Sothoron & Related Families - 110 (Notes Pages)
For privacy reasons, Date of Birth and Date of Marriage for persons believed to still be living are not shown.
Pulliam Richard [Male] b. 4 JUN 1774
Person ID: 2205
Wiley Alston Jarrell 15610 Edenvale Friendswood Tx, 77546 281-482-3671 <>< From Artworx9 at Fri Oct 3 10:39:52 2003 From: Artworx9 at ( Date: Fri Oct 3 09:40:00 2003 Subject: [Jarrell-L] Jarrell Bible Message-ID: <> - Hi, I happened upon a site today on the web dated Thu Mar 15 04:43:01 2001 and noticed that you ask for more information on the Jarrell's in your genealogy.? I am also a descendant of the Jarrell's (James& Ann--thru Elizabeth).? Being still a bit new at looking up genealogy on the computer, I seem to be finding new information always here and there.? ? You see, I have Elizabeth's bible and thought that you might want to include some of its information as well in your genealogy on these individuals.? James Jarrell died June 4, 1816 (Spotsylvania), Ann died July 25th, 1816 (Spotsylvania) (The bible does not give her maiden name-sorry-and I would like to know how you arrived at "Perry"-thank you)--their daughter Elizabeth was born Sept. 8, 1773, she was married Dec. 23rd, 1796 to Richard Pulliam (also listed as born June 4th, 1774).? They had 9 children (none of which is Nancy).? They are: - James D. Pulliam born Jan. 20th, 1799 - John E. Pulliam born Oct. 3rd, 1803 - Absalom C. Pulliam born January 3rd, 1804 - Thomas C. Pulliam born Feb. 25th, 1805 - Richard H. Pulliam born March (7/9)th, 1807 - William J. Pulliam born June 2nd, 1808 - David (H./P.) Pulliam born Oct.2nd, 1809 - Dreweilia _ Pullaim born June 10th, 1811 - Eliza Pullaim born December 30th, 1812 - Also there is a listing of "David's wife Mary deceased Oct. 21 1836" as well as some servant entries. This bible was passed down thru my great grandmother-Goldie Pearl Pulliam and I grew up in the spotsylvania area --but now i live in Midwest.? I am not sure if you already have this information or not but since you are related I hope it helps.? Please let me know if you have any additional information on the Jarrell's, esspecially Mary"polly"jarrell. ????? It is very interesting & hope to hear from you when you have the time - still curious about "Perry", thanks again, j.c. bartlett, Branson, Mo
Jarrell Elizabeth [Female] b. 8 SEP 1773 Spotsylvania Co., VA - d. 1842 Spotsylvania Co., VA
Person ID: 2206
See husband's Notes for family grouping & date source.
Will of Elizabeth Pulliam of Spotsylvania Co., VA. Properties to be sold, proceeds divided into 6 equal parts, one each part to go to: --- Son James D. Pulliam --- Daughter Drusilla Brightwell. --- Daughter Eliza Pulliam, wife of Thomas Pulliam; her part to be kept for the benefit of her and her children. Son David Pulliam appointed trustee for her and her children, to the intent that her part shall not be subject to the debts or contracts of son in law Thomas Pulliam. --- Grandson Tobias Pulliam. --- Grandson Edgar Mansel, to be paid at time of division, regardless of his majority. --- To be equally divided between 2 grandsons Lafayette Pulliam & William Pulliam, sons of son David Pulliam by his first wife. - At testator's death, daughter Eliza to take possession of testator's keys & property, until inventoried. - Each of following children to receive one dollar each: --- Son Absalom C. Pulliam. --- Son Richard H. Pulliam. --- Daughter Ann S. Lang. --- Son David K. Pulliam. - All lands left testator by her father James Jarrell to be sold, proceeds to be divided equally between her children or their lawful heirs. - Should grandson Tobias Pulliam die before majority or marriage, his share to be divided equally between testator's children or their heirs. - Executor friend John D. Brightwell. - Wit: Thos. M. Horn, Absalom Rowe, William B. Chewning. - Proved by Thomas M. Horn & Absalom Rowe. (Historic Court Records CI:H:1834, ID#103-11 -- Fisher vs Brightwell -- Wills Q:504, Spotsylvania Co, VA, 1840.06.03, Proved 1842.11.07)
Jarrell James [Male] d. 4 JUN 1816 Spotsylvania Co., VA
Person ID: 2207
See daughter Elizabeth's husband Thomas' Notes for family grouping & date source.
Ann [Female] d. 25 JUL 1816 Spotsylvania Co., VA
Person ID: 2208
See daughter Elizabeth's husband Thomas' Notes for family grouping & date source.
Pulliam James D. [Male] b. 20 JAN 1799 Spotsylvania Co., VA - d. JUN 1846 Johnson Co., AR
Person ID: 2209
See father's Notes for family grouping & date source.
See brother Richard's Notes for legal action which contains family information.
Mentioned by name in mother's will (see her Notes).
Pulliam John Ellis [Male] b. 3 OCT 1803 Spotsylvania Co., VA - d. BEF FEB 1849
Person ID: 2210
See father's Notes for family grouping & date source.
See brother Richard's Notes for legal action which contains family information.
Pulliam Absalom C. [Male] b. 3 JAN 1804 Spotsylvania Co., VA
Person ID: 2211
See father's Notes for family grouping & date source.
Mentioned by name in mother's will (see her Notes).
See brother Richard's Notes for legal action which contains family information.
Pulliam Thomas C. [Male] b. 25 FEB 1805 Spotsylvania Co., VA
Person ID: 2212
See father's Notes for family grouping & date source.
See brother Richard's Notes for legal action which contains family information.
Richard H. Pulliam & T. Coleman Pulliam were defendants in suit over office debt judment, brought by Johnathan Johnson, admr. of Mary ("Polly") Carter, who died intestate in 1863. ( - Collection CR-CI-L, Record ID 515-236, Recorded 1869, Spotsylvania Co., VA)
Pulliam Richard H. [Male] b. 7 MAR 1807 Spotsylvania Co., VA - d. OCT 1872 Spotsylvania Co., VA
Person ID: 2213
See father's Notes for family grouping & date source.
Mentioned by name in mother's will (see her Notes).
Nancy Rawlings vs Richard H. Pulliam, for debt on account. ( - Collection CR-LC-L, Record ID 352-499, Recorded 1840, Spotsylvania Co., VA)
Richard Pulliam married Rebecca K. Duson in Spotsylvania Co., VA on 3 Dec 1829. (* - Virginia Marriages, 1740-1850)
Richard H. Pulliam married Rebecca K. Duerson, daughter of John Duerson, whose Spotsylvania Co. will was drawn/proved 1846/1848. In 1848, R.K. Pulliam was 38 years of age. ( - Coleman vs Duerson, Collection CR-LC-H, Record ID 48-15, Recorded 1850, Spotsylvania Co., VA)
Richard H. Pulliam vs Edward Smith (as agent for Washington Mining Co.) for debt on a note for hire of slaves Ned & Noah (property of Richard H. Pulliam), which were also to be used at the Duerson Mine. ( - Collection CR-LC-L, Record ID 496-19, Recorded 1851, Spotsylvania Co., VA)
Commonwealth vs Richard H. Pulliam, for failure to attend court as a juror. ( - Collection CR-LC-L, Record ID 464-75, Recorded 1850)
Johnathan Johnson, admr. Mary ("Polly") Carter, dec'd. vs Richard H. Pulliam & William J. Estes for debt-office judgment. ( - Collection CR-CI-L, Record ID 515-245, Recorded 1869, Spotsylvania Co., VA)
Wm. Biscoe vs. Richd. Pulliam & Marcus Chewning & Brightwell vs. Pulliam CI:H:1869, ID#22-15 (Spotsylvania County, VA) - Amended Bill of Wm. E. Biscoe. Pursuant to an order of this the Circuit Court at Nov. Term, 1872, filing amended bill, repeating all allegations of original bill filed by him for debts due by Richard Pulliam to petitioner. Richard H. Pulliam died intestate Oct 1872 being possessed of the real estate the original bill mentioned. At December 1872 Court, Dr. Jno. D. Pulliam qualified as personal representative in estate of sd. Richard Pulliam, & estate found to be of no value & inadequate fo satisfy outstanding debts. Children & beneficiaries of deceased: Jno. D. Pulliam, Thos. C. Pulliam, Mary Eliza Pulliam Estis & James Estis her husband, Lovely Pulliam McCue & Wm. McCue her husband, Ellen Pulliam Grove & Benjamin Grove her husband. Prays for order to sell afsd. lands to satisfy debts, that afsd. beneficiaries be made defendants to this amended bill, for accounting by Dr. Pulliam. Filed 1873 March 18th - Petition of Jno. D. Brightwell & (unnamed) wife, who for themselves & other heirs of J. D. Pulliam, note that they brought suit in this Court in 1848 against Richard H. Pulliam as admr. of Jas. D. Pulliam, who had lived & died in Arkansas. Then came Jno. M. Herndon Esq. to whom the settlement of land assets was duly referred. In his report of 25 August 1855 reports a balance of $563.76 with interest from 27 Nov 1847 as due from sd. R. H. Pulliam in said Judiciary capacity to your petitioners in the same report claims that a like amt. Is due by said defendant to each of the other 5 heirs at law of sd. Jas. D. Pulliam (rest of case not excerpted - seems to be same as one above). No date. (Later documents date filing as on 25 Feb 1873) - Petition of John D. Brightwell & Drusilla his wife. James D. Pulliam died June 1846 in Arkansas, intestate, unmarried & without issue, leaving as his heirs at law his brothers & sisters: Richard H. Pulliam, Thomas C. Pulliam, Absalom C. Pulliam, Elisa the wife of Thomas C. Pulliam, Ann Lang, the orator, & Tobias Pulliam (the only child & heir at law of Ellis Pulliam, a deceased brother). Absalom & Ann, as well as David K. Pulliam, not now residents of Virginia. Filed 22 Feb 1849. - Answer of Richard H. Pulliam. He volunteered to go to Arkansas to protect the siblings' interests in dead brother James' estate. They entered into a contract to that effect on 12 Sept 1846, agreeing to each pay him $50 for representing & protecting their interests (power of attorney). Returned in early January 1847. Had found that James had manumitted a woman & had 4 or 5 children by him; the value of which had originally been included in the estate appraisal, representing about 1/4 of estate. Brightwell had insisted on payment of his wife's interest before RHP's trip to Arkansas, which RHP agreed to, but upon return declined, due to reduced value of estate. Submitted to arbitration, a decision in Dec 1848 being made for RHP. RHP offered immediate payment of adjusted portion of estate; Brightwell refused & sought legal counsel, filing on 22 Feb 1849. Decree rendered 18 Dec 1855, favorable to RHP. Jno. D. Brightwell died in 1872, predeceased by his wife Druscilla. House of RHP burned shortly after the war, with loss of all papers. Total of 7 heirs/shares to James' estate. Claims Tobias Pulliam died before his brother James. Attested to Clerk of Court 5 June 1882. - At bottom is written: "Note - Sarah Pulliam was an heir. She married Thoms. C. Pulliam. She is dec'd bearing two sons, Jno. L. Pulliam & Thomas R. Pulliam. The latter is dec'd bearing two infant children-" - Statement of John D. Pulliam, admr. of his father Richard H. Pulliam, who died Sept 1872. Asks for full 12 months to get accounts in order & satisfy all debts. Filed 3 June 1873. - Complaint of William E. Biscoe of Spotsylvania Co. William Chewning, dec'd, was admr. of John Chewning, and as such came into possession of assets belonging to the descendents of $ in money, loaning same to Richard Pulliam, taking a bond payable to himself. Subsequently received a judgment on said bond against Pulliam for $650 with interest from 10 August 1858. - After death of said Chewning, orator qualified as admr. d.b.n. of said John Chewning. - Marcus Chewning qualified in Orange Co. As admr. of said William Chewning. - Marcus Chewning assigned to orator the said judgment as a proper asset of the estate of John Chewning. - Orator alleges that Richard Pulliam has never paid anything in said judgment, but did make a few payments to Chewning prior to judgment. - Orator alleges that judgment amounts to a lien on all real estate owned by Richard Pulliam, & that all rents & profits will not satisfy the debt. However, property owned by Pulliam, if sold, would satisfy the debt. There are no other liens or judgments against the land. - Prays that Marcus Chewning as admr. of Wm Chewning & Richard Pulliam be made parties deft. to this suit. - Prays that lands be sold to satisfy debt. - Answer of Marcus A. Chewning. Agrees with allegations as stated. Inasmuch as he has assigned the assets, requests that he be released from the suit. - Answer of T. C. Pulliam, & of Benjamin F. & M. Ella Graves. They were children at the time of noted incident & ignorant of circumstances. However, they wish all debts to be paid, & pray that "Locust Grove” be the tract sold to satisfy debt. - Answer of Thomas C. Pulliam to amended bill. As the oldest child of Richard H. Pulliam he remembered well the circumstances of the original suit, and emphatically denies any residual debt owed to Brightwell family. Notes all papers burned in house fire over 10 years ago. Filed 5 June 1882. - Answer of Richard H. Pulliam to complaint of Brightwell. Received notice by letter dated 25 June 1846 that brother James had died in Johnson Co., Arkansas, leaving an estate. Spells out entire circumstances. Filed 11 May 1849.
Pulliam William J. [Male] b. 2 JUN 1808 Spotsylvania Co., VA - d. BEF FEB 1849
Person ID: 2214
See father's Notes for family grouping & date source.
See brother Richard's Notes for legal action which contains family information.
Pulliam David K. [Male] b. 2 OCT 1809 Spotsylvania Co., VA
Person ID: 2215
See father's Notes for family grouping & date source.
Mentioned by name in mother's will (see her Notes).
See brother Richard's Notes for legal action which contains family information.
David K. Pulliam married Mary Brightwell, dau. of Thomas Brightwell. ( - Collection CR-CI-H, Record ID 21-9, Brightwell &c vs Richards &c)
Pulliam Drucilla [Female] b. 10 JUN 1811 Spotsylvania Co., VA
Person ID: 2216
See father's Notes for family grouping & date source.
See brother Richard's Notes for legal action which contains family information.
Mentioned by married name in mother's will (see her Notes).
Pulliam John D. [Male] b. 3 NOV 1840 - d. 15 JAN 1914 Mt. Herman Baptist, Mineral, Spotsylvania Co., VA
Updated: 24 JUN 2015
Person ID: 2218
Occupation: Physician
See father's Notes for family listing & source.
Jno. D. Pulliam, brother of Thomas C. Pulliam, married Lucy N. Jerrell, who was the granddaughter of Warner L. Cropp by his only Mary L. Cropp, who married John E. Jerrell. ( - Cropp's widow vs Cropp's admr., Collection CR-CI-H, Record ID 214-26, Recorded 1883)
- John D. Pulliam, 73 year 2 month 11 day old widowed white male Physician, formerly (until 7 days ago) a resident of R.F.D. 1, Fredericksburg, VA, born 8(?) Nov 1840 in Virginia to Coleman Pulliam & Miss Duison (sic) (both born in Virginia), died at 917 West Main St., Richmond, VA at 10 P.M. on 15 January 1914. Informant was T. P. Dickinson of R.F.D. 1, Fredericksburg, VA. - Cause of death was "La Grippe...age," with Heart failure being contributory. Certified by G.K. Sims, M.D. of 1004 W. Main Stl, who attended him since 13 January 1914. - Arrangements were by J.M. Kain of "City." Burial was at Mineral, VA. (Certificate of Death, Commonwealth of Virginia, File No. 987, Registered No. 117)
Dr. JOHN D. PULLIAM BORN NOV. 3, 1840 DIED JAN. 15, 1914
People Page
Pulliam Thomas C. [Male]
Person ID: 2219
See father's Notes for family listing & source.
Pulliam Mary Eliza [Female] d. Mount Herman Baptist Cemetery, Spotsylvania Co., VA
Person ID: 2220
See father's Notes for family listing & source.
 Grave Marker* at Mount Herman Baptist Cemetery, Spotsylvania Co., VA. (Photo & information from*)
Pulliam Lovely [Female]
Person ID: 2221
See father's Notes for family listing & source.
William McCue married Lovely Pulliam, daughter of Richard H. Pulliam. ( - Wm. Biscoe vs. Richd. Pulliam & Marcus Chewning & Brightwell vs Pulliam - CR-CI-H, Record ID 22-15, Recorded 1905)
Pulliam Ellen [Female]
Nickname: Ella
Person ID: 2222
See father's Notes for family listing & source.
Brightwell John D. [Male]
Person ID: 2223
See Notes for brother in law Richard H. Pulliam.
Pulliam Tobias [Male]
Person ID: 2224
See brother Richard's Notes for legal action which contains family information.
Mentioned by name in grandmother Elizabeth Jarrell Pulliam's will (see her Notes).
Pulliam Ann S. [Female]
Person ID: 2225
See brother Richard's Notes for legal action which contains family information.
Mentioned by married name in mother's will (see her Notes).
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