Sothoron & Related Families - 148 (Notes Pages)For privacy reasons, Date of Birth and Date of Marriage for persons believed to still be living are not shown. Shemwell Eleanor [Female] b. BEF 1797 - d. AFT 1797 Granville Co., NC
Person ID: 2980
Eleanor Shemwell, dau of James Shemwell & Mary Jane Higgs, b. bef 1797, d. aft 1797, Granville Co., NC. (Reno*)
People PageShemwell Joseph [Male] b. BEF 1797 - d. AFT 1797 Granville Co., NC
Person ID: 2981
Joseph Shemwell, son of James Shemwell & Mary Jane Higgs, b. bef 1797, d. aft 1797, Granville Co., NC. (Reno*)
People PageHiggs Allen H. [Male] b. 1805 North Carolina - d. 1854
Person ID: 2982
Allen Higgs, son of Kenelm Higgs & Susannah Johnson, b. 1805, d. 1854, m. in 1832 (probably in Kentucky) Eliza G. Sale, b. 1809, d. 1878. (Bridges* :49, 50)
People PageHiggs Jonathan [Male] b. 5 MAR 1778 Granville Co., NC - d. AFT AUG 1820
Person ID: 2983
John Kenelm Higgs, son of Leonard Clark Higgs & Sarah Kittrett, b. 5 Mar 1778. (Cheryl*)
People PageHiggs Nancy [Female] b. 30 NOV 1779 - d. 27 AUG 1846
Person ID: 2984
Nancy Higgs, dau of Leonard Clark Higgs & Sarah Kittrell, b. 30 Nov 1779, d. 27 Aug 1846. (Cheryl*)
People PageHiggs Levi [Male] b. 19 SEP 1781 North Carolina - d. 29 APR 1857 North Carolina
Person ID: 2985
Levi Higgs, son of Leonard Clark Higgs & Sarah Kittrell, b. 19 Sep 1781, d. 29 Apr 1857 in North Carolina; m. 20 Mar 1813, Nancy Bradford, dau of John Bradford & Nancy. (Cheryl*)
People PageHiggs Elizabeth [Female] b. 4 MAY 1787 - d. BET 1844 AND 1850
Person ID: 2986
Elizabeth Higgs, dau of Leonard Clark Higgs & Sarah Kittrell, b. 4 May 1787, d. bef. 1850; m. 3 Oct 1809, Thomas White. (Cheryl*)
People PageHiggs John [Male] b. 21 AUG 1792 Granville Co., NC - d. 16 MAY 1885 Barry Co., MO
Person ID: 2987
John Kenelm Higgs, b. 21 Aug 1792 in Granville Co., NC, d. 16 May 1885; m1 20 Mar 1813, Mary Johnson, dau of William Johnson & Ellender Willis Nelly Higgs (she the dau of Zachariah Higgs & Elizabeth); m2 1821, Martha Harrison, dau of George Harrison & Dorcass. (Cheryl*) Mentioned by name (John Higgs) in 1834 plea for distribution of wife Mary''s mother's uncle Sothoron's estate (see his notes). See grandfather Higgs' Notes for legacy in his 1844 will & subsequent judgment, and purchases made at estate sale. 1850 Federal Census (1850.06.01, Recorded 1850.07.29) Tabscreek Dist., Granville Co., NC - Pg 79, Ln 33, 20/20 (entry is immediately after son Thomas', and immediately before son Alexander's) - John Higgs, 57 year old male Farmer, born in NC. - Martha " , 48 year old female, born in NC. - Julie Ann " , 27 year old female, born in NC. - George " , 26 year old male Farmer, born in NC. - Adaline " , 24 year old female, born in NC. - John " Jun., 19 year old male Farmer, born in NC. - Sarah " , 18 year old female, born in NC. - Kenelm Higgs, 17 year old male Farmer, born in NC. - Martha " , 13 year old female, born in NC. - Alexander " , 11 year old male, born in NC. - Thomas M. Higgs, 9 year old male, born in NC, attended school within the year. - Seth R. " , 5 year old male, born in NC. 1860 Federal Census (1860.06.01, Recorded 1860.07.12) Shale Creek Twp., Barry Co., MO - Pg 91, Ln 2, 590/578 - John Higgs, 67 year old male Farmer, born in NC. Real property valued at $1400, personal property at $7750. - Martha " , 58 year old female Domestic, born in NC. - Adaline E. " , 35 year old female Domestic, born in NC. - James K., 37 year old male. Real property valued at $6.00 (sic), personal property at $2000. - Alexander " , 21 year old male Farmer, born in NC. - Thos. McDuff " , 18 year old male Farmer, born in NC, attended school within the year. - Seath R. " , 14 year old male, attended school within the year. 1870 Federal Census (1870.06.01, Recorded 1870.07.29) Cassville Post Office, Shoal Creek Twp., Barry Co., MO - Pg 20, Ln 7, 131/132 - Higgs, John, 77 year old white male Farmer, born in NC. Real property valued at $2800. -----, Martha, 68 year old white female, born in NC. -----, S. R., 24 year old white male, born in NC. -----, Katie, 65 year old Black female, born in NC, can neither read nor write. - Howerton, Sarah, 21 yer old Black female, born in Tenn, can neither read nor write. -----, Rosa, 10 year old Black female, born in Mo., can neither read nor write. 1880 Federal Census (1880.06.01, Recorded 1880.06.03) Shoal Creek Twp., Barry Co., MO - ED 3, Pg 14, Ln 33, 121/122 - Higgs, John, 87 year old married white male Farmer. Born in North Carolina, parents in Maryland. -----, Martha. Wife, 78 year old married white female, Keeping house. Born in North Carolina, parents in Maryland. -----, Katy. Servant, 42 year old single Black female. Can neither read nor write. Born in North Carolina, parents (uncknown) ** Biography by Bridges* :70 - In approximately 1852, John brought his family and some slaves to Southwest Missouri. It is believed that John made a visit to Missouri a few years before he decided to move permanently. He picked out a farm in Lawrence County, near Pierce City. For some reason or another that didn't work out and they came on to Barry County and settled in Butterfield township. - On June 24, 1854, New Hope Baptist Church was organized on Pogue's creek near John's farm. The first church was built of logs, with most of the work being done by slaves belonging to John. These Higgs' were listed as Charter members: --- John Higgs, Deacon --- George Higgs, treasurer --- Kelly Higgs --- Martha Higgs Sen. --- Martha Higgs, Jun. --- Adaline Higgs --- Sara Higgs --- Archa, a black man belonging to John Higgs. It is interesting to note that Archa became the first preacher licensed by New Hope. The Church house was also used as a school. "John Higgs was chairman of the board of trustees for school township no. 7, District no. 2". He held this position from 1856 to 1860. - At the beginning of the Civil war, there were 248 slaves in Barry County.3 John Higgs owned 14 slaves valued at $5000. Most of these black persons settled around Springfield after the war. - John died on May 16, 1885 at the age of 93. His will states that he left his property equally to Martha and her children. Martha died a few years later on September 22, 1889, at the age of 87. They are both buried in the Higgs family plot on the Hill behind their house. ** Death & estate John Higgs and Martha Higgs Aug. 21, 1792....Jan. 23, 1802 May 16, 1883-5..Sept. 22, 1889 (Bridges* :75 - Grave Marker, Higgs Cemetery, Barry Co., MO) Will of John Higgs, drawn 24 July 1854, filed & recorded 9 March 1885 (pg. 65, Probate Court of Barry Co., MO). - Loan of all real & personal property to wife during her widowhood subject to special legacies. - To Willis I. Higgs & Mary W. Parham, his children by first wife, 5 shilling each. - At wife's death all real & personal property to be divided among children of last wife: Juliann, George H., James K., Adeline E., Zachariah, Sarah K., Martha Ann, Alexander, Thomas Mcduffy, and Seth R. Higgs. - Each child of second wife, upon marriage or majority, to receive a bed, bedstead & furniture as advancement on final settlement. - Executors: sons George H. & James K. Higgs. - Wit: William B. Talafaron, Archy B. Harrell.
People PageBradford Nancy [Female] b. ABT 1788 North Carolina - d. AFT JUL 1850
Person ID: 2988
Levi Higgs, son of Leonard Clark Higgs & Sarah Kittrell, b. 19 Sep 1781, d. 29 Apr 1857 in North Carolina; m. 20 Mar 1813, Nancy Bradford, dau of John Bradford & Nancy. (Cheryl*)
People PageHiggs Mary D. [Female] b. ABT 1820 North Carolina - d. AFT JUN 1880
Person ID: 2989
Mary D. Higgs, dau of Levi Higgs & Nancy Bradford, m. 26 Aug 1854, William P. Magnum. (Cheryl*)
People PageHiggs Leonard [Male] b. 23 AUG 1821 North Carolina - d. 24 MAY 1859
Occupation: Physician
Person ID: 2990
Leonard Higgs, son of Levi Higgs & Nancy Bradford, b. 23 Aug 1821, d. 24 May 1859. (Cheryl*)
People PageMangum William P. [Male] b. AFT 1818 North Carolina - d. AFT JUN 1880
Person ID: 2991
Mary D. Higgs, dau of Levi Higgs & Nancy Bradford, m. 26 Aug 1854, William P. Magnum. (Cheryl*)
People PageWhite Thomas [Male] b. BEF 1792
Person ID: 2992
Elizabeth Higgs, dau of Leonard Clark Higgs & Sarah Kittrell, b. 4 May 1787, d. bef. 1850; m. 3 Oct 1809, Thomas White. (Cheryl*)
People PageWhite John W. [Male]
Person ID: 2993
John W. White, son of Thomas White & Elizabeth Higgs. (Cheryl*)
People PageWhite Duncan M [Male]
Person ID: 2994
Duncan M. White, son of Thomas White & Elizabeth Higgs. (Cheryl*)
People PageWhite Abby [Female]
Person ID: 2995
Abby White, dau of Thomas White & Elizabeth Higgs. (Cheryl*)
People PageWhite Patrick [Male]
Person ID: 2996
Patrick White, son of Thomas White & Elizabeth Higgs. (Cheryl*)
People PageWhite Thomas [Male]
Person ID: 2997
Thomas White, son of Thomas White & Elizabeth Higgs. (Cheryl*)
People PageWhite James R. [Male]
Person ID: 2998
James R. White, son of Thomas White & Elizabeth Higgs. (Cheryl*)
People PageWhite Sally [Female]
Person ID: 2999
Sally White, son of Thomas White & Elizabeth Higgs. (Cheryl*)
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