Sothoron & Related Families - 193 (Notes Pages)For privacy reasons, Date of Birth and Date of Marriage for persons believed to still be living are not shown. Mabott Caroline [Female] b. ABT 1842 New York - d. BET 1870 AND 1880
Nickname: Carrie
Person ID: 3882
Albert Smoot m. Caroline Mabott. They had 3 sons: Albert, Raymond & Samuel. (Smoot*)
People PageSmoot Albert M. [Male] b. MAR 1867 New York - d. AFT APR 1930
Person ID: 3883
See father's Notes for 1870 & 1880 Federal Census entries.
People PageSmoot Henry P. [Male] b. ABT 1869 New York - d. BEF JUN 1880
Person ID: 3884
See father's Notes for 1870 Federal Census entry. Not listed with family in 1880.
People PageSmoot Raymond S. [Male] b. FEB 1871 New York - d. AFT JAN 1920
Person ID: 3885
See father's Notes for 1880 Federal Census entry.
People PageSmoot Samuel [Male] b. ABT 1872 New York - d. AFT JUN 1880
Person ID: 3886
See father's Notes for 1880 Federal Census entry.
People PageMargaret C. [Female] b. MAY 1870 New York - d. AFT APR 1930
Person ID: 3887
See husband's Notes for 1900 through 1930 Federal Census entries.
People PageSmoot Mildred [Female] b. JAN 1894 New Jersey
Person ID: 3888
See father's Notes for 1900 & 1910 Federal Census entries.
People PageSmoot Charles Henry [Male] b. 24 APR 1834 - d. 28 JUN 1834
Person ID: 3889
Charles Henry Smoot, son of Charles Barton Smoot & Emily, b. 24 Apr 1834, d. 28 June 1834. (Smoot*)
People PageVinton Samuel S. [Male] b. ABT 1830 Maryland - d. BET 1880 AND 1900
Person ID: 3890
Caroline Smoot, dau of Charles Barton Smoot & Lucinda Pollock, m. Samuel Vinton. (Smoot*)
People PageReed John [Male]
Person ID: 3891
Caroline Smoot, dau of Charles Barton Smoot & Lucinda Pollock, m. Samuel Vinton. (Smoot*)
People PageHoneywell William B. [Male] b. APR 1851 Maryland - d. AFT APR 1910
Person ID: 3892
Emma Smoot, dau of Charles Barton Smoot & Lucinda Pollock, m. Charles Hunniwell. (Smoot*)
People PageMcCreary Edith [Female] b. 28 JUN 1898 - d. 22 JUL 1989
Person ID: 3893
Lloyd Duvall Smoot, son of John Daniel Smoot & Mary Goldsborough, Civil Eng. DC Highway, m1, Lorraine Penrose Williamson; m2, Edith McCreary (no issue). (Smoot*)
People PageSmoot Lloyd Duvall [Male] b. 24 FEB 1933
Person ID: 3894
Lloyd Duvall Smoot III, son of Lloyd Duvall Smoot II & Annie Elsie Fawley, b. 24 Feb 1933, m. Doris Joan Bender. (Bass*)
People PageSmoot Elizabeth Ann [Female] b. 1940
Person ID: 3895
Elizabeth Ann Smoot, dau of Lloyd Duvall Smoot II & Annie Elsie Fawley, b. 1940, m. Herman Leo Bass. (Bass*)
People PageBass Herman Leo [Male]
Person ID: 3896
Elizabeth Ann Smoot, dau of Lloyd Duvall Smoot II & Annie Elsie Fawley, b. 1940, m. Herman Leo Bass. (Bass*)
People PageBender Doris Joan [Female]
Person ID: 3897
Lloyd Duvall Smoot III, son of Lloyd Duvall Smoot II & Annie Elsie Fawley, b. 24 Feb 1933, m. Doris Joan Bender. (Bass*)
People PageSmoot Harriet [Female]
Person ID: 3898
Harriet Smoot, dau of William Barton Smoot & Rachel Block, died in childhood. (Smoot*)
People PageWatts Nancy Thompson [Female] d. Tinkling Spring Presbyterian, Fishersville, Augustus Co., VA
Person ID: 3899
Updated: 27 AUG 2014
William Sothoron Smoot III, son of William Sothoron Smoot II & Elizabeth Jones, b. 1917, Electronics C.R.E.T., DC; m. Nancy Watt. (Smoot*)
People PageMcAnallen Patricia [Female]
Person ID: 3900
John Jones Smoot, son of William Sothoron Smoot II & Elizabeth Jones, b. 1922, Agric. Univ. of Md., m. Patricia McAnallen. (Smoot*)
People PageHope Delores [Female]
Person ID: 3901
Henry Brawner Smoot, son of John Daniel Kurtz Smoot & Wilma J. Spradlyn, m. Delores Hope. (Smoot*)
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