Sothoron & Related Families - 216 (Notes Pages)For privacy reasons, Date of Birth and Date of Marriage for persons believed to still be living are not shown. Hunter Maria Louisa [Female] b. ABT 1874 Maryland - d. AFT JUN 1900
Person ID: 4346
See father's Notes for 1880 Federal Census entry.
People PageHunter Thomas H. [Male] b. 5 MAY 1875 Maryland - d. AFT APR 1930
Person ID: 4347
See father's Notes for 1880 & 1900 Federal Census entries. 1920 Federal Census (1920.01.01, Recorded 1920.04.01) Brookeville Road, Pct. 2, Dist. 13, Silver Spring, Montgomery Co., MD - ED 144, Sh 35B, Ln 51, 53/55 - Hunter, Thomas. Head, 44 year old married white male, owns his home free of mortgage. Can read & write, speaks English. He & parents born in Maryland. Occupation Merchant in Farm Implements (Em). -----, Alice L. Wife, 33 year old married white female. Can read & write, speaks English. She & parents born in Maryland. Occupation None. -----, Ruth. Daughter, 3 10/12 year old white female. She & parents born in Maryland. -----, Thomas, Jr. Son, 10/12 year old white male. He & parents born in Maryland. 1930 Federal Census (1930.04.01, Recorded 1930.04.17) 8303 Georgia Ave., Silver Spring, Wheaton Dist., Montgomery Co., MD - ED 37, Sh 16B, Ln 87, 361/383 - Hunter, Thomas. Head, 54 year old married white male, first married at 38. Owns his non-farm home valued at $30,000, has a radio. Can read & write, speaks English. He & parents born in Maryland. Occupation Hardware Merchant, drawing wages. Veteran of WW. -----, Alice. Wife, 42 year old married white female, first married at 29. Can read & write, speaks English. She & parents born in Maryland. -----, Ruth. Daughter, 14 year old single white female. Can read & write, speaks English, attended school since Sept. She & parents born in Maryland. -----, Thomas, Jr. Son, 11 year old white male. Can read & write, speaks English, attended school since Sept. He & parents born in Maryland. -----, Marion. Daughter, 8 year old white female. Can read & write, speaks English, attended school since Sept. She & parents born in Maryland.
People PageHunter William Pierce [Male] b. 22 NOV 1877 Maryland - d. AFT APR 1930
Person ID: 4348
See father's Notes for 1880 & 1900 Federal Census entries. 1920 Federal Census (1920.01.01, Recorded 1920.01.03) Dist. 3 (Poolesville), Montgomery Co., MD - ED 123, Sh 3(249)A, Ln 40, 31/31 - Hunter, William P. Head, 42 year old married white male, owns his home with a mortgage. Can read & write, speaks English. He & parents born in Maryland. Occupation Farmer, working on O.A., Farm Schedule #7. -----, Mattie. Wife, 37 year old married white female. Can read & write, speaks English. She & parents born in Maryland. -----, William P. Son, 8 year old white male, attended school since Sept. He & parents born in Maryland. -----, John R. Son, 6 year old white male, attended school since Sept. He & parents born in Maryland. - Valdnar, Fanny. Cousin, 73 year old single white female. Can read & write, speaks English. She & parents born in Maryland. - Littlefield, Francis. Mother-in-law, 62 year old widowed white female. Can read & write, speaks English. She & parents born in Maryland. 1930 Federal Census (1930.04.01, Recorded 1930.04.09) Poolesville Dist., Montgomery Co., MD - ED 5, Sh 4B, Ln 56, 82/83 - Hunter, Perrce P. Head, 52 year old married white male, first married at 32. Owns his farm home. Can read & write, speaks English. He & parents born in Maryland. Occupation Farmer, Farm Schedule #48. Not a veteran. -----, Mattie L. Wife, 47 year old married white female, first married at 27. Can read & write, speaks English. Born in DC, father in Pennsylvania, mother in Maryland. Occupation None. -----, John R. Son, 16 year old single white male. Can read & write, speaks English, attended school since Sept. He & father born in Maryland, mother in DC. - Littlefield, Frances A. Mother-in-law, 73 year old widowed white female. Can read & write, speaks English. She & parents born in Maryland.
People PageHunter John Hillen [Male] b. 9 JUN 1879 Maryland - d. AFT APR 1930
Person ID: 4349
See father's Notes for 1880 Federal Census entry, father in law's Notes for 1910 entry. 1920 Federal Census (1920.01.01, Recorded 1920.01.08) 930 Westminster St., Pct. 8, Washingon, DC - ED 199, Sh 9(139)A, Ln 16, 134/196 - Hunter, John H. Head, 38 year old married white male, owns his home free of mortgage. Can read & write, speaks English. He & parents born in Maryland. Occupation Retail Merchant in Agr. Implements, working on O.A. -----, Frances. Wife, 36 year old married white female. Can read & write, speaks English. She & parents born in DC. -----, Louise. Daughter, 16 year old single white female. Can read & write, speaks English, attended school since Sept. She & mother born in DC, father in Maryland. -----, Gertrude. Daughter, 14 year old single white female. Can read & write, speaks English, attended school since Sept. She & mother born in DC, father in Maryland. -----, John H., Jr. Son, 7 year old white male, attended school since Sept. He & mother born in DC, father in Maryland. - Clarke, Imogene. Mother-in-law, 75 year old widowed white female. Can read & write, speaks English. She & mother born in DC, father in Maryland. 1930 Federal Census (1930.04.01, Recorded 1930.04.05) 7336 14th St. NW, Pct. 13, Washington, DC - ED 368, Sh 6(112)A, Ln 13, 61/67 - Hunter, John H. Head, 50 year old married white male, first married at 22. Owns his home valued at $20,000, has a radio. Can read & write, speaks English. He & parents born in Maryland. Occupation Merchant in Agricultural Supply (E). Not a veteran. -----, Francis L. Wife, 51 year old married white female, first married at 23. Can read & write, speaks English. She & parents born in DC. Occupation None. -----, Gertrude I. Daughter, 25 year old single white female. Can read & write, speaks English. She & mother born in DC, father in Maryland. Occupation Bookkeeper at Agricultural Business, drawing wages. -----, John H. Son, 17 year old single white male. Can read & write, speaks English, attended school since Sept. He & mother born in DC, father in Maryland. Occupation None.
People PageAlice L. [Female] b. ABT 1887 Maryland - d. AFT APR 1930
Person ID: 4350
See husband's Notes for 1920 & 1930 Federal Census entries.
People PageHunter Ruth [Female] b. ABT MAR 1916 Maryland - d. AFT APR 1930
Person ID: 4351
See father's Notes for 1920 & 1930 Federal Census entries.
People PageHunter Thomas H. [Male] b. ABT MAR 1919 Maryland - d. AFT APR 1930
Person ID: 4352
See father's Notes for 1920 & 1930 Federal Census entries.
People PageHunter Marion [Female] b. ABT 1922 Maryland - d. AFT APR 1930
Person ID: 4353
See father's Notes for 1930 Federal Census entry.
People PageLittlefield Mattie [Female] b. ABT 1883 Washington, DC - d. AFT APR 1930
Person ID: 4354
See husband's Notes for 1920 & 1930 Federal Census entries.
People PageHunter William P. [Male] b. ABT 1912 Maryland - d. AFT APR 1930
Person ID: 4355
See father's Notes for 1920 Federal Census entry.
People PageHunter John R. [Male] b. ABT 1914 Maryland - d. AFT APR 1930
Person ID: 4356
See father's Notes for 1920 & 1930 Federal Census entries.
People PageClarke Frances L. [Female] b. ABT 1879 Washington, DC - d. AFT APR 1930
Person ID: 4357
See husband's Notes for 1920 & 1930 Federal Census entries.
People PageHunter Gertrude I. [Female] b. ABT 1905 Washington, DC - d. AFT APR 1930
Person ID: 4358
See grandfather Clarke's Notes for 1910 Federal Census entry, father's Notes for 1920 & 1930 entries.
People PageHunter John H. [Male] b. ABT 1913 Washington, DC - d. AFT APR 1930
Person ID: 4359
See father's Notes for 1920 & 1930 Federal Census entries.
People PageHunter Frances Louise [Female] b. ABT 1904 Washington, DC - d. AFT JAN 1920
Person ID: 4360
See grandfather Clarke's Notes for 1910 Federal Census entry, father's Notes for 1920 entry.
People PageClarke William H. [Male] b. ABT 1843 Washington, DC
Person ID: 4361
1910 Federal Census (1910.04.15, Recorded 1910.04.21) 930 Westminster St. NW, Pct. 8, Washington, DC - ED 155, Sh 6B, Ln 82, 105/118
People PageFrances F. [Female] b. ABT 1850 Washington, DC
Person ID: 4362
See husband's Notes for 1910 Federal Census entry, son in law's Notes for 1920 entry.
People PageFinch Leroy [Male]
Person ID: 4363
Martha Hillan Hunter, dau of Thomas Hunter & Susanna Goodwin Key Scott, m. Leroy Finch, b. abt 1839. (Terhune*)
People PageFinch Lucius [Male] b. AFT 1860
Person ID: 4364
Lucius Finch, son of Leroy Finch & Martha Hillan Hunter, b. aft. 1860. (Terhune*)
People PageMagruder Anna Virginia [Female] b. AUG 1850 Maryland - d. AFT APR 1930
Person ID: 4365
Edward Scott Hunter, son of Thomas Hunter & Susanna Goodwin Key Scott, m. on 14 Feb 1870 in Montgomery Co., MD, Anna Virginia Magruder. (Terhune* - Maryland Marriages)
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