Sothoron & Related Families - 1 (Notes Pages)
For privacy reasons, Date of Birth and Date of Marriage for persons believed to still be living are not shown.
Sothoron Warren Haddox [Male] b. 3 NOV 1936 University Hospital, Baltimore City, MD
Updated: 19 JAN 2015
Occupation: Physician
Person ID: 1

Warren Haddox Sothoron, Jr. was born to Lulah (Bartleson) & Warren H. Sothoron, Sr. on 3 November 1936 in Baltimore City, MD (Birth Certificate # E 57085) (Birth was at University Hospital - WHS*)
See mother's Notes for 1940 Federal Census entry.
Lived at 804 St. Paul St., Baltimore from birth until 1944, when family moved to 501 Woodlawn Road, Roland Park, Baltimore. Started school at Public School #53 at 26th & St. Paul Sts. switching to Public School #233 on Roland Ave. after moving to Roland Park. Moved to farm near Marriottsville, MD in spring of 1946; switched to Sykesville School, graduating in June 1954. Attended Juniata College, Huntingdon, PA starting in Sept. 1954, graduating with B.S. in Biology in June 1958. Started at University of Maryland School of Medicine, Baltimore in Sept. 1958, graduated with M.D. in June 1962. Interned for one year at St. Agnes' Hospital, Baltimore. (WHS* - personal knowledge)
Will of Bessie B. Haddox of Marshall, FAU. Executor to settle the estate in conjunction with Mrs Golda Pollock. To be buried by her husband in the Haddox burial ground. To sister, Mrs. Nina Wiles of Mila, VA, $500. To cousin Kate Smith, bank stock. To foster daughter Mrs. Virginia Corbin, personalty; also mentions Miss Ramona Lee Corbin & John Brent Corbin. To Warren Haddox Sothoron, Jr. & Clifton Bartleson Sothoron, real estate known as Stony Flats, plus 20 acres on Big Bastard Mountain. Executor: Marshall National Bank. Test: Wm. F. Curtis, P.W. Anderson. Codicil dated 8/25/1950. (Wills L:397, Rappahannock Co., VA, 1950.05.17, Recorded 1950.09.20)
Marriage of Glenda C. Parks, 26 years of age, single, born in Baltimore, residing in Baltimore, to Warren H. Sothoron, Jr. of Marriottsville, MD, 24 year old single student. Services at Mt. Olive Methodist Church, Randallstown, Baltimore Co., MD, by Rev. James H. Talley on 2 September 1961. (Marriage License - Marriage License # 28528, issued 24 August 1961)
Haddox Sothoron Gets Medical Degree - Haddox Sothoron, son of Mr. And Mrs. W. H. Sothoron, Brangel's Road, Sykesville, received the degree of Doctor of Medicine from the University of Maryland's School of Medicine at commencement exercises on June 9, 1962. He is pictured with his wife, proudly displaying the coveted diploma. - A 1954 graduate of Sykesville High School, Haddox received a Bachelor of Science degree from Juniata College, Huntingdon, Pa., in 1958. - He began his internship at St. Agnes Hospital, Baltimore, on July 1. This is to be followed by three years' active duty in the U. S. Navy as a general medical officer. - He is married to the former Glenda Parks of Rockdale. They anticipate an heir in October. (Sykesville (MD) Herald :1, Reported 1962.07.05)
 WARREN H. SOTHORON, JR., M.D. Sykesville, Maryland JUNIATA COLLEGE, B.S., 1958 Worked on family farm; extern in clinical lab., Women's Hospital; clinical clerk at Saint Agnes Hospital; married Glenda in 1961; internship at Saint Agnes Hospital. (1962 Yearbook, University of Maryland School of Medicine, page 123)
After internship served 4 years in the U,S, Navy (2 years with 1st Marine Division at Camp Pendleton, CA; one year at Naval Hospital, Bethesda, MD; one year at Navy Ordinance Lab, White Oak, Silver Spring, MD).
Residency in Orthopaedic Surgery at University of Maryland Hospital, Baltimore, MD from July 1967 to June 1971. Remained at University for one year as full-time Assistant Professor of Surgery.
Entered private practice of Orthopaedic Surgery in Howard Co., MD in July 1972. Joined Patuxent Medical Group, Columbia, MD in January 1985; retired from practice in June 1999.
Warren Haddox Sothoron, Jr. and Glenda Carolyn Parks Sothoron divorced on 23 April 1996 at Ellicott City, Howard Co., MD, she resuming use of her maiden name. (Divorce Decree)
Warren Haddox Sothoron, Jr. married Jacqueline Grace (Morton) Hess, daughter of Charles and Millicent (Britton) Morton, at Ellicott City Court House, Howard Co., MD on 24 May 1996. It was the second marriage for both. (Marriage Certificate, personal knowledge of WHS*)
Roberts Suzanne Pauline [Female] b. 1 OCT 1943 Maryland
Person ID: 2
Updated: 5 SEP 2012
 Family photograph of Suzanne Pauline Roberts.
Clifton Bartleson Sothoron, Jr. was born to Clifton Bartleson Sothoron, Sr. and Suzanne Pauline Roberts Sothoron, of Marriottsville, MD, on 15 November 1959 at St. Agnes' Hospital, Baltimore City, MD (WHS* - personal knowledge & records)
Randall Warren Sothoron was born to Clifton Bartleson Sothoron, Sr. and Suzanne Pauline Roberts Sothoron, of Marriottsville, MD, on 5 October 1961 at Montgomery General Hospital, Olney, Montgomery Co., MD. (WHS* - personal knowledge & records)
Clifton B. Sothoron, Jr., elder son of Clifton Bartleson Sothoron, Sr. and Suzanne P. Roberts, married Dianne M. Jung at Our Lady of the Angels Chapel, Charlestown Seminary, Catonsville, Baltimore Co., MD on 4 November 1987. (Wedding Program, personal knowledge of WHS*)
Randall Warren Sothoron, younger son of Clifton Bartleson Sothoron, Sr. And Suzanne P. (Roberts), died of drug overdose in Baltimore City, MD on 6 August 1993. (Memorial Service Pamphlet, personal knowledge of WHS*)
Sothoron Charles [Male] b. BEF 1712 Maryland - d. AFT 1790 Maryland
Person ID: 3
Will of John Southorn of Charles Co. , notes his physical illness. To son John Johnson Southorn, a silver headed cane and new suit; and land bought from Edward Barber by John Johnson, father of wife; also Long Yorkshire, 135 acres. To son Samuel, two tracts in St. Mary's Co " my old plantation stands on with my mill..." To son Richard, Southorns Desire. To son Charles, Southorns Hills (50 acres). To daughter Ann, lease of parts of Chaptico Manor St. Mary's Co, formerly the plantation of Edward Tedman; and jointly with daughter Mary, Southorns Delight (170 acres) after taking out the 50 acres sold to John Poting. To wife, Mary, personal estate including dwelling plantation (part of Two Friends), to pass to youngest son Benjamin at her death. Personal items to be given to children when they come of age, the sons at 17 years. Test: Thomas Hunt, John Cartwright, Thos. Cooksey, John Gates. (Wills 13:402, St. Mary's Co., 1711/2.03.18, Proved 1712.05.01)
Will of Mary Rose of Chaptico Hundred. Sick of body. To John Johnson Sothoron, grandson & executor, 200 acres representing dwelling plantation, during term of lease from Lord Baltimore. Daughters Mary Burch & Mary Clarke. Granddaughters Ann & Mary Sothoron, to receive legacies at time of their marriages. Grandsons: Harman Clarke; Samuel, Richard & Benjamin Sothoron, all under 18. Test: Samuel Williamson, Michael & John Brantson. (Prerog Court Wills 15 {TB#1}:276, St. Mary's Co., 1717.03.10, Proved 1719.12.18) [Charles not mentioned]
List of St. Mary's Co., MD voters for the 1790 Congressional Elections. "Page No." refers to original document, held by the Maryland State Archives. (* - Catholic Families of Southern MD, pp. 98, 99, 112, 137)
. Page No........ Name .... 49.............. Sothoron, Charles .... 71.............. Sothoron, Henry G. .... 81 ............. Sothoron, John I. (sic) ....................... Sothoron, Levin ....................... Sothoron, Richard ....................... Sothoron, Samuel .... 90 ............. Sothoron, Francis ....................... Sothoron, Henry ....................... Sothoron, John .... 99 ............. Sothoron, Richd. of Samuel ....................... Sothoron, Sam.
At the request of Charles Southerine the following Bill of Sale was Received & recorded November 26th 1772. For £50 John Wynn of Prince George's Co. sells to John Southerine of Charles Co. Negro woman Rachell. Bill executed 19 Nov 1772. Wit: John Barnes. (Prince George's Co., MD Land Records BB#3:129)
Chas co Crt, Md, in Chancery. Chas Sotheron vs the heirs of John Brooke. Bill to procure from the heirs of John Brooke, dec'd, formerly of Chas. Co, Md & latterly of Ga, a cnvyance of Westwood Manor, Chas Borough & Inlet, 325 acs in Chas co, Md, sold by Brooke to Jos Thompson more than 40 yrs ago. Thompson sold to Philip Key & Hanson Briscoe, who sold to Henry Greenfield Sotheron, f/o the cmplnt. - John Barnes, clk of Chas co, Md. (Dixon*, 1814-17.:292, Charles Co., MD, 1817.06, Reported 1817.06.08)
Sothoron Ann [Female] b. BEF 1708 St. Mary's Co., MD - d. AFT 1742
Person ID: 4
JAMES BRISCOE was born 1693 in Charles Co., MD, and died Bef. September 19, 1750 in Frederick Co., MD. He married ANN SOTHORON Bef. 1723 in St. Mary's Co., MD, daughter of JOHN SOTHORON and MARY JOHNSON. She was born Bef. 1708 in St. Mary's Co., MD, and died Aft. 1742. (Reno*)
Received real & personal property in her father's will . Still a minor when will drawn (1711/12.03.08) (see his Notes).
Certificate of John Johnson Sothoron, executor of Mary Rose estate. Payments to Thomas Truman Greenfield. Legacies noted: - Samuel Sothoron - Ann Sothoron, delivered to James Briscoe her husband. - Mary Clark - Harman Clark, son of afsd. Mary & Francis Clark. - Mary Birch, delivered to John Birch her husband. - Mary Doplar. (Admin Accts 5:358, St. Mary's Co., MD, Recorded 1724.02)
Received £1.19.02 as part of legacy from father's will (see his Notes).
Sothoron Mary [Female] b. BEF 1712 St. Mary's Co., MD - d. AFT JAN 1746 St. Mary's Co., MD
Person ID: 5
MARY SOTHORON was born Bef. 1711 in St. Mary's Co., MD to John Sothoron & Mary Johnson; and died Aft. 1750 in St. Mary's Co., MD. She married LEONARD CLARKE Bef. 1739 in St. Mary's Co., MD, son of FRANCIS CLARKE and MARY ROSE. He was born Bef. 1707 in St. Mary's Co., MD, and died Bef. April 03, 1750 in St. Mary's Co., MD. (Reno*)
A beneficiary in her father's will of 1712 (see his Notes), receiving, jointly with sister Ann, Southorns Delight; and personalty.
Certificate of John Johnson Sothoron, executor of Mary Rose estate. Payments to Thomas Truman Greenfield. Legacies noted: - Samuel Sothoron - Ann Sothoron, delivered to James Briscoe her husband. - Mary Clark - Harman Clark, son of afsd. Mary & Francis Clark. - Mary Birch, delivered to John Birch her husband. - Mary Doplar.(Admin Accts 5:358, St. Mary's Co., Recorded 1724.02)
Received £9.19.02 in 1742 as beneficiary in father's will (see his Notes for details).
Referred to in brother Benjamin's will of Jan 1745/46 as Mary Clark (see his Notes).
Administratrix/Executrix of husband's estate (see his Notes).
Johnson Mary [Female] b. BEF 1687 - d. 1762 Maryland
Nickname: Elizabeth
Person ID: 6
Notes for Mary Johnson
Mentioned by name as a beneficiary in wills of her father (1687) & of husband John Sothoron (1712) (see respective Notes).
Mentioned as a beneficiary in her mother's will of 1717 as Mary Burch (see mother's Notes).
Served as administratrx in estate of husband John Burch (see his Notes).
Elizabeth Pratt, born about 1694, an eighteen-year-old "mallatto Girle," was the daughter of Dido who was set free by the will of Major Thomas Truman on condition she serve another ten years. Elizabeth was detained as a servant by the widow of John Sotheron on 12 August 1712 when the Charles County court ruled that she be discharged from service [Judicial Records 1711-5, E-2:152]. Elizabeth was apparently the "Mallatto child" who was valued at 5 pounds in the 1 May 1712 Charles County inventory of John Southeron [Prerogative Court Inventories and Accounts, Vol. 33B, 140]. (* - "1658-1758 Charles County MD Families")
** Personal Estate
Charles Co. returns. Mary Burch her Admin. bond in common form by Richard Sothoron administrator with Peter ONeal & Gerrard Slye sureties in the sum of £350. (Test Proc 38:410, Charles Co., 1762.06.13, Recorded 1762.07.09)
Order entered for Richard Sothoron administrator of Mary Burch to pay account within two months of date. (Test Proc 41:365, Charles Co., 1766.08.23)
Account of Richard Sothoron administrator of Mary Burch late of St. Mary's Co. dec'd. (Accts 56:4, St. Mary's Co., Recorded 1766.10.20)
Balance of estate of Mary Burch distributed, with equal shares to six children certified as representatives: Samuel, Richard, Elizabeth, Ann, Mary & John Burch, to whom each £17.9.5. Richard Sothoron administrator, Richard Sothoron & John Burch sureties (Distributions {Prerogative Court Balance Book, 1770-177} 6:28, Charles Co., 1770)
Commissioners order passing of respective accounts returnable within two months: includes Richard Southern, administrator for Mary Burch. (Test Proc 43:608, Charles Co., 1770.09.14)
Additional account of Richard Sothoron of St. Mary's Co., administrator of Mary Burch late of Charles Co. dec'd. Payments made to Henry Greenfield Southern for a bond & to Samuel Southern. Balance of estate £106.0.4½. Peter ONeal & Thomas Gerrard Slye sureties. "Representatives of children of the deceased vizt. Samuel Southern, Richard Southern, Elizabeth Burch, Anne Burch, Mary Burch, & John Burch, all of age." (Accts 65 (WD#9):23, Charles Co., Recorded1770.09.19)
** Miscellaneous
Samuel & Richard Sothoron of St. Mary's Co., executors of John Johnson Sothoron late of St. Mary's Co.. Tobacco received from Mrs Dryden Forbes for costs of suit in Prerogative Court, 2,550 lbs. Income noted from George Graham, John Crook, Mary Burch, Benjamin Sothoron, Leonard Clark, John Briscoe, Jacob Andrew Minitrees. Monies paid to Zachariah Bond, Thos. Beck, Gustavus Brown, Dr. Richard Cooke, Wm. Bond. Paid to attorneys for suit against Dryden Forbes, 1,017 ½ lbs tobacco. Net value £619.12.1½. (Accts 23:157, St. Mary's Co., 1746.09.09)
Sothoron Benjamin [Male] b. BET 1701 AND 1712 Maryland - d. 1746 Charles Co., MD
Person ID: 7
** Father's will & estate (see his Notes for full details)
Beneficiary in father's will. "To wife, Mary, personal estate including dwelling plantation (part of Two Friends), to pass to youngest son Benjamin at her death. Personal items to be given to children when they come of age, the sons at 17 years.
In 1742 received £11.19.02 as beneficiary to his father's will.
** Land record
In consideration of former bargain for sale of tract from Joshua Marshall of Prince George's Co. Co. to John Sothoron for £52.10 already paid, William Marshall of Queen Anne's Co planter conveys the upper half of The Two Friends to Benjamin Sothoron of Charles Co., Gent, heir to John Sothoron. Begins at bounded poplar on north side of a run which empties into main fresh from Piles' run, extending to that run, 522 acres. Signed by John Marshall & Rebekah Marshall. Witnesses: George Dent, John Mactyre. Received of Mrs Mary Rose on behalf of Benjamin Sothoron the sum of 5 shillings 4 pence for recordation. (Prerog Court Land Rec 27{F#2}:16, Charles Co., MD, 1714.03.29, Recorded 1714.07.08)
** Will
Will of Benjamin Sothoron. Notes physical illness. Brother Samuel to receive 125 acres at the south end of tract called Two Friends, to return to Samuel's son Leaven on death of Samuel. To brother Samuel's 2 sons (Richard & John Johnson) each a feather bed. To sister Mary Clark's daughter Elizabeth Clarke, 4 young heifers. Balance of estate to brother Richard Sothoron during his lifetime, then to pass to Richard's son John. Mother (unnamed) to have 2 slaves while she lives, at the "discretion" of brother Richard Sothoron. Witness: Mary Swann, Elizabeth Clark, John Burch, William Nation, Leonard Clarke. (Prerog Court Wills 24:383 {Also Charles Co. Wills AC#4:209}, Charles Co., MD, 1745/6.01.21, Proved 1745/6.03.04)
** Miscellaneous - Maryland
Was a beneficiary in paternal grandmother's will of 1716 (see her Notes).
Inventory of John Burch late of Charles Co.. Auditors are Benjamin Sothoron, Jno. Burroughs & Jno. Cartwright. Edward Burch a brother and nearest of kin. Elizabeth Burch a daughter and one of the nearest of kin. Attested this date by Mary Burch, admx.(Inv 2:437, Charles Co.,Recorded 1735.03.05)
Inventory of John Johnson Sothoron. Includes 11 slaves, one 79 year old female servant, 13 sheep, 6 horses, 21 cattle, 23 hogs, 6 leather chairs, 4 mirrors, 1 fiddle, 10 dozen bottles, 7 beds with furniture, 3 beer kegs, 1 gun, chestnut shingles. Valued at £571.0.11½. Next of kin Henry Greenfield Sothoron, Benjamin Sothoron. - On 23 July 1745 Richard Sothoron testified that one slave and child were gifts to Henry Greenfield Sothoron by his grandmother Dryden Forbes, and surveying instruments from his father. (Inv 3:71, St. Mary's Co., 1745.02.12)
Samuel & Richard Sothoron of St. Mary's Co., executors of John Johnson Sothoron late of St. Mary's Co.. Tobacco received from Mrs Dryden Forbes for costs of suit in Prerogative Court, 2,550 lbs. Income noted from George Graham, John Crook, Mary Burch, Benjamin Sothoron, Leonard Clark, John Briscoe, Jacob Andrew Minitrees. Monies paid to Zachariah Bond, Thos. Beck, Gustavus Brown, Dr. Richard Cooke, Wm. Bond. Paid to attorneys for suit against Dryden Forbes, 1,017 ½ lbs tobacco. Net value £619.12.1½.. (Accts 23:157, St. Mary's Co., 1746.09.09)
In action of Barber et al vs Samuel Sothoron et al, response of brother John Johnson's representative noted on 10 March 1747, "Testator had one brother of whole blood named Benjamin, who died since testator; and half brother John Burch.” See brother John Johnson's Notes for full excerpt.
Reward $50 for Rynar, negro woman, ab 25 or 30 yrs; raised by Mr. Debut & sold at that estate to Mr Robertson, he sold her to Mr Ben Sothern, who sold her to me - John S Sims, Union Crthse, SC. (Dixon*, 1800-1805.:117, Reported 1803.01.17)
Sothoron Richard [Male] b. ABT 1643 England, UK - d. 1702 Calvert Co., MD
Title or Rank: Captain
Person ID: 8
Click here to view Notes.
Swift Mary [Female] b. BEF 21 APR 1694 - d. AFT MAY 1714
Person ID: 9
Mentioned by name in father's will of 1694 (see his Notes).
John Canter agt. Mary Southorn widow, exr. of Mary Swift, dec't. Agreed by parties. (Chancery Court Record 2#2:514, 1704.10.20)
See husband Richard Sothoron's Notes in regards to her administration of his estate. Admin Acct of 11 Dec 1707 is first to refer to her as wife of Brutus Russell and as administratrix of Richard Sothoron (see Richard's Notes).
The account of Brutus Russell in right of his wife Mary, Admx of Richard Sothoron late of Charles Co. To money paid Mr. James Haddock, priest, being a legacy left in the last will of Margaret Swift mother of said Mary. (DAR Report - Charles Co., MD Records AE#6:213, 2nd part of book, dated 10 May 1708)
In Charles County Court of 13 March 1710 is noted: Brutus Russell, bound for England, m. the widow and admx. of Richard Sotherland; made over his estate belonging to his predecessor's children by his widow to Thomas Taney (Gent.). (Jourdan(1)* 3:108 - Land Records D#2:142; Lead given by Reno*)
At the request of Samuel Southerone on behalf of the children of Richard Southerone decd., citation ordered & issued to the Sheriff of Charles Co. against Brutus Russell to answer said Samuel's complaint. (Test Proc 22:65, Charles Co., 1711.12.15)
Mary Russell, widow, binds her son, Michael Richard Sotherland, to John Rogers, his heirs & assigns, to employ him as deemed appropriate (only exception is malting(?) tobacco & corn), until the boy reaches the age of 21. At that time he is to be given one decent & complete suit of clothing. (Prerog Court Land Rec F#2:72 {lead given by Linda Reno*), Charles Co., MD, 1714.05.20)
Ann [Female] b. ABT 1644 England, UK - d. BEF 1702 Maryland
Person ID: 10
"Came Richard Southerne of Calvert County and proved rights to two hundred acres of land for transporting himself, Ann his wife, John & Elizabeth his children into the province to inhabitate." (Land Records 15:400, Calvert Co., MD, 1677.04.19)
Sothoron Elizabeth [Female] b. BEF 1677 England, UK - d. AFT JUL 1712
Person ID: 11
"Came Richard Southerne of Calvert County and proved rights to two hundred acres of land for transporting himself, Ann his wife, John & Elizabeth his children into the province to inhabitate.” (Patents 1500:400, Calvert Co., Recorded 1677.04.19)
** Records suggesting marriage of Elizabeth to Thomas Price - Maryland
Will of William Mills, Calvert Co. Wife: Tabitha (Exec.) and life interest in estate. Eldest son: William "Dunbarre" and "Faddington". Second son, John and unborn child if a son "Trement". Daughters: personal estate. Overseers: Alexander Magruder, Samuel Taylor, Ninian Beall. Wit: Robert Lindsay, Robert Fowkes, Richard Chaffey (Reno, Calvert Co., 1676.03.13, Proved 1676.04.26)
On commission from Prerogative Court dated 23 August 1704, Elizabeth Price of Charles Co. to serve up as administratrix of the estate of Thomas Price late of Charles Co.. (Inv & Acct 25:147, Charles Co., 1704.08.23, Recorded 1704.07)
Elizabeth Price, widow of Thomas Price planter, bound as administrator of his estate, with Alexander Magruder & Henry Bottler as sureties. Bond for £160. (Prince George's Co. Bonds {Box 2, Folder 80}, 1711.06.04)
Inventory of the estate of Thomas Price Prince George's Co., done by Hezekiah Bussee & George Nailer. Elizabeth Price, widow & administratrix. (Inv & Acct 32#C:149, Prince George's Co., 1711.06.08, Recorded 1711.08.08)
Account of Elizabeth Price, administratrix of Thomas Price late of Prince George's Co.. (Inv & Acct 33#A:177, Recorded 1712.05.09)
Inventory of John Southeron. Same as Inventory 36#B:140 at 1712.05.01. Two next of kin attesting to inventory: Elizabeth Price, William Mills. (Inv :315, Charles Co., 1712.05.16)
Inventory of the estate of Abraham Price, performed by Joshua Houlsworth & Jonathan Briscoe. Approved by John Price & Elizabeth Price. (Inv & Acct 33#B:201, St. Mary's Co., Recorded 1712.07.29)
Sothoron Richard [Male] b. AFT 1677 Maryland - d. 1706 Charles Co., MD
Person ID: 12
Not mentioned as one being transported into Province by father (see father's notes).
Named as a beneficiary in grandmother Elizabeth Lashley's will of 1681 (see her Notes)
George Buck & Company agt. Alex. d'Hinojossa of St. Mary's Co. - Alexander attached to answer unto Buck a plea of Trespass upon the Case. He claims that in Annapolis on 19 March 1701, Alexander paid debt to Buck & Co. with three Bills of Exchange, all of one Tenor and date, drawn by a certain Richard Sothoron on Capt. Timothy Keyser - Merchant in London and dated 10 October 1701, by all which said three Bills of Exchange the Same Richard Sothoron did require payment of interest. Inasmuch as Alexander endorsed the Bills by signing them, he thereby guaranteed satisfaction of the debt and the interest and costs associated therewith. When Buck & Co submitted the Bills to Timothy Keyser for payment he answered that if said Richard Sothoron the Younger or if the Requirant could give him security that the same is Richard Sothoron Jun. he would pay, otherwise not. (Anne Arundel Co. Judgments G:76, undated)
Richard Southerne a juror in the trial of John Long of Tuckahoo Hundred in Talbot Co., acquitted (Prov Court Judg 9(TB#2):81, 1705.09.25)
** Personal Estate - Maryland
Came Cornelius White on behalf of Mary Southeren & prayed a letter of administration on her departed husband Richard Southorne with Mr. Thomas Taney surety, and John Cave & Andrew Norton as appraisers. (Test Proc 19#C:13, Charles Co.,1706.05.17 )
Inventory of Mr. Richard Sothoron. Includes 3 feather beds with furniture & sheets, 1 very old feather bed, 1 old flock bed, 3 indentured servants (John Bryant, Danielle Willder, Mary Ballard), 51 cattle, 6 horses, 38 hogs plus pigs, 13 sheep. Inventory by "Richards Relation Alexander Magruder". Mrs. Mary Sothoron, administratrix. Value £165.18.5. Inv :205, Charles Co., 1706.06.06)
Inventory of Richard Sothoron. Similar to inventory in Charles Co. books, with value of £165.18.5. (Inv & Acct 26:18, St. Mary's Co., 1706.06.06)
The oath of Mary Southerne taken for administration of her husband Richard Sotherne's estate. John Cave & Andrew Norton appointed appraisers, Thomas Taney & John Cave sureties in the amount of £500. Estate appraised for £165.18.05. (Test Proc 19#C:115, Charles Co., 1706.09.06, Recorded 1706.11.03)
Joseph Manning to make payment to Charles Russell on the estate of Richard Southern, payment by 11 Feb 1708. (Test Proc 19#C:261, Charles Co., 1707.12.10)
Account of Brutus Russell in the right of his wife Mary administratrix of Richard Sothoron late of Charles Co. Creditors include Henry Peregrine Jowles, Wm. Wilkinson, Alexander Magruder. "To Mr. James Haddock £12.03.06 being a legacy left of last will & testament of Margaret Swift mother of the said Mary the wife of this account. whose estate was the greatest part inventoried in said Richard's estate." Port Tobacco Parish. (Admin Acct {Back of book} AE#6:213, Charles Co., 1707.12.11, Recorded 1708.05.20
The account of Brutus Russell in right of his wife Mary, administratrix of Richard Sothoron dec'd of Charles Co.. Margaret Swift identified as mother of Mary. Payments include Thos. Trottman, Capt. Henry Perregrine Jowles, Alexander Magruder, Col. Henry Darnell, Dr. Wilson. (Inv & Acct 28:124, St. Mary's Co.,1707.12.11 )
Proceedings ordered filed, includes Brutus Russell & Mary his wife, administratrix for Richard Southerne, their account of the estate. (Test Proc 21:25, 1708.01.16)
Order to Joseph Manning to make payment to Brutus Russell, administrator of the estate of Richard Southerne. (Test Proc 19#C:269, Charles Co., 1708.02.18)
Citations to Charles Co, includes Brutus Russell & Mary his wife, administrators of Richard Southerne, to submit account. (Test Proc 21:23, Charles Co., 1708.07.05)
In Court of 13 March 1710 is noted: Brutus Russell, bound for England, m. the widow and admx. of Richard Sotherland; made over his estate belonging to his predecessor's children by his widow to Thomas Taney (Gent.). (Jourdan(1)* 3:108 - Land Records D#2:142; Lead given by Reno*, Charles Co., MD)
At the request of Samuel Southerone on behalf of the children of Richard Southerone decd., citation ordered & issued to the Sheriff of Charles Co. against Brutus Russell to answer said Samuel's complaint. (Test Proc 22:65, Charles Co., 1711.12.15)
Sothoron Clifton Bartleson [Male] b. 15 NOV 1959 St. Agnes' Hospital, Baltimore City, MD
Person ID: 13
Updated: 5 SEP 2012
 (Marriage photo. See brother's Notes for additional)
Clifton Bartleson Sothoron, Jr. was born to Clifton Bartleson Sothoron, Sr. and Suzanne Pauline Roberts Sothoron, of Marriottsville, MD, on 15 November 1959 at St. Agnes' Hospital, Baltimore City, MD (WHS* - personal knowledge & records)
Clifton Bartleson Sothoron, Jr. was a "Graduate of Distinction" at the Eleventh Annual Graduation Exercises of South Carroll High School, Winfield, Carroll Co., MD. on 1 June 1978. (Graduation Program, in possession of WHS*)
Clifton B. Sothoron, Jr., elder son of Clifton Bartleson Sothoron, Sr. and Suzanne P. Roberts, married Dianne M. Jung at Our Lady of the Angels Chapel, Charlestown Seminary, Catonsville, Baltimore Co., MD on 4 November 1987. (Wedding Program, personal knowledge of WHS*)
Sothoron Molly [Female] d. 1828 St. Mary's Co., MD
Person ID: 14
Molly Sothoron wills to her nephew Richard C. Sothoron all lands she now lives on. Nieces Catharine Ann Sothoron, Dreawry Alvey, & Mary P.M. Jane Sothoron to receive livestock, nephew Harrison Sothoron a bed. Rest of the estate to brother Francis Sothoron's widow Jane Sothoron, thence to Jane's 2 sons Samuel & Francis Sothoron. Executor Richard C. Sothoron. Witness: Hezekiah Burroughs, William B. Sothoron. (Wills EJM#1:47, St. Mary's Co., MD, 1828.06.05, Proved 1828.12.02)
Lashley Robert [Male] d. 1680 Maryland
Person ID: 15
Robert Lashley granted warrant for 600 acres, as rights for transporting himself, Rich Koc, John Howard & Mary Thompson about 13 years since; for John North, Joyce Landing & John Bassell about 10 years since; and William Sash, Richard Powell, Thomas Price, Roger George & Owen Simons recently into the Province. (Land Patents 15:439, Calvert Co., MD, Recorded 1677.01.17)
Robert & Elizabeth Leshley granted a divorce because of public & private differences between them, as action upon a petition filed by Robert. Robert to pay her 2,000 pounds of tobacco yearly for support. (Arch MD 15:206 {MD Council Proc R:54}, Calvert Co., MD, 1678.10.24)
Will of Robert Lasly (Lashley). To John Douglas, Charles & Ninian Beall, personalty. To John Lasly, son of Joyce Lindell & hrs, residue of estate, real and personal. Executors Ninian Beall, James Moore. Test: Francis Swinson, Thos. Lewis. (Baldwin* 1:95 - Wills 2:115, Maryland, 1680.04.10, Proved 1680.09.15)
Will of Robert Lasly. After all debts paid leaves 1/3 of real & personal estate "...unto my well beloved wife.” To friend John Douglas 4,000 pounds of tobacco. To Charles Beall enough to defray 2 years of charges in keeping & maintaining him at school; and one young horse To friend Ninian Beall one negro woman, or best servant owned by testator at his demise. Residual of real & personal estate to John Lasly, son of Joyce Lindell. Executors Ninian Beall & James Moore. Witnesses: Fran. Swinsen & Tho. Lewis (Prerog Court Wills 2:115, Maryland, 1680.04.10, Proved 1680.09.15)
Lashley Trueman [Male] b. 1681
Person ID: 16
Will of Elizabeth Lashley. "What I have received of Capt. Ninian Beall more than comes to my third of the estate of my late husband Robert Lashley, is to be returned to Capt. Beall, executor of my late husband...", for appropriate disposition per Robert's will. "My son Trueman to be saved harmless from his Engagement to Capt. Beall in my behalf." Daughters Mary Truman (executrix), Katherine Brightwell. Son-in-law Philip Cooksey to receive a servant for the servant's ensuing years of work, for the use of " daughter's children.” Grandchildren Henry Cooksey, Richard Southerne. Test: Jno. Burras, Thomas Trottman, Thomas Trueman. (Prov Court Wills 2:196, Calvert Co., MD, 1681.11.13, Proved 1682.05.15)
Mary [Female] b. ABT 1634 England, UK - d. 6 JUL 1686 Trent Hall, Calvert Co, MD
Person ID: 17
See husband's Notes for family information by Papenfuse*.
In 1658, Mary, the first member of what would become Richard Brightwell's extended family was transported from England to Maryland as the wife of John Boage (mentioned earlier as master of Patuxent Manor). Mary was the eldest daughter of Elizabeth (maiden name unknown) who came to Maryland from England. We first encounter Elizabeth as the wife of Robert Lashley in 1666. Available information appears to show that none of the five daughters of Elizabeth were the children of Robert Lashley. The biological father of these five daughters is yet unknown. The wills identified to date refer to them simply as "daughters of Elizabeth" which serves our purposes here. Records show that John Boage was age 30 in 1658. "Richard Brightwell Family in Maryland, 1640s through 1740s", compiled by William L. (Bill Smith). (Maryland Genealogical Society Bulletin, Spring 2003). (Reno*)
John Bogue 4:174. Service 1659 (4:630) Mary Bogue 5:185. Transported 1658, wife of John. (Skordas* :46)
Thomas(‘s) [Truman's] wife was Mary Bogue, widow of Captain James Boague, and the daughter of Robert and Elizabeth Lashley. Mary had four sisters: Katherine, who married Captain Richard Brightwell; Elizabeth, Mrs. Philip Cooksey; Ann, Mrs. Richard Sothern; and Mrs. Griffin Pond of New Kent Co., VA. (Boardley* :9)
Will of Elizabeth Lashley. "What I have received of Capt. Ninian Beall more than comes to my third of the estate of my late husband Robert Lashley, is to be returned to Capt. Beall, executor of my late husband...", for appropriate disposition per Robert's will. "My son Trueman to be saved harmless from his Engagement to Capt. Beall in my behalf." Daughters Mary Truman (executrix), Katherine Brightwell. Son-in-law Philip Cooksey to receive a servant for the servant's ensuing years of work, for the use of " daughter's children.” Grandchildren Henry Cooksey, Richard Southerne. Test: Jno. Burras, Thomas Trottman, Thomas Trueman. (Prerog Court Wills 2:196, Calvert Co., MD, 1681.11.13, Proved 1682.05.15)
Will of Thomas Truman. To wife Mary one half of personal estate & home plantation for life, provided she not claim her thirds dower or benefit of a widow. To Thomas Truman Greenfield the tract Trent Neck and lands between the southwest branch of Tholey Creek and the branches of Persimmons end provided he and heirs take the name of Truman; otherwise to pass to testator's next male heir. To John Dave & heirs their present plantation, and 625 acres on western branch of the Potomac. To Richard Brightwell & heirs 50 acres on Chaptico branch. To cousin Mary Truman, Bussards Island provided she pay £10 annually to testators sister Stringer during her widowhood. To namesake Henry Truman 200 acres adjacent to Quagcores. Cousin Thomas Greenfield to represent interests of his son Thomas Truman Greenfield. (Wills 4(G):165, Calvert Co., MD, 1685.09.21, Proved 1685.12.10)
Mary, wife & relict of Thomas Truman, died at the age of 52. (Fresco(1)* :470, Trent Hall, Calvert Co., MD, 1686.07.06)
Inscription: "Here lyeth the Body of Mary, wife and Relict of Thomas Truman Esq: who died the 6th of July, Anno 1686 Aged 52 years.” (Ridgely* :40, Trent Hall, St. Mary's Co., MD)
Letters of administration to Richard Southerne & Richard Brightwell in the rights of their wives jointly on the estate of the widow Trueman of Calvert Co. who died intestate. Letter of commission to Mr. Thomas Brooke, warrants to Major William Brabs & Mr. Thomas Gent. Immediately upon receipt of aforesaid letters, administration of all & singular goods etc of Mary Trueman granted & committed to Richard Southerne & Richard Brightwell, Lett commission directed to Mr. Thomas Brooke. (Test Proc 13:375, 1686.07.14)
Noted to be late entry. Administrative Bond in the estate of Mary Trueman, Richard Southerne & Richard Brightwell the administrators. Ninian Beall & Jonathan Buras their sureties in 20,000 pounds of tobacco. Recorded Liber 21, folio 375. (Test Proc 16:168, Calvert Co., MD, 1686.07.28, Recorded 1695.05.20)
Richard Southerne & Richard Brightwell exhibit against the estate of Major Thomas Trueman, who had willed one half of estate to wife Mary, remainder to cousins Mary Truman, Elizabeth Truman, Thomas Truman Greenfield. Richard Southerne & Richard Brightwell also married two of the sisters of Mary Truman. Mary is now married to Thomas Holliday gent. (Test Proc 13:383, Maryland, 1686.08.04)
Defendants Richard Brightwell & Richard Southerne failed to appear, another citation issued. (Test Proc 13:509, Maryland, 1687)
Defendants Richard Brightwell & Richard Southerne granted continuance to allow time to answer libel. (Test Proc 13:492, 1687.01.18)
Citation to sheriff of St. Mary's Co. to summon Richard Brightwell and Richard Southerne administrators of Mary Truman to show cause why they should not account to Mary, Elizabeth, Ann & Catherine Cooksey, children of Phillip Cooksey & Elizabeth his wife, now deceased, a sister of Mary Truman, their share of the estate of Mary Truman. (Test Proc 13:468, St. Mary's Co., MD, 1687.03.21)
Came Robert Carville Procurator of Mary, Elizabeth, Katherine & Ann Cooksey children of Phillip Cooksey of Calvert Co. and exha. their libel against Richard Brightwell & Richard Southern, administrators of the estate of Mary Truman. Prays an answer to the libel. (Test Proc 13:492, 1687.07.18)
Southern & Brightwell, administrators of Mary Truman, having not answered the libel against them, are again ordered to answer same. (Test Proc 13:509, 1687.08.04)
The Sheriff made return he has summoned Richard Brightwell & Richard Southern to answer Cooksey's libel. (Test Proc 13:519, 1687.09.13)
Appeared Richard Brightwell & Richard Southern of Calvert Co. & executed their answers to the libel of Phillip Cookseyes children. (Test Proc 14:4, Calvert Co., MD, 1687.09.17)
The account of Richard Southerne, one of the executors of Mary Truman, prayed for & granted a delay until next Court. (Test Proc 14:101, Calvert Co., MD, 1688.10.06)
Mary, Elizabeth, Anne, Katherine Cooksey¦ ..................the children of Philip Cooksey¦ agt.........................................................¦continued to January next ...Richard Southerne & Richard Brightwell ¦ ......administrators Mary Truman deceased¦ (Test Proc 14:117, 1688.11.05)
Mary, Elizabeth, Anne, Katherine Cooksey¦ ..................the children of Philip Cooksey ¦ agt..........................................................¦ dismissed, costs to be paid by claimant. Estate to .....Richard Southerne & Richard Brightwell¦ pass to next of blood kin (not named). ......administrators Mary Truman deceased¦ (Test Proc 14:146, Maryland, 1689.04.16)
Katherine [Female] d. BET 1682 AND 1698
Person ID: 18
Will of Elizabeth Lashley. "What I have received of Capt. Ninian Beall more than comes to my third of the estate of my late husband Robert Lashley, is to be returned to Capt. Beall, executor of my late husband...", for appropriate disposition per Robert's will. "My son Trueman to be saved harmless from his Engagement to Capt. Beall in my behalf." Daughters Mary Truman (executrix), Katherine Brightwell. Son-in-law Philip Cooksey to receive a servant for the servant's ensuing years of work, for the use of " daughter's children.” Grandchildren Henry Cooksey, Richard Southerne. Test: Jno. Burras, Thomas Trottman, Thomas Trueman. (Prerog Court Wills 2:196, Calvert Co., MD, 1681.11.13, Proved 1682.05.15)
Brightwell Richard [Male] d. 1698 Prince George's Co., MD
Person ID: 19
See Notes of brother in law Richard Sothoron for legal actions regarding administration of estate of Mary, sister of their wives.
Will of Richard Brightwell of Prince George's Co.. "The half of my tract of land..." at Mattawoman called Blackwell Well to Elizabeth Burros, daughter of John Burros his heir; but if without issue to return to testators heirs. Refers to 3 sons & 2 daughters, but only the eldest son Richard is named. Executors Thomas Greenfield & Watson to keep plantation in their custody until Richard of age. Noted that Richard reached age of 18 as of 29 August 1698. (Wills 6{H}:183, Prince George's Co., MD, 1698.08.21, Proved 1698.11.23)
** Notes from Michelle Justice (Shelly's Ancestors, posted on*) (updated 9/2005)
Note: Richard BRIGHTWELL was transported to Maryland in 1663 by ThomasTruman. His will is found in The Maryland Calendar of Wills,Vol. 2 by Jane Bladwin. It was written in Prince George Co., 21 Aug 1698. He left to Eliza Burres, daughter of Jno Burres (andher heirs) half of "Blackwell" and "Mattawoman"; if no heirs from her body the estate reverts back to heirs of testator. To five children, unnamed, residue of estate real and personal. In event of death of 2 daughters, unnamed, their estate pass to thier 3 brothers, unnamed, and their heirs. Thomas Greenfield and William Watson, executors, to hold estate in trust until majority of eld. son Richard. Test: Wm Mills, Eliza Mills, Geo Mayler.
In Vol. I of Western MD published PA: Louis H. Everts 1882: p468: "Brightwell's Hunting Quarter was patented 29 Aug 1695 and contained on thousand eighty six acres. It extended for four miles along the Potomoc River and is now tarversed thru its whole length by Chesapeake and Ohio Canal. The beginning of this tract was destroyed in the construction of the Canal, but a suitable stone was planted in its stead at the bottom of the canal, which is known only to a few persons. (continuing on pg. 651). About 1743 the tide of settlements commenced to extend up the Potomoc and a neighbor was found for Richard Brightwell, who located near Edward's Ferry in 1695. For 26 years he braved the perils of "Hunting Quarter" and during this time had seldom visited the lower settlements, being content with his dogs, pet bears, and deers for companions".
On pg 982 of Vol II of History of Western Maryland published PA:Louis H. Everts in 1882: "Brightwell's Choice was granted to Johnathan Hager, 50 acres, dated 3rd of March 1763".
The following was taken from an old newspaper article, date and name of newspaper unknown, about 1950's. The article was titled "Indian Towne, Monnockessy" and was written by Ralph Fraley Martz. "Captain Richard Brightwell of the Prince Georges County Rangers traveled all the Indian trails in upper Montgomery. He also traveled through the Monocacy Country. He was impressed with the abundance of elk, deer, wolves, bears and wild turkeys. Yes,even buffaloes roamed the Potomoc Valley. In 1697, he said this country was a howling wildrness with only Indian paths, Indian camps and wild animals. No white settlers would dare these trails. Captain Brightwell said that the Senacas had conquered all other tribes in this section and used these lands as their hunting grounds".
** Notes from "Norma" on Ancestry World Tree, entitled "My Bunch," last updated 9 Jan 2010. (
From Michael Marshall: Stafford County Court Records, 1680; THE ANTIENT PRESS p. 23(42) The Depo: of RICHARD BRIGHTWELL aged 29 yeares or thereabouts sworne and examined saith that about three weeks agoe being a drinking att Mr. EDWARD MASONs, yor: Deponent did heare' EVAN JONES say unto WILLM: DOWNING hee would avouch that Mare unto him, that JAMES SCOFIELD and hee ye said JONES brought upp ye Hill before them att ye ROCKS and that itt was ye Mare that bee ye said JONES had sould him.. and further saith not RICHD: BRIGHTWELL Jar; et Recordatr: 11 Novbr: 1680
Kent, Robert, Calvert Co., 10th Oct., 1693; 11th Oct., 1693. To Joseph Fry and hrs., 100 A., "Kent's Chain." " Elizabeth Brightwell and hrs., and Peter Brightwell, personalty. " Richard, son of Capt. Richard Brightwell, residue of estate, real and personal. Ex. not given. Test: William Waple, Francis Durham, William and Jane Watson, Francis and Hannah Syles. 2. 255.
Brightwell, Richard, Prince George's Co., 21st Aug., 1698: 29th Aug., 1698. To Eliza: Burres, dau. of Jno. Burres, 1/2 of "Blackwell" and "Mattawoman." " 5 child, (unnamed), residue of estate, real and personal. In event of death of 2 daus. (unnamed), their estate to pass to their 3 brothers (unnamed) and their hrs. Thos. Greenfield and Wm. Watson, exs., to hold estate in trust until majority of eld. son Richard. Test: Wm. Mills, Eliza: Mills, Geo. Mayler. 6. 182.
Richard Brightwell 19 1/2 B.l I PG £52.0.5 Sep 5 1699 (gentleman). Appraisers; David Small, Edward Wlllett.
Richard Brightwell Sr. was born bef 1643 in England, and died 29 AUG 1698 in Prince George's County, Maryland - Probate. He married Katherine Lashley 1687 in Calvert County, MD, daughter of Robert and Elizabeth Lashley. She was born abt 1653 in Calvert County, MD, and died bef 1698 in Prince George's County, Maryland. Children of Richard Brightwell Sr.and Katherine Lashley are: i. Richard Brightwell Jr.was born 1687 in Calvert Co. MD, and died 29 MAR 1775 in Prince George's County, MD. He married Mary Lawson. ii. Peter Brightwell was born 1688 in Prince George's County, Maryland, and died 23 DEC 1747 in Prince George's County, Maryland. He married Ann. iii. Elizabeth Brightwell was born 1693 in Prince George's County MD. She married Jasper Kennick 1718 in Prince George's Co, Maryland. iv. John Brightwell Sr. was born 1694 in Prince George's County, Maryland, and died 24 NOV 1774 in Prince George's County, Maryland. He married Elizabeth Coleman, daughter of Thomas Coleman Sr.and Joyce ?Samways?. She was born BEF 1704 in Prince George's County, Maryland.
Name: Michael Marshall Email:
URL: URL title: Note: === STAFFORD COUNTY VA DEED & WILL BOOK 1689 - 1693; THE ANTIENT PRESS THIS INDENTURE made the Sixteenth and Seventeenth day of Febry 1690 Betweene JOHN MATTHEWS of Stafford County Planter of one part & Capa. GERRARD SLY of LONDON Merchant Wittnesseth that said JOHN MATTHEWS for ye sume of Seaventeene thousand poundes of good Tobacco & Caske to him paid by GEORGE BRENT of WOODSTOCKE in ye County aforesaid Genii. Atturney and Agent for ye said GERRARD SLY for & in behalfe of the said GERRARD SLY him ye said JOHN MATTHEWS bath granted unto said GERRARD SLY his Exors & Assignes all that land in Stafford County & upon GREAT HUNTING CREEKE in the freshes of the POTOMACK RIVER (torrn) ,. beinge part of a tract of two thousand . , , Surveyed by Mr. SAMLL ... 1672 which said Six hundred acres now in _ .. bounded as followeth (Viz) Easterly upon GREAT HUNTINGE CREEKE Northerly upon ye lande of Capa. GEORGE BRENT, now in ye tenure of ROBERT WILLIAMS Westerly by ye remaininge part of this Divident of Two thousand six hundred sixty and six acres of land and Southerly upon ye land of RICA. BRIGHTWELL formerly by him purchased of EVAN JONES together wth all houses & edifices & all whatsoever all waters and appurtenances whatsoever to ye said Six hundred acres ye granted premises by venue of a bargaine and sale thereof made beareinge date ye day before & by venue of ye Statute for Transferringe uses into possession To Have and To Hold the said Six hundred acres of land to GERRARD SLY, In Wittness whereof ye parties have sett their handes & wales In presence of SAMP. DORRELL, JOHN MATTHEWS WM. DIGGES This above sale of lande was acknowledged in the County Court of Stafford by SAMP, DORRELL Atturney of ye said JOHN MATTHEWS who alsoe made oath that he did see the said MATTHEWS signs ye same unto Capa. GEORGE BRENT Atturney of Capt. GERRARD SLY on ye 14th day of March 1690/1 and was then recorded === STAFFORD COUNTY VA DEED & WILL BOOK 1689 - 1693; THE ANTIENT PRESS pp. 218a MARYLANDE CALVERT COUNTY. KNOW ALL MEN by these presents that I KATHERINE BRIGHTWELL Wife of RICHARD BRIGHTWELL of ye County aforesaid for divers good consideracon especially consideringe ye great distance of place between here & Virginia to travell have appointed my Trusty and well beloved Friend THOMAS LANDE my full & lawfull Attorney for me to acknowledge all my right in five hundred acres of lande in Virginia wch my husband RICHARD BRIGHTWELL bath sold unto JOHN GREENE of ST. MARYS COUNTY of ye PROVINCE aforesaid Planter and I doe confirms all my said Attorney shall doe. in Witness I have sett my hand & Seale this 9th day of November 1691 KATHERINE BRIGHTWELL In presence of THOMAS GREENFIELD, JAMES JEWENS Recorded ye 13th day of November 1691 THIS INDENTURE made this thirteenth day of November 1691 Betweene RICHARD BRIGHTWELL of CALVERT COUNTY in the PROVINCE of MARYLANDE and KATHERINE his Wife of the one part and JOHN GREENE of ye said PROVINCE OF MARYLANDE & Countie of ST. MARYS of other part Wittnesseth that said RICHARD BRIGHTWELL & KATHERINE his Wife for ye summe of Eighty thousand poundes of good sounde & merchandable Tobacco & casque to them paid have sold ye said JOHN GREENE his heires a parcell of lands containinge Five hundred acres beinge in ye County of Stafford beinge part of a greater dividend bounded thus, to begin att a marked Gumme and thence to run out into ye Woods accordinge to ye Course & distances mentioned in a conveyance dated ye 10th day of March 1680/1 granted JOHN MATTHEWS the first taker up of ye said land to one EVAN JONES who married one of ye Daughters of ye said JOHN MATTHEW'S & by ye said EVAN JONES sold to ye said RICHARD BRIGHTWELL as by conveyance dated ye ninth day of Marcb 1680/1 To Have and To Hold ye said land to him ye said JOHN GREENE in as full and ample manner as was before sold by said EVAN JONES to RICHARD BRIGHTWELL In Wittness whereof ye parties hath sett their handes Sealer In presence of THEODORICK BLAND , RICHD. BRIGHTWELL JOHN WAUGH This above sale of lande was acknowledged in the County Court of Stafford by RICHARD BRIGHTWELL & THOMAS LANDE Attorney of ye said KATHERINE BRIGHTWELL unto the aforesaid JOHN GREENE on the 13th day of November 1691 and was then recorded. STAFFORD COUNTY VA DEED & WILL BOOK 1699 - 1709; THE ANTIENT PRESS pp. 392-393 Whereas JOSEPH WAUGH by demise from BRYANT FOLEY brought an Ejectmt agt JOHN WAUGH for certain lands in the possession of GEORGE ANDERSON & damages is set forth in the decl. whereupon George Anderson being admitted deft came the said Briant Folis and George Anderson agreed & requested that then the tryal of the suit may be reserved to the Judgment of WILLIAM ROBINSON & NATHL. POPE with other articles & clauses whereupon the Court did order the same should be accordingly performed as by the said Order relation being there-unto had .. (they) having considered the Evidences and papers thereunto relating & find the matter of the said cause to be this that one JOHN MATHEWS being seized of several parcels of land in fee had two daughters (to wit) ANNE the late wife of EVAN JONES the Mother of Mary now wife of Briant Folis whom the said Bryant claims the other named Mary late wife of George Anderson by whom the said George hath a daughter named Rosannah but for as much as the said John Mathews did by his deed of gift duly executed give-unto Evan Jones 500 acres of land in Frank marriage with his daughter Ann and died without giving any-thing to his other daughter Mary we are of the opinion and Judgment that ac-cording to Equity the said George Anderson in right of his said Daughter have a certain parcel of land he is now possesst of on the South side of Potomack Creek by Estimation 300 acres in recompense of the said 500 acres formerly given to the said Ann & that the remaining part of the land the said John Mathews died seized of to be equally divided between Bryant Foils in right of his wife & George Anderson in right of his daughter & to the End of this Judgment & award may be of so great force to determine all controversies that bath or may arise in relation to the same we return this unto Court to the End the same may be recorded .. William Robinson At a Court held by adjournmt ye 12th Nathl. Pope Febry 1707 This award is ordered to be recorded & is recorded.
Death: BEF 29 AUG 1698 in Prince George's County, MD
Truman Thomas [Male] b. 1625 England, UK - d. 6 DEC 1685 Trent Hall, Calvert Co, MD
Person ID: 20
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