Sothoron & Related Families - 23 (Notes Pages)
For privacy reasons, Date of Birth and Date of Marriage for persons believed to still be living are not shown.
Skidmore Roberta [Female] b. ABT 1838 Virginia - d. JUL 1915 Washington, DC
Updated: 25 MAR 2011
Person ID: 451
John R. Sothoron licensed on 18 October 1858 in Washington, DC to marry Roberta Skidmore. (Newman Papers* - also Pippenger(2)*)
See husband John Sothoron's Notes for 1860 Federal Census entry.
Roberta Sothoron licensed in Washington, DC on 30 August 1864 to marry Edward Cowling, Jr. (Newman Papers*)
Roberta Sothoron licensed in Washington, DC on 8 June 1866 to marry Edward Cowling, Jr. (Sothoron Marriage Licenses in DC - Report of the Genealogical Records Committee, DC DAR)
Edward Cowling, Jr. married Roberta Sothoron on 30 August 1866. (Pippenger(2)* - Records of Wesley Methodist Church, DC)
1870 Federal Census (1870.06.01, Recorded 1870.07.01) Ward 2, Washington, DC - Pg 181 (301), Ln 38, 1193/1303 - Cowling, Roberta. 34 year old white female, Keeps house, born in Virginia. Personal property valued at $300. -----, Thos. E. 14 year old white male, At School, born in DC, attended school within the year. -----, Emma J. 11 year old white female, At School, born in Virginia, attended school within the year.
DEATHS REPORTED. Roberta Cowling, 78 years, 2213 Flagler pl. nw. (Washington Post :14, Reported 1915.07.12)
Sothoron Margaret Holliday [Female] b. 21 APR 1838 St. Mary's Co., MD - d. 12 JUN 1900 Laurel, Prince George's Co., MD
Person ID: 452
BARNES COMPTON was born November 16, 1830 in Port Tobacco, Charles Co., MD, and died December 02, 1898 in Laurel, MD. He married MARGARET HOLLYDAY SOTHORON October 27, 1858 in All Faith Epis., Huntersville, St. Mary's Co., MD, daughter of JOHN SOTHORON and ELIZABETH SOMERVELL. She was born 1838 in St. Mary's Co., MD, and died June 12, 1900 in Laurel, Pr. Geo's Co., MD. (Reno*)
Margaret Hollyday Sothoron was born to Colonel John Henry Sothoron in 1832. (* {Church Records - Film # 1903515}, Charles Co., MD)
1850 Federal Census (1850.06.01, Recorded 1850.09.12) District 1, St. Mary's Co., MD - pg 307B, Ln 35, 882/875 - Margaret H. Sothoron, 12 year old female, in school, born in St. Mary's Co.. Listed with large number of other children, under Priscilla Greenwile, 63 year old female, born in St. Mary's Co.. ( "Color” is blank for all entries)
Margaret Holliday Sothoron was educated at St. Mary's Female Seminary, St. Mary's City, MD. (Fresco(2)* :70 - see son William's biography in his Notes).
Barnes Compton married Margaret Holliday Sothoron, daughter of Col. John H. Sothoron, in St. Mary's Co. On 27 October 1858. (Hollowak(2)* {4 Nov 1858 edition, pg. 2})
Barnes Compton of Charles Co. married Margaret Holliday Sothoron, 20, daughter of Col. John H. Sothoron, at All Faith on 27 October 1858. (Fresco :66)
MARRIED. On the 27th October, at the "Plains,” by Rev. James W. Hoskins, BARNES COMPTON of Charles county, to Miss MARGARET HOLLIDAY SOTHORON, daughter of Col John H. Sothoron, of St. Mary's county, Md. [Intelligencer please copy.] (Baltimore Sun :2, Reported 1858.11.04)
See husband Barnes' Notes for 1860 through 1880 Federal Census entries.
1900 Federal Census (1900.06.01) Ward 2, Laurel, Prince George's Co., MD - ED 102, Sh 18B, Ln 91, 389/389 - Compton, Margaret. Head, 62 year old widowed white female, born April 1838. Had 6 children, all still living. Can read & write, speaks English. She & parents born in Maryland. Owns her non-farm home. -----, Mary B. Daughter, 40 year old single white female, born Sept 1859. Can read & write, speaks English. She & parents born in Maryland. -----, John H. S. Son, 38 year old single white male, born July 1861. Can read & write, speaks English. He & parents born in Maryland. Occupation Assistant Treasurer, B&O R.R. -----, Barnes. Son, 25 year old single white male, born Oct 1874. Can read & write, speaks English. He & parents born in Maryland. Occupation B&O Clerk.
Mentioned by name in obituaries of sister Catherine & husband - see their Notes.
Mrs. Margaret Hollyday - widow of late Hon. Barnes Compton, died at her home in Laurel, Tues., June 12, 1900, in 63rd year of her age. Was dau. of late John H. Sothoron of "The Plains” this Co. Was married to Mr. Compton in 1858. Leaves 4 sons and 2 daughters: J. H. Sothoron Compton of Balto.; Key Compton of Norfolk, Va.; Dr. Wm Penn Compton, Wash.; Barnes Compton, Jr. Of Balto.; Miss Mary Barnes Compton of Laurel, Md.;and Mrs Elizabeth Compton Rees of Asheville, N.C. Among her sisters: Misses Mary E., Amelia, Fannie and Ellen H. Sothoron of "The Plains” St. M. Co. Her brothers: Marshall L. Sothoron of Balto., John H. and Forbes Sothoron of Kansas City, Mo. Funeral at St. Philip's Prot. Epis. Ch., Laurel, on Wed. Inter. in Loudon Park, Balto. (Chron St. Mary's 36:#3:14 {St. Mary's Beacon}, Reported 1900.06.21)
See husband's Notes for shared grave marker.
Compton Barnes [Male] b. 16 NOV 1830 Port Tobacco, Charles Co., MD - d. 2 DEC 1898 Laurel, Prince George's Co., MD
Person ID: 453
 Photo from Abell* 2:134
See wife's Notes for marriage entries.
Name is mentioned in obituary of wife's sister Catherine (see her Notes).
Barnes Compton died at his residence in Laurel, Prince George's Co., MD on Friday last. Was the 3rd child & 2nd son of Wm Penn & Mary Key (Barnes) Compton. Born 11-16-1830 at Port Tobacco, Chas. Co. Married on 10-27-1858 Margarette Holiday Sothoron, dau of Col John H. Sothoron of St. Mary's Co. (Long* :61 {P. 3, col 1}, Reported 1898.12.10)
BARNES COMPTON was born November 16, 1830 in Port Tobacco, Charles Co., MD, and died December 02, 1898 in Laurel, MD. He married MARGARET HOLLYDAY SOTHORON October 27, 1858 in All Faith Epis., Huntersville, St. Mary's Co., MD, daughter of JOHN SOTHORON and ELIZABETH SOMERVELL. She was born 1838 in St. Mary's Co., MD, and died June 12, 1900 in Laurel, Pr. Geo's Co., MD. (Reno*)
1850 Federal Census (1850.06.01, Recorded 1850.08.09) Princeton Twp., Mercer Co., NJ - Pg 34, Ln 5 - Barnes Compton, 18 year old male student, born in Md.
1860 Federal Census (1860.06.01, Recorded 1860.09.29) Port Tobacco Post Office, Hill Top Dist., Charles Co., MD - Pg 87, Ln 38, 687/680 - Barnes Compton, 29 year old male Farmer, born in Maryland, real property valued at $20,000. - Margaret " , 23 year old female, born in Maryland. - Mary " , 1 year old female, born in Maryland.
1870 Federal Census (1870.06.01, Recorded 1870.08.05) Hill Top Post Office, District 1, Charles Co., MD - Pg 25 (13), Ln 28, 153/154 - Compton, Barnes, 39 year old white male Farmer & State Senator, born in Maryland. -----, M. H., 32 year old white female, Keeping house, born in Maryland. -----, Mary, 11 year old white female, born in Maryland, attended school during the year. -----, S., 9 year old white male, born in Maryland. -----, H., 7 year old white male, born in Maryland. -----, W., 4 year old white male, born in Maryland. -----, Infant, 2/12 year old white female, born in Maryland. - (3 Domestic Servants with 5 of their family members)
1880 Federal Census (1880.06.01, Recorded 06.06) 181 Carrollton Ave., Precinct 5, Ward 19, Baltimore City, MD - ED 194, Pg 27 (134), Ln 13, 201/241 - Compton, Barnes. Father, 49 year old married white male, Treasurer of State. He & parents born in Maryland. -----, Margaret. Wife, 39 year old married white female, Keeping house. She & parents born in Maryland. -----, Mary B. Daughter, 21 year old single white female. She & parents born in Maryland. -----, J.H.S. Son, 18 year old single white male, Clerk Trea. of B&O R.R. He & parents born in Maryland. -----, Key. Son, 17 year old single white male, At School, attended school within the year. He & parents born in Maryland. -----, Wm. Penn. Son, 14 year old single white male, At School, attended school within the year. He & parents born in Maryland. -----, Eliz. S. Daughter, 9 year old white female. She & parents born in Maryland. -----, Barnes, Jr. Son, 5 year old white male. He & parents born in Maryland.
Barnes Compton, Member of Congress, in Washington, DC in 1890. (* - Washington, DC Directory, 1890)
** Biographies
BARNES COMPTON, 1830-1889 State Treasurer, 1874-1885 Barnes Compton was born on November 16, 1830, in Port Tobacco, Charles County, the son of William Penn (?-1838) and Mary Key (Barnes) Compton (?-1833). He attended Charlotte Hall School, St. Mary's County, and graduated from Princeton University with an A.B. degree in 1851. - On October 27, 1858, Barnes Compton married Margaret Holliday Sothoron, daughter of Col. John Henry (1808-1893) and Elizabeth M. (Somervell) Sothoron (1814-1888). They had six children: John Henry, Key, William Penn, Barnes, Mary, and Elizabeth Somervell. Barnes and Margaret resided in Charles County until 1880 when they moved to Washington Avenue, Laurel, Prince George's County. - Since all of Barnes Compton's siblings died in childhood, he was the sole heir to a 2700 acre family estate in Charles County which he managed until the Civil War when he lost the estate because of his southern sympathies. During his long career of public service he also found time to be a director of Citizen's National Bank of Laurel from 1890 until 1898 and president of the Guarantee Building and Loan Association in Baltimore in 189 - Barnes Compton served the public with honesty and integrity for 33 years in various capacities. He was a member of the House of Delegates from Charles County from 1860 until 1861, and a member of the State Senate in 1867, 1868 (served as president), 1870 (served as president), and 1872. He was appointed State Treasurer from 1874 to 1885 and a State Tobacco Inspector from 1872 until 1874. He was a trustee of Charlotte Hall School, a school commissioner for Charles County, and a trustee for the Maryland Insane Asylum. His federal service included five terms as a representative to the U.S. Congress: 1885, 1887, 1889 (served until March 20, 1890; succeeded by Sydney E. Mudd, who contested his election), 1891, 1893 (he resigned effective May 15, 1894). He was appointed Naval Officer of the Port of Baltimore in 1894 and served until 1898. - Barnes Compton died December 2, 1898, at his home in Laurel of "paralysis," and was buried in Loudon Park Cemetery, Baltimore. Source: Maryland Archives MSA* SC 1545-1160 BARNES COMPTON, 1830-1889 State Treasurer, 1874-1885 Submitted By: 26344 Email Address: Recovered from:, 2/2/2003
HON. BARNES C0MPTON - b. 16 Nov. 1831 at Port Tobacco, Charles Co., MD, s/o William Penn and Mary Clarissa Bond (Barnes) Compton. Father, merchant in Balt., then merchant and planter in Charles Co., d. at about forty-seven. Grandfather, Dr. Wilson Compton. Grandmother, Elizabeth (Penn) Compton. Great-grandfather, Wilson Compton, came to America from England, settled in Charles Co., named estate Wilton, after Compton home in England. Great-grandmother, d/o William Penn, who owned estate called Laidloes on the Potomac. Mary Clarissa, d/o John and Mary (Key) Barnes, he a clerk of the court of Charles Co. til he d. at seventy-four. Father of John, Richard Barnes, clerk of the circuit court of Charles Co. Mary Barnes, d/o Philip Key, also the lineal ancestor of Francis Scott Key. Father of Philip, also Philip, came from England, s/o Richard and Mary Key, of Havengorden, London. Philip, father of Mary, b. in St. Mary Co., a founder of the Episcopal Church in Chaptico, St. Mary Co., m. (1) Rebecca Joel Sothoron, m. (2) Miss Hall, granddaughter of Robert Morris. Subject m. Miss Margaret Holliday, d/o Col. John Henry Sothoron, in St. Mary Co., and had six children: Mary Barnes; John Henry, cashier of the Baltimore & Ohio Railroad; Key, agent of the Bay line at Norfolk; William Penn, medical practitioner in Washington, D.C.; Elizabeth Somerville, Mrs. Rees; and Barnes, Jr. Member of the Sons of the American Revolution. A Democrat. Naval officer of the port of Balt. (Mallick* :197)

 Family grouping Area 0, Section 174, Loudon Park Cemetery, Baltimore City, MD
Canter Henry Albert [Male] b. 13 MAR 1826 Benedict, Charles Co., MD - d. 6 JUN 1913 Oldfields Episcopal, Hughesville, Charles Co., MD
Updated: 18 JUL 2011
Person ID: 454
Alice Sothoron married Henry Albert Canter (born 13 March 1826 near Benedict, Charles Co., MD, to Henry Canter & Sarah Anne Hickey: died 6 June 1913). (* {Gene Pool Individual Records}, 1858.11.30)
1860 Federal Census (1860.06.01, Recorded 1860.08.14) Bryantown District, Charles Co., MD - Pg 68, Ln 10, 544/557 - Henry Canter - 33 year old male Farmer, born in Maryland. Personal property valued at $3000. - Alice" - 26 year old female, born in Maryland. - Mary" - 8/12 year old female, born in Maryland.
See wife's Notes regarding action of Canter et al vs Sothoron et al.
Recorded at request of buyer. Isiah Canter & Mary E. Canter his wife, Horatio Canter & Clara S.M. Canter his wife, William S. Lyon & Lucy A. Lyon his wife of St. Mary's Co., L. J. Sothoron & Lydia R. Sothoron his wife of St. Mary's Co., and James T. Sothoron & E.C. Sothoron his wife of Washington City D.C. sell for $150 to Henry A. Canter that part of the late Henry Canter's estate lying in the 9th District of Charles Co. near Old Field's Church. Lies to the west of Isabella Sothoron's land. Is the land sold by decree of Circuit Court of Charles Co. 25 Feb 1881 by John H. Mitchell & Samuel Cox Jr. as trustees, deeded to Isiah H. Hancock as Isabella Sothoron's portion of said Henry Canter's estate; and from Hancock & his wife to L.H. Canter. (Land Records BGS#8:365, Charles Co., MD, 1885.10.20, Recorded 1885.11.20)
 Grave Marker is at Oldfields Episcopal, Hughesville, Charles Co., MD. (Photo from
Canter Mary [Female] b. DEC 1859 Maryland - d. AFT JUN 1860
Person ID: 455
See father's Notes for 1860 Federal Census entry.
Canter Henry [Male] b. 26 JAN 1795 Benedict, Charles Co., MD - d. 6 DEC 1866 Patuxent City, Charles Co., MD
Updated: 16 JUL 2011
Person ID: 456
1850 Federal Census (1850.06.01, Recorded 1850.10.22) Bryantown District, Charles Co., MD - pg 294B, Ln 41, 1321/1321 - Henry Canter - 53 year old male Farmer. Real property valued at $2000. Birthplace is blank. - Eli Canter - 18 year old male Laborer. Birthplace is blank. - Ann Canter - 27 year old female, born in Md. - Malvina" - 16 year old female, born in Md. - Isabel" - 15 year old female, born in Md. - Jane" - 12 year old female, born in Md. - Sarah C. Tennison - 7 year old female, born in Md. - John Tennison - 5 year old male, born in Md. - John E." - 3 year old male, born in Md. - Susan" - 1 year old female, born in Md. - ("Color" is blank for all but "M" & "B" entries)
Jane Sothoron married Francis Canter (he was born to Henry Canter & Sarah Anne Hickey in1820 near Benedict, Charles Co., MD, died 18 March 1875). (* {Gene Pool Individual Records}, 1848.10.30)
Alice Sothoron married Henry Albert Canter (born 13 March 1826 near Benedict, Charles Co., MD, to Henry Canter & Sarah Anne Hickey: died 6 June 1913). (* {Gene Pool Individual Records}, 1858.11.30)
Henry Canter b. 26 Jan 1795, near Benedict, Charles Co., MD; m. abt 1816, Sarah Anne Hickey; d. 6 Dec 1866, Patuxent City, Charles Co., MD; buried Hughesville, Charles Co., MD. (Individual Record,
HENRY CANTER Born Jan'y 26, 1795 Died Dec'r 6, 1866
 Marker is located at Oldfields Chapel Episcopal Church, Hughesville, Charles Co., MD. (Photo & information from
Hickey Sarah Anne [Female] b. ABT 1799 Benedict, Charles Co., MD - d. 7 MAY 1837 Patuxent City, Charles Co., MD
Updated: 18 JUL 2011
Person ID: 457
Jane Sothoron married Francis Canter (he was born to Henry Canter & Sarah Anne Hickey in1820 near Benedict, Charles Co., MD, died 18 March 1875). (* {Gene Pool Individual Records}, 1848.10.30)
Alice Sothoron married Henry Albert Canter (born 13 March 1826 near Benedict, Charles Co., MD, to Henry Canter & Sarah Anne Hickey: died 6 June 1913). (* {Gene Pool Individual Records}, 1858.11.30)
Not entered with husband Henry in 1850 Federal Census (see his Notes).
Sarah Anne Hickey was born abt. 1799 near Benedict, Charles Co., MD; m. abt. 1816, Henry Canter; d. May 1837, Patuxent City, Charles Co., MD; buried Trinity Chapel Cemetery, Charles Co., MD (Individual Record,
 Sarah Anne Hickey Canter died 7 May 1837 at Hughesville, Charles Co., MD. (Photo and information from
Sothoron Ellen B. [Female] b. 24 MAY 1859 St. Mary's Co., MD - d. BET JAN 1921 AND AUG 1929
Nickname: Nellie
Person ID: 458
Affidavit of John H. Turner, M.D. of Chaptico, MD, that he was present at the birth of Ellen B. Sothoron on 24 May 1859 in St. Mary's Co., to Virginia R. & John T. H. Sothoron. (Federal Pension Application Min. C. 645-395*, Recorded 1867.08.19)
See mother's Notes for census entries for 1860 through 1880.
H. J. Witte and Nellie Sothoron were married 8 July 1884 by J. H. Sogie, rector. (Darke Co., Ohio Marriages, 1851-1898*)
See husband's Notes for 1910 & 1920 Federal Census entries.
See obituaries of sister Evora & brother Louis for mention of her married name and residence.
** Death
Mentioned in brother Louis' obituary in January 1921, living in New York
Bernard Hoe Sothoron died in Darke Co. on 18 August 1929. Son of John & Virginia Sothoron, born in Baltimore, MD Aug 27, 1858, one of 6 children. One brother Edwin of Greenville survives. Married Ida Coate Gunder of Pleasant Hill, O. One son Allen Sutton Sothoron, 2 sons of former marriage: Thomas Gunder dec'd, & Harry Gunder of Gordon, O. Buried Pleasant Hill. (Shilt*, Reported 1929.08.29)
Sothoron James Forbes [Male] b. 14 OCT 1859 Maryland - d. 19 DEC 1921 All Faith Episcopal, Huntersville, St. Mary's Co., MD
Person ID: 459
Baptism of James Forbes, infant son of John H. Sothoron & his wife Elizabeth, at home, on 25 December 1859. (Chron St. Mary's 32:#4:4 {All Faith Parish Register})
Mentioned by name in sister Margaret's obituary (see her Notes).
James F. Sothoron of Charlotte Hall, St. Mary's Co., MD, Dist. 5, File No. 648-1879, was Nominated by Hon. E.J. Kunkle, app'd 30 July 1897 for 17 June 1880, accepted. Written across his name is "Rejected." (* -U.S. Military and Naval Academy Registers, Vol. 15)
** Census schedules & directories
See father's Notes for Federal Census entries for 1860 through 1880.
With mother & siblings requested survey of oyster beds in Patuxent River, completed 21 May 1881 (see mother's Notes).
Sothoron John H. clk. l 1108 Main. (* - image of Hoye's Kansas City Directory, 1883:379)
Atwell John B. clk. J. Sothoron, rms. 1010 Main. (* - image of Hoye's City Directory of Kansas City, 1885:64)
Sothoron John H. cigars 1016 1/2 Main, rms. 1010 Main. (* - image of Hoye's City Directory of Kansas City, 1885:540)
Sothoron John, 1016 1/2 Main. Under category of Cigars and Tobacco. (* - image of Hoye's City Directory of Kansas City, 1885:651)
James F. Sothoron, clerk for City engineer, resides r. 1112 McGee John Sothoron, resides r. 1112 McGee (* {Kansas City, MO Directory, 1889-1891})
Sothoron, Jas. F. gen agt Fidelity & Deposit Co of Maryland 706 Heist bldg rms 522 Delaware. (* - image of Hoye's City Directory of Kansas City, MO, 1896:652)
I have not been able to locate him in the 1900 & 1920 Census schedules.
1910 Federal Census (1910.04.15, Recorded 1910.04.28) 4224 Independence Ave., Ward 7, Kansas City, Jackson Co., MO - ED 196, SD 5, Sh 85, Ln 99, 169/207 - Sothoron, J. F. 44 year old single white male. He & parents born in Maryland. Speaks English, can read & write. Occupation Real estate Agent, working on Own Account. Has a mortgage on his non-farm home. [NOTE: living alone]
** Death
Will of James F. Sothoron of Kansas City, Missouri. Henry P. Ball of same city named executor, to serve without need to post bond. To Henry P. Ball $200. Remainder of estate to be divided in nine equal parts among brothers Marshall L. & John H. Sothoron; sisters Mary E., Fannie B., Amelia, & Ellen H.; and children of deceased sister Margaret Compton & children of deceased sister Katie L. Curtis. Witnesses: Leslie B. Miller, John W. Perkins. (Wills RGC#2:115, St. Mary's Co., MD, 1921.12.05, Proved 1921.12.20)
JAMES FORBES SOTHORON OCT. 14, 1859 DEC. 19, 1921 SON OF COL. JOHN H. SOTHORON AND ELIZABETH SOMERVELL (Grave Marker*, All Faith Church, Huntersville, St. Mary's Co., MD)
 Click here to see family grouping.
Sidner Phillip [Male] b. 27 FEB 1830 Madison Co., OH - d. 1 FEB 1905 Ohio
Person ID: 460
Click here to view Notes.
Sothoron John C. [Male] b. ABT 1826 Maryland - d. OCT 1871 Washington, DC
Updated: 25 MAR 2011
Person ID: 461
John Sothoron, carpenter, home 689 4th east, Washington. (Washington Directory*, 1858)
John Sothoron licensed in Washington, DC on 30 March 1858 to marry Virginia Adams. (Newman Papers* - also Pippenger(1)* :556)
1860 Federal Census (1860.06.01, Recorded 1860.06.01) Ward 5, Washington, DC - Pg 103 (507), Ln 26, 794/743 - John Sotheron - 32 year old male carpenter, born in DC. Personal property value $150. - Virginia" - 24 year old female, born in MD - Jesse E." - 1 year old female, born in DC ("Color” was blank for all these entries)
John C. Sothoron of 131 Pa. Ave.(Division 11), District of Columbia was on 22 Sept 1863 assessed taxes of $29.75 on income of 595.00. (* - image of U.S. IRS Alphabetical Tax Assessment List, Ln 21)
John Sothoron to digging grave No 142 Range 92 for his child. 4.00. (Burial Record, Congressional Cemetery, Washington, DC, 1868.10.24)
1870 Federal Census (1870.06.01 Recorded 1870.06.27) Ward 5, Washington, DC - Pg 218 (109B), Ln 16, 1656/1789 - Sothron, John. 30 year old white male carpenter, born in Maryland. Personal property valued at $100. An adult male citizen. ----, Virginia. 30 year old white female, keeping house, born in Maryland. ----, Jessie. 10 year old white female, at home, born in DC ----, Knotley. 5 year old white male, at home, born in DC ----, John. 1 year old white male, at home, born in DC
John H. Sothoron, carpenter, 693 4th St. east, Washington. (Washington Directory*, 1867)
John H. Sothoron, carpenter, 693 4th St. east, Washington. (Washington Directory*, 1868)
John H. Sothoron, carpenter, 693 4th St. east, Washington. (Washington Directory*, 1869)
John Sothoron, carpenter, 4th near K se, Washington. (Washington Directory*, 1870)
John Sothoron, carpenter, 1015 4th se, Washington. (Washington Directory*, 1871)
Sothorn. John Sothorn, in the 46th year of his age. His friends and the friends of his family are respectfully invited to attend at 3 o'clock, Wednesday, at the residence of Mrs. Addison, 3d street, S.E., near Virginia avenue. (The Evening Star :3, Washington, DC, Reported 1871.10.31)
Mrs. Virginia Sothoron to burial sites No 71, 72, 73, 74 in Range 71 and digging No 72 for John Sothoron. 2.00 4.00. (Burial Record, Congressional Cemetery, Washington, DC, 1871.10.31)
John Sothoron, carpenter, 1015 4th se, Washington. (Washington Directory*, 1872)
Mentioned by name in death notices certificates of his children (see their Notes).
Click here to view entire Congressional Cemetery record.
Adams Virginia D. [Female] b. 1835 Maryland - d. 20 NOV 1890 Washington, DC
Updated: 25 MAR 2011
Person ID: 462
John Sothoron licensed in Washington, DC on 30 March 1858 to marry Virginia Adams. (Newman Papers* - also Pippenger(1)* :556)
See father's Notes for 1850 Federal Census entry, & husband's Notes for 1860 & 1870 entries.
Mentioned by name in documents relating to deaths of husband & children (see their Notes).
1880 Federal Census (1880.06.01, Recorded 1880.06.04) 1112 7th St. SE, Washington, DC - ED 81, Pg 15, Ln 28, 124/140 - Sothoron, Virginia. 42 year old white widowed seamstress, she & parents born in Maryland. ----, Jessie E. Daughter, 20 year old single white female, at home, she & father born in DC ----, Notley B. Son, 13 year old single white male, at school, he & father born in DC, attended school within the year. ----, John A. Son, 10 year old single white male, at school, he & father born in DC, attended school within the year. - The above are boarding with several other families at same address.
Virginia Sothoron, widow John, 1113 7th se. (Washington Directory*, 1883)
Virginia Sothoron, widow John, 1113 7th se. (Washington Directory*, 1884)
Virginia D. Sothoron, widow John, 1113 7th se. (Washington Directory*, 1885)
Virginia D. Sothoron, widow John, 1113 7th se. (Washington Directory*, 1886)
Virginia D. Sothoron, widow John, 1113 7th se. (Washington Directory*, 1887)
Virginia D. Sothoron, widow John, 1113 7th se. (Washington Directory*, 1888)
Virginia D. Sothoron, widow John, 1113 7th se. (Washington Directory*, 1890)
Died: SOTHORON - On Thursday, November 20, 1890, at 8:30 p.m., VIRGINIA D. SOTHORON, in the fifty-sixth year of her age. Funeral from her late residence, 1113 Seventh street southeast, on Monday, November 24, at 3 p.m. Relatives and friends are respectfully invited to attend. (The Evening Star :5, Washington, DC, Reported 1890.11.22)
Sothoron, Virginia D. Sothoron. On Thursday, November 20, 1890 at 8:30 p.m., - Virginia D. Sothoran in the 56th year of her age. Funeral from her late residence, 1113 7th street southeast on Monday, November 24 at 3 pm. Relatives and friends respectfully invited to attend. (Age: 55 years; Range/Site R71/73). (Congressional Cemetery- web site, Washington, DC, Buried 1890.11.24)
E. M. Boteler to grave No 73 Range 71 for Mrs. Virginia D. Sothoron. (Burial Record, Congressional Cemetery, Washington, DC, 1890.11.24)
Virginia Sothoron, widow John, 1113 7th se. (Washington Directory*, 1891)
Click here to view entire Congressional Cemetery record.
Sothoron Jessie E. [Female] b. APR 1861 Washington, DC - d. 11 FEB 1928 Washington, DC
Person ID: 463
See father's Notes for 1860 & 1870 Federal Census entries, & mother's Notes for 1880 entry.
Jessie E. Sothoron, folder, 1113 7th se. (Washington Directory*, 1883)
Jessie S. Sothoron, folder, 1113 7th se. (Washington Directory*, 1884)
Jessie E. Sothoron, folder, 1113 7th se. (Washington Directory*, 1885)
Jessie E. Sothoron, feeder, 1113 7th se. (Washington Directory*, 1886)
Jessie E. Sothoron, folder, 1113 7th se. (Washington Directory*, 1887)
Jessie E. Sothoron,, 1113 7th se. (Washington Directory*, 1889)
Jessie E. Sothoron, feeder, 1113 7th se. (Washington Directory*, 1890)
Jessie E. Sothoron, feeder, 1113 7th se. (Washington Directory*, 1891)
Jessie E. Sothoron, govt. print. off., 1113 7th se. (Washington Directory*, 1892)
Jessie Sothoron, feeder, 1115 7th se. (Washington Directory*, 1893)
Jessie Sothoron, 1113 7th se. (Washington Directory*, 1895)
Jessie E. Sothoron, govt. print. off., 513 8th se. (Washington Directory*, 1896)
Jessie E. Sothoron, Govt. Printing Office, 616 NC ave se. (Washington Directory*, 1897)
Jesse Sothoron, Govt. Printing Off., 616 NC ave se. (Washington Directory*, 1898)
Jesse E. Sothoron, 622 Pa ave se. (Washington Directory*, 1899)
Jessie E. Sothoron, govt. print. off., 622 Pa ave se. (Washington Directory*, 1900)
1900 Federal Census (1900.06.01, Recorded 1900.06.07) 622 Pennsylvania Avenue SE, Washington, DC - ED 126, Sh 14A (122A), Ln 8, 198/218 - Southoron, Jessie. Head, a 39 year old single white male, born Apr 1861, renting his non-farm home. Born in DC, parents in Maryland. Occupation Press Feeder, no unemployment. Can read & write, speaks English -----, Notley. Brother, a 34 year old single white male, born Nov 1865. Born in DC, parents in MD. Occupation Undertaker, no unemployment. Can read & write, speaks English. -----, John. Brother, a 30 year old single white male, born Feb 1870. Born in DC, parents in Maryland. Occupation Tinsmith, unemployed 3 months. Can read & write, speaks English.
Jessie Sothoron, govt. print. off., 666 B se. (Washington Directory*, 1901)
Jessie Sothoron, folder, 666 B se. (Washington Directory*, 1902)
Jessie Sothoron, govt. print. off., 652 B se. (Washington Directory*, 1906)
Jessie Sothoron, Govt. Printing Off., 652 B se. (Washington Directory*, 1908)
Jessie E. Sothoron, govt. print. off., 652 B se. (Washington Directory*, 1909)
Jessie E. Sothoron, govt. print. off., 662 Mass av ne. (Washington Directory*, 1910)
1910 Federal Census (1910.04.15, Recorded 1910.04.22) 662 Massachusetts Ave, Washington, DC - ED 180, Sh 12A (220A), Ln 32, 277/248 - Sothoron, Jessie A. Head, 50 year old single white female. Born in DC, parents in Maryland. Can read & write, speaks English. Occupation Press-feeder at Gov. Printing Office, working for wages, no unemployment. Renting his non-farm home. -----, Notley B. Brother, 42 year old single white male. Born in DC, parents in Maryland. Can read & write, speaks English. Occupation Undertaker, working for wages, no unemployment. -----, John A. Brother, 40 year old single white male. Born in DC, parents in Maryland. Can read & write, speaks English. Occupation None.
Jessie E. Sothoron, Govt. Printing Off., 662 Mass av ne. (Washington Directory*, 1911)
Jessie R. Sothoron, govt. print. off., 662 Mass av ne. (Washington Directory*, 1912)
Jessie E. Sothoron, govt. print. off., 24 7th se. (Washington Directory*, 1913)
Jessie E. Sothoron, fdr govt. print. off., boards 24 7th se. (Washington Directory*, 1914)
Jessie E. Sothorn, fdr gov ptg off, rooms 24 7th se. (Washington Directory*, 1916)
1920 Federal Census (1920.01.01, Recorded 1920.01.07) 427 4th Street, Washington, DC - ED 136, Sh 6A (94A), Ln 32, 54/115 - Sothoron, John D. Head, 45 year old single white male. Can read & write, speaks English. He & mother born in DC, father in Virginia. Renting his home in a house with three other families. Draws wages as a tinner, coded 596. ----, Jesse E. Sister, 60 year old single white female. Speaks English, can read & write. She & mother born in DC, father in Virginia. Draws wages as a press feeder at Printing Office, coded 514.
Mentioned by name in obituaries of brothers John & Notley (see their Notes).
** Death
Died. On Saturday, February 11, 1928, JESSIE E., daughter of the late John H. and Virginia Sothoron, in the sixty-ninth year of her age. - Remains resting at the chapel of P.A. Taltavall, 436 Seventh street southwest. Notice of funeral hereafter. Washington Post :3, Reported 1928.02.12)
Died. On Saturday, February 11, 1928, JESSIE E., daughter of the late John H. and Virginia Sothoron, in the sixty-ninth year of her age. - Funeral from the chapel of P. A. Taltavull, 436 Seventh street southwest, on Tuesday, February 14, at 9:30 a.m.; thence to St. Joseph's Church, Second and C streets northeast, where requiem mass will be said at 10:00 a.m. Relatives and friends invited. Interment at Congressional Cemetery. (Washington Post :3, Reported 1928.02.13)
Jessie E. Sothoron died at Stanton Park Hospital, 225 6th Street NE, Washington, DC at 3 pm on 11 February 1928 after a 10 day stay. She was a 69 year old single white female who had worked as a Press Tender at Govt. Printing Office. She was born in DC to John H. Sothoron, who was born in Md; and Virginia D. Adams, born in DC. Her usual residence was 326 Mass Ave NE; she had lived her entire life in DC. Information was provided by Mrs. Nettie McNulty? Of 308 D St., NE, not related to the decesed. - She was attended from 2 Feb 1928 to the day of death by Joseph B. Rogers, M.D. of 1400 M St. NW, who certified the death. Cause of death was cardio-renal disease and arteio-sclerosis, with cardiac decompensation being contributory. There had been no recent surgery & there was no autopsy. - Burial was 14 Feb 1928 at Congressional Cemetery. (Certificate of Death No. 211226, Class No. 90-B, Recorded 1928.02.11)
Jessie E. Sothoron, a 69 year old female, died 11 February 1928 of cardiorenal disease & aortic stenosis. She was born in DC and lived at 326 Mass Ave NE. She was buried 14 February 1928 in Lot 74 of Range 71, one of a series of 4 lots purchased by Mrs. Virginia Sothoron in Oct 1871. (Burial Record, Congressional Cemetery, Washington, DC) (I could find no Grave Marker on my visit of 5 Sept )
Click here to view entire Congressional Cemetery record.
Sothoron Mary B. [Female] b. JUN 1852 Washington, DC - d. AFT MAR 1906
Updated: 25 MAR 2011
Person ID: 464
See father's Notes for 1860 & 1870 Federal Census entries, and husband Albert's Notes for 1880 & 1900 entries.
Albert H. Jones licensed in Washington, DC on 17 November 1873 to marry Mary B. Sothoron. (Provine(2)* - Licenses 6:98)
Capt. Frank Sothoron, native of St. M. Co., but for past 17 yrs. Resident of Sparrows Pt., died at his home Fri. afternoon [9 March]. Survived by widow who was a Miss Williams of Wash., two brothers: Rev. L. J. Sothoron of Forest Hill, Md. and Samuel Sothoron of N. Y. City, and 3 sisters: Mrs. G. Jones of N. Y., Mrs. Scott of Wash. (other name not included). Funeral Mon. Afternoon. Rev. Lewis B. Brown, rector of St. Matthew's Prot. Epis. Church officiated. Interment in Mr. Carmel Cem. (Chron St. Mary's 36:#4:30 {St. Mary's Beacon}, Reported 1906.03.15)
Sothoron Susan Frances [Female] b. MAY 1855 Washington, DC - d. AFT MAR 1906
Person ID: 465
See father's Notes for 1860 & 1870 Federal Census entries. See husbnd Robert's Notes for 1880 & 1900 entries.
Robert S. Scott married Fannie S. Sothoron in Washington, DC on 25 April 1871. (Provine(2)* - Licenses 2:281)
Robert S. Scott licensed in Washington, DC on 9 August 1876 to marry Susan F. Scott. (Provine(2)* - Licenses 9:363)
The Plains graveyard has a plaque bearing her full name.
Capt. Frank Sothoron, native of St. M. Co., but for past 17 yrs. Resident of Sparrows Pt., died at his home Fri. afternoon [9 March]. Survived by widow who was a Miss Williams of Wash., two brothers: Rev. L. J. Sothoron of Forest Hill, Md. and Samuel Sothoron of N. Y. City, and 3 sisters: Mrs. G. Jones of N. Y., Mrs. Scott of Wash. (other name not included). Funeral Mon. Afternoon. Rev. Lewis B. Brown, rector of St. Matthew's Prot. Epis. Church officiated. Interment in Mr. Carmel Cem. (Chron St. Mary's 36:#4:30 {St. Mary's Beacon}, Reported 1906.03.15)
Sothoron Samuel H. [Male] b. SEP 1856 Washington, DC - d. BET 1915 AND 1920 New York
Person ID: 466
Updated: 17 JUN 2012
** Census schedules & directories
See father's Notes for 1860 Federal Census entry, & brother James' Notes for 1870 & 1880 entries.
Samuel H. Sothoron, clerk, 1919 I nw, Washington. (Washington Directory*, 1875)
S. H. Sothoron, printer, 1919 I nw. (Washington Directory*, 1877)
Samuel H. Sothoron, printer, 19th corner I nw, home 1919 I nw. (Washington Directory*, 1878)
Samuel H. Sothoron, feed., 1709 K nw, home 1919 I nw. (Washington Directory*, 1879)
Samuel H. Sothoron, 1919 I nw. (Washington Directory*, 1880)
Samuel Sothoron, Sothoron & Bastable, 1919 I nw. Samuel Sothoron, printer, 1919 I nw. Samuel Sothoron, Sothoron & Bastable printers, 20th cor I nw. (Washington Directory*, 1881) (This is the first year the directory uses the "new" D.C. addresses, replacing the original Georgetown addresses)
Samuel H. Sothoron, printer, 833 20th nw, home 1919 I nw. (Washington Directory*, 1882)
Samuel H. Sothoron, Sothoron & Bastable, 1919 I nw. Samuel H. Sothoron, printers, 831 20th nw; Sothoron & Walter B. Bastable. (Washington Directory*, 1883)
Samuel H. Sothoron, printer, 831 20th nw, home 1919 I nw. (Washington Directory*, 1884)
Samuel H. Sothoron, printer, 1919 I nw. (Washington Directory*, 1885)
Samuel H. Sothoron, printer, 1919 I nw. (Washington Directory*, 1886)
Samuel A. Sothoron, clerk, 1919 I nw. (Washington Directory*, 1887)
Samuel Sothern, clerk, 686 Herkimer. (* - Brooklyn, New York Directory, 1888)
Samuel H. Sothoron, printer, at 636 Herkimer. (* - Brooklyn, New York Directory, 1889)
Samuel H. Sothoron, printer, at 636 Herkimer. (* - Brooklyn, New York Directory), 1890)
Samuel H. Sothoron, printer, h 636 Herkimer. (* - image of Brooklyn, New York Directory), 1891:1147)
Sam'l Sothoron, printer, h 635 Macon. (* - image of Brooklyn, New York Directory), 1892:1099)
Sam'l Sothoron, printer, h 635 Macon. (* - image of Brooklyn, New York Directory), 1894:1220)
Sam'l Sothoron, printer, h 760 Madison. (* - image of Brooklyn, New York Directory), 1895:1302)
SOTHORON, Sam'l H. pressman h 760 Madison. (* - Lain's Brooklyn Directory, 1897)
Sothoron Sam, printer, h 760 Madison. (* - image of Lain & Healy's Brooklyn Directory, 1899:1332)
1900 Federal Census (1900.06.01, Recorded 1900.06.07) 760 Madison Street, Brooklyn, Kings Co., NY - ED 434, Sh 7A (269A), Ln 30, 69/155 - Sothoren, Sam. H. Head, 43 year old white male, born Sep. 1856, married 6 years. Born in DC, parents in Maryland. Occupation Pressman at newspaper, no unemployed time. Can read & write, speaks English, owns his non-farm home with a mortgage. -----, Phebe E. Wife, 30 year old white female, born Nov. 1869, married 6 years. Had one child, still alive. Born in New York, parents in Germany. Can read & write, speaks English. -----, Kate. Sister, 60 year old single white female, born July 1839. She & parents born in Maryland. Can read & write, speaks English. -----, John M. Son, 8 year old single white male, born Jul 1891. He & parents born in New York. Occupation At School.
1910 Federal Census (1910.04.15, Recorded 1910.04.25) 458 Garfield Ave., Assy. Dist. 4, Queens Borough, Queens Co., NY - ED 1259, Sh 17A (186A), Ln 27, 267/280 - Sothoron, Sam H. Head, 53 year old married (second marriage) white male, married for 15 years. He & parents born in DC. Can read & write, speaks English. Occupation Printer at newspaper, working for wages, no unemployment. Has a mortgage on his non-farm home. -----, Phebe E. Wife, 40 year old white female, in second marriage for 15 years. Had one child, still alive. Born in New York, both parents in Germany. Can read & write, speaks English. Occupation none. - Moser, John M. Step-son, 18 year old single white male. He & parents born in New York. Can read & write, speaks English, no school since last Sept. Occupation House Carpenter, drawing wages, no unemployment. - Kloetzer, Otto. Father in law, 77 year old widowed white male. He & parents born in Germany. Immigratged in 1860 & naturalized. Occupation Tea & coffee Salesman, drawing wages, no unemployment.
1915 New York State Census (1915.06.01) 435 Garfield Av., Dist. 19, Ward 4, New York City, Town of Richmond Hill, Assembly Dist. 4, Queens Co. - Pg 39, Ln 4 - Sothoron, Sam H. Head, 59 year old white male, born in U.S. & resided there for 59 years. Occupation Printer, Class W. -----, Phebe E. Wife, 42 year old white female, born in U.S. & resided there for 42 years. Occupation Housewife, Class X. - Kaloetzer, Otto. Father-in-law, 82 year old white male, born in Germany, lived in U.S. for 55 years as a citizen. Occupation Retired, Class X. - Vanderwater, Frank J. Head, 27 year old white male, born in U.S. & resided there 27 years. Occupation Bookkeeper, Class W. -----, Beulah B. Wife, 25 year old white female, born in U.S. & resided there 25 years. Occupation Housework, Class X. -----, Donald B. Son, 3 year old white male, born in U.S. & resided there 3 years. Occupation None, Class X. Cornell, William. Head, 57 year old white male, born in U.S. & resided there 57 years. Occupation Weigher, Class W.
Wife is entered as a widow in 1920 Federal Census (see her Notes).
** Miscellaneous
Sothoron, Phebe E. and S.H. to J. M. Moser, Madison st nr Patchen av 1,800 (Brooklyn Daily Eagle :16, 1902.01.14, Published 1902.01.15)
Mentioned as a surviving brother of Frank Sothoron (J B F Sothoron) in latter's obituary of 1906 (see his Notes).
Sothoron Richard [Male] b. ABT 1857 Washington, DC - d. JUL 1864 Glenwood Cemetery, Washington, DC
Person ID: 467
Richard Webster Sotheron, child of John R. Sotheron & Susan, christened 1 Jan 1860 at Concordia Lutheran Evangelical Church, Washington, DC. (* - IGI Individual Record, from Church Record)
See father' Notes for 1860 Federal Census entry.
Richard Sothoron, lab, Columbia Rd. (Washington Directory*, 1880)
Richard Sothern, lab, 16th extended nw. (Washington Directory*, 1886)
Richard Sothoron was buried 7 July 1864 at Glenwood Cemetery, Washington, DC in Site 1 of Lot 58, Section G (Sothoron family plot).
Click here to see full Burial Record for entire plot.
Sothoron Hewett D. C. [Male] b. SEP 1859 Washington, DC - d. BEF 6 MAY 1864 Washington, DC
Person ID: 468
See father's Notes for 1860 Federal Census entry.
Richard Henry Hewat Sothoron, child of John T. Sothoron & Roberta Skidmore, christened 26 Nov 1863 at Concordia Lutheran Evangelical Church, Washington, DC. (* - Church Records)
Ann Adams, Susan M. Sothoron, Laura E. Sothoron & Hewit D. C. Sothoron were buried in Sothoron lot at Glenwood Cemetery, Washington, DC on 6 May 1864. (Burial Record) (Wonder if they were moved from elsewhere to the family plot? - cemetery records don't have the answer - WHS*).
Click here to see full Burial Record for entire plot.
Sothoron Priscilla Belle [Female] b. 1 OCT 1851 Covington, Kenton Co., KY - d. 31 OCT 1922 Constance Pct., Boone Co., KY
Person ID: 469
See father's Notes for 1860 & 1870 Federal Census entries. See husband James L. Hood's Notes for 1880 through 1920 entries.
Priscilla Belle Sothoren & James Leonard Hood were married in Boone Co., KY on 28 Sept 1871. (Humphrey*)
- Priscilla Belle Hood, married white female, 71 years & 30 days of age, born 1 Oct 1851 at Covington, KY, died at 1 P.M. on 31 Oct 1922 at home in Constance Pct., Boone Co., KY. Father was Michael Southoron (sic), born & KY. Mother's maiden name was Thomas, birthplace uknown. Informant was Jas. Hood of Constance, KY. - Cause of death was Chronic Intestitial (sic) Nephritis. Certification was by S.B. Nunnelley(?), M.D., of Bullittsville, KY, signed 1 Nov 1922. He had attended her from 14 Oct 1922 until date of death, last seeing her alive on 15 Oct 1922. - Burial was on 3 Nov 1922 at Hebron Cemetery, John Allison making the arrangements. (Certificate of Death, File No. 21208, Registration Dist. No. 4145 - Commonwealth of Kentucky)
Sothoron Adaline Esther [Female] b. JUN 1854 Kentucky - d. 9 NOV 1931 Hamilton Co., OH
Person ID: 470
See father's Notes for 1860 & 1870 Federal Census entries, husband's Notes for 1880 through 1920 entries. See Notes of daughter Myrtle's husband Joseph for 1930 entry.
Adaline E. Sothoren & Robert Yeatman Hood were married 2 Oct 1873 at M. Southern's in Boone Co., KY. (Humphrey*)
Adaline E. Hood died 9 Nov 1931 in Hamilton Co., OH. (* - Ohio Deaths)
Named in daughter Doris' Death Certificate (see her Notes).
Middle name per Humphrey*.
Adaline E. Hood 1854 - 1931 SAFE IN THE ARMS OF JESUS
 Photo from Hebron Lutheran, Hebron, Boone Co., KY, courtesy of Humphrey*
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