Index for surnames beginning with R (Descendancy Pages) [Richards, Robert] - [Ryon, Martha Ellen]
For privacy reasons, Date of Birth and Date of Marriage for persons believed to still be living are not shown.
[Radar, Dezzie Stuart] - [Richards, Richard Taswill]
[Richards, Robert] - [Ryon, Martha Ellen]
Richards, Robert (b. ABT 1821 - d. AFT JUN 1880) , (Tureman-Medley) , (Howerton-)
Richards, Robert Dudley (b. 27 AUG 1881 - d. AFT JAN 1920) , (Tureman-Medley) , (Howerton-)
Richards, Rosa L. (b. ABT 1871 - d. AFT JUN 1880) , (Tureman-Medley) , (Howerton-)
Richards, Rufus (b. 25 JAN 1837 - d. 26 JUN 1901) , (Tureman-Medley) , (Howerton-)
Richards, Ruth Erva (b. FEB 1900 - d. AFT APR 1930) , (Tureman-Medley) , (Howerton-)
Richards, Sallie D. (b. ABT 1871 - d. AFT JUN 1880) , (Tureman-Medley) , (Howerton-)
Richards, Sarah (b. ABT 1907 - d. AFT JAN 1920) , (Tureman-Medley) , (Howerton-)
Richards, Susan (b. ABT 1846 - d. AFT JUN 1860) , (Tureman-Medley) , (Howerton-)
Richards, Susie D. (b. MAR 1883 - d. AFT JUN 1900) , (Tureman-Medley) , (Howerton-)
Richards, Thomas M. (b. AUG 1870 - d. 2 OCT 1942) , (Tureman-Medley) , (Howerton-)
Richards, Titus (b. ABT 1841 - d. AFT APR 1910) , (Tureman-Medley) , (Howerton-)
Richards, Vernon (b. ABT 1828 - d. AFT JUN 1880) , (Tureman-Medley) , (Tureman-Medley) , (Howerton-) , (Howerton-)
Richards, Vernon (b. ABT 1872 - d. AFT JUN 1880) , (Tureman-Medley) , (Tureman-Medley) , (Howerton-) , (Howerton-)
Richards, Virginia Georgia (b. ABT 1862 - d. AFT JUN 1880) , (Tureman-Medley) , (Tureman-Medley) , (Howerton-) , (Howerton-)
Richards, Vivian (b. ABT 1904 - d. AFT APR 1930) , (Tureman-Medley) , (Howerton-)
Richards, Vivian (b. JUL 1875 - d. BET 1910 AND 1920) , (Tureman-Medley) , (Howerton-)
Richards, William F. (b. ABT 1858 - d. AFT JUN 1880) , (Tureman-Medley) , (Tureman-Medley) , (Howerton-) , (Howerton-)
Richards, William J. (b. ABT 1905 - d. AFT JAN 1920) , (Tureman-Medley) , (Howerton-) , (Jones-)
Richards, William T. (b. ABT 1921 - d. AFT APR 1930) , (Tureman-Medley) , (Howerton-)
Richards, William Wallace (b. ABT 1879 - d. AFT JUN 1880) , (Tureman-Medley) , (Howerton-)
Richardson, , (Van Zandt-Gerrits)
Richardson, , (Johnson-) , (Magruder)
Richardson, , (Johnson-) , (Rose-) , (Clarke-)
Rickeths, Gerard (b. BEF 1779 - d. BEF 1850) , (Compton-(Unknown))
Riddle, Ella J. (b. 29 MAY 1871 - d. 16 AUG 1923) , (Clark-Hennington) , (Ewing-Sidner)
Ridenour, , (Johnson-) , (Rose-) , (Higgs) , (Clarke-)
Rider, Caroline (b. 12 MAY 1855 - d. 30 AUG 1940) , (Field-) , (Doxey-)
Ridgell, Euell Sothoron , (Ridgell)
Ridgely, Bernard Nicholas (b. 13 OCT 1891 - d. FEB 1984) , (Johnson-) , (Magruder)
Ridgely, Dora M. (b. MAY 1870 - d. AFT 1917) , (Johnson-) , (Swann-Canter) , (Magruder) , (Ridgely-) , (Johnson)
Ridgely, Heber (b. ABT 1839) , (Ridgely-)
Ridgely, Marian E. (b. ABT 1923 - d. AFT APR 1930) , (Johnson-) , (Magruder)
Ridgely, Marjorie E. (b. ABT 1925 - d. AFT APR 1930) , (Johnson-) , (Magruder)
Ridgley, Ronald W. (b. 12 JUL 1945 - d. 13 JUL 1945) , (Howerton-)
Ridgley, William (b. 17 JUL 1899 - d. 5 MAR 1997) , (Howerton-)
Ridings, James (b. ABT 1814) , (Compton-(Unknown))
Riggs, Matthew (b. ABT 1817) , (Doxey-)
Riley, Lucy G. (b. FEB 1857 - d. AFT JUN 1900) , (Johnson-) , (Rose-) , (Clarke-)
Rinaldi, Marie , (Johnson-) , (Swann-Canter) , (Magruder) , (Gough-Mills) , (Johnson)
Rinehart, Margaret (b. 1841 - d. 1921) , (Bartleson) , (Lloyd) , (Redheffer-Rubencam)
Riner, John , (Howerton-)
Rittenhouse, Garret , (Bartleson)
Rittenhouse, Jacob Bartleson (b. 18 SEP 1756 - d. 8 MAR 1847) , (Bartleson)
Roads, Jacob , (Van Zandt-Gerrits)
Robbins, Richard , (Johnson-) , (Groome-Jowles) , (Sutton-Dorsey) , (Bond-Attaway) , (Hanson-Briscoe) , (Clay-) , (Dininger-Sullenbarger)
Roberts, , (Bartleson) , (Redheffer-Rubencam)
Roberts, Ada (b. MAY 1890 - d. BET 1911 AND 1920) , (Tureman-Medley) , (Howerton-) , (Roberts-)
Roberts, Amanda (b. ABT 1915 - d. AFT JAN 1920) , (Johnson-) , (Rose-) , (Clarke-)
Roberts, Billie (b. ABT 1924 - d. AFT APR 1930) , (-Roberts)
Roberts, Catherine Agnes (b. 14 NOV 1871) , (Johnson-) , (Groome-Jowles) , (Tubman-Greenfield) , (Bond-Attaway) , (Thomas-Boarman)
Roberts, Claud (b. DEC 1894) , (Roberts-)
Roberts, Deck N. (b. ABT OCT 1925 - d. AFT APR 1930) , (Johnson-) , (Rose-) , (Clarke-)
Roberts, Delma Elizabeth (b. ABT 1884 - d. AFT APR 1930) , (Johnson-) , (Rose-) , (Clarke-)
Roberts, Dossie H. (b. ABT 1914 - d. AFT APR 1930) , (Johnson-) , (Rose-) , (Clarke-)
Roberts, Elizabeth Pearl (b. 18 AUG 1879 - d. 27 APR 1963) , (Johnson-) , (Roberts-) , (Swann-Canter) , (Magruder) , (Johnson)
Roberts, Emily Susannah (b. ABT 1889 - d. BET 1928 AND 1930) , (Johnson-) , (Rose-) , (Clarke-)
Roberts, Frank (b. ABT 1924 - d. AFT APR 1930) , (Johnson-) , (Rose-) , (Clarke-)
Roberts, Fred (b. ABT OCT 1917 - d. AFT APR 1930) , (-Roberts)
Roberts, Hattie M. (b. SEP 1897) , (Roberts-)
Roberts, Hazel (b. ABT 1921 - d. AFT APR 1930) , (Johnson-) , (Rose-) , (Clarke-)
Roberts, Helen Lee (b. 16 JUL 1912 - d. AFT JAN 1920) , (Johnson-) , (Rose-) , (Clarke-)
Roberts, Henry F. (b. ABT 1836) , (Roberts-)
Roberts, James N. (b. ABT SEP 1919 - d. AFT APR 1930) , (-Roberts)
Roberts, Jasper Pegram (b. 15 MAY 1881 - d. 27 APR 1923) , (Johnson-) , (Rose-) , (Clarke-)
Roberts, Jennie R. (b. ABT MAY 1909 - d. AFT JAN 1920) , (Johnson-) , (Rose-) , (Clarke-)
Roberts, Jessie L. (b. AUG 1866) , (Roberts-)
Roberts, John Bryan (b. 20 FEB 1887 - d. NOV 1970) , (Johnson-) , (Rose-) , (Clarke-) , (-Roberts)
Roberts, John Ross (b. ABT 1908 - d. AFT JAN 1920) , (Johnson-) , (Rose-) , (Clarke-)
Roberts, Johnnie (b. ABT 1926 - d. AFT APR 1930) , (-Roberts)
Roberts, Joyce Bickner (b. 20 OCT 1928 - d. 26 DEC 2007) , (Johnson-) , (Magruder) , (Smoot-Wood)
Roberts, Lucille (b. ABT 1893 - d. AFT APR 1930) , (Johnson-) , (Rose-) , (Clarke-)
Roberts, Maggie F. (b. ABT MAY 1915 - d. AFT APR 1930) , (Johnson-) , (Rose-) , (Clarke-)
Roberts, Margaret (b. ABT JUL 1918 - d. AFT JAN 1920) , (Johnson-) , (Rose-) , (Clarke-)
Roberts, Margrette (b. ABT 1922 - d. AFT APR 1930) , (-Roberts)
Roberts, Mary Sue (b. ABT 1907 - d. AFT JAN 1920) , (Johnson-) , (Rose-) , (Clarke-)
Roberts, Mildred (b. ABT MAY 1918 - d. AFT APR 1930) , (Johnson-) , (Rose-) , (Clarke-)
Roberts, Olen F. (b. ABT MAR 1928 - d. AFT APR 1930) , (-Roberts)
Roberts, Roy (b. ABT MAR 1928 - d. AFT APR 1930) , (Johnson-) , (Rose-) , (Clarke-)
Roberts, Roy (b. AUG 1892) , (Roberts-)
Roberts, Sadie (b. ABT 1914 - d. AFT APR 1930) , (Johnson-) , (Rose-) , (Clarke-)
Roberts, Samuel Franklin (b. 3 JUL 1885 - d. AFT APR 1930) , (Johnson-) , (Rose-) , (Clarke-)
Roberts, Suzanne Pauline (b. 1 OCT 1943) , (Johnson-) , (Schörge-Ernst) , () , (Snyder-) , (Magruder) , (Bartleson) , (Bartleson) , (Chewning-Garrett) , (Jarrell-) , (Haddox) , (Tureman-Medley) , (Howerton-) , (Smith-Smith) , (Redheffer-Rubencam) , (Redheffer-Rubencam) , (Doxey-) , (Compton-(Unknown)) , (Van Zandt-Gerrits)
Roberts, Una Ellen (b. ABT 1882 - d. AFT APR 1930) , (Johnson-) , (Rose-) , (Clarke-)
Roberts, Willie B. (b. ABT 1911 - d. AFT APR 1930) , (Johnson-) , (Rose-) , (Clarke-)
Robertson, Alice (b. ABT 1847 - d. AFT JUN 1880) , (Johnson-) , (Groome-Jowles) , (Bond-Attaway)
Robertson, Anita M. (b. JAN 1889 - d. AFT JAN 1920) , (Johnson-) , (Groome-Jowles) , (Brown-Fowke) , (Bond-Attaway) , (Key-Gardiner) , (Scott-Dorsey) , (-Wroe)
Robertson, Edmund (b. ABT 1851 - d. AFT JUN 1880) , (Johnson-) , (Groome-Jowles) , (Brown-Fowke) , (Bond-Attaway) , (Key-Gardiner) , (Scott-Dorsey)
Robertson, Edward Mortimer (b. 1 JUL 1884 - d. AFT 1942) , (Johnson-) , (Groome-Jowles) , (Brown-Fowke) , (Bond-Attaway) , (Key-Gardiner) , (Scott-Dorsey) , (Young-)
Robertson, Eliza K. (b. ABT 1846 - d. AFT APR 1910) , (Johnson-) , (Groome-Jowles) , (Brown-Fowke) , (Bond-Attaway) , (Key-Gardiner) , (Scott-Dorsey)
Robertson, Ellen Brent (b. 22 JUL 1888 - d. 7 JUL 1913) , (Johnson-) , (Groome-Jowles) , (Brown-Fowke) , (Bond-Attaway) , (Key-Gardiner) , (Scott-Dorsey)
Robertson, Emmett G. (b. JUL 1888 - d. AFT APR 1930) , (Johnson-) , (Groome-Jowles) , (Brown-Fowke) , (Bond-Attaway) , (Key-Gardiner) , (Scott-Dorsey) , (Young-)
Robertson, Francis Parnham (b. 29 FEB 1880 - d. 12 MAY 1911) , (Johnson-) , (Groome-Jowles) , (Brown-Fowke) , (Bond-Attaway) , (Key-Gardiner) , (Scott-Dorsey)
Robertson, Harriet (b. ABT 1853 - d. AFT JUN 1880) , (Johnson-) , (Groome-Jowles) , (Brown-Fowke) , (Bond-Attaway) , (Key-Gardiner) , (Scott-Dorsey)
Robertson, John S. (b. DEC 1847 - d. AFT JUN 1900) , (Johnson-) , (Groome-Jowles) , (Brown-Fowke) , (Bond-Attaway) , (Key-Gardiner) , (Scott-Dorsey)
Robertson, John Sothoron Key (b. 9 APR 1882 - d. 26 SEP 1961) , (Johnson-) , (Groome-Jowles) , (Brown-Fowke) , (Bond-Attaway) , (Key-Gardiner) , (Scott-Dorsey)
Robertson, Maria Jane (b. MAY 1876 - d. AFT JUN 1900) , (Johnson-) , (Groome-Jowles) , (Brown-Fowke) , (Bond-Attaway) , (Key-Gardiner) , (Scott-Dorsey)
Robertson, Marie V. (b. JUL 1891 - d. AFT JUN 1900) , (Johnson-) , (Groome-Jowles) , (Brown-Fowke) , (Bond-Attaway) , (Key-Gardiner) , (Scott-Dorsey) , (Young-)
Robertson, Mary B. K. (b. ABT 1858 - d. AFT JUN 1880) , (Johnson-) , (Groome-Jowles) , (Brown-Fowke) , (Bond-Attaway) , (Key-Gardiner) , (Scott-Dorsey)
Robertson, Mary Elizabeth (b. BET 1823 AND 1829 - d. AFT 1844) , (Johnson-) , (Groome-Jowles) , (Brown-Fowke) , (Bond-Attaway) , (Key-Gardiner) , (Tayloe-Ogle)
Robertson, Mary Victorine Key (b. 15 MAY 1885 - d. 29 DEC 1974) , (Johnson-) , (Groome-Jowles) , (Brown-Fowke) , (Bond-Attaway) , (Key-Gardiner) , (Scott-Dorsey)
Robertson, Maurice Key (b. 24 JUN 1884 - d. APR 1972) , (Johnson-) , (Groome-Jowles) , (Brown-Fowke) , (Bond-Attaway) , (Key-Gardiner) , (Scott-Dorsey) , (-Wroe)
Robertson, Nathan Cook (b. ABT 1852 - d. BET 1900 AND 1920) , (Johnson-) , (Groome-Jowles) , (Brown-Fowke) , (Bond-Attaway) , (Key-Gardiner) , (Scott-Dorsey) , (Young-)
Robertson, Nathan Cooke (b. 4 SEP 1885 - d. AFT 1942) , (Johnson-) , (Groome-Jowles) , (Brown-Fowke) , (Bond-Attaway) , (Key-Gardiner) , (Scott-Dorsey) , (Young-)
Robertson, Pope Long ( d. 17 MAR 1984) , (Johnson-) , (Rose-) , (Clarke-) , (Paris-Allison) , (Brazell-Ferrell)
Robertson, Robert Morris (b. ABT 1849 - d. AFT JUN 1880) , (Johnson-) , (Groome-Jowles) , (Brown-Fowke) , (Bond-Attaway) , (Key-Gardiner) , (Scott-Dorsey) , (-Wroe)
Robertson, Samuel (b. ABT 1847 - d. AFT JUN 1880) , (Johnson-) , (Groome-Jowles) , (Brown-Fowke) , (Bond-Attaway) , (Key-Gardiner) , (Scott-Dorsey)
Robertson, Thomas Parkin (b. ABT 1862 - d. AFT JUN 1870) , (Johnson-) , (Groome-Jowles) , (Brown-Fowke) , (Bond-Attaway) , (Key-Gardiner) , (Scott-Dorsey)
Robertson, Walter (b. 1805 - d. 27 MAR 1853) , (Johnson-) , (Groome-Jowles) , (Brown-Fowke) , (Bond-Attaway) , (Key-Gardiner)
Robertson, William George (b. 15 FEB 1844 - d. 5 APR 1924) , (Johnson-) , (Groome-Jowles) , (Brown-Fowke) , (Bond-Attaway) , (Key-Gardiner) , (Scott-Dorsey)
Robertson, William George (b. 2 APR 1879 - d. 26 AUG 1950) , (Johnson-) , (Groome-Jowles) , (Brown-Fowke) , (Bond-Attaway) , (Key-Gardiner) , (Scott-Dorsey)
Robertson, William George (b. ABT 1819 - d. BET 1860 AND 1870) , (Johnson-) , (Groome-Jowles) , (Brown-Fowke) , (Bond-Attaway) , (Key-Gardiner) , (Scott-Dorsey)
Robey, Elizabeth ( d. 19 OCT 1947) , (Johnson-) , (Beaven-Simpson) , (Magruder) , (Johnson)
Robinson, ( d. BEF APR 1910) , (Johnson-) , (Groome-Jowles) , (Brown-Fowke) , (Bond-Attaway) , (Key-Gardiner) , (Scott-Dorsey)
Robinson, , (Johnson-) , (Rose-) , (Clarke-)
Robinson, Alger (b. 6 DEC 1908 - d. 14 AUG 1990) , (Johnson-) , (Groome-Jowles) , (Brown-Fowke) , (Bond-Attaway) , (Key-Gardiner) , (Scott-Dorsey)
Robinson, Catherine (b. ABT 1831 - d. 18 DEC 1862) , (Doxey-)
Robinson, Charles W. (b. 18 AUG 1927) , (Johnson-) , (Rose-) , (Clarke-)
Robinson, Cy (b. 31 DEC 1907 - d. 10 AUG 1989) , (Johnson-) , (Groome-Jowles) , (Brown-Fowke) , (Bond-Attaway) , (Key-Gardiner) , (Scott-Dorsey)
Robinson, Ellen C. (b. 23 NOV 1921) , (Johnson-) , (Rose-) , (Clarke-)
Robinson, James , (Robinson-Buckler)
Robinson, James A. ( d. ABT 1930) , (Johnson-) , (Rose-) , (Clarke-)
Robinson, Martha Elizabeth (b. 29 DEC 1874 - d. AFT APR 1930) , (Johnson-) , (Beaven-Simpson) , (Magruder) , (Hancock-) , (Robinson-Buckler) , (Johnson)
Robinson, Minerva Caroline , (Johnson-) , (Rose-) , (Clarke-)
Robinson, Nancy Virginia (b. 14 FEB 1861 - d. 8 FEB 1931) , (Johnson-) , (Rose-) , (Clarke-) , (-Robinson)
Robinson, Samuel , (Field-) , (Doxey-)
Robinson, Susa Anne (b. ABT 1873 - d. 17 JUL 1965) , (Johnson-) , (Rose-) , (Clarke-)
Robinson, Susie (b. OCT 1873 - d. AFT SEP 1918) , (Johnson-) , (Rose-) , (Clarke-)
Robinson, William E. (b. ABT 1844) , (Compton-(Unknown))
Roe, Cameron (b. --Not Shown--) , (Johnson-) , (Huie-Lindsey) , (Swann-Canter) , (Magruder) , (Tayloe-Dieretson) , (Johnson)
Roe, Gregory (b. --Not Shown--) , (Johnson-) , (Huie-Lindsey) , (Swann-Canter) , (Magruder) , (Tayloe-Dieretson) , (Johnson)
Rofe, Mildred (b. APR 1872 - d. 16 FEB 1926) , (Schörge-Ernst)
Rogers, Harry D. (b. JUL 1867 - d. AFT JAN 1920) , (Johnson-) , (Magruder) , (Estep-Cooke)
Rogers, Mary Agnes , (Haslup-Rogers)
Rollins, David M. (b. 21 AUG 1872 - d. 29 JUL 1961) , (Johnson-) , (Magruder)
Rollins, Ella G. (b. ABT JUN 1916 - d. AFT APR 1930) , (Johnson-) , (Rose-) , (Clarke-)
Rollins, George F. D. (b. FEB 1870 - d. AFT APR 1910) , (Johnson-) , (Magruder) , (Johnson)
Rollins, James P. (b. ABT 1929 - d. AFT APR 1940) , (Johnson-) , (Magruder)
Rollins, Levert (b. ABT DEC 1908 - d. AFT JAN 1920) , (Johnson-) , (Rose-) , (Clarke-)
Rollins, Opal (b. ABT DEC 1918 - d. AFT APR 1930) , (Johnson-) , (Rose-) , (Clarke-)
Rollins, Paul B. (b. 1904 - d. 1976) , (Johnson-) , (Magruder)
Rollins, Paul D. (b. ABT 1933 - d. AFT APR 1940) , (Johnson-) , (Magruder)
Rollins, Rosalie (b. ABT 1908 - d. AFT APR 1940) , (Johnson-) , (Magruder)
Rollins, Vernon A. (b. ABT 1914 - d. AFT APR 1930) , (Johnson-) , (Rose-) , (Clarke-)
Rollins, Walter E. (b. ABT 1889 - d. BET 1918 AND 1920) , (Johnson-) , (Rose-) , (Clarke-)
Roper, Gwendolyn (b. 14 AUG 1918 - d. 22 SEP 2001) , (Schörge-Ernst)
Rose, John ( d. ABT 1710) , (Rose-)
Rose, Mary (b. BET 1687 AND 1688 - d. 1739) , (Rose-) , (Clarke-)
Ross, John (b. 1910 - d. 1979) , (Johnson-) , (Magruder) , (Gilliams-Jessen)
Rothery, Eva Estelle (b. 18 JAN 1898 - d. 11 SEP 1982) , (Johnson-) , (Magruder)
Rouse, Sidney , (Johnson-) , (Rose-) , (Clarke-)
Rowan, John (b. BET 1800 AND 1810 - d. AFT 1836) , (Johnson-) , (Llewellen-Jordan)
Rowe, Allen (b. 20 JUL 1929) , (Johnson-) , (Beaven-Simpson) , (Magruder) , (Hancock-) , (Burroughs-Burroughs) , (Johnson)
Rowland, Gene Arthur (b. 19 OCT 1927 - d. 2 FEB 1987) , (Johnson-) , (Beaven-Simpson) , (Magruder) , (Hancock-) , (Burroughs-Burroughs) , (Johnson)
Roysdon, Pauline Clara (b. 28 OCT 1906 - d. 24 JAN 1997) , (Schörge-Ernst)
Rubencam, Ann , (Redheffer-Rubencam)
Rue, Lewis , (Van Zandt-Gerrits)
Rue, Samuel , (Van Zandt-Gerrits)
Rugge, Marjorie (b. 18 APR 1909 - d. DEC 1974) , (Johnson-) , (Swann-Canter) , (Magruder) , (Gough-Mills) , (Johnson)
Runion, Charles Francis , (Runion-Yeager)
Runion, Howard Edwin (b. AFT APR 1930) , (Johnson-) , (Groome-Jowles) , (Sutton-Dorsey) , (Bond-Attaway) , (Hanson-Briscoe) , (Clay-) , (Runion-Yeager)
Runion, Howard Lucius (b. 4 AUG 1904 - d. 7 FEB 1993) , (Johnson-) , (Groome-Jowles) , (Sutton-Dorsey) , (Bond-Attaway) , (Hanson-Briscoe) , (Clay-) , (Runion-Yeager)
Runion, Howell Irwin (b. AFT APR 1930) , (Johnson-) , (Groome-Jowles) , (Sutton-Dorsey) , (Bond-Attaway) , (Hanson-Briscoe) , (Clay-) , (Runion-Yeager)
Rushing, Bealy Gid (b. 26 OCT 1873 - d. AFT APR 1930) , (Johnson-) , (Rose-) , (Clarke-) , (Paris-Allison)
Russell, Brutus , (-Swift)
Russell, John , (Johnson-) , (Rose-) , (Clarke-) , (Paris-Allison)
Russell, W. W. ( d. AFT OCT 1850) , (Johnson-) , (Slye-Briscoe) , (Magruder)
Rutledge, Arthur M. (b. 13 DEC 1896) , (Johnson-) , (Johnson-) , (Groome-Jowles) , (Groome-Jowles) , (Reeder-Biscoe) , (Bond-Attaway) , (Bond-Attaway) , (Gardiner-Shanks) , (Edelen-Hagan)
Ryan, Frank , (Johnson-) , (Groome-Jowles) , (Hawkins-) , (Bond-Attaway) , (Hanson-Briscoe) , (Lawrence-)
Rye, Beverly (b. 1931) , (Johnson-) , (Swann-Canter) , (Magruder) , (Gough-Mills) , (Johnson)
Ryon, Martha Ellen (b. 1 JAN 1866 - d. 9 JAN 1943) , (Johnson-) , (Magruder) , (Smoot-Wood)
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