, and left his own will when dying in Charles Co. in 1800. - There were 4 children: Edward (1767 - 1815), who married Sarah Marshall Wilkinson; Richard Sothoron (1769-1843), who married Theodosia Stone McPherson; Col. Gerard (? - bef. 1823); and Philip Trueman. (Sween Library* - Briscoe Family Folder - author & date unknown: credits Carol Mitchell for the information)
Philip Truman Briscoe was born to Elizabeth Sothoron & James Briscoe after 1787. He married Pamelia Love Hanson (born after 1766, Charles Co.) after 1781 in Charles Co., MD. (Reno*)
1800 Federal Census (1800.08.04) Pomonkey Hundred, St. George's Parish, Charles Co., MD - Pg 102B, Ln 17 - Philip T. Briscoe - Free white males under 10...1 - ............................26 - 44...2 - .............females under 10...1 - ............................16 - 25...1 - ............................Slaves...11
1810 Federal Census (1810.08.06) Charles Co., MD - Pg 120B, Ln 5 - Philip T. Briscoe - Free white males under 10...2 - .............................26 - 44...1 - ..............females under 10...2 - .............................10 - 15...1 - .............................26 - 44...1 - ...............................Slaves 16
Slye John [Male]
Person ID: 868
Identified by Reno* as father of Thomas Gerard Slye (see Thomas' Notes).
Compton Eleanor [Female]
Person ID: 869
Identified by Reno* as mother of Thomas Gerard Slye (see Thomas' Notes).
Slye Mary [Female] b. 1 APR 1763 Charles Co., MD - d. 20 DEC 1795 Charles Co., MD
Person ID: 870
Final account of Thomas Gerard Slye, who died 15 August 1764. Sureties Richd Sothoron of St. Mary's Co. & Jno Sothoron of Charles Co. Distribution to widow, 1/3; residue to his 2 children: Mary Slye, 5 years old 1 April last; & John Sothoron Slye, 4 years old 1 June last. Administratrix Elizabeth Briscoe, wife of James Briscoe. (Admin Accts :343, Charles Co., MD, 1768.07.15)
Mary Slye (born between 1760 & 1766 in Charles Co., died 20 Dec. 1795 in Charles Co.), daughter of Elizabeth Sothoron & Thomas Slye, married in Charles Co., MD on 24 January 1786, Ignatius Wood (born 14 Feb. 1760 in St. Mary's Co., died 25 Jan. 1820 in Charles Co.) (Reno*)
Wood Ignatius [Male] b. 14 FEB 1769 St. Mary's Co., MD - d. 25 JAN 1820 Charles Co., MD
Person ID: 871
Mary Slye (born between 1760 & 1766 in Charles Co., died 20 Dec. 1795 in Charles Co.), daughter of Elizabeth Sothoron & Thomas Slye, married in Charles Co., MD on 24 January 1786, Ignatius Wood (born 14 Feb. 1760 in St. Mary's Co., died 25 Jan. 1820 in Charles Co.) (Reno*)
Slye John Sothoron [Male] b. 1 JUN 1764 Charles Co., MD - d. AFT 1779
Person ID: 872
John Sothoron Slye was born in June 1764, in Charles Co., MD, to Elizabeth Sothoron & Thomas Slye. He died after 1779. (Reno*)
Final account of Thomas Gerard Slye, who died 15 August 1764. Sureties Richd Sothoron of St. Mary's Co. & Jno Sothoron of Charles Co. Distribution to widow, 1/3; residue to his 2 children: Mary Slye, 5 years old 1 April last; & John Sothoron Slye, 4 years old 1 June last. Administratrix Elizabeth Briscoe, wife of James Briscoe. (Admin Accts :343, Charles Co., MD, 1768.07.15)
John Southern Slye an orphan son of Thomas Slye, 15 years old, chooses James the son of Sorrow Briscoe for his guardian. Bond & sureity by John Southern & Richard Nelson in the sum of �1,000. (Wills AF#7:320, Charles Co., MD, 1779.04.13, Recorded 1779.04.13)
Guardian Bond for John Southern Slye, in the name of James Briscoe, with John Southern & Richard Nelson of Charles Co. planters as sureties. The condition is that the guardian deliver to the child at 21 all that is due him by virtue of the guardianship. (Wills AF#7:322, Charles Co., MD, 1779.04.13, Recorded 1779.04.13)
Wright Ann [Female] b. 7 MAR 1758 - d. AFT 1768 Charles Co., MD
Person ID: 873
Additional account of James Briscoe & Elizabeth his wife, administratrix of Richard Wright, late of Charles Co., dec'd. Sureties George Grimes & Joseph Letchworth. Distribution to widow,1/3, with residue to only child Ann, who was 11 years old the 7th of March last. (Admin Accts :342, Charles Co., MD, 1768.07.15)
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