Sothoron & Related Families - 16 (Notes Pages)
For privacy reasons, Date of Birth and Date of Marriage for persons believed to still be living are not shown.
Dennis Thomas [Male] d. 1699 Talbot Co., MD
Person ID: 305
Will of Thomas Dennis. Names those to care for his daughters Mary, Catherine & Sarah. Attested by Valentine Sotheron. (Baldwin* 2:178 - Wills 6:262, Talbot Co., MD, 1699.02.06, Proved 1699.05.11)
Dennis Mary [Female]
Person ID: 306
Named in father's will (see his Notes).
Will of Valentine Southeron. To granddaughter Mary Dennis, the plantation John Phillips, on eastern side of Kent Island. To granddaughter Catherine Dennis, unnamed land. To granddaughter Sarah Dennis, Southerons Addition, 80 acres. If granddaughters die without issue, lands to pass to Christ Church Parish on Kent Island. (Wills 11:432, Talbot Co., MD, 1699.02.06, Proved 1702)
Dennis Catherine [Female]
Person ID: 307
Named in father's will (see his Notes).
Will of Valentine Southeron. To granddaughter Mary Dennis, the plantation John Phillips, on eastern side of Kent Island. To granddaughter Catherine Dennis, unnamed land. To granddaughter Sarah Dennis, Southerons Addition, 80 acres. If granddaughters die without issue, lands to pass to Christ Church Parish on Kent Island. (Wills 11:432, Talbot Co., MD, 1699.02.06, Proved 1702)
Dennis Sarah [Female]
Person ID: 308
Named in father's will (see his Notes).
Will of Valentine Southeron. To granddaughter Mary Dennis, the plantation John Phillips, on eastern side of Kent Island. To granddaughter Catherine Dennis, unnamed land. To granddaughter Sarah Dennis, Southerons Addition, 80 acres. If granddaughters die without issue, lands to pass to Christ Church Parish on Kent Island. (Wills 11:432, Talbot Co., MD, 1699.02.06, Proved 1702)
Hannah [Female]
Person ID: 309
Will of William Scott of Talbot Co., MD. Property called Todd left to his wife Sophia; at her death to pass to Hannah, wife of Valentine Southern. (Baldwin* 3:77 {Wills 12:38}, 1702.09.18, Proved 1705.02.08
Thomas Baxter's bond as administrator for the estate of Hanah Southern, sureties Valentine Carter & Robert Blunt of Talbot Co. Bond in the amount of £100. - Will of Hanah Southern filed, attested by Dennis Modrile & Alexander Downing. (Test Proc 19#B:53, Talbot Co., MD, 1705.06.13)
Exhibited inventory of the estate of Hanah Southerne, appraised by Vallentine Carter & Robert Blunt at £48.17.04. (Test Proc 19#B:80, Talbot Co., MD, 1705.08.24)
Rose John [Male] d. ABT 1710 St. Mary's Co., MD
Person ID: 310
Mary Rose, widow of John Rose, bonded in the estate of her late husband, with Samuel Williamson & John Sothoron as sureties. (Tet Proc 21:246, 1710.04.13, Recorded 1710.04.13)
Inventory of John Rose by John Briscoe & Abraham Price. Value £177.5.11. Includes 26 slaves. Francis Clarke and Mary his wife, daughter to John Rose, present for the assessment and accept the findings. (Inv & Acct 31:217, St. Mary's Co., 1710.04.13)
Account of Mary Rose, administratrix of John Rose. Monies paid to Phillip Briscoe, Kenelm Cheseldyne & others. Monies to Francis & Mary Clark as part of a legacy. Account balance £115.13.3. (Inv & Accts 35#B:93, St. Mary's Co., 1713.08.04)
Hess Lee [Male]
Person ID: 311
Information obtained verbally from Jacqueline G Morton by WHS*.
Mary [Female] d. 1719 St. Mary's Co., MD
Person ID: 312
Will of John Johnson. Referred to as a "coopper". To eldest son John, 100 acres out of Westham, bought of Edward Barber son of Luke Barber of St. Mary's Co. dec'd. To daughter Mary, son James & younger daughter Susan, personalty and money for education. Wife Mary named executrix; Clement Haly & Philip Briscoe of St. Mary's Co. to be children's guardians if wife dead. (Wills 4:282, St. Mary's Co., 1687.04.10, Proved 1687.12.09)
Mary Rose, widow of John Rose, bonded in the estate of her late husband, with Samuel Williamson & John Sothoron as sureties. (Tet Proc 21:246, 1710.04.13, Recorded 1710.04.13)
Inventory of John Rose by John Briscoe & Abraham Price. Value £177.5.11. Includes 26 slaves. Francis Clarke and Mary his wife, daughter to John Rose, present for the assessment and accept the findings. (Inv & Acct 31:217, St. Mary's Co., 1710.04.13)
Account of Mary Rose, administratrix of John Rose. Monies paid to Phillip Briscoe, Kenelm Cheseldyne & others. Monies to Francis & Mary Clark as part of a legacy. Account balance £115.13.3. (Inv & Accts 35#B:93, St. Mary's Co., 1713.08.04)
In consideration of former bargain for sale of tract from Joshua Marshall of Prince George's Co. to John Sothoron for £52.10 already paid, William Marshall of Queen Anne's Co planter conveys the upper half of The Two Friends to Benjamin Sothoron of Charles Co., Gent, heir to John Sothoron. Begins at bounded poplar on north side of a run which empties into main fresh from Piles' run, extending to that run, 522 acres. Signed by John Marshall & Rebekah Marshall. Witnesses: George Dent, John Mactyre. Received of Mrs Mary Rose on behalf of Benjamin Sothoron the sum of 5 shillings 4 pence for recordation. (Prerog Court Land Rec 27{F#2}:16, Charles Co., 1714.03.29, Recorded 1714.07.08)
Citations filed to St. Mary's Co., returnable to this Court, are returned and processed. Include: - Mary Rose admx. John Rose - Margeret H. Southern admx. Samuel Southern (Test Proc 22:444, St. Mary's Co., Recorded 1715.04)
Will of Mary Rose of Chaptico Hundred. Sick of body. To John Johnson Sothoron, grandson & executor, 200 acres representing dwelling plantation, during term of lease from Lord Baltimore. Daughters Mary Burch & Mary Clarke. Granddaughters Ann & Mary Sothoron, to receive legacies at time of their marriages. Grandsons: Harman Clarke; Samuel, Richard & Benjamin Sothoron, all under 18. Test: Samuel Williamson, Michael & John Brantson. (Prerog Court Wills 15 {TB#1}:276, St. Mary's Co., 1717.03.10, Proved 1719.12.18)
Proceedings exhibited from St. Mary's Co. Mary Rose her Testy. Bond in common form by John Johnson Southeron her executor, with Michael Branson & John Branson her sureties in £600. (Test Proc 24:100, St. Mary's Co., 1719.12.18, Recorded 1719.12.31)
Exhibited from St. Mary's Co. Mary Rose her account by John Johnson Sothoron her executor. (Test Proc 27:18, St. Mary's Co., 1721.03.02)
Person ID: 313
Inferred from mother's 1900 Federal Census entry (had 3 children, only 1 alive). See her Notes.
Person ID: 314
Inferred from mother's 1900 Federal Census entry (had 3 children, only 1 alive). See her Notes.
Armstrong Cordelia Sothoron [Female] b. 9 MAR 1829 Maryland - d. 30 JUL 1907 Jessup, Howard Co., MD
Updated: 14 JAN 2015
Person ID: 315
Cordelia S. Armstrong, of Georgetown, D.C., was a pupil at Georgetown Female Seminary, Georgetown, D.C. for the yearending 31 July 1842. (* - U.S. School Catalogs, 1765-1935 - Image of "Catalogue of the Members of The Female Seminary, Georgetown, D.C.")
Cordelia Sothoron Armstrong listed with others receiving adult baptisms on 5 February 1847. Sponsors were Mrs. A. Turner & Mrs. C. Burroughs. (St. John's Episcopal Parish Register :28, Georgetown, DC)
Edward B. Powell married Miss Cordelia S. Armstrong on 5 November 1847. Services by N.P. Tillinghast, Rector. (St. John's Episcopal Parish Register :109, Georgetown, DC) NOTE: This is not in agreement with Federal Census entries, and probably also with year of birth of her first born child. (WHS*)
See father's Notes for 1850 Federal Census entry, husband's Notes for 1860 through 1880 entries.
1900 Federal Census (1900.06.01, Recorded 1900.06.05) District 4, Anne Arundel Co., MD - ED 8, Sh 5B, Ln 61, 63/63 - Powell, Cordelia. Boarder, living with Susannah Bowie & her family. A 71 year old widowed white female, born Mch 1829. Had 8 children, 5 living. Born in DC, parents in MD. Can read & write, speaks English.
MARYLAND OBITUARY. Baltimore, Aug. 1 - Mrs. Cordelia Sothoron Armstrong Powell, widow of Capt. Edward Burr Powell, of Loudon Co., Va., died at 8:30 o'clock Tuesday [30 July] evening at Odenwald, the home of her daughter, Mrs. F. G. Oldenhelmer, Jessups, Md. Mrs. Powell was seventy-eight years old. (Washington Post :5, Reported 1907.08.02)
IN MEMORY OF CORDELIA SOTHORON wife of EDWARD BURR POWELL and daughter of Henry & Christiana ARMSTRONG Mar. 9, 1829. July 30, 1907. Her children rise up and call her blessed.

Union Cemetery, Leesburg, Loudon Co., VA
Click here for Plot information & to see family grouping.
VIRGINIA OBITUARY. Leesburg, April 20 - News has been received here of the death...of Frank Whiting Powell, son of the late Capt. Edward Burr and Cordelia Sothoron Powell. Mr. Powell was born in Leesburg and attended the Leesburg Academy until he was 14 when the family moved to Mount Washington, Md. He had live in Cleveland for the past twenty years. (Washington Post :M22, Reported 1929.04.21)
Powell Edward Burr [Male] b. 3 MAR 1822 Virginia - d. 1 DEC 1897 Christ's Church, Alexandria, VA
Updated: 20 APR 2011
Person ID: 316
Capt. Edward Burr [Powell] (1824-97), lawyer, Loudon Co., Va.; m 1850, Cordelia Sothoron Armstrong (1830-1907), St. Mary's Co., Md.; issue: I-Elizabeth Sothoron (d); II-Col. William Sothoron; III-Sarah Harrison; IV-Humphrey Brooke (d); V-William Llewellyn (d); VI-Edward Burr, Jr. (d); VII-Susan Noland (m Clarence Cottman); VIII- Cordelia Sothoron Armstrong.(b. Leesburg, VA 29 Sept 1869; m. Frank G. Odenheimer); IX-Francis Whiting. (Virkus* 3:353)
Edward B. Powell married Miss Cordelia S. Armstrong on 5 November 1847. Services by N.P. Tillinghast, Rector. (St. John's Episcopal Parish Register :109, Georgetown, DC) NOTE: This is not in agreement with Federal Census entries, and probably also with year of birth of her first born child. (WHS*)
Edward B. Powell and Cordelia S. Armstrong were married at Washington, DC on 11 April 1850. (* - Washington, DC Marriages)
George M. Sothoron of Georgetown, DC to John W. Dixon of Alexandria Co., VA, 258 acre plot in Alexandria Co. Abuts west side of Washington & Alexandria Turnpike, with a corner at the side of Old Georgetown Road. Had been conveyed to Edward B. Powell by Henry Chatham by deed on 15 October 1853, & by deed from Powell to Sothoron on 14 September 1832. Land is in trust, note for $1152.34 drawn by Edward B. Powell bearing date of 1 December 1854, payable 7 months from that date to Henry Chatham for value received; note is negotiable & payable at Alexandria office of Farmers Bank of Virginia. Sothoron covenants that he will keep house on property in some solvent & reputable insurance company, in sum of $1500, assigning policy to trustee. Notarized 27 December 1852. (Meets & bounds given, not copied by me.) (Deeds Q3:30, Alexandria Co., VA, 1852.12.21, Recorded 1852.12.30)
George M. Sothoron of Georgetown, DC, for $4291.75, grants with general warranty to Edward King of Alexandria City & Co., tract of land on both sides of Alexandria Canal in Alexandria Co., being part of farm conveyed to Sothoron by Edward S. Powell & wife by deed on 14 September 1854. Grantee to have "...any and all rights that may exist in the 20 6/10 acres conveyed to Alexandria Canal Co. By deed of Henry Chatham to said company.” Sothoron reserves right of way through what is commonly called "Chatham's” or "Powell's Lane,” leading from Sothoron's lands to Alexandria & Washington Road. Notes deed of trust to John A. Dixon for benefit of Henry Chatham. (Meets & bounds and a plat not copied by me) (Deeds Q3:530, Alexandria Co., VA, 1855.03.20, Recorded 1855.03.21)
By deed dated 14 Sept 1854, Edward B. Powell of Alexandria Co., VA & his wife Cordelia conveyed a certain tract of land in Alexandria Co. to George M. Sothoron of Georgetown, DC for $10,000 & payment of bonds due by Powell to Henry Chatham, amounting to about $6,000. Powell has agreed to release GMS from payment of said bonds. Sothoron, in consideration of $5 & other considerations, grants unto Powell the afst. tract of land. (Deeds R3:74, Alexandria Co., VA, 1855.07.12, Recorded 1855.07.13)
1860 Federal Census (1860.06.01, Recorded 1860.07.07) Alexandria, Alexandria Co., VA - Pg 119, Ln 18, 839/898 - E.B. Powell, 36 year old male Clk Insure Co., born in Va. Real property valued at $13,000, personal property at $1000. - Cordelia ", 31 year old female, born in Md. - Ann ", 8 year old female, born in Va., attended school within the year. - William ", 7 year old male, born in Va., attended school within the year. - Saley " , 5 year old female, born in Va. - Brooke " , 3 year old male, born in Va. - Lewellen " , 2 year old male, born in Va. - Geo. Smith, 16 year old Black male Domestic, born in Va.
1870 Federal Census (1880.06.01, Recorded 1870.06.21) Northern Division, Loudon Co., VA - Pg21, Ln 31, 162/163 - Powell, Edward. 45 year old white male Commissioner in Chancery, born in Va. Real property valued at $2250, personal property at $500. -----, Cordelia. 40 year old white female, Keeping House, born in Md -----, Sallie H. 15 year old white female, At Home, born in Va., attended school within the year. -----, H. Brook. 13 year old white male, At Home, born in Va. -----, Llewellyn. 11 year old white male, At School, born in Va., attended school within the year. -----, Susan. 6 year old white female, born in Va. -----, Cordelia. 4 year old white female, born in Va. -----, Frances. 1 year old white female, born in Va. - Harris, Lucinda. 35 year old black female Domestic, born in Md. - Adams, Theresa. 13 year old black female Nurse, born in Md.
1880 Federal Census (1880.06.01, Recorded 1880.06.09) Leesburg, Loudon Co., VA - ED 50, Pg 36, Ln 1, 291/291 - Powell, E. B. 56 year old married white male, Circuit Ct. Of Loudon Co. Commissioner Chancery. He & parents born in Virginia. -----, Cordelia S. Wife, 51 year old married white female, Keeping House. She & parents born in Maryland. -----, Sarah H. Daughter, 24 year old single white female. She & father born in Virginia, mother in Maryland. -----, Susan N. Daughter, 17 year old single white female. She & father born in Virginia, mother in Maryland. -----, Cordelia A. Daughter, 15 year old single white female, attended school within the year. She & father born in Virginia, mother in Maryland. -----, Frank W. Son, 12 year old single white male, attended school within the year. He & father born in Virginia, mother in Maryland.
Powell, Edward Burr, 1821-1897. (* - Christ's Church, Alexancria Burials)
MARYLAND OBITUARY. Baltimore, Aug. 1 - Mrs. Cordelia Sothoron Armstrong Powell, widow of Capt. Edward Burr Powell, of Loudon Co., Va., died at 8:30 o'clock Tuesday [30 July] evening at Odenwald, the home of her daughter, Mrs. F. G. Oldenhelmer, Jessups, Md. Mrs. Powell was seventy-eight years old. (Washington Post :5, Reported 1907.08.02)
VIRGINIA OBITUARY. Leesburg, April 20 - News has been received here of the death...of Frank Whiting Powell, son of the late Capt. Edward Burr and Cordelia Sothoron Powell. Mr. Powell was born in Leesburg and attended the Leesburg Academy until he was 14 when the family moved to Mount Washington, Md. He had live in Cleveland for the past twenty years. (Washington Post :M22, Reported 1929.04.21)
IN MEMORY OF EDWARD BURR POWELL Mar. 3, 1822. Dec. 1, 1897. Capt. Co. F. 6th Virginia Calvary C.S.A.

Union Cemetery, Leesburg, Loudon Co., VA
Union Cemetery, Leesburg, Loudon Co., VA
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Yates Julia Ann [Female]
Person ID: 317
Stephen Haddox Sothoron & Julia Yates Selby were married on 30 August 1998, the second marriage for both. Services were at Wesley Freedom Methodist Church, Eldersburg, Carroll Co., MD. She is the daughter of Richard and Mary Yates of Eldersburg, MD. (WHS* - personal knowledge & records)
Julia Ann Yates graduated from South Carroll High School, Winfield, Carroll Co., MD. on 1 June 1978. (Eleventh Annual Graduation Program, in possession of WHS*)
Jennifer Renee Sothoron was born at Greater Baltimore Medical Center, Baltimore Co., MD, to Stephen Haddox and Julia Yates Selby Sothoron on 16 December 1999 . (WHS* - personal knowledge & records)
Sothoron Michael Richard [Male] b. BEF 1705 Maryland - d. AFT MAY 1714
Person ID: 324
Mary Russell, widow, binds her son, Michael Richard Sotherland, to John Rogers, his heirs & assigns, to employ him as deemed appropriate (only exception is malting(?) tobacco & corn), until the boy reaches the age of 21. At that time he is to be given one decent & complete suit of clothing. (Prerog Court Land Rec F#2:72 {lead given by Linda Reno*), Charles Co., MD, 1714.05.20)
Elizabeth [Female] d. 1682 Calvert Co., MD
Person ID: 325
Robert Lashley granted warrant for 600 acres, as rights for transporting himself, Rich Koc, John Howard & Mary Thompson about 13 years since; for John North, Joyce Landing & John Bassell about 10 years since; and William Sash, Richard Powell, Thomas Price, Roger George & Owen Simons recently into the Province. (Land Patents 15:439, Calvert Co., MD, Recorded 1677.01.17)
Robert & Elizabeth Leshley granted a divorce because of public & private differences between them, as action upon a petition filed by Robert. Robert to pay her 2,000 pounds of tobacco yearly for support. (Arch MD 15:206 {MD Council Proc R:54}, Calvert Co., MD, 1678.10.24)
Will of Robert Lasly (Lashley). To John Douglas, Charles & Ninian Beall, personalty. To John Lasly, son of Joyce Lindell & hrs, residue of estate, real and personal. Executors Ninian Beall, James Moore. Test: Francis Swinson, Thos. Lewis. (Baldwin* 1:95 - Wills 2:115, Maryland, 1680.04.10, Proved 1680.09.15)
Will of Robert Lasly. After all debts paid leaves 1/3 of real & personal estate "...unto my well beloved wife.” To friend John Douglas 4,000 pounds of tobacco. To Charles Beall enough to defray 2 years of charges in keeping & maintaining him at school; and one young horse To friend Ninian Beall one negro woman, or best servant owned by testator at his demise. Residual of real & personal estate to John Lasly, son of Joyce Lindell. Executors Ninian Beall & James Moore. Witnesses: Fran. Swinsen & Tho. Lewis (Prerog Court Wills 2:115, Maryland, 1680.04.10, Proved 1680.09.15)
Will of Elizabeth Lashley. "What I have received of Capt. Ninian Beall more than comes to my third of the estate of my late husband Robert Lashley, is to be returned to Capt. Beall, executor of my late husband...", for appropriate disposition per Robert's will. "My son Trueman to be saved harmless from his Engagement to Capt. Beall in my behalf." Daughters Mary Truman (executrix), Katherine Brightwell. Son-in-law Philip Cooksey to receive a servant for the servant's ensuing years of work, for the use of " daughter's children.” Grandchildren Henry Cooksey, Richard Southerne. Test: Jno. Burras, Thomas Trottman, Thomas Trueman. (Prerog Court Wills 2:196, Calvert Co., MD, 1681.11.13, Proved 1682.05.15)
Anderson Henry [Male] b. BEF 1779 Maryland - d. AFT 1815 Charles Co., MD
Person ID: 326
Click here to view Notes.
Price Thomas [Male] d. 1704 Maryland
Person ID: 327
On commission from Prerogative Court dated 23 August 1704, Elizabeth Price of Charles Co. to serve up as administratrix of the estate of Thomas Price late of Charles Co.. (Inv & Accts {1705-06} 25:147, Charles Co., MD, 1704.08.23, Recorded 1704.07)
Elizabeth Price, widow of Thomas Price planter, bound as administrator of his estate, with Alexander Magruder & Henry Bottler as sureties. Bond for £160. (County Bonds - Box 2, Folder 80, Prince George's Co., MD, 1711.06.04)
Inventory of the estate of Thomas Price Prince George's Co., done by Hezekiah Bussee & George Nailer. Elizabeth Price, widow & administratrix. (Inv & Accts 32#C:149, Prince George's Co., MD, 1711.06.08, Recorded 1711.08.08)
Account of Elizabeth Price, administratrix of Thomas Price late of Prince George's Co.. (Inv & Accts 33#A:177, Prince George's Co., MD, Recorded 1712.05.09)
Cooksey Henry [Male] b. BEF 1682 - d. BEF MAR 1687
Person ID: 328
Named in grandmother Elizabeth's will of 1681 (see her Notes).
Not named with siblings in legal action over estate of mother's sister Mary, filed March 1686/7 (see father's Notes).
Bogue John [Male] b. 1628 England, UK - d. 1667 Calvert Co., MD
Person ID: 329
In 1658, Mary, the first member of what would become Richard Brightwell's extended family was transported from England to Maryland as the wife of John Boage (mentioned earlier as master of Patuxent Manor). Mary was the eldest daughter of Elizabeth (maiden name unknown) who came to Maryland from England. We first encounter Elizabeth as the wife of Robert Lashley in 1666. Available information appears to show that none of the five daughters of Elizabeth were the children of Robert Lashley. The biological father of these five daughters is yet unknown. The wills identified to date refer to them simply as "daughters of Elizabeth" which serves our purposes here. Records show that John Boage was age 30 in 1658. "Richard Brightwell Family in Maryland, 1640s through 1740s", compiled by William L. (Bill Smith). (Maryland Genealogical Society Bulletin, Spring 2003). (Reno*)
John Bogue 4:174. Service 1659 (4:630) Mary Bogue 5:185. Transported 1658, wife of John. (Skordas* :46)
Will of John Boage, 7/8/1667-12/16/1667, Calv. Co. Godson: John Bigger, Jr.; sister-in-law, Katherine Bradmore; and countrymen William Mills and John Wright, personal estate. Wife: Mary, Exec. and residuary legatee of all estate, real and personal. Wit: John King, Henry Cole. (Linda Reno*)
Boage, John,Calvert Co.,8th July, 1667; 16th Dec., 1667. To godson John Bigger, Jr., sister-in-law Katharine Bradmore, countrymen William Mills and John Wright, personalty. Wife Mary, execx. and residuary legatee of estate, real and personal. Test: John King, Henry Cole. 1. 301. ( - Maryland Calendar of Wills)
Capt. John Bogue (Boage) (? - 1667) was married to Mary, who secondly married Thomas Truman. (Papenfuse* - see Thomas Truman's Notes)
Brightwell [Male] b. BEF AUG 1698
Person ID: 330
Identified (not by name) in father's will of 1698 (see his Notes)
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