Sothoron & Related Families - 26 (Notes Pages)
For privacy reasons, Date of Birth and Date of Marriage for persons believed to still be living are not shown.
Sothoron Mary Bessie [Female] b. 14 OCT 1873 Lunenburg Co., VA - d. 2 JUL 1874 Lunenburg Co., VA
Person ID: 511
Mary Bessie Sothoron, dau of Rev L J and L R, born 14 Oct 1873, died 2 July 1874. She is buried at St. Johns Church, Lunenburg Co., VA. (Grave Marker, per Gerry Reinders*) (Graveyard is at the intersection of State Routes. 612 and 613, at the old site of St. Johns Church, between South Hill & Kenbridge, VA)
Heidelbaugh John [Male]
Person ID: 512
Amanda Sotherons married John Heidelbaugh in Clark Co., Ohio on 6 September 1874. (* {Church Records - Batch # M514404, Source Call # 0466402 V.89})
Fagan Edward [Male] b. ABT 1854
Person ID: 513
Sarah Casandra Sothoron, 18, married Edward Fagan, 23 year old blacksmith, at the home of the bride, on 3 April 1877. (Fresco(1)* :99)
Sarah Casandra Sothoron Fagan, 18, wife of Edward Fagan, died in Mechanicsville on 28 June 1877. (Fresco(1)* :374 {St. Mary's Beacon})
Sothoron Mary Jane [Female] b. BEF 1873 - d. AFT 1896
Person ID: 514
Deed of 12 August 1878 by John H. Sothoron of St. Mary's Co., MD. For $500 conveys to wife Isabella Sothoron for natural life, & then to daughter Mary Jane Sothoron, both of same county, property: portion of farm formerly owned & occupied by Samuel Burroughs, being land inherited by John from his late father Benjamin H. Sothoron, known as "Brotherhood," lying part in St. Mary's Co. & part in Charles Co., lying beside road from Charlotte Hall to Hughesville, about 12 acres; & lying to left of said road & on south by the road from Charlotte Hall to Benedict, about 150 acres. Signed by John H. Sothoron, witnessed by D.W. Slye. Certified same date, recorded 13 August 1878. (St. Mary's Co., MD Land Records JFF#3:157)
Recorded at request of buyers. John H. Sothoron sells for $500 to his wife Isabella and at her death to his daughter Mary Jane entire portion of farm formerly owned & occupied by Samuel Burroughs & being the land inherited by me from my father the late Benjamin H. Sothoron & known commonly as Brotherhood, lying in Charles and St. Mary's Counties upon the road from Charlotte Hall to Hughesville & 12 acres to left of said road & on the South of the road from Charlotte Hall to Benedict supposed to contain 150 acres. Test: D. W. Slye. (Land Rec BGS#3:143, Charles Co., MD, 1878.08.12, Recorded 1878.08.17)
Deed of 16 Nov 1896 by Isabella Sothoron & Mary Jane Sothoron, wife & daughter of John H. Sothoron dec'd, the former of Charles Co. & latter of Prince George's Co. For $50 they convey to Wm. E. Burch of St. Mary's Co. parcel lying partly in Charles & St. Mary's Counties, about 150 acres, lying on public road from Charlotte Hall to Hughesville, about 138 acres lying on right of said road & about 12 acres on the left. Bounded on south by road from the Oaks to Benedict, on east by lands of Mrs. Spencer Harrison & William E. Burch, on north by land of late Thomas C. Lyon. Said land once deeded by Jno. H. Sothoron to wife Isabella on 13 Aug 1878 & was sold by James H. Alvey, collector of taxes of St. Mary's Co. & deeded to Isaiah Canter on 26 March 1888; afterwards sold to said Isabella on 29 Aug 1888. Located in 5th Dist. of St. Mary's Co. & 9th Dist. of Charles Co., known as "Brotherhood." Portions previously purchased by said Burch; purpose of deed is to secure all rights & claims of Isabella Sothoron or John H. Sothoron to said Burch, regardless of county. Signed by Isabella Sothoron & Mary J. Sothoron, witnessed by J.F.S. Middleton. Certified same date, recorded 14 Jan 1897. "Delivered to J.D. Greenwell." (St. Mary's Co., MD Land Records JJG#4:203)
Deed recorded 17 Nov 1896 at request of William E. Burch. Deed made 16 Nov 1896 by Isabella Sothoron & Mary Jane Sothoron, wife & daughter of John H. Sothoron dec'd, former of Charles Co. & latter of Prince George's Co. For $50 Sothorons convey to Wm. E. Burch of St. Mary's Co., MD a tract partly in St. Mary's Co. (5th District) & partly in Charles Co. (9th District), containing about 150 acres. Known as Brotherhood, it is on public road from Charlotte Hall to Hughesville, 138 acres on the right & 12 acres on the left. Is bounded on the south by road from The Oaks to Benedict, on east by lands of Mrs. Spencer Harrison & of William E. Burch, on north by land of late Thomas C. Lyon. Said land was deeded 12 Aug 1878 by John H. Sothoron to Isabella Sothoron for her natural life, & at her death to Mary Jane Sothoron; was sold by James H. Alvey, Collector of Taxes for St. Mary's Co. & deeded to Isiah Canter 26 March 1888, then sold to said Isabella Sothoron on 29 Aug 1888. Portions sold previously to Burch, & purpose of deed is to secure Burch of any rights or claims the Sothorons may have. Signed by Isabella & Mary J. Sothoron, witnessed by J.F.S. Middleton. Certified 16 Nov 1896. (Charles Co., MD Land Records JST#8:515)
Lucas Emma Elizabeth [Female] b. MAR 1862 Maryland - d. 18 JUN 1921 Brentwood, Prince George's Co., MD
Person ID: 515
Click here to view Notes.
Sothoron Claudia Manville [Female] b. 17 DEC 1878 Maryland - d. 12 JUN 1962 Washington Hospital Center, Washington, DC
Nickname: Mabel
Person ID: 516
Baptism of Claudie Manville on 15 June 1879 - parents Wm. Henry & Catharine Sothoron. Born 12-17-1878. (Chron St. Mary's 33:#4:6 - All Faith Parish Register, 1856-1870 :18)
See father's Notes for 1880 & 1900 Federal Census entries, and husband's Notes for 1910 through 1930 entries.
Named in husband George's obituary (see his Notes).
LUDLAM, C. MABEL. On Sunday, June 10, 1962, at the Washington Hospital Center, C. MABEL LUDLAM, wife of the late George Ludlam. Friends may call at the Lee Funeral Home, 4th st. and Massachusetts ave., ne., where services will be held on Wednesday, June 13, at 3 p. m. Interment private. - The officers and mebers of the Bethlehem Chapter No. 7, O. E. S., are requested to assemble at the Lee Funeral Home on Tuesday, June 12, at 8 p. m., for the purpose of conducting funeral services for our late Sister, MABEL C. LUDLAM. BERTHA E. McLEAN, W. M. BLANCHE F. UPDIKE, Secy. (Washington Post :B4, Reported 1962.06.12)
C. Mabel Ludlam, born 1880, died 1962, buried at All Faith Church, Huntersville, St. Mary's Co., MD. (Tice* :359)
See husband's Notes for shared grave marker.
Smith Oliver H. [Male] b. SEP 1854 Indiana - d. ABT 1918 Greenville Union Cemetery, Greenville, OH
Person ID: 517
Oliver H. Smith and Evoria Sothoron were married by David W. Cox on 24 December 1879. The license was dated 24 Dec. 1878. (Darke Co., Ohio Marriages, 1851-1898*)
Mentioned by name in obituary of wife Evora (see her Notes).
1880 Federal Census (1880.06.01, Recorded 1880.06.07) Third St., Greenville, Darke Co., OH - ED 62, Pg 26, Ln 20, 241/267 - Smith, Oliver. Head, 25 year old married white male Tinner. Born in Ind. father in S.C., mother in Ohio. -----, Evoria. Wife, 26 year old married white female, Keeping House. She & parents born in Md.
1900 Federal Census (1900.06.01, Recorded 1900.06.23) 502 Third St., Ward 4, Greenville, Greenville Twp., Darke Co., OH - ED 57, Sh 24(200)A, Ln 24, 488/524 - Smith, Oliver H. Head, 45 year old white male, born Sep 1854, married 21 years. Born in Indiana, father in North Carolina, mother in Ohio. Occupation Tinner. Can read & write, speaks English. Owns his non-farm home free of mortgage. -----, Martha Evora. Wife, 48 year old white female, born Oct 1851, married 21 years. Had 3 chldren, 1 living. She & parents born in Maryland. Can read & write, speaks English. -----, Harry O. Son, 13 year old white male, born June 1886. Born in Ohio, father in Indiana, mother in Maryland. Can read & write, speaks English, At School 9 months.
Click here to see Cemetery Plot information.
Long Susan Catherine [Female] b. ABT 1862 Maryland - d. AFT 1880
Person ID: 518
Benjamin Cornelius Sothoron, 40, single, licensed in St. Mary's Co., MD on 7 April 1880 to marry Susan Catherine Long, 18, single, daughter of Henry Long, at St. Aloysius Church. (Fresco(1)* :273)
MARRIED. On the 7th inst., by the Rev. Father Paccianial, BENJ. C. SOUTHERN to Miss SUSAN C. LONG. (St. Mary's Beacon :2, Reported 1880.04.15)
See Notes for brother in law Joseph Sothoron for 1880 Federal Census entry.
Long Henry [Male]
Person ID: 519
Benjamin Cornelius Sothoron, 40, single, licensed in St. Mary's Co., MD on 7 April 1880 to marry Susan Catherine Long, 18, single, daughter of Henry Long, at St. Aloysius Church. (Fresco(1)* :273)
Dare Elizabeth Berry [Female] b. 9 OCT 1873 Prince George's Co., MD - d. 4 APR 1953 Baltimore City, MD
Person ID: 520
Updated: 13 JAN 2016
See father's Notes for 1880 Federal Census entry. See husband's Notes for Census entries for 1910 through 1930; and for Baltimore City Directory entries from 1926 through 1930, in 1936 and in 1940..
Mr. And Mrs. John H. Sothoron, of Baltimore, have announced the engagement of Mrs. Sothoron's sister, Miss Ella Berry Dare, formerly of Washington, to William Seton Belt, farmer of Queen Anne district, Prince Georges county. The wedding will take place this summer. (Washington Post :15, Upper Marlboro, MD, Reported 1923.01.22)
Mr. Justice Hoehling: No. 43382. William P. Cissel vs. Elizabeth B. Sothoron; decree substituting trustee. Attys., George W. Offutt, M. J. Wright, R. H. Snyder. (Washington Post :21 {The Legal Record}, Equity Court 1, Supreme Court, DC, 1924.12.03, Reported 1924.12.04)
1940 Federal Census (1940.04.01, Recorded 1940.04.10) 1514 Park Ave., Ward 14, Baltimore City, MD - ED 4-372A, Sh 5B, Ln 75, #130. - Sothoron, Elizabeth B. Head, 60 year old widowed white female, born in Maryland, school code H4. Renting her non-farm home for $80 per month. Lived in Prince George's Co., MD on 1 April 1935. Occupation working at home, has other income >$50. - (5 Boarders)
Mentioned by name in Certificates of Death & obituaries of husband and of son John; and in obituaries of daughter Elizabeth and husband's sister Ellen - see respective Notes.
Elizabeth Betty(sic) Sothoron, SSN 219-32-7644, white female, born 9 Oct 1873 in Prince George's Co., MD to John Dare & Maria P. Berry, listed her name as Elizabeth Betty (sic) Sothoron in June 1952. (* - Social Security Applications & Claims Index)
*** (DAR Records, 86:44)
Mrs. Elizabeth Dare Sothoron. DAR ID Number: 85116 Born in Prince Georges County, Md. Wife of John H. Sothoron. Descendant of Sergt. Zachariah Berry, as follows: 1. John Dare (1814-81), m. 2nd, Maria Priscilla Berry (1834-1908). 2. Zachariah Berry, Jr., m. Priscilla Gantt. 3. Zachariah Berry, m. Mary Williams. [p.44] Zachariah Berry (1749-84) served as sergeant in Col. Moses Rawling's regiment, Maryland Line. He was born and died in Prince Georges County, Md.
** Death
SOTHORON. On Saturday, April 4, 1953, ELIZABETH BERRY DARE, at her home, 1514 Park avenue, wife of the late John H. Sothoron. - Funeral services will be held on Tuesday, April 7, at 11 A.M. at St. Michael and All Angels Church. - SOTHORON - The Maryland Society of the Colonial Dames of America announces with deep regret the death of a member, MRS. JOHN H. SOTHORON (Elizabeth Dare). ---- MRS. T. ROWLAND THOMAS, President. (Baltimore Sun :D7, Reported 1953.04.05)
Mrs. Elizabeth B. D. Sothoron - Funeral services for Mrs. Elizabeth Berry Dare Sothoron, widow of John H. Sothoron, civil engineer, will be held at 11 A.M. tomorrow at St. Michael and All Angels Protestant Episcopal Church. - They will be conducted by the Rev. Don Frank Fenn, the rector. Burial will be in Rock Creek Cemetery, Washington. - Mrs. Sothoron, who died Saturday at her home, 1514 Park avenue, was the daughter of the late Dr. John Dare and Mrs. Priscilla Maria Berry Dare, of Washington. - She was a member of the Maryland Society of Colonial Dames of America, the Daughters of the American Revolution and a past president of the Town Garden Club. - She is survived by a son, John H. Sothoron, Jr., a daughter, Mrs. Frederick Farwell Long, of Chester, PA, two grandchildren and a great-grandchild. (Hayward File* {Newspaper clipping}, Reported 1953.04.06)
Elizabeth B. Sothoron, 79 year old widowed white female, born on Oct. 9 (year not stated), died at her usual residence, 1514 Park Avenue, Baltimore City, MD, at 5 pm on 4 April 1953. She was born in Prince George's Co., MD to Dr. John Dare & Priscilla M. Berry. Informant was John H. Sothoron of La Grange Lane. - Cause of death was Carcinoma Body Uterus of 3-4 years' duration. There was no autopsy. She was attended by N. H. Hardy, M.D. of 1403 Park Ave from July 1935 to the date of death, having last seen her alive the day death. Burial was on 4/7/53 at Rock Creek, Washington, DC. Funeral Director was C. W. Mears & Sons, 805 N. Calvert St. (Certificate of Death, Registered No. 53 3409)
Elizabeth B. Sothoron, a 79 year old female residing at 1514 Park Ave., Balto., Md, died 4 April 1953. She was buried in Section A, Lot 81, Site 3 in a Regular Case on 7 April 1953. Undertaker H. W. Mears, Baltimore, Md. Stone shared with John Henry Sothoron. (Interment Book 47:66, Rock Creek Cemetery, Washington, DC)
See husband's Notes for Grave Marker*.
Dare John [Male] b. 1814 Calvert Co., MD - d. 27 SEP 1881 Washington, DC
Person ID: 521
Occupation: Physician
Click here to view Notes.
Berry Maria Priscilla [Female] b. 1834 Maryland - d. 21 JUN 1908 Rock Creek Cemetery, Washington, DC
Person ID: 522
Click here to view Notes.
Sothoron John Henry [Male] b. 25 JUN 1907 Washington, DC - d. 9 SEP 1958 Baltimore City, MD
Nickname: Jr.
Person ID: 523
Updated: 2 SEP 2012
Click here to view Notes.
Hardesty Bertha Vinable [Female] b. 22 DEC 1881 Maryland - d. 2 OCT 1971 Sunderland, Calvert Co., MD
Person ID: 524
Updated: 17 JUN 2014
See husband's Notes for 1920 Federal Census entry.
Middle name from*
Mentioned by name in obituaries of brothers Arthur & Bernard (see their Notes).
Mentioned by name in death-related documents of husband Andrew, and his Draft Registration Card (see his Notes).
Deaths: SOTHOROM, BERTHA V. On Saturday, October 2, 1971, BERTHA V. SOTHOROM of Sunderland, Md., beloved cousin of Russell Hardesty. Friends may call at BUCHANAN FUNERAL HOME, Owings, Md., where services will be held on Tuesday, October 5, at 2 p.m. Visiting from 2 to 4 p.m. and 7 to 9 p.m. Interment Mt. Harmony Church Cemetery. (Washington Post :C2, Reported 1971.10.04)
Bertha V. Sothoron died 2 October 1971. She was born Dec. 22, 1881 to Richard H. Hardesty & Sally Fause(?). She was a cousin of Russell Hardesty who lived near Sunderland in Calvert Co.. (Burial Record - Per oral report of Cemetery Committee Chairman, Mt. Harmony-Lower Marlboro Methodish Church, 300 E. Mt. Harmony Road, Owings, Calvert Co., MD)
See husband's Notes for shared Grave Marker*.
Pearl E. [Female] b. ABT 1886 Kansas - d. AFT APR 1930
Person ID: 525
See husband's Notes for 1920 & 1930 Federal Census entries.
Sothoron Bessie Canter [Female] b. ABT 1877 Washington, DC - d. 23 NOV 1880 Washington, DC
Person ID: 526
See father's Notes for 1880 Federal Census entry.
DIED. On Tuesday, November 23 at 3 o'clock P.M., after an illness of six weeks, BESSIE CANTER, youngest daughter of Bettie C. and Dr. Jas. T. Sothoron, aged 2 years, 9 months and 21 days. - Funeral from residence of parents, 1919 I street northwest, on Thursday next, the 25th inst., at 2 o'clock. - Baltimore Sun and Beacon, Leonardtown, Md., please copy. (Washington Post :4, Reported 1880.11.25)
Bessie C. Sothoron was buried on 25 November 1880 at Glenwood Cemetery, Washington, DC in Site 4, Lot 58, Section G (Sothoron family plot). She was 2 years, 9 months & 21 days old. (Burial Record)
Click here to see full Burial Record for entire plot.
Welsh Elmo S. [Male] b. JAN 1872 Maryland - d. AFT APR 1930
Person ID: 527
See father's Notes for 1880 & 1900 Federal Census entries.
1910 Federal Census (1910.04.15, Recorded 1910.04.15) 523-4 31st St., Ward 3, Chicago, Cook Co., IL - ED 230, Sh 1(129)A, Ln 1, 1/1 - Walsh, Elmo S. Head, 38 year old white male, in this his first marriage 6 years. He & parents born in Maryland. Can read & write, speaks English. Occupation Proprietor of Billard Hall, working on O.A. (Wife not listed)
1920 Federal Census (1920.01.01, Recorded 1920.02.12) 6643 Cottage Grove Ave., Ward 7, Chicago, Cook Co., IL - ED 422, Sh 11(219)A, Ln 32, 20/42 (same address as brother Louie) - Welsh, Elmer. Head, 47 year old single white male, renting his home. Can read & write, speaks English. He & parents born in Maryland. Occupation Restaurant Proprietor (O.A.).
1930 Federal Census (1930.04.01, Recorded 1930.04.14) Ward 6, Chicago, IL - ED 247, Sh 14B, Ln 75, 125/298 - Walsh, Elmo. Roomer, in home of Beatrice Riley; a 58 year old single white male. Can read & write, speaks English. Born in Maryland, parents in US. Occupation Tile Setting in Building industry, drawing wages. Not a veteran.
Welsh Edward L. [Male] b. JUL 1874 Maryland - d. AFT JUN 1900
Person ID: 528
See father's Notes for 1880 & 1900 Federal Census entries.
Welsh Bessie [Female] b. JUN 1877 Maryland - d. AFT JAN 1920
Person ID: 529
See father's Notes for 1880 through 1910 Federal Census entries, brother Lewis' Notes for 1920 entry.
Welsh John Hunt [Male] b. 15 NOV 1878 Maryland - d. AFT APR 1930
Person ID: 530
See father's Notes for 1880 & 1900 Federal Census entries.
John Hunt Welsh of 6326 Greenwood Ave., Chicago, Il. registered for the draft at Local Board 17, Chicago, on 12 Sept 1918. He was 39 years old, born 15 Nov 1878 in USA, White. Occupation was Shipyard, Chicago Ship Bldg. Co., 101 S. Calumet, Chicago. Nearest relative was Mrs. May Welsh of same address. Described as medium height & build, blue eyes, light brown hair, no impairments. Serial No. 1890, Order No. a1766. (* - image of World War I Draft Registration Card) Signature on card:

1920 Federal Census (1920.01.01, Recorded 1920.01.09) 6326 Greenwood Ave., Ward 7, Chicago, Cook Co., IL - ED 416, Sh 5B, Ln 85, 61/139 - Welsh, Hunt J. Head, 40 year old married white male, renting his home. Can read & write, speaks English. He & parents born in Maryland. Occupation Tile Layer with Tile Company, drawing wages. -----, May. Wife, 34 year old married white female. Can read & write, speaks English. She & mother born in Indiana, father in Illinois. Occupation None. - Vayett, Nelson. Father-in-law, 66 year old widowed white male. Can read & write, speaks English. Born in Illinois, parents in Canada (spoke English). Occupation Janitor at Apartment Bldg., drawing wages. -----, Earl. Brother-in-law, 13 year old white male. Can read & write, speaks English, attended school since Sept. He & father born in Illinois, mother in Indiana. Occupation None.
1930 Federal Census (1930.04.01, Recorded 1930.04.18) 5944 South Union Ave., Ward 14, Chicago, IL - ED 514, Sh 20B, Ln 83, 240/399 - Welsh, Hunt. Head, 50 year old single white male, renting his non-farm home for $30 per month. Can read & write, speaks English. He & parents born in Maryland. Occupation Tile Setter in Building industry, drawing wages. Not a veteran.
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