Sothoron & Related Families - 22 (Notes Pages)
For privacy reasons, Date of Birth and Date of Marriage for persons believed to still be living are not shown.
Sothoron John Henry [Male] b. ABT 1833 Charles Co., MD - d. BET 1893 AND 1896
Person ID: 431
John H. Sothoron, 40, widower of St. Mary's Co., married on 1 December 1873 in Charles Co., MD, Isabella Canter, 40, single, of Charles Co. (Fresco(1)* :273)
John Henry Sothoron died 22 September 1891 in St. Mary's Co., MD (Reno*)
** Census schedules & directories
See father's Notes for 1850 Federal Census entry.
1860 Federal Census (1860.06.01, Recorded 1860.08.20) Charlotte Hall, District 5, St. Mary's Co., MD - Pg 185 (1103), Ln 1, 1581/1498 - J. Henry Sothoron, Jr. 27 year old male Farmer, born in Maryland. "Color” was left blank.
Deed of 5 Sept 1874 by Benjamin H. Sothoron of St. Mary's Co., MD. For $1,500 conveys to John H. Sothoron of same county the following property: all of farm formerly occupied by Samuel Burroughs, called Brotherhood, partly in Charles & St. Mary's counties, on right side of public road from Charlotte Hall to Bryantown & to left of public road from Charlotte Hall to Benedict, containing about 150 acres. Signed by B.H. Sothoron, wit: H. Clay Dent. Certified 5 Sept 1874, recorded 8 Sept 1874. (St. Mary's Co., MD Land Records JFF#1:221)
Mortgage of 5 Sept 1874 by John H. Sothoron & Isabella his wife, all of St. Mary's Co., MD. For $1,500 for lands sold them the same date by Benjamin H. Sothoron of same county. To pay Benjamin H. Sothoron $187.50 annually on 1 July, from 1875 through 1882, with interest from 1 July 1875. Signed by John H. Sothoron & Isabell Sothoron. Wit: H. Clay Dent. Certified 5 & 8 Sept 1875, recorded 8 Sept 1875. (St. Mary's Co., MD Land Records JFF#1:221)
Deed of 29 Sept 1877 by John H. Sothoron & wife Isabella, Joseph A. Sothoron, Benjamin C. Sothoron, Elkanah H. Edwards & wife Margaret, Josias H. Hancock & Mary M. his wife, Thos. E. Dyer & Charity T. his wife, Sarah E. Hancock, Lemuel M. Hamcock. For $1,200 convey to Wirt Harrison a house & lot in Charlotte Hall of which the late B.H. Sothoron died seized & possessed, near house & store of Theophilus Harrison, adjoining said Harrison's lands, containing about 2 acres. Also, about 1 acre upon which B.H. Sothoron built a stable just prior to his death, adjoining land of Wm. H. Sothoron. Also about 65 acres, being part of Mill Farm formerly owned by late B.H. Sothoron, bounded on southwest by lands of Charlotte Hall School & Theophilus Harrison, running from said Harrison's fence with stream running to Mill Dam, to said dam, & from thence around said Dam up a small stream to Horatio Canter's or School's land. Signed by John H. Sothoron; Isabella Sothoron; Joseph A. Sothoron (his mark); Benjamin C. Sothoron (his mark); Elkanah H. Edwards (his mark); Maggie Edwards; Jos. H. Hancock; Mary M. Hancock; Thos. E. Dyer; Charity T. Dyer, Sarah E. Hancock; & Jos. H. Hancock, Guardian for Lemuel M. Hancock. Witnessed by D.W. Slye. Certified same date, recorded 31 Oct 1877. (St. Mary's Co., MD Land Records JFF#2:457)
1880 Federal Census (1880.06.01, Recorded 1880.06.09) District 5 (Mechanicsville), St. Mary's Co., MD - ED 140, Pg 4, Ln 25, 13/19 - Sothoron, John H. Head, 47 year old married white male laborer. He & parents born in Maryland. Unable to read nor write. ----. Isabel. Wife, 37 year old married white female, keeping house. She & parents born in Maryland. - Tinnerson, Sarah C. Niece, 28 year old single white female, at home. She & parents born in Maryland. - Freeman, Thomas S. Nephew, 16 year old single white male, at school. He & parents born in Maryland. - Williams, E.S. Boarder, 48 year old single white male miller, unable to read nor write, he & parents born in Maryland.
Lemuel H. Hancock is living with Josias H. Hancock & family in Mechanicsville Dist, St. Mary's Co. for 1880 Federal Census (ED 140, Ln 38); is nephew of Josias. Living adjacent to household of John H. & Isabell Sothoron. See Notes for Lemuel H.
** Land records - Maryland
John H., Isabella, Joseph A. & Benjamin C. Sothoron, Elkanah H. Edwards & Maggie his wife, Joseph H. & Mary Hancock, Thomas E. & Charity T. Dyer, Sarah E. Hancock, & Joseph H. Hancock guardian for Lemuel M. Hancock deed to Wirt Harrison for $1,200, part of the Mill Farm, formerly owned by B. H. Sothoron dec'd, bounded on the south by lands of Charlotte Hall School. Also a house & lot in Charlotte Hall of which the late B. H. Sothoron died seized & possessed, situated near Thoephilus Harrison's store, 2 acres. Also 1 acre lot with stable built by B. H. Sothoron just before his death, adjacent to land of William H. Sothoron. (Abstracts StM#6:132, St. Mary's Co., 1877.09.29)
John H., Joseph A. & Benjamin C. Sothoron, Elkanah H. Edwards, Maggie Edwards, Joseph H. Hancock, Mary M. Hancock, Thomas E. Dyer, Charley T. Dyer, Joseph H. Hancock guardian for Lemuel M. Hancock deed for price per agreement of 17 July 1877 to Sarah E. Hancock part of Mill Farm formerly owned by Benjamin H. Sothorn dec'd, adjacent to lands of Hancock, Edwards, Harrison, Slye & Sothoron, 80 acres. (Abstracts StM#6:133, St. Mary's Co., 1877.09.29, Recorded 1877.10.31)
Deed of 12 August 1878 by John H. Sothoron of St. Mary's Co., MD. For $500 conveys to wife Isabella Sothoron for natural life, & then to daughter Mary Jane Sothoron, both of same county, property: portion of farm formerly owned & occupied by Samuel Burroughs, being land inherited by John from his late father Benjamin H. Sothoron, known as "Brotherhood," lying part in St. Mary's Co. & part in Charles Co., lying beside road from Charlotte Hall to Hughesville, about 12 acres; & lying to left of said road & on south by the road from Charlotte Hall to Benedict, about 150 acres. Signed by John H. Sothoron, witnessed by D.W. Slye. Certified same date, recorded 13 August 1878. (St. Mary's Co., MD Land Records JFF#3:157)
Recorded at request of buyers. John H. Sothoron sells for $500 to his wife Isabella and at her death to his daughter Mary Jane entire portion of farm formerly owned & occupied by Samuel Burroughs & being the land inherited by me from my father the late Benjamin H. Sothoron & known commonly as Brotherhood, lying in Charles and St. Mary's Counties upon the road from Charlotte Hall to Hughesville & 12 acres to left of said road & on the South of the road from Charlotte Hall to Benedict supposed to contain 150 acres. Test: D. W. Slye. (BGS#3:143, Charles Co., 1878.08.12, Recorded 1878.08.17)
Mortgage of 29 Aug 1888 by John H. Sothoron & wife Isabella. For $131.50 convey in trust to William E. Burch of St. Mary's Co., MD, lands described in deed of same date & recorded on same page. Sothoron to pay Burch $131.50 as per promissory note of even date, paying interest annually on 29 August until note satisfied. Signed by John H. Sothoron & Isabella Sothoron, witnessed by Isaiah Canter. Certified same date, recorded 20 Aug 1888. Mortgage released on 4 Feb 1893, with release being recorded the same date. (St. Mary's Co., MD Land Records JFF#10:470)
Deed recorded 4 Feb 1891 at request of William J. Best. Indenture of 29 Jan 1890 between Isabella Sothoron & John H. Sothoron her husband of Charles Co., MD; and William J. Best of city, county & state of New York. For $1.00 Best is conveyed land lying partly in Charles Co. & partly in St. Mary's Co., being part of a farm of the conveyors and being land used by the Southern Maryland Railroad Company, running about 1477 feet. Said land begins 33 feet from center line of Southern Maryland Railroad on south side thereof, adjoining land of Jas. T Lyon, running with Lyon's land & across said railroad 66 feet to north side thereof, then with railroad 1477 feet to land of late L.H. Canter Heiss(?), thence with said Heiss'(?) land to & across said railroad 66 feet to south side, then parallel with railroad to beginning, containing 2.24 acres. Best is to put said railroad track in good & safe running order by or before 1 March 1891, & complete the railroad between Point Lookout & Bennings Station on the Baltimore & Potomac Railroad by or before 1 March 1892. Failure to meet due dates will result is voiding of this agreement. Signed by Isabella Sothoron, & John H. Sothoron by his mark. Witnessed by Frederick L. Dent. Certified 29 Jan 1890. (Charles Co., MD Land Records JST#3:661)
Deed of 1 Feb 1893 by John H. Sothoron & wife Isabella of St. Mary's Co., MD. For $350 convey to William E. Burch a parcel of land: beginning at large cedar tree on south side of road from the Oaks to Benedict, 100 yards in NE direction from old log barn on farm of James Burch, running in straight line northwesterly to small hickory intersecting land of James T. Lynn; thence easterly with Lynn's fence to land belonging to said Burch; thence southeasterly with said dividing line to intersection with land of Benjn. H. Sothoron & Joseph A. Sothoron & sold at constable sate to Spencer Harrison; thence with division line between said lands to public road; thence westerly with said road to beginning; containing about 25 acres, in fee simple. Part of tract sold by James H. Alvey tax collector for St. Mary's Co. & deeded on 26 March 1888 to Isaiah Canter & afterwards sold by Canter to Isabella Sothoron on 29 Aug 1888. Known as "Brotherhood." Signed by John H. Sothoron & Isabella Sothoron, witnessed by Henry C. Adams. Certified same date, recorded 4 Feb 1893. Notation: "delivery by mail to W.E. Burch." (St. Mary's Co., MD Land Records JFF#13:567)
See wife Isabella's Notes for transfers in 1896 (suggests her widowhood).
Sothoron Joseph A. [Male] b. ABT 1843 St. Mary's Co., MD - d. 1898 St. Mary's Co., MD
Person ID: 432
A list of Registered Voters in Charlotte Hall District includes the following Sothoron given names/initials: Henry, Jos. A., M.S., W. H., B.H., H.C., W, & Jno. H. (St. Mary's Beacon :1, Reported 1868.10.15)
A list of registered voters for Charlotte Hall (5th) District includes Sothoron family members Henry, Joseph A., J.H., Wm. H., B.H., H.C. and W. (St. Mary's Beacon :2, Reported 1869.10.07)
Joseph A. Sothoron, 30, single, married Emma Lucas, 18, at St. Mary's in Charles Co. by Francis J. Tewes, on 19 September 1878. (Fresco(1)* :274)
List of voters in District 5 includes Joseph A. Sothoron. (St. Mary's Beacon :1, Reported 1882.09.28)
Mentioned by name in various records of children (see their Notes).
** Census schedules
See father's Notes for 1850 & 1860 Federal Census entries.
1880 Federal Census (1880.06.01, Recorded 1880.06.07) District 5 (Mechanicsville), St. Mary's Co., MD - ED 140, Pg 1, Ln 21, 3/4 - Sothoron, Jos. A. 33 year old married white male farmer. He & parents born in Maryland. Unable to read nor write. ----, Emma E. Wife, 23 year old married white female, keeping home. She & parents born in Maryland. ----, Benjamin C. No notation of relationship. Forty year old married white male farmer. He & parents born in Maryland. Unable to read nor write. ----, Susan C. Wife, 18 year old married white female, keeping home. She & parents born in Maryland. Unable to read nor write.
** Land records - St. Mary's Co., Maryland
Deed of 5 Sept 1874 by Benjamin H. Sothoron of St. Mary's Co., MD. For $6,000 conveys to E.H. Edwards & Joseph A. Sothoron of St. Mary's Co. the following property: all that portion of School Spring Mill & plantation in 5th District, commencing at point in run which flows from the Water Wheel of said Mill, where it intersect with lands of Horatio Canter, thence up said run to stone within 8 feet of a peach tree on bank of said run, thence with line of Josias H. Hancock until intersecting main road to the Mill, thence with current fence around the Miller's house, thence with fence up the Mill race to main dam, including said dam, with all natural water courses thereto, up first stream running in southerly direction until intersecting lands of Charlotte Hall School, thence with said lands until intersection lands of Horatio Canter, thence with said Canter's lands to beginning, embracing the mill with all natural water courses thereto; about 50 acres. Signed B.H. Sothoron. Wit: H.C. Adams, B. Haris Camalier. Certified & recorded 8 Sept 1874. (St. Mary's Co., MD Land Records JFF#1:218)
Mortgage of 5 Sept 1874 by E.H. Edwards & wife Margaret, and Joseph A. Sothoron, all of St. Mary's Co., MD. For $6,000 for lands sold them the same date by Benjamin H. Sothoron, to pay $750 annually on 1 July, from 1875 through 1882, with interest from 1 July 1875. Signed by E. H. Edwards, Maggie Edwards, Joseph A. Sothoron. Wit: H. Clay Dent. Certified 5 & 8 Sept 1874, recorded 8 Sept 1874. Mortgage released, as having been satisfied, on 21 Jan 1879 by Jos. H. Hancock, admr. for B.H. Sothoron. (St. Mary's Co., MD Land Records JFF#1:219)
See Notes of brother John H. for details of sale of father's estate property on 29 Sept 1877.
Josias H. Hancock, Mary M. Hancock, E.H. Edwards, Maggie Edwards, Joseph A. & Benjamin C. Sothoron deed to Horatio Canter for $110 part of Mill Farm of which Benjamin H. Sothoron died seized & possessed, 3 acres. (Abstracts StM#6:136, 1877.12.01, Recorded 1877.11.11)
Deed of 29 Jan 1878 by L.H. Canter & wife Sarah E.D. Canter, both of St. Mary's Co., MD. For $1,200 convey to Benjamin C. Sothoron & Joseph A. Sothoron a tract in Charlotte Hall District, being that portion of the original Sothorons Desire farm which is situated northeast, north and northwest of the Benedict road, containing about 150 acres. Signed by L.H. Canter & Sarah E.D. Canter. Certified same date, recorded 19 March 1878. (St. Mary's Co., MD Land Records JFF#3:47)
Deed of 30 Jan 1878 by Benjamin C. Sothoron & Joseph A. Sothoron, both of St. Mary's Co., MD. For $2,000 convey to E. H. Edwards & wife Margaret the School Spring Mill and plantation, in 5th District. Signed with marks by Joseph A. Sothoron & Benjamin C. Sothoron. Wit: L.H. Canter, D.W. Slye. Certified same date, recorded 19 March 1878. (St. Mary's Co., MD Land Records JFF#3:48)
Joseph A. Sothoron deeds to Emana Elizabeth Sothoron for $1,000, Sothoron's Desire, 160 acres. (Abstracts StM#6:194, 1879.07.28, Recorded 1879.08.30)
Deed of 28 July 1879 by Jos. A. Sothoron of St. Mary's Co., MD. For $1,000 conveys to Emer Elizabeth Sothoron of same county a tract known as Sothoron's desire, containing about 160 acres, being same land purchased of H.L. Canter by seller. Signed by Jos. A. Sothoron with a mark. Wit: G.W. Burroughs. Certified same date, recorded 30 August 1879. (St. Mary's Co., MD Land Records JFF#3:507)
Mortgage of 2 October 1886 by Joseph A. Sothoron & wife Emma E of St. Mary's Co., MD. For $150 convey to John T. Bollinger tract of land in 5th District called Sothoron's Desire, being same which L. H. Canter & wife Sarah E. D. deeded to Benjm. C. Sothoron & Joseph A. Sothoron on 9 Jan 1878. Is a portion of original tract. lying northeast, south, & northwest of main road from The Oaks to Benedict, containing about 150 acres. In trust for payment by 2 Oct 1887 the sum of $59, $56 on or before 2 Oct 1888, $53 on or before 2 Oct 1889, all without interest. Signed by Joseph A. Sothoron & Emma E. Sothoron, witnessed by H.C. Adams. Certified same date, recorded 5 Oct 1886. Mortgage released on 1 Dec 1888; release recorded on 3 Dec 1888. (St. Mary's Co., MD Land Records JFF#9:286)
John H. Sothoron & Isabella his wife deed to William E. Burch for $350, land on south side of road from Oaks to Benedict, adjacent to John Burch, Benjamin H. & Joseph A. Sothoron, & sold at constables sale to Spencer Harrison, 75 acres. (Abstracts StM#6:750, 1893.02.01)
** Death
Joseph Sothron was buried in Area 6, Line 7, Lot 5 at Mount Olivet Cemetery, 1300 Bladensburg Rd., Washington, DC on 15 November 1886. Services were from Conception Parish. There is no grave marker. (Burial Record Index Card)
Biography of son Lewis (in Proctor*) gives date of death of 1898 (see Lewis' Notes).
Sothoron Margaret [Female] b. ABT 1845 St. Mary's Co., MD - d. AFT JAN 1920
Nickname: Maggie
Person ID: 433
MARGARET "MAGGIE" SOTHORON was born 1845 in St. Mary's Co., MD to Benjamin H. Sothoron & Teresa Bevans; and died Aft. 1880. She married ELKANAH H. EDWARDS February 05, 1867 in St. Mary's RCC, Charles Co., MD. He was born 1845 in St. Mary's Co., MD, and died Aft. 1880. (Reno*)
See father's Notes for 1850 & 1860 Federal Census entries. See husband Elkanah's Notes for 1870, 1880 through 1910 entries, and daughter Laura's Notes for 1920 entry..
Maggie Sothoron, 20 years old, married at St. Mary's Roman Catholic Church, Charles Co., to Elkanah H. Edwards, 24 years old, by Fr. W.L. Jordan SJ., on 5 February 1867. (Fresco(1)* :94)
MARRIED. On the 6th instant, by the Rev. Father Jordan, ELKANAH H. EDWARDS to Miss MAGGIE SOTHORON. (St. Mary's Beacon :2, Reported 1867.02.14)
** Land Record Abstracts - St. Mary's Co., MD
John H., Isabella, Joseph A. & Benjamin C. Sothoron, Elkanah H. Edwards & Maggie his wife, Joseph H. & Mary Hancock, Thomas E. & Charity T. Dyer, Sarah E. Hancock, & Joseph H. Hancock guardian for Lemuel M. Hancock deed to Wirt Harrison for $1,200, part of the Mill Farm, formerly owned by B. H. Sothoron dec'd, bounded on the south by lands of Charlotte Hall School. Also a house & lot in Charlotte Hall of which the late B. H. Sothoron died seized & possessed, situated near Thoephilus Harrison's store, 2 acres. Also 1 acre lot with stable built by B. H. Sothoron just before his death, adjacent to land of William H. Sothoron. (StM#6:132, 1877.09.29)
See Notes of brother John H. for details of sale of father's estate property on 29 Sept 1877.
Josias H. Hancock, Mary M. Hancock, E.H. Edwards, Maggie Edwards, Joseph A. & Benjamin C. Sothoron deed to Horatio Canter for $110 part of Mill Farm of which Benjamin H. Sothoron died seized & possessed, 3 acres. (StM#6:136, 1877.12.01, Recorded 1877.11.11)
Deed of 30 Jan 1878 by Benjamin C. Sothoron & Joseph A. Sothoron, both of St. Mary's Co., MD. For $2,000 convey to E. H. Edwards & wife Margaret the School Spring Mill and plantation, in 5th District. Signed with marks by Joseph A. Sothoron & Benjamin C. Sothoron. Wit: L.H. Canter, D.W. Slye. Certified same date, recorded 19 March 1878. (St. Mary's Co., MD Land Records JFF#3:48)
Beaven John C. [Male] b. 1854 St. Mary's Co., MD - d. 22 MAY 1889 St. Mary's Co., MD
Person ID: 434
DORA DORCAS HANCOCK was born October 1859 in Charles Co., MD to Josiah Hancock & Mary Marcellina Sothoron; and died 1943 in St. Mary's Co., MD. She married (1) JOHN C. BEAVEN April 23, 1879 in St. Aloys. RCC, Leonardtown, St. Mary's Co., MD, son of JOHN BEAVEN and MARGARET COMBS. He was born 1854 in St. Mary's Co., MD, and died May 22, 1889 in St. Mary's Co., MD. She married (2) THOMAS IGNATIUS CLARKE August 31, 1890 in St. John's RCC, Hollywood, St. Mary's Co., MD, son of RICHARD CLARKE and MARY WILKINSON. He was born November 13, 1865 in St. Mary's Co., MD, and died 1945 in St. Mary's Co., MD. (Reno*)
1880 Federal Census (1880.06.01, Recorded 1880.06.10) Dist. 8 (Centerville), St. Mary's Co., MD - ED 143, Pg 6, Ln 41, 46/52 - Bevan, John, 25 year old married white male Farmer, born in Maryland. -----, Dora. Wife, 21 year old married white female, Keeping House, born in Maryland. -----, Joseph. Son, 3/12 (Mar) year old white male, born in Maryland.
Sothoron Alice [Female] b. 15 AUG 1834 St. Mary's Co., MD - d. 4 APR 1902 Oldfields Episcopal, Hughesville, Charles Co., MD
Updated: 14 MAY 2011
Person ID: 435
Else Sothoron was baptized 31 March 1833. She was born to Richard C. & Else Sothoron on 9 August 1833. (Trinity Parish Register 3:18, St. Mary's Co.)
Else Sotharon, daughter of Richard C. Sotharon and Else Sotharon, was christened on 31 March 1834 at Trinity Parish, Newport, Charles Co. (* {Church Records - Batch # C533651, Source # 0013203})
Alice Sothoron licensed in St. Mary's Co. on 27 November 1858 to marry H.A. Canter. (Brumbaugh* 1:333)
Alice Sothoron married Henry Albert Canter (born 13 March 1826 near Benedict, Charles Co., MD, to Henry Canter & Sarah Anne Hickey: died 6 June 1913). (* {Gene Pool Individual Records}, 1858.11.30)
Henry A. Canter married Alice Sothoron at All Faith on 30 November 1858, services by Reverend Hoskins. (Fresco(1)* :273
Is entered in 1850 Federal Census with father, and in 1860 with husband Henry (see respective Notes).
Confirmation Notice. In action of Henry A. Canter & Alice Canter, his wife, vs. William Sothoron, Sarah C. Sothoron, et al, it was ordered on 30 June 1874 that sale of property be ratified and confirmed, unless cause to contrary shown on or before 4th Monday of July next. Report shows land sold for $1,575. (St. Mary's Beacon :2, St. Mary's Co., MD, Reported 1874.07.02)
Confirmation Notice. Much the same as reported on 2 July 1874. (St. Mary's Beacon :2, Reported 1874.08.06)
ALICE Wife of HENRY A. CANTER BORN AUG. 15, 1834 DIED APR. 4, 1902
 Grave Marker is at Oldfields Episcopal, Hughesville, Charles Co., MD. (Photo from
Sothoron William Henry [Male] b. MAY 1836 St. Mary's Co., MD - d. 1904 Maryland
Person ID: 436
Click here to view Notes.
Sothoron Samuel Pleasants Webster [Male] b. 6 DEC 1841 St. Mary's Co., MD - d. 8 OCT 1883 St. Mary's Co., MD
Updated: 30 JUL 2011
Person ID: 437
Notes for Samuel Pleasants Webster Sothoron
See father's notes for Federal Census entries for 1850, 1860 & 1880. No entry found for 1870. Additional entry found for 1860: (1860.06.01, Recorded 1860.06.21) St. Johns College, Annapolis, Anne Arundel Co., MD - Pg 88, Ln 28, 696/688. - WebsterSoutheron - 19 year old male, born in Maryland, attended school within the year.
** Civil War activities
Marshall Sothron a private in Company I, and Webster H. Sothron a private in Company H, 1st Maryland Infantry, CSA. (Arch MD 371:80-1 {Marland Line in the Confederate Army})
Webster Sothoron, Pvt., was listed on the Company H, 1st Maryland Infantry, CSA Muster Roll for Sept & Oct 1861. He enlisted June 18, 1861 at Richmond by Capt. W. K. Murray for one year. Last paid by Major J. D. Spurrier, Oct 31, 186_. "Absent sick at camp near Centreville since Oct 29.” (Compiled Service Record*)
Richmond, VA 21st Oct 1861 Hon. J. P. Benjamin, Secretary of War Sir - I have the honor to present the name of my son Mr. S. W. Sothoron of Maryland for a first or second Lieutenancy in the regular army of the Confederate States. - From the commencement of the war my son has been in active service as a private in Captain Murray's company of the First Maryland Regiment had has participated in every engagement upon the Potomac, where he has won the commendation of his officers for gallantry and general good conduct as a soldier. - Mr. S. has been a student at the Charlotte Hall Military Academy and was the Captain of a company there when hostilities began between this Government and the United States. - I am authorized to say that the officers of the company, regiment and brigade to which he is attached regard him fully competent for the position he desires. This will appear more to your satisfaction from letters hereafter to be filed with this application. - I have the honor to be - Your obedient servant, - Jno. H. Sothoron Through - General L. Cooper, Adjutant General, C. S. Army(Compiled Service Record*)
Camp near Centerville, Va. Oct 27, 1861 To The Honorable Secretary of War Sir. - I have the pleasure of enclosing letters of recommendation from the officers of the Regiment to which I am attached, to be filed with my application already in your Department. In consequence of Gen.Elroy's extreme illness it is impossible at present to forward letters from him. - Very respectfully - S. W. Sothoron - Private in Co. H Md. Reg. (Compiled Service Record*)
Letter of recommendation from Lt. Col. Bradley T. Johnson, 1st Md. Reg't., dated 27 October 1861 & endorsed by Col. George H. Stewart, to Secretary of War, recommending S. Webster Sothoron for appointment as Lieutenant in the Provisional Army of the Confederate States. Notes that Sothoron had been with the Regiment since its inception, and had served bravely at Manassas. (Compiled Service Record*)
Letter of recommendation dated 27 October 1861, from Lt. Gen. Geo. Thomas, at a Camp near Centreville, for S. W. Sothoron if Maryland. Recommends him for Lieutenancy, Speaks high of him and his family as supporters of the Confederacy, as well as the applicant's excellent abilities and actions. Noted received 1 Nov 1861. (Compiled Service Record*)
Letter from Brig. Gen. S. Elzey at Centreville, VA, dated 23 November 1861, to J. P. Benjamin, Sec. Of War, C. S. A., highly recommending S. Webster Sothoron for appointment as Lieutenant in the Army. Note he is well educated and has excellent character, principles & habits. (Compiled Service Record*)
Webster Sothoron, Pvt., was present on the Company H, 1st Maryland Infantry, CSA Muster Roll for Nov & Dec 1861. He enlisted June 18,1861 at Richmond by Capt. W. K. Murray for one year. Last paid by Capt. McElroit Oct 31, 1861. (Compiled Service Record*)
From Headquarters, H Brig., 1st Maryland Regiment, CSA on 8 February 1862, Webster Sothoron appears on a list of men in this Regiment who have re-enlisted. (Compiled Service Record*)
Voucher for payment on 10 February 1862 to Webster Sothoron, Pvt., Co. H, 1st Md. Vol., from 1 Nov 1861 to 31 Dec. 1861: Pay $22, Bounty $50, total $72. (Compiled Service Record*)
Webster Sothoron appears on Receipt Roll of 7 March 1862 for commutation of rations while on furlough, from Feb 9 to Mrch 16, received from Lieut. J. Johns, A. A. C. S., C. S. A., at Richmond, VA. Amount received 7.70. (Compiled Service Record*)
"Webster Sothoron, a member of the 1st Md. Reg't., will at once proceed to Suffolk & Petersburg to enlist men for the Md. Line (?) Gen'l. Orders No 8 from the Adjt & Inspector Genl's Office of date Feb 25th 1862.” - By order of Col. Geo. H. Stewart, Chas. Thomas, Capt. 1st Md. Regt. (Compiled Service Record*, Richmond, VA, 1862.03.10)
Webster Sothoron, Pvt., Co. H, 1st Md. Reg't received commutation of Rations on 12 April 1862 for when detached for security(?) From Mar 10 to Apr 13, 1862 inclusive. 35 days @ 75 - 26.25. Approved by J. Johns. Paid to Sothoron April 12 at Richmond(?). (Compiled Service Record*)
Richmond April 19 His Excellency Jefferson Davis President of the Confederate States. Sir, - I have the honor of calling your attention to an application made by my father Jno. H. Sothoron of Maryland in October last for my promotion to a Lieutenant in the regular service of the Confederate States. The said application with letters from Brig. Gen. Elzey Col. Snow Brig. Gen. Stewart Lieut Col Johnson and my company officers are now on file at the War Department. - Most respectfully - Webster Sothoron, Private in Co "H” 1st Md. Regt. (Compiled Service Record*, Received 1862.04.23)
Voucher dated 12 July 1862 for payment to W. Sothoron, Priv., Co. H, 1st Md. Vol., from 1 Jan 1862 to 1 July 1862. Pay $66, Bounty $26, total $ 92. (Compiled Service Record*)
Incident involving Col. John H. Sothoron & his son Webster at their home the Plains. Federal Lt. White was attempting to proscribe Negroes into the Union army. In a scuffle with the Col. & his son, Lt. White was shot & killed, the Col. & his son fled to Virginia until the end of the war. Two weeks later the Plains was confiscated by Union troops, and the Colonel's family forced to leave. (Hammett* :120, 1863.10) [see father's Notes for additional descriptions of incident]
The following names were entered into a list of possible draftees into the Union Army, from District 5 of St. Mary's Co., MD for July & August, 1863. Age is as of 1 July 1863. (* - image of Civil War Draft Registration Records) - Sothoron, S.W., 23 year old single white Farmer, born in Maryland. - Sothoron, Henry, 30 year old single white Farmer, born in Maryland. - Sothoron, Wm. H., 26 year old single white Farmer, born in Maryland. - Sothoron, James, 20 year old single white Teacher, born in Maryland.
Letter of recommendation dated 25 December 1863, to G. S. Cooper, Adj Gen'l;, from J. R. C. Lewis, Lt. Col. Artillery, highly recommending his "friend” Mr. Webster Sothoron for appointment as a Lieutenant. Notes that application & other letters already on file. (Compiled Service Record*) - On a Register of Appointments, C. S. A. appears Webster Sotheron of Md., appointed Dec 28, 1863 as Drill Master with rank of 2 Lt., with date of rank of Dec 25, 1863. To report to Lt. Col. J. R. C. Lewis. Delivered to Col. Preston. (Compiled Service Record*)
Requisition for Fuel for Webster Sothoron, 2nd Lieut, dated 2 March 1864, at Mobile, AL. For month of March, 1864, 2 cords of wood for self. (Compiled Service Record*)
W. Sotheron 2nd Lieut appears on a Roster of General & Staff Officers of Artillery Brigade, Mobile, AL, dated 27 April 1864. Date of commission Dec 25, 1863, by Appointment. Remarks: "Aid-de camp” (Compiled Service Record*)
Commutation for Quarters at Mobile, 1 July to 31 Aug. 1864, for S. W. Sothoron, 2nd Lieut., $125. (Compiled Service Record*, 1864.09.02)
W. L. Sothoron, 2nd Lieut. in Co. D, Va Artillery, surrendered May 4 at Citrinelle, Ala. He was paroled at Meridian, Miss. on May 12. (* - Selected Records of the War Department Relating to Confederate Prisoners of War, 1861-1865 - Page 30)
No. 560 - I, the undersigned, Prisoner of War, belonging to the Army of the Department of Alabama, Mississippi and East Louisiana, having been surrendered by Lt. Gen. R. Saylor, C. S. A., Commanding said Depar3tment, to Maj. Gen. E. R. S Canby, U. S. A., Commanding, Army and Division of West Mississippi, do hereby give my solemn PAROLE OF HONOR that I will not hereafter serve in the Armies of the Confederate States, or in any military capacity whatever, against the United States of America, or render aid to the enemies of the latter, until properly exchanged in such manner as shall be eventually approved by the respective authorities. Done at Meridian, Miss. - This 12 day of May, 1865. - W. Sothoron, 2nd Lt. Co "D” Va Arty

Approved: - R. C. Gibson, Brig. Genl., C. S. A. - G. W. Anderson,, Brig. Genl, U. S. A - The above named officer will not be disturbed by United States authorities, as long as observes his parole, and the laws in force where he resides. (Compiled Service Record*, Meridian, MS)
** Miscellaneous
Identified as a Defense Witness in his father's manslaughter trial, 1866. (see father's Notes).
Delegates from District 5 to County Democratic Convention include Webster Sothoron. (St. Mary's Beacon :2, Reported 1876.08.17)
Tilden & Hendrick's Club organized, at Charlotte Hall, with Webster Sothoron chosen as a member of Canvassing Committee. (St. Mary's Beacon :2, 1876.09.23, Reported 1876.01.05)
List of voters in District 5, St. Mary's Co. includes Webster Sothoron. (St. Mary's Beacon :1, Reported 1882.10.13)
Major Webster Sothoron, 41, son of John Henry Sothoron, died 11 October 1883. Buried at All Faith Church. (Fresco(1)* :458)
S. P. WEBSTER SOTHORON Born Dec 6th, 1841 Died Oct. 8th, 1883 "Thy will be done." (Grave Marker*, All Faith Episcopal Church, Huntersville, St. Mary's Co., MD)
 Click here to see family grouping.
Sothoron Marshall Lyles [Male] b. 6 APR 1844 Prince George's Co., MD - d. 20 JUN 1923 St. Mary's Co., MD
Updated: 30 OCT 2011
Person ID: 438
** Census schedules & directories
See father's Notes for Federal Census entries for 1850, 1860 & 1880. See notes for sister Mary E. For 1910 & 1920 entries.
1870 Federal Census (1870.06.01, Recorded 1870.08.05) Oswego Township, LaBette Co., KS - Pg 83B(17), Ln 23, 124/127 - Sothron, Marshall. 26 year old white male liquor merchant (ret), born in Maryland. Real property valued at $600, personal property at $3,000. - Tucker, Janus, 35 year old black male laborer, born in Georgia. - Doty, Hugh, 24 year old white male stock broker, born in New York.
Sothoron, M. A. clerk, 271 w Lombard. (Baltimore City Directory*, 1875. :561)
Sothoron, M. L. clerk, 54 St. Paul (Baltimore City Directory*, 1876. :593)
Marshall Sothoron, clerk, 49 2nd, Georgetown. (Washington Directory*, 1877)
Marshall L. Sothoron, clerk, 49 2nd, Georgetown. (Washington Directory*, 1878)
Marshall L. Sothoron, clerk, 49 2nd, Georgetown (Washington Directory*, 1879)
With mother & siblings requested survey of oyster beds in Patuxent River, completed 21 May 1881 (see mother's Notes).
Sothoron, Marshall. fertilizers, h 61 n Charles. (Baltimore City Directory*, 1885. :1234)
Sothoron, Marshall. 61 n Charles. (Baltimore City Directory*, 1886. :1259)
M. L. Sothoron, clerk health o., 227 A se. (Washington Directory*, 1887)
Marshall L. Sothoron, clerk health o., 1113 7th se. (Washington Directory*, 1888)
Marshall L. Sothoron, clerk health off, 221 A se. (Washington Directory*, 1889)
Marshall L. Sothoron, clerk health o., 221 A se. (Washington Directory*, 1890)
Marshall L. Sothoron, clerk DC commiss., 221 A se. (Washington Directory*, 1893)
Marshall L. Sothoron, clerk, dist. cn-m., 221 A se. (Washington Directory*, 1894)
Marshall L. Sothoron, clerk dist. comm., 1140 Conn av nw. (Washington Directory*, 1895)
Marshall L. Sothoron, clerk dist. comm., 221 A se. (Washington Directory*, 1896)
Marshall L. Sothoron, clerk dist com, 221 A se. (Washington Directory*, 1897)
Marshall Sothoron, clerk dist comm, 221 A se. (Washington Directory*, 1898)
Marshall W. Sothoron, clerk dist com, 209 A se. (Washington Directory*, 1899)
Marshall W. Sothoron, clerk cap., 209 A se. (Washington Directory*, 1900)
1900 Federal Census (1900.06.01, Recorded 1900.06.05) 209 A Street SE, Washington, DC - ED 122, Sh 9B, Ln 57, 108/124 - Southern, M. L. Boarding with Ehard & Mary Darling. A 47 year old single white male, born Dec 1852. He & parents born in Virginia. Can read & write, speaks English. No occupation listed.
Marshall L. Sothoron, clerk dist. comm., 209, A se (Washington Directory*, 1901)
At request of separate requests of Mary E. Sothoron & Marshall Sothoron of St. Mary's Co., MD, two separate oyster beds were surveyed off the shoreline of "The Plains," under the waters of the Patuxent River. Click here to view plats & descriptions. Certified 5 Sept 1902, recorded 8 Sept 1902. (St. Mary's Co., MD Land Records EBA#2:502-4)
** Civil War activities
Marshall Sothron a private in Company I, and Webster H. Sothron a private in Company H, 1st Maryland Infantry, CSA. (Arch MD 371:80-1 {Maryland Line in the Confederate Army})
Marshall Sothoron, Pvt, Company I, 1st Maryland Infantry, on a List of sick sent to Manassas. Under Remarks: "Remittent Fever.” (Compiled Service Record*, 1861.10.05)
Marshall Sothoron, Pvt., was listed on the Company I, 1st MD Inf. Muster Roll for Sept & Oct. He enlisted Aug 4 in Richmond by Capt. Roberson. Last paid by J. D. Spurrier Aug 31, 186_. Remarks: "Absent sick in general hospital” ” (Compiled Service Record*)
Marshall Sothoron, Pvt., was on Company I, 1st MD Inf. Muster Roll for Nov & Dec 1861. Enlisted Aug 4 in Richmond by Capt. Roberson for 1 year. Last paid Oct 31, 186_ by Capt. McKelroth. ” (Compiled Service Record*)
- To His Excellency Jefferson Davis, President, etc. --- The message was read. --- Ordered, That it be referred to the Committee on Military Affairs. - Richmond, Va., January 29, 1864. - To the Senate of the Confederate States: --- Agreeably to the recommendation of the Secretary of the Navy, I hereby nominate Marshall L. Sothoron, to be assistant paymaster. --- JEFFERSON DAVIS. - Navy Department, Confederate States of America, Richmond, January 26, 1864. --- The President. --- Sir: I have the honor to recommend the following nomination for appointment in the Navy: Assistant paymaster. • Marshall L. Sothoron, of Maryland. --- With great respect, your obedient servant, S. R. MALLORY, Secretary of the Navy. --- The message was read. --- Ordered, That it be referred to the Committee on Naval Affairs. ( - Journal of the Confederate Congress, Vol. 3, 30 Jan 1864)
Acting Volunteer Lieutenant Budd, U.S. Navy, commanding the U.S.S. Somerset, reported a foiled attempt on 12 May 1864 by Confederate forces to capture the U.S.S. Adelia at West Pass, St. George's Sound, Florida. All but four men escaped, but left most of their gear & supplies. Confederate officers are listed, and include Assistant Paymaster Marshall L. Sothoron, C. S. Navy.. - Included was the diary of Midshipman S. P. Blanc (deceased): --- "May 3, 1864 - Left the ship at noon, bound on an expedition against the Yankees in Apalachicola Bay (St. George's Sound). Took with us 2 launches, pulling 14 oars each; 2 yawls, pulling 4 oars each; 2 cutters, 4 oars each; and 1 metallic boat, 4 oars. In all, 7 boats.” Listed were officers & men, the former including Assistant Paymaster M. L. Sothoron. Detailed account of distribution of arms & ammunition; pistol provided to M. L. Sothoron. (Official Records of the Union & Confederate Navies in the War of the Rebellion - Series I, 17:698 {Published 1903}, Reported 1864.05.16)
Monthly list of officers attached to the C.S.S. Chattahoochee, at Eufaula, Ala., dated 1 June 1864. Includes Assistant Paymaster Marshall L. Sothoron. (Official Records of the Union & Confederate Navies in the War of the Rebellion - Series I, 17:874 {Published 1903})
Requisition for Forage for Lieut. Sothoron, A. F. C., dated 1 June 1864 at Mobile, Alabama. 30 days, commencing 1 June & ending 30 June. Six pounds of corn & 9 pounds fodder per day; total 180 pounds corn & 270 pounds fodder ” (Compiled Service Record*)
Sothorn, Lieut A. L. C. appears on a List of officers in various offices & bureaus at the Military Post of Mobile, AL during July. By authority of Brig. Gen'l. Higgins. Nature of service: "A. D. C.” ” (Compiled Service Record*)
In the Report of Flag-Officer Hunter, C. S. Navy, regarding repairs to C. S. Steamers Macon and Sampson, and their services in the Savannah River, reference is made to a request for funds & clothing for the crew, made by Assistant Paymaster M. L. Sothoron, Provisional Navy C. S. Dated 9 January 1865 at Augusta, GA. (Official Records of the Union & Confederate Navies in the War of the Rebellion - Series I, 17:874 {Published 1903})
M.L. Sothoron, 2nd Lieutenant in Co. D of VA Artillery, surrendered May 4 1865 at Citronelle, Ala.; and was paroled at Meridian, Miss. on 10 May 1865. (* - image of Selected War Department Records, pg. 32)
Marshall Sothoron is listed in the St. Mary's Beacon as a previous member of Company K, 1st Virginia-1st Maryland Calvary, CSA. (Hammett* :115, Recorded 1888.10.04)
An impassioned letter to the Editor, noting the plight of civil war veterans & pleading for their assistance. Names two men from each district who will receive contributions & see to their delivery to the Relief Depot in Baltimore. For the Charlotte Hall District, Col. Tho. Harrison & Marshall Sothoron, Esq. are named. (St. Mary's Beacon :2, Reported 1867.05.09)
A letter of the same tone as on 9 May 1867 (see above), again naming Marshall Sothoron as a collector. (St. Mary's Beacon :2, Reported 1867.08.06)
** Miscellaneous
A list of Registered Voters in Charlotte Hall District, St. Mary's Co. includes the following Sothoron given names/initials: Henry, Jos. A., M.S., W. H., B.H., H.C., W, & Jno. H. (St. Mary's Beacon :1, Reported 1868.10.15)
Mr. Marshall L. Sothoron, President of the Sothoron Chemical Company of Baltimore, No. 33 S. Eutaw St., paid a brief visit to the editor's office in Leonardtown. Readers were encouraged to utilize his products. (St. Mary's Beacon :3, 1884.03.20, Reported 1884.03.27)
On Mon., Jan. 29, 1900, from the old home, Cremona, near Charlotte Hall, in which he had lived 71 yrs., was borne the body of late W. Lansdale Thomas. Bur. All Faith Epis. Church cem. Since death of his brother, John H. Thomas of Balto., he had lived a retired life. Among members of the family from a distance were: Rev. Walter A. Mitchell of Beltsville; Marshall Sothoron of Wash.; Joseph R. Foard, George Blakistone, Tazewell T. Thomas, Mrs. Robert Bolling and Miss Blakistone of Balto. And Edwin Mitchell of West Va. (Chron St. Mary's 36:#4:32 {St. Mary's Beacon, Reported 1900.02.01})
Mentioned by name in sister Margaret's obituary (see her Notes).
Marshall Sothoron was a pallbearer for Mrs. Laura Wason, wife of James Wason & daughter of the late Dr. Wm. Bruce Locke of St. Mary's Co.. Burial was at All Faith Cemetery on 11 January 1909. (Death Notices from the St. Mary's Beacon 1900-1909 (Compiled by Regina Combs Hammett); 1 Jan 1909, p. 2)
MARSHALL LYLES SOTHORON APRIL 6, 1844 JUNE 20, 1923 SON OF COL. JOHN H. SOTHORON AND ELIZABETH SOMERVELL (Grave Marker*, All Faith Church, Huntersville, St. Mary's Co., MD)
 Click here to see family grouping.
Sothoron Robert Bowie [Male] b. 27 MAR 1846 Prince George's Co., MD - d. 8 MAR 1911 Baltimore Co., MD
Person ID: 439
Updated: 18 JUL 2012
** Census schedules & directories
See father's Notes for Federal Census entries of 1850, 1860 & 1880. I could not find him in the 1870 Census.
Sothron, Robt. W. clerk, 57 St. Paul. (Baltimore City Directory*, 1868. :493)
Sothoron, R. B. Clerk, 56 Saratoga. (Baltimore City Directory*, 1871. :566)
Sothoron, R. B. clerk tobacco warehouse No. 3, dw 56 Saratoga. (Baltimore City Directory*, 1872. :570)
Sothoron, R. B. clerk, 56 Saratoga. (Baltimore City Directory*, 1873. :555)
With mother & siblings requested survey of oyster beds in Patuxent River, completed 21 May 1881 (see mother's Notes).
Sothoron, Robt. gauger, 1527 Bolton. (Baltimore City Directory*, 1889. :1095)
Sothoron, Robt. B. US gauger, h 1225 Linden av. (Baltimore City Directory*, 1896. :1443)
Sothoron, Robt. B. US gauger, 1225 Linden av. (Baltimore City Directory*, 1897. :1474)
Sothoron, Robt. B. US gauger, 1225 Linden av. (Baltimore City Directory*, 1898. :1424)
Sothoron, Robt. B. US gauger, 1225 Linden av. (Baltimore City Directory*, 1899. :1368)
Sothoron, Robt. B. US gauger, 1225 Linden av. (Baltimore City Directory*, 1900. :1334)
Sothoron, Robert B., Merritt House. (* - image of Wilmington, DE City Directory of 1900, page 886)
1900 Federal Census (1900.06.01, Recorded 1900.06.01) 1225 Linden Avenue, Ward 13, Baltimore City, MD - ED 165, Sh 7(257)A, Ln 36, 103/105 - Sothoron, Robert. 51 year old single white male "Gauger Int R”, born March 1849 (51 years old), boarding with Bolling family. Can read & write, speaks English, he & both parents born in Maryland. No time unemployed.
Sothoron, Robt. B. US gauger, 515 Cathedral (Baltimore City Directory*, 1901. :1531)
Sothoron, Robt. B. US gauger, 879 Park av. (Baltimore City Directory*, 1902. :1423)
Sothron, Robt. B. US gauger, 13 PO Bldg (Baltimore City Directory*, 1903. :1588)
Sothoron, Robt. B. US gauger, 13 PO Bldg, h 516 n Charles. (Baltimore City Directory*, 1904. :1570)
Sothoron, Robt. B. US gauger, 13 PO Bldg, h 516 n Charles. (Baltimore City Directory*, 1905. :1606)
Sothoron, Robt. B. US gauger, 13 PO Bldg, h Washington, DC. (Baltimore City Directory*, 1906. :1884)
Robert B. Sothoron, gauger, 622 F nw. (Washington Directory*, 1907)
Sothoron, Robt. B. US gauger, 13 PO Bldg, h Washington, DC (Baltimore City Directory*, 1907. :1825)
Robert B. Sothoron, gauger, 622 F nw. (Washington Directory*, 1908)
Sothoron, Robt. B. US gauger, 223 Custom House, h Washington, DC. (Baltimore City Directory*, 1908. :1837)
Sothoron, Robt. B. US gauger, 223 Custom House, h Washington, DC. (Baltimore City Directory*, 1909. :1853)
Sothoron, Robt. B. US gauger, 223 Custom House, h Washington, DC. (Baltimore City Directory*, 1910. 1798)
1910 Federal Census (1910.04.15, Recorded 1910.05.13) Sheppard & Enoch Pratt Hospital, Baltimore Co., MD - ED 114,Sh 1B, Ln 86 - Sothron, Robert B. Patient, 65 year old single white male. He & parents born in Maryland. Can read & write, speaks English. Occupation None.
** Miscellaneous
R. B. Southoron advertises lost dog, white & yellow setter, answers to name of "Dalton.” (Wearmouth* 5:267 {(Vol. L, No. 8}, Charles Co., MD, Reported 1893.07.28
Guests at the wedding of Miss Elizabeth Steuart Calvert, of College Park, Md., and William Douglas Nelson Thomas of Baltimore, included "...the Misses Sothoron, St. Mary's Co....” and Robert Bowie Sothoron of Baltimore. (Washington Post :7, St. John's Church, Washington, DC, 1906.06.05, Reported 1906.06.06)
** Death
Robert Bowie Sothoron died on 8 March 1911. He was born 28 March 1847 in St. Mary's Co., MD to John Henry Sothoron & Elizabeth Magruder Somervell Sothoron. He entered VMI 24 Dec 1864 and left after 5 months. He worked as a gauger with the Internal Revenue Service for the State of Maryland. He never married & had no children. (Archivist, Virginia Medical Institute {Personal communication}
Robert Bowie Sothoron, a 65 year old single white male, died at about 12 on 8 March 1911, at Sheppard & Pratt Hospital, Ward 9, Towson, Baltimore Co., MD. He was born in St. Mary's Co., MD; his birth date and parents' names were unknown. He was employed as a Government Gau.ger. - He was attended by Edward Brush, M.D. from Sept 4, 1908 to March 8, 1911. Cause of death was Paresis, present for over 3 years, with Exhaustion being contributory. He had resided at Sheppard & Pratt for 2 years, 6 months, 4 days; he had lived in Maryland for 63+ years, formerly in Charlotte Hall, MD. Burial was at Charlotte Hall, MD on March 8, 1911. (Certificate of Death, Recorded 1911.03.08)
ROBERT BOWIE SOTHORON SON OF COL JOHN H. AND ELIZABETH SOMERVELL SOTHORON MARCH 27, 1846 MARCH 8, 1911 (Grave Marker*, All Faith Church, Huntersville, St. Mary's Co., MD)
 Click here to see family grouping.
Sothoron Fannie Bernard [Female] b. 6 MAY 1850 St. Mary's Co., MD - d. 9 JUN 1929 St. Mary's Co., MD
Person ID: 440
See father's Notes for Federal Census entries from 1850 through 1880. See sister Mary E.'s Notes for entries from 1900 through 1920.
Mentioned by name in obituary of sister Margaret, and will of sister Amelia (see their Notes).
Fannie B. Sothoron, a single white female, 80 years, 1 month & 24 days of age, died at 2 am on 9 June 1929, near Charlotte Hall, St. Mary's Co., MD. She was born April 16, 1849 in Maryland, to John H. Sothoron (born in St. Mary's Co, Md) & Elizabeth Sommerville (born in Prince George's Co., Md). Occupation was Managed Estate. Informant was Miss Nellie Sothoron of Charlotte Hall. - Cause of death was Chronic organic heart disease of 4 years' duration. Certification was by W. W. Lawson (signed June 10) of Aquasco, MD. He had attended the deceased from Nov. 11, 1926 until the date of death, having last seen her alive on the day before death. - Burial was at All Faith Ch., near Mechanicsville, Md. on June 11, 1929. Elasier(?) Jarboe of Mechanicsville made the arrangements. (Certificate of Death, Registration No. 7423, Dist. No. 284)
Fannie B. Sothoron died at her home, The Plains, in St. Mary's Co., on 9 June 1929. Funeral at All Faith Church, St. Mary's Co. on Tuesday, June 11 at 1 o'clock. (Hayward File* {Unnamed source})
Will of Fannie B. Sothoron. All property (except interest in a bond) left to sister Amelia W. Sothoron during her lifetime. Upon death of Amelia, all interest in farm called the Plains to pass to nephew Lloyd Curtis Jr., all interest in farm called Chesley Hill to pass to brother John H. Sothoron. Her interest in bond of $1,000 (held jointly with sister Amelia) left to sister Nellie H. Sothoron. Witness: Grace H. Stone, H. M. Bowen. - Codicil (about 4 May 1929) leaving silver coffee pot to nephew Lloyd W. Curtis, Jr. (Wills AMC #1:194, 1929.05.04, Proved 1929.10.07, St. Mary's Co., MD)
FANNIE BERNARD SOTHORON MAY 6, 1860 JUNE 11, 1929 DAUGHTER OF COL. JOHN H. SOTHORON AND ELIZABETH SOMERVELL (Grave Marker*, All Faith Church, Huntersville, St. Mary's Co., MD)
 Click here to see family grouping.
Sasscer James G. [Male] d. BET FEB 1855 AND JUN 1860
Person ID: 441
Henrietta M. Southoron & James G. Sasscer licensed in Washington, DC on 12 February 1855 to marry.
Marriage between James G. Sasscer & Miss H.M. Southoron by Rev. Mr. Hodges, all of this city. (Evening Star :4, Washington, DC, 1855.02.13, Reported 1855.02.14)
Marriage between James G. Sasscer & Miss H.M. Southoron by Rev. Mr. Hodges, all of this city. (Daily National Intelligencer XLIII:4, Washington, DC, 1855.02.13, Reported 1855.02.14)
Not present in 1860 Federal Census (see wife's Notes).
Sothoron John Truman H. [Male] b. 24 FEB 1855 Baltimore City, MD - d. 16 FEB 1916 Darke Co. Infirmary, Greenville OH
Person ID: 442
John T. H. Sothoron was born in Baltimore City on 24 Feb 1855. In affidavit by Wm. Wroth, M.D. of Baltimore, he related treatment of Mrs. John T. H. Sothoron for peurperal fever, which followed a delivery 2 days earlier & which was attended by Dr. Wm. G. Deal. (Federal Pension Application Min. C. 645-395*)
Is mentioned by name in obituary of sister Evora (see her Notes).
See father's Notes for 1860 Federal Census entry, mother's Notes for 1870 & 1880 entries, & brother Lewis' Notes for 1910 entry.
Sothoron, Jno., porter, Turpen House (Greenville Directory {Published by Democratic Advocate Steam Print, Greenville} :44, 1885)
Darke Co., Ohio Directory* :84 (Greenville, Published 1910 - Southern, Lewis, agt, 223 Martin - Southern, Thurman, lab, 223 Martin
** Death
Truman John Sothorons died at the Greenville Co. Infirmary, Greenville Township, Darke Co., Ohio, at 8 o'clock P.M. on 16 February 1916 at the age of 59 years, 11 months, 16 days. He was a single white male painter, born in Maryland to John T. Sothorons & Virginia A. Sutten, both also born in Maryland. Usual residence is not noted. G. Frederick Trittscheck of Greenville, Ohio was the informant. [NOTE: According to Phyllis Crick*, Tritscheck was the Superintendant of Darke Co. Infirmary.] - The cause of death was Cerebral hemorrhage of 3 days' duration, with General Arteriosclerosis of years duration being Contributory. The Death Certificate was signed by Jno. E. Monger of Greenville, O, who had attended the patient from Jan 1, 1916 to Feb 16, 1916, and last saw him alive on Jan 14, 1916. - Burial was at Greenville Cemetery on Feb 18, 1916. The undertaker was K. P. Stocker of Greenville, Ohio. (Certificate of Death {File # 0278, Registration Dist # 305, Primary Registration Dist # 4455, Registered # 26}, Recorded 916.02.17)
- Freeman Southern, a 59 year old male, was buried on 18 Feb 1916 at Greenville Union Cemetery, Greenville, Ohio in Space 3, Lot 7 of the Township (pauper's) section, under Service No. 191603010. No vault was used. (Burial Record) [NOTE: I believe this is Truman Sothoron. I could find no grave marker during my visit of 14 Oct 2003.]
- Truman J. Southron, who in his younger days followed painting, died Wednesday evening of last week of locomotor ataxia, aged 59 years, 11 months and 16 days. He was born in Maryland, but resided in this city most of his life, and was never married. He leaves three brothers-Edwin of this city, Bernie of Bradford, and Louie of Muncie, Ind., and a sister-Mrs. Nellie Witte of New York. Funeral services were held Friday afternoon at the home of Edwin Southron, Rev. Gross reading the Episcopal burial service. Burial was made in the Greenville cemetery. (Greenville Journal {Clipping from Garst Library, Greenville, Ohio}, 1916.02.16, Reported 1916.02.24)
** Date of birth
There is a discrepancy between date derived from the Death Record & that in the Federal Pension Application. I have chosen the latter, assuming the doctor's records were more accurate.
Hancock Lemuel [Male] b. ABT 1833 Charles Co., MD - d. BEF JUN 1870
Updated: 25 MAR 2011
Person ID: 443
MARTHA ANN SOTHORON was born 1835 in Charles Co., MD to Benjamin H. Sothoron & Teresa Beaven, and died 1877. She married LEMUEL HANCOCK January 21, 1856 in Washington, D.C., son of JOSIAS HANCOCK and MARIA. He was born 1833 in Charles Co., MD, and died 1870. (Reno*)
Martha A. Sothoron licensed in Washington, DC on 21 January 1856 to marry Lemuel Hancock. (Newman Papers* - also Pippenger(1)* :556)
See father's Notes for 1850 Federal Census entry.
1860 Federal Census (1860.06.01, Recorded 1860.08.16) District 5, St. Mary's Co., MD - Pg 174, Ln 27, 1490/1408 - Lemuel Hancock. 27 year old male Farmer - Martha A. ". 25 year old female "m” Personal property valued at $500. - L. M. " . 5/12 year old male - Wm E(?) Beavan. 18 year old male Farm hand. (Fifth entry in "Place of Birth” column contains "Maryland;” rest of that column left blank)
By 1870 Federal Census, son Lemuel is living with his uncle Josias H. Hancock
John H., Isabella, Joseph A. & Benjamin C. Sothoron, Elkanah H. Edwards & Maggie his wife, Joseph H. & Mary Hancock, Thomas E. & Charity T. Dyer, Sarah E. Hancock, & Joseph H. Hancock guardian for Lemuel M. Hancock deed to Wirt Harrison for $1,200, part of the Mill Farm, formerly owned by B. H. Sothoron dec'd, bounded on the south by lands of Charlotte Hall School. Also a house & lot in Charlotte Hall of which the late B. H. Sothoron died seized & possessed, situated near Thoephilus Harrison's store, 2 acres. Also 1 acre lot with stable built by B. H. Sothoron just before his death, adjacent to land of William H. Sothoron. (Land Rec Abstracts StM#6:132, St. Mary's Co., 1877.09.29)
John H., Joseph A. & Benjamin C. Sothoron, Elkanah H. Edwards, Maggie Edwards, Joseph H. Hancock, Mary M. Hancock, Thomas E. Dyer, Charley T. Dyer, Joseph H. Hancock guardian for Lemuel M. Hancock deed for price per agreement of 17 July 1877 to Sarah E. Hancock part of Mill Farm formerly owned by Benjamin H. Sothorn dec'd, adjacent to lands of Hancock, Edwards, Harrison, Slye & Sothoron, 80 acres. (Land Rec Abstracts StM#6:133, St. Mary's Co., MD, 1877.09.29, Recorded 1877.10.31)
Sothoron Margaret Arena [Female] b. 29 JUL 1829 Poolesville, Montgomery Co., MD - d. 3 MAY 1886 London, Madison Co., OH
Updated: 23 OCT 2011
Person ID: 444
Margaret A. Sothoron, daughter of Henry G. Sothoron, married James M. Winchester in Madison Co., OH on 31 December 1856. (Weller*)
See husband's Notes for 1860 through 1880 Federal Census entries.
Margaret Winchester, a 57 year old married white female housewife, living in Madison Co., died of Dropsy on 3 May 1886. (Death Records - at London Public Library)
Margaret A. Sothoron, daughter of Ann Clark & Henry G. Sothoron, died on 3 May 1886 in London, Madison Co., OH. She was born 29 July 1829 in Maryland. She married James M. Winchester (born Nov 1828, died 16 Oct 1887) on 31 Dec. 1856 in Madison Co., OH. (Weller*)
In this city on Monday at noon of stomach trouble, Margaret, wife of J. M. Winchester, aged about 57 years. The deceased was the eldest daughter of Henry Sothoron, a pioneer citizen of London, who died some years since. She leaves a husband and 3 children who have the sympathy of the entire community in their bereavement. The funeral service will be performed at her late residence to-morrow afternoon at 2 o'clock, after which the remains will be deposited in the vault at Kirkwood. (Weller* - London Enterprise, Madison Co., OH, Recorded 1886.05.05)
Mentioned by name in brother John's obituaries (see his Notes).
Margaret Arena SOTHORON WINCHESTER, Oak Hill, London, Ohio Cemetery, Madison Co., OH. Born 7/25/1829 at Poolesville, MD, died 5/3/1886 at London, Madison Co., OH. Spouse: James M. Winchester; married 12/31/1856 at London, Madison Co., OH. (
Winchester James M. [Male] b. 9 NOV 1828 Ohio - d. 16 OCT 1887 Ohio
Person ID: 445
Margaret A. Sothoron, daughter of Henry G. Sothoron, married James M. Winchester in Madison Co., OH on 31 December 1856. (Weller*)
1860 Federal Census (1860.06.01, Recorded 1860.06.08) London, Madison Co., OH - Pg 23 (309), Ln 13, 155/172 - James M. Winchester, 32 year old male, Mer. Tailor, born in Ohio. Real property valued at $8,000, personal property at $300. - Margaret Winchester, 30 year old female, born in Maryland. - John Winchester, 2 year old male, born in Ohio. - Laura Clingham, 16 year old female, born in Ohio.
1870 Federal Census (1870.06.01, Recorded 1870.06.03) London Union Twp., Madison Co., OH - Pg 28, Ln 4, 197/220 - Winchester, James. 42 year old white male Clothing Merchant. Real property valued at $12100, personal property at $2785. Born in Ohio. -----, Margaret. 41 year old white female, Keeping House, born in Ohio. -----, John. 12 year old white male, Attg. School, born in Ohio. -----, Denny. 5 year old white male, At Home, born In Ohio. -----, Nettie. 4 year old white female, At Home, born in Ohio.
1880 Federal Census (1880.06.01, Recorded 1880.06.09) Main St., London, Madison Co., OH - ED 60, Pg 5 (218), Ln 21, 35/37 - Winchester, J.M., 51 year old married white male, Dealer in Clothing, born in Ohio. -----, M.A. Wife, 50 year old married white female, Keeping house. Born in Ohio, parents in Maryland. -----, John C. Son, 22 year old single white male Clerk in clothing store. He & parents born in Ohio. -----, Dennie. Daughter, 16 year old single white female, attended school within the year. She & parents born in Ohio. -----, Nettie. Daughter, 14 year od white female, attended school within the year. She & parents born in Ohio. - (1 Domestic Servant)
Margaret A. Sothoron, daughter of Ann Clark & Henry G. Sothoron, died on 3 May 1886 in London, Madison Co., OH. She was born 29 July 1829 in Maryland. She married James M. Winchester (born Nov 1828, died 16 Oct 1887) on 31 Dec. 1856 in Madison Co., OH. (Weller*)
Burroughs Thomas H. [Male] b. ABT 1830 Maryland - d. 6 JUN 1877
Person ID: 446
See wife Elizabeth's Notes for marriage references.
Deed of 13 June 1859 by Thomas H. Burroughs & wife Elizabeth, both of St. Mary's Co., MD. For $550 they convey to Elizabeth Ann Sothoron the following parcels of land: Sothoron's Hills, containing about 51 acres; Sothoron's Supply, containing about 21 acres; Long Yorkshire, containing about 25 acres; Burroughs Gift, containing about 91 3/4 acres; in the whole containing about 188 acres, & being all the land that Richard C. Sothoron late of St. Mary's Co. died seized & possessed, & the said interest not conveyed being 1/4 part of the whole, in fee simple. Signed by Thomas H. & Elizabeth Burroughs. Wit: Thomas L. Davis, Isaiah Canter. Certified 30 June 1859. Recorded 25 Nov 1859 & delivered to W.H. Sothoron. (Land Record JTB#3:278)
1860 Federal Census (1860.06.01, Recorded 1860.08.21) District 5, St. Mary's Co., MD - Pg 173, Ln27, 1638/1658 - Thomas H. Burroughs - 30 year old male Farmer. Real property valued at $1200, personal property at $1500. - Elizabeth " , 25 year old female "W.” - Mary P. " , 2 year old female. - unnamed infant " , 1/12 year old male. - { First entry on page has birth place of "Maryland;” all others on page are blank)
1870 Federal Census (1870.06.01, Recorded 1870.07.25) Charlotte Hall P.O., Dist. 5, St. Mary's Co., MD - Pg 22, Ln 8, 147/147 - Burroughs, Thomas H, 45 year old white male Farmer, born in Maryland. Real property valued at $1,250, personal property at $300. Cannot read nor write. -----, Elizabeth, 43 year old white female, keeping house, born in Maryland. Cannot read nor write. -----, Mary, 10 year old white female, at home, attended school within the year, born in Maryland. -----, Frederick, 8 year old white male, at home, born in Maryland, attended school within the year. -----, Alice, 6 year old white female, at home, born in Maryland. -----, Wiklen, 4 year old white male, at home, born in Maryland. -----, Oatetia, 1year old female, at home, born in Maryland - Scott, Julian, 16 year old white female, at home, born in Maryland.
Wife was a widow at the 1880 Census (see her Notes).
Thomas H. Burroughs died 6 June 1877 (Tice* :89 - from All Faith Episcopal's Register 18:306, St. Mary's Co., MD)
Burroughs Mary P. [Female] b. ABT 1858 Maryland - d. AFT JUN 1870
Person ID: 447
See father's Notes for 1860 & 1870 Federal Census entries.
Burroughs [Male] b. MAY 1860 Maryland - d. AFT JUN 1860
Person ID: 448
See father's Notes for 1860 Federal Census entry.
Burroughs Elizabeth Ann [Female] b. ABT 1837 - d. JUL 1860 All Faith Episcopal, Huntersville, St. Mary's Co., MD
Person ID: 449
William H. Sothoron licensed in St. Mary's Co. on 10 November 1857 to marry Elizabeth Ann Burroughs. (Brumbaugh* 1:392)
William H. Sothoron married Elizabeth Ann Burroughs on 17 November 1857. (Fresco(1)* :274)
Deed of 13 June 1859 by Thomas H. Burroughs & wife Elizabeth, both of St. Mary's Co., MD. For $550 they convey to Elizabeth Ann Sothoron the following parcels of land: Sothoron's Hills, containing about 51 acres; Sothoron's Supply, containing about 21 acres; Long Yorkshire, containing about 25 acres; Burroughs Gift, containing about 91 3/4 acres; in the whole containing about 188 acres, & being all the land that Richard C. Sothoron late of St. Mary's Co. died seized & possessed, & the said interest not conveyed being 1/4 part of the whole, in fee simple. Signed by Thomas H. & Elizabeth Burroughs. Wit: Thomas L. Davis, Isaiah Canter. Certified 30 June 1859. Recorded 25 Nov 1859 & delivered to W.H. Sothoron. (Land Record JTB#3:278)
See husband's Notes for 1860 Federal Census entry.
Elizabeth Ann Burroughs Sothoron, wife of William H. Sothoron, buried on 11 July 1860. (Fresco(1)* :458)
See husband's Notes for shared Grave Marker (as Bettie Ann).
Sothoron William Edwin [Male] b. 2 FEB 1858 St. Mary's Co., MD - d. 21 MAR 1932 Greenville, Darke Co., OH
Person ID: 450
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