Sothoron & Related Families - 20 (Notes Pages)
For privacy reasons, Date of Birth and Date of Marriage for persons believed to still be living are not shown.
Sothoron John C. [Male] b. 6 JUL 1837 Deer Creek, Madison Co., OH - d. 6 JUN 1897 London, Madison Co., OH
Person ID: 391
John C. Sothoron was born to Henry G. and Ann Clark Sothoron in Deer Creek Township, Madison Co., Ohio on 6 July 1837. (Weller*)
See father's Notes for 1850 Federal Census, & brother in law Lewis Wildman's Notes for 1860 entry.
London Council, No. 411, Royal and Select Masters, was organized on 13 October 1866 under a charter from the Grand Council of Royal and Select Masters of Ohio, on petition of several men, including John C. Sothoron. The first officers included John C. Sothoron, D.I.G.M. (History of Madison County, Ohio* Chapter XVIII, pg 587)
1870 Federal Census (1870.06.01, Recorded 1870.06.03) London, London Union Twp., Madison Co., OH - Pg 34(775A), Ln 7, 237/267 - Sotherin, John. 32 year old white male butcher, born in Ohio, US citizen. Listed with several others at Hotel Brandon.
1880 Federal Census (1880.06.01, Recorded 1880.06.30) Water Street, London, Madison Co., OH - ED 61, Pg 24 (259A), Ln 49,205/242 - Sothoron, Ann. 77 year old widowed white female mother, keeping house. She & parents born in MD. -----, John C.. 43 year old single white male son. No occupation listed. Born in Ohio, both parents born in Maryland. - (John C. Sothoron was the enumerator for this district.)
1890 Federal Census (Special Schedule - Surviving Soldiers, etc - U. S. Census - Pg 3; Ref: ED 196, SD 5, 149/167) Ward 1, London, Madison County, OH - Sothoron, John C. Private, Company A, 113 Regt., Ohio Inf. Enlisted 11 Aug 1862, discharged 11 Feb 1863; length of service 6 months.
** Compiled Service Record*
Returns from Jones' Co., 113 Ohio Inf. for Sept 1862 include John C. Sothoron, Pvt.: "On extra or daily duty detached as cook.”
Muster-in Roll of 10 October 1862 for Capt. Jones' Co., 113 Ohio Inf., at Camp Chase, Ohio, includes Pvt. John C. Sothoron, 27 years old. Enlisted Aug 11, 1862 at London, Ohio for 3 years
Return for Co. A., 113 Ohio Inf. for Oct 1862 includes entry for John C. Sothoron, Pvt.: "Absent sick London, O, Oct 31, ‘62.”
Return from Co. A, 113 Ohio Inf. of 30 December 1862 includes entry for John C. Sothoron, Priv.: "Absent sick at London since Dec 30, ‘62.”
Muster Roll for Co. A, 113 Ohio Inf. for Dec 1862 includes John C. Sothoron, Pvt. Remarks: "Absent-at home on sick leave.”
Certificate of W. A. Strain, M.D of London, OH.on 21 January 1863 that he found John C. Sothoron, "...laboring under chronic disease of the kidneys.”; and felt he had an abscess of the left kidney. He found Sothoron unable to perform military duties, and recommended discharge from the Service.
Certificate of Disability for Discharge of John C. Sothoron from the Army, dated 3 Feb 1863. He enlisted Aug 11, 1863 at London, Ohio for 3 years. Born in Guernsey Co, Ohio, 26 years old, 5 ft. 8 in. in height, complexion fair, eyes blue & hair brown. Occupation plasterer. Discharged by reason of Surgs. Ctf.
Muster-out Roll of Co. A, 113 Ohio Inf. On 11 Feb 1863, at Lewisville, KY, includes John C. Sothoron, 28 years old, never paid. Remarks: "Dischg'd Feb 11/63, Columbus, Ohio, by reason of physical disability by order of J. R. Black.” (Reported 1865.07.06)
Muster Roll for Co. A, 113 Ohio Inf. includes John C. Sothoron, Pvt. for Jan & Feb 1863, at Camp Chase, Ohio. Remarks: "Discharged at Camp Chase, O., Feby.11/63, discharge & final settlements given.”
Descriptive Book for Co. A, 113 Ohio Inf. includes John C. Sothoron, age 28, height 5 ft. 7 inches, complexion light, hair brown. Born Guernsey Co., Ohio. Occupation plasterer. Enlisted Aug 11, 186_, London, by Roland Jones, for 3 years
John C. Sothoron, soldier, applied from Ohio on 24 April 1890 for pension for service with A Company, 113th Ohio Infantry. (Federal Pension Application for Civil War service - Application # 770983, Certificate # 654813)
** Death
John C. Sothoron, the well known plasterer, died very suddenly at his home on Logan avenue, this place, at 9 o'clock last Sunday [6 June] morning. Mr. Sothoron had been in his usual health up to last Friday emening, when he walked up the street after supper. He complained somewhat of a severe attack of stomach trouble and fell to the street in front of Jones & Barrett's blacksmith shop. He was assisted to the home of his sister, Mrs. Mary Wildman, and afterwards recovered sufficiently to walk home. The following morning he became worse and Dr. John Recob, with whom he boards, hastened for a physician. Mr. Sothoron remained in bed all day Saturday, but on Sunday morning he arose, ate breakfast and walked out in the yard. In a few moments he came in and was taken very ill. Dr. Strain was called and found his patient was beyond human aid, and he quietly passed away-a victim of apoplexy. - The deceased was born in Hagerstown, Md., in July, 1834, and came when a child with his parents, Henry and Ann Sothoron, to this county. He was never married, but lived with his mother until her death some fifteen years ago. He leaves three sisters-Mrs. Mrs. Mary Wildman, Mrs. Philip Sidner and Mrs. Wm. Recob, another sister, Mrs. J. M. Winchester, having died several years ago. Mr. Sothoron was a reliable mechanic, industrious and saving. He was an uncompromising Democrat and never failed to express his opinion in politics. In religion, he was a firm believer in the Universalist doctrine. The funeral services were held at the late home at 2 o'clock yesterday afternoon conducted by Rev. R. N. John and the remains were placed in Oak Hill Cemetery vault. (Madison Co. Democrat :1, Reported 1897.06.09)
SUDDEN DEATH OF J. C. SOTHOREN - John C. Sothoren, who lived at the corner of Walnut street and Logan avenue, died rather suddenly Sunday morning about 9 o'clock. - Mr. Sothoren had been in failing health for the past year, yet he managed to keep busy attending to his gardening, which occupation he has been following for several years. He was taken sick last Friday night in front of the Jones & Barrett blacksmith shop on Union street, and fell to the pavement. Mr. Jones, who happened to be near, assisted him to the home of his sister, Mrs. L. P. Wildman, who lives at the corner of First and Union streets. After remaining there for a short time he revived and was able to walk to his home. - Sunday morning he arose and after eating breakfast, walked out on his veranda where he remained for some little time, after which he went to his room, laid down and in a short time died. His death was caused by heart failure. - The deceased was about 65 years of age and was born near Lafayette, this county. Most of his life has been spent in this city. He was a brother of Mrs. Anna Recob, of Columbus, formerly of Lilly Chapel and Mrs. L. P. Wildman and Mrs. Mathew Winchester, the latter deceased. The deceased was never married. - The funeral services were held at his late home Tuesday afternoon at 2 o'clock, Rev. R. N. John officiating. Interment was made in Oak Hill cemetery. (Weller* - London Times, Reported 1897.06.10)
John C. Southeron, a 62 year old single white male Plasterer, living in London, died in London, Madison Co., OH of Stomach trouble on 6 June 1897. He was born in Hagerstown, MD. (Death Record - at London Public Library, Recorded 1897.06.30)
JOHN C. SOTHORON BORN JULY 6, 1837 DIED JUNE 6, 1897 (Grave Marker*, Section 2, Lot 51, Oak Hill Cemetery, London, Madison Co., Ohio)
 Click here to see Cemetery Plot records & layout.
Sothoron Mary Marcellina [Female] b. ABT 1838 St. Mary's Co., MD - d. 30 SEP 1886 Charlotte Hall, St. Mary's Co., MD
Person ID: 392
Updated: 30 OCT 2011
MARY MARCELLINA SOTHORON was born 1838 in St. Mary's Co., MD to Benjamin H. Sothoron & Teresa Beaven; and died September 30, 1886 in Charlotte Hall, St. Mary's Co., MD. She married JOSIAS (JOSEPH) HAWKINS HANCOCK April 21, 1857 in Washington, D.C., son of JOSIAS HANCOCK and MARIA. He was born June 17, 1835 in MD, and died October 17, 1918 in St. Mary's Co., MD. (Reno*)
Mary Sothoron was born about 1845 in St. Mary's Co., MD. She will marry Joseph Hancock. (* - Church Records - Batch # F508541, Source # 1553399, Sheet 9)
Mary Marcellina Sothoron, daughter of Benjamin Sothoron and Theresa Beavin Sothoron, was christened in Roman Catholic faith, Mattawoman, Charles Co., MD on 3 December 1838. (* - Church Records - Batch # C507931, Source # 0013759, Printout # 1002753)
See father's Notes for 1850 Federal Census entry, and husband Josiah's Notes for 1880 entry.
HANCOCK, JOSIAS H., and MARY M. SOTHORON: At Georgetown, on the 21st inst., by Rev. Mr. [?], Mr. JOSIAS H. HANCOCK, of this county, and Miss MARY M. SOTHORON, of Georgetown. ( - SOURCE: Port Tobacco Times & Charles County Advertiser, Port Tobacco, Md., 30 Apr 1857; MSA SC 3464, microfilm no. M6823; Maryland State Archives, Annapolis, Maryland. Submitted by Michael Hait.)
Mary M. Sothoron licensed in Washington, DC on 21 April 1857 to marry Josiah H. Hancock. (Pippenger(1)*)
Mary Sothoron married Joseph Hancock about 1870 in St. Mary's Co., MD. (* - Church Records - Batch # F508541, Source # 1553399, Sheet # 9)
Deed of 5 Sept 1874 by Benjamin H. Sothoron of St. Mary's Co., MD. For $3,000 conveys to Mary M. Hancock of same county the following property: all of part of school spring Mill plantation lying in 5th District, commencing at stone in branch on boundary between said property & William Burch Sr., running with lands of Horatio Canter until intersecting run from water power from the Mill, thence with said stream to stone on bank within 8 feet of peach tree, thence northwesterly to where stable now stands, including 1/2 of stable, thence with road to intersection with road passing through said farm from Charlotte Hall to William Burche's Sr., thence in straight line until intersecting land known as Fork Head, thence with said land to lands of William Burch, Sr., thence with said Burche's land to beginning, containing about 150 acres. Signed B.H. Sothoron. Wit: H. Clay Dent. Certified 5 Sept 1874, recorded 8 Sept 1874. (St. Mary's Co., MD Land Records, JFF#1:215)
See Notes of brother John H. for details of sale of father's estate property on 29 Sept 1877.
See husband Josiah's Notes for other land transfer records.
Mary M. Hancock, wife of Josiah H. Hancock, died near Charlotte Hall at age of 48. (Fresco(1)* :394 - St. Mary's Beacon, 1886.09.30, Reported 1886.10.07)
McMillan Amanda [Female] b. ABT 1819 Ohio - d. AFT SEP 1874
Person ID: 393
Francis Sothoron married Amanda McMillin on 13 February 1839. (* {Church Records - Batch # M514401, Source # 1466399 V.13}, Clark, Ohio)
See husband Francis Sothoron's Notes for 1850 Federal Census entry and 1856 Iowa State Census entry (as Elizabeth--NOTE: Need to confirm that this is the same person).
1860 Federal Census (1860.06.01, Recorded 1860.06.04) Ward 3, Springfield, Clark Co., OH - Pg 4 (746), Ln 16, 24/25 - Amanda Sothorn, 41 year old white female, born in Ohio. Personal property valued at $175. Living with Daniel & Lydia Tomilson, he a 44 year old peddler.
Amanda Sotherons married John Heidelbaugh in Clark Co., Ohio on 6 September 1874. (* {Church Records - Batch # M514404, Source Call # 0466402 V.89})
Sothoron Catherine D. [Female] b. MAY 1839 Maryland - d. 17 JAN 1907 Charlotte Hall, St. Mary's Co., MD
Person ID: 394
Infant child (not named) of John Richard & Susan Margaret Sothoron born in May 1839, baptized 10 November 1839 by F.A. Foxcroft, Rector. (Trinity Parish Register {MSA* M259}:unnumbered, Charles Co.)
A Pleasant Musicale - A successful musicale was given on Monday evening last by the Misses Jones of Petchen avenue, in honor of their friend, Miss Rogers of New York. Among the guests were the Misses Rogers, Sutton, Russell and Sothoron of Washington, D.C., and Messrs. Irving Ainsley, Cecil Claire, F. Rollins, C. Moseman, A. Smith, G. Russell and W.D.C. Moore of Buffalo, N.Y. (Brooklyn Daily Eagle :7, Reported 1897.09.08)
** Census schedules & directories
See father's Notes for 1850 & 1860 Federal Census entries. See brother James' Notes for 1870 &1880 entries; and brother Samuel's for 1900 entry.
Catherine D. Sothoron, 1919 I nw. (Washington Directory*, 1880)
Kate D. Sothoron, 1919 I nw. (Washington Directory*, 1885)
Kate D. Sothoron, music teacher, 1919 I nw. (Washington Directory*, 1888)
Kate D. Sothoron, 1919 I nw (Washington Directory*, 1890)
Kate D. Sothoron, 1919 I nw. (Washington Directory*, 1891)
Catharine Sothoron, 1919 I nw. (Washington Directory*, 1898)
** Death
Catherine D. Sothoron, a 70 year old single white female, died at home at Charlotte Hall, St. Mary's Co., MD on 17 January 1907. She was born in Washington, DC to Richard Sothoron & Sarah Johnson, both born in Md. Informant was Levin J. Sothoron nephew. - Primary Cause of death was Bronchopneumonia of one week's duration, with General Debility being the Immediate cause. Certifying Physician was Levin J. Sothoron of Charlotte Hall. (Certificate of Death)
Catherine D. Sothoron, d. 17 Jan 1907, age 7 (sic); info from AFR 2:114. Buried at All Faith Episcopal Church. (Tice* :511)
Smith Margaret [Female] b. ABT 1812 "Mt. Arundel", Benedict, Charles Co., MD - d. 17 OCT 1844 Chaptico, St. Mary's Co., MD
Updated: 20 JAN 2012
Person ID: 395
MARGARET SMITH was born Bet. 1810 - 1816 in "Mt. Arundel", Benedict, Charles Co., MD to Charles Somerset Smith; and died October 17, 1844 in Chaptico, St. Mary's Co., MD. She married (1) THOMAS GONSALVO HODGES December 13, 1831 in Trinity Epis., Charles Co., MD, son of THOMAS HODGES and SALLY CLAGETT. He was born April 17, 1808 in Upper Marlboro, Pr. Geo's Co., MD, and died April 01, 1835 in Charles Co., MD. She married (2) JOHN T. H. SOTHORON December 03, 1840 in St. Mary's Co., MD, son of JOHN SOTHORON and MARY BRISCOE. He was born 1813 in St. Mary's Co., MD, and died 1862 in Anne Arundel Co., MD. (Reno*)
John T. H. Sothoron licensed to marry Margaret Hodges. (Brumbaugh* 1:390, St. Mary's Co., 1840.11.15)
John T. H. Sothoron married Mrs. Margaret Hodges. (Fresco(1)* :273, 1840.12.03)
SOTHORON, John T. H., and Mrs. Margaret HODGES, all of St. Mary's Co., Md., were married in St. Mary's Co., MD., Dec. 3, 1840. (National Intelligencer, Reported 1840.12.15)
Elizabeth Attaway Sothoron born to John T. H. & Margaret Sothoron. (Chronicles of St. Mary's 3:#10 {(Vestry Minutes, back of Vol. 2, All Saints PE Church, King & Queen Parish, St. Mary's Co.}, 1842.07.13)
Mortimer S. Sothoron born to John & M. Sothoron, baptized 18 July 1844. (Trinity Parish Register {MSA* M259}:Unnumbered, Charles Co., 1843.08.20, Recorded 1844.07.19)
Margaret Sothoron, wife of John T. H. Sothoron, died. (Fresco(1)* :458, 1844.10.17)
Died. Near Chaptico, St. Mary's county, Md., on the 17th inst., MARGARET, wife of John T. H. Sothoron, of that county. (The (Baltimore) Sun :2, 1844.10.17, Reported 1844.10.26)
See brother Charles' Notes for additional family information.
Hodges Thomas Gonsalvo [Male] b. 17 APR 1808 Upper Marlboro, Prince George's Co., MD - d. 1 APR 1835 Charles Co., MD
Person ID: 396
John T. H. Sothoron married Mrs. Margaret Hodges. (Fresco(1)* :273, 1840.12.03)
MARGARET SMITH was born Bet. 1810 - 1816 in "Mt. Arundel", Benedict, Charles Co., MD to Charles Somerset Smith; and died October 17, 1844 in Chaptico, St. Mary's Co., MD. She married (1) THOMAS GONSALVO HODGES December 13, 1831 in Trinity Epis., Charles Co., MD, son of THOMAS HODGES and SALLY CLAGETT. He was born April 17, 1808 in Upper Marlboro, Pr. Geo's Co., MD, and died April 01, 1835 in Charles Co., MD. She married (2) JOHN T. H. SOTHORON December 03, 1840 in St. Mary's Co., MD, son of JOHN SOTHORON and MARY BRISCOE. He was born 1813 in St. Mary's Co., MD, and died 1862 in Anne Arundel Co., MD. (Reno*)
Gonsalvo Hodges was born to Sallie Claggett & Dr. Thomas Ramsey Hodges. (Bowie* :126)
Sothoron Charity Theresa [Female] b. ABT 1840 St. Mary's Co., MD - d. AFT 1880
Person ID: 397
Charity Theresa Sotheron, daughter of Benjamin Sotheron and Theresa Sotheron, christened in Roman Catholic faith at Mattawoman, Charles Co., MD on 31 May 1841 (* - Church Records - Batch # C507931, Source # 0013759, Printout # 1002753)
See father's Notes for 1850 through 1870 Federal Census entries, and husband's for 1880 entry.
See Notes of brother John H. for details of sale of father's estate property on 29 Sept 1877.
John H., Joseph A. & Benjamin C. Sothoron, Elkanah H. Edwards, Maggie Edwards, Joseph H. Hancock, Mary M. Hancock, Thomas E. Dyer, Charley T. Dyer, Joseph H. Hancock guardian for Lemuel M. Hancock deed for price per agreement of 17 July 1877 to Sarah E. Hancock part of Mill Farm formerly owned by Benjamin H. Sothorn dec'd, adjacent to lands of Hancock, Edwards, Harrison, Slye & Sothoron, 80 acres. (Land Rec Abstracts StM#6:133, St. Mary's Co., MD, 1877.09.29, Recorded 1877.10.31)
Sothoron James Forbes [Male] b. 9 JUL 1839 St. Mary's Co., MD - d. 17 DEC 1843 Prince George's Co., MD
Person ID: 398
James T. Sothoron born to John H. & S.M. Sothoron on 9 July 1841, baptized 17 October 1841. (Trinity Parish Register {MSA* M259}:unnumbered, Charles Co., MD)
James Forbes Sothoron, eldest son of Col. Sothoron, died 20 December 1843 at his grandfather's residence at the age of 4. (Calhoun* :9, Reported 1843.12.20, Prince George's Co. MD)
Died on December 13 at the residence of his grandfather, Thomas Summerville in Prince George's Co., Md., James Forbes, eldest son of Col. John H. Sothoron, aged 4 years after an illness of 3 days of scarlet fever. He was intelligent beyond his years, and more than ordinarily devoted to his affectionate parents. (Reno* - Dixon*'s National Intelligencer Newspaper Abstracts, Reported 20 Dec 1843).
Sothoron Elizabeth Attaway [Female] b. 13 JUL 1842 St. Mary's Co., MD - d. JUL 1856 Baltimore City, MD
Person ID: 399
Elizabeth Attaway Sothoron born to John T. H. & Margaret Sothoron on 13 July 1842. (Chronicles of St. Mary's 3:#10 {Vestry Minutes, back of Vol. 2 - All Saints PE Church, King & Queen Parish, St. Mary's Co.})
See father's Notes for 1850 Census entries (2).
Elizabeth A. Sothoron was buried in Lot 369 of Area I, Mt. Olivet Cemetery, Baltimore City, on 21 July 1856. Lot owner was John T. H. Sothoron, and there are no other burials in that Lot. (Winterbottom* 2:148)
Sothoron Mortimer Smith [Male] b. 20 AUG 1843 St. Mary's Co., MD - d. 6 SEP 1884 Greenville, Darke Co., OH
Person ID: 400
Mortimer S. Sothoron born to John & M. Sothoron on 20 August 1843, baptized 18 July 1844 at Trinity Parish, Charles Co. (Parish Register{MSA* M259):Unnumbered}, Recorded 1844.07.19)
See father's Notes for 1850 & 1860 Census entries.
Martin Smith Sothern is admitted 4 March 1861 at the age of 17; under Remarks is noted, "Beshit Idiotic”. He died at that facility on 6 Sept 1884. (Pauper's Register, Darke Co. Infirmary :35 {Ohio})
1870 Federal Census (1870.06.01, Recorded 1870.06.17) County Infirmary, Greenville, Greenville Twp., Darke Co., OH - Pg 42, Ln 5 - M.S. Southerland. 26 year old white male, inmate, born in Maryland. Not noted to be illiterate.
Martin Smith Sothran died in Sept 1884. (Greenville Infirmary Records {per Phyllis Crick*}, Darke Co., OH) (Ms. Crick thinks he was probably buried in the Infirmary Cemetery)
Sutton Virginia R. [Female] b. 6 JAN 1829 Anne Arundel Co., MD - d. 25 JUL 1893 Greenville, Darke Co., OH
Person ID: 401
Click here to view Notes.
Sutton Lewis [Male]
Occupation: Reverend
Person ID: 402
Individual affidavits of Philip Dorsey Sutton and Zachariah Sothoron, both of the City of Baltimore, that they had both been present and witnessed the marriage of John T. H. Sothoron and Virginia R. Sutton on 16 December 1847, performed by Reverend Lewis Sutton in St. Mary's Co., MD, at the residence of Dr. James D. Sutton, the elder brother of the bride, both of them being children of the Reverend Lewis Sutton. The affidavits were both notarized on 21 Sept 1864. (Federal Pension Application Min. C. 645-395*)
Sutton James Dorsey [Male] b. 15 AUG 1804 Calvert Co., MD - d. 9 DEC 1849 "Elizabeth Hill", Great Mills, St. Mary's Co., MD
Person ID: 403
Virginia R. Sutton was married to John. T. H. Southeron on this 16th day of December, 1847at Doct. James Sutton's house in St. Mary's Co. by her fatherr Lewis Sutton Sr. (Sutton Family Bible*)
Individual affidavits of Philip Dorsey Sutton and Zachariah Sothoron, both of the City of Baltimore, that they had both been present and witnessed the marriage of John T. H. Sothoron and Virginia R. Sutton on 16 December 1847, performed by Reverend Lewis Sutton in St. Mary's Co., MD, at the residence of Dr. James D. Sutton, the elder brother of the bride, both of them being children of the Reverend Lewis Sutton. The affidavits were both notarized on 21 Sept 1864. (Federal Pension Application Min. C. 645-395*)
** Biography (Fresco(2)* :243)
Known as Dr. "Jimmie" Sutton, Dr. James Dorsey Sutton was born August 15, 1804, in Calvert Co., MD, son of Reverend Lewis Sutton (1781-1850) and Martha Dorsey. As his father was a minister, the family lived various places, including Anne Arundel County and Baltimore.
The doctorate of medicine was conferred on him in 1827 by the University of MD School of Medicine, Baltimore. His doctorate thesis was on the eye disease, ophthalmia. He established his first medical practice at Great Mills, St. Mary's Co.
On May 5, 1829, Dr. Jimmie Sutton married Henrietta Elizabeth Biscoe, daughter of William Biscoe (1760-1824) and Henrietta Dunbar of Pleasant Hill, of Clements, St. Mary's Co. His wife, Henrietta Biscoe Sutton, born June 9, 1805, died January 22, 1844 at Pleasant Hill, where she had gone to visit her sick mother, leaving five children, ages 2 years to 14 years. Two of her sons became physicians. The children were: - Martha Henrietta, b. February 28, 1830, marr. May 25, 1852, William Cuthbert Abell. - Dr. Richard Eskridge, b. September 15, 1831, marr. September 24, 1854, Harriet Clothilde Green. - Dr. Lewis James, b. February 22, 1833, marr. (1) 1856 Mary Rose Sasscer; (2) 1868 Susan Reeder Costigan - Maria Elizabeth, b. September 29, 1834, marr. October 25, 1854, Richard Morris Abell. - Karen Elizabeth, b. February 28, 1836, d. March 2, 1837 Jude, b. March 4, 1839, d. March 16, 1839. - Anna Ellen (Nannie), b. May 28, 1842, marr. November 7, 1865, Alfred M. Berry of Prince George"s Co., MD.
Dr. Jimmie Sutton married (2) July 23, 1844, Eleanor (Ellen) S. Hebb (1789-1857), daughter of William and Elizabeth C. Hebb. There was no issue by this marriage.
Dr. Sutton raised his family at Elizabeth Hill, a fine old home on Indian Bridge Road above where the old Cecil Mill and Store now stand in Great Mills. It burned in 1971.
The St. Mary's Beacon ran an advertisement on May 4, 1854, of a trustee sale to be at Clifton Factory on May 6th on the real estate of Dr. J. D. Sutton of 392 acres: Elizabeth Hill, 217 acres; Fosbuty Plain, 100 acres and Part of St. Richard's Manor, 75 acres.
Dr. Sutton died Sunday, December 9, 1849, at his home Elizabeth Hill of consumption, age 45 years, attended by Dr. Spencer to whom he said: "Oh, what infinite days I am just about entering into". He spoke no more. According to family letters, they were "talking about preaching a funeral at Ebenezer at some convenient time hence", and burying him at Pleasant Hill with his first wife and her parents.
The gravestones of Dr. Sutton and his wife, Elizabeth, are at Pleasant Hill near the Clement Post Office on state road route 242. His second wife, Ellen Hebb Sutton, died October 25, 1857, and her gravestone is in St. George's Episcopal Cemetery, Valley Lee.
References: - Cordell, E. F., "Historical Sketch of the University of MD School of Medicine 1807-1890". Baltimore 1891. - Smith, Elaine, Ms., "Sutton Family Letters 1846-1872". Published in the Chronicles of St. Mary's 7:229, February 1977. Elaine is a descendant. - Abell Family Bible. - Inventory of Historical Sites in Charles, Calvert and St. Mary's Counties. Revised Edition August 1980. - National Genealogical Society Quarterly, December 1934, "Barber Bible Records".
Lawrence Martha A. [Female] b. DEC 1829 Maryland - d. 22 MAR 1907 Easton, Talbot Co., MD
Person ID: 404
Martha A. Lawrence was married to Zacheriah Southern on the 22nd day of February 1848 by the Rev. Mr. Chew. July 22d 1848 (Sutton Family Bible*)
Zach H. Sothoron married Martha A. Lawrence on 22 February 1848. (Chronicles of St. Mary's 3:#11 {Back of Vestry Minutes, Vol 1, All Saints Episcopal Church, King & Queen Parish, St. Mary's Co.})
Is named as mother of Thomas John Sothoron in his will (see his Notes).
** Census Schedules * Directories
See Notes for husband for 1850 Federal Census entries. I have been unable to find this family in the 1870 Census.
1860 Federal Census (1860.06.01, Recorded 1860.06.12) Ward 12, Baltimore City, MD - Pg 5, Ln 2, 23/17 (NOTE: I am NOT sure this is the right family) (Living in a boarding house with several other families, including some of the surname Lawrence) - Martha Sothoren, 34 year old female, born in Maryland. - Seth (sic) " , 36 year old male, born in Maryland. Occupation not noted. - Thomas " , 10 year old male, born in Maryland, attended school within the year. - William " , 8 year old male, born in Maryland. - Marley (sic) " , 8 year old female, born in Maryland. - Allen " , 5 year old male, born in Maryland. - Henry " , 3 year old male, born in Maryland.
Sothron, Mrs. Martha. 275 Hollins. (Baltimore City Directory*, 1868 :493)
Sothron, Mrs. Martha. 30 n Gilmor. (Baltimore City Directory*, 1872.:570)
Sothron, Mrs. Martha. Mount nr Saratoga. (Baltimore City Directory*, 1873.:555)
Sothoron, Mrs. M. A. 11 n Gilmor. (Baltimore City Directory*, 1875 :561)
See Notes of daughter Mary's husband William for 1880 Federal Census entry.
Sothoron, Martha. wid Zachariah, 394 n Gilmor. (Baltimore City Directory*, 1883.:831)
Sothoron, Martha A. wid Zachariah H., 394 n Gilmor. (Baltimore City Directory*, 1884.:1131)
Sothoron, Martha A. wid Zachariah H., bds 426 w Lanvale. (Baltimore City Directory*, 1885.:1234)
Sothoron, Martha A., Mrs. 1273 e North av. (Baltimore City Directory*, 1889.:1095)
Sothoron, Martha A., Mrs. 1523 Aisquith. ", Thos. J. mach, 1811 Aisquith. (Baltimore City Directory*, 1890.:1143)
Sothoron, Martha, Mrs. 427 e 23rd n. ", Thos. J. carp, 2131 e North av. (Baltimore City Directory*, 1892 :1152)
Sothoron, Martha, Mrs. 1273 e North av. ", Thos. H. lab, 1273 e North av. (Baltimore City Directory*, 1893.:1328)
See son Thomas' Notes for 1900 Federal Census entry.
** Death
Martha A. Sothorn, an 84 year old widowed white female housewife, died on 22 March 1907 in Easton, Talbot Co., MD. Her parents were Thomas J. & Martha A. Lawrence, all born in Anne Arundel Co. Informant was Thomas J. Sothorn, her son. - Primary Cause of Death was Senile debility. Certifying Physician was A. Z. Hayward of Easton, Md. (Certificate of Death)
Martha A. Sothoran was buried on 25 April 1907 at Western Cemetery, Baltimore City, in Section K, Lot 275, Top #4 grave. (Burial Record)
Click here to view cemetery records for entire Lot..
Sothoron Louis Philip [Male] b. 4 JAN 1850 St. Mary's Co., MD - d. 19 JAN 1921 Darke Co. Home, Greenville, OH
Person ID: 405
Lewis Philip Sothoron born to John T. H. & Virginia R. Sothoron on 4 January 1850. (Chronicles of St. Mary's 3:#10 {Back of Vol 2, Vestry Minutes of All Saints PE Church, King & Queen Parish, St. Mary's Co., MD})
Louis Sothoron was born 8 Jan 1852 in MD. He was the son of John Sothoron & Virginia Sutton, who were both born in MD. Notification was to be to Ed. Sothoron of E 4th St., Greenville, OH. He was admitted to the Darke Co. Home 6 Jan 1920 & died there 19 Jan 1921, with burial in Greenville Cemetery. (Crick*, Greenville, OH)
See Notes for siblings Evora & John Truman for mention of Lewis' name in their obituaries.
** Census schedules & directories
See mother's Notes for 1850 (2), 1860 & 1880 entries.
1870 Federal Census (1870.06.01, Recorded 1870.06.04), Greenville City & Township, Darke Co., Ohio - Pg 5 (128B), Ln 34, 42/40. Lewis Southerland, 19 year old white male farm laborer, listed with Henry & Sarah Collet (farmer). Born in Maryland, can neither read nor write.
Sothoron, Louis, laborer, bds 14e main. (Greenville Directory {Published by Democratic Advocate Steam Print, Greenville} :44, 1885)
Sothron, F. P. (Quadrennial Enumeration - Book 5, Ward 4 {Held at Garst Museum, Greenville, OH}, 1887)
Sothoron Louis h. 259 7th nr John. (* - image of Williams' Cincinnati Directory, 1895:1557)
1910 Darke Co., Ohio Directory* - Greenville (Pg 84) - Southern, Lewis, agt, 223 Martin - Southern, Thurman, lab, 223 Martin
1910 Federal Census (1910.04.15, Recorded 1910.04.29), 225 Martin Street, Greenville, Darke Co., OH - ED 84, Sh 9B (250B), Ln 94, 233/237. - Sothorne, Lewis. Head, 55 year old single white male. He & parents born in Maryland. Can read, speaks English; cannot write. Occupation agent at cannery, working for wages, no unemployment. .Renting his non-farm home. -----, John. Brother, 53 year old single white male. He & parents born in Maryland. Can read & write, speaks English. Occupation Labor in plaster industry, draws wages, no unemployment.
1920 Federal Census (1920.01.01) - Greenville, Darke Co., Ohio - ED 105, Sh 6B (259B), Ln 76, 157/161 (626 East 4th Street, Ward 4, Pct. B) - Recorded 1920.01.09 - Sothron, Edwin. Head, 61 year old married white male, renting his home. Speaks English, can read & write. He & parents born in Maryland. Occupation Junk dealer, working at home on his own acount, coded 773. ----, Eliza. Wife, 58 year old married white female. Can read & write, speaks English. She & parents born in Ohio. Occupation none. ----, Bessie. Daughter,15 year old single white female. Can read & write, speaks English, has attended school since last Sept. She & mother born in Ohio, father in Maryland. Occupation none. ----, Martha E. Daughter, 12 year old single white female. Can read & write, speaks English, has attended school since last Sept. She & mother born in Ohio, father in Maryland. Occupation none.
1920 Federal Census (1920.01.01, Recorded 1920.01.12) ED 105, SD 3, Sh 8B (261B), Ln 92, 157/161 - Refers back to Sh 6B (see above, which has same home/family numbers) - Sothron, Louis. Brother, 69 year old single white male. Speaks English, cannot read nor write. He & parents born in Maryland. Occupation none.
1920 Federal Census (1920.01.01, Recorded 1920.01.29) Darke Co.Infirmary, Greenville, OH - ED 97, Sh 16A (187A) , Ln 38, 339/379 - Sothern, Louis. Inmate, 67 year old single white male. Speaks English, cannot read nor write. He & parents born in Maryland. Occupation none.
** Federal Pension Application Min. C. 645-395*
Louis P. Sothoron was adjudged an imbecile in Probate court. Frank S. Gordon was appointed his guardian. (1905.03.21, Reported 1919.01.03, Greenville, Darke Co., OH)
Lewis P. Sothoron et al, minor dependents of John T. H. Sothoron, soldier, applied from Ohio for pension in his name. Service was in Company I, 94th Ohio Infantry. (Federal Pension Application # 851977, Certificate # 645095, 1906.07.07)
Affidavit of Mrs. O. H. Smith, 52 years of age. She is the sister of Louis P. Sothoron, helpless child of John T. H. Sothoron. She referred to him as helpless and weak, from sickness when he was bout five or six years old, coming from "Spinal meningetus” which afflicted him for many months. When seeming to be coming out of that illness, he was stricken with "pyraslis” on one entire side, and could not walk nor talk plainly for years, and was left "...week both mentialy and fisicaly and a constant charge and a great care to our Mother as long as she lived...” After their mother's death in 1893, she was Louis' guardian for a period, until she could no longer serve as such. (Recorded 1907.05.02, Greenville, Darke Co., OH)
Affidavit of L. C. Anderson, M.D., of this city, stating that he had known Lewis P. Sothoron, son of John J. H. Sothoron, for at least twenty years; and that the family history showed he has been feeble of mind & body since childhood, said to be the result of "cerebrospinal fever.” He walked with a feeble uncertain gait, with partial paralysis on the right side and defective articulation. He was considered physically and mentally unable to properly care for himself, and was diagnosed as "an Imbecile. (1907.05.08, Greenville, Darke Co., OH)
Harry O. Smith, 29 year old nephew of Louis P. Sothoron, residing at 318 South Liberty St., Muncie, Indiana, is appointed his guardian in lieu of F. S. Gordon, who has resigned. (1914.02.19, Reported 1914.03.03)
Eliza Sothoron appointed guardian of Louis P. Sothoron, imbecile. She is living at 626 East Fourth St., Greenville. (1919.01.02, Recorded 1919.01.25)
** Death
THE PASSING OF LOUIS SOTHRON ------- Well Known Citizen of Greenville Expires at Darke County Home Wednesday Morning of Paralysis-Funeral Friday Afternoon. ------- Louis Sothron, son of John and Virginia Sothron, who came to Greenville in 1860, and who have long since passed to their reward, died at the Darke Co. Home Wednesday morning at 12:30 o'clock, death being due to paralysis. - The deceased was well known in Greenville, having resided here practically all of his life. He was born in Maryland, and was 68 years and 11 days old and came here with his parents when but a small boy, and had been an invalid nearly all of his life. - He is survived by one sister, Mrs. Nettie Witte of Muncie, Ind.; two brothers, Bernard Sothron of Dayton, and Edward Sothron, 626 East Fourth Street. Funeral Friday afternoon at 2 o'clock from the Sothron residence. Rev. Thomas Cooke will read the Episcopal burial service. Interment in Greenville Cemetery. (Daily Advocate {undated Clipping at Garst Museum, Greenville})
OBITUARY-SOTHRON Louis Sothron was born near Baltimore, Maryland on the 8th day of January, 1853, and departed this life January 19, 1921, aged sixty-eight years and eleven days. - He was the second of six children born to John and Virginia Sothron, and came with his parents to Greenville, Ohio, in 1860, where he spent the remainder of his life, except five years, in which he made his home with his nephew, Harry Smith, at Muncie, Ind. His father died while in the services of his country in the Civil War, when Louis was about eleven years old. His mother passed away about twenty-seven years ago. A sister and a brother preceded him in death, and two brothers, Edmund of this city and Bernard of Dayton, and one sister, Mrs. Nettie Witte of New York City survive him. - Louis was frail and delicate in body from childhood, but notwithstanding this, did a considerable amount of hard work in youth and early manhood. He did a goodly portion of this gratuitously for persons whose meager means forced the most rigid economy upon them. When failing health impaired his power for hard work, he sought and performed such services as he was able for, so that it may be said of him that his industry was at all times fully up to his capacity. His desire to serve brought him in contact with a great many people, so that he had an extensive range of acquaintance in this city in years gone by, practically all of whom had a friendly feeling for him. - Louis Sothron was a man remarkably free from vicious habits, and the fruits of his toil with his mother, always ready and willing to share brothers and sisters, as well as others in need. - In infancy he was made a member of the Episcopal church by the rite of baptism, in childhood taught its precepts by a religious and intelligent mother, and remained a true and devoted member during his life. For a number of years he performed the duties of janitor at the little frame church that stood at the corner of Third and Walnut streets, and when the move was launched for the building of the fine structure now at the corner of Broadway and Water street, he was zealous in the cause and succeeded in collecting small contributions from many persons who otherwise would not have been reached. - It can be truthfully said of Louis Sothron that he made good use of the talents God gave him. - His brother Edmund and family, at whose residence the funeral services were conducted by Rev. Cooke, appreciate the many words and acts of kindness and sympathy of neighbors and friends, and especially of the token of respect shown by Mr. Long and his pupils of the Greenville city schools. A FRIEND. ((Daily Advocate {undated Clipping at Garst Museum, Greenville})
Louis Sothron, a 68 year, 11 day old single Invalid, died at 12:30 A.M. on 19 January 1921. He was born January 8, 1853 in Maryland to John Sothron & Virginia Setten, both born in Maryland. Informant was T. B. Wilson, Supt. Co. Home. - Cause of death was Cerebral hemorrhage of 20 days' duration, with Arterial Sclerosis of 15 years' duration being contributory. Certifying M.D.'s name illegible; he attended Louis from Jan 10, 1914 to the day of death, last seeing him alive the day before. - Burial was on Jany. 21, 1921 at Greenville, Jno. C. Suspen of Greenville making the arrangements. - The Bureau of Vital Statistics returned the Certificate to the County Home, requesting missing information on the deceased: Sex (male), Color or race (White). (Certificate of Death {Reg. Dist. No. 305, File No. 1937, Primary Reg. Dist. No. 4455, Registered No. 9}, County Home, Greenville, Darke Co., OH)
Louis Sothoron, a 68 year old male, was buried at Greenville Cemetery, Greenville, OH on 21 January 1921 in Space 4, Lot 20 of Section 2, with no vault. The Service No. was 192103687.(Burial Record) (There was no grave marker found on my visit of 14 Oct 2003)
Click here to see Cemetery Plot information.
Sothoron John B. Franklin [Male] b. MAY 1840 Maryland - d. 2 MAR 1906 Sparrows Point, Baltimore Co., MD
Updated: 25 MAR 2011
Person ID: 406
J. B. F. Sothoron, along with several others, received a premium as a student of Lancaster Free School in DC (Columbia Hist Soc 25:22)
J. B. Sothoron licensed in Washington, DC on 8 June 1864 to marry Ann I. Williams. (Newman Papers*)
J. B. F. Sothoron & Ann R. Williams licensed on 8 June 1864 in Washington, DC to marry. (Pippenger(2)*
** Census schedules & directories
See father's Notes for 1850 & 1860 Federal Census entries.
John B.F. Sothoron, messenger, boards at 162 I north, Washington. (Washington Directory*, 1862)
John B.F. Sothoron, home 162 I St. north, Washington. (Washington Directory*, 1863)
Franklin Sutheron, wagonmaster, home 162 I north, Washington. (Washington Directory*, 1865)
John B.F. Sothron, clerk QM Dept., home 162 I St. north, Washington. (Washington Directory*, 1866)
See father in law Harrison Williams' Notes for 1870 Federal Census entry.
John B.F. Sothoron, weighmaster, 2018 I nw, Washington. (Washington Directory*, 1873)
John B. F. Sothoron, stonecutter, 2613 K nw, Washington. (Washington Directory*, 1874)
John Sothern, clerk treas., home 417 G se, Washington. (Washington Directory*, 1875)
John B.F. Sothoron, fancy goods, RI av corner 8th. (Washington Directory*, 1876)
J. B. F. Sothoron, clerk, 1003 6th sw. (Washington Directory*, 1877)
1880 Federal Census (1880.06.01, Recorded 1880.06.14), District 9, Baltimore Co., MD - ED 246, Pg 33, Ln 21, 2/2 (251/255) - Sothoron, Frank. Married 45 year old white male Dredger. He & parents born in DC. -----, Mary. Married 45 year old white female, occupation Housekeeping. She & parents born in DC.
J. B. Frank Sothoron, dredger, 2012 I nw. (Washington Directory*, 1883)
J. B. Frank Sothoron, inspector, 2014 I nw. (Washington Directory*, 1884)
Frank Sothoron, inspector, 2014 I nw. (Washington Directory*, 1885)
Sothoron, Frank. insp, 1006 n Third. (Baltimore City Directory*, 1891. :1184)
Sothoron, Frank. clk, 1006 n 3rd e. (Baltimore City Directory*, 1892. :1152)
Sothoron, Frank. clk, 1006 n 3rd e. (Baltimore City Directory*, 1893. :1328)
Sothoron, Frank. clk, Sparrows Point. (Baltimore City Directory*, 1897. :1474)
Sothoron, Frank. clk, Sparrows Point. (Baltimore City Directory*, 1898. :1424)
1900 Federal Census (1900.06.01, Recorded 1900.06.07) 31 Baltimore St, Sparrows Point, 15th Dist, 1st Pct, Baltimore Co., MD - ED 61, Sh 14A, Ln 5, 238/254 - Sothorn, Frank. Head, 60 year old white male gate keeper at Shipyard, born May 1840. No unemployed time last year. He & parents born in Maryland. Married 36 years, rents his non-farm home, can read & write, speaks English. ----, Anne R. Wife, 56 year old white female, born Jan 1844, married 36 years, no children noted. She & parents born in Virginia. Can read & write, speaks English. - Sothorn, T. Locke. Nephew, 23 year old single white male Junior Clerk at Marine Depot, born Apr 1877. He & parents born in Virginia. Can read & write, speaks English. - Pettis, Hattie. Servant, 19 year old single white female, born Feb 1881. She & parents born in Virginia. Speaks English, cannot read nor write. No unemployed time last year.
** Death
Frank Sotheron died at Sparrows Point on 3 March 1906. He was a 62 year old married white male clerk, born in Maryland to Susan M. Johnson & Richard Sotheron, both also born in Maryland. His wife was Rebecca; the informant was Susan (last name undecipherable). Primary cause of death was severe bronchitis of 6 - 8 weeks' duration, with pulmonary oedema of 2 days' duration being a secondary cause. He was pronounced by Dr. G. C. McCormick of Sp. Pt. (Register of Deaths in the 15th District, Baltimore Co., MD)
Frank Southron was buried in Area AA, Plot 205, 1st from South at Mt. Carmel Cemetery, 5712 O'Donnell St., Baltimore City, MD on 5 March 1906. He was born in Maryland, was married, was 62 years old, lived in Sparrows Point, and died of Bronchitis. The Burial Registry number was 12801. (Burial Record {MSA* SC 5377}) (As of 11 Dec 2003 the graveyard showed evidence of poor repair & maintenance, with many broken & toppled markers. The burial site was overgrown with trees & brush; I could not find a stone.)
Capt. Frank Sothoron, native of St. M. Co., but for past 17 yrs. Resident of Sparrows Pt., died at his home Fri. afternoon. Survived by widow who was a Miss Williams of Wash., two brothers: Rev. L. J. Sothoron of Forest Hill, Md. and Samuel Sothoron of N. Y. City, and 3 sisters: Mrs. G. Jones of N. Y., Mrs. Scott of Wash. (other name not included). Funeral Mon. Afternoon. Rev. Lewis B. Brown, rector of St. Matthew's Prot. Epis. Church officiated. Interment in Mr. Carmel Cem. (Chron St. Mary's 36:#4:30 - St. Mary's Beacon, Reported 1906.03.15)
Sothoron Sarah J. [Female] b. MAY 1845 Washington, DC - d. BET 1880 AND 1906
Nickname: Dolly
Person ID: 407
See father's Notes for 1850 & 1860 Federal Census entries, brother James' Notes for 1870 & 1880 entries, and brother-in-law Albert Jones' Notes for 1900 entry (as "Dolly").
Sarah J. Sothoron, 1919 I nw. (Washington Directory*, 1880)
Sarah J. Sothoron, 1919 I nw.nw. (Washington Directory*, 1885)
Sarah J. Sothoron, 1919 I nw nw. (Washington Directory*, 1890)
Sarah J. Sothoron, 1919 I nw.nw. (Washington Directory*, 1891)
Sarah Sothoron, 1919 I nw.nw. (Washington Directory*, 1898)
Sothoron William Bruce [Male] b. ABT 1805 St. Mary's Co., MD - d. 1860
Person ID: 408
Click here to view Notes.
White Ann [Female] b. ABT 1805 Maryland - d. 16 JUL 1860 Aquasco District, Prince George's Co., MD
Person ID: 409
MARRIED, on Thurs.morning, the 5th inst. [5 Mar 1835], by the Rev. John T. Johnston, WILLIAM B. SOTHORON, Esq., of St. Mary's Co., Md., to Miss ANN WHITE, of Alexandria. (Alexandria Gazette :3, Reported 11 Mar 1835)
See husband's Notes for 1850 & 1860 Federal Census entries. (to be determined if "Mary White" is her mother--both born in VA)
"Mrs. Ann Sothoron, widow of William Bruce Sothoron, died [on 16 July 1860] in the 56th year of her age. She was a faithful and unfaltering member of the Church of Christ for the last thirty years, and died with a firm reliance of eternal salvation." She died in the Aquasco District of Prince George's Co., MD. (Boltz* {Planter Advocate, Upper Marlboro, MD}, Reported 1860.08.08)
Funeral of Ann, wife of William B. Sothoron, on 17 July 1860. (Brown(1)* 2:100 - Index to Register of St. Paul's Parish at Baden, 1831-1885; B2, 149)
Sothoron Henrietta B. [Female] b. NOV 1835 Maryland - d. 12 MAY 1868 Washington, DC
Person ID: 410
See father's Notes for 1850 Federal Census entry under maiden name.
Henrietta M. Southoron & James G. Sasscer licensed in Washington, DC on 12 February 1855 to marry.
Marriage between James G. Sasscer & Miss H.M. Southoron by Rev. Mr. Hodges, all of this city. (Evening Star :4, Washington, DC, 1855.02.13, Reported 1855.02.14)
Marriage between James G. Sasscer & Miss H.M. Southoron by Rev. Mr. Hodges, all of this city. (Daily National Intelligencer XLIII:4, Washington, DC, 1855.02.13, Reported 1855.02.14)
1860 Federal Census (1860.06.01, Recorded 1860.08.30) District 8 (Aquasco), Prince George's Co., MD - Pg 552, Ln 30, 412/412 - Wm. B. Sothoron - 55 year old male planter, born in Md, personal property valued at $1,200. - Mary White - 80 year old female, born in Va. - H.M. Sasscer - 24 year old female, born in Md. - Wm. T. Sasscer - 4 year old male, born in D.C. - Benjamin Bates - 22 year old male laborer, born in Md, cannot read & write. - Peter Bowling - 19 year old black male laborer. - Ann Sothoron - 53 year old female planter, born in Va. Real property valued at $1,000; personal property at $100. ("Color” was blank except as otherwise indicated)
Mrs. Henrietta Jenkins, 32 years & 5 months of age, widow of the late Lloyd Jenkins, died of typhoid pneumonia at 4 pm. She was the daughter of the late William B. Sothoron. Friends are invited to attend the funeral from the residence of Mr. Thos. Lawson, 551 "E” St., near 10th St., Navy Yard, tomorrow, 10th inst. at 3 pm (Marlboro papers please copy). (Baltz* {Evening Star, Washington, DC}, 1868.05.12, Reported 1868.05.13)
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