Sothoron & Related Families - 243 (Notes Pages)
For privacy reasons, Date of Birth and Date of Marriage for persons believed to still be living are not shown.
Elizabeth [Female] b. ABT 1854 Tennessee - d. AFT JUN 1880
Person ID: 4888
See husband's Notes for 1880 Federal Census entry.
England Maudie [Female] b. ABT DEC 1918 Missouri - d. AFT JAN 1920
Person ID: 4889
See father's Notes for 1920 Federal Census entry.
Eugene [Female] b. ABT 1908 Missouri - d. AFT APR 1930
Person ID: 4890
See husband's Notes for 1930 Federal Census entry.
England Billie [Male] b. ABT 1926 Missouri - d. AFT APR 1930
Person ID: 4891
See father's Notes for 1930 Federal Census entry.
England Vera B. [Female] b. ABT 1925 Missouri - d. AFT APR 1930
Person ID: 4892
See father's Notes for 1930 Federal Census.
England Velma M. [Female] b. ABT JAN 1928 Missouri - d. AFT APR 1930
Person ID: 4893
See father's Notes for 1930 Federal Census.
Shannon Samuel Marion [Male] b. ABT 1787 Orange Co., NC - d. 12 NOV 1834 Robertson Co., TN
Person ID: 4894
Avarilla Johnson, dau. of Daniel Johnson & Elizabeth Higgs, b. abt. 1779, d. 1838 in Robertson Co., TN; m. Samuel Marion Shannon, b. abt 1787 in North Carolina, d. 1834. (Bostick*)
Samuel Marion Shannon, son of John Shannon & Ann Guthrie, b. 1787 in Orange Co., NC, d. 12 Nov 1834 in Robertson Co., TN, buried Shannon Cemetery, Robertson Co., TN. (* - Dave's Bohemian, Canadian & Southern Kin, by David V. Hughey)
1830 Federal Census (1830.06.01) Robertson Co., TN - Pg 405A, Ln 16 - Saml. Shannon - Free white males under 5...2 - ............................... 5 - 9...3 - ........................... 10 - 14...1 - ........................... 40 - 49...1 - ................. females 5 - 9...1 - .......................... 15 - 19...1 - .......................... 40 - 49...1 - ........................... Slaves...0
Shannon Daniel John [Male] b. 23 NOV 1817 Robertson Co., TN - d. 7 FEB 1906 Maury Co., TN
Person ID: 4895
Daniel John Shannon, son of Samuel Marion Shannon & Avarilla Johnson, b. 23 Nov 1817 in Robertson Co., TN, d. 7 Feb 1906 in Maury Co., TN; m. 28 Oct 1847 in Maury Co., TN, Amanda Noles, dau. of Butler Noles & Elizabeth Rappe, b. 14 May 1832 in Surry Co., VA, d. 21 Mar 1910 in Maury Co., TN. (Bostick*)
Amanda Noles & Daniel J. Shannon were married in Maury Co., TN on 25 Oct 1847. (* - Tennessee State Marriages)
Daniel John Shannon was the first of the Shannon line to permanently move to Maury Co., TN. (Bostick*)

Daniel John & Amanda Noles Shannon, courtesy of Bostick*
1850 Federal Census (1850.06.01, Recorded 1850.10.25) Dist. 2, Maury Co., TN - Pg 431A, Ln 24, 571/571 - Daniel J. Shanon, 29 year old male Farmer, born in Tennessee. - Amanda Shanon, 18 year old female, born in Tennessee. - William J. Shanon, 1 year old male, born in Tennessee. - Southern Shannon, 20 year old male Farmer, born in Tennessee.
1860 Federal Census (1860.06.01) Hampshire P.O., Dist. 16, Maury Co., TN - Pg 223, Ln 13, 1681/1576 - Daniel Shannon, 37 year old Male Farmer, born in Ten. Personal property valued at $1156. - Amanda " , 26 year old female, born in Ten. - W.J. " , 11 year old male, attended school within the year. - Sis. " , 3 year old female.
1870 Federal Census (1870.06.01, Recorded 1870.06.29) Hampshire P.O., Dist. 2, Maury Co., TN - Pg 2, Ln 25, 11/11 - Shannon, D.J., 52 year old white male Farmer, born in Tennessee. Real property valued at $3000, personal property at $1500. -----, A., 38 year old white female, Keeps House, born in Tennessee. -----, W. J., 21 year old white male, born in Tennessee. Personal property valued at $200. -----, M. J., 12 year old white female, born in Tennessee. -----, M., 7 year old white female, born in Tennessee.
1880 Federal Census (1880.06.01, Recorded 1880.06.09) Dist. 2, Maury Co., TN - ED 172, Pg 11(415), Ln 16, 86/91 - Shannon, Dan, 63 year old married white male Farmer. Cannot read nor write. He & parents born in Tennessee. -----, Manda. Wife, 48 year old married white female, Keeps House. She & parents born in Tennessee. -----, Margie. Daughter, 16 year old single white female, at Home, attended school within the year. She & parents born in Tennesse.
1900 Federal Census (1900.06.01, Recorded 1900.06.01) Dist. 2, Maury Co., TN - ED 66, Sh 1(10)A, Ln 40, 11/11 - Shannon, Daniel J. Head, 82 year old married white male,born Nov 1817, married 52 years. He & mother born in Tennessee, father in North Carolina. Can read & write, speaks English. Occupation Farmer, Farm Schedule #10. Owns his farm home free of mortgage. -----, Amanda. Wife, 68 year old married white female, married 52 years. Had 5 children, 3 living. Born in Tennessee, parents in South Carolina. Can read & write, speaks English.
** From Bostick*
From Betsy Morgan Brown Glazier (Jul-2001): "Daniel John Shannon was the first Shannon in our line to come to Maury County (TN) permanently. He was Born in Robertson County and was one of seven children born to Samuel and Ararilla Johnson Shannon. Samuel being the son of John & Ann __ Shannon, all of Robertson County.
1. Daniel John Shannon
Born: 23-Nov-1817 (Robertson Co., TN?) Died: 7-Feb-1906 (Maury Co., TN) Married: 28-Oct-1847 Maury Co., TN Spouse: Amanda Noles
Notes for Amanda Noles : Born: 14-May-1831 at Culleoka, Maury Co, TN Died: 21-Mar-1910 at Maury Co., TN
F. Hawkins, "Maury Co. TN Cemeteries" p. 696: SHANNON, D.J.: 23-Nov-1817 to 7-Mar-1906; Amanda 14-May-1832 to 21-Mar-1910 (dau. Butler & Elizabeth Noles).
Obituary: Mrs. Amanda Shannon (excerpts)
On Monday, March 21st, 1910, the angel of death clipped the golden thread of life and the soul of Mrs. Amanda Shannon returned to the God who gave it. …. She was a great sufferer for four weeks. … Mrs. Shannon was born on May 14th, 1832, and was married to D. J. Shannon Oct. 28th, 1847. Deceased was a member of the Methodist Church in which she lived a true Christian life. She died at the home of her daughter, Mrs. W.E. Kirkpatrick. She was the mother of five children, two who preceded her to the grave several years ago: W. J. Shannon, Mrs. R.M. Patton and Mrs. W.E. Kirkpatrick, and several grandchildren, and a host of friends to mourn her loss.”
Shannon Kemelin [Male] b. ABT 1817 Tennessee - d. ABT 1865 Robertson Co., TN
Nickname: Kelly
Person ID: 4896
Kemelin "Kelly" Shannon, son of Samuel Marion Shannon & Avarilla Johnson, d. abt 1865 in Robertson Co., TN. (Bostick*)
1840 Federal Census (1840.06.01) Robertson Co., TN - Pg 201, Ln 30) - Kelly Shannon - Free white males under 5...1 - .......................... 10 - 14...1 - .......................... 20 - 29...1 - ............. females 20 - 29...1 - ....................,..... Slaves...1
1850 Federal Census (1850.06.01, Recorded 1850.09.24) Dist. 11, Robertson Co., TN - Pg 96A, Ln 8, 104/104 - Kelly Shannon, 33 year old male Farmer, born in Tenn. Real property valued at $800. - Evaline " , 23 year old female, born in Tenn. - James " , 11 year old male, born in Tenn, attended school whithin the year. - Luantha " , 1 year old female, born in Tenn
1860 Federal Census (1860.06.01, Recorded 1860.07.11) Black Jack P.O., Dist. 2, Robertson Co., TN - Pg 62, Ln 29, 448/447 - Kelly Shannon, 44 year old male Farmer, born in Ten. Real property valued at $4,200, personal property at $4,664. - Leanisa " , 36 year old female, born in Ten. - J. O. " , 21 year old male School Teaching, born in Ten. - L. P. " , 9 year old female, born in Ten.
Shannon Allen J. [Male] b. ABT 1818 Robertson Co., TN - d. AFT JUN 1880
Person ID: 4897
Allen J. Shannon, son of Samuel Morrison Shannon & Avarilla Johnson, b. abt 1818 in Robertson Co., TN; m. 2 May 1847 in Robertson Co., TN, Sarah A. (Sally) Williams. (Bostick*)
Allen J. Shannon & Salley A. Williams were married 2 May 1846 in Robertson Co., TN. (* - Tennessee State Marriages)
1850 Federal Census (1850.06.01, Recorded 1850.09.24) Dist. 11, Robertson Co., TN - Pg 95B, Ln 24, 699/699 - A.J. Shannon, 30 yeaer old male Farmer, born in Tenn. Real property valued at $100. - Sally " , 25 year old female, born in Tenn., unable to read & write. - Rebecca " , 11 year old female, born in Tenn. - Angelina " , 10 year old female, born in Tenn. - Sally " , 8 year old female, born in Tenn. - Zachary T. " , 1 year old male, born in Tenn.
1860 Federal Census (1860.06.01, Recorded 1860.08.02) Cross Plains P.O., Dist. 11, Robertson Co., TN - Pg 92, Ln 24, 674/673 - Allen Shannon, 42 year old male Farmer, born in Tenn., cannot read nor write. Real property valued at $500, personal property at $492. - Sarah A. " , 35 year old female, born in Tenn., cannot read nor write. - Sarah A. " , 18 year old female, born in Tenn. - E.A. " , 20 year old female, born in Tenn., attended school within the year. - Z.F. " , 11 year old male, born in Tenn., attended school within the year. - W.A. " , 9 year old male, born in Tenn., attended school within the year. - M.M. " , 7 year old female, born in Tenn. - S.M. " , 5 year old male, born in Tenn.
1880 Federal Census (1880.06.01, Recorded 1880.06.09) Dist.11, Robertson Co., TN - ED 185, Pg 2, Ln 21, /13 - Shannon, Allen, 62 year old widowed white male. Born in Tenn.e, father in Virginia, mother in NC. No occupation recorded. -----, Samuel. Son, 25 year old single white male. He & parents born in Tenn. No occupation recorded. -----, Patsy. Daughter, 27 year old widowed white female. She & parents born in Tenn. No occupation listed.
Shannon Harriet Elizabeth [Female] b. ABT 1814 Tennessee - d. AFT JUN 1880
Person ID: 4898
Harriet Elizabeth Shannon, dau. of Samuel Marion Shannon & Avarilla Johnson, b. abt 1814, m. abt 1837, Grafton Winfield, b. ab 1813. (Bostick*)
See husband's Notes for 1850 Federal Census entry.
1860 Federal Census (1860.06.01, Recorded 1860.06.25) Springfield P.O., Dist. 10, Robertson Co., TN - Pg 41, Ln 18, 293/292 - H.E. Winfield, 47 year old white female, Farming, born in Ten. Real property valued at $1,785, personal property at $950. - N.E. " , 14 year old female, born in Ten. - S.H. " , 12 year old male, born in Ten. - Elizabeth Shannon, 19 year old female, born in Ten.
See son Samuel's Notes for 1880 Federal Census entry.
Shannon Jesse [Male] b. ABT 1802 Robertson Co., TN
Person ID: 4899
Jesse Shannon, son of Samuel Marion Shannon & Avarilla Johnson, b. ab 1802 in Robertson Co., TN. (Bostick*)
Shannon Southern T. [Male] b. ABT 1823 Robertson Co., TN - d. AFT JUN 1850
Person ID: 4900
Southern T. Shannon, son of Samuel Marion Shannon & Avarilla Johnson, b. abt 1834 in Robertson Co., TN. (Bostick*)
See brother Daniel's Notes for 1850 Federal Census entry.
Shannon William A. [Male] b. 1828 Robertson Co., TN - d. AFT JUN 1880
Person ID: 4901
William A. Shannon, son of Samuel Marion Shannon & Avarilla Johnson, b. 1828 in Robertson Co., TN; m. on 15 Aug 1847 in Robertson Co., TN, Lucy A. Simmons. (Bostick*)
Williams A. Shannon & Sing Simmins were married 15 Aug 1847 in Robertson Co., TN. (* - Tennessee State Marriages)
1850 Federal Census (1850.06.01, Recorded 1860.09.24) Dist. 11, Roberetson Co., TN - Pg 97B, Ln 7, 785/785 - William A. Shannon, 23 year old male Farmer, born in Tenn. - Lucy " , 26 year old female, born in Tenn. - Almira " , 1 year old female, born in Tenn. - Jesse " , 22 year old male Farmer, born in Tenn.
1860 Federal Census (1860.06.01, Recorded 1860.08.14) Dist. 11, Robertson Co., TN - Pg 109, Ln 40, 813/808 - W. A. Shannon, 34 year old male Farmer, born in Ten. Real property valued at $1500, personal property at $2130. - Lucy A. Shannon, 38 year old female, born in Ten. - A.E. " , 11year old female, born in Ten., attended school within the year. - L.J. " , 9 year old female, born in Ten., attended school within the year. - M.E. " , 8 year old female, born in Ten., attended school within the year. - M.A.F. " , 3 year old female, born in Ten. - C.M. " , 5/12 year old female, born in Ten. - M.E. Simmons, 16 year old female, born in Ten.
1870 Federal Census (1870.06.01, Recorded 1870.06.25) Springfield P.O., Dist. 10, Robetson Co., TN - Pg 6, Ln 13, 35/35 - Shannon, W.A., 40 year old white male Farmer, born in Tenn. Personal property valued at $400. -----, L. A., 42 year old white female, Keeping House, born in Tenn. -----, Almira, 19 year old white female, At Home, born in Tenn. -----, Lascina, 17 year old white female, At Home, born in Tenn. -----, Ellen, 15 year old white female, At Home, born in Tenn. -----, Nelly, 7 year old white female, At Home, born in Tenn.
1880 Federal Census (1880.06.01, Recorded 1880.06.15) Bethesda Dist. 2, Trigg Co., KY - ED 153, Pg 23 (398), Ln 10, 188/252 - Shannon, Wm., 52 year old married white male Farmer. He & parents born in Tenn. -----, Lucy A. Wife, 56 year old married white female, Keeps House. She & parents born in Tenn. -----, Elmina. Daughter, 30 year old single white female. She & parents born in Tenn -----, M.E. Daughter, 20 year old single white female. She & parents born in Tenn -----, Lee. Nephew, 13 year old white male, Works on farm. He & parents born in Tenn. -----, George. Nephew, 10 year old white male, Works on farm. He & parents born in Tenn. - Owen, Mattie. Grandchild, 7 year old white female. She & parents born in Tenn
Shannon James Orville [Male] b. 16 FEB 1816 - d. 3 MAR 1865
Person ID: 4902
James Orville Shannon, b. 16 Feb 1816, d. 3 Mar 1865. (Bostick*)
Evaline [Female] b. ABT 1827 Tennessee - d. AFT JUN 1860
Person ID: 4903
See husband's Notes for 1850 & 1860 Federal Census entries.
Shannon James Orville [Male] b. SEP 1838 Tennessee - d. AFT JAN 1920
Person ID: 4904
See son James Orville Shannon, Jr.'s Notes for source of middle name on son's Draft Registration Card.
See father's Notes for 1850 & 1860 Federal Census entries.
Maggie J. House & James O. Shannon were married in Robertson Co., TN on 4 Dec 1862. (* - Tennessee State Marriages)
1870 Federal Census (1870.06.01, Recorded 1870.08.30) Smithland P.O., Salem Twp., Livingston Co., KY - Pg 19 (226), Ln 26, 132/135 - Shannon, J.O., 32 year old white male School Teacher, born in Tennessee. Real property valued at $500, personal property at $800. -----, Margaret J., 24 year old white female Keeping house, born in Kentucky. -----, Ellen, 6 year old white female, born in Kentucky. -----, Charley, 4 year old white male, born in Kentucky. -----, Joel, 2 year old white male, born in Kentucky. - (1 male Boarder)
1880 Federal Census (1880.06.01, Recorded 1880.06.10) Powhattan Twp., Brown Co., KS - ED 18, Pg 15 (452), Ln 1, 120/123 - Shannon, J.O., 42 year old married white male Farmer. He & parents born in Tenn. -----, M.J. Wife, 35 year old married white female, keeping house. She & parents born in Ky. -----, Ella. Daughter, 15 year old white female, born in Tenn., attended school within the year. -----, Charlie. Son, 13 year old white male, born in Tenn., attended school within the year. -----, Joel. Son, 11 year old white male, born in Ky., attended school within the year. -----, Leon. Son 9 year old white male, born in Ky., attended school within the year. -----, Cornelia. Daughter, 4 year old white female, born in Kans. -----, Herbert. Son, 2 year old white male, born in Kans.
1900 Federal Census (1900.06.01, Recorded 1900.06.18) Powhatton Twp., Brown Co., KS - ED 33, Sh 14B, Ln 65, 251/253 - Shannon, James O. Head, 61 year old white male, born Sep 1838, married 38 years. He & parents born in Tennessee. Can read & write, speaks English. Occupation Farmer, Farm Schedule #187. Owns his farm home free of mortgage. -----, Margaret. Wife, 55 year old white female, born Jan 1845, married 38 years. Had 8 children, all living. She & parents born in Kentucky. Can read & write, speaks English. -----, Joel. Son, 31 year old single white male, born Dec 1868. Born in Kansas, father in Tennessee, mother in Kentucky. Can read & write, speaks English. Occupation Farmer, Farm Schedule #188. Renting his farm home. -----, Cornelia. Daughter, 24 year old single white female, born Nov 1875. Born in Kansas, father in Tennessee, mother in Kentucky. Can read & write, speaks English. -----, Herbert. Son, 22 year old single white male, born Feb 1878. Born in Kansas, father in Tennessee, mother in Kentucky. Can read & write, speaks English. Occupation Farmer. Renting his farm home. -----, Mabel. Daughter, 20 year old single white female, born Oct 1879. Born in Kansas, father in Tennessee, mother in Kentucky. Can read & write, speaks English. -----, James. Son, 12 year old white male, born July 1887. Born in Kansas, father in Tennessee, mother in Kentucky. Can read & write, speaks English, attended school 7 months.
1910 Federal Census (1910.04.15, Recorded 1910.05.10) 524 South Seventh St., Ward 4, Hiawatha City, Brown Co., KS - ED 22, Sh 13(44)A, Ln 14, 319/328 - Shannon, James O. Head, 72 year old white male, in this his first marriage 45 years. He & parents born in Tennessee. Supported on Own Income. Has a mortgage on his non-farm home. Can read & write, speaks English. -----, Margaret J. Wife, 63 year old white female, in this her first marriage 45 years. Had 8 children, all living. She & mother born in Kentucky, father in Virginia. -----, Joel. Son, 40 year old single white male. Born in Kentucky, father in Tennessee, mother in Kentucky. Can read & write, speaks English. Supported on Own Income. -----, Nela. Daughter, 35 year old single white female. Born in Kentucky, father in Tennessee, mother in Kentucky. Can read & write, speaks English. Occupation Music Teacher, paid on O.A. -----, James. Son, 22 year old single white male. Born in Kansas, father in Tennessee, mother in Kentucky. Can read & write, speaks English. Occupation Vetinary in Office, working on Own Account.
1920 Federal Census (1920.01.01, Recorded 1920.01.14) 524 South Seventh St., Ward 4, Hiawatha City, Brown Co., KS - ED 22, Sh 16B, Ln 74, 153/164 - Shannon, James O. Sr. Head, 81 year old widowed white male, owns his home free of mortgage. Can read & write, speaks English. He & parents born in Tennessee. Occupation None. -----, Joel. Son, 51 year old single white male. Can read & write, speaks English. He & mother born in Kentucky, father in Tennessee. Occupation None. -----, Cornelia. Daughter, 44 year old single white female. Can read & write, speaks English. Born in Kansas, father in Tennessee, mother in Kentucky. Occupation Music Teacher, working on Own Account.
Shannon Luantha P. [Female] b. ABT 1849 Tennessee - d. AFT JUN 1860
Person ID: 4905
See father's Notes for 1850 & 1860 Federal Census entries.
House Margaret J. [Female] b. JAN 1845 Kentucky - d. BET 1910 AND 1920
Person ID: 4906
Maggie J. House & James O. Shannon were married in Robertson Co., TN on 4 Dec 1862. (* - Tennessee State Marriages)
See husband's Notes for 1870 through 1910 Federal Census entries. (Husband is a widower in 1920)
Shannon Ellen [Female] b. ABT 1864 Kentucky - d. AFT JUN 1880
Nickname: Ella
Person ID: 4907
See father's Notes for 1870 & 1880 Federal Census entries.
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